When a person retires. Retirement age for men - changes in the new bill and who is affected. Raising the retirement age for teachers and artists

The old-age pension refers to the measures of social protection of citizens, guaranteed by the state. The right to receive it is associated with reaching the age after which the working capacity and productivity of a person decreases. However, in addition to the general grounds, there are many nuances that allow you to go on a well-deserved rest earlier.

For retirement, not only age is important, but also seniority.

In our country, the right to a pension for men arises later than for women. The standard age for men to retire today is 60 years. After that, the employee is entitled to financial support from the outside.

At the same time, many men work in harmful or hazardous conditions throughout their lives. This inevitably affects their health, so the law provides for the possibility of early recognition as a pensioner.

Achieving old age alone is not enough to qualify for a pension. In addition, you must have a certain length of service and accumulate pension points. If all conditions are met, the pension is assigned after applying to the Pension Fund.

Early retirement

Retirement after work in the Far North

The regions of the Far North and territories equated to them are characterized by difficult living conditions. In this regard, people living and working there are entitled not only to increased wages, but also to pension benefits. These include both increased pensions and earlier retirement. At the same time, the right to early retirement appears after a certain number of years spent in these regions. After working out the necessary experience, whether a person still lives in the North or not does not matter.

For each year worked in the North, the retirement age is reduced by 4 months annually. In order for the rule to take effect, a total of at least 7.5 years is required. The minimum age at which men can apply early is 55 years. To do this, it is necessary to work for at least 15 years in the regions of the Far North or 20 years in areas equivalent to them. When the total "northern" experience is not enough, the retirement age is calculated in proportion to the existing one. So, with an experience of 7.5 years, men receive the right to a pension at 57 years 8 months, with an experience of 8 years at 57 years 4 months. etc.

Northern experience does not include:

  • advanced training lasting more than 6 months;
  • unpaid leave;
  • period of child care;
  • the period when a person was unemployed or received other social benefits.

Men who were engaged in reindeer herding, fishing or commercial hunting can retire at 50 if their work experience is at least 25 years.

Special working conditions

Retirement has its own characteristics, depending on working conditions.

The working conditions of people of different professions are strikingly different. It is not uncommon for people to work in hazardous or hazardous environments – underground, under water, high temperatures, explosive or toxic substances, etc. Also, military personnel, teachers, doctors, public transport drivers are included in the preferential lists.

There is a gradation of professions into especially difficult and harmful conditions and simply difficult ones. In accordance with the lists of such professions, men have the right to early retirement at 50 or 55 years. At the same time, the duration of work in special conditions should be at least 10 or 12.5 years, respectively. The total duration of labor activity must be at least 20 or 25 years, respectively.

Also, some categories of disabled people and persons with pituitary dwarfism (dwarfs and midgets) have the right to early retirement.

Unemployed near retirement age

It can be difficult for people who have lost their jobs shortly before retirement age to find a job again. If it was associated with a reduction in staff or the liquidation of an enterprise, employment service employees may offer to retire early. In addition to the reason for dismissal, several conditions must be met:

  • the unemployed person has no more than two years before receiving the old-age pension. For those who retire on general grounds, this is an age of less than 58 years. If a man has a “northern” experience, he will be able to retire early at the age of 53;
  • the citizen is recognized as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure;
  • the employment service was unable to help him with employment;
  • the work experience of a man is not less than 25 years.

Subject to all these conditions, the employment service specialist issues a referral with which the unemployed must contact the Pension Fund department within a month and write an application for an early pension. After they reach retirement age, the payment of early pension is terminated, and the person begins to receive an old-age insurance pension. The payment of a pension is also suspended if a person finds a job or registers an individual entrepreneur.

Pension for civil servants

In 2026, the retirement age for men in the civil service will be 65.

If for the majority of citizens the issue of raising the retirement age is not yet beyond the scope of bureaucratic offices, then for civil servants this has already become a reality.

Starting from 2017, the retirement age for them has been regularly increased by six months. In 2018, it was 61 years for men. The increase for men is planned to be completed in 2026, when the retirement age will be 65 years.

Civil servants include persons holding positions in state and municipal organizations, including employment agencies, judicial and executive authorities, the federal treasury and the tax service, etc. The increase in the retirement age of education workers, as well as ordinary employees of public services - cleaners, programmers, etc., did not affect.

In proportion to the retirement age, the minimum, giving the right to old-age benefits and supplements to it, increases. To the initial figure of 15 years, 6 months will be added annually until this value reaches 20 years. In 2018, the required length of service is 16 years.

