What is a school for foster parents. Teaching foster parents at school remotely and on weekends for adoption and adoption of a child into a new family

School program foster parents

Compiled by:

Pilyutik V.V. , social teacher, Head of the School of Adoptive Parents.

Kuzmina E.A., educational psychologist, systemic family consultant, leading specialist of the School of Foster Parents.

Yuranik V.B. , educational psychologist, systemic family consultant, leading specialist of the School of Foster Parents.

Explanatory note

At present, it is generally recognized that for the development of the child, the optimal form of his life arrangement is the family. The main problem areas of family placement of children left without parental care are the risk of returning the child, cruel treatment, emotional rejection of the child, which leads to negative consequences not only for the child, but also for the family as a whole. In this regard, the development and implementation of various kinds of comprehensive training programs and support for host families are relevant.

The experience of the Schools in training candidates for foster parents shows that the preparation and further support of foster families help to reduce the number of abandonment of a foster child, there are fewer problems and complications in the process of a child entering new family and his further education. Studying at the School for Foster Parents is, first of all, an opportunity to evaluate your family resource, realize your own readiness to receive an orphan child, and make an informed decision.

The appearance of a child in the family requires restructuring inside family interaction. To overcome the crisis that naturally arises during this period, the family must develop new rules life together, restructuring. Due to ignorance, many families live like this, accumulating one unresolved crisis after another, which leads to a tangled "tangle" of problems. The family also needs to be able to cope with the consequences of the child's psychotraumatic experience, which affects the formation of his attachment to the foster family, his development and behavior. Future parents should have basic knowledge of medicine, law, pedagogy and psychology, i.е. knowledge about the characteristics of an orphan child, the specifics of one form or another of the child's family life, ways of effective upbringing and care for the child.

Based on the foregoing, this program was developed, the conceptual basis of which is a systematic approach to working with the family. The program was written in accordance with the Exemplary Training Program for citizens who have expressed a desire to become guardians or trustees of minor citizens or to accept children left without parental care in a family for upbringing in other established family law RF forms (approvedOrder of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated May 23, 2011 N 1681). When creating the program, methodological recommendations developed by the St. Petersburg public organization "Doctors for Children", materials of the training Program were usedCharitable Foundation "Family", as well as the experience and methodological recommendations of Schools for foster parents in Moscow.

Program goal:

Improving the quality of family arrangements for children left without parental care, through the formation of a conscious approach among students in addressing issues of acceptance, upbringing and development of an orphan child.


  • to help listeners understand their motives, personal capabilities and psychological readiness to receive an orphaned child;
  • to give students the necessary knowledge to help them decide on the form of family arrangement and the choice of a child, in accordance with the resources available and the situation in which the child and the host family are;
  • increase the level of parental competence in matters of raising a foster child and relationships with him;
  • to give the knowledge necessary for the successful mutual adaptation of the family and the child;
  • provide information about possible ways receiving assistance and support from the specialists of the support service of the Center.

citizens who applied to the guardianship and guardianship authorities of Moscow and the Moscow Region in order to take into their family a child left without parental care.

Training period: 50.5 hours 2 months, 8 weeks.

Forms of classes: full-time, practical orientation of the course is provided by conducting an individual preliminary interview with the family (citizen), group classes in the form of interactive lectures, exercises, discussions, conversations, individual consultations.

Class mode: Once a week, 6 academic hours per day.

As a result of training, students of the School:

  • Receive information about the existing forms of family life for a child left without parental care;
  • They will analyze the legal (legal) aspects when accepting an orphan child into a family;
  • Analyze possible motivational prerequisites and their consequences for the family and the adopted child;
  • Get the necessary knowledge from the field of pedagogy, medicine and psychology;
  • Learn how to communicate effectively with your child
  • Get acquainted with the specialists and the program of the Accompanying Service of the Center;
  • They will get an idea of ​​how to avoid difficulties in interacting with the child's social environment: teachers, social workers, PEP specialists, blood relatives, peers.

Summing up forms:

1. Questions for verification and repetition (Appendix No. 1).

2. Questioning (Appendix No. 2).

3. Feedback on the work of the School.

Educational and thematic plan



Lesson Topics

Number of hours




training seminars



Interview, survey

Introduction to the Preparatory Course for Candidates for Adoptive Parents

The problem of choosing a family and a child

Stages of child development.

Features of the development and behavior of a child left without parental care.

Consequences of a break with the blood family.

Family as an evolving system

Family and child adaptation

"Difficult" behavior of a foster child

How to show your love for your child

The health of the adopted child.

Providing a safe environment for the child. Child health care.

Features of sexual education of a foster child.

Organizational and legal foundations for the creation and functioning of a foster family (lawyer)

The role of the family in meeting the needs of the development and rehabilitation of the child

Summing up the results of mastering the training course and final recommendations for accepting a child into a family



Topic 1. Introduction to the training course for candidates for foster parents.

Reasons why children are left without parental care. The contingent of children in organizations for orphans and children left without parental care.

general characteristics established by the family legislation of the Russian Federation, family forms of placement of children left without parental care. Their differences and features.

Placement of children left without parental care for family upbringing. Rights and obligations of specialists of the guardianship and guardianship authority, regional and federal operators of the state data bank on children left without parental care, organizations entrusted with the authority to select and train candidates for foster parents.

Organization of control over the upbringing of a child in a foster family.

The process and stages of preparing candidates for foster parents. Goals, objectives of the training program for candidates for foster parents.

The concept of educational-psychological training. Techniques used in the process of conducting educational and psychological training.

Topic 2. The problem of choosing a family and a child.

The problem of choosing a family and a child (feelings of candidates for foster parents and children left without parental care, in the process of waiting for a device and choosing a family).

The procedure for identifying a child left without parental care, placing him in an organization for orphans and getting to know a potential foster family.

The developmental needs of the child (security, health, education, mental development, attachment, emotional development, identity, stable relationship in the foster family, social adaptation- assimilation of social norms and rules of behavior, social roles, communication with peers and adults, self-service skills - sanitary and hygienic and household skills) and understanding by candidates for foster parents of the need to provide for them.

Evaluation by candidates for foster parents of their ability to meet the needs of the child's development, taking into account the living conditions of the family (remoteness from the infrastructure of services to the population, material and living conditions, employment, income) and the characteristics of the family system.

Competences of candidates for foster parents in raising a child. The need for candidates for foster parents to assess their competencies. Search for ways to form and compensate for missing competencies.

Motivation of adoptive parents.

Knowledge and skills necessary for a candidate for foster parents.

Psychological portrait of the adoptive parent and child.

Topic 3. Stages of child development.

