Who is a large family. A large family: how many children should it have, and what is it entitled to? The status of a large family with an incomplete family

Legislation at the federal level does not define what a "large family" is. According to Presidential Decree No. 431 of 1992, the establishment of the criterion for having many children is at the mercy of the heads of regions. Therefore, the criteria for having many children may vary, depending on the specific subject of the Russian Federation.

As a rule, you can consider a family that brings up at least three children. This figure may increase in regions with more traditional lifestyles and high population densities. For example, in Ingushetia, parents with many children are those with five or more children. Therefore, in order to say for sure whether a family will receive a large family, it is worth referring to the legislative framework of the place of residence.

However, not all children can be attributed to members. Such exceptions are:

  • children whose parents(in part or in full);
  • children who entered the provision of the state(compulsorily or voluntarily were transferred to orphanages, boarding schools);
  • emancipated or entered into marriage before the age of majority;
  • children who were consequently divided between mother and father(for example, due to a divorce with one of the parents, fewer children live, which is required for the status of large families);
  • children who have been overturned;
  • dead.

To obtain the status of large families, not only native children, but also adopted ones are counted. Guardians may also be counted, depending on regional legislation.

How long can a family have the status of a large family?

In most regions, a family will have many children until the eldest is eighteen years old. Another option is until the eldest child turns twenty-three years old, subject to full-time study.

Also, in a number of regions, a family can retain the status of a large family if the child has reached the age of majority and is not undergoing full-time training, but is drafted into the army for military service (Orel Region, Jewish Autonomous Region). In such cases, the family does not lose status until the end of the military service of the eldest of the children.

The status of a mother of many children gives a woman the right to use numerous benefits assigned by the state at the federal and regional levels. To obtain special rights, you need to have an official confirmation of this status - a certificate of a mother of many children.

What it is

The state, taking into account the special burden that falls on the shoulders of mothers with many children, has provided special measures to support this category of citizens.

However, in order to take full advantage of the benefits, a woman will have to obtain a certificate of a mother of many children.

The rights of mothers with many children are wider than the rights of ordinary women in almost all spheres of social life:

  • social services;
  • healthcare;
  • education;
  • labor activity;
  • leisure organization.

Benefits are provided in taxation, the use of municipal transport, and the provision of food for the child. In addition to the benefits of a mother of many children, numerous benefits and material assistance in kind are provided.

Who falls under the category

The status of a mother with many children depends on how many children under 16 are brought up in her family.

It must be kept in mind that older children may be taken into account if they continue in school, college or university.

At the same time, the concept of a mother of many children is not given in the Family Code, federal legislative acts. The fact is that all regions of the Russian Federation are endowed with the right to independently determine the criteria for having many children.

At the same time, national traditions and the demographic situation are taken into account.

Moreover, each region has its own program of assistance to large families. That is why both the amount of benefits and the set of benefits, specific types of state assistance differ from region to region.

If in Russia, before the collapse of the USSR, a woman with 5 children was considered to have many children, then in the modern Russian Federation, it is enough to obtain a special status or to raise three minor children.

However, this is a general rule, which may change in some republics in the direction of both increasing and decreasing the number of children.

For example, until 2012 in the Republic of Mari El, a family was recognized as large if it had four children, and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - five.

Blood relationship does not matter. If the child is officially adopted, he will be taken into account when assigning the status of a large family.

Who is a mother of many children? According to the general rule, a woman with many children will be recognized:

  1. Having given birth and raising three children of her own.
  2. Raising both her own, blood, and adopted by the court children.
  3. Engaged in raising only adopted (officially) children.

In addition, in some regions, not only officially adopted children are taken into account, but also those who are brought up by a woman after with their father, that is, stepdaughters and stepchildren. Such a rule applies, for example, in the federal city of Moscow.