The increased retirement age applies only to the period of work in government bodies. If an employee quits before the retirement age, but having reached the national retirement age, he can count on the old-age insurance pension.

Registration of a pension

Previously, issues related to the registration of pensions were dealt with by specialists from the personnel department, today citizens do it personally. It is better to start preparing documents for visiting the pension fund in advance. This is especially true for those who have grounds for early retirement.

If any inaccuracies are found in the papers, they will have to be eliminated. Until then, the pension will not be assigned.


It is necessary to apply to the PFR department at the place of registration or at the place of actual residence (if the future pensioner is registered in another locality). It is also possible to apply through the MFC or issue it in your personal account on the PFR website. To assign a pension, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • passport;
  • work book. It is necessary to check all records: the absence of blots, signatures and seals, the completeness of the display of experience. If inconsistencies are found: the absence of a record of a certain period of work, a change in the name of the organization without a record of this in the work book, uncertified corrections, etc. confirmation requests will be required. If the company where the person worked at that time closed, the request is sent to the archive. An employee of the pension fund can suggest where and how to send a request.
  • a certificate of salary for any 60 consecutive months in the period up to 2002. It can be omitted, in which case the Pension Fund will take into account earnings for 2000-2001.

In addition, additional documents may be required. Most often, they are needed to confirm the right to early retirement. These include documents on dependents, on changing the full name, certificates on the special nature of the work, on residence in the Far North, etc.

The application will be considered within 10 days.

An employee of the Pension Fund is given 10 days to consider the application and make a decision on the appointment of a pension. In addition to reaching the retirement age, 2 conditions must be met:

  • have the minimum required insurance experience. In 2018, it is 9 years old and increases every year. In 2024, the insurance period will reach the planned 15 years;
  • have the required number of pension points. In 2018, the figure must be at least 13.8. The maximum value of 30 points will be reached in 2025.

A pension is assigned from the date of application, but not earlier than the moment the right to it arises. If during the initial application the list of documents is incomplete, the applicant has three months to collect the missing information.

If a person does not have the necessary length of service, he can only count on a social pension. At the same time, the right to receive it appears in men only at the age of 65. As a rule, its size does not exceed the subsistence minimum established in the region.

Payout amount

To date, the amount of the insurance pension is calculated according to the formula:


  • VP - the amount of the pension;
  • FS - a fixed amount;
  • K - premium coefficients for a later vacation;
  • IPB - individual pension points accumulated by a person,
  • SB - fixed cost of one point.

You can find out the number of accumulated points on the PFR website or through the State Services portal.

Payment of a pension

The pensioner himself chooses which of the three methods of receiving money is preferable for him:

  • through a bank. You can receive money at the cash desk of the institution or withdraw from an ATM;
  • through the Russian Post. Money is received at the branch, or at the request of the applicant, they are delivered to the house;
  • through an intermediary organization providing pension delivery services. A list of them can be obtained from the FIU.

Also, a pensioner can appoint a trusted person to receive money.

Postponement of retirement

Despite the right to take a well-deserved rest, some pensioners continue to work after retirement.

It should be noted that there are two options for postponing retirement:

  1. The person has issued a pension, but continues to work. In this case, he continues to make contributions to the Pension Fund, from which the final pension is subsequently formed. However, regular indexation of pensions does not affect him. The right to its restoration appears only after the pensioner completely stops working.
  2. A real delay, when a person has the right to apply for an old-age pension, including early, but does not use this opportunity. As an incentive for making such a decision, a system of premium coefficients of pension points is used. There is also an increase in the fixed part of payments. Thus, by refusing to immediately apply for a pension, a person can count on its significant increase in a few years.

Also, pensioners who voluntarily refuse to receive a pension can count on the accrual of bonus points. The grace period must be at least 12 months, after which it becomes possible to write an application for the resumption of payments.

Which option is more profitable must be calculated in each case. In general, we can say that postponing retirement is more beneficial for people with high wages.

The first to be affected by the increase in the retirement age are civil servants.

Talks about the need to increase the retirement age have been going on for a long time. This is due to the fact that the working-age population is declining at a rapid pace. It is also no secret that many employers pay part of their salaries “in envelopes” to employees, without making contributions to the Pension Fund in full.

As a result, the fund's resources are not enough to fulfill obligations to the elderly. Legislators consider raising the retirement age as one of the ways to solve the problem.

However, there is still no consensus among the ministries on this issue. The Ministry of Labor insists that the retirement age should be 60 for women and 65 for men. The Ministry of Finance insists on 63 years for women and 65 for men.

