The Russians have prepared a new pension reform. Pension reform in Ukraine: new requirements for seniority What's new in pension reform

Pension reform is like repair: it cannot be completed, it can only be stopped. The foundation was laid back in 2002 - then citizens formally received the right to dispose of the funded part of the pension. The memories of the pension formula for the insurance pension, which came into force on January 1 last year, are very fresh. It especially stuck in my memory that, according to rumors, even the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, could not understand this formula. And here is another initiative.

The Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank recently presented the concept of pension reform, which is expected to be launched as early as 2018. They offer no more, no less - to cancel the funded part of the pension. It is logical that employers will stop deducting mandatory insurance contributions in the amount of 6% to the Pension Fund. Instead, Russians will be able to save up for their own pensions, directing part of what they earn to a non-state pension fund that they choose according to their intuition. At the same time, citizens will have a choice: they will be able not to postpone anything, but for this they will need to officially “unsubscribe” from the new system, write a corresponding application. Those who don't will be "in the system" automatically. For the first year of the reform, they will deduct 0% for the funded part of the pension, then every year they will add 1% until it reaches 6% - if you wish, you can transfer up to 50% of your salary “for old age”. At the same time, five years before retirement, “in case of emergency,” a citizen will be able to withdraw up to 20% of savings from the fund. And if the trouble comes, for example, a person becomes seriously ill, the officials promise to give him everything.

Sleight of state hands

The ideas seem to be correct, but how to believe the state, which has more than once shamelessly left pensioners without money? For example, in 2005, citizens older than 1967 were excluded from the funded system, for whom employers from 2002 to 2004 transferred 2% to the funded part of the pension. The latest experience is no less indicative: since 2014, the state has been constantly assigning, using the funny word “freezes”, the funded part of the pension. As you know, today's 22% of pension contributions are divided into the insurance part (16%) and funded (6%). As a result, "accumulative" funds from the employer do not reach the savings accounts of employees and are directed to current pension payments. That is, future pensioners feed the current ones, instead of saving for their old age. Thus, 1.2 trillion rubles have already been seized from workers - they will not be able to return or unfreeze so much! Did you steal? From this, doubts arise that they are unlikely to ever see their honestly earned pension. Naturally, not trusting the state and knowing its tendency to constantly change the rules of the game, people try to provide themselves with a peaceful old age. Someone hopes for the help of children and future grandchildren. Those who have the opportunity save up to buy an apartment in order to rent it out later - investing in real estate is still considered the most reliable in our country.

Grim Lessons of Survival

The average pension in Russia today is about 13,100 rubles. At the same time, the cost of the consumer basket in 2016 was set at 10,000 rubles. It is not surprising that those pensioners who are still able, prefer to work. However, even in this case, one can hardly envy the fate of a lonely non-working pensioner who needed serious treatment. Therefore, the old people can only look with envy at their European "colleagues" who, having gone on a well-deserved rest, embark on travels. However, if we look at the worst denominator, then we can recall the 90s, when the size of pension payments was even lower than the subsistence level. So, in 1992, the minimum pension was 0.8-0.9 of the subsistence minimum for a Russian, and the maximum was fixed at the level of 3 subsistence minimums.

According to the State Statistics Committee, in July 1999 the subsistence minimum was 687 rubles, and the minimum pension was 304 rubles (45% of the subsistence minimum). The maximum pension was 442 rubles (65% of the subsistence minimum). That is, in the late 90s, pensioners were in a worse position than they were at the beginning. It looks like history is repeating itself.

Despite the vigorous statements of the authorities, pensioners continue to be a socially unprotected part of society, and therefore are forced to look for additional sources of income. According to VTsIOM experts, in Russia 46% of the population is engaged in subsidiary farming. It is possible that as the crisis grows, the number of people who decide to switch to pasture will increase.

However, it makes one think about the news that came from Cheboksary - since the beginning of the year, citizens who carried out illegal trade have been fined over 1.5 million rubles. We are mainly talking about the same grandmothers who grow fruits, vegetables and flowers for sale. That is, on the one hand, the state pays them a beggarly pension, on the other hand, it fines them when they try to earn money on their own. What can you do - the budget must be filled.

In Germany, the average pension is 800 euros. Each German deducts 20.3% of monthly earnings to the state pension fund. Half of this amount is paid by the employer. Citizens can also apply to private pension funds.

In the UK, pensioners receive 148-218 pounds a week. There are state pensions that are paid upon reaching a certain age (65 years for men and 60 years for women). These amounts are not large, but citizens have a choice - a seniority pension, which depends on the length of service and wages. There are also non-state pensions, which are formed by both the employee and the employer.

In the US, the average pension is $1,100-$1,200 per month. Moreover, citizens have the right to state and private pensions, which are built on the basis of distribution and accumulation principles.

In China, only civil servants and people employed in industry can count on the state pension. The rural population does not receive a pension at all. Traditionally, older Chinese are kept by their children and grandchildren. The average pension is 900-1360 yuan (about $80).

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In the course of reforming the system, against the backdrop of the ongoing economic crisis, problems with filling the budget began to appear and the need arose for deeper changes in pension provision, which are currently being discussed in the Government.

If the proposals of the Ministry of Finance find support in the government and are approved by the President, then we will be expected cardinal changes in pension law.

Retirement until January 1, 2015

Until January 2015, the activity of the pension system was regulated by Federal Law No. 173 dated 12/17/2001 "On labor pensions". Before the start of the reform, the insurance pension was called labor pension, consisted of two parts, which formed its amount - this is insurance and accumulative.

When calculating a labor pension, pension rights were taken into account that were acquired before the adoption of this law, as well as the amount of funds received by the Pension Fund in the form of.

  • When calculating the insurance part of the labor pension, a formula was used in which the pension capital was divided by the number of months of the expected payment period and the base amount was added to the resulting value, the amount of which differed depending on the category of pensioner.
  • The accumulative part was calculated by dividing the amount of pension savings held (recorded) on a personal or pension account by the duration of the expected payment period, calculated in months.

Changes in the pension system in 2015

The method of calculating pensions used in the pension systems of many countries of the world, when using which the main unit of account is retirement score, since January 2015 has been used in Russia.

Since 2015, the following types of insurance pensions:

  • send the entire amount of transferred funds (16%) to the insurance pension;
  • send 6% to accumulative, and 10% to insurance.

Calculation of pensions under the new pension formula

The procedure for calculating the insurance pension is established by the requirements of Article 15 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400 « About insurance pensions «.

New pension formula to calculate the insurance pension looks like this:

SP \u003d IPC x SPK + PV,

  • joint venture- the final amount of the insurance pension;
  • IPK- sum of individual pension coefficients (points);
  • SPK- the cost of one point in the current year;
  • FV- Fixed payment.

