Who will be affected by the increase in the retirement age in Russia. Vladimir Putin signed the law on a one-time payment to pensioners Main changes in pension legislation

In our country, as in many others, it is customary to pay financial support to elderly unemployed citizens. This payment is called a “pension”, and it is due to absolutely all persons who have reached retirement age. It would seem that everything is quite simple - a person has reached sixty years of age and has received the right to financial assistance, but the legislation takes into account a lot of complex nuances.

For example, how to calculate the amount of a pension? After all, the payment of the same allowance to all people will be rather unfair - someone honestly worked all his life, and someone was a parasite and did not work for a minute in all his years. Therefore, the government is constantly improving and improving the pension system.

As many people know, a pension reform took place not so long ago - all legislation in this area was revised and changed, and now not only pensioners themselves care about the amount of their material assistance, but also quite young people can prepare in advance for the onset of old age.

In today's article, we will tell you in detail about the new pension payment system, which came into force quite recently. You will learn:

  • How is the new pension calculated?
  • what factors influence its size;
  • whether there is a guaranteed amount of payments;
  • who will receive the pension;
  • what is the cumulative part;
  • whether working pensioners are entitled to receive a monthly payment from the state and much more.

Main changes in pension legislation

First, let's take a quick look at the changes the government has made to the pension bill. In this section, we will tell you about the new system for calculating the monthly allowance for pensioners.

First of all, it is worth noting that the structure of the Pension Fund and all its activities in general have changed a lot. Now working citizens invest money in it every month - the head or accountant every month, together with the calculation of wages, deducts funds to the State Pension Fund. Thus, it is formed from certain percentages of your salary. The more you earn now, the higher your pension will be in the future. Of course, it is the official salary that is taken into account - no “money in an envelope” and other “left” earnings will not be taken into account when forming your pension in 2019.

It should also be noted that the law has greatly changed the structure of the monthly payment itself. Now it is calculated much more complicated, but much fairer. In 2019, the law provides for the division of payments into a funded and mandatory part - we will talk about them in more detail in the next section of our article.

Also, we should not forget that many pensioners prefer to spend their old age not being bored at home, but continuing to work - our law does not prohibit this. Previously, pensioners were not entitled to receive a monthly payment from the state if they were officially employed. Now the law provides that even working older people have the right to receive a pension. Moreover, with each month of work it will increase. Read more about this mechanism in the last section of the article.

Funded and mandatory part of the pension in 2019

The law provides that starting this year, pension payments to citizens can be conditionally divided into a mandatory (basic) part and a funded part.

  1. Mandatory (basic) pension is paid to absolutely all citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached retirement age. It is paid to both the unemployed and the homeless - absolutely everyone. Nevertheless, its size is quite small and amounts to a living wage. Of course, it is theoretically possible to live on such a payment, but it is quite difficult - you cannot do without additional earnings.
  2. The funded part is the share that makes up the bulk of the pension payments of the majority of our citizens. Each person accumulates it throughout his life and all his work experience. Every month, a certain small percentage is deducted from wages, which is sent to the citizen's account in the Pension Fund of Russia. There, these funds are stored until old age.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on raising the retirement age for civil servants. The document itself, along with explanations, was published on May 23 on the official website for legal information. The decree will come into force on January 1, 2017, and provides for a gradual increase in the age limit to 63 years for women and 65 years for men.

Who will increase the retirement age

An increase in the deadline for retirement will affect citizens of the Russian Federation who hold state political positions (senators, deputies, and others), as well as persons working in municipal and regional power structures. State employees are also subject to the new decree. For senior managers, the age limit for being in the service is being raised - up to 70 years, and all other officials will be able to work up to 65 years.

The new law outlines another significant point regarding the minimum length of service for civil servants. To achieve full length of service, officials will need to work for at least 20 calendar years, previously the minimum period of work in the civil service was 15 years. Thus, until 2026, the bar for the minimum work experience and retirement age for civil servants will be finally raised. The annual addition will be 6 months towards the retirement deadline and minimum service.

