748 on drug provision for pregnant women. Free medicines during pregnancy. Information about changes

The state supports families with children and pregnant women, so free medicines for pregnant women are provided. To receive drugs, you must be registered in the antenatal clinic.

Who is entitled to free medicines during pregnancy

Free medicines in 2019 can be received by all women in the position, subject to registration in the antenatal clinic. Yu.

Vitamins and medicines are prescribed to women after the 30th week of pregnancy (if the pregnancy is multiple - after 28 weeks). For payment, the funds included in the birth certificate are used, which will be issued to the future woman in labor at the antenatal clinic.

If the cost of drugs does not exceed 990 rubles, then they are provided free of charge. If the price is higher - with a 50% discount.

Attention! The drugs are prescribed once by the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Most social support measures are targeted. This means that especially needy citizens can receive them. But medicines rely on all pregnant women without exception, as well as small children.

Important! Benefits are given with the aim that the expectant mother could improve her health, and in the future, the health of the baby.

Legislative framework

Not all women know that free prenatal vitamins and medications are relied upon. Lists of medicines do not always hang in polyclinics and women's clinics.

The Moscow Department of Health has clarified that the list of medicines should be in all hospitals (letter No. 48-12-2932 dated August 2008).

2 legal acts on the provision of medicines:

  • Government Decree No. 987;
  • Order of the Ministry of Social Development No. 72 n dated 01.02.2011.

In our country, there is a project "Health". According to this project, expectant mothers receive birth certificates. Thus, a bet is made on improving the service in medical institutions.

Attention! The basis for receiving medicines is a certificate from an obstetrician.

Here are excerpts from the approved list:

  1. Vitamin E
  2. Vitrum Prenatal,
  3. Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltose,
  4. Ferrous fumarate with folic acid,
  5. intensive,
  6. Multi-tabs Classic,
  7. Multi-tabs Perinatal,
  8. Complex,
  9. ferretab complex,
  10. Ferrovit,
  11. Ferrovit forte,
  12. Elevit Prenatal.

It is important to remember your rights and apply for a benefit, because raising and giving birth to children will require a lot of money.

Nuance! There are drugs for which you have to pay. These include Hyper-roy SD, Fraxiparine. The order was adopted by the Metropolitan Department of Health.

Paid services exist in hospitals along with free services. However, paid services cannot replace what is supposed to be free by law.

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What medicines are prescribed for pregnant women for free

To preserve the health of the expectant mother and baby, preparations are prescribed that contain iron, iodine, calcium and vitamins.

Local authorities are adjusting the list of drugs. This is due to the fact that each Russian region has its own characteristic diseases. For example, residents of the Tver region are deficient in iodine. Pregnant women in Moscow are often given fetal hypoxia.

Most of the list of medicines is occupied by vitamins. After all, they are necessary for maintaining women's health and the birth of healthy offspring.

List of medicines in 2019:

In addition to medicines, expectant mothers are entitled to other free assistance:

  • service from a gynecologist;
  • appointment with other doctors in the direction of a gynecologist;
  • medical procedures and physiotherapy.
Attention! The expectant mother will not have to pay not only for the examination. There is also no charge for consumables.

How to Stock Up on Free Medicines During Pregnancy

There is a certain procedure for obtaining benefits:

  1. It is necessary to register in the consultation no later than three months of pregnancy.
  2. Wait until the registration office issues a medical card.
  3. Go to the doctor's office and get a prescription. Make sure that all columns of the form are filled in correctly.
  4. You can get medicines at the institution with which the clinic has signed an agreement on servicing beneficiaries.
It is important to know! If there are no drugs in the pharmacy, then the pharmacist should offer an analogue. If this option does not suit the expectant mother, delayed maintenance is done, i.e. you can go to the pharmacy in two weeks.

A prescription for vitamins and medicines can be obtained from both a public hospital and a private clinic.

What to do if your doctor refuses to write a prescription for free drugs

No wonder they say: forewarned is forearmed. Some future mothers receive a doctor's appointment and go to the pharmacy to buy vitamins at their own expense. Actually, you don't need to do this.

For several years now, Russia has been implementing a number of measures to support expectant mothers and their young children. This year the situation will not change - the state will continue to provide women with a calm decree, financing, in particular, various payments at the birth of a child and lump-sum benefits women who are officially employed and registered within a period of up to 12 weeks. As well as free provision of medicines to expectant mothers.

In many ways, all of the above measures are carried out within the framework of the federal legislation of the Russian Federation ( Federal Law of the Russian Federation) and the national project "Health".

It is important to understand that the article describes the most basic situations and does not take into account a number of technical issues. To solve your particular problem, get legal advice by calling the hotlines:

Who is entitled to free medicines during pregnancy

In 2017, every pregnant woman will be able to receive free medicines during pregnancy, provided that she is registered with the antenatal clinic.

