Social payments: types and sizes. Social protection: what payments are due What is due from social protection

Social security - what kind of body is it, what functions does it perform? Such questions are asked by many young people who have heard this name in conversations of the older generation. The sobes was a social welfare body. He dealt with the issues of maintaining the life of the most vulnerable segments of the population. Disabled people, pensioners, the poor, families with many children applied for help there. At present, its functions are divided between the pension fund and the social protection authorities. Nevertheless, the relevance of the word "social security" is still preserved, because older people cannot accept another name.

What you need to know

Social Security - what is this institution and what does it do? This question is asked by many citizens who have heard such a concept in the conversation of older people. However, there is no official definition of social security. This word is used only in colloquial speech.

In Soviet times, this was the name given to social security agencies that worked with the most vulnerable segments of the population: pensioners, the disabled, orphans. Previously, even pensions were drawn up in social security. This body was addressed by those people for whom social payments from the state were a source of livelihood. Social Security provided assistance only to those citizens who really needed material support from the state.


In Soviet times, the social security body was responsible for assigning allowances, benefits, and paying pensions. The people called him sobes. The decoding of the abbreviation is quite simple and means " social Security".

Previously, it also included various medical, correctional centers, boarding houses, medical and preventive institutions.

Currently, the functions of social security are performed by social protection authorities. They are engaged in the appointment of various benefits, benefits and subsidies. There, as before, people from large families also apply. Social security should provide assistance to those who need it and only on legal grounds.


In 2000, the social policy of the state underwent serious changes. Social security services are a thing of the distant past and their functions are divided between the pension fund and social protection. Nevertheless, people of the older generation still remember the word "social security", the abbreviation of which stands for simply - social security.

After the reform, all pensioners and children who receive funds for maintenance from the state in connection with the loss of a breadwinner, as well as the disabled, were transferred to the pension fund. Its branches were established in each region.

Nevertheless, poor citizens, single mothers, the repressed, veterans of labor, as well as pregnant women left without work and livelihood, continue to seek help from social protection agencies. These categories of citizens can apply there for temporary benefits, benefits and required documents for subsidies.


Social Security - what kind of body is it, what powers does it have? These questions are asked by almost all young people who first hear such a word from the lips of the older generation. But there are very few who really understand its purpose. Despite the fact that social security services are a thing of the past, social protection authorities have come in their place. They perform the functions of social security, but do not assign or pay pensions. This is done only by the FIU. Nevertheless, social protection still provides assistance to large families and single mothers, non-working pensioners, repressed. All vulnerable categories of citizens have the right to apply there for help and get answers to their questions.


Social security should be understood as a social security body. In Soviet times, this institution was engaged in the appointment of benefits and payments to needy, low-income citizens. It separated the functions of the social security body and the pension fund. In the people, this institution was simply called "social security". The definition of this word is social security.

Currently, social security services, as they used to be, do not exist. The FIU appoints and pays pensions. Social security agencies deal with subsidies, benefits and allowances.

Nevertheless, the meaning of the word "social security" has the same meaning as in distant Soviet times, i.e. social security of citizens in need of state support.

Why is it called

Under the word social security, the older generation understands the bodies of social protection. A place where you can apply for various benefits, allowances and subsidies for payment utilities. Previously, there were also pensions. Nevertheless, many young citizens, having heard this word, are wondering: social security - what is it and how to decipher it correctly? It just means social security. It’s just that it was customary for the people to abbreviate names, so they began to call them social security.

Even now, many older people who lived in Soviet times call social protection that way. And this is despite the fact that many functions of the former body are no longer included here. It's easier and more familiar. And the young, in turn, know that the Pension Fund deals with pensions, and social security pays benefits and benefits. Medical institutions are administered by the Ministry of Health.

In the distant Soviet times, social security services worked in every district of the city. Now everything is much easier. To receive a subsidy or benefit, a citizen applies to the local department of social protection. In addition, in large cities there are various multifunctional centers where you can also arrange everything.

Social Security Whatever. All benefits for pensioners in 2016

At the federal level, there are not so many benefits that pensioners can take advantage of. But it is useful to know about them because almost all "bonuses" from the state can be obtained only if you apply for them. There is a "declarative principle" - if you don't ask, you won't get it. We are talking about some tax breaks, reimbursement of travel expenses for northern pensioners, as well as additional holidays for pensioners who continue to work. There are also benefits at the regional level, but we will talk about them next time. In the meantime - more about the guarantees provided by federal law.

1. "Zero" property tax


A great help to pensioners in our country is exemption from paying property tax.

Who is supposed to

This benefit is available to both non-working pensioners and those who continue to work.

"A pensioner who receives a pension, appointed in the manner prescribed by the pension legislation of the Russian Federation, is exempt from paying property tax if he owns it," the Tax Code says (Article 401, paragraph 10, paragraph 1, paragraph 4 of Art. 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

You can apply for a property tax deduction at the tax office at the place of residence.