The mental development of the child in accordance with the age periodization of the development of children.

concept social situation development of the child, the leading type of activity, age-related neoplasms, crisis periods of the child's development. The main areas of child development (physical, emotional, intellectual, social, sexual development), their relationship. General characteristics of the main age periods of child development (infancy, early age, preschool age, primary school age, adolescence, youth). The role of psychological needs in personal development: attachment, security, identity. Respect for the individual, cultural and ethnic characteristics of the child.

Topic 4. Features of the development and behavior of a child left without parental care.

The need for attachment, identity as the basis for the successful development of the child. The role of parents and blood relatives in a child's life and overcoming stereotypes of thinking associated with the perception of their place in a child's life.
Causes, manifestations and consequences of emotional deprivation in a child left without parental care. Consequences of deprivation of attachment and identity needs in a child left without parental care.
Child abuse and its implications for child development. Types of abuse (neglect, physical, psychological and sexual abuse) and their consequences for the child's physical, emotional, intellectual, social and sexual development. Dichotomy "victim-aggressor".

Topic 5. Consequences of breaking with the birth family.

Features of the mental state of children entering the shelter. Violation of attachment, especially the experience of grief and loss, the formation of personal and family identity. Psychological features and the stages of the child's experience of grief associated with the loss of a family (shock, shock and distrust, denial, the stage of anger and confusion, depression, acceptance). The concept of post-traumatic stress disorder syndrome. "Fragmentation" as a specificity of post-traumatic consciousness. Adoption mystery. The need to maintain the secrecy of adoption. Its real and imaginary advantages and difficulties. Possible consequences of the preservation (non-preservation) of the secrecy of adoption. How to tell a child that he is adopted.
Changing the family system after the child is placed in the family and the child passes through the age stages of development.
The concept of the "Child's Book of Life" methodology and its compilation by foster parents (a technique that allows the child to restore the main stages of his life from birth to the present, accept the loss of his family, realize his place in the new family). The role of specialists in assisting foster parents in compiling the "Child's Book of Life".

Topic 6. Family as a developing system.

The idea of ​​the family as a developing system. Stages and crises of family development. Adoptive parenting motivation.

Features of communication and interaction in the family: family boundaries, emotional closeness, family hierarchy and family roles, family rules. Parental attitude to the child and its influence on the formation of the personality and character of the child.

Stability family relations candidates for foster parents and the possibility of their development. Family history and its discussion. Building a family genogram. Discussion with candidates for adoptive parents of the distribution of roles in the family. Family interaction patterns.

Topic 7. Adaptation of the family and the child.

How to prepare for the first meeting with the child, to get to know him. interests of children of all ages. Clarifying the feelings that a child may have when placed in a foster family; feelings of other participants this process. General characteristics of personal problems and crises that adoptive parents experience in connection with the appearance of a foster child in the family.
Peculiarities of expectations of foster families. Fears, anxieties and disappointments of adults in different periods of adaptation. Preparing relatives for the arrival of a foster child. Typical mistakes of upbringing in a foster family. Problems of differences in the perception of the actions of a native and adopted child. Differences in the management of the behavior of a child who grew up in a family and a child placed in a foster family. The problem of differences in the interpretation of parental instructions by adopted and natural children.
Techniques to help overcome emerging difficulties, alleviate stress and relieve anxiety. Conflict resolution and overcoming difficult behavior of children. Emotional self-regulation techniques.
Stages adaptation period. Peculiarities adaptation process for a child in the first year of his stay in a foster family. Feelings and experiences of a child coming to the family. Ways to overcome the difficulties of adaptation.
The tasks of the foster family in the process of adaptation of the family and the child (redistribution of roles, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, familiarizing the child with the rules and traditions of the foster family, organizing everyday life, study, recreation, health care, contact with relatives and peers).

Topic 8. "Difficult" behavior of a foster child.

Forms of "difficult" behavior of a foster child: theft, lies, aggression, begging, vagrancy, avoidance of close relationships, ambivalent behavior, addictive behavior (alcohol, drugs, strong substances). Their causes and how to deal with them. methods of raising a child. The effectiveness and acceptability of the child's punishment. Criteria for evaluating methods of raising a child. Formation of moral standards in the child. The reasons for the delay in the assimilation of ethical values ​​and social norms by the child. Understanding by adoptive parents how the child develops the ability to ethically evaluate his behavior and what may be limiting factors. Understanding by foster parents how their own experience affects their attitude towards children with "difficult" behavior, awareness of their weaknesses, understanding how specialists can help in solving problems of "difficult" behavior.

Topic 9. How to show your love for a child?

Ways to express love to a child. Features of encouragement and punishment in the upbringing of foster children. Negative consequences physical punishment of the child. Interaction between natural and adopted children. Causes bad behavior children. Correction of bad behavior of children. Inappropriate love for a child. Appropriate love and acceptance of the child. Styles of family education. Violations of family education. Family boundaries and rules.

Topic 10. Health of the adopted child.

The need for medical rehabilitation of a child in a residential institution.

Stages of medical rehabilitation.

The state of health of children in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care.

The role of the family in the medical rehabilitation of the child. Violations mental development children.

Hygiene requirements child care and food requirements.
Medical aspects of child care depending on the age, health and development of the child. Answers on questions.

Topic 11. Providing a safe environment for the child.

Creation of safe conditions for raising a child in the home and outside the family environment, depending on his age characteristics and life experience (upbringing in an institution for orphans and children left without parental care, neglect in the parents' family, vagrancy). Ways safe behavior child in situations that carry the risk of abuse. Prevention of the risks of child abuse in the foster family.
child health and healthy lifestyle life.

Topic 12. Features of sexual education of a foster child.

Age patterns and features of the psychosexual development of the child, understanding the difference in the manifestations of normal childhood sexuality and sexualized behavior.
Psychosexual development as one of the aspects of ontogenetic development of a child. Formation of gender identity in a child. Gender-role orientation and gender awareness. Methods and techniques of sex education in the family. sex education in a foster family. The role of peers, parents, teachers, and the media in shaping a child's sexual identity. Motivation and moral side of sexual activity in adolescence and youth.

Protecting a child from sexual abuse.

Topic 13. Organizational and legal foundations for the creation and functioning of a host family.

