The amount of the insurance pension per year. What is a fixed payment to an insurance pension. Monitoring information on the state of pensions in electronic form

Since the main income of older people, as a rule, is, a large number of citizens are interested in the issue of the size of the minimum allowance.

Officials often give rather vague answers, promising to raise social standards as soon as the economy becomes more stable and the cost of energy carriers rises on world markets, but they usually add that there is no extra money in the treasury today.

Therefore, in this article we will try to figure out what determines the size of various types of pensions, including by region.

What determines the size of the pension

To date, citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have enough experience to calculate a labor pension are entitled to a minimum old-age pension.

The order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 166 regulates the accrual procedure.

According to this legislative act, the minimum pension in 2019 assigned to the following citizens:

In 2019, the Russian Federation entered into force several innovations in pension law. For example, in the second half of the year, retirees will receive government benefits under a system based on the Australian Pension Law Scheme.

Whether this system will be successful will show life. But experts are already predicting a 10.5% reduction in labor pensions for citizens who were born after 1967 due to a number of incorrect measures regarding pension provision. For example, pension savings frozen three times, although they saved a certain amount of money for the government, at the same time led to a deficit of more than 1.5 billion rubles this year. in the form of extended investments. Because of this, the growth rate of production has decreased, which cannot but affect the payment of social benefits.

Minimum payouts

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain the concept of a minimum pension, since its value is determined by various circumstances: the economic situation in the state, inflation, and so on. But at the same time, the state guarantees that the “minimum wage” for old age will be no less for pensioners. Last year, its average value for the regions was equal to 8803 rubles.

It is noteworthy that regions independently set the lower threshold based on the subsistence minimum in their area and charge the appropriate social surcharges.

According to the PF data, average sizes of different types of pensions since February last year are:

Now the minimum pension does not correspond to the subsistence level. For this reason, pensioners are usually paid from regional budgets an amount that covers the difference between the minimum pension and the regional subsistence minimum. The amount of the additional payment depends on the place of residence of the pensioner.

It is accrued after the pensioner submits the relevant application. However, working pensioners are not entitled to a social supplement. To receive benefits, documentation of the established form is required, it must be presented to the PF department at the place of residence.

Raising the minimum pension possible when the following factors occur:

At the beginning of 2015, significant changes were made to the pension legislation - two new types of pension appeared: savings and insurance.

The latter is subdivided into three types:

  • old age: set from 65 and 60 years old for men and women, respectively;
  • : is also charged to citizens who have one of the disability groups, regardless of the presence of the necessary length of service;
  • : paid to full-time students up to 23 years of age, as well as minors.

It is worth noting that if a pensioner is entitled to several insurance benefits, then only the one chosen by him is accrued. Also, since this year, legislation has been significantly tightened in relation to civil servants: every year the retirement age, as well as the minimum length of service, will increase by six months.

The amount of the insurance pension calculated based on the following:

  • total points - 30 or more;
  • - 15 years or more.

The innovations provide that the minimum length of service for accruing an insurance pension will increase by 12 months every year, and the number of points - by 2.4. For example, for those who retired from January 1, 2017, it is enough to work for 8 years, and for those who become a pensioner in 2025, they will need to work for 15 years, and at the same time have at least 30 points. It should be noted that the number of points is directly proportional to the amount of "white" wages.

A slightly different approach is taken to calculate disability insurance pension- when calculating it, the group is taken into account, as well as the type of payments. The minimum amount of the disability allowance is 1.5–3 times higher than the social pension established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the funded part of the allowance is calculated based on the length of service, deductions from wages, and so on. The amount of the insurance benefit is calculated according to the formula for the working population: the number of pension points × (each year is indexed) + a fixed payment (also indexed).

When calculating the minimum pension, such an economic indicator as living wage established for people of retirement age. This value is directly affected by the level of inflation and rising prices for the consumer basket.

It should be noted that in each Russian region an individual subsistence minimum is established. If the amount of pension payments does not reach this level, then the difference will be paid from the local budget.

The amount of the minimum pension for Russian pensioners in 2019 will be calculated according to this formula: FS + SP, where FS is a fixed amount, SP is an insurance premium.

insurance premium is calculated as follows: the amount of IB (individual points) * the cost of IB (in 2019 they plan to fix this indicator at the level of 87.24 rubles).

