Child-parent relationship. Presentation on the world around "Parents and children" presentation for a lesson on the world around (grade 4) on the topic Download presentation on the topic parents and children

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“The need for parental love is not only the strongest of all human needs, but also the longest. Hobbies will pass, the passions that once shook our lives will fade away, many attachments will take place, but love for parents and the need for reciprocal love remains with us until the end of our days. ” Alla Spivakovskaya

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The success of raising children is directly dependent on the personal growth, harmony and peace of mind of the parents.

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Love, acceptance, respect, understanding that parents will lay in their child in the first five years, he will carry through life.

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Child psychology distinguishes 3 main types of relations between parents and their children: 1. The optimal type 2. The type of excessive involvement (authoritarian control) 3. The type of excessive detachment (emotional rejection)

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Aspects of parenting: What do children themselves want? Essential care (food, warmth, clothing, etc.) Safety. Heartfelt warmth. promotion. Leadership and limitation. Stability. It is important to clearly separate paternal and maternal responsibilities.

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Parental support is a process: In which the parent focuses on the virtues of the child. Which helps the child to believe in himself and in his abilities. Who supports the child in case of failures.

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In order to show faith in a child, a parent must have the courage and desire to do the following: Forget about past failures. Help the child to gain confidence that he will cope with this task. Allow the child to start from scratch, relying on the fact that the parent believes in him, in his ability to succeed. Remember past successes and return to them, not mistakes.

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In order to support a child, it is necessary to: Build on the strengths of the child. Avoid emphasizing the child's mistakes. To be able and willing to demonstrate love for the child. Introduce humor into your relationship with your child. Spend more time with your child. Show empathy for the child and faith in your child. Accept the individuality of the child. Allow your child to solve problems on their own whenever possible. Avoid disciplinary rewards and punishments.

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Words that support and that destroy his faith in himself: Words of encouragement: Knowing you, I'm sure you did everything, well. You do it very well. Do you have any thoughts on this? Are you ready to start? This is a serious challenge. But I'm sure. That you are ready for it. Words of disappointment: Knowing you and your abilities. I think you could do it much better. This idea can never be realized. It's too hard for you, so I'll do it myself.

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You can support through: Separate words (beautiful, wonderful, great). Statements (“I am proud of you”, “Thank you”, “Everything is going well”, etc.). Touch (touch the hand, hug it, etc.). Joint actions (sit, stand side by side, etc.). Facial expression (smile, nod, laugh).

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Inseparable friends - parents and children! Learn to be your child's friend. Criticize, not humiliate, but support. Teach your child to be honest with friends and not to take advantage of friendship. Invite your child's friends to the house, communicate with them. If your child confides their secrets to you as friends, don't blackmail them with them.

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When we express pleasure in what our child is doing, it supports him and encourages him to continue the work or make new attempts. Then he enjoys himself. Genuine support by the parents of their child should be based on emphasizing his abilities, the possibilities of his positive sides. It is important that the parent learns to accept the child as he is, including all his achievements and mistakes, and in communicating with him, take into account the meaning of such things as tone, gestures, expressions.

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Test "Measure of care" Instruction: it is known that many violations in the behavior and development of the child are associated with insufficient attention to him by parents. However, according to psychologists, excessive guardianship can be as dangerous as its lack. This test will help you figure out how true your educational position is. There are 15 statements in front of you. At first glance, it may seem that not all of them are related to education. Nevertheless, for each phrase, mark the number of points corresponding to your judgment on this issue. "Strongly disagree" - 1 point. "I would be in no hurry to agree with this" - 2 points. "That's probably true" - 3 points. "Absolutely, I think so" - 4 points. Statements. 1. Parents should anticipate all the problems of the child in order to help him overcome them. 2. For a good mother, it is enough to communicate only with her own family. 3. A small child should always be held firmly while washing, so that he does not fall and hurt himself. 4. When a child does what he must, he is on the right track and will be happy because of this. 5. It's good if the child goes in for sports. But he should not engage in martial arts, as this is fraught with physical injuries and mental disorders. 6. Parenting is hard work. 7. The child should not have secrets from the parents. 8. If the mother does not cope with her duties in relation to the children, this most likely means that the father does not fulfill his duties of supporting the family well. 9. Maternal love cannot be excessive: you cannot spoil a child with love. 10. Parents should protect the child from the negative aspects of life. 11. You should not accustom the child to routine housework so that he does not lose his desire for any work. 12. If the mother did not lead the house, husband, children, everything would be less organized. 13. In the family diet, everything that is most delicious and healthy should go to the child first of all. 14. The best protection against infectious diseases is to limit contact with others. 15. Parents should actively influence which peer a child chooses to be friends with.

