What will happen to workers' pensions? Working pensioners will receive a new pension. Tax benefits for retirees

Assigned to all other pensioners. The state considered this fair in relation to working pensioners and a more profitable option for reducing the budget expenditures of the Pension Fund.

Earlier, the government discusses the issue of and receives specific decisions on this proposal from the Ministry of Finance and other public authorities, for example, it was proposed cancel the payment fixed part of the pension. However, at the moment, the government has not announced any specific decisions.

Can a pensioner work and receive a pension?

Upon reaching retirement age, not all citizens want to leave the workplace and spend time at home. On the contrary, pensioners find additional work or remain in official employment.

In the Russian Federation, it is possible to retire with a monthly payment and work officially, simultaneously getting paid with her.

  • The proposal of the Government to reduce pensions for working pensioners in order to save the budget of the Pension Fund, presented back in 2015, did not find support, therefore, at the moment, continuing to work, the pensioner old-age pension is not forfeited.
  • However, some citizens claiming a survivor's pension can count on it while continuing their employment, in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 2 of article 10 of the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ "About insurance pensions", since this type of payment can only receive disabled a close relative of the deceased who was dependent on him.

The state is trying in every possible way to stimulate the population to more late retirement refusing to pay, offering increase its size.

Is it profitable to work in retirement?

Receiving both a pension and a salary at the same time is much more profitable and, of course, significantly increases the material security of a pensioner. In addition, by continuing to increase your retirement experience, you can benefit for yourself, since insurance premiums and the amount of pension savings also increase, which means that the payment itself also grows. In this regard, an annual recalculation of pension payments is carried out.

However, at the moment it is known for certain that such decisions will not be made in the near future.

Survivor's pension if you work

You can postpone retirement for a minimum of one year, and the maximum bonus coefficient is accrued for 10 years. Tables of correspondence between the premium coefficient and the deferral period are placed in the annexes and to the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ "About insurance pensions". It can be concluded that the longer the delay period, the above size future pension provision. For example, with a one-year deferral, the pension will increase by 6.5%; with a delay of 5 years - already by 40%.

As you know, working pensioners are deprived of many preferences that are due to non-working persons of retirement age due to the fact that it is believed that an employed pensioner is able to independently provide himself with a decent existence. But this is not always the case, just a pensioner is afraid of being left without additional income in our unstable time. Let's find out what benefits and additional payments can be considered as compensation for pensions for working pensioners.

What is a pension payment

A pension or pension benefit is a payment that is made after the age of 60 for men and 55 for women, regardless of whether the citizens of the country continue to work or go on a well-deserved rest.

The pension is formed from deductions from wages and other incomes of employees of enterprises and entrepreneurs for the entire period of labor activity throughout life. If a person who has reached retirement age still works and receives a salary, then he is still paid a pension benefit, but only its funded part, not social.

What happened to pensions in 2017

In the outgoing year, the Government decided to suspend the increase in pension payments for an indefinite period due to the economic crisis in the country. As compensation, all pensioners were paid a symbolic amount of 5 thousand rubles, designed to compensate for financial losses due to the lack of indexation of pensions.

Since 2015, the recalculation of pensions has been frozen for employed pensioners. It is assumed that there will be no indexation until 2019, but this state of affairs may be delayed.

If a citizen of retirement age leaves the workplace, the pension will be indexed from the moment when it should have been increased.

Will the pension for working pensioners be canceled

More than once during the year there were rumors that in order to save budgetary funds, payments to employed pensioners would be completely stopped. The Ministry of Finance answered in the affirmative to the question about considering such an option, but explained that the innovation would only affect those pensioners who earn more than 1 million rubles a year.

As a result, since July of this year, pensions have ceased to be paid to pensioners (officially employed with an entry in the work book), whose annual income exceeds 1,200,000 rubles. However, the possibility of receiving a pension can be restored if:

  • the pensioner will leave the workplace and retire;
  • earnings will be less than the above amount.

Are there benefits for working pensioners?

  • 50% discount on utility bills, preferential treatment at the dentist, benefits on the purchase of train tickets - for labor veterans;
  • free vouchers to a sanatorium - for labor veterans registered in Moscow;
  • additional vacation duration of 1 month - for working labor veterans.

