When will labor pensions increase in Belarus. Belarus has prepared a draft decree to increase pensions. How much and when will they grow? Pensions for various categories of citizens

Significant changes have taken place in Russian legislation: the increase in pensions will not take place on February 1, as it was before, but will be postponed on January 1. In this case, the value is set at 7.05%, which is significantly ahead of inflation in 2018 (according to forecasts below 4%).

With the help of this measure, the Russian government intends to increase the income of pension recipients an average of 1000 rubles per month(total 12 thousand per year). However, this only applies to payments. non-working pensioners. And those who received an average pension and above in 2018 at 14,400 rubles.


  • In February, indexed and also produced by the FIU (such as EDV, NSU, etc. . ) based on last year's inflation.
  • As for - they will be traditionally raised April 1.

Increase in insurance pensions from January 1, 2019

More and more clearly there is a tendency to reduce income and increase the expenditure of funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To balance the PFR budget, the government found only one way out - to carry out another reform -. This decision was due to the fact that the size of the pension is related to the direct number of pensioners, the number of which has been growing every year. As a result of the changes, from 2019 it will be 60/65 years old for women/men. But it will not be raised immediately for 5 years, step by step “plus one year in a year”. For the first retirees new reform the retirement age will be reduced for 6 months.

Many believe that the amount of indexation depends on the increase in the size of the minimum wage, but this is not entirely true - the increasing coefficient depends on inflationary processes in the previous year.

Increasing the insurance pension in 2019 driven by inflation in 2018, which is built into 3,4% . The changes made will help to save budgetary funds, thereby increasing by 7.05%- the decision is fixed Law No. 350 of October 3, 2018

In real terms, all types of monthly pension benefits: , and will increase for 1 thousand rubles, which will allow you to get about 12 thousand rubles a year gains. However, such an increase is only valid for those persons whose payment more than 14.4 thousand rubles who have a lower pension, the supplement will be less.

The value of the individual pension coefficient in 2019

After the reform of the pension system began to operate new law- No. 400-FZ "On insurance pensions", according to which all payments were recalculated using a new variable - the individual pension coefficient (). The amount of such an indicator is calculated from the contributions paid to the FIU, which are subsequently transferred to the IPC and multiplied by its value. To calculate the amount of the new insurance pension (SP), the formula is used:

SP \u003d IPC * SIPC + FV, where:

In 2018, the cost of one IPC was 81 ruble 49 kopecks. From January 1, 2019, after indexation, the cost of the IPC will be 87 rubles 24 kopecks (1,0705 * 81,49).

In order to receive a pension, a person needs to earn 30 odds(or as they are called more simply - points). In 2019, the maximum possible value of the IPC is 9.13 points if funds are not transferred to funded pension(otherwise, 5,71 ).

How much will the fixed payment be indexed from January 1

Fixed payout- this is an invariable part of the insurance coverage, depending on the category of the recipient. It increases along with individual coefficient, so the fixed payment in 2019 after the increase (indexation) will be:

Type of pension

Recipients 2018 (rub.) From January 1, 2019 (RUB)
old age 4982,9

By disability

Disabled 1st gr. 9965,8 10668,39
2nd gr. 4982,9
3rd gr. 2491,45 2667,1
On the loss of a breadwinner Lost one parent 2491,45
Round orphans 4982,9

The size of the EF may be larger if there are dependents, as well as upon reaching the age of 80. For northern residents, an increasing regional coefficient is established. Its size differs in different regions of residence.

Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners in 2019?

In 2016, the indexation of pensions was carried out in a reduced amount (only by 4%, instead of 12,9% ). Due to the insufficient and reduced budget of the PFR and because of this, the impossibility of carrying out additional indexation to the required level, the government decided to compensate for the loss of income of pensioners with a one-time compensation in 5 000 rubles from January 1, 2017. It was this amount that was obtained from the calculation of the average values ​​of lost profits with additional indexation.

Since the payment was made once, this did not have serious consequences for the PFR, the state budget and the country as a whole in subsequent years.

Now many are wondering if there will be such an encouragement in the future? However lump sum pensioners in 2019 not planned, since indexation is already legally provided for in full (even more) volume.

Increase in military pensions from January 1, 2019

The increase in military pensions is due to the regulation of the following two values:

  1. monetary allowance (DD);
  2. change in the reduction factor established by art. 43 of Law No. 4468-1 dated February 12, 1993

At first, it was planned to increase the pension of military personnel in total by 4.3%(due to indexation of DD according to the planned inflation of the future 2019). This value was laid down in the draft law on the federal budget for 2019-2021. However, on October 25, 2018, the decision changed: V.V. Putin instructed the government to add another 2%. An additional two percent is added by adjusting the reduction factor from 72.23 to 73.68%(it was originally set at 54% and was last raised only in 2017).