Prescriptions for medications and vitamin complexes are issued at the onset of the 30th week of pregnancy (if the pregnancy is multiple, then from the 28th week) and occurs at the expense of the funds. The latter is issued in the antenatal clinic along with a completed disability certificate.

In general, if you start from, then a pregnant woman can count on a one-time receipt of free medicines, costing up to 990 rubles. If the drugs are too expensive, then a woman can get them at a 50% discount.

In order to further optimize measures to provide pregnant women with medicines, in connection with the entry into force of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of February 11, 2010 N 79n Moscow "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of February 5, 2008 . N 51n “On the procedure for spending funds related to paying for services to state and municipal health care institutions (and in their absence, to medical organizations in which state and (or) municipal orders are placed in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation) for medical care provided to women during pregnancy, during childbirth and in the postpartum period, as well as for dispensary (preventive) observation of children placed during the first year of life at the age of up to three months for dispensary registration "" I order:

1. To announce the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated February 11, 2010 N 79n, Moscow (attached).

2. To make the following changes to the order of the Department of Health of 06.10.2008 N 748 "On drug provision for pregnant women":

2.1. Delete paragraph 2.4. and application;

2.2. Paragraph 5 shall be amended as follows: “Prescribing medicines at the expense of birth certificates in accordance with the procedure determined by the letter of the Department of Health of 07.04.2008 N 42-18-427”;

2.3. Supplement the order with paragraph 6 “To provide, according to birth certificates, medicines during pregnancy for medical reasons according to doctor’s prescriptions”;

3. The control of the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Head of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow I.A. Leshkevich.

Order of the Moscow Department of Health of May 20, 2010 N 816 “On Amendments to the Order of the Department of Health of October 6, 2008 N 748 “On Drug Provision for Pregnant Women”

Order of the Department of Health of Moscow dated October 6, 2008 N 748 "On drug provision for pregnant women" (as amended)

Information about changes:

By order of the Department of Health of Moscow dated May 20, 2010 N 816, this order has been amended

Order of the Moscow Department of Health of October 6, 2008 N 748
"On drug provision for pregnant women"

With changes and additions from:

In order to preserve and improve the health of pregnant women, prenatal health care for newborns, optimize measures to provide the population with medicines, in accordance with the order of the Government of Moscow of 05.09.2008 N 2028-RP "On Amendments to the Order of the Government of Moscow of August 10, 2005 N 1506 -RP" I order:

1. Announce Decree of the Moscow Government dated 05.09.2008 N 2028-RP "On Amendments to the Order of the Moscow Government dated August 10, 2005 N 1506-RP" (attached).

2. Heads of health departments of administrative districts, chief physicians of medical and preventive institutions of urban subordination:

2.1. Accept for execution and bring to the attention of all subordinate medical and preventive institutions (structural divisions) the order of the Government of Moscow dated 05.09.2008 N 2028-RP "On amendments to the order of the Government of Moscow dated August 10, 2005 N 1506-RP";

2.2. To carry out the formation of a register of pregnant women, and submit it to LLC "Gmktsrit" until the 25th day of the month;

2.3. Ensure the prescription of medicines for pregnant women for vacation free of charge at pharmacies at the place of residence in the manner established for categories of citizens entitled to social support in the form of providing medicines and medical products free of charge or at a 50% discount;

3. Supplement the codes of categories of citizens entitled to social support in the form of providing medicines and medical products free of charge or with a 50% discount on a doctor's prescription (Appendix 2 to the order of the Department of Health of 19.01.2005 N 31 "On Amendments to the Order of the Health Committee of Moscow dated February 12, 2001 N 65 “On the preparation of the Unified City Register of the population entitled to preferential and free distribution of medicines and medical products”):

Name of population group

Medicines, medical products

What free medicines are pregnant women entitled to in 2017?

Women who are expecting a baby need regular body support in the form of vitamin and mineral preparations, and in case of illness they need medicines, which are often expensive. The state provides assistance to expectant mothers in the form of partial or full payment for medicines and vitamins. In 2017, the Health program was launched, according to which all women expecting a child were classified as a category of citizens entitled to receive preferential medicines.