Terms of Service

The tax is reset on the following types of real estate:

  • apartment or room;
  • House;
  • garage or parking place in the common garage;
  • premises used as creative workshops, ateliers, studios, non-state museums, galleries, libraries;
  • outbuildings, the area of ​​which does not exceed 50 sq. m and which are located on land plots provided for personal subsidiary plots, dachas, individual housing construction.

The exemption is granted in respect of one object of taxation of each type.


If, for example, a pensioner owns an apartment, a house and a garage, he is exempted in full from paying tax on all this property. And if a pensioner has two apartments and a house, then he is entitled to a tax exemption for the house, as well as only for one of the apartments. The tax for the second apartment will have to be paid.

Where to go and how to get

Grant Application tax break and the document giving the right to receive it must be personally submitted to tax office at the location of the property (clause 6, article 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). A document confirming the right to a benefit is a pension certificate.


If, as of December 31, 2014, you were granted a property tax exemption in accordance with Law No. 2003-1 of December 9, 1991, then you have the right not to re-submit an application and documents confirming the right to the privilege to the tax authority (part 4 of Art. 3 of the Law of 04.10.2014 No. 284-FZ).

If a pensioner is the owner of several objects of taxation of the same type (for example, three apartments), until November 1 calendar year, in which he received the right to a benefit, must submit an application to the tax office and indicate which apartment should not be taxed. That is, the owner himself chooses the property to use his right to the benefit. It is clear that it is beneficial for him to "exempt" the most expensive apartment from the tax, but there may be some other considerations.

Almost all benefits are "declarative" in nature, which means that you need to apply for them and write an application

True, if the owner does not submit such an application to the tax authorities, they themselves are "automatically" obliged to "zero" the tax on the object for which they had to pay the most (clause 7 of article 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

2. If real estate appeared


This benefit is relevant, unfortunately, only for working pensioners who receive a salary and, therefore, pay income tax (with pension payments there is no such tax in our country). But non-working pensioners who retired recently and had earnings (still worked) in previous years before acquiring real estate will also be able to use it.

The benefit is that the pensioner has the right to transfer the balance of personal income tax deductions to previous tax periods.

Who is supposed to

For example, a pensioner bought or built a house or other real estate. After registering the right of ownership, he can return part of the money spent due to the property tax deduction. Simply put, you will be partially refunded the amount of income tax paid before you became the owner of the property.

Terms of Service

You can get a property deduction if:

  • built or acquired a residential building, apartment, room;
  • share(s) in any of these types of real estate;
  • purchased a land plot for individual housing construction;
  • a land plot was purchased on which the acquired residential building (or a share in it) is located.

In addition, property deductions apply not only to the costs associated with the purchase or construction of real estate, but also to the payment of interest on the relevant targeted loans (loans).

If the owner has a house, an apartment, and a garage, he is exempt from property tax on all real estate objects

It is allowed to receive a deduction for three tax periods (in other words, three years) preceding the period in which the transferable balance of property deductions was formed (clause 10, article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

How much money will be returned

The amount of the property deduction depends on the amount of expenses for the acquisition (construction) of housing and the amount of interest paid on a loan taken for the purchase or construction. At the same time, the maximum amount of the deduction cannot exceed 2 million rubles, respectively. and 3 million rubles. (clause 1 clause 3, clause 4 article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

An important detail: a limit of 3 million rubles. the property tax deduction for expenses on paying interest on a loan taken for the purchase (construction) of housing is applied to loans received from 01/01/2014 (clause 4, article 2 of the Law of 07/23/2013 No. 212-FZ).

3. Exemption from income tax

Some pensioner incomes are exempt from personal income tax.

Not subject to taxation:

  • state pension amount pension provision, insurance pensions, fixed payment to the insurance pension (taking into account its increase) and funded pension;
  • social supplements to pensions paid in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (clause 2, article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the amount of payment at the expense of the organization's own funds for the cost of sanatorium vouchers, as well as the cost of treatment and medical care for former employees who retired due to disability or old age (clauses 9, 10, article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • gifts, amounts of material assistance provided by employers to their former retired employees;
  • the amount of payment (reimbursement) of the cost of medicines by employers to their former employees (retirees by age).

  • For each of these grounds, the amount of tax-free income is not more than 4,000 rubles. for a calendar year (clause 28, article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    4. Additional leave


    We are talking about unpaid leave provided to working pensioners.

    Who is supposed to

    The employer is obliged, at the request of the employee, to provide leave without pay (Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

    • participants of the Great Patriotic War- up to 35 calendar days per year;
    • working old-age pensioners (by age) - up to 14 calendar days a year;
    • working pensioners with disabilities - up to 60 calendar days a year.

    5. If you need to go on vacation

    Compensation for the cost of travel to and from the place of rest

    Who is supposed to

    Under the federal law on guarantees to northerners, compensation is provided to non-working pensioners who receive insurance pension due to old age or disability and live on Far North or territories equivalent to it (Article 34 of the Law of February 19, 1993 No. 4520-1).