Where to go

To obtain the official status of a mother of many children, a woman after the birth or adoption of a third child must contact the local social security service or a body authorized to perform the relevant functions:

  • management of social protection of the population (USZN);
  • department of social security;
  • in Moscow, the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population;

Status assignment is made only on the basis of the submitted application. It can be traditional (on paper) or electronic (if registration through the Public Services Portal is valid in the city of residence).

You need to apply only at the place, permanent or temporary.

The certificate, as a rule, is issued within ten, maximum - thirty days. In Moscow, the preparation of a document takes only one working day.

Who is considered a mother of many children

To obtain the status of a mother of many children, it is not enough to write an application. A woman must provide supporting documents, on the basis of which an appropriate positive decision will be made.

If the family has grounds for additional benefits, a mother of many children can take advantage of them by collecting certificates and supporting papers:

Each basis of a mother of many children will have to be confirmed by making statements and attaching papers to them.

Necessary conditions for obtaining the status

In order to become the owner of a certificate of a mother of many children, a woman must meet the requirements of the social service for this category of beneficiary citizens in the region of her residence.

This means that when moving to another city (region), the certificate will need to be issued again, as the requirements may change.

The following conditions are common:

Indicators Description
Registration of the mother (parent) at the place of application for a certificate (temporary or permanent)
Registration of children with their mother the parent for whom the certificate is issued
The presence of such a number of children in the family, which establishes the regional law of the area three for most regions (four, five, two - according to the legislation of individual regions of the Russian Federation)
Children's age which is taken into account when assigning status, according to general rules, must be no more than 16 years old
If the child continues to study after reaching the age of 16 his mother's status is extended until the age of 18. If a child has become a full-time student of a higher educational institution, then his mother will be considered to have many children until the child turns 23 years old

If the parents are registered at different addresses, then you need to issue a certificate only for the parent with whom all or at least three children are registered.

What gives a woman

The status of a mother of many children gives a woman a number of advantages associated with her work activity. Thus, in recent years, an important decision has been made that significantly influenced the position of this category of women in society.

First of all, we are talking about the appointment of an early retirement pension for mothers. The terms of her appointment were as follows:

It is quite difficult in this situation to obtain the required 15 years of experience.

If earlier it took into account a one and a half year period of caring for only three babies (4.5 years), now the length of service for mothers with many children includes a period of caring for four children.

Parent benefits include the following:

Indicators Description
The employer does not have the right, on the employee's own initiative, who brings up a child under three years of age, a child under 14 years of age, as well as a disabled child under 18 years of age
A parent with minor children may not be required to work overtime performance of duties on holidays, weekends, night time (only by written consent)
A mother of many children cannot be sent to without her written consent
The employer is obliged to provide a two-week additional (without pay) at any time upon request
A working mother of many children is provided with a double which saves a significant amount of

In addition, a discussion of a law will be introduced, which should provide free education for mothers of large families in a higher educational institution.

This program is being developed as part of the work aimed at increasing the accessibility of higher education for women with large families in general.

If the law is passed, then women who have the official status of having many children will get new chances in life, will be able to realize themselves more successfully not only as mothers, but also in the professional sphere.

Previously, the option of out-of-competition admission of mothers of large families to universities in the Russian Federation was considered.

Registration procedure

To obtain the status of a mother of many children, a woman must apply to the municipal social security authority or to the MFC with an appropriate application. A complete package of documents must be attached to it.

It may vary slightly in different regions of the Russian Federation (since it is based on a certain regulation), but in most cases it includes the following documents:

Indicators Description
Passport with local registration permanent or temporary
from the house administration or passport office confirming the fact of cohabitation of the mother and all her children (or at least three children)
Originals and copies of birth certificates consanguineous and adopted children brought up in a family
Foster children need court orders on adoption, which entered into force
If a child after the age of 16 studies you need to attach a certificate from the secretariat of the school or the dean's office of the university
B/W photo of mother 3*4 cm

Having handed over the documents, it remains only to wait for the due date, and then receive the document. In Moscow, according to the regulations, one working day is allotted for its manufacture. In the regions, the procedure cannot take more than one month.