The fixed payment is set in a fixed amount and is indexed by a coefficient established by a government decree annually. For some categories of pensioners, increasing coefficients are applied to the PV. Taking into account the production in 2018, its size is equal to 4982 rubles 90 kopecks.

The insurance pension is the product of the IPC and its value, which is also established by the Government of the Russian Federation annually. The established value of the individual pension coefficient in 2018 is 81 rubles 49 kopecks.

The introduction of the new IPC pension formula, in essence, is a new condition that obliges future pensioners not only to have a certain, but also to ensure contributions to the Pension Fund.

The use of the pension coefficient when calculating pensions will increase the employee's interest in the timeliness and completeness of payment of pension contributions determined by law to the Fund's budget, and will also contribute to the transfer of income of the working population from "grey" economic zone into a legal one.

Starting from 2015, the pension coefficient is determined for each year worked. To determine the annual PC, the amount of insurance premiums received on the personal account of the insured person is divided by the maximum annual premium.

The cost of the pension coefficient in 2018

Annually, the Government Decree determines the cost of PC for the next planning period. In 2017, it amounted to 78.58 rubles, for the current year it was set at 81 ruble 49 kopecks.

The increase in the cost of the PC is happening Twice a year.

  • The first increase is carried out on February 1, depending on inflationary processes in the economy.
  • The second takes place on April 1 of each year and depends on the filling of the budget of the Pension Fund at the expense of contributions transferred by insurers and revenues from the state budget.

The methodology by which the cost of one PC is determined is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2016, based on the difficult financial situation caused by the economic crisis, April increase was not carried out. In accordance with Article 5 of the Federal Law No. 385 of December 29, 2015, which suspends the operation of certain regulations, the adjustment of the cost of the PC should be carried out in the second half of the year, taking into account the economic situation and financial possibilities of the budget that have developed in the first half of the year.

Other periods counted in the insurance experience

When determining the IPC, the length of service includes the so-called "non-insurance periods" activities of citizens. Such periods, in accordance with the requirements of Article 11 of Law No. 173 of December 17, 2001, as amended on December 28, 2013 and as amended on November 19, 2015, include periods of activity, Related:

  • the passage of military or equivalent service;
  • temporary disability;
  • caring for a child up to one and a half years;
  • receiving unemployment benefits, participation in public works or resettlement, moving in the direction of the employment service;
  • detention on unfounded charges with subsequent rehabilitation;
  • caring for a disabled child, the elderly (who has reached the age of 80) and a disabled person of the 1st group;
  • living together with a spouse in areas where employment is impossible, during his military service under a contract, but not more than 5 years;
  • residence abroad of the spouses of employees of diplomatic, trade and other representative offices at international organizations, the list of which is approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.04.2014 No. 284.

Problems of reforming the pension system of the Russian Federation

During the reform of the pension system, which began in 2015, there were problems with filling the budget of the Fund, which are associated with the direction of part of the funds transferred in the form of contributions to the NPF. This led to a sharp decline in income intended for the payment of insurance pensions and caused a deficit in the pension budget.

As a measure aimed at solving financial problems in the field of pension provision, in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Federal Law of December 14, 2015 No. 383, the Government decided to extend it until the end of 2016.

Later, the Government came to the conclusion that directing part of the insurance premiums to savings is not beneficial for the state budget at all, as a result of which the moratorium was extended until 2020.

Thus, 6% that went to non-state funds will now go to replenish the budget, intended for the payment of insurance pensions which, in the opinion of the Government, should stabilize the situation in the field of pensions for the population.

Draft new pension reform

Due to the deepening economic crisis in the Russian economy, the inefficiency of the current pension system becomes obvious, and the reforms launched in 2015 do not bring the expected result. The Government is discussing the proposals of the economic bloc regarding further reforming the pension system.

In Russia, at present, the number of pensioners is about 30% of the population and against the backdrop of devastating trends in the economy and rising unemployment, raising the retirement age is becoming inevitable.

  • From January 1, 2017, the retirement age will increase annually by 6 months until it reaches 65 years. A little later, such a measure awaits all other citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • There is a discussion of a further reduction in the indexation of pensions, and for its abolition, if not complete, then at least the PV.
  • Since 2017, the functions of collecting pension contributions have been transferred to the Federal Tax Service and the establishment of a single social insurance tariff with the abolition of the maximum insurance base.
  • , on the formation of which a moratorium has been established for five years, it is proposed to form by direct transfer of contributions to the savings accounts of management companies and NPFs, bypassing the PFR.


The main advantage of the reform launched in 2015 is that the new provisions of the pension legislation, according to their authors, will allow balance the budget of the Pension Fund.

Its balance consists in saving the state budget funds allocated to the pension budget to finance state pension programs and making additional payments to those pensioners whose pensions turned out to be established in the region of residence.

Under the current conditions, it becomes obvious that the reforms do not bring the expected result and the Government has already adopted and continues to discuss a number of new measures that will be able to eliminate the lack of funds needed to ensure the work. No documented decisions have been made yet, but the state of the financial, economic and social sphere leaves no doubt that serious changes await the pension system in the near future.

Russian politicians have been talking about the need to reform the social sphere for a long time. The deputies believe that it is time to revise the procedure for retirement and the mechanism for calculating payments, since they have long been outdated. What changes will occur in the lives of senior citizens? What to expect from the new pension reform for those who are just planning to retire? These questions are often asked on legal websites and forums by ordinary Russians, so let's look at the upcoming changes in more detail.

Changes in legislation

What to expect from the pension reform in 2017? Russian pensioners are waiting for a number of serious changes, which, first of all, will affect the increase in the amount and procedure for calculating pensions.

With the advent of 2017, the previously suspended norms of legislation regarding the indexation of pension provision began to operate. This will lead to a significant increase in the size of social and insurance pensions.

The coming year will bring the following changes:

  • - The minimum length of service and the amount of pension coefficients that affect the appointment of old-age benefits will increase. Now, in order to receive funds for this type of pension, a citizen must have eight years of insurance experience and 11.4 pension points.
  • - The retirement age and length of service for officials will increase. After the Federal Law No. 143 of May 23, 2016 comes into force on January 1, they will retire at the age of 63 and 65, subject to at least 20 years of civil service. This requirement will be introduced gradually, and in 2017, in order to apply for a pension, an official will need to reach the age of 55.5 and 60.5 years, and the minimum length of service in public service should be 15.5 years.
  • - For the self-employed population, the rate of insurance contribution to the Pension Fund will increase. This payment has a fixed amount, and depends on the size of the minimum wage. Since the minimum wage in 2016 was increased to 7.5 thousand rubles, notaries, lawyers and other persons belonging to this category will need to transfer 23,400 rubles to the Pension Fund of Russia in 2017.
  • - The amount of the pensioner's subsistence minimum will change, which affects the receipt of the right to the federal social supplement. In this way, the state increases the amount of payment, up to the level established by the PMP in the region.