    Terms of Service

    The fare is paid once every two years and only within the territory of Russia.

    Where to go and how to get

    The benefit is provided by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, so you need to contact your PFR office at the place of residence where your pension case is located.

    There are two options for receiving compensation: directly get tickets or first buy them yourself, and then return the money spent (clauses 2, 3, 6 of the Rules for Reimbursing Expenses for Paying Fare for Pensioners, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/01/2005 No. 176) .

    Also contact Pension Fund can be through the MFC.

    How to issue

    1. If you want to get travel tickets in advance, before departure, you will need to document your upcoming stay in a sanatorium, rest home, camp site or other place of rest. Such a document can serve as a voucher, kursovka, accommodation agreement, etc.

    2. Cash compensation can also be received after the holiday. In this case, air or train tickets will need to be attached to the application for reimbursement of travel expenses.

    There are no restrictions on carriers: these can be both public and private transport companies. But only tickets for travel within the territory of Russia, including Crimea, are paid (clauses 7, 9 of Rules No. 176; clauses 13, 19 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 22, 2012 No. 331n).

In Russia, state social support is provided for low-income, needy and needy citizens.

We will tell you what benefits are, how they differ and to whom they are intended, and also determine who is entitled to receive them at the federal and regional levels in 2018.

What are state social payments and benefits, and in what situations are they assigned?

To support low-income or low-income citizens, families in Russia, social assistance is provided. It can be expressed in cash compensation, allowances or benefits.

Funds allocated by the state from the federal or regional budgets are allocated to citizens under the following conditions:

  1. on the principle of targeting. That is, a certain, specific person can receive benefits, whose initials will be indicated in the documentation. For example, a one-time allowance for a low-income, low-income family can be received by one spouse. The second, while the first receives or has received funds, cannot count on the same assistance.
  2. Free of charge. You don't have to pay to get benefits. By the way, it is also impossible to buy a benefit.
  3. According to the principle of need. Only Russians who need financial support can count on social payments and benefits.
  4. In the event of unforeseen circumstances and an increase in the costs of a citizen or his family. For example, expenses may increase on the occasion of death. In some regions, the increase in the expenses of most families is associated with the birth of children, so social assistance is provided mainly in the form of material compensation or child benefits.
  5. For partial or full reimbursement of temporarily lost income. There are many examples of such social return and assistance - benefits paid to the unemployed, or benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, or benefits in case of temporary disability, etc.

All social assistance is regulated at the legislative level and is a form of state social security for the population of the country.

Characteristic features and signs of federal and regional benefits

Social benefits may differ from others in the form of state financial support.

We highlight the characteristic features and signs of social benefits:

  1. Allocated by the state.
  2. Can only receive preferential categories citizens, prescribed in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
  3. Funds are transferred from the federal or regional budgets.
  4. Can be given as a one-time, monthly, or periodic appointment.
  5. It is established in a fixed amount or taking into account the individual earnings of a citizen.
  6. They are targeted.
  7. Appointed according to certain principles and taking into account certain vital factors.

Factors taken into account when assigning benefits


Health condition or certain life circumstances

Illness, injury, pregnancy, etc.

Features of housekeeping

The need for housing

Changes in social status

Dismissal, the birth of children, etc.

Since social assistance can be provided at two levels - federal and regional- then each type has its own distinctive features.

Using the example of tabular data, we will tell you what signs and differences are in federal and regional social benefits.

Characteristic features of federal and regional social payments

Federal social benefits

Regional social payments


From the federal budget

The allocation of funds comes from the budgets of the regions

Payment amount

Usually this is an addition to the main income of the beneficiary. For example, if a disabled person receives social assistance below the subsistence level, then he may be given a supplement to increase his income.

The amount of these benefits and the conditions for their receipt are the same for all citizens of Russia.

They may differ in size or even be absent in some subjects of the Russian Federation.

For certain services to the state. For example, the title of honorary donor of Russia, Hero of the USSR, RF.

Upon receipt of preferential status. For example, a labor veteran, a disabled person, a home front worker, an unemployed person, etc.

Regional assistance is intended for people in need additional measures government social support. For example, it can be pensioners, veterans of labor, citizens with a long work history.

Terms of appointment

The terms of appointment are prescribed in federal regulations. The categories of beneficiaries are the same for everyone, regardless of the region of residence.

The conditions of appointment are determined by the regional authorities, since some funds are paid at the expense of the employer, and some at the expense of the state. The categories of beneficiaries are prescribed in the legislative acts of the regional authorities.

Typically, payments are made non-cash way, and are transferred to a personal account in a banking organization.

Preferential categories of citizens who can receive state social payments and benefits - who can apply for help?

In accordance with Article 6.1 of Federal Law No. 178 and titled “On State Social Assistance”, which was adopted on July 17, 1999, but revised and approved on July 1, 2017, not everyone is entitled to receive state social assistance.