The legal status of children left without parental care.
Legal grounds for the placement of a child left without parental care for upbringing in a family.
Forms of family arrangement: adoption, guardianship (guardianship). Forms of guardianship (paid and unpaid). Differences between forms of family structure.
Requirements imposed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on candidates for foster parents, depending on the form of family arrangement. The list of documents provided by candidates for foster parents to obtain an opinion on the possibility of a citizen to be an adoptive parent, guardian (custodian) or foster parent, depending on the form of family unit. The procedure and features of the preparation of documents by candidates for foster parents.
Rights and obligations of candidates for foster parents.
The procedure for the transfer of children left without parental care for upbringing in a family.
Search and selection of a child for adoption in the family. The procedure for interaction with guardianship and guardianship authorities, the regional data bank on children left without parental care, the federal data bank on children left without parental care, institutions for orphans. Visiting an institution for orphans, the duties of the administration of such an institution. The possibility of an independent medical examination of the child.
The procedure for registration by the guardianship and guardianship authority and the institution for orphans of documents for a child transferred for upbringing to a family, depending on the form of placement.
Compensatory types of guardianship: foster and foster families, their differences. The rights of a foster parent, foster caregiver, the procedure for concluding an agreement. material support foster and foster families, benefits.
The procedure for the adoption of a child by the court. Preparing and submitting an application to the court. Adoption mystery. The possibility and consequences of changing the child's last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth.
List of documents transferred to a foster family by an institution for orphans, a guardianship and guardianship authority.
Documents of the child and the procedure for their execution (re-registration) by the adoptive parent, guardian (custodian) after the entry into force of the decision to transfer the child to a family for upbringing.
Protection of personal non-property and property rights of the child.
The procedure for monitoring the living conditions and upbringing of a child in a foster family. The procedure for the provision by guardians (custodians), foster parents of an annual report on the storage, use of the property of a minor ward and management of such property.
Obligations and rights of citizens, guardianship and guardianship authorities in the process of interaction in monitoring, providing assistance and monitoring the upbringing of a child transferred to a foster family.
Legal Consequences adoption, guardianship (guardianship) - property and personal non-property rights and obligations of adoptive parents, guardians (trustees).
Changing the rights and obligations of parents, children, other relatives when adopting a child, transferring him under guardianship (guardianship), including its paid forms.

Measures social support foster families and children brought up in them, established by federal legislation and the legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation. Payments made for the maintenance of a child transferred to a family for upbringing, depending on the form of family placement.
Responsibility of adoptive parents.
The procedure for compensation for damage caused by a child to a foster family, a foster family to a child, third parties to a foster family and a child.
Informing the foster family about the available infrastructure of social services for foster families in the place of residence of the family.
Consequences of cancellation of adoption, guardianship and guardianship.
The procedure for appealing against decisions of guardianship and guardianship authorities, federal courts of general jurisdiction of the Russian Federation.

Topic 14. The role of the family in meeting the needs of the development and rehabilitation of the child.

The family as a rehabilitating environment.

Features of interaction in the family (family boundaries, hierarchy, family roles, myths, rules, traditions). Stress factors and family ways of responding to stressful situations.

Stress factors and family ways of responding to stressful situations. Social ties of the family of the candidate for foster parents. "Support system" and family resources. The current personal and family situation of foster parents and its potential impact on the placement of a child in their family.Interaction of foster families with other organizations providing services to children and families, as well as among themselves. Family lifestyle: family lifestyle, family traditions.
Understanding by all family members of candidates for foster parents of the problems of their family, their capabilities and resources, strengths and weaknesses.
Features of the organization of the developing space for the child. Creating a learning environment in the family.

Acquaintance with the surrounding world, walks and specially organized excursions. Formation of a positive outlook on the world.

Games of children in the family: from manipulation to role-playing. Game becomes more difficult with age. Participation of parents in the game. Home reading. Development of interests and hobbies of the child, involvement in creative circles, sections, schools.

Topic 15. Interaction of a foster family with guardianship and guardianship authorities and other organizations providing services to children and families.

Parental and professional functions of the foster family.Interaction of the foster family with guardianship and guardianship authorities and other organizations providing services to children and families.

Social guarantees and benefits for children left without parental care provided in accordance with federal and regional legislation.
Services provided by an organization that, in cooperation with guardianship and guardianship authorities, provides medical, social and psychological and pedagogical support for foster families (presentation of the Accompanying Service of the Center).
Basic requirements for living conditions, organization of life and residence of a child in a family, for caring for a child in a foster family. Organization of control over the upbringing of a child in a foster family.
Scheme of interaction between participants in the placement of children in a family (parents and blood relatives - accompanying organization - foster family).

The attitude of the foster family to the parents and blood relatives of the adopted child and their interaction.

Topic 16. Summing up the results of mastering the training course and final recommendations for accepting a child into a family

Meeting with a successful foster family.

Discussion of the results of mastering the course for preparing candidates for foster parents, doing homework, questionnaires, reading materials issued during the course.
Evaluation of the degree of assimilation of the training course for candidates for foster parents. Self-assessment of candidates for foster parents.

Final certification and issuance of certificates.


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Slides captions:

School for foster parents Organized on 03/12/2011

The goal of the School is to improve the quality of family placement for children left without parental care, by forming a conscious approach among students in addressing issues of acceptance, upbringing and development of an orphan child

The objectives of the School: to help students understand their motives, personal capabilities and psychological readiness to receive an orphaned child;

Objectives of the School: to give students the necessary knowledge to help them decide on the form of family arrangement and the choice of a child, in accordance with the resources available and the situation in which the child and the host family are;

Objectives of the School: to increase the level of parental competence in matters of raising a foster child and relationships with him;

Objectives of the School: to give the knowledge necessary for the successful mutual adaptation of the family and the child;

The objectives of the School: to provide information on possible ways of obtaining assistance and support from the support service specialists of the Center.

Learning Outcome Information Knowledge Abilities Skills

Educational sections Legal Psychological and pedagogical Medical

The form of education is group classes in the form of interactive lectures, exercises, discussions, conversations

Rules of the group: Attend all classes without missing or late; Everyone is entitled to their own opinion; Any information related to the personal sphere is confidential and is not taken out of the School; Be active; Show respect for each other; The presenters have the right to limit participants in their statements, to reduce the time for completing a particular task.

Lesson No. 1 Introductory lesson Acquaintance with the students of the School. Individual interview: interview, questioning.

Lesson number 2 Invitation to cooperation. Adoptive parents and adopted children. Introduction to the problem. Goals and objectives of the School of foster parents. School presentation. Getting the participants to know each other. Group rule. Psychological portrait of the adoptive parent and child.

Lesson number 3 Family as a system. General idea of ​​the family as a system. Stages and crises of family development. Adoptive parenting motivation.

Lesson #4 Before starting the placement of a child in a foster family. The needs of children and the possibilities of adoptive parents. Clarifying the feelings that a child may have when placed in a foster family; feelings of other participants in the process.

Lesson number 5 Health of the adopted child. State of health and medical rehabilitation of children in orphanages. The role of the family in the medical rehabilitation of the child.