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Processing the results If you scored over 40 points, then your family, most likely, can be called child-centric. That is, the interests of the child - the main motive of your behavior. This position is commendable. However, yours is somewhat pointed. Psychologists call it overprotection. In such families, adults do everything for the child, strive to protect him from imaginary dangers, force him to follow his requirements, judgments, and moods. As a result, the child develops a passive dependence on parents, which, as they grow older, increasingly hinders personal growth. You should trust your child more, believe in him, listen to his own interests, because it is rightly said: "Raising children means teaching them to do without us." From 25 to 40 points. Your child is not in danger of becoming promiscuous and spoiled, as long as you give him sufficient, but not excessive attention. Try to maintain this level of relationship. If you scored less than 25 points, then you clearly underestimate yourself as an educator, rely too much on chance and a favorable set of circumstances. Problems in business and marital relationships often take your attention away from your child. And he has the right to expect great participation and care from you!

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Informometriya (Form for parents) _____________________________________________ (last name, first name, patronymic) What do you most often call your child? What time does he usually come home from school? What does he do in his free time? Do you know who his closest friends are? Give them their addresses. Who are their parents? What are their names, where do they work, by whom? How long has your child been friends with these guys? Name your child's favorite pastime. Name your child's favorite color. What movies do you like to watch? What books does he read? Who wants to be? How much time do you spend with him, devote to him? Can you tell me what kind of child you have? What would you like him to change about himself? Can you name how much money per month you approximately spend on yourself, on a child?

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Informometriya (Form for schoolchildren) ________________________________________________ (last name, first name, patronymic) What are the names of your parents? What do you usually call them? Who do they work and where? What exactly do they do, release, what do they do? Who are your parents friends with? Can you name these people? How long have they been friends? How do you think why? How long has your child been friends with these guys? Name your parents' favorite pastime. Name your parents' favorite color. What movies do you like to watch? What books are they reading? When and where were they born? What time does their working day start and end? What salary do they receive? What is the most common name they call you?

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Parent meeting Subject: Parents and their children.

  • Parents in the family are the main. As dad decides. How the mother decides, etc. Everything should not revolve around the child, so that selfishness does not develop, but the respect and authority of parents grows.

Why do I love my mom? (children's answers)

I like my mom because she takes care of me.

I like my mom because she always treats me with tea in the morning and dinner in the evening.

We love mom because she cooks, helps us and not only us, but also other people.

  • I love my mother very much, because she always treats me.
  • I love my mom very much. I will not give her to anyone, because she is mine!
  • I love my mom because she loves me.
  • I like my mother because she is beautiful and kind.

I love my mother because she is beautiful, honest, cultured, kind, fair.

Why do I love my dad? (children's answers)

  • I like my dad because he takes care of me.
  • I love my dad because he is kind, smart.
  • I love dad because he helps us.
  • I love my dad because he is my dad. Nobody has a dad like me.
  • I love my dad because he is smart and loves to build a dacha.
  • I love my dad because he is kind.

I love my dad because he is kind, sensitive, neat, honest and tall.

Treat the child like an adult and ask him for what he has done.

  • Why didn't you?
  • Why did you do it badly? (it means you are still small).

