Use of maternity capital for the mother's pension. Maternity capital for a mother's pension: step by step instructions. Who is the recipient of the funds

Does it make sense to allocate maternity capital to the mother's future pension?

Maternity capital funds can be used to form the funded part of the mother's labor pension. To do this, you must submit an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residence or to a non-state pension fund (private management company).
It is worth noting that citizens who have made such a decision can subsequently refuse it. To do this, you need to send an application for refusal to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The main thing is to do it before the day of the appointment of a pension.

There is a special article with which you can evaluate the additional payment to a future pension at the expense of maternity capital:
If the owner of the certificate for maternity capital allocates funds for the formation of the funded part of the labor pension, after assigning the specified part of the labor pension to her, she will have three options for receiving these funds.
The first option is in the form of an urgent pension payment. The term of such payment is determined by the owner of the certificate, but it cannot be less than 10 years.
The second option is in the form of a funded part of the old-age labor pension. This payment is for life. When calculating it, in addition to the funds of maternity capital, all pension savings of the certificate holder accounted for in her individual personal account with the Pension Fund are taken into account.
The third option is in the form of a lump-sum payment if the amount of the funded part of the labor old-age pension is 5 percent or less in relation to the size of the labor old-age pension.
In 2012, a 40-year-old woman directed maternity capital funds (387,640.3 rubles) to form pension savings. In 2027, she will reach the generally established retirement age of 55 years. For 15 years before her retirement, her pension savings were invested and multiplied by the management company she chose.
If for the calculation we take the profitability of the state management company of 7.52% *, then by 2027 the amount of pension savings formed at the expense of maternity capital and increased through investment will be approximately: 1,150,185.15 rubles.
* Average annual return on the expanded investment portfolio of the state management company Vnesheconombank in 2009-2011.
At the same time, the amount of the monthly supplement to the pension at the expense of the MSC will be approximately:

At the same time, an urgent pension payment for 10 years.
RUB 1,150,185.15 / 120 months = 9,584.88 rubles;

When paying the funded part of the old-age labor pension
RUB 1,150,185.15 / 216 months* = RUB 5,324.93
For an approximate calculation of the increase in pension in this example, the expected period of payment of the pension, relevant for 2012, is taken - 216 months. From January 1, 2013, the duration of the expected period of payment of the funded part of the old-age labor pension will be annually determined by federal law on the basis of official statistics on the life expectancy of recipients of this part of the labor pension.

If the owner of the state certificate dies AFTER the appointment of an urgent pension payment, the balance (part of the funds) of the maternity capital used to form the funded part of the old-age labor pension, as well as the income from their investment, are subject to payment to successors from among persons entitled to additional state support measures families with two or more children. First of all, this is a spouse (father or adoptive parent) and children (child).

A woman who has raised several children deserves a prosperous old age. It doesn't matter if they are born or adopted. The state, through, offers its assistance in this.

Where to apply?

For all questions that arise regarding maternity capital (receipt, redirection, withdrawal of funds), you need to contact your branch of the Pension Fund of Russia. “Your” branch is the one that is more convenient for you to visit (not related to registration).

Maternity capital and mom's pension - features

Providing maternity capital with a decent old age is the prerogative of exclusively women - this is how the government decided.

There are no exceptions.

Money that has already been sent to the savings account can be “returned back” at any time, before the onset of retirement. In terms of benefits, there are two points to consider here:

  1. The funds in your savings account will not be annually, as is the case with mat. capital until it is used. Plus, only the benefits of investing your money by the Pension Fund. In the event of a withdrawal of funds, all income and the principal amount in the amount “as of the date of sending” are transferred “back”.
  2. This money can be unprofitably invested, which will bring losses in the long run.

To return the funds, you just need to declare your desire to “your” branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This can be done in person, by mail or through a trustee.

The funds that my mother transferred to her account are inherited in the event of her death. The money, in full, is paid "into the hands" of the heirs. A necessary condition is that the mother did not have time to receive a single pension. If death occurred after retirement, but the mother did not have time to use all the money, then the remaining funds become the property of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

How will mom be paid money from maternity capital upon retirement?

There are several well - defined possibilities . The options are:

  • One time payment. This is when everything is in your hands at once. An unlikely option, since the monthly pension assigned to you should be 95 percent higher than the amount of the allocated maternity capital.
  • Urgent payment. Here "urgent" is not in the sense of "quick", but in the sense of "at a certain time". Maternity capital (together with all funds of the funded part) will be paid in equal monthly installments. The period during which this additional payment to the pension is made is up to you. The minimum term by law is 10 years.
  • regular pension. This means that the entire amount will be evenly distributed over the number of months of the “survival period”. The resulting amount you will every month, for life, an additional increase in your pension. The benefit is that if you safely survive the "survival period", then the "additive" will not be canceled. Until the end of your life, you will be “additionally” supported by the state at the expense of the budget.

“By default”, unless you declare otherwise, the Pension Fund will pay the “lifetime version” of the regular pension.