In 2019, elderly people who receive insurance pension payments from the state by age can count on an additional payment from the federal or regional budgets up to the level of the pensioner's subsistence level established in the region of residence.

It should be noted that the Government of the Russian Federation annually indexes this type of benefits.

Russians who receive social benefits from the state can also count on an annual increase in pension payments. For this category of citizens, the Government of the Russian Federation has indexed the insurance pension by 7.05% since January 1, 2019.

Regional features

In 2019, the minimum wage for old age in Moscow for non-working pensioners should be at least 17,500 rubles. However, they must live in the capital for at least 10 years. It is noteworthy that the Moscow authorities pay extra to those pensioners whose pension is less than 17,500 rubles. Similar systems operate in other subjects of the Federation.

Determining the size of the “minimum salary” in the Russian Federation is carried out annually based on the subsistence level of a pensioner (VPMP). Non-working pensioners, whose total amount of benefits does not reach the MTPL in their region, are paid a social supplement to the pension up to the amount of the MTPL. Consider this value in different regions of the Russian Federation using the table below.

As you can see, the largest value of VPMP, except for the two capitals, is in Omsk, Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory. This is due to the specific features of these regions.

Exact amount maximum pension at the moment it is not possible to calculate.

A number of factors affect the amount of the pension:

  1. The size of the salary.
  2. Retirement age.
  3. Work experience period.
  4. The amount of deductions in PF.
  5. Regional pension legislation.

According to the innovations, if a man or woman, having reached the appropriate age, does not retire, but continues to work, then they are guaranteed a significant increase in pension, proportional to the period in which they could have been retired. It turns out that the more a citizen works after crossing the retirement age line, the higher the size of his future pension.

General requirements for retirement in 2019

Gradually increasing requirements for citizens in order to be assigned an old-age insurance pension in 2019 are as follows:

  • The age of a man is from 60 years and 6 months, the age of a woman is from 55 years 6 months;
  • At least 10 years of insurance experience;
  • The presence of pension points (IPC) of at least 16.2.

The amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension is 5334 rubles 19 kopecks, the cost of the 1st pension point is 87.24 rubles.

Here are the requirements for 2020:

  • The age of a man is from 61 years old, the age of a woman is from 56 years old;
  • At least 11 years of insurance experience;
  • The presence of pension points (IPK) of at least 18.6.

The amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension is 5686 rubles 25 kopecks, the cost of the 1st pension point is 93.00 rubles.

The following video tells about the minimum amount of payments to pensioners:

Since 2015, in our country, pensions have been calculated using new formulas. The entire pension system as a whole has undergone some. In connection with these changes in the pension legislation appeared - "fixed payment to the insurance pension", which is part of the provision of citizens and is paid in a fixed amount.

This payment guaranteed all pensioners who are assigned insurance money. And these are the recipients of all its three types:

  • old age;
  • in connection with the disability of a citizen;
  • in case of loss of a breadwinner.

In addition, the years of labor activity of a citizen are now estimated pension points(individual pension coefficients), into which insurance premiums paid to the Pension Fund began to be transferred.

At the legislative level, a number of socially significant periods are fixed, called non-insurance. This:

  • Holiday to care for the child;
  • conscription military service;
  • the period of caring for a citizen over 80 years old, etc.

For all these periods, pension points are also accrued, which in the future will be taken into account when assigning pensions.

Even those who are already retired and receiving cash benefits can give up temporarily from their pensions. After applying for an appointment again not earlier than one year, citizens will be calculated taking into account bonus coefficients.

When is it set to a larger size?

  • reaching the age of 80 by a pensioner;
  • having dependents;
  • work experience in the regions of the Far North;
  • permanent residence in areas with severe climatic conditions.

To all recipients of insurance old-age pensions, over the age of 80, the PV is doubled.

For citizens who have worked a certain number of calendar years in the Far North or in areas equivalent to them, payments are made in an increased amount, regardless of where they currently live.

But for the "northerners" permanently residing in these conditions, the size increases by district coefficient that matches the area. At the same time, it is necessary to permanently reside in the area and confirm this.