One-time help

Since the state experienced a shortage of budget funds in 2016, the provisions regarding the indexation of pensions were suspended.

The federal law provides clarifications regarding the procedure for receiving payments:

  1. To receive compensation, there is no need to contact the Pension Fund, as the payment will be calculated automatically.
  2. Receipt of funds is carried out in accordance with the established schedule in the period from 13 to 28 January 2017.

It should be noted that the law prohibits deductions from this amount on the basis of court decisions and executive documents.


Every year, the state is forced to index pension payments. This is due to inflation and rising prices for food and utility bills, which leads to a decrease in the purchasing power of pensioners. The principles of indexation and terms are established depending on the type of pension. The dates for the recalculation are set by law:

  1. February 1 - for insurance pensions, which will be indexed to the inflation rate of the past year, namely by 5.4%;
  2. April 1 - for social benefits, which will change depending on the growth rate of the living wage for citizens in 2016. Since the increase was only 116 rubles, the pension will increase by 1.5%.

The amounts are quite modest, but the government promises that payments to pensioners will be indexed in full.

Introduction of a new accumulation mechanism

Thanks to changes in the pension reform, Russian citizens will be able to accumulate future pension payments on a voluntary basis.

Its introduction will revive the funded component of the pension system. Participation in the program is voluntary. A person will be given the right to choose where to open a savings account. It could be:

  • - non-state PF;
  • - state banks;
  • - commercial credit organizations.

The project provides that these accounts can be inherited. A participant in the funded program will have the opportunity, if necessary, to withdraw part of the funds from the account, as, for example, mothers have the right to use part of the maternity capital for urgent needs.

The funded system has long been used by many foreign countries. As practice shows, this is a great opportunity to independently shape your future, providing yourself with a decent old age.

Increasing old-age pensions for working and non-working pensioners

The increase in the amount of payments to non-working senior citizens receiving an insurance (previously labor) pension will occur by indexing the cost of the pension coefficient and a fixed payment.

As of April 1, 2017, the cost of the pension ball was 78 rubles and 58 kopecks (instead of 78.28 rubles, as previously stated), and the amount of the fixed payment was 4805.11 rubles. As a result, the size of the pension will be indexed by 5.8%. Thus, the amount of payment for a non-working citizen receiving an insurance pension from April 1, 2017 increased by 0.38%.

According to statistics, the number of working pensioners in 2016 was 36% of the total. It is believed that if a person continues to work, then his income is much higher than that of those who live on only one pension. As a result, in 2016, Federal Law No. 385 was adopted, which cancels the indexation of payments for this category of citizens until they stop working.

The budget does not provide for indexation until 2019, so it is not necessary to count towards an increase in payments to working elderly citizens.

Payments to military pensioners

In accordance with the current legislation, the calculation of payments to military pensioners is carried out taking into account the amount of monetary allowance, which should increase annually by 2 percent or more.

If on February 1, 2016 the amount of allowance was 69.45%, then for the same period in 2017 it was 72.23%, which led to an increase in the amount of payments.

Many military personnel who follow changes in legislation. I was interested in the question of whether military pensioners can count on receiving a one-time financial assistance in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. Initially, only persons whose pensions were calculated by the Pension Fund of Russia could apply for this additional payment. However, the law was amended to allow ex-servicemen to receive payment under a separate delivery schedule.

The surcharge will be carried out by the same body from which the citizen receives a pension. The law allows that a second insurance pension may be assigned to servicemen. In this case, he will receive 5 thousand rubles from the territorial Pension Fund.

The main reasons for the radical change in pension relations were the following: low pensions, little consideration of the contribution of those who earn a lot and make large pension contributions, the complexity and complexity of pension legislation.

Pension reform in the Russian Federation

The main reasons for a radical change in pension relations were the following: low pensions, low accounting for the contribution of those who earn a lot and make large pension contributions, the complexity and intricacy of pension legislation, the inability to calculate their pension in advance for everyone.

The adoption of new laws at the end of 2001, which launched a new pension reform, allows us to solve several problems.

The first task of the pension reform is to bring the hidden parts of wages out of the shadows and to increase the flow of funds to pay pensions to today's pensioners. Taking into account the size of the hidden part of wages, an increase of 2-2.5 times is possible here. And this gives grounds to predict the same increase in pensions - of course, subject to predictable income.

Without serious incentives, neither employees, nor even employers, will be in a hurry to withdraw wages from the shadows - from the envelopes of insurance schemes, etc.

Consequently, the second objective of the pension reform is to create incentives for workers to fully pay contributions from their entire income. And for this, the system of accounting for pension rights was canceled (by length of service and by earnings for the last two years), since it does not fully take into account the contribution of each person to the income of the pension system. The new pension model, firstly, takes into account the entire monetary capital contributed by each Russian for each year and month of his work experience, and, secondly, fixes them in the form of state obligations to each employee personally. And then after his retirement, these obligations must be fulfilled in full, taking into account all the increases and indexations carried out over the years of his work.

At the same time, the funds transferred to the pension system should provide a citizen with a higher income than their savings in a bank or insurance company.

Finally, the third task to be solved by the reform is to ensure the transparency of the pension system. The obligations of the state to citizens on pension payments should be expressed not in percentages and years, but in rubles. And every year, the employee must receive a report on the status of the pension rights he has earned - how much contributions were transferred for him by his employer, what is the total amount of pension capital accrued to him for all years of work, in what volumes it was indexed, etc. this every Russian, insured in the system of compulsory pension insurance, must receive annually. And in case of disagreement, he can achieve their change.

Having solved these main and a number of even more specific tasks, the pension reform will allow the formation of a new pension model - simpler, more convenient for calculations, and more understandable to citizens. And, most importantly, providing a higher level of pensions - both for current pensioners and future generations of Russians.

Chapter 1. Structure of the pension system.

1.1 Types of pensions

In the course of the pension reform, it is envisaged that the pension system in the Russian Federation (as a set of legal, economic and organized institutions and norms created by the state, aimed at providing citizens with material security in the form of pensions) consists of the following parts:

State pension provision is a part of the pension system that provides, at the expense of the unified social tax, the provision of the basic part of labor pensions, the basic part of pensions for the disabled and dependents of the deceased breadwinner, and at the expense of appropriations from the federal budget - social pensions for disabled citizens in accordance with the law.