After receiving a certificate of a mother of many children, a woman gets the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits and have special cash benefits from the regional budget.

Statutory Benefits

The privileges of a large family are guaranteed in various areas of social life. They are aimed at providing children from large families with the opportunity to receive education and guarantees in the field of healthcare.

What is the right of a mother of many children:

Indicators Description
Priority placement of children to a preschool educational institution
Free use of products from the dairy kitchen
Free provision of medicines by prescription from a local doctor or a discount on drugs from a certain group of drugs
Free for children in the sanatorium if there are medical indications
Free travel in municipal transport and commuter trains for mom and kids
Child travel discount and the accompanying parent to the place of recovery (regardless of the type of transport)
Providing free school uniforms, textbooks, stationery in selected regions
Two meals a day at school
Right to be on the waiting list for better living conditions as well as the allocation of a free plot of land for your own home
Subsidies for utility bills in some cases - complete exemption from rent
Eligibility for benefits housing program or subsidies for the purchase of housing

There are other benefits that are being developed by regional governments for their beneficiaries. For example, in Moscow, a mother of many children can use public baths for free and receive free help in making a denture.

Children may be provided with preferential opportunities in terms of obtaining basic or additional education:

In addition, a mother of many children receives various benefits, cash from the federal and regional budgets. The size depends on the socio-economic condition of a particular region.

Video: large family

Main nuances

Previously, the certificate of a mother with many children had to be constantly (annually) renewed. Otherwise, the benefits were canceled until it was confirmed that the right to state assistance was preserved.

However, now the certificate is valid until one of the children reaches the age of 16.

To renew the certificate after this date, the mother must provide evidence to the social services that she has the right to renew the special status:

A mother of many children loses her special status in the following cases:

Extension of the status is possible when the required number of own or adopted children appears in the family.

If a mother of many children leaves for a permanent place of residence in another region, she must replace the certificate.

The fact is that the conditions for issuing this document may change. Therefore, a certificate issued by the social security of another subject of the Russian Federation loses its relevance.

If a mother of many children performs her maternal duties poorly, the children may be placed in the custody of relatives or third parties. With such a development of events, the previously issued certificate is canceled.

The legislative framework

Assistance to a mother of many children is provided on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation:

In this document, we are talking about the fact that each region is obliged to provide assistance to large families and independently develop criteria for recognizing a family with large families.

Cash benefits for mothers of many children are guaranteed on the basis of the Federal Law:

Early retirement can be assigned to a mother of many children on the basis of the Federal Law:

A mother of many children can apply for all types of federal cash benefits for pregnant women and women who have given birth, as well as special financial support from the state in the form of benefits, subsidies, and other types of assistance in kind.

In addition, the state guarantees her numerous benefits in various areas of social life.

A large family is a status that is assigned to a family that brings up a certain number of children. It is necessary to receive benefits and benefits provided by federal and regional authorities.

Assignment of the status of large families

If we consider the definition according to the law, then it is worth referring to. This normative act states that the regional authorities should independently form the conditions under which parents can count on benefits. This means that there is no single rule that applies throughout the country.

In regions with a low birth rate, large families are assigned to families in which 3 or more minor children are brought up. In the eastern regions, where it is customary to give birth to many babies, you can get this status when 5 or more heirs are born.

If we conduct statistics, then in most regions of the country a married couple or one of the parents who are raising at least 3 children is recognized as a large family.

With how many heirs you can count on subsidies, you should check with the authorities of your region.

When is the status of large families lost?

An important point is up to what age of children a family is considered to have many children. The status is not assigned for life, but only until one of the children reaches a certain age. This parameter is also determined by the regional authorities. In some areas the maximum age for a child is 16, but in most areas the limit is set at 18 or until graduation.

As soon as the third child reaches the age limit, the family loses the status of having many children. In doing so, she immediately loses all the benefits.

Which children "count"?