Registration of pension provision from the mother does not require any documents, except for the “standard package” for applying to the Pension Fund. You will need a passport, certificate,

The state program, developed specifically for the financial support of young families, provides for the issuance of maternity capital in the amount of 453,026 rubles. Families that have decided to give birth or officially adopt an heir or more children can apply for a certificate.

This program has been operating since 2007, and you can participate in it only once. It is worth noting that at the end of 2019 it ceases to operate.

What is this?

Maternity capital, which is issued to young families under the state program, can only be used for certain purposes, in particular, for the funded part of the mother's pension.

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In this direction, the received certificate is allowed by Federal law only when the child (for whom he received it) reaches the age of three.

It is worth noting that mom can put only part of the money from the amount received on the funded part of the pension.


To increase the part of the funded pension, the owners of maternity capital need to contact the territorial body of the PFR with a package of documents. Applicants are given the opportunity to independently choose which structure they will transfer part of the funds to, public or private.

If they competently approach the solution of this issue, then they will be able to significantly increase the amount of maternity capital due to the income received from investment activities.

In the future, mothers may want to send money in other directions. In this case, they will have to notify the Pension Fund of the refusal to use maternity capital in the funded part of the pension.

Maternity capital for mom's pension - how does it work?

Several types of pension insurance operate on the territory of the Russian Federation: non-state and state.

Future pensions of citizens can be formed from the following parts:

  • voluntary contributions;
  • accumulative;
  • social or insurance.

How to use?

Moms who spent part of the maternity capital received from the state on the funded part of the pension can use the funds as follows:

  1. Receive a one-time payment. This option is applicable when the amount of savings is less than 5% of the accrued insurance pension.
  2. Immediate retirement benefits. In this case, the pensioner independently determines its duration, from 10 years or more.
  3. Receive monthly payments, for life.

Looking for an answer to the question -? Then you need to follow the link and read the article.

If you are looking for information on applying for a labor pension for military pensioners, then you should read the article located at.

How to translate?

In order to send funds from maternity capital to a state or non-state PF, the owner of the certificate must personally apply to the authority with the appropriate application.

Documentation must be submitted:

  • at the place of actual residence;
  • at the place of official registration;
  • at the place of residence.

How to put?

The owner of the certificate must personally apply to the Pension Fund. After checking the submitted documentation, the PF specialists will make their decision.

If it is positive, then the woman will need to conclude an agreement and after that a part of the funds from the maternity capital will be credited to her separate account, in which savings should be kept.

Required documents

To transfer part of the funds from maternity capital, mothers need to collect a package of documentation:

  • original or duplicate of the certificate;
  • passport;
  • identification tax number;
  • SNILS insurance card;
  • an approved form statement;
  • if the documentation is submitted by an official representative, then a notarized power of attorney and a document identifying the person should be included in the package.


If the PF makes a positive decision, then the transfer of funds will be carried out within certain time periods:

  • if money is sent to a non-state PF, then 30 days are allocated for their transfer;
  • if the funds are sent to the state FIU, then the federal legislation allocates only 5 days for their transfer.

If a woman changes her mind about using maternity capital funds for the funded part of the pension, she can withdraw her application within 7 days from the date of submission.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of maternity capital in this direction has a number of advantages:

  • mommy can increase her future old-age pension payments;
  • compensation is provided in full for the period associated with the care of children;
  • it is possible to transfer this part of the pension to legal successors, for example, the official spouse or minor children;
  • you can manage your pension savings at your own discretion;
  • mothers can choose their own insurers;
  • the amount of maternity capital can be increased at the expense of income received from investments, etc.

The disadvantages of savings at the expense of maternity capital include the possibility of incurring a loss from incorrectly made investments, as well as the fact that this part of the pension will not be indexed by the state.

You can send the entire amount of maternity capital or part of it to your savings account at. Due to this, you can significantly increase the amount of future pension payments!

Why transfer maternity capital in favor of a funded pension?

  • The funded pension continues to be replenished during parental leave.
    The fact is that while the mother is on parental leave, the employer suspends the transfer of contributions to her funded pension. By transferring maternity capital, you can replenish your savings account even during this period, which means you can continue to receive more investment income.
  • It is not necessary to allocate the entire amount of maternity capital to the funded pension.
    You can only transfer part of it to your retirement account. You determine the size of the transfer yourself.
  • The right to an immediate pension.
    Replenishment of the funded pension at the expense of maternity capital gives the mother the right to receive an urgent pension for a period of at least 10 years in the future. By reducing the period of payments, their size increases significantly.
  • Transfer to successors.
    The fixed term pension is inherited together with the accrued investment income.
  • At any time, you can return this money from the fund.
    Maternity capital is your money, which you manage at your own discretion within the framework provided by law. If your plans have changed, you can always return the money from the non-state fund back to the FIU and use it at your discretion.

How to transfer maternity capital to NPF?

If you are already a client of NPF "FUTURE":
submit to the FIU a written application for the disposal of funds (part of the funds) of the maternity (family) capital with the above documents.

If your funded pension is now in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or another NPF:

  • conclude an OPS agreement with the FUTURE fund
  • Submit two applications to the nearest FIU branch:
- on transfer to NPF “FUTURE;
- on the disposal of funds (part of the funds) of the maternity (family) capital, in which to indicate the direction of use;
- formation of a funded pension.