The basic pension for a citizen is set at the state level at a single rate and is subject to annual indexation. This process is carried out for all pensioners in a general manner. The order of the indexation procedure is carried out based on parts of the labor pension accrual. Its main share is indexed depending on the rate of inflation, as well as within the budget funds allocated for the financial year.

What is the basic part and the insurance part of the pension?

Pension accruals include three components:

  • Basic share;
  • Insurance;
  • Cumulative.

The last of the components is not relevant to today's pensioners, as it was introduced relatively recently. At this point, they will rely on the calculation of pensions today, for working citizens. The basic component is common to all. It has a fixed amount and is indexed annually.

The insurance part is precisely based on the length of service and the level of income of a person during his working life. Each of the workers deducted monthly contributions from their monthly earnings to the insurance fund. It is these contributions that are the basis for the formation of the insurance share of pension accrual. It is calculated quite simply: the level of deductions to the insurance fund is divided by 19 - the estimated number of years that the pensioner will live. The labor pension consists of the sum of these two components.

Fixed basic old-age pension in 2018

The basic part of pension accruals is, to some extent, a certain guarantee of providing Russians with retirement age. Article 16 of Federal Law No. 400 establishes that this is a fixed component of payments with a certain amount.

To date, the basic part for a citizen who leaves his position due to reaching retirement age is 4,805.11 rubles. In 2002, this amount was at the level of 450 rubles per month, and increased annually by means of indexation.

This share of accruals is mandatory for all pensioners with more than 5 years of work experience. The main purpose of this part is to establish some kind of social guarantee for citizens.

What funds finance the payment of the basic part of the pension?

The formation of the core component occurs at the expense of contributions from enterprises. Until 2005, they deducted 28% of the unified social tax, of which half went to the main part of pensions, and the other half to the insurance. After 2005, this percentage was lowered to 20%, and part of the contributions to the root component decreased to 6%.

Despite this, payments are made from the state budget and do not depend on the specific amount of deductions made by the employee during the period of employment. Thus, the government has assumed obligations to ensure the minimum amount of payments, and promises their gradual increase.

How is the basic part of the labor pension recalculated?

The recalculation of the base component is made on the basis of a pensioner's application, which indicates the reason for the change in the amount of pension accruals. Such reasons may include:

  • The citizen is 80 years old;
  • There have been changes in the field of limitation of labor abilities;
  • The number of disabled dependents or family members has changed;
  • There was a change in the category of the recipient of accruals due to the loss of the breadwinner.

To carry out this procedure, it is necessary, in addition to the application, to provide the entire package of supporting documents. When recalculating due to reaching the age of 80 years, this procedure is carried out from the day the citizen reaches this age.

If the reason for the recalculation is an increase in the degree of disability, the procedure is carried out from the day the decision is made by the commission of medical and social expertise. And if the degree of disability, on the contrary, decreases, then the recalculation is made from the 1st day of the month after which the corresponding decision was made.

If you think that the recalculation was performed incorrectly, you can challenge this assignment. A lawyer working in your city will tell you how to do this correctly. List of available specialists

The amount of the basic pension in 2018 in Russia?

Based on the inflation rate in 2017, on February 1, 2018, the base component of pension accruals will also be recalculated. According to officially provided data, last year's inflation rate is at the level of 5.4%. Accordingly, the recalculation of accruals was made for this amount. As a result of this indexation, the value of the pension coefficient was increased by 4.01 rubles, which is 788 rubles 28 kopecks. Based on this value, the indexation of the main component today is 4,805.11 rubles. Indexation is carried out annually from the first of February of the current year.

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An old-age or old-age insurance pension is a cash benefit that is paid to citizens every month as a replacement for a salary or other income when a number of conditions are met. This includes the retirement age (the amount of payments for pensioners over 80 is especially increased: details can be found) and length of service. As for the formula for calculating the old-age insurance payment, since 2015 this has been a personal coefficient multiplied by the cost of the IPC, including a fixed payment rate.

What is the basic part and the insurance part of the pension?

The basic part of the pension provision is a small component of compensation. Since the beginning of 2002, its size has been only 450 rubles per month. This amount is intended for all persons who have reached retirement age and have a minimum length of service in the aggregate of five years.