So far, the increase in the retirement age has affected only civil servants. There is an opinion that in this way there is a “run-in” of the reform for other categories of citizens.

The solution of this issue still remains only at the stage of discussion in ministerial offices. The meeting was supposed to take place at the end of May, but again they did not come to a consensus. The question of the economic benefits of the upcoming increase in the retirement age is facing predictable social discontent. In addition, experts predict that this may lead to an increase in unemployment and the departure of young people to the "gray" sector of the economy, which also does not contribute to replenishment.

At the moment, it is difficult to say whether the retirement age will begin to increase in 2019, as originally planned. However, the lack of even a draft version of the bill and the forthcoming difficulties in its discussion and approval suggest that the increase in the retirement age is being postponed for another year.

Retirement age in other countries

The heated debate around raising the retirement age and the dissatisfaction of Russians with the very prospect of such changes make us pay attention to similar indicators in some other countries:

  • Denmark: 67 years for all;
  • Belarus: now 56 for women and 61 for men. A phased increase began in 2017. It is planned to raise the retirement age to 58 for women and 63 for men;
  • Finland: 65 for all;
  • USA - 65 years for all;
  • Greece: 60 for women, 65 for men;
  • Japan: 70 years for all.

Today, Russia has one of the lowest retirement ages in the world. The current figures were established in the 30s of the last century.

It should be noted that in many countries pension reforms have been carried out in recent years. Demographic problems and the “aging” of the nation are a global trend. In many countries, a gradual increase in the retirement age is currently underway or is being considered.

It is worth noting that countries with a high retirement threshold also have a long life expectancy and a high level of social security. So, in Japan, people on average live up to 82 years. Thus, after retirement, most Japanese expect at least 12 years of life. While in Russia at the moment the average life expectancy does not even reach 70 years. Therefore, when raising the retirement age to 65, many men risk simply not living up to it.

The payment of old-age pensions is one of the measures of social support for the population, which can no longer earn a living by their own labor. However, due to the economic crisis and the demographic situation in the country, the budget lacks funds to fulfill its obligations to senior citizens. As a way to solve the problem, it is proposed to raise the retirement age. But this issue is still under discussion.

Watch the video about the new retirement schedule:

All able-bodied citizens of the country retire when they reach a certain age, which is determined by law. This age may change from time to time, but basically it remains at the level determined once by the legislation in force in the country.

What is this?

The retirement age is the age limit set for the citizens of the country as the age of their departure for retirement. For men, this age is currently set at 60 years, for female pensioners 55 years.

In addition, the size of the pensioner's existing work experience is important, which must necessarily be at least the minimum value established by law.

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In a number of cases, there may be an assignment to retired citizens of a social pension benefit, which they can receive upon reaching the age limit of 65 years for male pensioners and 60 years for women, respectively.

conditions for retirement

The grounds for sending to pensions in Russia in the current 2019 are accepted as follows:

  • Retirement requires citizens to reach the legal age limit;
  • pensioners applying for a pension must submit documentary evidence of the length of service they have at their disposal, not less than the level established by law;
  • the intended recipient of a pension in Russia must have an official registration at the place of his own residence in the country;
  • it is required that a pensioner provide, in order to calculate the allowance received by him, the volume of his average monthly earnings accrued during his labor activity;
  • the presence of Russian citizenship is mandatory for the subject who arranges for a pension in Russia;
  • the pension is established in accordance with the data submitted by the citizen and is calculated according to a coefficient determined by law.

Major changes

Changes in the conditions of retirement in Russia are determined by law and relate mainly to the age of retirement and the amount of work experience that is necessary to carry out the relevant calculations for calculating the pension.

Among the main changes are the following:

  1. Possible increase in the age limits for retirement according to the restrictions adopted in the country.
  2. Reducing the pension calculation coefficient due to changes in the tax legislation of the country.
  3. Reducing the minimum period of service, which is taken into account when calculating the pensions received by citizens.

  4. The introduction of a system of simplified calculation of pensions, which implies the existence of a calculation formula using the coefficient of pension accruals and the length of service of a citizen.

Raising the retirement age in Russia

The possibility of increasing the age limits for the direction of retirement in the country is regulated in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force in the country. Today, it is possible to increase the agreed age in the country to 65 years for men and 60 years for women.

It is also realistic to assign a social pension to citizens, starting from the indicated age categories.

The retirement age may be raised for certain categories of persons going to retire, such as workers in the Far North or military personnel extending their term of service.