We list which privileged categories of citizens can receive state social payments and benefits:

  1. War invalids.
  2. WWII participants.
  3. Combat veterans listed in the Federal Law "On Veterans" under number 40.
  4. Military personnel who served in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the army in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service in the specified period.
  5. Persons awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad".
  6. Persons who worked during the Second World War at the objects of air defense, local air defense, on the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of the active fronts, operational zones of the operating fleets, on the front-line sections of railways and roads, as well as members of the crews of the ships of the transport fleet, interned at the beginning of the Second World War in the ports of other states.
  7. Family members of war veterans who died (deceased), veterans of the Great Patriotic War and war veterans, family members of persons who died in the Great Patriotic War from among the personnel of the self-defense groups of the facility and emergency teams of the local air defense, as well as family members of the dead workers of hospitals and hospitals in the city of Leningrad.
  8. Disabled people.
  9. Disabled children.
  10. Liquidators of accidents at the Chernobyl and other nuclear power plants.

Regional preferential categories citizens determined by each subject of the Russian Federation independently. These may include Russians who are poor, including individuals living alone or families.

The lists of regional beneficiaries who may qualify for social assistance may include:

Types of social benefits and payments in Russia

The state social security system in the Russian Federation is as follows:

Based current legislation, it is possible to subdivide social payments and benefits into several types.

There are several classifications, so there are many types.

1 Classification - according to characteristic features and intended purpose

Allocate allowances:

  1. Compensating average earnings in whole or in part.
  2. Provided in the form of additional financial assistance.

2 Division - by duration of allocation of funds


The city of Moscow in terms of social support for families with children is one of the most successful regions of Russia. This is confirmed by the regular innovations that are introduced at the city level regarding the list and size social payments for children (so many benefits, and even in such amounts, they are not paid anymore in any other region of the country). Moreover, since 2018, child benefits in Moscow have also undergone a number of significant changes - many types of assistance for children in the capital have grown by 2-6 times at once. This is an unprecedented increase in child benefits for modern Russia, thanks to which regional benefits to Muscovites exceeded the size of many payments provided for the population of all regions of the country.

However, this increase affected mainly the poor, families with many children, as well as parents with disabled children (in contrast to the same state benefits, which are paid to all categories of families, regardless of their income level and the number of children - with the exception of mat capital).


Changes from January 1, 2018 in payments for a child in Moscow

Since 2018, significant changes have come into force in the field of payments for children in the capital. At the suggestion of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, changes were made to city legislation, in accordance with which many regional benefits for families with children increased several times at once. What child benefits in Moscow have increased since 2018 and by how much? Here is a list of the main changes since January 1, 2018:

Monthly payments at the birth of a child in 2018 in Moscow

Another significant innovation in 2018 was introduced by decree of Vladimir Putin new monthly payments up to 1.5 years in the amount of the living wage:

  • at the birth of 1 child - from the state budget through the bodies of the Social Protection of the Population;
  • for the 2nd child - at the expense of maternity capital through the Pension Fund (PFR).


The amount of the new monthly allowance up to 1.5 years for such families in Moscow at the birth of the first or second child starting from 01/01/2018 will be 14252 rubles.(children's PM for the 2nd quarter of 2017, year).

They are meant families in need, in which the income for each member does not exceed one and a half subsistence minimum (PM) for the able-bodied, established for the 2nd quarter of the previous year (such a PM in Moscow for the 2nd quarter of 2017 is 18,742 rubles, in one and a half size - 28,113 rubles) .

What is the monetary threshold for earning a family so that it can receive a new monthly allowance for a child in Moscow? In 2018, it should not exceed the values ​​given in the table below.


For all cases indicated in the table above, the amount of the monthly allowance until the child reaches 1.5 years of age will be 14252 rubles- this is the subsistence minimum per child, established in Moscow for the 2nd quarter of 2017. The child must be born starting from 01/01/2018

Payment of state benefits to families with children in Moscow

Federal child benefits in the capital, established in Art. 3 federal law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995, are provided in standard size without multiplying by any increasing regional coefficients (they simply do not exist in Moscow). The list of basic state benefits for families with children and their amount (taking into account inflation indexation for 2018 by 4.3% since February 1, 2019) is shown in the table below.

Name of federal benefit The amount of benefits at the federal level from February 1, 2019, rub.
For pregnancy and childbirth (for 140 standard maternity days) not less than 51919.00 rubles.
When registering for pregnancy in the early stages 655,49
At the birth of a child, adoption 17479,73
The pregnant wife of a soldier 27680,97
Child care (up to 1.5 years old)
  • 3277.45 - on the first
  • 6554.89 - on the second and all subsequent
For a child of a military conscript (up to 3 years old) 11863,27

As in other regions of the country, the federal maternity capital also operates in Moscow. Its program has been extended until 2021, the amount of assistance in 2019 will amount to 453 thousand rubles. In the near future (until the end of 2019), this type of assistance will not be indexed.