Compulsory pension insurance is a part of the pension system that provides, at the expense of compulsory insurance contributions, the insurance and funded parts of labor pensions for employees and self-employed workers, as well as the insurance part of pensions for disabled people and dependents of the deceased breadwinner.

Supplementary pension insurance and provision is a part of the pension system that provides, in addition to state pension provision and mandatory pension insurance, the provision of pensions at the expense of voluntary contributions from employers and insured persons.

1.2 Types and structure of labor pensions.

The largest share of payments from the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is the cost of paying labor pensions. They are divided into three types:

old age

By disability

On the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner

Persons entitled to different types of pensions at the same time are entitled to only one pension of their choice. This limitation is due to the fact that the amount of insurance coverage, by definition, cannot be higher than the income from the labor activity of the insured persons, however, this rule does not exclude the possibility of simultaneously receiving labor and state pensions (disabled and war veterans, parents and widows of dead military personnel, participants in the liquidation consequences of accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant).

The labor pension consists of two or three parts. The concept of a multi-link pension is aimed at achieving three goals of pension provision:

Fight against poverty

Compensation for lost earnings

Ensuring financial sufficiency

For all three types of labor pensions, there is one general purpose - the presence of a certain length of service, however, if at least 5 years are required to acquire the right to an old-age pension, then disability and survivors' pensions can be assigned upon the disabled person or the deceased breadwinner has at least one day of insurance experience.

Another condition is always special, distinguishing this type of labor pension from the rest. For old-age pensions, this is the achievement of retirement age (60 for men and 55 for women), for disability pensions, the onset of disability (regardless of its cause), which led to a restriction of the ability to work, and for survivors’ pensions, being dependent on the deceased breadwinner of a disabled person connected with him by strictly defined family relations.

A serious legal novelty in the new legislation was the reduction of the length of service requirement from 25-20 to 5 years, thus, according to the current rules, it is enough to have at least 5 years of work experience to acquire the right to an old-age pension. This allows the insured to receive an old-age labor pension up to the age of 60 (men) and 55 (women). In the absence of the required length of service, you can only count on a social pension, which is set 5 years later, i.e. at 65 years (men) and 60 years (women).

1.3 Components of labor pension.

The idea underlying the pension reform is simple, the pension should consist of three parts: basic, insurance, funded.

A pension under the new pension model should not be assigned to a person by the state, but earned by him.

The base part is set in a flat amount for all pensioners. As of January 1, 2002, it was 450 rubles; over the past period, it was indexed three times, and on February 1, 2003, it amounted to 553 rubles 74 kopecks.

The insurance part is set depending on the insurance contributions paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, this part of the pension is financed according to the distribution method (that is, the contributions of current working citizens are distributed to pay pensions of current pensioners). The amount of the insurance part of the labor pension is established on the basis of the amount of insurance premiums paid for the insured person during his entire working life divided by the normatively established expected period for the payment of pensions.

The funded part is set depending on the amount of insurance premiums paid for the insured person to the funded part of the pension system, taking into account the investment income from their placement and the expected period of pension payment.

From the above, it follows that the pension is three-tier, respectively, and the funds that are directed to the pension provision of employees are distributed into three streams.

The first part is the 14% tax. It goes to the federal budget and is directed to finance the basic part of the labor pension.

The second - the insurance premium (14%; 12% - depending on the age of the insured citizen, depending on the employee's belonging to a certain age group), goes directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The corresponding amounts are reflected in the individual account of a particular employee and directed to finance the current obligations of the pension system. When an employee retires, the state guarantees him the payment of the equivalent (taking into account the growth of wages in the country over this period) of the amount that was received on his account.

The third part - the insurance premium (starting from 2006), goes to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, is reflected in the special part of the individual personal account of a particular employee and is directed to finance pensions only at the time of retirement of this employee. The received funds form a personified reserve of the pension system. Directed for investment, the income from which is also fixed on the individual accounts of the insured persons.

The procedure for determining the labor pension is fundamentally different from the previously existing rules. The basic part of the pension is set at a fixed amount, which is differentiated depending on the age of the pensioner, the degree of restriction to work and the presence of dependent family members who are unable to work.

The insurance component of the old-age and disability labor pension is determined by dividing the calculated pension capital of the respective person by the number of months of the expected pension payment period. The insurance part of the labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner is determined according to a similar scheme with the only difference that the calculated pension capital of the deceased breadwinner is taken into account, which is additionally divided by the number of disabled family members who are recipients of pensions established in connection with the death of this breadwinner as of the day from which the pension is assigned to this disabled family member.

The expected period of payment of the labor old-age pension after the completion of the pension reform will be 19 years. At the same time, a transitional mechanism has been established, according to which, from January 1, 2002, the specified period was only 12 years and it is increased annually by 6 months until the age of 16, and then by one year until the age of 19.

When assigning an old-age labor pension later than 60-55 years, the expected period for the payment of an old-age pension is reduced for each full year that has elapsed from the date of reaching the specified age. At the same time, the period of payment of the old-age pension is expected, which is used to calculate the amount of the insurance part of the old-age pension. It cannot be less than 14 years, during the transition period - 10 years.

This measure, which economically stimulates a later retirement, makes it possible to avoid making an unpopular decision in society to increase the retirement age.

The accumulative part of the old-age and disability labor pension is determined by dividing the pension savings of the relevant person, recorded in the special part of the individual personal account as of the day from which the pension is granted, by the number of months of the expected period for the payment of the old-age pension. The funded part of the labor disability pension is established no earlier than the day the disabled person reaches retirement age.

The size of the labor pension is determined by summing up all the components of the respective type of pension. The new legislation defines the procedure for recalculation and indexation (adjustment) of the established type of pension. The recalculation is made upon the occurrence of circumstances that individually affect the change in the amount of the pension, both in the direction of its increase and decrease. This may take place when a pensioner reaches the age of 80, a change in the disability group, the number of disabled family members or the category of survivors' pension recipients. In addition, if the pensioner works after the appointment or previous recalculation of the insurance part of the old-age or disability pension, he will acquire the right to recalculate the pension, taking into account additional capital.

Additional capital can not only be “earned” and “saved” in case of refusal to receive the assigned old-age insurance pension (in full or in the part determined by the pensioner) for at least 12 months from the date of assignment or previous recalculation of the pension.

It is fundamentally important that when recalculating the insurance part of the pension on the indicated grounds, the expected period of payment of the old-age pension is reduced by one year for each full year that has elapsed from the day the insurance part of the pension was assigned. In this case, the same restrictions apply that apply when the specified period is shortened in the event of a later assignment of the insurance part of the pension.