In all other cases, an increase in the retirement age is possible only after the adoption of the relevant bill by the government of the country or due to the implementation of pension reform.

What is the retirement age in Russia?

The considered retirement age in Russia today is determined by the provisions of the laws in force in the country.

There are different retirement ages for both sexes.

In men

The current retirement age for men is 60. In a number of cases, when assigning a social pension, men have the right to retire when they reach the age of 65.

The law provides for the possibility of receiving a military pension from the age of 45 years. Disability pension can be assigned from any age.

Among women

The official retirement age for women in the country is 55.

In the case of a woman working in hazardous production or in difficult conditions, retirement is allowed from the age of 45 years.

Disability pension is available from any age.


Upon retirement, the following requirements are imposed on citizens:

  1. Achievement of a certain legal retirement age.
  2. Providing documents on the volume of existing work experience.
  3. The presence of registration at the place of permanent residence in the country.
  4. Russian citizenship.
  5. The presence of other grounds for retirement before the statutory period.

  6. Proper execution of all documents required for retirement.

What documents are required?

In order to properly issue a retirement, a citizen should provide the following documents:

  1. Application for the appointment of the status of a pensioner to a citizen.
  2. A work book containing all marks on the existing work experience.
  3. Passport of a citizen of the country.
  4. Code of individual registration in tax authorities.
  5. Documents on the composition of the family, if we are talking about applying for a pension in case of loss of a breadwinner.
  6. Certificate of assignment of a disability group, if we are talking about the appointment of a disability pension.

Advantages and disadvantages

The appointment of a pension benefit has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of pensions include:

  1. The opportunity to receive well-deserved financial assistance from the state.
  2. Availability of pensions for all categories of citizens.
  3. Direct dependence of the amount of pension on the period of employment.
  4. The reality of retirement before the statutory deadline in a number of cases.

  5. No need to prepare a large amount of documents when retiring at the established age.
  6. The speed of registration of a pension upon reaching the established age.

Cons of such pension programs:

  1. The need to confirm the length of service for calculating pensions by age and length of service.
  2. The impossibility of obtaining a pension without registration and Russian citizenship.
  3. The presence of requirements of the pension fund to provide documents on the composition of the family, when applying for certain types of pensions.
  4. A small amount of pensions with a small length of service.

In Russia, on January 1, 2019, a law on raising the retirement age came into force. We present to your attention new tables and schedules for retirement in Russia from 2019 under the new law.

Retirement tables in Russia since 2019 by length of service, points, years of birth and categories of workers

On January 1, 2019, the main package of amendments to pension legislation came into force in Russia, according to which the retirement age for women is raised to 60 years, for men - up to 65 years.

For the first time at this age, women born in 1968 and men born in 1963 will become pensioners in 2028. (see table of increase by year of birth). However, to become an old-age pensioner in Russia, you only need to reach the required retirement age not enough.

According to the law, in addition to this, you must have:

  • insurance experience not less than the prescribed value;
  • the minimum required value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC), calculated in points.

Only while doing it at the same time the above three conditions (reaching retirement age, the required insurance period and the value of the IPC), the standards for which also increase every year., it will be possible to apply for an old-age insurance pension.

For example, in the absence of the required minimum period of employment, despite the achievement retirement age , it will be possible to count on receiving only a social old-age pension, however, the requirements for its registration from 2019 will also be tightened:

  • if by the end of 2018 it was possible to apply for it upon reaching the age of 65 or 60 (respectively for men and women),
  • then from 2019 these standards will gradually increase up to 70 and 65 years.

Retirement under the new law

For retirement, Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ establishes three prerequisites: reaching the established retirement age, the presence of a minimum number of length of service and IPC. According to the new law, the changes will affect only the age standards:

  • in 2019, its value will be increased by 6 months - i.e. 60.5 for men and 55.5 for women;
  • further, for several years, the standard will increase annually until it is brought to the final values ​​by 2023 - 65 and 60 years old(see table of retirement age by years).

It should be noted that the minimum conditions for IPK and experience will change in 2019, but this has nothing to do with the pension reform. These standards are gradually increasing, starting from 2015, until they reach the final values:

  • by experience - 15 years by 2024 (annual increase of 1 year);
  • according to IPK - 30 points by 2025 (annual increase of 2.4 points).

One way or another, such a tightening of retirement conditions will lead to the fact that every year making payments becomes more difficult. and the number of new pensioners will decrease. Actually, in order to balance the ratio of disabled and able-bodied citizens, the Government decided to start implementing the pension reform.