If we are talking about disabled people, pensioners after 80 and people with disabilities, then the current base rates are slightly increased. The basic part is the minimum pension, including additional payments and previous compensations. The main goal is to provide a standard social guarantee. That's where the name comes from.

The insurance part of the pension is a component of the mechanism that provides an opportunity to regulate the attitude towards payment and link the amount to the pensioner, taking into account the length of service and wages. That is, the amount of the insurance part of compensation directly depends on the number of days worked and the amount of contributions paid to the Pension Fund. The final component is considered to be the calculated pension capital. It is formed thanks to the contributions provided by employers.

Indexation of the basic and insurance part of the pension in 2018

From February 1, 2018, pension insurance for non-working pensioners will be increased by 5.4 percent. Inflation is taken as the basis - the increase in prices for consumer goods over the past year.

Decrees number 35 of the end of 2017 were adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation. According to information from Rosstat, the final inflation for 2017 amounted to almost 5.5 percent. Pension provision for non-working pensioners is increased exactly by the specified amount. By indexing the compensation to the prevailing inflation rate, the government retains purchasing power.

It should be noted that since the beginning of 2016, pension indexation has been carried out in accordance with the new rules, according to a fixed payment and through indexation of the individual pension coefficient.

The procedure for calculating the basic pension

The main percentage of Russian residents receive pensions at post offices. This is not a very convenient way. In the age of modern technology, there are many other ways available. For example, you should contact financial institutions. A pensioner can open an account with a banking organization that has a direct agreement with the Pension Fund. A banking organization will automatically be able to transfer funds from an account to an electronic bank card.

To apply for a transfer to an account with a banking organization, you must contact the MFC or PF. Another method to apply is to go to the website of public services, after registering a personal account.

The payment is transferred or issued on certain days once a month. In order for the payment to be received by other persons, it is necessary to issue a power of attorney. The procedure can be carried out at the notary.

Basic pension in 2018

If you do not know what the size of the basic pension is in 2018, then the standard size of the basic part of the payment in 2018 is 4600 rubles. The disability pension is slightly higher.

  • Have reached the age of eighty;
  • Pensioners who care for disabled people;
  • Round orphans;
  • People who have worked for at least 15 years in the Far North.

The basic part of the pension in the regions of the Far North

If citizens continue to live in places of the Far North, then an appropriate coefficient is used to calculate the pension provision. If a citizen moved to a normal area, then the coefficient of the previous area is not taken into account.

Increased coefficients are additionally used as the calculation of the insurance part of the pension. As for the country as a whole, the ratio of a pensioner's salary to the national average is taken into account with a coefficient of no more than 1.2. Compared to the northern payment, in which the coefficient can reach up to 1.9.

In other words, the coefficient set by the Government for a specific region and some industries is used for the calculation. The peculiarity of such an increase is that the coefficient is not tied to a specific place of residence. When moving to another area, the insurance part of the payment is fully preserved.

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Changes since January 1, 2017

There are a number of important changes that have taken place since the beginning of 2017:

  1. Increasing the minimum number and required for the appointment .
    • 1st of February- by the amount of inflation of the previous year;
    • April 1- depending on the growth rate of the subsistence minimum over the past year.

    Recall that in 2016, para. 4 articles 25 of the law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", part 21 of article 15 and part 6 of article 16 of the law "About insurance pensions", in connection with which insurance and state pensions were indexed by only 4% with significantly higher inflation in 2015 - 12.9%.

    Unlike the previous 2016, starting from the new 2017, members of the Government have repeatedly promised to restore the legal order of indexation and carry it out in full, as required by law, in the amount.

    “We have decided that in 2017 pensions will be indexed in full.”

    Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev

    Thus, already now the draft budget includes the necessary funds to increase pensions, which indicates the serious intentions of the state in this direction.

    Pension increase in 2017 for old-age pensioners

    Labor (after the pension reform insurance) pensions are increased by indexation (SIPC) and (PV) - the components of the insurance pension after the pension reform in 2015. After the increase on February 1, 2016, these parameters were set at the following values:

    • the cost of a pension point is 74.27 rubles;
    • the amount of the fixed payment is 4558.93 rubles.