Household duties.

Like it or not, but you must do it. So it is necessary! At the same time, dear parents, pay attention to the quality of performance (not just how to get behind, but GOOD!). By cleaning the classroom of all children, you can calculate how they help at home, their skills and abilities plus desire.

Cultivating a sense of RESPONSIBILITY.

Promised - do it or warn that you are not ready or cannot do it) You cannot promise and not fulfill. Such people are treated with distrust and, therefore, are reluctant to communicate.

Education industriousness. The family works and the children must work. Parents plant, water, and children help, because you need to help mom, dad, grandmother, etc.

The concept of "NECESSARY!" children need to be educated from childhood. The whole life of a person is built on this word.

And children like to say “I want, I don’t want”, “I will, I won’t”.

The ability of children to treat and give gifts.

  • You'll? I do not want.
  • Take it. I do not need it. The ability to make gifts is not to give what you do not need, but what will please the person to whom you give a gift.

Conversation with girls: How to behave with boys? (according to etiquette). Conversation with the boys: How should a boy behave with girls? (according to etiquette). What is decent, but how to behave indecently!

ETIQUETTE These are the rules of human behavior among other people.

Children's nutrition. Teach children the culture of food right away so that they don’t learn to overeat, but leave the table with the feeling: they would eat something else.

Learn to understand the benefits and harms of food. (chips, crackers, Pepsi-Cola, Sprite, etc.) - it's tasty, but harmful to the digestive system. Try replacing it with healthy food.

Homework quality: Fixing the material. Some parents do not participate at all. Therefore, often some children do not perform childcare, and some do it poorly. Just to do it, but you need to fix the material.

How children pack? Some children always have everything, while others always forget something at home. Often children do not have either pens, or rulers, or erasers. It distracts from the lesson.

Accuracy must be shown in everything. Textbooks, notebooks: someone always has covers, and someone needs to be told several times. What about parents? They don't seem to care!

Cultivate curiosity in children.

The study of artists, poets, poems, etc. All this develops memory, speech, intelligence, aesthetic taste, thinking. Help children. Take part in the consolidation of the material. Ask the children to tell poems about artists, go to a museum, an exhibition, etc. with him.

Loving a child means preparing him for life.

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Presentation slides

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Let the kids play...

Pedagogical seminar for parents. Classroom teacher 6th grade MOU secondary school No. 10 Zaikina Natalya Semyonovna.

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Every child has the right to life and development. (Art. 6)

I grow up to the joy of my mother, But I have to admit that I grew up the best, How much I need to give!

Vovochki and Lenochka, Andryushka and Arishka - Every day girls and boys are born, They use their rights from the first days - After all, from the cradle a person gets a name.

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Adults and children know everything in the world. that our family best friend on the big planet.


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Relevance. The upbringing of the younger generation has always worried and excites people, but this eternal problem is especially acute at the turning points, since it is connected with abrupt change society's demands on the individual. Children grow up, become smarter, and I would like to see fewer problems in communicating with children. Both teachers and parents are concerned about the behavior of grown children and the difficulties associated with this problem. The family has always had a huge impact on children. It is the family that can create an atmosphere of spiritual comfort for a teenager, help him feel secure, self-confident, teach him to treat others correctly.

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Purpose: - to promote the formation of trusting and friendly relations between parents and children; teachers and students; - identify problems and ways to promote the development of the personality of children. Tasks: - to obtain information about the relationship between parents and children in the families of students in the class; - to find out what measures of encouragement and punishment the parents of students prefer to apply; - to promote the formation of parents' ideas about true parental authority and the actualization of the need for its manifestation in relations with children.