How many pensioners in Russia

The number of elderly people and their share in the structure of the Russian population is constantly growing. And the process of demographic aging will intensify:

  • if in 2018 the proportion of the population over the current retirement age is 25.5%,
  • then by the mid-2030s it will reach 30% with the same retirement ages for men and women, according to the baseline scenario of Rosstat.

By the beginning of 2023, the number of Russians older than retirement age will for the first time exceed half of the working-age population - in scientific terms, the demographic burden ratio of the elderly on the working-age population will exceed 0.5 against today's 0.45.

Raising the retirement age to 65 for men and 60 for women will improve the demographic balance: by 2036, the number of people of working age will increase by 12 million, and the dependency ratio will decrease to about 0.33.

How many pensioners in Russia in 2018

If at the beginning of 2011 there were 41.8 million pensioners in Russia, then by 2018 there were 46 million. At the same time, the pension reform directly affects only recipients of the old-age insurance pension - now there are 36.3 million such pensioners.

Retirement age(table by year)

From January 1, 2019 will gradually increase retirement age , having reached which the Russians have the right to issue insurance old-age pension payments. Until the end of 2018, this opportunity is provided to men at 60 years old, and women at 55, but from 01/01/2019 these values will be increased by 6 months.

gradual will be produced until 2023, when new standard values ​​​​will be fixed - 65 and 60 years old respectively.

Table of retirement age by years presented below:

Year How much will PV increase? PV SVP
2019 + 0,5 60,5 55,5 2019 / 2020
2020 + 1,5 61,5 56,5 2021 / 2022
2021 + 3 63 58 2024
2022 + 4 64 59 2026
2023 etc. + 5 65 60 2028

PV - retirement age; M - men; F - women; SVP - retirement period under the new law.

It should be noted that the original bill, which provided for a change in the working period of citizens, contained a more stringent version of the reform - every year an increase of 1 year(without the right to early registration 6 months earlier in 2019 and 2020), as well as an increase in the period of retirement for women for 8 years (i.e. from 55 to 63 years old). But during the consideration of the project in the State Duma, an amendment was adopted that softens the proposed parameters (it was proposed by President V. Putin).

It is also worth noting that the new reform provides for an additional basis for applying for a pension ahead of schedule - such a benefit will apply to mothers of large families with 3 or 4 children. Under the new law, the retirement age for them is set at 57 and 56 years old respectively (and not at 60, as will be provided for women on a general basis).

Retirement by year of birth under the new pension reform

You can determine in what year a Russian will retire depending on the year of birth, as well as how many years of service and the number of pension points are required, according to the table below:

Men DR 1 p. 1959 2 p. 1959 1 p. 1960 2 p. 1960 1961 1962 1963 etc.
PV 60,5 61,5 63 64 65
Women DR 1 p. 1964 2 p. 1964 1 p. 1965 2 p. 1965 1966 1967 1968 etc.
PV 55,5 56,5 58 59 60
Regulations for: seniority 10 11 12 13 15
IPK 16,2 18,6 21 23,4 28,2 30
fiberboard 2 p. 2019 1 p. 2020 2 p. 2021 1 p. 2022 2024 2026 2028 etc.

Abbreviations used in the table: 1 p. and 2 p. - the first and second half of the corresponding year; DR - date of birth; PV - established retirement age; DVP - the date of retirement of a citizen.

Thus, from the presented table it can be concluded that:

  • In 2019(second half of the year) will be able to retire men and women who:
    • born in the first half of 1959 and 1964, respectively;
    • have at least 10 years of experience and 16.2 accumulated points.
  • In 2020(first half of the year) men and women will have the opportunity to receive payments:
    • born in the second half of 1959 and 1964, respectively;
    • who have officially worked for at least 11 years and have 18.6 IPC.
  • etc. on years.

A gradual increase in the standards will occur until the stipulated final values ​​under the new law- retirement age 65/60 years, 15 years of service and 30 points.

Age for retirement

The pension reform carried out by the Government from 2019 does not make any changes to the seniority requirements, and all adjustments in relation to this condition began to be made much earlier. So the legislation (Part 2, Article 8 of Law No. 400-FZ) established that in order to retire in Russia, it is necessary to have both at least 15 years of insurance experience. But such a value will not be established immediately, but by an annual increase in the current standard:

  • Until 2015 to become an old-age pensioner it was enough to have 5 years of work experience.
  • In 2015 when pension legislation changed significantly in Russia again, it was necessary to have at least 6 years of experience. Moreover, it was envisaged that this value would increase by 1 year annually, so in 2016 it was required to accumulate 7 years, in 2017 - 8 years, etc.
  • Total planned increase will continue until 2024 when it is fixed final standard - 15 years.