Indexation, or adjustment, is carried out only in a general manner for all pensioners and cannot lead to a reduction in the size of the pension (with the exception of one case). The amount of the insurance part of the labor pension is subject to adjustment, taking into account the clarification, based on the results of the data of the individual (personalized) accounting, of the information previously submitted by the insured about the amount of insurance premiums paid by him to the Pension Fund, taken into account when determining the amount of the estimated pension capital for calculating the amount of this part of the pension. Such an adjustment is made from July 1 of the year following the year in which the assignment or recalculation of the pension falls.

The indexation procedure depends on the parts of the labor pension.

The basic part of the labor pension is indexed taking into account the rate of inflation growth within the funds provided for these purposes in the federal budget and the PFR budget for the corresponding financial year.

The insurance part of the labor pension is indexed according to a mixed mechanism (by advance payment and by additional payment).

If prices increase for a calendar quarter by at least 6%, the insurance part of the labor pension will be indexed once every three months - from the first day of the next quarter. At a lower level of price growth, but not less than 6% per six months - once every six months. In the event of an increase in prices for the corresponding six months by less than 6%, the indexation of the insurance part of the labor pension is carried out once a year from February 1.

In the event that the annual growth index of the average monthly wage in the Russian Federation exceeds the general (total) coefficient of indexation at prices for the previous year, then from April 1 of the next year an additional increase in the amount of the insurance part of the pension by the corresponding difference is made, which cannot exceed the index growth in PFR income per pensioner.

As for the funded part of the labor pension, it is subject to both recalculation and indexation, which are carried out in a very special manner.

When assigning a labor pension, which includes a funded part, the funds accounted for in the special part of the individual personal account of the insured person are debited from this account and are not taken into account when recalculating this part of the pension.

In case of continuation of labor activity after the appointment of a pension, which includes a funded part, this part of the pension is recalculated once every three years, taking into account additional pension savings reflected in the special part of the individual personal account for the period that has elapsed from the date of assignment of the specified pension or the last recalculation of its accumulative part.

The recalculation of the funded part of the labor pension is carried out by summing the funded part of the labor pension as of the date from which the corresponding recalculation is made, with the result obtained by dividing the amount of additional pension savings reflected in the special part of the individual personal account for the period elapsed from the date of assignment of the labor pension , which includes the funded part of the pension, or the last recalculation of this part of the pension, by the number of months of the expected period for the payment of the old-age pension, determined as of the day from which the specified recalculation is made. At the same time, additional funds accounted for in the special part of the individual personal account are debited from this account.

In addition, the funded part of the labor pension is subject to annual indexation, taking into account income from investing pension savings and changes in the expected period for paying old-age pensions.

So, the modified procedure for assigning a pension provides clear advantages over the old model. Today, wages are taken into account in full and throughout the length of service, while in the old one, wages over 2,000 rubles were not taken into account when appointed and were sent for redistribution in favor of those who received less. The new pension model is much more of an insurance model in which the size of pensions depends on wages.

Chapter 2. Conversion of pension rights into equity

In order to implement the provisions of the Pension Reform Program in the Russian Federation in terms of ensuring equal opportunities for different age groups of the population, it is planned to evaluate the pension rights acquired by them as of January 1, 2002, guaranteed by the pension legislation in force before that date, by converting (transforming) into an estimated pension capital.

1.1 Conversion basics

The initial pension capital (PC) is determined based on the estimated amount of the old-age pension (RP) with its conditional establishment on January 1, 2002 for all insured persons according to the formula (1):

PC \u003d (RP - BC) x T, where

BC - the size of the base part of the old-age labor pension at the time of the introduction of the new pension legislation, amounting to 450 rubles,

T is the expected period of pension payment - 19 years (228 months).

Formula (1) follows from the new procedure for determining the size of the old-age labor pension (P) by summing up the sizes of its basic, insurance and funded parts: P = BC + SC + LF, where

BC - the basic part of the old-age pension,

SCH - the insurance part of the old-age pension,

LF - the funded part of the old-age pension.

As of January 1, 2002, none of the insured persons will have pension savings reflected in the special part of the personal account. Therefore, the “earned” funded part of the labor pension on this date will be LF = 0 rubles. The size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension under the new rules is determined by the formula:

At the same time, the estimated amount of the pension “earned” as of December 31, 2001 in connection with the payment of mandatory pension insurance contributions during employment before January 1, 2002, must be equal to the amount of the pension determined according to the new formula, i.e. e.

RP \u003d P \u003d BC + MF \u003d BC + PC / T.

Hence, by simple transformations, formula (1) is obtained.

The assessment of the pension rights of insured persons, including the calculation of the “earned” amount of the conditional pension (RP), is carried out on the basis of the following main provisions and principles.

First. The amount of state pensions established as of December 31, 2001, calculated using the individual pensioner coefficient (IPC), is retained (not reduced) when pensions are recalculated under the new rules from January 1, 2002.

Second. For insured persons who have a full total length of service (men - at least 25 years, women - at least 20 years), the estimated amount of the pension is determined according to the norms for calculating pensions in force as of December 31, 2001 using the individual coefficient of the pensioner.

Third. The average monthly salary is determined on the basis of information from individual (personalized) accounting for the last 24 months before the date of conversion (January 1, 2002), in its absence - for any 60 consecutive months (including on the basis of certificates from the place of work). For pensioners, during the mass recalculation of pensions on January 1, 2002, the earnings from which the pension was calculated can also be taken based on the information available in the pension file.

Fourth. The estimated amount of the pension for full service must not be less than the minimum amount of the total payment established as of December 31, 2001 (660 rubles).

Fifth. In relation to persons with incomplete work experience, the amount of the estimated pension capital with a full total work experience should be determined, reduced in proportion to the existing and full work experience according to the norms for calculating pensions with an incomplete total work experience.

Sixth. The minimum length of service required for granting an old-age pension (5 years) is not required when calculating the initial pension capital. It is enough to have at least one month of total work experience.

Seventh. To assess the pension rights of insured persons employed in working conditions that deviate from the norm, according to increased standards for accounting for length of service and earnings, the right to calculate the pension capital in a unified manner should be granted, but based on the available and required full special length of service, giving the right to appointment early retirement pension.

Eighth. The evaluation of pension rights and the calculation of the initial capital in the transitional period up to 2013 is carried out by the bodies providing pensions, simultaneously with the appointment of a labor pension. After the expiration of the specified period, the conversion is carried out in relation to the rest of the insured persons who have not reached retirement age. During the transitional period, for the purposes of calculating the size of the labor pension and pension capital, a shorter expected period of payment of the old-age pension (12 years (144 months) in 2002) is applied with its gradual increase (by 6 months in the year up to the age of 16 years (192 months). ), then by 12 months per year) to the established value of 19 years (228 months).