To submit an application(s) to the FIU, you will need:

  • duplicate state certificate for maternity capital;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
  • passport or other identity document, place of residence (stay) of the person who received the maternity capital certificate.

Who is eligible to receive maternity capital?

Families in which a second, third or subsequent child was born or adopted after January 1, 2007 (according to Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 “On additional measures of state support for families with children").

The demographic situation in our country prompted the government to develop the Maternity Capital program, which is designed to create an incentive for the birth of a second and subsequent children in families. Several directions for the use of mother's capital were identified, one of which is investing in the funded part of the mother's pension.

What does it mean and how does it work

Currently, the mother of two or more children has the opportunity to increase future payments before retirement by directing all or part of the funds received from participation in the program to the formation of the funded part of her pension.

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This investment option has certain positive aspects:

  1. Opportunity to increase your pension.
  2. An option to invest in an investment program and thereby increase the initial amount.
  3. Full compensation when calculating a pension for the time spent caring for children.
  4. At any time, you can choose another direction for the use of mother capital.

Conditions for obtaining a certificate

In accordance with the legislative acts, have a basis for receiving maternity capital:

  • a mother who is a citizen of the Russian Federation who has given birth or adopted a second or subsequent children;
  • a male person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, who personally adopted a second or subsequent children, in the case when the court decision was made already during 2007;
  • father or adoptive parent in the case when the mother of the child was deprived of parental rights or her premature death;
  • children under the age of 18 whose parents or adoptive parents are ineligible for government financial support.

Conditions required to obtain a certificate:

  1. The child who was born or adopted must be the second or next.
  2. You must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.

A child can personally use the funds of the mother's capital if he is not yet 18 years old or he is a full-time student of any educational institution (under the age of 23), provided that the parents or adoptive parents lose the right to accept funds laid down by the certificate.

Duration of the program and the amount of benefits in 2019

In 2019, the amount was 453,026 rubles.

The program was scheduled to end in 2016, but then the President of the country ordered extension of the program until the end of December 2019. The possibility of extending the validity until 2023 is currently being considered. But due to the economic downturn in the country, the certificate will not be produced until 2020.

In legislative acts there are no restrictions on the period for applying for a certificate. The time allotted for the payment of capital is also not limited.

How to use maternity capital for mom's retirement

Only a mother can send the money provided by the issued certificate to the funded part of her pension. She has the right to do this only if when the child for whose birth a certificate was issued, reaches the age of three.

Neither the father nor the children are able to use benefits in this direction if the mother loses the right to receive funds under this program. Only a woman with a certificate can use the entire amount of savings or only part of it.

Investing program funds in this way will help to substantially increase your old-age pension, and this is the only way to cash out capital.

Application and documents for application

When transferring funds to NPFs, it is necessary to remember the risks of such an event:

  • denial of the state's guarantee to maintain preservation;
  • the risk of losing part of the funds from making unprofitable investments.

Savings payment options

There are the following ways to receive cash savings that were used to form the funded part of the pension:

  1. Perpetual- payments are made monthly throughout life and are calculated based on the expected period.
  2. Urgent pension payment - the pensioner himself appoints the duration of payments for a period of at least 10 years. This method differs in that it is possible to inherit the unpaid part of the funds.
  3. One-time- provides for the probability of receiving all the funds at once, if their amount is less than 5% of the amount of the assigned pension benefit.

How much will the old age benefit increase?

After old age, a pensioner who sent everything to his mother’s pension has the right to count (depending on the chosen option for receiving funds) the following pension increases:

  • when choosing the urgent payment option: the size of the capital is 453,026 rubles. divided by 120 months. (minimum payout time) 3775.22 RUB. monthly;
  • in case of choosing the option of indefinite payment: the size of the mother's capital is 453026 rubles. divided by 240 months. (expected period) will turn out 1887 rub.

Refusal to send MSC to the funded part of the pension

The certificate holder has opportunity to refuse from the allocation of funds provided by the program to the funded part of the pension benefit subject to the following conditions:

  1. Allocate funds for other purposes provided for by the program.
  2. There is no funded part of the pension.

To apply for a refusal, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund at the place of residence. It needs to include the following information:

  • information about the person submitting the application;
  • the purpose for which it is planned to spend the savings;
  • amount to be spent on expenses.


Application pending within 7 calendar days. After a satisfactory decision is made on the application, the funds must be sent to the direction chosen by the certificate holder to 30 days.

The applicant also has the right to withdraw his application, but this should be done within the period intended for consideration of the application, that is, within 7 days.

How to withdraw mother capital from savings

In the event that a woman who has received a certificate has decided to change the purpose for which the finances will be directed, she can withdraw maternity capital from the funded part. She can do this by writing an application, which will be considered by the Pension Fund within seven days.

NPFs have thirty calendar days to return funds, and 5 days for other organizations. Your application may be denied for the following reasons:

  • the applicant has applied several times for the return of funds;
  • the amount indicated in the application is greater than the amount of savings;
  • pension benefits are already being paid.