You can determine how much experience you need to have for a pension, depending on the year the payments were made, using the table below:

Table: Seniority for retirement in Russia under the new law
(2018 and beyond)

Recall that the insurance experience includes periods defined by law:

  1. Periods of work or other activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, if during this time paid insurance premiums to the Pension Fund(Part 1, Article 11 of Law No. 400-FZ).
  2. Other periods, which, according to Part 1 of Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ are counted in the insurance period:
    • caring for children up to 1.5 years of age (no more than 6 years in total);
    • caring for a disabled child, a disabled person of the 1st group or a person who has reached 80 years of age;
    • military service or other equivalent service, and others.

From 2019, a new benefit will come into effect, which will be provided to citizens with a long work experience - 42 years for men and 37 years for women. These individuals will be able to receive payments. 2 years ahead of schedule(relative to the new retirement age - at 63 and 58 years old respectively).

How many points do you need for retirement?

In order to process pension payments, it is also necessary to have a sufficient number of pension points (IPK), which are formed from insurance premiums paid to the Pension Fund. Part 3 of Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ provides for the minimum required number of IPKs in the amount of 30 points.

However, the transition to such a standard is carried out gradually since 2015 according to the following schedule:

  • In 2015 needed to have 6.6 points. Every year the standard increases by 2.4, which means that in 2016 it was necessary to have 9 points, in 2017 - 11.4.
  • The transition period will end in 2025, when the minimum required value of the IPC will be fixed at the level 30 points.

You can determine how many points you need for a pension during the provided transition period using the data in the table:

Thus, in order to become a pensioner in 2019, it will be necessary have at least 16.2 FPI. If the pension points are not enough, then he will be able to apply for a pension only after reaching the required indicators. It is worth remembering that they increase annually, and in parallel, the requirements for experience and age also increase. .

Retirement table from 2019 in the regions of the Far North

Under the old law, northerners had the right to apply for an old-age pension. 5 years earlier generally established period - women at the age of 50 and men at the age of 55 years. In the new law, this difference will be preserved for them, however, it will be taken relative to the new retirement age (that is, taking into account the general increase by 5 years).

Those. standard age for this category of Russians will be increased to 55 and 60 years(respectively for women and men), while also providing for a transition period when the period of working capacity will gradually increase until reaching the final values ​​in 2023 for women and men:

Women / men year of retirement
Year of birth Retirement age under the new law according to the old rules under the new law
1969 / 1964 50.5 / 55.5 2019 2019-2020
1970 / 1965 51.5 / 56.5 2020 2021-2022
1971 / 1966 53 / 58 2021 2024
1972 / 1967 54 / 59 2022 2026
1973 / 1968 55 / 60 2023 2028

For men born in 1964-1967 and women 1969-1972 working in the Far North, intermediate values ​​​​of the retirement age will be established - the “working period” for them, depending on the year of birth, will be increased by 0.5-4 years. For men born in 1968 and later, and women born in 1973, the final value of the terms of retirement will be set - respectively 60 and 55 years old.

At what age will teachers and health workers retire?

Previously, for early retirement, doctors and teachers had to receive a special seniority ( 25 to 30 years old depending on location). According to the new law, after the end of the “transition period”, it will be possible to obtain the right to early registration for these categories of workers only after 5 years after acquiring the required experience.

At the same time, the increase will also take place in stages: annually, the period of early appointment will be carried over by 1 year(except for the first two years - 2019 and 2020) until the final value is set at 5 years old (in 2026).

The relevant changes provided for in the new law can be illustrated in the following table:

Note: ** - The values ​​are given taking into account early retirement 6 months ahead of schedule - such an amendment was proposed by V. Putin and supported by the State Duma.

Thus, for those teachers and health workers who acquire the necessary seniority in the period from 2019 to 2022, retirement will be postponed for a period of 0.5 to 4 years. Upon receipt of the necessary preferential service in 2023 and later, it will be possible to retire early only after 5 years(that is, respectively, in 2028 and later).

Online consultant answers to user questions

Pension to foreign citizens in the Russian Federation in the absence of insurance (labor) experience:

  • In 1983 I came from Kazakhstan. All this time I constantly live in the territory of the Kirov region. I work for a private entrepreneur. Was not formally employed. This year I received a residence permit. In 2017, I turn 60 years old. Will I receive any pension? Where should I go with this question?