Regional child allowances in Moscow

Attention, this information may be out of date!

Regional legislation changes frequently. The article might be outdated. If you find an error, please write to us.

For information on the types and amounts of child benefits in your region, check with the social security authorities at the place of residence (social protection, social security, USZN, etc.) or at the MFC. We apologize.

Can apply for Moscow city payments for a child Russian and foreign citizens, refugees and stateless persons.

However, at the same time, one important condition is presented to all recipients - they must have capital registration(both the applicant and the child). One of the parents or the person in charge of the child can apply for help.

Any allowance for a child in Moscow can be done in several ways, including:

  1. Through the city portal MOS.RU. All available types of benefits are listed there and given detailed instructions to receive them. You must first register before applying. This is the most popular way of processing social benefits among Muscovites. In addition to payments, there you can find useful information about vouchers and other types of assistance for children.
  2. To the nearest multifunctional center (MFC) My documents.
  3. Using the website of public services (first select "Moscow" in the "Location" tab at the top).

General list of documents, most often necessary for processing payments:

  • passport (or other identification card, as well as a document confirming registration in Moscow) - both the applicant and the other parent;
  • SNILS, TIN of the applicant;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • a certificate from the registry office in form No. 25 or a death certificate of the second parent (to confirm the status of a single mother, if relevant);
  • court decision on adoption / adoption (if relevant);
  • documents on the transfer to the family of a guardian or adoptive parent (if applicable);
  • extract from the house book (or other confirmation that the child is registered in Moscow);
  • certificate of cohabitation;
  • account number.


In addition to basic benefits, the Moscow government offers benefits, subsidies and ancillary assistance to families with children. Their list is impressive. In general, the capital operates more than two dozen payments parents with children.

Two small features of the social support system for families with children in Moscow:

Below is a list of the main payments to Muscovites for children in 2018, which are discussed in more detail in the following sections of the article.

Lump sum in early pregnancy

Women who got up registered due to pregnancy early dates (up to 20 weeks) are eligible to apply for a lump sum compensation payment. Compensation can only be made in person future mom. The allowance is issued even in the case of a stillborn child.

  • Art. 6 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005 "ABOUT social support families with children in Moscow";
  • Clause 10 of Part II "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the appointment and provision cash payments families with children in Moscow
Size 600 rub.
Required documents
  • certificate from a medical institution on registration up to 20 weeks of pregnancy;
  • passport, SNILS, TIN;
  • confirmation of Moscow registration
Term of circulation From the date of registration until the child is 1 year old

Additional one-time benefit for pregnancy and childbirth

Unemployed women dismissed from work to liquidate the organization during the year preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed are entitled to compensation from the city budget for the period of maternity leave.

  1. Compensation is provided regardless of the average per capita income of the family.
  2. It is calculated at the rate of 1,500 rubles. per month.
  3. It also applies to women who have ceased their activities as a notary, lawyer, individual entrepreneur.

Lump sum payments in connection with the birth or adoption of children

After the appearance of a child in the family, numerous costs fall on the shoulders of the parents. The one-time compensation payments provided by the city authorities are designed to reduce the financial burden and help with the purchase of the most necessary. There are several such payments in the capital at once.

One-time compensation payment at birth and adoption

The city's lump sum for newborns is also referred to as the expense allowance. by birth and adoption. It is due to all families living in the capital without exception. Material wealth, age of parents, receipt of other payments are not taken into account.

  1. It applies to legal relations that arose from 01/01/2010.
  2. At the birth of twins paid for each(for one - as for the first, for the next - as for the second).
  3. It is prescribed only for children born alive.
  4. Can apply parent, adoptive parent or guardian with whom the child actually lives.

One-time allowance for the simultaneous birth (adoption) of three or more children

Compensation payment is a kind of analogue of maternity capital. It is provided to families with three or more at the same time living children ( blood, adopted). Issued one per family.

  1. It can be issued regardless of the city compensation payment at the birth of children (that is, both that and this will be given at the same time).
  2. For registration, the financial situation of the family does not play a role.
  3. Parents immediately receive the status of large families.
  4. A parent or guardian may apply.

Additional one-time allowance for young parents

Families where the age of both parents (single parent) under 30 years old, are entitled to additional payment due to birth or adoption baby. This child allowance per child in Moscow for each of the children in a family born before the moment when one of the parents is 30 years old.

  1. Another name that is common in everyday life is "Luzhkov's payments" to young families.
  2. The amount of the benefit is determined PM value at the time of birth. Changes quarterly.
  3. The applicant can only be Russian citizen.
  4. The age of the parents is determined on the day of birth (adoption) of the child.
  5. At birth of twins payments are made in the order in which they are received. For example, for one - as for the first child, for the other - as for the second.


The payment is provided independently of other state and federal benefits. Its registration is not an obstacle to receiving compensation at birth and other types of assistance.