Lesson number 6 The first meeting with the child. What you need to know about the child before the first meeting with him. Preparing parents for communication with the child. The first invitation of the child to visit.

Lesson number 7 The inner world of the child. Features of the mental state of children who fall into Orphanage. How to deal with the consequences of a child's traumatic experience. Stages of grief. How to help yourself and your child.

Lesson number 8 Organizational and legal basis for the creation and functioning of the host family. The needs of the child and the possibilities of adoptive parents. Legal aspects when accepting an orphan child into a family.

Lesson number 9 Intellectual and emotional development of a foster child. Problems intellectual development foster child and ways to overcome them. Features of the emotional development of adopted children. Child abuse and its consequences.

Lesson #10 How do you show your love for your child? (part 1) Conditions required for harmonious development child's personality. Ways to show love to a child. Negative consequences of physical punishment of a child.

Lesson #11 How to show your love for your child. (part 2) Causes of bad behavior in children. Correction of bad behavior of children. Love that can harm a child. We learn to accept the child as he is.

Lesson No. 12 Stages of adaptation of a child in a foster family. Summarizing. The main stages of adaptation of a child in a foster family. Family rituals and traditions that strengthen the family. Summarizing. Escort service presentation. Issuance of certificates.



Director of the Central House and K "Yuzhny"

V.N. rude

"______" _________ 2011


about the “School of Foster (Substitute) Parents”,

operating within the framework of the activities of the Service for Escort of Persons Carrying out

family forms of education and children in family forms of education

I. General provisions

1. The school of adoptive (substitute) parents (hereinafter referred to as the School) operates on the basis of the State Educational Institution Center for Diagnostics and Counseling "Yuzhny" as part of the activities of the structural unit of the Center - the Service for Accompanying Persons Carrying out Family Forms of Education and Children in Family Forms of Education

2. The work of the School is organized within the framework of the implementation of the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 25, 2008 No. 195-PP “On the strategy of the Government of Moscow for the implementation of the state policy in the interests of children “Moscow Children” for 2008-2017.” and Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 18, 2008 No. 1061-PP "On a set of measures to overcome social orphanhood in the city of Moscow for 2009-2011."

3. In its activities, the School is guided by: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Family Code of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulations of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow to protect the legitimate rights and interests of orphans and children left without parental care, and other legislative acts of the city of Moscow.

4. The school carries out its activities on the basis of the Program, approved for testing by the director of the Central House and K "Yuzhny".

5. Classes at the School are carried out by the employees of the Center.

6. Students of the School can be citizens registered in Moscow who have expressed a desire to take a child left without parental care into their family.

7. The school carries out its activities in cooperation with the municipalities of intracity municipalities of Moscow, institutions of the Department of Health, the Department of Education, the Department of Social Protection, the Department of Family and Youth Policy of the City of Moscow, with other state and public organizations involved in the placement of children in a family, as well as with the media.

II. Goals and objectives of the school of foster (substitute) parents

The purpose of the School is to prepare students-candidates for the admission of orphans and children left without parental care into their families.

The main tasks of the School:

1. Formation in the students of the School of the basics of legal knowledge, the features of the psychological, pedagogical and physiological development of children and adolescents.

2. Preparing students to solve possible social and psychological problems that arise in the process of a child entering a family, and developing ways to overcome them.

3. Providing support to foster (surrogate) parents in various life situations related to the upbringing of children and adolescents.

4. Conducting consultations for foster (substitute) parents on psychological, pedagogical, medical, social and legal issues of the placement of orphans and children left without parental care in the family.

III. Organization of the School

1. The head of the structural subdivision of the Central House and K "Yuzhny" is responsible for organizing the activities of the School - the Service for Escorting Persons Carrying out

family forms of education and children in family forms of education, appointed by order of the director from among the employees of the Center.

2. The head of the School is responsible for the implementation of the educational and thematic plan of the Program, for maintaining the relevant documentation and reporting on the work of the School.

3. Classes at the School are held in accordance with the schedule of classes. The schedule of classes is approved by the Director of the Center.

4. The head of the School has the right to make changes to the schedule of classes in agreement with the leadership of the Center.

5. Classes at the School are held on a full-time basis free of charge.

6. The number of students in the School should not exceed 25 people.

7. At the end of the training, students are issued a Certificate of the established form.

10. In case of missing two classes, the Certificate can be issued only after the student makes up for the missed classes in any form (individual consultation, classes with the next group, etc.) in agreement with the Head of the School.

Training program for persons wishing to adopt a child without parental care into their family

Author: Kopylova Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher-psychologist, MKOU orphanage "Swallow's Nest", pos. Novovostochny
Description: the program is designed to train people who want to become substitute parents for children and orphans who find themselves without parental care for any reason. The program is designed for 14 lessons and plus an exam at the end of the course. Those who pass the exam successfully are issued a Certificate of completion of the School.
Program goal: assistance in the safe placement of orphans and children left without parental care in foster families.

Foster Parent School

The program "School of Foster Parents" contributes to the safe placement of orphans and children left without parental care in foster families.
The program is intended:
- for families raising one or more minor children and wishing to raise a child (including blood relatives);
- for complete families that do not have biological children and wish to take a child to raise;
-For incomplete families who have the potential opportunity and desire to accept a child for upbringing in a foster family.
This material can be used by a teacher-psychologist, educator, social pedagogue.