Ninth (basic principle). The calculated amount of the pension in the part related to pension rights acquired by the insured person before January 1, 2002 should not depend on the date of the conversion and the type of pension being granted.

The transition to a new system for calculating labor pensions and fixing acquired pension rights can be illustrated as follows.

According to the current norms, the size of the pension is determined by four main factors: the existing length of service, earnings (for the last 2 years or for any 5 years in a row), as well as life circumstances (disability, the presence of dependents, reaching a certain age, etc.) and minimum guarantees ( minimum pension, minimum aggregate payment, amount of compensation) - at the time of establishing the pension.

The last two factors in the new system are taken into account when determining the size of the basic part of the labor pension.

The insurance part of the new labor pension is determined from the amount of insurance premiums paid after 01.01.2002. In addition, to this formed capital is added the amount of "starting" capital, calculated from earnings and length of service until 01.01.2002, which subsequently cease to play any role in determining the size of the pension.

Of course, all amounts are “modernized”, i.e., they increase by the general growth index of the insurance part of labor pensions for the period from the moment the amount is credited to the individual account of the insured person until the moment the pension is established. In particular, in connection with the decision taken to index the insurance part of labor pensions from 01.02.2002, the amount of "starting" pension capital determined as of 01.01.2002, and the amount of contributions received on the individual account of the insured faces in January 2002, increases 1.065 times.

The entire amount of contributions paid, including the “initial” contribution (“starting” capital, into which the experience and earnings available at the beginning of the reform are converted), must be returned to the insured person in the form of payment of the insurance part of the labor pension during the expected period of such payment.

If the working career is completed before 01.01.2002, and the labor pension with the application of the individual coefficient of the pensioner is assigned, then its amount, recalculated according to the new rules (through capital), should remain.

If the labor career is not completed, and the pension is not assigned, then the insured person must retain the amount of the pension "earned" by him on 01.01.2002 under the current legislation (minus 450 rubles) pensions of at least 660 rubles, if a full length of service is worked out.

During the transition period (until January 1, 2013), it is precisely this value (pensions) that will be preserved, while the value of the estimated pension capital in terms of the monetary value of the acquired pension rights until 01.01.2002 will be related to the term of the pension and its view.

1.2 Conversion formula

Based on the current procedure for calculating pensions using the ICP, the estimated amount of a pension for a full total length of service is determined by formula (2):

RP \u003d SK x ZR / ZP x SZP, where

ZR - the average monthly earnings of the insured person for 2000 and 2001 (for pensioners - the earnings from which the pension was previously calculated can also be) or for 5 years of work in a row;

ZP - the average monthly wage in the country for the same period (for the period 2001-2002, this figure was 1494 rubles. 50 kopecks);

SZP - the average monthly salary approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in the country for the III quarter of 2001 for the calculation and increase of state pensions, which is 1671 rubles;

SC - seniority coefficient:

with a full total length of service (men - 25 years, women - 20 years) - 0.55, which increases by 0.01 for each full year of total length of service in excess of the required length of service, but not more than 0.2;

for disabled people with limited ability to work I degree (III group) - 0.3.

The maximum seniority coefficient, therefore, will be 0.55 + 0.2 = 0.75, as provided for by the current pension legislation.

The ratio of the average monthly earnings of the insured person to the average monthly salary in the country (AR/SR)

taken into account in the amount of not more than 1.2.

Thus, the conversion of pension rights will allow each employee to have information about the amount of his pension as of January 1, 2002, upon reaching retirement age, problems in confirming the length of service and earnings with various certificates will be excluded.

Chapter 3. Personalized accounting as the basis of pension reform.

In reality, the opportunity to take into account every ruble contributed by each citizen for each year and month of his work experience and, in addition, to fix them in the form of an obligation of the state personally to each employee, gives individual (personalized) accounting. This concept entered our lives in 1997 as the organization and keeping records of information about each insured person for the purposes of state pension insurance. Personalized accounting involves the registration of citizens in the Pension Fund as insured persons, the assignment of an insurance number to each insured person and the opening of an individual personal account, which reflects information about the insured person, and is based on the following principles:

unity and federal nature of compulsory pension insurance;

availability for each insured person of information about him;

using information about insured persons solely for the purposes of pension provision;

compliance of information on the amounts of insurance premiums submitted by each payer for individual accounting and the amounts of insurance premiums actually transferred by this payer;

carrying out accounting in the process of all labor activity of the insured person and using it to assign a pension. The main goals of personalized accounting are:

creation of conditions for the appointment of pensions in accordance with the results of the work of each insured person;

creation of an information base for the implementation and improvement of the pension legislation of the Russian Federation;

simplification of the procedure and acceleration of the procedure for assigning state labor pensions to insured persons

Thus, the goals of personalized accounting are closely intertwined with the tasks of pension reform as a whole. In the pension legislation, personalized accounting is defined as the information basis for the implementation of the entire pension reform. The readiness of a personalized accounting system to act in this basic role can be determined taking into account several main points. This is, firstly, the completeness of registration of insured persons, secondly, the reflection on personal accounts of information about the length of service and earnings of citizens, and thirdly, the appointment of pensions according to personalized records.

Since January 1, 1997, an individual personal account (ILA) with a permanent insurance number has been opened for each insured person in the Pension Fund in order to collect and store information necessary for pension provision. In the process of labor activity, the information of the ILS is systematically refined and supplemented.

One of the most important tasks of personalized accounting is the appointment of pensions according to personalized accounting data. The technology for presenting individual information for assigning pensions has been developed and is successfully operating. At present, the personalized accounting system is working steadily and the information base for the implementation of the pension reform in Russia is practically formed.

With the transition to the formation of pension rights on the basis of actually paid insurance premiums, as well as in connection with the introduction of the funded part of the labor pension, the role of personalized accounting increases significantly. Appointment of insurance premiums - ensuring the right of a citizen to receive a pension under compulsory pension insurance. The amount of this pension will depend on the amount of insurance premiums recorded on the individual personal account. When an employee retires, the state guarantees him the payment of the equivalent (taking into account the growth of wages in the country over this period) of the amount that was received on his account. Insurance contributions to the funded part of the pension are reflected in the special part of the individual personal account. The received funds form a personalized reserve of the pension system and are directed to investment, the income from which is also fixed on the individual accounts of the insured persons. Employers calculate insurance premiums separately for each insured person, depending on the age of the employee and, in addition, differentially for men and women, payment is made separately for the insurance and funded parts of the pension. In order to fully take into account all these factors, one cannot do without a harmonious and clear system of personalized accounting. One of the tasks to be solved by the pension reform is to ensure the transparency of the pension system. The obligations of the state to the citizen for pension payments should be expressed not in percentages and years, but in rubles. The new pension system assumes the interest and control of citizens over the information that will affect the size of their future pension. And the personalized accounting system makes it possible to exercise this control. Employers are obliged to inform employees about the information submitted by them to the Pension Fund. In addition, insured persons must also receive a report from the Pension Fund on the state of pension rights they have earned: how much the employer paid for it, what is the total amount of pension capital, how much it was indexed.