Monthly allowance for a child under 18

The purpose of this benefit is to help poor families , in which the average per capita income is less than provided for by the annually established norms. Allowance for a child under 18 in Moscow is paid for each of the children: relatives and adopted, foster and adoptive, stepsons and stepdaughters.

What law establishes
  • Art. 7
  • No. 67 of 03.11.2004 "About the monthly allowance for a child";
  • Decree No. 911-PP dated December 28, 2004
Size Base size:
  • 10 000 rub. - for children 0-3 years old;
  • 4 000 rub. - for children 3-18 years old.

Increased size (for single moms or dads; if the other parent does not pay child support or is doing military service)

  • 15,000 - for children 0-3 years old;
  • 6,000 - for children 3-18 years old
Required documents
Term of circulation Re-registration - annually from 01.01 to 30.09


About 2 million children live in Moscow, of which about 265 thousand live in low-income families. On average, about 170,000 families receive benefits for the poor each year. In addition to payment, there is another type of assistance: providing free medicines for outpatient treatment children under 3 years old(according to the doctor's prescription).

Monthly compensation payment for a child under 1.5 years old

Special compensation for the child is due to mothers, fired during maternity leave (for pregnancy and childbirth, child care) in connection with the liquidation of the organization. It is paid monthly, regardless of family income, until the child turns 1.5 years old.

Monthly allowance for food for children under 3 years old

Certain categories of families may receive monthly compensation payments due to rising food prices. This allowance is due for each child up to 3 years to such families (without taking into account the level of income):

  • incomplete;
  • in which the parent serves in the army and because of this has no income;
  • if the parent is hiding from the payment of alimony;
  • the family has a child with a disability;
  • large families;
  • student, including if the parent is on academic leave (but not available to graduate students, doctoral students).


The student family is considered where both parents (single parent) are in full-time education at an elementary, intermediate or higher level vocational school. The age of the parents does not matter.

What law establishes
  • Art. 7, art. 12 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005;
  • Clause 26 of Part III of Decree No. 37-PP dated January 24, 2006
  • 1 875 rub. - student families;
  • 675 rub. - other categories of families
Required documents
Term of circulation Before the child is 3 years old. When applied within 6 months. from the day the baby is born, the payment will be scheduled from the month of birth

Monthly compensation for expenses related to rising cost of living

The least socially protected categories of families are entitled to a monthly compensation payment. Her task is reduce the impact of inflation to the standard of living of the family. You can apply regardless of parental income. Compensation paid for each child under the age of 16(up to 18 years old if studying at school):

  • who are raised by a single mother;
  • whose father serves in the army or is hiding from paying alimony, or cannot pay them due to circumstances (for example, being in prison);
  • from large family(up to 18 years old, regardless of education);
  • for children under 1.5 years old, if both parents are disabled or pensioners;
  • The listed categories of families include substitute families.

Monthly payment for the maintenance of children in foster families

Foster parents(guardians, trustees, adoptees) are entitled to a payment for the maintenance of children adopted into the family. "Children" means every child under 18 having the status orphaned or deprived of parental care.

  1. The purpose of the cash content is the purchase of food, clothing and footwear, soft furnishings (bedding), equipment, household items, hygiene products, toys, medicines, books and other things.
  2. When making these payments, the monthly child allowance for the poor is not available, and vice versa.

Other types of assistance to foster families:

  1. Monthly payment for housing and communal services 928 rubles. (one per family).
  2. Extraordinary placement of foster (guardian) children in kindergartens and free admission.
  3. Free meals at school.
  4. Free travel in public transport for a guardian, foster parent, foster caregiver of a child under 18 years of age.
  5. Other benefits and types of assistance listed in the articles of Law No. 61 of November 30, 2005

Various compensation payments and benefits for large families


A family with many children in Moscow is considered in which at least three children under 16. If the child continues school after this age, then until the age of 18. In this case, relatives, adopted children, stepchildren and stepdaughters are taken into account. Families with foster children of 3 or more are equated to large families.

Various benefits and types of social assistance for large families (regardless of income):

  1. Monthly utility allowance (one per family):
    • RUB 1,044 for families with 3-4 children. Provided until younger child turns 18 years old (art. 17.1).
    • 2 088 rub. for families with 5 children.
  2. Compensation payment 250 rubles. for the use of a city telephone. It is transferred monthly one per family until the youngest child reaches the age of 18.
  3. Medicines for children under 6 are free.
  4. Free food for children under 7 years old (a doctor's opinion is needed).
  5. Priority provision of places in kindergartens.
  6. Two meals a day at school for students for free.
  7. Free travel on public transport up to 16 years old (18 years old if studying at school).
  8. Free repair and manufacture of dentures for mothers who have given birth to 5 or more children (except for dentures made of precious metals, porcelain, metal ceramics).
  9. Other types of assistance provided for in Art. 29 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005

Monthly payment for the purchase of children's goods for families with 5 children or more

The compensation payment is intended large families with 5 or more children. It is paid monthly one per family regardless of his average per capita income. Families eligible for payment:

  • with 5 or more children under 18;
  • with 10 or more children, if at least one of them is under 18 years old.