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Stages of preparing a parent meeting. Stage 1. Questioning of parents, children. Children's compositions on the theme "My family". 2 stage. Processing of survey results. Stage 3. Parent meeting. Questionnaire. 1. What are the components of family happiness? What examples on this issue could you give from life, from works of art? 2. There is an opinion that the love of parents for each other should be dominant, prevailing over love for children. What do you think? 3. Does family happiness depend on the number of children? A.S. Makarenko argued that it was big family creates the atmosphere of friendship, warmth and mutual support necessary for modern life. What is your point of view? 4. Does family happiness depend on material security and living conditions? 5. The role of a woman - a mother in creating a happy family. 6. The role of the husband - father in creating a happy family. * * * 7. What is the happiest moment in your life? 8. Have you ever regretted anything in your life?

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Board layout. "Let's never fight!" My family is my joy. Folk wisdom about the family. * You won't find a better friend than a mother. * The father of his son does not teach badly. * What is the best in the son - from the parents. * Parents will not say bad things to their children. *Mother's heart better than the sun warms. * Offend father - mother You won't find happiness. * For the sake of the child, the mother will throw herself into the fire. *Our parents are not persecutors. Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people, before our country. A.S. Makarenko In every person, nature sprouts either as cereals or as weeds; let him water the first and destroy the second in good time. F. Bacon.

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look at each other and give joy to each other. wish you a good mood. Psychological mood.

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Guys are growing before our eyes! Once upon a time, Vovka lived in my verses - a kind soul (that's what the baby was called) And now he is an adult small, He looks about twelve years old, And readers, perhaps, Adult Vovka will surprise ...

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Dear parents guys! Today we have a joint meeting, the theme of which is “Relationships between parents and children”. The topic, as you understand, is not new, nor is the problem new. More I.S. Turgenev called his novel "Fathers and Sons", in which he brought to the fore the problem of the relationship between fathers and children, that is, representatives of different generations: older and younger. For us, this problem is also relevant, because. your children enter adolescence, we call it transitional, and many at this age change dramatically. What happens to them is what you just heard in A. Barto's poem "How Vovka became an adult." I hope that today's conversation will help get rid of conflicts and quarrels, help parents understand their children, and children to be kinder and more gentle towards their parents. Therefore, I propose to work under the motto "Let's never quarrel!"

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1 stage assembly. Group work. A group of children. Assignment: develop criteria for adults " good parents is…” A group of parents. Task: develop criteria for children “Good children are…”

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General rules of conduct developed by students and parents. - Try to understand each other in any situation - Never raise your voice at each other. - Be able to give advice and listen to the advice of others. In order not to quarrel, you need: - To be able to support in difficult times. - To trust each other. - Be able to listen and hear each other.

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Stage 2. Conversation "What is at home, such is yourself." Why do we love our home? What are you doing to make the child feel good at home, so that the child loves his home?

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Summary of the conversation. A symbol of family happiness With a single body, I will compare the family: The father is the head, and the hands are the sons. And in the body - a mother, she is like a heart, And the whole family depends on her. Kamol

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Stage 3. A moment of revelation. When was the last time you heard a compliment addressed to you at home? When you said good things pleasant words? Not flattering praise, but the most ordinary, benevolent? Can we pronounce kind words towards each other?

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Saying compliments and wishes to each other, we always wish happiness. We say that the family should be happy. What is happiness? (The children's essays, the results of the survey are read.)

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What is happiness? I can answer: This is when the evening lights up the stars. And when the shirt sticks to the body. And when the skin is numb from the sun. Happiness is in the morning, going to work, To know: the worries of the world and your worries. Happiness is to get the sun in the mine, To cut a path for those who are behind you. What is happiness? Be in tune with the truth, Don't let the young and the old get into trouble. Be the first in every business to set an example. Take an accurate eye when assaulting a goal. What is happiness? To build a day - a day, To remain for a long time in human memory. Live peacefully with a neighbor, Despise scandal, Feed lunch, Who is tired on the way. What is happiness? With a young mind Encroach on science On the earthly path. Believe in humanity, When trouble comes. Sensitivity and cordiality Always show.