A large family is a family in which at least three minor heirs are brought up. All children who are dependent on adults are taken into account. These include:

  • relatives (born);
  • reception rooms;
  • adopted;
  • stepsons and stepdaughters.

Children from previous marriages are also taken into account when calculating the number of small family members. For example, a woman and a man each have a child from a previous marriage who lives with them. After registering the marriage, the couple has a joint son or daughter. In this case, the status of a large family is assigned. If heirs from previous marriages live with other parents, they are not taken into account. Also, the heirs of the common-law spouse are not taken into account, even after the birth of a joint offspring.

And there are important nuances here. Children from a previous marriage must officially live in a new family, that is, the court must determine the place of residence with the parent who draws up large families. It happens that a child is supposed to live with his mother after a divorce, but he lives with his father. In this case, if the father marries and he has two more children (born or from a new wife), then the family will not receive the status of having many children, since the husband’s baby lives with him illegally.

Incomplete large families

The status of a single mother or single father does not interfere with obtaining the status of a large family. A single parent is also eligible for benefits if they are raising three or more children on their own. However, in this case, only relatives and officially adopted babies are taken into account.

Unfortunately, in recent years, single parents have been deprived of many benefits. And you can compensate for the loss of subsidies by assigning the status of having many children.

Who is denied a license?

There are a number of reasons why the right to obtain a certificate is lost.

  • Deprivation of rights. If the parents are deprived of parental rights, then the assignment of the status of large families is not required. If the rights are deprived only of one of the spouses, then the second can count on benefits.
  • emancipation of the child. If one of the heirs is recognized as capable ahead of time (for example, he finds a job early or creates his own family), then from that moment his parents cannot count on the status of large families.
  • Deprivation of liberty. If a parent is serving a term in a colony, then he is not entitled to the assignment of status, as well as benefits. It turns out that the concept of a "large family" applies only to parents who actually take part in the upbringing of their offspring. After the end of the sentence, the right to receive the status returns.
  • Finding a child in a boarding school. If at least one of the three kids is being raised in a boarding school (for example, for the disabled), then the parents cannot get the status.

If you are denied the status of a large family for other reasons, then the decision of the social service can be challenged in higher authorities.

Often a mother or father is denied due to a low standard of living. This applies to families of alcoholics who are registered with the guardianship authorities. This measure is temporary, until the moment when the guardianship authorities cease to control the life of the family and are not sure of safe living conditions.

How to get the status of large families?

Obtaining the status is possible in two organizations: the bodies of social protection of the population and the MFC, which territorially belongs to the region where the family lives. Only one parent or legal guardian may apply. The main thing is that the children live with the applicant legally.

The procedure is free, it takes about a month to review the documents. If not all certificates are provided or errors are made in the application, the period is extended. If all the documents are in order, then within a month after the application, the family is issued a certificate - you can already contact the social services with it to apply for benefits and benefits.

To obtain a "crust" it is necessary to prepare documents:

  • statement;
  • applicant's passport;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • a document confirming the adoption of babies;
  • marriage certificate (if the parents are divorced, then a certificate of divorce);
  • photo of the applicant;
  • certificate from the place of residence of children (it must contain information that the children live with their parents);
  • a certificate confirming that the certificate of a large family was not previously received.

If one of the heirs has reached the age of majority, then it is necessary to take a certificate from the educational institution stating that he is receiving an education.

There are a few things to keep in mind when applying for a certificate.

  • The document has a certain period of validity. In some regions, it must be renewed every year, in others - every three years. This is necessary to confirm the preservation of the status of large families.
  • If the family moves to another region, then in the new region you will have to obtain a new certificate. This is explained by the fact that each subject of the country has its own rules for obtaining this status.
  • If the spouses have a permanent place of residence in another country, then in Russia their family will not be recognized as having many children.
  • A prerequisite for granting the status is the registration of both spouses in the same region.