    The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development predicted an inflation rate of 5.8%, in which case indexation coefficient would be 1.058. However, the published data of the Federal State Statistics Service indicates the consumer price index for 2016 in the amount of 5.4%. In this regard, Maxim Topilin (Minister of Labor and Social Protection) stated that the coefficient of indexation of insurance pensions and social payments in February 2017 will be 1.054 (with SIPK = 78.28 rubles, FV = 4805.11 rubles). However, the Federal Law on the Budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation notes that as of April 1, 2017, the cost of a pension point will be set at 78 rubles 58 kopecks, and therefore must pass second indexation of insurance pensions, which in total will be 5.8%, resulting in On April 1, the insurance pension was additionally increased by 0.38%.

    Table of indexation of insurance pensions by years

    YearPrevious year's inflation rateIndexing percentageIndexing coefficient
    2011 8,8% 8,8% 1,088
    2012 6,1% 10,65% 1,1065
    2013 6,6% 10,12% 1,1012
    2014 6,5% 8,31% 1,0831
    2015 11,4% 11,4% 1,114
    2016 12,9% 4% 1,04
    2017 5,4% 5,8% 1,058
    • SIPC 2017 = 78.28 × 1.058 = 78.58 rubles;
    • FV 2017 = 4805.11 × 1 = 4805.11 rubles.

    On April 1, only the cost of the pension point increased, the amount of the fixed payment remained without changes.

    Indexation of pensions for working pensioners

    As one of the anti-crisis measures, a decision was made to raise pensions for working citizens in connection with the annual increase in their number. According to Rosstat for 2016, the share of working citizens amounted to 36% of the total number of pensioners.

    It is believed that the material security of pensioners who continue to work is higher than those who do not work, since in addition to pensions they have additional financial income in the form of wages.

    Thus, the law of December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ came into force, which, from 2016, pensions of working recipients until they leave their labor activity. After the dismissal, they will be returned to the usual indexation procedure, taking into account all the increases that took place during the implementation of the work.

    • For working pensioners from January 1, 2017 this restriction will not be lifted and in February their pension was increased will not.
    • Moreover, as Maxim Topilin (Minister of Labor from Social Security) stated, in the draft law on the federal budget not provided return indexing up until 2019, as otherwise it may lead to significant additional costs that the State cannot afford at the moment.

    The adopted restrictions do not apply to pensions (including social pensions), regardless of whether the pensioner works or not.

    Indexation of social pension provision April 1

    Social pensions are not calculated according to a formula, but are set in a fixed amount, unlike insurance pensions, and depend on the category of the recipient. They should, depending on the change in the level of the subsistence level of the pensioner. Over the past 8 years, one can observe fluctuations in the level of indexation of pension provision, both up and down.

    YearIndexing level
    2010 12,51%
    2011 10,27%
    2012 14,1%
    2013 1,81%
    2014 17,1%
    2015 10,3%
    2016 4%
    2017 1,5%

    The head of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Anton Drozdov, said earlier that indexation of social pensions in 2017 2.6% is envisaged - this is the level predicted by the Ministry of Economic Development. However, on March 16, Dmitry Medvedev signed, according to which social pensions will be increased only 1.5%, which represents the increase in the PMF in 2016 relative to 2015. In accordance with this, it is possible to calculate the indexed amount of pension provision for each category of recipients.

    Recipient categoriesUntil April 1, 2017, rub.After April 1, 2017, rub.
    • citizens aged 60 and 65 years (women and men);
    • persons from among the small peoples of the North, aged 50 and 55 years (women and men);
    • disabled people of the 2nd group (with the exception of disabled people from childhood);
    • children left without one parent who have not reached the age of 18, and for full-time students - 23 years
    4959,85 5034,25
    • disabled people of the 1st group;
    • disabled people of the 2nd group since childhood;
    • children under 18 years of age or in full-time education - up to 23 years old, left without both parents, and children of a deceased single mother
    11903,51 12082,06
    • disabled children;
    • disabled people of the 1st group since childhood
    9919,73 10068,53
    disabled people of the 3rd group4215,90 4279,14