About drug provision for pregnant women

In many ways, all measures to ensure pregnant women are carried out within the framework of the federal legislation of the Russian Federation (FZ RF) and the national project "Health". The main conditions of the drug program for pregnant women are regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • Law "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" dated 01.01.2012;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890 / 30.07.94 "On improving the provision of drugs to the population";
  • Order No. 370-n of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 07/06/2014 on the procedure for issuing and paying for birth certificates;
  • Order of the Government of Moscow dated October 6, 2008 No. 748 “On drug provision for pregnant women” (analogues should be looked for in the legislation of the constituent entities of the Federation).
  • Initially, the list of medicines that can be purchased on a preferential basis did not exist at all: in the initial version of the draft Health program, it was reported that expectant mothers and children under the age of 3 have the right to receive medicines in pharmacies according to a medical prescription for free. However, practice has shown poor effectiveness of this method, and the bill was amended in the following parts:

  • Health care institutions must sign an agreement with pharmaceutical companies for cooperation within the framework of the social program "Health";
  • The list of medicines and supplements most commonly needed by pregnant women and babies in their first years of life has been updated;
  • Individuals with certain medical conditions may qualify for free medication.
  • The list of funds that are provided free of charge differs depending on the locality and region - it is approved by local authorities. This decision was dictated by differences in medicinal needs on a territorial basis, climate, and social situation. In other words, each region has its own list of drugs that are most in demand among pregnant and lactating mothers. If the drug is not on the legally approved list, then in accordance with the terms of the program, such drugs can be received with compensation of 50% of their market value.

    In addition, having a birth certificate entitles you to outpatient treatment, additional services during childbirth and monitoring of the baby's condition during the first year of life. The legislative introduction of the certificate has the following objectives:

  • Improving the quality of medical and insurance services in general;
  • Providing assistance to improve the health of mothers and children;
  • Control and regulation of the demographic situation in the state.
  • The recipients of the "Maternity Certificates" program are antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals, and children's clinics. The certificate is valid in all state and municipal maternity hospitals, so a woman can freely choose where to go. A participant in the program can become an institution that has a license to carry out medical activities in the specialty "obstetrics and gynecology" or "pediatrics" and has concluded an agreement with the regional department of the Social Insurance Fund.

    How to get free medicines

    You can find out which drugs a woman is entitled to receive free of charge in case of pregnancy from the attending physician, obstetrician or gynecologist, as well as from social security authorities. To be able to use free medicines, you must complete the following steps:

    1. Since a citizen has a compulsory insurance policy, she can choose any healthcare institution to be observed there: it can be a commercial antenatal clinic, a municipal (state) clinic, a maternity ward. A visit to the institution is required during gestation.
    2. Registration in the selected institution. During the enrollment, the patient must choose an attending physician who issues a medical record, checks the state of health, prescribes and corrects recommendations for general lifestyle, diet, activity, etc.
    3. After a medical examination, the doctor is obliged to inform you which drugs can be obtained free of charge during pregnancy and after childbirth - their list is drawn up in writing and handed out. If the doctor did not provide a list of medications, you should ask a question and be reminded of your right to free care.
    4. If it is necessary to take medications, the doctor must issue a prescription drawn up on an official form; if the drug is included in the list of free funds, then a special mark is placed on the prescription form, which confirms the free receipt of the drug.
    5. A visit to a social pharmacy or pharmaceutical company with which the selected clinic works; in the latter case, the doctor informs about it. At the pharmacy, the pharmacist dispenses the prescribed drug and takes the prescription.

    Since many doctors do not provide their patients with the opportunity to use benefits or forget to warn the pregnant woman about this possibility, it is possible to personally contact the attending physician and ask for the necessary prescription. If this is not done, it is worth going to the head physician of the medical institution for clarification

    What medicines are free?

    In each region, the list of free medicines for pregnant women may be adjusted based on the amount of budgetary funds or other possibilities for providing such a benefit. However, as part of the social program, a certain list of drugs is provided free of charge, most of which consist of vitamin supplements. Such a list, in force in 2017, is presented in the table below.

    List of free medicines for pregnant women and conditions for obtaining

    Since 2007, every mother-to-be and young child in Russia has the legal right to free medicines included in the list of free medicines for pregnant women.

    Medical assistance to pregnant women began to be provided in 2007 within the framework of the national project "Health". The Government of the Russian Federation reasonably considered that families expecting a child - and especially single mothers - as well as families raising very young children, are under additional financial pressure and cannot always provide themselves and the baby with the necessary medicines. In order to solve this problem, a list of free medicines for pregnant women was introduced in Russia.