There are a lot of controversial situations. For example, when one of the parents is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, social services refuse to issue a certificate. And if, according to the laws of the region, this reason for refusal is provided, then it will no longer be possible to achieve recognition of a family with many children. Therefore, before contacting, be sure to read the rules of your region or get information from the social service.

So, as a rule, a family with 3 or more children is considered to be large. The exact conditions for granting this status are determined by regional legislation. Obtaining a certificate of a large family entitles you to many benefits. You can apply for the status in the social service at the place of residence.

A woman was created by nature itself for motherhood. But modernity has set its own conditions and many decide on one, maximum two children. But in the recent past, mothers with many children were in the order of things.

The state did not always support childhood and motherhood. There were times when parents lived as best they could, but still there were many children in families.

Many children - many rights

Raising children is not an easy process, it requires great moral strength and, of course, costs. Raising one or two children and giving them everything for decent development can sometimes be difficult. What can we say about families with three or more children.

Such families are supported by the state at the legislative level. Parents are entitled to some assistance.

Much is being done in the Russian Federation to support a woman's desire to have as many children as possible. After all, if we compare the statistics on mortality and fertility, then the first is clearly ahead of the second.

Therefore, the government of the Russian Federation issued many laws and provided benefits to encourage childbearing.

Who is a mother of many children

A mother of many children in Russia is a woman who has given birth to or raised three or more children.

But there is one caveat. If at least one child has reached the full age of 18, and there are less than three children of younger age, then the woman is no longer considered to have many children. Accordingly, all existing rights and benefits are canceled.

The age is extended to 23 years if the children are studying in an accredited educational institution full-time or if the child is drafted into the army. In this case, the rights and benefits are preserved upon presentation of a certificate from an educational institution or military enlistment office.

But this rule does not apply to absolutely all regions of the Russian Federation. For example, in Moscow, a mother can be considered large if she has three or more children under the age of 16. The age is extended to 18 years in the case of study or military service.

Cash payments

Mothers of many children receive certain cash payments from the state, which are designed to help parents provide their children with everything necessary. Among them are the following:

  1. When a second or more child is born in a family, parents receive a monthly payment of 5153 rubles.
  2. The so-called compensatory cash payments associated with an increase in the cost of living standards. Paid for 600 rubles. for each baby, if there are 3-4 children in the family, and 750 rubles. with 5 or more children. Payments are made up to the age of 16. Up to 18 pay per child who studies at an educational institution.
  3. If parents have five or more dependent children, a compensation payment of 900 rubles is due.
  4. Very young children, up to three years old, are paid compensation for baby food every month in the amount of 675 rubles.
  5. There are also payments to mothers of large families. So, if a family has 3-4 children, 522 rubles are compensated monthly. If there are 5 or more children dependent, then the amount of compensation increases to 1044 rubles.
  6. If there is a landline telephone in the house where a large family lives, the fee for its use is also compensated in the amount of 230 rubles. per month.
  7. Particularly "distinguished" mothers of many children who have given birth or have 10 or more children in their upbringing receive monetary compensation from the state for each baby up to 16 years old (or up to 23 if the child is a full-time student). The amount of monetary compensation is 750 rubles. for every child.
  8. A woman who has raised ten children, at the time of registration and receipt of a pension, receives a one-time remuneration of 10,000 rubles.
  9. By the holidays, families with 10 or more kids also receive a cash reward. So, in the international they are entitled to 10,000 rubles. from the state as a token of gratitude for the contribution to the increase in the birth rate and the preservation of the cult of the family. By the day of knowledge, they also do not remain without help. The family is paid 15,000 rubles. to get the kids to school.
  10. Mothers who have given birth or adopted more than 7 children receive a medal of Parental Glory. Simultaneously with this event, they are awarded a prize - 100,000 rubles.

Don't Forget About Your Rights

Having many children is a big responsibility. In this regard, sometimes there are many difficulties in situations that do not cause such difficulties for families with fewer children.