In 2002, the Pension Fund launched a campaign to inform future retirees about the status of their retirement accounts. In October last year, letters with a detailed state of the personal account were received by citizens who, due to their age, should retire in 2003-2004. These citizens received an extract from their personal account, which contains all information about the length of service and earnings, starting from 1997. In the future, an explanatory campaign among the working population will be continued. This year, all citizens will already be familiarized with the state of their personal savings account and informed about the procedure for investing funds.

First of all, each employee needs individual accounting in order to save data on pension rights, on the basis of which a pension will be assigned to him, therefore each of us should be interested in opening a personal account and filling it with information. At the same time, individual accounting is mandatory for each employee, and this is determined by law.

In the event of a change in the legislation relating to pension insurance, the previously accumulated information will remain unchanged on an individual personal account, and the necessary changes will be made to the technology of personalized accounting to take into account new information.

Thus, the personalized accounting system allows you to:

accounting for seniority, wages and mandatory fees to the Pension Fund;

calculation of pensions based on length of service, wages and mandatory contributions;

opening individual pension accounts in the system of compulsory state insurance and non-state pension provision;

increase in cash inflows to the Pension Fund and elimination of pension arrears;

liquidation of work books and interest in the mobility of labor resources;

creation of a system for regulating the activities of non-state pension funds;

In the personalized accounting system, conditions have been created for the correct assignment of pensions, the reliability of information on the length of service, earnings and pension insurance contributions has been ensured, and the procedure and procedure for assigning pensions has been simplified.

The main criterion of the pension reform, one of the most important tools of which is personalized accounting, is to increase the financial security of the pension system and timely receipt of pensions by all pensioners in full.

One of the main tasks of the pension reform is to simplify as much as possible the formula for assigning pensions, the procedure for submitting documents and the reliability of providing information on the amount of earnings and the number of years worked by a citizen. These problems can be solved today by the created system of individual (personalized) accounting.


Any pension system is a social welfare system. Its tasks are to provide a person with the means of life in old age, when he loses income from labor activity. The social function of the pension should also provide decent living conditions for those who did not receive high wages and could not earn a large pension. Therefore, the pension model has a redistributive function.

The new pension model is designed to take into account the pension obligations of the state to those. Who earns more and contributes more to the general funds of the pension system. And for this, at least partially personalize the funds that are transferred in the form of pension payments for each specific employee. In other words, in the new pension system, the amount of redistributed funds should partly decrease.

The new model, taking into account to a greater extent the obligations of the state to each specific employee, at the same time, when calculating pensions, smooths out differences in the levels of their income throughout their working life.

One of the mechanisms to ensure this is the division of the pension tariff. After all, personalized rights are taken into account only in the part that goes to the budget of the Pension Fund in the form of insurance premiums, and is 14% of the total wage fund. The other half, 14%, is levied in the form of a tax, channeled through the state budget and sent for redistribution. Yes, and insurance premiums are directed to finance current pension payments. And this means that the new pension model remains largely distributive, based on the solidarity of generations. And, if we talk about the basic pension, then the source of its financing, of course, is taxes on the wages of higher-paid people.

Thus, the new pension model, without worsening the situation of the less paid, the poor, should interest the more paid, the rich not to hide their income and pay taxes and contributions to the Pension Fund.


1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 167-FZ “On Compulsory Pension Insurance”.

2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”

3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”.

4. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 27-FZ “On Individual (Personalized) Accounting in the System of Compulsory Pension Insurance”.

5. Pension reform in Russia. Edited by M. Yu. Zurabov. - M.: 2002

6. Solovyov A. K. Financial system of state pension insurance in Russia. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001.

7. Pension reform. Ed. O. E. Ilyukhina - M .: Education, 2002.

9. "Dignity" Art "Instead of a patchwork quilt ...". From 2001 No. 33.

11. Application of the political - economic weekly "Interfax time". Art. "Each person, retiring, should know the markup of his initial capital." From September 4, 2002.

The government of the Russian Federation is currently actively pursuing pension reform. Now the old-age pension consists of its insurance part and the funded part. Such concepts as individual pension coefficients (pension points), a fixed payment to an insurance pension, and increasing coefficients have been introduced.

At the same time, a number of laws have been passed that increase the requirements for minimum work experience and the required number of pension points for receiving a pension.

pension reform - this is a purposeful policy of the state, associated with a change in the current legislation, aimed at changing the conditions of pension provision.

An innovation was the increase in the retirement age for retirement from 2019.

So, as a general rule, an old-age pension is assigned and paid to insured persons upon reaching the age:

  • 65 years for men,
  • 60 years - for women.

The new pension legislation provides that the following mandatory conditions are also required to receive a pension:

  1. the presence of a minimum insurance period (the pension reform provides for an annual increase in the minimum length of service from 5 years in 2015 to 15 years by 2024);
  2. the value of pension points (IPK) (Since 2015, the penalty is assigned if there are pension points of at least 6.6, with a subsequent annual increase by 2.4 to 30 points by 2025).

The law proposes to set the retirement age for men - 65 years, for women - 63 years.

After the Government of the Russian Federation proposed to raise the retirement age, deputies of the Just Russia party submitted a draft law to the State Duma of the Russian Federation to abolish pension points and maintain the retirement age limit of 60 years for men and 55 years for women. The size of the pension in the draft law depends only on the length of service and wages received. You can read more about the draft law at the link.

Opinion of the President of Russia Putin V.V. about raising the retirement age

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in an interview up to 2018, has repeatedly stated that the issue of raising the retirement age is not being considered.

After considering the bill on raising the retirement age in the first reading, Putin V.V. August 29, 2018 in a televised address appealed to the citizens of the Russian Federation and expressed his opinion.

Putin V.V. stated that raising the retirement age is a necessary measure.

The President of the Russian Federation proposed a number of measures that would make it possible to soften the decisions made as much as possible.

The following are excerpts from the interview with Vladimir Vladimirovich, the full text of which is published on the website of the President of the Russian Federation.

1. The retirement age for women should not increase more than for men. Therefore, I consider it necessary to reduce the increase in the retirement age for women proposed by the bill from 8 to 5 years.

Thus, women will be able to retire at the age of 60.

Further. Provide for the right of early retirement for mothers with many children. That is, if a woman has three children, then she will be able to retire three years ahead of schedule. If there are four children, four years earlier. And for women who have five or more children, everything should remain as it is now, they will be able to retire at 50 years old.