Explanatory note

To date, one of the priority forms of placement of orphans and children left without parental care is the family form. The family is the most favorable environment for the development of a healthy personality, as it has serious advantages in the socialization of a child (teenager), introducing him to the basic universal values, moral and cultural standards of behavior.
An analysis of statistical data shows that there has been a significant increase in the number of people who want to become foster parents, but usually people who want to take a child from orphanage, do not know the developmental features of children left without parental care. This leads to mistakes that are painful for both children and parents. Training according to a specially designed program makes it possible to inform candidates for adoptive parents about the possible difficulties of adoption, guardianship and to reconsider their decision to become substitute parents.
At present, in order to fully socialize orphans and children left without parental care, the state creates conditions for their family life. Priority direction state support such children is placed in foster families. In this regard, the Federal Law of September 1, 2012 No. 351-F3 came into force in our country, which provides for the introduction of mandatory training for persons wishing to adopt a child into their family.
Therefore, the question of what is the peculiarity of the upbringing of orphans in the family, what is the difference between the upbringing of native children and children adopted for upbringing, where “sharp corners” in upbringing can arise and how can they be avoided, becomes relevant.
The adaptation of a child in a foster family is a process that is not without contradictions and problems. Violation of the mental health of children, hyperactivity, hysteria, depressive states - all this makes it difficult to communicate with the child, his education at school.
A foster parent, guardian is not always ready to respond correctly to such manifestations, sometimes he himself often provokes problems, using the wrong educational approaches to children.
The problems of raising foster children have different origins:
- psychological - difficulties in establishing constructive relationships between the child and adult family members, the child and blood children of the adoptive parent, which leads to painful interpersonal conflicts;
- pedagogical - the absence of an appropriate upbringing tactics in the adoptive parent, the predominance of overprotection condoning hyperprotection, or the presence of a contradictory approach to education on the part of different family members, and so on, which complicates the process of rehabilitation of the child.
The origins of psychological, pedagogical reasons that complicate the life of a foster, guardian family lie both in certain qualities of foster parents / guardians, and in the shortcomings of the work of specialists from specialized institutions in their preparation for a new role.
Analyzing all these reasons, it should be noted that there is a need to develop a program to improve the skills of adoptive parents and guardians.
In fact, the school of foster parents is, of course, a useful thing. According to the leaders of the Moscow SPR, which have been working for almost 10 years, about a quarter of students at the exit schools decide that they do not need foster parenting. And it's very good result– in the course of one year alone, these are many hundreds of children's destinies, which could be crippled by the return from the family to the orphanage.
In addition, immersed in the topic for the duration of their studies, SPS graduates often find in themselves the resources to take into the family not only a blue-eyed, problem-free baby, but also an older and more complicated child, which, of course, is also very good. Moreover, those parents who approached the issue seriously underwent training voluntarily, although no one forced them. And although this did not guarantee an absolutely cloudless period of adaptation, through which almost all newly-made foster parents and their children go through, they were at least prepared for very specific difficulties that overtook the family in the first months after the appearance of a foster child.

The program is implemented in four stages: diagnostic, training, analytical and final.
The purpose of the diagnostic stage of work is to study the degree of awareness by the group members of the motives and expectations that underlie the decision to adopt a child into the family. Diagnostic work is being carried out to identify the psychological characteristics of persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care into their family; on the study of marital, intra-family relations; attitudes towards raising children.
The purpose of the training phase of work is training, informing, which is both preventive and educational in nature. Candidates for foster parents are given popular scientific psychological, pedagogical and medical knowledge about the developmental features of orphans and children left without parental care.
At the analytical stage of the program, the study of the main changes that have occurred with candidates for a foster family after completing the course of the program is carried out.
At the final stage, a final certification is carried out in the form of testing in order to identify the level of theoretical knowledge mastered by candidates.
The training program for persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care into their family consists of three blocks and includes 15 lessons with a total duration of 63 hours.
1. "Legal block"
2. "Psychological and pedagogical block"
3. "Medical block"
Forms of work:
- group, individual, remote;
Forms of conducting classes:
- lectures, mini-lectures;
- seminars-trainings;
-role-playing game;
-practical work.
Classes are taught by a teacher-psychologist. If necessary, depending on the subject of the classes, full-time employees and specialists from other institutions are involved.
Based on the results of the training, students of the School of Adoptive Parents who have successfully passed the final certification are issued a Certificate of course completion.
The group is formed from candidates for substitute parents of no more than 10 people. The duration of the lessons is at least 3 hours.
Implementation period: 7 weeks.

Purpose and objectives of the program
The purpose of the program is to promote the safe placement of orphans and children left without parental care in foster families.
The main tasks are:
- to help Candidates for foster families understand their motives, personal capabilities and psychological readiness to receive a child left without parental care;
- to form in the students of the School the basics of legal knowledge, the features of the psychological, pedagogical and physiological development of children and adolescents;
- prepare students for solving possible social and psychological problems that arise in the process of a child entering a family, and develop ways to overcome them;
- to give the knowledge necessary for the successful mutual adaptation of the family and the child;
- provide emotional support to foster families.


1. Introduction to the training course for persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care into their family
(hereinafter referred to as the training course)
2. The content and objectives of the training program for persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care (hereinafter referred to as the program)
3. The problem of choosing a family and a child. developmental needs of the child. Competences (values, knowledge and skills) for his upbringing and the concept of the motivation of persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care for upbringing in their family
4.Features of the development of the child
5. Child abuse and its consequences for child development
6.Features of a child left without parental care
7. The concept of the family as a developing system. The role of the family in meeting the developmental needs of the child
8.Adaptation of the child in the family
9. "Difficult" behavior of the child, skills to manage the "difficult" behavior of the child
10. Providing a safe environment for the child
11.Features of sexual education of the child
12. Parental and professional roles of adoptive parents, foster, guardian family (hereinafter referred to as the foster family) and its further interaction with guardianship and guardianship authorities
13. Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the placement of orphans and children left without parental care for upbringing in families
14. Summing up the results of mastering the course of the program and final recommendations for accepting a child into a family
15.Final certification

Program Topics

Topic 1. Introduction to the training course for persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care into their family.
Reasons why children are left without parental care. The contingent of children in organizations for orphans and children left without parental care.
General characteristics of the family forms of placement of children left without parental care established by the family legislation of the Russian Federation. Their differences and features.
Placement of children left without parental care for family upbringing. The rights and obligations of specialists of the guardianship and guardianship authority, regional and federal operators of the state data bank on children left without parental care, organizations entrusted with the authority to select and train persons who wish to adopt a child left without parental care into their family.
The process and stages of preparation of persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care into their family.
Social guarantees and benefits for orphans and children left without parental care, provided in accordance with federal and regional legislation.
Hygienic requirements for child care and catering requirements.
Medical aspects of child care depending on the age, health and development of the child.
Services provided by an organization that, in cooperation with guardianship and guardianship authorities, provides medical, social and psychological and pedagogical support for foster families after the placement of a child.
Basic requirements for living conditions, organization of life and residence of the child in the family, for the care of a child in a foster family. Fundamentals of safe parenting.
Organization of control over the upbringing of a child in a foster family.
A structured interview on the topic “Readiness of the family to accept a child left without parental care” is conducted at the end of topic 1 at the request of candidates for foster parents.

Topic 2. Content and goals of the program
Content and goals of the program.
The concept of educational-psychological training.
Techniques used in the process of conducting educational and psychological training.
Peculiarities and procedure for passing training and examining persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care who are mastering the training course (hereinafter referred to as training participants) and their family members.
The content of educational and psychological training.
Rules for the work of training participants in a group.
Acquaintance of the participants of the training.
Expectations and fears of the participants of the training.

Topic 3. The problem of choosing a family and a child. developmental needs of the child.