Will there be compensation for pensions for working pensioners in the form of an allowance supplement

On an individual basis, an employed pensioner can apply for an increase in his pension by an amount that will depend on the age of the citizen and the amount of salary at work. If a pensioner leaves work immediately upon reaching retirement age, the contributions transferred to the FSS will be divided into a smaller number of years, which means that the total amount of benefits will increase.

Since the pension now depends on the “pension points” (individual coefficients) earned by the pensioner, one can count on an increase in benefits due to the rise in price of 1 such point, which currently stands at 74 rubles 22 kopecks. If the salary of a working pensioner exceeds 30 thousand rubles, his pension will increase significantly.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common Mistakes

Error: A pensioner, officially employed, claims to receive the social part of the pension benefit.

From the beginning of 2019, the pension reform will come into force, which will cause an increase in payments at a high rate compared to previous years. At the government level, it is noted that indexation will outstrip the inflationary level, and the growth of deductions will become unprecedented. The parameters for indexing pensions for working pensioners are also fixed in the new draft law No. , published on October 3, 2018 and valid until 2024.

In accordance with the calculations, the average level of payments will increase by one thousand rubles. The first results are expected as early as January 2019, as insurance pensions will be indexed on a permanent basis. But the annual recalculation does not affect persons who work when they go on a well-deserved rest.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners

After 2019, the pensions of working pensioners will not be indexed, similar to the observed situation since 2016. The Ministry of Finance notes that these individuals are already benefiting from the increase in the minimum wage. Accordingly, the new reform will not affect the amount of payments while the person is employed, that is, only after the rupture of labor relations can one apply for recalculation starting from 2016.

The reasons for the lack of indexation for the working category of older people are as follows:

  1. Only points (IPC) accumulated in 2018 are taken into account, but not more than three. The rest of the amount is taken into account only after the completion of the employment contract;
  2. The price of points will vary depending on the time you go on a well-deserved rest. The value is subject to freezing and is also subject to recalculation after dismissal.

It is noteworthy that for citizens going on a well-deserved vacation in 2019, the conversion will also not be made, since the IPC earned at the end of this year has already been taken into account. Thus, the first recalculation is predicted only in August 2020, if the person continues to work.

For your information: pensions for working pensioners in 2019 are subject to annual indexation from August 1, taking into account the accumulated IPC for the previous period after going on vacation.

Recalculation for working pensioners from August 1, 2019

Due to the fact that indexation occurs automatically, that is, without an application, every year on August 01, citizens are advised to familiarize themselves with the main points of recalculating pensions for working pensioners.


The volume of insurance payments is directly proportional to the increase in accumulated points. Such a situation is possible if a person continues to work, and contributions deducted by the employer after 01/01/15 were not taken into account when assigning old-age benefits.

It is noteworthy that recalculation is performed automatically if there is a transfer from one insurance value to insurance payments based on length of service. Moreover, without an application from a citizen, the FIU increases the fixed deductions for persons over the age of 80.


In August 2016, a procedure was carried out for the conversion of insurance premiums paid to the Pension Fund of Russia in 2015, while applications from citizens are not required. Accordingly, the amount of payments will increase for this category, which received security, but at the same time is a worker.

Thus, if a person terminated the employment contract in 2018, but during the previous period was employed and received old-age benefits, the accumulated IPC for this year is subject to conversion in accordance with the new rules, and benefits will increase. It is noteworthy that the same conditions apply this year.


Federal Law No. contains clause 3 in Art. 18 indicating how the recalculation should take place. The formula looks like this:

SPst \u003d SPstp + (points: K: KN) * SPK


  • SPst - payments that ensure security;
  • SPstp - similar transfers of SPst, but as of July 31 of the current period in which indexation is performed;
  • points - IPC accrued from 1.01 of the current period;
  • K - the coefficient provided for in the Federal Law "On insurance pensions" (Article No. 15, part No. 11), that is, the ratio of length of service to 7.5 years;
  • KN - the presence and number of dependents in the elderly;
  • SPC - price for 1 point.
It is noteworthy that this formula is relevant for general accruals and is applied only when calculating the insurance part, including the presence of a disability group or a survivor's subsidy.

If it is necessary to calculate payments for old age, then the coefficients "K" and "KN" are equal to "1", and the formula will look like this:

SPst \u003d SPstp + (score * SPC), where the designations are identical to the first formula.