Therefore, at the legislative level, the rights of a mother of many children are enshrined:

  1. It is not at all easy for a mother with a large number of children to stand in lines, so she has the right to priority service.
  2. Children under 6 years of age are entitled to free prescriptions for medicines at the pharmacy.
  3. Large families in priority for obtaining vouchers to children's camps, sanatoriums.
  4. Children from large families are taken to kindergarten out of turn.
  5. Toddlers, as prescribed by a doctor, receive products for prosthetic or orthopedic purposes free of charge.
  6. The whole family is entitled to free travel on buses or suburban trains.
  7. Schoolchildren eat for free in the school cafeteria.
  8. Large families are eligible for can be sold.
  9. Mothers of many children who raised five children who have reached the age of 8 are entitled to early retirement.
  10. At the same time, if the mother was deprived of parental rights or even one child died before reaching 8 years old, a pension is assigned.
  11. a pension for mothers with many children is assigned at the age of 50 and 15 years.

At the regional level, other laws that support motherhood and children can be adopted.

But all the rights of a mother of many children, adopted for the Russian Federation, must be fulfilled regardless of the region of residence and the well-being of the family.

Confirmation of having many children

In order to officially confirm the status of having many children, a woman is issued a certificate of a mother of many children. In order to get it, you should choose one of three possible actions.

  1. Submit documents to the social security service. The application is submitted at the place of residence.
  2. You can contact the newly formed MFC. These are the so-called "single window services".
  3. Also, in large regions, it is possible to submit documents for obtaining a certificate through the electronic portal of public services.

Documents for obtaining a certificate of large families

In order for you to be issued a certificate of a mother of many children, you must prepare a number of the following necessary documents:

  1. all children.
  2. Passports are required for parents and children over 14 years of age.
  3. If there is - or divorce.
  4. You will need a 3 x 4 cm photo of the parents.
  5. If there are guarded or adopted children, then documents on adoption or guardianship are needed.
  6. When there are children over the age of 18 and full-time students, a certificate of the child's education will be required.
  7. In the event of a divorce of the parents, prepare a certificate of agreement on where and with whom the children will live.
  8. Also, depending on the specific situation, other documents may be required, for example, a certificate of paternity, a death certificate of a spouse, and others.

Copies of documents are also required. But in case of their absence, the employees of the body accepting the application are obliged to make them on their own.

The application and documents are taken for consideration, this process cannot last more than a month. After that, if everything is in order, a certificate of a mother of many children is issued.

Benefits for large families

  • Families that decide to have a large number of children are supported by the state. For them, in addition to the above payments, some other benefits have been developed.
  • So, if a family wants to create their own farm, they will have tax benefits and can receive a gratuitous loan. Or the family is assisted in the creation of the economy.
  • In the case of a family living in a house without central heating, they are entitled to a discount on utilities in the amount spent on fuel for heating.
  • Schoolchildren are required to issue school and sports uniforms for the school year free of charge.
  • If you want to take a loan for housing, the family is entitled to benefits in the form of a lower percentage, deferred payments and reimbursement of part of the amount by the state.
  • When opening a business, such families may be fully or partially exempted from the obligation to pay the mandatory registration fee.

When there is no dad

Sometimes it happens that in the life of a happy family, where there are many children, there is no most important man - the father of the family. But what won't women do! They do an excellent job with a large family, and many still manage to go to work, earn money.

But be that as it may, single mothers with many children have certain rights and support from the laws.

Mothers, in addition to caring for children, try to give their babies love, and the state is trying to somehow protect such women, giving them certain benefits.

Who is considered a single mom?

  1. The woman who gave birth (in the column "father" in the birth certificates - a dash or information entered from the words of the woman).
  2. It happens that a mother gives birth to a child, being married. But the husband can prove in court that he is not the father of the child. Then the woman will be assigned
  3. The child was born out of wedlock, and the father avoids keeping the baby.