Competences (values, knowledge, skills) for his upbringing and the concept of the motivation of persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care for upbringing in their family
The problem of choosing a family and a child (feelings of persons wishing to take into their family a child left without parental care, and children left without parental care, in the process of waiting for the placement and selection of a family).
The procedure for identifying a child left without parental care, placing him in an organization for orphans and children left without parental care, and getting to know a potential foster family.
Child development needs (safety, health, education, mental development, attachment, emotional development, identity, stable relationships in a foster family, social adaptation - the assimilation of social norms and rules of behavior, social roles, communication with peers and adults, self-care skills - sanitary and hygienic and household skills) and understanding by persons wishing to adopt a child without parental care into their family of the need to provide for them.

Assessment of persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care into their family, their ability to provide for the developmental needs of the child, taking into account the living conditions of the family (remoteness from the infrastructure of services to the population, material and living conditions, employment, income) and the characteristics of the family system.
Competences of persons wishing to take into their family a child left without parental care, to raise a child. The need for candidates for foster parents to assess their competencies. Search for ways to form and compensate for missing competencies.
Knowledge and skills necessary for persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care into their family.

Topic 4. Features of the development of the child
The mental development of the child in accordance with the age periodization of the development of children.
The concept of the social situation of the child's development, the leading type of activity, age-related neoplasms, crisis periods of the child's development. The main areas of child development (physical, emotional, intellectual, social, sexual development), their relationship.
General characteristics of the main age periods of a child's development (infancy, early age, preschool age, primary school age, adolescence, youth).
The role of psychological needs in personal development: attachment, security, identity.
Respect for the individual, cultural and ethnic characteristics of the child.

Topic 5. Child abuse and its consequences for the development of the child
Types of abuse (neglect of the child, physical, psychological and sexual abuse) and their consequences for the physical, emotional, intellectual, social and sexual development of the child.
Mosaic development. The concepts of "mental retardation" and "mental retardation", their difference.
The victim-aggressor dichotomy. The concept of post-traumatic stress disorder syndrome. "Fragmentation" as a specificity of post-traumatic consciousness.
Family as the main source of psychological well-being of a child with special developmental needs.
An assessment by a person wishing to adopt a child left without parental care into his family of his ability to raise a child who has experienced abuse.

Topic 6. Features of the development of a child left without parental care
The need for attachment, identity as the basis for the successful development of the child. The role of parents and blood relatives in a child's life and overcoming stereotypes of thinking associated with the perception of their place in a child's life.
Causes, manifestations and consequences of emotional deprivation in a child left without parental care. Consequences of deprivation of attachment and identity needs in a child left without parental care.
Types of "disturbed attachment" (the concepts of "negative (neurotic) attachment", "ambivalent attachment", "avoidant attachment", "disorganized attachment").
The concepts of "grief" and "loss" in the life of a child left without parental care. Psychological features and stages of the child's experience of grief associated with the loss of a family (shock, shock and distrust, denial, stage of anger and confusion, depression, acceptance).

Topic 7. The concept of the family as a developing system. The role of the family in meeting the developmental needs of the child
The study of the topic is carried out in various forms: educational and psychological training, preparation of homework, filling out questionnaires, as well as individual and family counseling for persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care in their family, together with their family members.
Features of communication and interaction in the family: family boundaries, emotional closeness, family hierarchy and family roles, family rules.
Parental attitude to the child and its influence on the formation of the personality and character of the child.
Family interaction patterns.
The stability of family relations of persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care into their family, and the possibility of their development.
Discussion with persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care for upbringing in their family, the distribution of roles in the family.
Stress factors and family ways of responding to stressful situations.
Social ties of the family of a person who wants to take into his family a child left without parental care. Support system and family resources.
The current personal and family situation of persons wishing to adopt a child without parental care into their family and its potential impact on the placement of a child in a family.
Family way of life: family lifestyle, family traditions. Family and individual ways of making decisions.
The experience of raising relatives and adopted, guarded children in the family of a person who wants to take a child left without parental care into his family.
Understanding by all family members of a person who wants to take a child left without parental care into his family, the problems of his family, his capabilities and resources, strengths and weaknesses.
The role of cooperation of family members wishing to take into their family a child left without parental care in the process of learning how to raise a child.

Topic 8. Adaptation of a child in a foster family
General characteristics of personal problems and crises that adoptive parents, guardians, foster parents experience in connection with the appearance of an adopted, ward, foster child in the family.
Features of the expectations of foster families. Fears, anxieties and disappointments of adults in different periods of adaptation. Preparing relatives for the birth of a child.
Typical mistakes of upbringing in a foster family. Problems of development in the perception of the actions of a native and adopted, guarded, adopted child. Differences in the management of the behavior of a child who grew up in a family and a child placed in a foster family. The problem of differences in the interpretation of parental instructions by adopted, ward, adopted and natural children.
Techniques to help overcome emerging difficulties, alleviate stress and relieve anxiety. Resolving conflicts and overcoming "difficult" behavior of children. Emotional self-regulation techniques.
Stages of the adaptation period. Features of the adaptation process for a child in the first year of his residence in a substitute family. Feelings and experiences of a child coming to the family. Ways to overcome the difficulties of adaptation.
The tasks of the foster family in the process of adaptation of the family and the child (redistribution of roles, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, familiarizing the child with the rules and traditions of the foster family, organizing everyday life, education, recreation, health care, contact with relatives and peers).
The need to maintain the secrecy of adoption. Its real and imaginary advantages and difficulties.
Possible consequences of keeping (not keeping) the secrecy of adoption. How to tell a child that he is adopted.
Changing the family system after the child is placed in the family and the child passes through the age stages of development. Predicting such changes.
The concept of the “Book of a Child’s Life” methodology and its compilation by guardians (trustees), foster parents, adoptive parents (a technique that allows a child to restore the main stages of his life from birth to the present, accept the loss of his family, realize his place in a new family). The role of specialists in assisting foster parents in compiling the Child's Book of Life.

Topic 9. "Difficult" behavior of the child, skills to manage the "difficult" behavior of the child
Forms of "difficult" behavior of the child: theft, lies, aggression, begging, vagrancy, avoidance of close relationships, ambivalent behavior, adequate behavior (alcohol, drugs, strong substances). Their causes and ways to deal with them.
methods of raising a child. The effectiveness and acceptability of the child's punishment. Criteria for evaluating methods of raising a child.
Formation of moral standards in the child. The reasons for the child's assimilation of ethnic values ​​and social norms. Understanding by adoptive parents how the child develops the ability to ethically evaluate his behavior and what may be limiting factors.
Understanding by foster parents how their own experience affects their attitude towards children with "difficult" behavior, awareness of their weaknesses, understanding how specialists can help in solving problems of "difficult" behavior.