Monthly compensation for families with 10 or more children

One of the natural or foster parents in a large family with 10 or more children can apply for compensation payment. She is appointed per child under 18(or up to the age of 23 if he receives full-time vocational education).

Additional types of assistance and payments to large families with 10 or more children (regardless of financial security):

  1. Monthly pension supplement for women pensioners who have given birth to 10 or more children. Provided in the amount of 20,000 rubles. regardless of the type and amount of pension received.
  2. Providing free medicines to mothers in outpatient care.
  3. Annual payments are assigned one per family, provided that the application for them was written before the end of the calendar year. Provided until the youngest of the children is 18 years old, according to Art. 18 . These payments:
    • To international day families (May 15) in the amount of 20,000 rubles;
    • by September 1 (Knowledge Day) - 30,000 rubles.

Monthly payments to families in which parents or children with disabilities

For registration of these types of assistance, in addition to the basic documents, a certificate of disability from the ITU is required. Disabled children are expected to receive such in-kind assistance (Article 30):

  1. Provision of social housing owned by the city.
  2. Subsidies for the construction of own housing.
  3. Free admission to kindergartens for children with disabilities.
  4. Free travel for a disabled child and his parents, as well as a person under 23 years old from among disabled children (if they are trained) and one of the parents in public transport.
  5. Release of free food (if there is a doctor's opinion).
  6. Provision of medicines and medical products.
  7. Free entry to museums, exhibitions, zoos, city parks.
  8. The opportunity to use the services of sports facilities free of charge.

Monthly allowance for the care of a disabled child

Families in which one of the parents from a complete family can't work for caring for a disabled child under 18. And also for a person with a disability from childhood to 23 years. Compensation is also provided to working citizens:

From the month of examination of the child in the ITU institution, during the period of validity of the certificate of disability (up to the 18th or 23rd anniversary of the child)


This payment is assigned for every child with a disability in family. It cannot be assigned at the same time monthly compensation disabled parent per child. If the applicant is eligible for both types of assistance, you will have to choose one. Their sizes are the same.

Monthly allowance for a child to a disabled parent

Compensation payment per child under 18 assigned to families which both parents(or a single parent) do not work and are disabled of 1-2 groups.

When applying for social assistance, family income is not taken into account. Compensation is not assigned simultaneously with the monthly regional payment for the care of a disabled child.

Monthly social supplement to the pension for a disabled child

This type of assistance is provided as pension supplements child with a disability under 18 established at the federal level. It does not take into account the level of family income. It can be appointed on a non-declarative basis if the responsible body (social protection department) has all the necessary documents.

To apply for an additional payment, you must comply with the conditions of residence in Moscow. Child under 18 must be registered in the capital:

  • at least 10 years;
  • less than 10 years old, but from birth;
  • if not respected, the 10-year registration must be held by the child's representative or the child's deceased parent.
What law establishes
  • Art. 7, Art. 16 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005;
  • Decree No. 1268-PP dated November 17, 2009 "On the regional social supplement to the pension"
Size It is determined individually depending on the period of residence in Moscow, the type of registration (at the place of residence or stay) and the amount material support. In the general case, the size is the difference between the PM (or the value of the city social standard) and the actual material support. See more details.
Required documents
Term of circulation At any time after receiving a disability pension, for the period of validity of this pension

For reference

The size of the city social standard in 2018 will be 17,500 rubles. Living wage per child is determined quarterly. For the 3rd quarter of 2017, it is 13,938 rubles.

Monthly payment to disabled children who have lost their breadwinner

Disabled children under the age of 18 and disabled children from childhood up to 23 years of age are entitled to this compensation. Paid including for the past period, if the appeal did not occur immediately (but not more than 3 previous years).

Annual payment for school preparation

Schoolchildren from large families and students with disabilities are entitled to annual payment. It is intended to offset the costs for the purchase school uniform . Provided for each of the children from a large family attending school, and for each of the children with disabilities. Until the end of 2017, this payment applied only to large families.

Benefits and types of assistance in kind

In addition to financial assistance, all families with children in Moscow can count on the following:

  1. Free delivery of products to pregnant women and nursing mothers (according to a medical opinion).
  2. Sets of linen for newborns in maternity hospitals for free.
  3. Free provision of dairy products by prescription for children in the first, second and third years of life. Children with a number of chronic diseases can receive such products until the age of 15.
  4. Travel for children under 7 years old in public transport is free (except minibuses and taxis).
  5. Free breakfast at school for students in grades 1-4. And for schoolchildren of any age from socially unprotected families - two meals a day.
  6. Free admission for children under 7 years old to museums, exhibitions, parks (if they are under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Government).
  7. Free admission to the Moscow Zoo, reduced prices for tickets to museums, exhibitions and cultural events for children under 18.
  8. Benefits for paying for a kindergarten for children of military personnel, students.