Benefits for single moms

In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, single mothers with many children are entitled to some benefits:

  • Such women with children under the age of 14 are protected by law from redundant dismissal or when there is a change in the former management team.
  • Single mothers with many children have the right to pay sick leave to care for a baby who is not yet 7 years old.
  • If a woman has a baby under 5 years old, she cannot be forced to work in excess of the established norm, even in case of production necessity.
  • For a child under two years of age, free baby food is provided at specialized dairy kitchens.
  • Children are entitled to first-priority free vouchers to health resorts and admission to preschool educational institutions out of turn.

No matter how good or bad the laws that support large families are, there is a tendency for more and more parents to decide to have three or more kids.

And the existing benefits and benefits for mothers with many children, which they are entitled to receive, make the life of such families much easier.

Large families are most of all in Ingushetia, Chechnya and Tuva. In the Leningrad region, the birth rate is much lower; demographically, this region is among the outsiders. By giving preference to large families, the state hopes to influence the birth rate.

In Tsarist Russia and the pre-war Soviet Union, it was customary to bring up 8-12 children. Parents did not expect benefits and did not complain about the difficulties of a large family. The family was considered normal and did not cause misunderstanding, which cannot be said about modern society, in which there is a strong delusion: a large family is a family in crisis, marginal; or churched, deeply believing.

There are many myths about the preferences that rely on large families. For example, some believe that having many children entitles them to a second federal maternity capital. But this is not provided, maternity capital is issued only at the birth of a second child. If the third and subsequent ones are born, the right to receive a regional certificate comes.

Status of mother of many children

A woman who brings up 3 or more children is a mother of many children. This status is maintained until the age of majority of the children. But in Mari El, for example, where it is customary to have large families, having many children is determined by the birth of the fourth child.

Benefits and rights provided by the state begin to operate from the execution of the relevant documents. They must be submitted to the social protection authorities of the population of your city or district. You will need to present:

  • passport or other identity document;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • photo of the mother 3x4 cm;
  • if the woman is not married, documents certifying paternity are needed;
  • documents of guardians and adoptive parents;
  • certificates of persons living in the same apartment with a mother of many children.

After reviewing the documents, a decision is made whether to assign the status of a “mother of many children” to the woman, which gives the right to enjoy all the benefits provided for the category. The status fixes the certificate of a mother of many children.

Benefits for mothers with many children

The smallest benefit provided for a mother of many children is the opportunity to visit a museum or an exhibition with her children once a month. The most necessary benefit is the one that allows you to solve the housing problem and move the family to a spacious house. That is, the allocation of a target plot of land with infrastructure provided by the municipal authorities, the sale of the plot is prohibited.

Other perks:

  1. Benefits for mothers with many children include the right not to wait in line for a child to be placed in a kindergarten. Pupils and students in institutions of a professional type must have breakfast and lunch during the educational process free of charge.
  2. There is also a “communal” benefit for paying for resources: electricity, water, gas, as well as home heating services.
  3. Free or discounted travel in public transport, in some regions - and in intercity buses.
  4. Prescription medicines for children under 6 years of age are free.
  5. School uniforms must be provided free of charge each school year.

The rights of a mother of many children

The labor rights of a mother with many children are approved by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 261 of the Code is about this. But it only applies to cases where there is no one to support the family except the mother. An employer is prohibited from dismissing a mother of many children if she does not violate labor discipline. List of other norms of the Labor Code:

  • the opportunity to work part-time at the request of the mother of a young child or a child with a disability;
  • employment without a probationary period for mothers with children under one and a half years;
  • work overtime and at night for a worker with children under three years of age is possible only with her consent.

Mothers with many children have the right to unpaid leave at any time, but not longer than two weeks. This norm must be spelled out in the employment contract of the organization, and the age of two children must be less than fourteen years old.

Mothers with many children raising five or more children can retire earlier.

If a woman is looking for work through an employment service, then specialists are obliged to select a place of employment according to the wishes of the applicant, for example, with the opportunity to work half a day.