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners from January 1, 2019

Minimum pension in 2019

in Russia minimum pension for the population that is considered unemployed (does not work officially) is limited to the value living wage established for a pensioner (PMP) in each individual region of the country. Consequently, a citizen simply cannot receive less PMP. If, nevertheless, the level of material support (of all incomes in total) is lower, then a regional and federal surcharge is established. This position is enshrined Article 12.1 of the Law "On State Social Assistance".

For example, consider the PMP established for 2019 in some regions:

  • in Moscow, the living wage for pensioners is set at 12 115 rubles;
  • in the Moscow region - $9,908;
  • in St. Petersburg - 8 846 rubles;
  • in the Leningrad region - 8 232 rubles;
  • in the Novosibirsk region - 8 814 rubles;
  • in the Sverdlovsk region - 8 846 rubles

Below the above amounts in these regions, pensions for the non-working population will not be paid.

Social surcharge is assigned automatically, without application.

Belarus, like the rest of the EU countries, is currently carrying out a number of reforms, among which the pension one deserves special attention. The global economic crisis has affected literally every country in the world, as a result of which many had to significantly reduce and optimize their costs. The authorities had to go even to such unpopular measures as downsizing social benefits, therefore, the question of when there will be an increase in pensions in Belarus in 2019 and whether this should be expected at all should be considered in as much detail as possible.

How have pensions changed in Belarus over the past 5 years?

If we take dimensions pension payments over a period of about 20 years, the lowest payments in Belarus were in 1999, then they amounted to only 17.5 dollars. In the future, the situation could be characterized by a stable but slow increase in the growth of pensions, after many years the pension had already exceeded $100, the devaluation of 2009 and then 2001 ruined the entire schedule, when the amount fell to $79. In 2014, the pension made the maximum jump up, then it was $230. The government was unable to maintain such a level, and again in 2015 the payout rate fell to $118, but this is not yet the bottom. In 2016, an average of $140 was paid for each pensioner; the state stabilized the situation a little after the sharp fall of the ruble.

What was the last increase in pensions?

Recall, as in other countries pension system Belarus is powered by working citizens and the contributions that they make there. An increase in 2017 would have significantly improved the situation, especially since there were plans to increase the basic pension. There was a lot of talk about this, but only at this level everything remained the same, only the age was increased. They explain this by the fact that the situation is already sad, every year the number of pensioners increases, and people do not want to work, everyone works for themselves.

The last increase for those who already receive a pension took place in 2016, when its size increased by 5%, which did not help much, and even caused a resonance among the population. People thought such reforms were cheap compared to how much commodity prices have increased recently. But not for everyone, the increase has become such, the size of the pension depends on individual parameters, including what type of payment it is, what level wages, worked experience. The government admitted that the increase is insignificant, but it is better than nothing at all.

Expert opinion

The government has recently adopted new bill, according to which pension payments will be calculated according to the new rules. Prior to that, in Belarus for a large number of years there was a single scheme for calculating pensions for the union, which for a long time was considered ideal. However, today the socio-demographic situation in the country has changed, and now one can observe that people retirement age they can boast of relatively good health, energy and mobility, which is good news, but at the same time the birth rate has dropped significantly, which means that there are much fewer working citizens in relation to non-working ones. This is most detrimental to Pension Fund who has to spend a huge amount of money to pay pension benefits.

What will be the increase?

According to the latest statements by the authorities average pension in 2019, about 800,000 Belarusian rubles will be left for residents of Belarus, and if we talk about the percentage, then its size will increase by about 15%. However, it must be understood that the level of growth in pension benefits will depend on the number of years worked, because the average salary amounts will be taken as the basis for the calculation (each person must submit data regarding the level of his salary to a single personal record database, which is subsequently used in determining pension payments). Back in 2015, the Belarusian authorities introduced a rule that when calculating a pension, earnings for 21 years of actual service will be taken into account, and no one plans to change anything in this matter yet.

At the same time, it is worth paying particular attention to the fact that the indexation of pensions in Belarus in 2019 will be gradual, that is, it is planned to be carried out in several stages, one of which is scheduled for the summer, and the second for the winter (the last month of the year), while first pension benefits will be indexed by a larger percentage, and then by the one that remains (most likely, 11 and 4%).

It is difficult to say whether pensions will be increased in January 2019 in Belarus, because at the beginning of the year the authorities did not plan any such events and no one gave statements on this matter (at least official ones). However, things can change, so this issue needs to be monitored to keep abreast of the evolving situation.