Regional supplement for a child to a survivor's pension (Article 7, Article 17 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005, resolution

In Russia, there are many categories of citizens who need material support. Especially for them there are various social payments. The types of these state benefits depend on the group that the person represents. Such payments are made at the expense of the federal budget of the country.

How are benefits awarded?

Some are designed to replace the earnings of persons that they have lost for good reasons. And others represent material support for different groups of the population. The first category includes benefits for temporary incapacity, unemployment, etc., and the second - lump-sum social payments, the types of which depend on the intended purpose. In particular, this applies to allowances for the upbringing of children.

Main classification

Exist different types social benefits that are provided for citizens of the Russian Federation. Depending on the purpose and category of persons. They are one-time and regular.

Monthly social payments, the types of which depend on the recipients, are as follows:

  • pensions;
  • labor and social benefits;
  • family funds;
  • regional grants.

And if we talk about lump-sum social payments, their types are mainly aimed at supporting certain categories, in particular, this applies to young families and university graduates:

  • maternal capital;
  • payments for pregnant women and at the birth of a child;
  • social benefits for specialists;
  • regional programs and much more.

And this is not a complete list of social charges.


This type is produced by the state through special bodies, the funds in this case are allocated from a fund intended specifically for these payments.

Pensions in our country are received by disabled citizens and their guardians, as well as older people. depends on what salary they received during the performance of their labor activity. Therefore, they are calculated differently for different people.

The types and amounts of social payments, pensions in particular, depend not only on the earnings of citizens, but also on the type of activity. So, former military or workers internal organs can count on certain bonuses to basic benefits.

As for the size, the average insurance is about 13 thousand rubles, and if it was appointed by state security, then 8.5 thousand, respectively.

Labor and social benefits

The first type of payment is assigned to citizens who are in a relationship with the enterprise and for some reason have lost their ability to work for a while. Benefits of this type are financed by insurance companies. The amount of payments depends on the earnings of a citizen. This includes benefits for pregnant women and young mothers from enterprises, in addition to lump-sum and other income.

Social payments are also provided, their types and sizes depend on the category of the recipient, but they are not related to his labor activity. He may not work at all, but get them. All types of social of this kind are aimed at providing material support. Their sizes are fixed. For example, the monthly allowance for caring for the first child up to one and a half years in 2016 is just over 2,700 rubles, and for the second - about 5,400, respectively.

Social benefits are financed by state funds. They are appointed to disabled and non-working citizens who cannot count on labor pensions and other types of collateral. In addition to young mothers, they are received by disabled and incompetent citizens of different ages.

Family benefits

These types of social payments are intended to provide material support to those families that incur additional expenses in connection with the upbringing of children and other cases. They can be assigned as additional assistance, regardless of other people's income. The size is set depending on the minimum wages. Such benefits include pensions for disabled children, payments for single mothers, low-income and large families.

Benefits and in-kind assistance

Along with payments, there are other social programs for those who need them. These include benefits and benefits in kind.

And natural security is understood as the transfer of property or for temporary use of certain material values. For example, persons with disabilities may receive mobility aids or other comfort products.

Different types of social payments are coordinated both at the federal and regional levels.

Help for the unemployed

According to the relevant persons who, for one reason or another, are deprived of labor activity, but at the same time are capable, can count on such material compensation as:

  • unemployment benefit;
  • scholarship payments for vocational training, advanced training or retraining courses;
  • payment for public works;
  • reimbursement of expenses when moving to a new place, in connection with employment at the suggestion of the employment center.

Unemployment benefit is paid in the amount of 60 to 100 percent of earned funds, depending on the continuous seniority citizen. However, it cannot exceed the amount per month, which is regulated at the legislative level.

Innovations - 2016

This year, the government of the Russian Federation and the State Duma adopted decisions aimed at saving federal and regional budgets and they relate directly to social security.

According to them, the circle of recipients of allowances and benefits has narrowed significantly, it is formed based on the principles of the need of a particular group. It was also decided not to index social payments, which was carried out regularly before that at the beginning of each year. They left only an increase by the amount of actual inflation - 2015, it has been in effect since February.

Child benefits

These payments, as mentioned earlier, are monthly and lump sum.

As of this year, one-time financial assistance for a newborn is a little less than 15 thousand rubles. If there are two or three kids, then the amount is multiplied by the number of children.

To receive a payment, the mother is obliged to apply at the place of work, and if she did not have it, then to the social protection authority.

A similar amount is received from the state and adoptive parents who take on the dependent of an adopted child. It is much higher if several children are taken into care, who are related to each other or babies with certain disabilities.

Apart from lump sum payment, parents receive benefits until the child is 1.5 years old. With repeated replenishment, the family receives a certificate for maternity capital, worth 450 thousand rubles. It can be invested in real estate, education or a funded pension.

The types of state social payments in Russia are quite diverse, it all depends on the citizens, the category (pensioner, disabled person, young mother, etc.), as well as the region of residence.