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Cancellation of indexing on reemployment

Due to the fact that the new bill does not apply to all types of deductions, a number of restrictions introduced affect only insurance payments and fixed amounts. Accordingly, the rules relate to the working category, which will not be indexed. The recalculation is due at the time of retirement due to old age. As a result, working seniors cannot apply for an annual increase in contributions.

Security benefits are converted into points, so the term price of one individual coefficient is used. It is subject to government approval every year and looks like this:

Fixed amount + insurance part = total amount of payments.

However, this does not mean that a working pensioner will not receive a pension and lose indexation. After a person quits his job, he can apply for the registration of transfers missed from the annual coefficients.

Against the background of this application, the restoration of payments will not occur in the same month, and not even from the next, but after the dismissal. The deductions, taking into account the recalculation, established by the new draft law, are made within 90 calendar days from the date of completion of the TD.

Important: the procedure for indexing fixed amounts and the security benefit itself is converted as part of the price increase of 1 individual point.

Return or cancel the indexed pension to those working in the future

At one of the last meetings of the State Duma, the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev made a speech, who noted that this topic should not be forgotten and will be thoroughly worked out in the current period.

However, the conversion does not appear in the federal budget in the period 2018-2020. This fact was not refuted by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Anatolyevich Topilin. Against this background, there were suggestions that working pensioners would not receive deductions from 2018. In the current period, employed beneficiaries receive pensions without taking into account the annual conversion.

News about pensions for working pensioners

On the indexation of pensions for working pensioners, the latest news reports that at the government level a proposal was made to carry out a conversion of almost 4% instead of 3%, relying on the legislation of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the statement of M. A. Topilin, the inflation rate in 2017 was expected at around 3.7%.

For your information: over 43 million pensioners are registered with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Calculation features

At the moment, the state operates on the basis of five types of charges:

  • old age;
  • social Security contributions;
  • for experience;
  • disability benefits;
  • subsidies to bereaved families.

It is noteworthy that accrual by seniority is carried out in relation to the following citizens:

  • holding positions in federal state institutions;
  • test pilots;
  • astronauts;
  • military personnel.

Old-age deductions are assigned to persons who have suffered physical or material damage in connection with man-made or radiation emergencies. Accordingly, disability payments are intended for participants in the Second World War, astronauts, as well as persons serving under a contract. Deductions for security benefits are formed on the basis of the amount of previously received salary, seniority and other deductions.

In subsequent periods, it is planned that part of the subsidies will be paid on the basis of the accumulated amounts transferred by the employer under an employment contract to the FIU.

However, it should be borne in mind that the minimum allowable length of service, which guarantees the receipt of benefits, is six years. At the same time, the presence of the corresponding amount of individual points on the personal account of the pensioner is taken into account. It is noteworthy that in 2017, an annual limit on the accumulation of the coefficient was set at the government level.

Is it good to work in retirement?

Regardless of the fixed minimum threshold for receiving benefits, it is more profitable for a working person to have a job than to rest. At the same time, continuing to increase the length of service, the citizen receives an increase in contributions, in accordance with which savings have a positive trend when recalculating the pension.

On the other hand, you can forget about the annual conversion, since it does not apply to fixed contributions due to the cancellation in 2016 of the increase in the volume of such benefits. Citizens can only hope for the accounting of indexation rates promised by the Russian government after dismissal.

Do not forget about the additional opportunity to directly influence the increase in the amount of material subsidies after reaching retirement age. As an achievement of this goal, a person has the right to refuse it, and continue to carry out labor activities. As a result, this will lead to the formation of larger funds in the account.

For your information: starting from 2015, the Russian government issued a Decree that every year the coefficient of increase in the volume of the fixed part will be reviewed.

Retirement after leaving work

Every citizen of Russia has the right to receive the conversion of benefits, but it should be understood what factors affect the amount of accruals:

  • balls;
  • the amount of deductions transferred as part of the security subsidies and reflected in the individual account in the Pension Fund;
  • earned individual points;
  • general coefficient set at the government level.

At the same time, people who are going on a well-deserved rest do not need to write applications for conversion. However, it is necessary to prepare for the provision of additional documentation and information to the Russian Pension Fund.

In order to understand the size of the future benefits for working pensioners, you need to understand that this topic is relevant today. At the same time, even experts cannot approve any figures or make forecasts, since the Russian government constantly submits new bills for consideration that affect the federal budget and, as a result, the standard of living of a socially unprotected category of people.