Topic 10. Providing a safe environment for the child. Child Health

Creation of safe conditions for raising a child in the home and outside the family environment, depending on his age characteristics and life experience (upbringing in an institution for orphans and children left without parental care, neglect in the parents' family, vagrancy).
Ways to safely behave a child in situations that carry the risk of abuse. Prevention of the risks of child abuse in the foster family.
Child health and healthy lifestyle.

Topic 11. Features of sexual education of a foster child
Age patterns and features of the psychosexual development of the child, understanding the difference in the manifestations of normal childhood sexuality and sexualized behavior.
Psychosexual development as one of the aspects of ontogenetic development of a child. Formation of gender identity in a child.
Gender-role orientation and gender awareness. Methods and techniques of sex education in the family.
Sex education in the family. The role of peers, parents, teachers, and the media in shaping a child's sexual identity. Motivation and moral side of sexual efficiency in adolescence.
Protecting a child from sexual abuse.

Topic 12. Parental and professional roles of the foster family and its further interaction with guardianship and guardianship authorities
Parental and professional functions of a foster family.
Formation of motivation for cooperation of substitute parents with the accompanying organization.
The attitude of the foster family to the parents and blood relatives of the child and their interaction.
Scheme of interaction between participants in the placement of children in a family (parents and blood relatives - guardianship and guardianship authorities - foster families).

Topic 13
The legal status of orphans and children left without parental care.
Legal grounds for the placement of orphans and children left without parental care for family upbringing.
Forms of family arrangement: adoption, guardianship (guardianship). Forms of guardianship (paid and unpaid). Differences between forms of family structure.
Requirements imposed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on persons wishing to adopt a child without parental care into a family, depending on the form of family arrangement.
The list of documents submitted by persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care for upbringing in their family in order to obtain an opinion on the possibility of a citizen to be an adoptive parent, guardian (custodian) or foster parent, depending on the form of family arrangement. The procedure and features of the preparation of documents by candidates for substitute parents.
Rights and obligations of candidates for foster parents.
The procedure for the transfer of children left without parental care for upbringing in families.
Search and selection of a child for placement in a family. The procedure for interaction with the guardianship and guardianship authorities, the regional data bank on orphans and children left without parental care, the federal data bank on children left without parental care, institutions for orphans, the duties of the administration of such an institution. The possibility of an independent medical examination of the child.
The procedure for registration by the guardianship and guardianship authority and the institution for orphans and children left without parental care, documents for a child transferred for upbringing to families of citizens, depending on the form of family arrangement.
Paid and non-paid types of guardianship: foster and guardian families, their differences. The rights of a guardian (custodian), a foster parent, the procedure for concluding an agreement. Financial support of the foster and guardian families, benefits.
The procedure for the adoption of a child by the court. Preparation and submission of applications to the court. Adoption mystery. The possibility and consequences of changing the child's last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth.
List of documents transferred to a substitute family by an institution for orphans and children left without parental care, a guardianship and guardianship authority.
Documents of the child and the procedure for their registration (re-registration) by the adoptive parent, guardian (custodian), foster parent after the entry into force of the decision to transfer the child to a family for upbringing.
Protection of the personal and property rights of the child.
The procedure for exercising control over the living conditions and upbringing of a child in a foster family. The procedure for the submission by guardians (custodians), foster parents of an annual report on the storage, use of the property of a minor ward and management of such property.
Obligations and rights of citizens, guardianship and guardianship authorities in the process of interaction in monitoring, providing assistance and controlling the upbringing of a child transferred to a family for upbringing.
Legal consequences of adoption, guardianship (guardianship) - property and personal non-property rights and obligations of adoptive parents, guardians (trustees).
Changing the rights and obligations of parents, children, other relatives when adopting a child, transferring him under guardianship (guardianship), including paid forms.
Measures of social support for foster families and children brought up in them, established by federal legislation and legislation Kemerovo region. Payments made for the maintenance of a child transferred to a family for upbringing, depending on the form of family placement.
Responsibility of guardians (custodians), adoptive parents, adoptive parents.
Consequences of cancellation of adoption, guardianship and guardianship.
The procedure for appealing decisions of guardianship and guardianship authorities, federal courts of general jurisdiction.

Topic 14

Discussion of the results of mastering the training course for persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care into their family, doing homework, questionnaires, reading materials issued during the course.
Evaluation of the degree of mastering the training course for persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care into their family.
Joint development of the final conclusion on the readiness of persons wishing to adopt a child left without parental care for upbringing in their family, to accept a child for upbringing.

Expected results.

Candidates for adoptive parents who have successfully completed the program, upon completion of the course, should have a clear understanding of:
- on the system for protecting the rights of children, forms of placement of a child for upbringing in a family, interaction between an organization for the preparation of foster families, an accompanying organization and a foster family in the process of preparing and after the adoption of a child in a family, financial assistance to foster families;
- on the responsibility for the life and health of the child, his upbringing and development, which candidates for foster parents take upon themselves in connection with the admission of a child left without parental care into their family;
- about a child left without parental care, the needs of his normal development, the basics of caring for him;
- on the rules for the safe upbringing of foster children, depending on the age of the child, his life experience, the needs of his development, ensuring his safety, both at home and outside the home - on the street, in public places;
-about his family as a developing system, which also adapts to the reception of the child;
- about educational competencies (values, knowledge and skills) necessary for a foster parent;
- about the order of contacts of the child with parents and relatives.
Candidates for foster parents who have successfully completed the program should know:
- their rights and obligations as adoptive parents, both in relation to the child and in relation to the accompanying organization;
- patterns of development of the child in different age periods;
- the importance of meeting the child's need for identity and emotional attachments as fundamental to his normal development;
- causes, manifestations and consequences of emotional deprivation;
- about the influence of the child's past experience: deprivation, abuse, neglect of the child's needs, separation from the family on the psychophysical development and behavior of the child;
-stages and features of grief living, opportunities to help a child at different stages of grief living;
- features of the period of adaptation of the child in a foster family;
- about the influence of their own experience of adoptive parents on their attitude to the "difficult" behavior of children;
- sanitary and hygienic rules and norms for raising children in the family;
- ways of forming the child's social and everyday skills, depending on his age, life experience and developmental characteristics;
-age patterns and features of the child's psychosexual development, methods and techniques of sex education in the family.
Candidates for foster parents who have successfully completed the program should be able to:
- use the acquired knowledge to analyze their own educational competencies, to realize and evaluate their readiness, resources and limitations, both personal and family, for accepting a child left without parental care into their family and raising him;
- to see the possibilities of compensation, formation and improvement of their educational competencies in raising a foster child;
- consider the "difficult" behavior of the child in the context of the environment and his past traumatic experience;
- choose ways to respond to the "difficult" behavior of the child, depending on the characteristics of his development, life experience and the current situation;
- to realize the nature of their feelings about the "difficult" behavior of the child;
- be ready to provide support to a child experiencing grief and loss;
- to prevent the risk of child abuse in their family;
-evaluate possible risk for the life, health and psychological well-being of the child and create a safe environment that excludes domestic injuries;
- overcome stereotypes of thinking associated with the perception of the place of parents and blood relatives in the life of a child;
- predict a change in one's own family system after the arrival of a child left without parental care in the family;
-understand the links between the developmental needs of a child left without parental care and the possibilities of his family;
- evaluate the educational resource of your family;
- be ready to cooperate with other family members in the process of raising a child;
- navigate the system of professional assistance and support for children left without parental care and foster parents;
- take care of the health of the child;
- observe the confidentiality of the child;
-understand the difference in the manifestations of normal childhood sexuality and sexualized behavior.