  • In this case, you may be assigned a social old-age pension, but you must document the fact of permanent residence in the Russian Federation. It should be noted that a social pension is assigned when men reach 65 years old. An insurance (labor) pension cannot be accrued, since you were not officially registered, and your employer did not pay insurance premiums for you, thereby violating the law. Thus, by the age of 60, you are not entitled to pension payments. Upon reaching the required age for the appointment of a pension with all the necessary documents, you must contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the district Multifunctional Center.

Accounting for periods of child care when assigning and recalculating a pension:

  • Good afternoon I heard that with the adoption of the new Law “On Insurance Pensions”, the period of childcare included in the calculation of pension payments has increased. How exactly will this recalculation be carried out? Is it necessary to apply to the FIU with such a statement?


  • Indeed, according to the new legislation, other periods are also counted in the insurance period, which include the time of care of one of the parents for each of the children up to one and a half years, but no more than six years total. On the basis of the documents available to the FIU specialists in the pension cases of citizens, such a recalculation has been carried out since January 1, 2015 without an application. If your payment file does not contain documents confirming the care of children, then you must contact the district office of the PFR and submit birth certificates for all children. After checking the profitability of the calculation for you, taking into account the inclusion of such periods in the insurance period, the customer service specialists will offer you to write a corresponding application. The payment of the amount of the pension in an increased amount will be made from the next month after the submission of all necessary papers.


Taking into account the reform parameters, raising the retirement age will affect almost all Russians who, before 2019, will not yet have time to retire according to the old standards still in force in 2018 - this is 60 years for men and 55 years for women (with the exception of some privileged categories of working citizens who will not be affected by this reform at all).

New law passed won't affect in any way for current pensioners, as well as persons who already have the right to receive an insurance pension by the end of 2018. On the contrary - the Government notes that they are the main beneficiaries of the ongoing reform - such a painful change for the Russians will allow in 2019-2024. to increase the amount of pensions every year on average for 1000 rubles(that is, indexation will be carried out higher than now - that is, initially higher than the inflation rate for the past year).

A social pension, unlike an insurance one, does not compensate for the earnings lost by a citizen as a result of disability, therefore its value is usually lower than the insurance coverage. The payment is made from the federal budget, and its amount is set by the state.

From what age is the social old-age pension granted? Age indicators are as follows:

  • women - from 60 years;
  • men - from 65.

When a person reaches 80 years of age, the amount of the allowance increases.

The old-age allowance is also assigned to representatives of the rare ethnic peoples of the Far North, who permanently reside in the territory of their ancestors, support their culture and are engaged in folk crafts. They have their own age limit for the purpose of payments:

  • for women - 50;
  • for men - 55.

Elderly people living in the Far North and belonging to rare ethnic peoples, receive state aid before the deadline due to severe climatic conditions in their area of ​​residence.

There are also a number of conditions under which these payments can be assigned:

A social pension cannot be assigned for old age if a citizen has seniority, is registered as an individual entrepreneur or officially works.

To all those who were officially employed and paid contributions to the FIU, an insurance pension.

Nevertheless, a citizen can refuse it in favor of a social one. However, most often such a need does not arise, since the size of this payment is much less than labor.

How long do citizens receive it?

The term for assigning an old-age benefit differs from the term for establishing insurance coverage. And the period during which payments are made is the same for these types of pensions. Social payments are established for the entire period of life, as well as insurance.

Old age benefits may be terminated in the following cases:

The recipient of money must immediately notify the FIU of these changes so that the accrual of funds stops.

Social payments for seniority

Another type of state security is a superannuation pension. It is not social, but payments are also allocated from the federal budget. This allowance is assigned to citizens who have accumulated seniority in certain areas. The worked period makes it possible to go on vacation ahead of schedule and receive material allowance for length of service.

These pensions are:

  1. Civil servants with 15 years of service. At the same time, they must hold the position of a civil servant for more than 12 months without a break.
  2. Medical workers. The experience for those who live in the city is 30 years, for those who work in the countryside - 25.
  3. Military. The condition for receiving payments for persons serving in the armed forces is service in the army of the Russian Federation or the USSR for 20 years. You can also apply for a superannuation pension at the age of 45.
  4. Teachers and educators. The required minimum service life is 25 years.
  5. Employees of correctional institutions, internal affairs bodies, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and drug control also have the right to retire at the age of 45 or after 20 years of service.
  6. Pilots and astronauts. Experience for women - 20 years, for men - 25.