The state decided to carry out such a reform in connection with a decrease in expenditures by the Pension Fund. According to analysts, the savings in the first year of the decree will be about 650 million rubles.

In order to receive a 55% addition to the sum insured old-age pension for senators of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma, officials will have to exercise their powers beyond the term for 5 years, and not one year, as previously required. And senators and deputies will be able to receive a 75% bonus if they serve for more than 10 years (previously it was more than three years).

How will the adopted law affect citizens who are not in public service?

Increasing the retirement age in Russia has long been discussed. After raising the terms of retirement for officials, many of our fellow citizens are thinking that the government will soon increase this figure for all categories of workers. But State Duma Speaker S. Naryshkin promised that in the coming years for the rest of the population, the age limit for retirement would not be raised. Only the indexation of pensions for working pensioners has been suspended. A similar law came into force in 2016. Only those citizens who decide to quit their jobs will be able to receive a supplement to their old-age pension.

Despite soothing comments from members of the government that laws raising the retirement age are not a priority for the state, experts believe that the first step in this direction has been taken. An increase in the retirement age for all categories of citizens is not beyond the horizon, and the Minister of Economic Development and the Minister of Labor only hush up an already clear fact.

Recall that under the current legislation, the age limit for retirement for old age is:

  • in men 60 years old;
  • in women aged 55.

Most of the people of pre-retirement age surveyed believe that in the coming years, the retirement period will be extended. 80% of the citizens who took part in the survey have no doubts about this fact.


Citizens of Russia are interested in whether lump-sum payments will be made to all those born from 1950 to 1991 from September 1, 2017? There are rumors on the net that all citizens of the country born during this period are entitled to 25 or 30 thousand rubles.

However, experts say that such a law does not exist. Accordingly, there will be no payments to everyone who was born in the USSR. There is no such normative act according to which these payments could be made.

Lump sum payments in 2017 were possible only in Ugra. There, the deputies adopted a law on nominal payments. But on July 29, it was decided to liquidate the Generation Fund, thanks to which the so-called lifting was paid.

In the context of a protracted economic crisis, the constant rise in prices for essential goods, other troubles, people want to believe that the government understands the difficulties of the people and periodically adopts bills to improve the well-being of the population. Unfortunately, not everything that appears on the Internet or in the media can be trusted.

The articles that told us about the unprecedented generosity of the government contain a reference supposedly to the legislative act itself. But be careful! The link redirects you to the picture. And in parallel, a virus can be loaded if your gadget is not protected by a good antivirus, rsute.ru writes about this.

A virus that has downloaded into your phone can start withdrawing money from your account. And the joy about the upcoming "payments" will be replaced by grief from the loss of funds and the realization that you have already stepped on this rake.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles to pensioners. The text of the bill is posted on the official portal of legal information.

The law, initiated by the government of the Russian Federation, provides for a one-time payment in January 2017 in the amount of 5 thousand rubles to persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation and who, as of December 31, 2016, are recipients of pensions paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

A lump sum payment will be received by those who, as of December 31 of this year, managed to draw up a pension and received it at least once. During consideration by the State Duma, the initiative was supplemented by an amendment providing for the payment of 5 thousand rubles to military pensioners. The law on a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles will not affect Russian pensioners living in the territory of Transnistria, Belarus and other countries. In addition, when pensions are indexed again in 2017, this amount will not be taken into account.

It has been established that citizens who permanently reside in Russia and who, as of December 31 of the current year, are recipients of insurance, military and other pensions, the payment of which is made by the Pension Fund, have the right to receive payments. Pensioners will receive funds in January 2017, however, they can be provided later.

It is fixed that pensioners will receive payment from the bodies providing the appropriate pension provision, moreover, on the basis of documents already contained in the payment or pension file. This means that you will not have to submit any applications for payment.

A lump sum payment will not affect the right of a citizen to other payments and the measures of social support due to him. In addition, it will not be possible to deduct from it on the basis of executive documents, decisions of the bodies providing pensions, as well as court decisions on the recovery of pensions and other social benefits due to abuses by the pensioner established in court.

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