Retirement age

Back in 2016, statements began to appear in the media that the President of Belarus plans to increase the retirement age by three years, and he needs to take such unpopular measures due to the fact that they had a very large financial deficit in the Pension Fund (about a trillion Belarusian rubles). Accordingly, it is worth preparing for the fact that people will be able to retire only at 58 years old (women) and 63 years old (men). It must be said that the age will be increased gradually (by analogy with other countries), that is, six months per year, although the option of adding three or even one month was previously discussed (the deficit is too large and slow down in making a decision according to the words experts are no longer available).

Accordingly, the increase in pensions in 2019 in Belarus will also be accompanied by a reform, and the authorities are emphasizing that there will be no shortage of jobs in the country, because they plan to create 50,000 jobs annually (namely for failed pensioners ).

It must be said that as alternative the authorities were thinking not to increase the retirement age, but to reduce the amount of pension benefits. However, the president spoke out strongly against such a proposal, explaining that people should not be offended. He acknowledges the fact that modern pension reform is a forced measure, because there is a catastrophic lack of financial resources for the material support of citizens of retirement age, and their number in relation to working Belarusians is increasing, but today it will not be possible to do without such innovations.

Belarus has prepared a draft decree to increase pensions. The document has already been submitted for consideration to the presidential administration. The Minister of Labor and Social Protection Irina Kostevich announced this today in Parliament.

The picture is illustrative. Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

- A draft decree has been prepared to increase pensions by 5.3%, - said Irina Kostevich. - If today, taking into account the increase in August, the average retirement pension is 374 rubles, then starting from November it will be 394 rubles, an increase of 20 rubles.

The Minister of Labor also told how the nominal growth rate of pensions in annual terms will change, taking into account the planned increase.

- According to estimates, we will get a nominal growth rate of pensions compared to the corresponding period last year - this is 113.8%, and in real terms, taking into account projected inflation, this is 107.9. Positive dynamics in the growth of pensions this year, - summed up Irina Kostevich.

Earlier, Prime Minister Sergei Rumas said he was preparing a proposal to increase pensions by another 5%. According to him, if it is supported, then the growth of pensions in 2018 will be a record - pensions in 2018 will grow by more than 20%.

- Taking into account inflation at the level of 6%, this is a record growth, - Rumas emphasized.

Answering the question when the pension will reach the planned parameter of 40% of the average wage, the head noted that pensions have already been increased twice this year. However, so far the ratio between the average retirement pension and salary is 36.2%.

- It is impossible to solve this problem (to reach 40% - TUT.BY note) by the end of the year, for this it would be necessary to raise the pension by almost 50%, - the prime minister admitted. Rumas explained that the reason for this is the sharp increase in wages this year.

Recall that the average amount of pensions in the country as a whole in August amounted to 363.9 rubles. This is 2.2 times higher than the subsistence minimum budget for pensioners, which is almost 163 rubles. Real pension, which is calculated adjusted for inflation, increased by 15.4% in August compared to the same period last year.

Now pensions fall short of 37% of the average salary in the country, although the authorities plan to raise this figure to 40% this year. For example, this indicator has already been reached in the Grodno region, in August it was 41.6%. And in Minsk, they are still noticeably behind (28.8%).

In terms of the size of the average assigned August pension, Minskers are leading - 387 rubles, and residents of the Grodno region are lagging behind (356.9 rubles). Minsk residents also lead in terms of average retirement pensions (393 rubles) and social benefits (234.2 rubles).

MINSK, Oct 16 - Sputnik. Pensions in Belarus can be increased from November 1, Minister of Labor and Social Protection Irina Kostevich said in parliament on Tuesday.

"A draft decree has been prepared to increase pensions by 5.3%. If today, taking into account the increase in August, the average retirement pension is 374 rubles, then starting from November it will be 394 rubles," the minister said.

Thus, the average retirement pension from November 1 may increase by 20 rubles. According to the minister, the draft decree has already been submitted to the Presidential Administration.

Kostevich also noted that, taking into account all the increases that have taken place, the nominal growth rate of pensions this year compared to the corresponding period last year is 113.8%. Real growth, taking into account inflation, looks a little more modest - 107.9.

The increase in pensions was announced in early October by the Prime Minister of Belarus, speaking in the House of Representatives. He then said that if the government's proposal for a 5% increase in pensions is supported, then more than 20%.

“If we compare this with the expected inflation, then this is a ratio that has not been seen in the entire history of sovereign Belarus,” Rumas said at the time.

However, the government will not be able to bring pensions to the level of 40% of the average wage this year, the prime minister honestly admitted then. According to him, this task should be implemented by the government next year.

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