State payments for seniority are established depending on the period of employment, its nature, region of residence and position held.

How much experience do you need?

How much experience do you need? A feature of the appointment of old-age benefits is that You don't need work experience to get it. It is provided to those who, for some reason, could not work during their lives and have lost the right to receive an insurance pension.

If the labor pension is formed at the expense of the employer's contributions paid during the entire working period of a person, then the amount of the social monthly old-age benefit is set at a fixed amount.

Will they be issued if there is none?

Will a person receive benefits if he did not have experience? Initially, this type of benefits was introduced with the aim of providing material support to unprotected categories of citizens who have lost the opportunity to work and receive labor payments.

There can be many reasons why a person has not been able to earn seniority throughout his life: sickness, caring for a disabled person, incapacity, etc. However, the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision" does not say anything about the reasons for which there may be no work experience.

Based on this, a person who has worked unofficially all his life can apply for an old-age allowance along with citizens who did not work for good reasons.

A social pension is assigned to everyone who meets the conditions for receiving it, including citizens who do not have work experience.

The old-age pension is a monthly social benefit financed by the state budget, which is awarded to unemployed persons without insurance record. Unlike the insurance benefit, the age of access to social security is five years later than the generally established retirement age.

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Pension reform in Russia has begun from January 1, 2019, and the first change that will affect citizens of the Russian Federation will be an increase in the retirement age (see). Corresponding, which is proposed to increase the retirement period for Russians for 5 years for men and women, was considered and adopted by the deputies of the State Duma in the final third reading on September 27, 2018. October 3, 2018 Law No. 350-FZ was signed by President V. Putin. The text of the law itself can be found below:

The law provides for the adjustment of the retirement age from 2019 as follows:

  • "prolong working life" up to 60 years instead of the current 55 (the increase will be 5 years);
  • for men to postpone retirement up to 65 years instead of the previously provided 60 (an increase of 5 years).

August 29, 2018 President Vladimir Putin proposed soften the retirement age for women and make an increase for them only for 5 years, i.e. up to 60 years, instead of the 63 years proposed in the original draft. The corresponding amendment by V. Putin was adopted by the deputies in the second reading of the bill.

All changes that are established by law will apply only to those who were supposed to retire after January 1, 2019(cm. ).

Those who are already retired will not be affected by these changes (on the contrary, the funds saved from raising the retirement age will be directed directly to increasing pensions - from 2019, the increase will be on average).

How will the retirement age increase from 2019?

According to the old law, they had the right to retire early upon receiving the required number of years of service - 25-30 years old depending on the place of work. Under the new law, all the requirements for seniority in these professions will remain the same, but it will be possible to issue pension payments only 5 years after acquiring the required experience.

Starting from 2019, there will also be a transitional period for these categories of workers, during which the limit of the working capacity period will be postponed annually by a year relative to the previous terms. You can determine the retirement schedule under the new law based on the data presented in the table below:

Note: ** According to the amendment proposed by President Vladimir Putin, citizens who, according to the old law, were supposed to draw up a pension in 2019 and 2020, will be able to do this 6 months earlier than the new retirement age.

Thus, starting from 2019, teachers and doctors can acquire the right to receive an early pension only after a certain number of years after receiving the required special experience:

  • in 0.5-4 years during the transition period (from 2019 to 2022);
  • 5 years after acquiring the required seniority, starting in 2023.

Retirement Schedule for Far North Workers

The increase in the retirement age will also affect future recipients. Previously, northerners had the right to early registration of pension payments upon reaching the age of 50 (women) and 55 (men). The new law also provides for an increase in the period of working capacity for them by 5 years (ie up to 55 and 60 years). In addition, a transitional period from 2019 to 2023 will be provided for them in a similar way.

You can determine the year of retirement for northerners according to the new rules based on the data presented in the table below:

MenWomenWhen will they retire
Date of BirthRetirement ageDate of BirthRetirement age
I half of 196455.5 I half of 196950.5 II half of 2019
II half of 1964II half of 19691st half of 2020
I half of 196556.5 I half of 197051.5 II half of 2021
II half of 1965II half of 19701st half of 2022
1966 58 1971 53 2024
1967 59 1972 54 2026
1968 60 1973 55 2028

Thus, men born in 1964-1967 and women born in 1969-1972 are subject to transitional provisions - for them, the “working period” will increase by 0.5-4 years. For men and women born respectively, starting from 1968 and 1973, the final values ​​of the retirement age will already be set - 60 and 55 years.