2. The retirement age is supposed to be increased gradually. So that people can adapt to a new life situation, build their plans. In this regard, I propose for citizens who were to retire under the old legislation in the next two years, to establish a special benefit - the right to draw up a pension six months earlier than the new retirement age.

For example, a person who, according to the new retirement age, will have to retire in January 2020, will be able to do this as early as July 2019.

3. What worries and even, I would say, scares people of pre-retirement age? They are afraid to face the risk of losing their jobs. With the fact that they can remain without a pension and without a salary. It's really hard to find a job after 50.

In this regard, we must provide additional guarantees that will protect the interests of older citizens in the labor market. Therefore, for the transitional period, I propose to consider the pre-retirement age as five years before the retirement date. I repeat, a whole package of measures is needed here. Thus, I consider it necessary to establish administrative and even criminal liability for employers for dismissing workers of pre-retirement age, as well as for refusing to hire citizens because of their age.

I instruct the Government to approve a special advanced training program for citizens of pre-retirement age. It should start working as soon as possible and be financed from the federal budget.

And if a person of pre-retirement age decided to quit on his own, voluntarily and has not yet found a new job, then in this case we must also strengthen his social guarantees. In this regard, it is proposed to more than double the maximum amount of unemployment benefits for citizens of pre-retirement age - from 4,900 rubles, as it is now, to 11,280 rubles from January 1, 2019 - and set the period of such payment to one year.

And, finally, it is also necessary to consolidate the obligation of the employer to annually provide employees of pre-retirement age two days for free medical examination with pay.

4. When making changes, you cannot act according to a template. We have already provided for the preservation of benefits for miners, workers in hot shops, chemical plants, Chernobyl victims, and a number of other categories.

We must also support the villagers. It has already been repeatedly discussed and even decided on the need for a 25 percent increase in the fixed payment of the insurance pension for non-working pensioners living in the countryside who have at least 30 years of experience in agriculture. But the entry into force of this decision was delayed. I propose to start these payments as early as January 1, 2019.

5. Those who started working early should be able to retire not only in terms of age, but also taking into account the length of service they have earned.

Now the bill establishes that the length of service that gives the right to early retirement is 40 years for women and 45 years for men. I propose to reduce by three years the length of service that gives the right to early retirement: for women up to 37 years, and for men up to 42.

Yes, we have traditionally provided these benefits only with retirement. But in this case, when changes are coming to the pension system, and people were counting on these benefits, we are obliged to make an exception for them, to provide benefits not in connection with retirement, but upon reaching the appropriate age. That is, as before, women will be able to use the benefits when they reach 55 years old and men from 60 years old. Thus, even before retirement, they will no longer pay tax on their house, apartment, garden plot.

In custody The President of the Russian Federation noted that, as you know, many experts still believe that we have been too long in resolving the issues that are being discussed today. I don't think so. We just weren't ready for it before. But we really can't wait any longer. This would be irresponsible and could lead to serious consequences in the economy and the social sphere, and have the most negative impact on the lives of millions of people, because, as it is now clear, the state will have to do this sooner or later. But the later, the tougher these decisions will be. Without any transition period, without maintaining a number of benefits and those mitigating mechanisms that we can use today.

Thus, raising the retirement age in Russia is inevitable. And, as changes in legislation show, this will happen as early as 2019.

More details about retirement age in Russia can be read in the article at the link.

Strategy for the development of pension policy proposed by Kudrin

The Center for Strategic Research, led by Alexei Kudrin, prepared a plan for Vladimir Putin to create a sustainable pension system, the goal of which is to increase payments without increasing spending from the budget.

Important. The essence of Kudrin's plan is to ensure the growth of pensions relative to the subsistence minimum by reducing the number of people receiving these payments. It is proposed to raise the retirement age to 63 for women and to 65 for men!

In addition to raising the retirement age, it is also proposed to tighten the conditions for receiving a pension:

  1. The minimum length of service for accruing an insurance pension (which is now being increased annually to 15 years by 2024) should be further increased to 20 years.
  2. The strategy proposes to increase the minimum number of pension points (which is also being raised to 30 by 2025) to 52.
  3. The social pension, which is received by those who have not earned on the insurance, is proposed to be assigned upon reaching the age of 68.

At the same time, it is planned to tighten the conditions for the appointment of early pensions: for example, the minimum length of service required for her with doctors and teachers will be increased to 35 years (at present, doctors have the right to retire early after working 25 years). Read about who has the right to retire early in the article at the link.

According to the CSR, this will increase the ratio of the insurance pension to the subsistence minimum and reduce the transfer from the budget to finance pensions.

What to expect from pension reform in 2019-2020

The main positive moment as a result of the reform and the increase in the retirement age is the annual indexation and increase in the size of the pension by an average of 1 thousand rubles. As a result, it is expected that the average pension will rise to 20,000 rubles.

In addition to raising the retirement age, the issue of forming the funded part of the pension also remains relevant.

Recall, the transfer of funds to the funded part of pensions in Russia has been frozen since 2014.

The funded part of the pension in Russia will definitely not be formed in the next three years, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets confirmed, not ruling out its complete abolition.

It should be noted that the budget of the Pension Fund of Russia for 2018-2020 is based on the fact that the entire volume of the insurance premium rate will be directed to the insurance part of pensions. The formation of pension savings in the budget in 2019-2020 is not provided.

Currently, the Government of the Russian Federation is developing the concept of an individual pension capital system, which should replace the mandatory formation of pension savings. According to Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev, the new system will start working from 2020.

Now citizens who have not yet decided on the method of forming pension savings under the new rules will have to finally decide whether they remain in the state insurance system or still begin to save additionally for a pension. Based on their decision, pension savings will either be transferred to the selected non-state pension fund, or they will be converted into points and they will become part of the regular insurance pension.

Thus, it is assumed that the Pension Fund of Russia will lose the functions of an insurer for the funded part of the pension.

Participation in the new system will be voluntary, but entry into it will occur by default. That is, a person will need to write a statement if he does not want to participate in it, and not vice versa. This is done to make people more intelligently approach the savings for future retirement.

Savings will be deducted from their salary by default unless they file a waiver.

Each person who wants to increase his individual pension capital will be able to deduct any percentage of his salary into the system at his own discretion. For this, he will receive tax benefits. For deductions within six percent of the salary, he will receive a classic tax deduction, i.е. You don't have to pay income tax on this money.

It is assumed that if a person saved for retirement, but got into a difficult life situation, for example, became seriously ill, received a disability of the first or second group, lost a close relative, he will be allowed to withdraw this money from the pension system and spend it on more urgent needs, for example , treatment.

Prepared by "Personal"