Privileges of a mother of many children

Mothers with many children can return part of the amount paid for attending kindergarten by their children. The right is enshrined in federal law and allows for the first child to count on a return of 20 to 70%.

Mothers with many children can undergo retraining under a preferential scheme in order to receive a new specialty. The benefit applies only to those professions that are in demand in the region, and not to any profession at the request of the mother.

If the income per person in a family does not reach the subsistence level, then the right to social housing appears. A social tenancy agreement can be concluded if there is no housing in the property or the family is not provided with the minimum standard for square meters.

Under the same conditions, mothers with many children can count on the allocation of a budget subsidy for housing.

Allowance for mothers with many children and tax incentives

Mothers with many children receive subsidies, one of them is a lump sum, which is accrued at the birth of a child. Such material assistance is about 15,000 rubles, the payment is indexed depending on inflation. Benefits for the care of children up to one and a half and three years are accrued every month, there is also a child subsidy until the age of majority.

In 53 regions, payments have been established for children under three years of age, starting with the third child and for each subsequent child. Children under 16 and 18 years of age are eligible for compensation.

In addition to social benefits, mothers with many children have benefits in the taxation system. They do not pay income tax on government benefits. The personal income tax deduction for the third child is higher than the deduction for the first and second, including when the oldest children in the family reach the age of 18.

Some regions exempt large families from transport tax.

Regional preferences for large families

Each region can supplement federal benefits and payments intended for large families with its own system of support measures, based on the possibilities of the budget.

In all regions of the Russian Federation, there is a program of regional maternity capital, the right to which in most regions comes precisely with large families. The amount of such a budget subsidy sometimes exceeds one hundred thousand rubles.

One of the widespread support measures for large families in the regions is a monthly allowance equal to the subsistence level. Other perks:

  1. Discounts on the payment of the registration fee when establishing an IP or exemption from it.
  2. Purchase of building materials under an interest-free loan agreement if the family wants to build a house.

Help from the public

The more developed the work of public organizations in the region, the more actively they are ready to help large families on a gratuitous basis. Most often, their services are needed:

  1. When applying for benefits (legal advice and support in various situations are also in demand).
  2. Psychological help.
  3. Assistance in providing clothing or study supplies to needy families.

Mother's pension

A mother with many children has the right to retire early if the woman is 50 years old and has more than fifteen years of work experience. The youngest child must be over eight years of age. These points are taken into account in the amount, so if one of the conditions does not match, then early retirement will not be released.

The pension of a mother with many children does not have any special features when calculating. As for other pensioners, the scheme takes into account the length of service and the number of points for insurance premiums.

To apply for a pension, you will need to submit a package of documents to the Pension Fund Department, including a passport, birth certificates of children, a work book, a certificate from the place of work on the level of wages, documents certifying additional benefits.

Documents must be considered within ten days, after the first pension payment is accrued.

Medals and awards

Women who have raised more than 7 children are awarded the Order of Parental Glory with an incentive of 100,000 rubles. Also, the regions have the right to establish their own insignia and determine the amount of a lump sum cash payment. The amounts depend on the budget of the region:

  • Moscow region - "Mother's Glory", one hundred thousand rubles;
  • Leningrad region - "Glory to the Mother", one hundred thousand rubles;
  • Tatarstan - "Mother's Glory", twenty-five thousand rubles;
  • Chelyabinsk region - "Mother's Glory", according to the degrees: fifty thousand rubles, seventy-five thousand rubles and one hundred thousand rubles;
  • "Mother's Glory" and "Father's Valor" - fifty thousand rubles, for single-parent families with many children;
  • Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - "Mother's Glory", eleven and a half thousand rubles;
  • Yamal - "Maternal Glory of Yamal", two hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

Honoring ceremonies are usually timed to coincide with holidays of federal or regional significance. The awards are presented by representatives of the regional authorities, governors or heads of regions in a solemn atmosphere. As a rule, parents are given the opportunity to talk with the leadership of the region, ask for help or assistance in various matters.