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“Love your child as he is, and forget about the qualities that he does not have ... The result of education does not depend on the degree of severity or gentleness, but on your feelings for the child and on those life principles that you instill in him.” Benjamin Spock. So let's try to get closer to each other in our families, to take one more step towards mutual understanding and unity! May the warmth of your family hearth be preserved for many years.

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I see the ultimate goal of my work as a class teacher in the fact that as a result of my pedagogical efforts a personality will be brought up: -capable of independently building his life; striving for spiritual understanding of what is happening to her and those around her; -possessing a civil position, feeling ownership of the fate of the country.

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Prepared by: teacher primary school MBOU secondary school №4 named after A.V. Suvorov Tukanova Oksana Nikolaevna

Lesson objectives: 1. to form new concepts for students - internal fertilization, gestation, breastfeeding, offspring education, the role of men and women in the family; 2. develop logical thinking, students' speech; 3. cultivate a respectful attitude towards parents. Equipment: textbook "Man and Nature" (author Vakhrushev A.A. and others), workbook for the textbook, presentation "Parents and children", interactive whiteboard, computer, multimedia projector, "Dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov ".

Remembering what we know How many babies must be born to a fish, a frog and an elephant for at least two of them to survive? How many offspring do you think should be born so that the population does not decrease? What is the difference between animal and human reproduction?

We solve the problem, discover new knowledge Look, do men and women differ from each other in body structure? Why do you think? How else is the role of a man different from the role of a woman in the family?

Before being born, the child grows and develops in the mother's body for 9 months. From her he receives everything he needs for breathing and nutrition, the circulatory systems of the mother and child are connected by the umbilical cord. After birth, the umbilical cord becomes unnecessary and is cut. The child in the mother's body is protected by a special fluid that protects it from bumps and concussions.

A newborn baby cannot eat ordinary food, because there is nothing to chew on it yet, and internal organs not developed enough to digest it. For a whole year, the baby sucks mother's milk, which contains all the nutrients. Milk is produced in the mammary glands of the mother. Their development is one of the hallmarks of a woman's body.

For many years, the baby needs the care of parents. They have to not only raise a child, but also make him a member of human society. Teaching children the wisdom of life requires people to have a real and strong family, in which spouses - husband and wife - help each other raise a child. Therefore, it is so important for each person to choose a husband or wife, because they will have to live together and raise children.

Pair work Try to answer the question why only adults have children? The law forbids them from having children before. The organs of reproduction are mainly developed by the age of 12-14. First of all, there is a lot to learn. We must learn to be responsible not only for ourselves, but also for our children Children still want to play with toys, and a child is not a toy The human body must complete its development Only adults have a passport

In the family, a man is a protector and breadwinner, he must be strong, smart and kind. These qualities are valued in a husband. Men prefer to compete with each other in strength and agility.

In turn, a woman is first and foremost a mother and loving wife. She should be gentle, caring and attractive. From time immemorial, women have been learning to be skilled housewives, to take care of their appearance, to dress beautifully.

Since childhood, the interests of girls and boys are different. She should be gentle, caring and attractive. Boys often play outdoor games, like to learn the world and remake it your way. Sometimes they play pranks and fight. Boys tend to imitate their dad in everything.

Girls spend more time talking and playing with dolls. They love to read and dream, pity and care. Girls strive to imitate their mother in everything. As a result, by the age when a person can have children, he is ready to fulfill his role in the family.

Animals that have lived their entire lives without producing offspring are meaningless to nature. Man is a rational being, and his life goals are more diverse. Contribution to the future of human society is not only the birth of children. A person preserves the memory of himself by passing on his experience to other people, creating books, art objects, building buildings, as well as doing good and good deeds.

Applying the acquired knowledge Why are women and men not alike? How is the animal family different from the human family? What qualities would you like to see in your sister, brother?

We apply the acquired knowledge

Complete the sentences *I was wondering... *I was doing tasks... *I realized that... *It was difficult... *I was surprised... *I concluded that...

Homework Page 52 - 55, p / t p. 21, No. 1