Watch a video about benefits for working pensioners

November 20, 2018, 19:29 Jan 29, 2019 20:14

The crisis that hit Russia in 2014 led to a reduction in many payments, including the abandonment of indexation in 2016. Despite the gradual stabilization of the situation, many people are worried about the abolition of pensions for working pensioners in 2017. According to the approved laws, there will definitely be no reindexation of pensions. This was reported by Anton Drozdov (Head of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) at the end of the meeting. He noted that there will be more than 9.5 million working pensioners throughout the country.

Everyone will receive social security. However, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation came up with a proposal to increase the age when people will retire. It is understood that men and women will be able to receive payments when they reach the same age limit. Since such a law would not solve the main problem, it was proposed not to pay a fixed part of the pension to working old people. This would allow keeping up to 190 billion rubles.

At present, the bill implying abolition is contrary to the provisions of the Constitution. They say that any citizen has the right to receive financial support at the onset of a certain age. In our country, the pension covers less than 40% of the earnings of citizens. This is below the established standards, so the cancellation of the security will be illegal.

Until now, people are asking the question: "Is it true that they will cancel the pension." We can say with confidence that consideration of the draft law has been postponed indefinitely. If it is adopted, then state support will not receive:

  • pensioners who receive income in excess of 1 million rubles. in year.
  • people of retirement age whose monthly income is more than 2.5 times the regional subsistence level.

But these provisions are under development.

Pensions for working pensioners in 2017

There will be no indexation of pensions from 2017 to 2019 for all people who have entered retirement age but continue to work. To get more money, you need to interrupt your seniority.

Back in 2016, a resolution was adopted to change the calculation of social guarantees. Benefits can be different for people. Their amount is considered on an individual basis. The increase is calculated depending on:

  • from the age of the person
  • salary amount.

It is believed that the more a person is retired and does not work, the fewer years the amount of previously paid insurance premiums will be divided. Due to this, the pension should be significantly increased.

However, it will be impossible to receive a pension in 2017 if a pensioner earns more than 1.2 million rubles a year. This applies to 220 thousand Russians. The rest of the citizens will receive payments. The government reassures people by saying that this is a temporary measure.

Changes in pensions for military pensioners

The latest news about the abolition of pensions for working pensioners also affects payments to the military. It was planned that pensions for this category of citizens would increase by 7%. But due to the current situation in the country, this did not happen.

In 2017, five years of service will be taken into account for the amount of pension. They receive military and service allowance. Since the support for this category of citizens has always been more tangible, it was decided to raise the amount of military pensions.

The government is ready to take any measures to ensure that such assistance continues to be at a sufficient level. But this applies only to those military who do not work. Only citizens who have served in the armed forces of our country for twenty years of their lives can apply for a promotion. However, it is possible that this period will be extended to 25-30 years.

In conclusion, we note that despite the adjustments introduced in the budget, to this day there are not enough funds for full social payments. Various tough programs came from various state structures. Among them is the refusal to pay a fixed part of the pension. However, most of the laws remained on paper. Raising the retirement age will be a significant change, but this will be implemented gradually.

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Russian pensioners do not receive a high level of pension provision, so many tend to work as long as possible. The established retirement age in the country allows many citizens, for health reasons, to continue working for the next 5-10 years. Thus, they have the opportunity to simultaneously make certain savings for the insurance part when forming a pension and at the same time receive a salary, and with it, pension provision.

According to the latest pension reform, citizens in the country have the opportunity to receive only one of 3 possible types of pensions:

  • state;
  • insurance;
  • social.

Each of them is appointed in the presence of a person in certain circumstances. For citizens who worked in the public service and received wages from the federal or local budget, state pension provision is required.

All working citizens who have the necessary length of service, as well as a certain number of deductions, can count on the mandatory receipt of insurance coverage.

All disabled strata of the population who, due to certain circumstances, cannot rely on insurance coverage, can only receive social benefits.

Any pension provision, together with all the additional payments he has, which are made to a citizen, cannot be less than the established amount necessary for living in his area. If the pension provision is set below this amount, then he has the right to apply for social supplements.