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"School of foster parents" [Text]: Program / comp. N.N. Kopylova, - Novo-Vostochny: Publishing House MKOU orphanage "Swallow's Nest" // 2015
Technical editor N.N. Kopylova
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MKOU Orphanage "Swallow's Nest"

Those who are going to:

Only close relatives of an orphan or a child left without parental care (grandparents, older full and half brothers and sisters) and those who have already become a guardian, trustee or adoptive parent can refuse to undergo training.

2. What is taught in school and how is the training going?

At the school of foster parents who wish to take the child to be raised in the family:

  • help to understand if they are ready for it;
  • provide assistance in choosing the form of placement of the child (adoption, guardianship (guardianship), foster family or patronage);
  • familiarize with the legislation in the field of adoption and establishment of guardianship (guardianship);
  • talk about the psychological difficulties that children and adults face both during the period of adaptation and after.

The training also includes mandatory visits to organizations for orphans and children left without parental care.

The term of study in different schools is not the same: the course can last from 56 to 80 academic hours.

Classes are held in full-time or part-time form. The size of the group during practical classes cannot exceed 15 people.

Missing classes is undesirable: school staff keep records of attendance. If a candidate for adoptive parents (guardians or trustees) misses more than 20% of classes, he will be required to study the material that has not been completed with subsequent groups.

At the end of the course, a final exam is held. If he successfully passes, a certificate of completion is issued. In the future, it will need to be presented to the guardianship and guardianship authorities when registering adoption, guardianship (guardianship), foster family or patronage.

3. How to choose a school and enroll in it?

The training of adoptive parents and guardians (custodians) is carried out by the guardianship and guardianship bodies and organizations to which these bodies have transferred the relevant powers.

You can enroll in any school of foster parents, regardless of the place of permanent or temporary registration. To do this, it is enough to personally come to the school, submit a written application and present an identity document. The application can also be submitted online. School enrollment must occur no later than 30 calendar days later.

Foreign citizens can be trained both in their own country in specialized schools and in Russia. However, if the training program for adoptive parents in a foreign country differs significantly from The requirements for the content of the programs were approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 623 dated August 20, 2012.

"> Russian, the certificate of training may be invalidated. Training is conducted in Russian. You can attend classes with an interpreter.

Training is free.

 The results of a psychological examination can be transferred to the guardianship and guardianship authority, but only with the written consent of the student.

In 2012, the School of Adoptive Parents became a mandatory step through which everyone who decides to have a child must pass. After graduation, a certificate of completion of compulsory training is issued according to the form established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Often, future parents believe that they are ready for the appearance of a child in the family and they do not need additional knowledge. But practice shows that employees of such institutions help to look at things differently. The purpose of the school of adoptive parents is to prepare parents for future adoption, to give the basic knowledge necessary to create a strong family.

Who is the School for?

The Foster Parent School is a competency course for host parents and is aimed at Russian citizens permanently residing in Russia.

In accordance with Article 127 family code Russian Federation, persons who have not been trained in the manner prescribed by law cannot be adoptive parents, with the exception of close relatives of the child, as well as persons who are or were adoptive parents and in respect of whom the adoption was not canceled.

Simply put, close relatives of the child or those who are already can do without a certificate of completion of the training course.

Sequence of learning

For the convenience of students, education at the School of Foster Parents is divided into courses, each of which is given fixed hours (their number may vary depending on the school program).

The first course is aimed at beginners. Future guardians and adoptive parents do not yet have required documents. At this stage, the task of specialists is to help prepare for the reception of a child in a family.

The second course is for those who have already collected a package of documents and are looking for a child. Or the child has already been found and is going through the stage of adaptation in the family. Much of the work takes place in interaction with psychologists.

The third course is intended for those who have already passed the stage of adaptation. At this time, issues of maintaining the secrecy of adoption, family relations, the relationship of the child to blood relatives and the surrounding society are touched upon.

What can you learn at the School of Adoptive Parents

The Adoptive Parent School covers four main aspects of adoption. Legal (social and legal), medical, psychological, pedagogical and social. The legal course tells about the structure and interaction of executive authorities involved in the process of family placement of children. Future parents will learn about the material and non-material rights and obligations of a foster family, about the requirements imposed by law on candidates. Lawyers also help in the collection and execution of all necessary documents. The medical course includes lectures on rendering first aid children, correctable and non-correctable diagnoses, about the system of diagnosing, methods of diagnosing children in institutions.

The psychological and pedagogical part of the training course includes an individual interview with parents, a review of the developmental psychology of children and a discussion of the concept of a family system - family psychology, stages of development, crises, functions and dysfunctions. The social course covers the issues of adaptation of the child in society. Psychologists advise parents throughout the training.

How to start a course

It is impossible to say that there are established requirements for each school of foster parents. In some cities and towns, these institutions are free, in others you have to pay. There are also no universal programs for preparing future parents. As mentioned above, education is compulsory; without a certificate, the package of documents for the adoption of a child will be incomplete. Therefore, the first thing parents have to do is to find the nearest school for training. To do this, you can contact the social welfare authorities. Employees, as interested parties, will definitely tell you where they teach for parents and when you can start learning. As a rule, lectures and seminars are held throughout the month. The staff of the school of foster parents will tell you about the number of hours of training. Be prepared for lectures to start a month or two after you apply. At the moment there is a correspondence form of education. You can listen necessary material webinar, online. But tests and tests will still need to be taken personally.

Need to. But the school of foster parents is a theoretical base. The practice will begin after when a new family member appears in your family. Often, after training, adoptive parents decide that they are not ready for such a serious step. Others, on the contrary, dispel myths and prejudices for themselves and become even more confident in their decision. Experts advise taking classes with the utmost seriousness. Without knowledge of the basic rules, the difficult task of raising a child cannot be solved.

Elena Kononova