    How to find the list of subsidized drugs

    Free medicines for pregnant women should be issued throughout the Russian Federation. Medical assistance to young mothers is regulated by the following regulations:

    • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 No. 987.
    • Regulatory documents of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
    • The list of drugs that must be provided to pregnant women free of charge consists of two parts:

    • Federal list established by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
    • Regional list.
    • Each region has its own list of medicines, which includes: a mandatory set of medicines established throughout Russia and medicines added by the regional authorities. Traditionally, the regional list of free medicines for pregnant women is established by order of the department (or ministry) of health of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

      There are several ways to find out which free medicines are available to pregnant women in your area:

    • First, medical institutions are required to inform patients about the subsidies they are entitled to. The list of subsidized medicines should be posted on the stand in the antenatal clinic. In addition, the doctor is obliged to bring this information to the patient during the appointment. If your doctor missed this duty and didn't offer you a prescription for subsidized medications, just remind him about the state support program. Usually this is enough;
    • Secondly, you can find out what free medicines pregnant women are entitled to on the website of the department (ministry) of health in your region. For example, in Moscow, such a list was established by the Order of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow dated October 6, 2008 No. 748 “On drug provision for pregnant women”.
    • It should be noted that, unfortunately, Russian citizens do not have equal access to state medical assistance. The federal list of free medicines has not been expanded for many years and is unlikely to be increased in a crisis. Most of the responsibility for providing people with subsidized medicines is the responsibility of the regions. Naturally, not all of them can successfully cope with the task. To date, the most extensive and expensive list of drugs is provided to residents of Moscow.

      How to get free medical care

      Despite the fact that it is customary to talk about free medicines for pregnant women, in fact, this program does not end at the time of the birth of the baby, but continues to operate until the child reaches 3 years of age. The list of drugs includes drugs that must be prescribed free of charge for children under 3 years of age.

      The procedure for obtaining subsidized medicines is simple. It can be conditionally divided into several stages:

    • A pregnant woman needs to register with a specialized medical institution (most often this is a women's consultation).
    • The clinic must have an agreement with a certain list of pharmacies. Most often, this list is established at the request of regional authorities. The patient will be able to receive preferential medicines only in pharmacies with which the antenatal clinic has concluded an appropriate agreement. A list of such pharmacies should be posted in the public domain on the premises of the clinic.
    • The gynecologist writes out a free prescription for the necessary medicines.
    • Then everything is simple. The prescribed medicines can be obtained according to the issued prescription at any pharmacy that has an appropriate agreement with the antenatal clinic.
    • In cases with children under 3 years old, the procedure is similar, with the only difference being that the pediatrician will write out the prescription.

      It should be noted that medical personnel, as well as pharmacy personnel, are obliged to comply with the requirements of the federal program for providing citizens with free drugs. Persons convicted of deliberately refusing to issue a free prescription to a pregnant woman or another citizen of the Russian Federation who has the right to receive subsidized medicines are subject to administrative liability.

      Free medicines during pregnancy

      For several years now, Russia has been implementing a number of measures to support expectant mothers and their young children. This year the situation will not change - the state will continue to provide women with a calm decree, financing, in particular, various payments at the birth of a child and lump-sum benefits for pregnant women women who are officially employed and registered within a period of up to 12 weeks. As well as free provision of medicines to expectant mothers.

      In many ways, all of the above measures are carried out within the framework of the federal legislation of the Russian Federation ( Federal Law of the Russian Federation) and the national project "Health".

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        Who is entitled to free medicines during pregnancy

        In 2017, every pregnant woman will be able to receive free medicines during pregnancy, provided that she is registered with the antenatal clinic.

        Prescriptions for medications and vitamin complexes are issued at the onset of the 30th week of pregnancy (if the pregnancy is multiple, then from the 28th week) and occurs at the expense of funds that are included in birth certificate. The latter is issued in the antenatal clinic along with a completed disability certificate.

        In general, if we start from the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2011 No. 72, then a pregnant woman can count on a one-time receipt of free medicines worth up to 990 rubles. If the drugs are too expensive, then a woman can get them at a 50% discount.

        Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 987 and Order No. 748 of October 6, 2008 “On drug provision for pregnant women” establishes a list of drugs that are provided to pregnant women free of charge. The list of free medicines is updated monthly and should be on the stands in all antenatal clinics.

        Free provision medicines for future mothers are produced by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from regional budgets.

        The procedure for obtaining medicines

        The law clearly describes how decor and receiving free medical care for pregnant women. A prescription for a drug or a medical device is written by an obstetrician, and he must ensure that all the details of the document are filled in correctly, up to the date and two seals. And the patient can already get medicines or vitamins in any pharmacy at the place of residence. But this point is better to clarify with a doctor.

        If the desired medicine is not available, the doctor should offer an analogue of the drug. Or put a woman on delayed service. This means that the patient will be provided with the medicine no later than 15 days later.

        If the doctor refuses these options, the woman can complain to the health authorities, whose phone number is usually listed in the antenatal clinic on the bulletin board.

        How to receive free medicines during pregnancy is quite simple - no need for certificates in abundance or extra documents. Therefore, every year the number of women who have taken advantage of this program is increasing.