Insurance coverage is formed by the following indicators:

  • accumulated points, which are calculated on the basis of deductions made from each salary;
  • an individual coefficient, which is influenced by the length of service of a person, as well as the continuation of his work activity after the official retirement by age.

Accordingly, every citizen seeks to increase his future pension as much as possible. To do this, he must increase his seniority and deductions made. How legal is it to deprive a person who is already entitled to this pension payment of the right to it while he is working? Why should a person give up his rights to a pension because he wants to officially earn more. Unfortunately, many citizens are now concerned about the discussions that are taking place in the Duma and the Government.

Cancellation of pensions

Currently, there are several main versions that are put forward by the Ministry of Finance and the Government. These include:

  1. Cancellation of only the insurance part for the period of employment of the pensioner. Accordingly, at this time he will receive the established basic level, and the rest of his income will come from his salary. After a full retirement, the security will be recalculated for him, and he will be able to fully receive his pension.
  2. Cancellation of indexation of payments. Since 2016, there has been no increase in pensions for this category of pensioners. Although the inflation rate for these 2 years averaged about 6% annually. Legislation is required to annually increase the size of all pension payments by the established inflation rate. However, for working citizens who have reached a certain age, such an increase was canceled. It is planned to introduce this measure on a permanent basis.
  3. Also under development is the deprivation of the insurance part of payments only to those pensioners who earn more than 83 thousand per month or more than 1 million per year. This measure will help eliminate part of the payments to citizens with incomes above the national average.

However, nothing has been introduced at this time other than that indexation of payouts has been suspended since 2016. Therefore, there is no need to worry ahead of time. All projects that are currently being discussed are still in a very raw state and require a lot of improvements. Accordingly, it is not worth expecting the adoption of a draft law on the abolition of pension payments in the near future.

Pension increase

But working pensioners will be able to count on an increase in pension payments for them in August 2019. This increase will be associated with an annual recalculation of points. Only those citizens who worked throughout 2017 will be eligible for it.

Many citizens want to know how pension payments are recalculated in this case. The maximum amount of possible increase is limited to 3 points. And the cost of 1 point for 2017 was set at 72.27 rubles. Accordingly, the maximum possible amount of the increase can be 216.81 rubles. If the salary was higher, then no more than 3 points will be taken into account.

The addition of each point depends on the deductions made. To receive 3 points, you must have deductions from wages of at least 24 thousand rubles per month.

In addition, the minimum wage will be increased, it will amount to 11,163 rubles, which is equal to the subsistence minimum established for the working population. Accordingly, those citizens who receive the minimum wage will receive an increase, and their contributions to the Pension Fund for the current year will be increased.

Payment of 5000 rubles

Many pensioners in 2019 expected to receive a lump sum payment, just like last year. Then in 2017, absolutely everyone who was a pensioner at the time of payments received it. This payment was made as compensation for the increase in pension. That is, the state did not increase pensions by the calculated level of inflation, but simply compensated citizens with a fixed amount of 5,000 rubles.

Such a payment turned out to be beneficial only to those whose pension contributions were minimal. For the rest, the actual increase in payments for inflation would have amounted to a larger amount than was paid.

Despite this fact, in 2019, many pensioners expect this payment, since receiving a large amount at once is always good support from the state. However, the legislation adopted a decision to increase the insurance part only for non-working persons by 3.7 percent. This increase will not affect only working pensioners.

The opposite side of cancellation

In the Russian Federation, people should not receive income or security below the subsistence minimum, and accordingly, if the pension is lower, then the person will qualify for additional payments from the state. Many pensioners are forced to continue working to make up for their low pension. And when receiving wages, employers make deductions for them, which makes it possible for the PFR to receive additional funds from this pensioner.

The very abolition of pension payments will put citizens before the choice of receiving pensions and, if possible, working informally, or receiving wages and refusing to receive their pension. As the practice of many states shows, people do not want to refuse the payments due to them, especially if they no longer need to work for them. Accordingly, the abolition of pension payments will lead to the widespread dismissal of people of retirement age. And this, in turn, will affect the flow of funds as deductions made by employers to the FIU. Thus, the PFR will lose additional income, and the obligation to provide pensions will remain.

Supporting the working capacity of the population is one of the main priority tasks for the formation of the PFR budget. The more able-bodied population, the more they will make deductions. Accordingly, the state will have more opportunities to provide disabled citizens with the necessary funds.