Minimum pension in Kuzbass. Pension in Kemerovo and the Kemerovo region (Novokuznetsk). What is the minimum old-age pension in Russia by region

In accordance with the pension legislation of the Russian Federation in 2019 (as well as in the previous ones), each person living in the territory of the Russian Federation, upon reaching a certain age, is assigned an old-age pension. This type of maintenance is established in order to financially support citizens who, due to their age, are limited in their former ability to work or, having reached age parameters, cannot work for other reasons.

In order to receive at least minimum pension coverage, in addition to reaching retirement age, the recipient must meet other minimum requirements established by law:

  • The main condition for the appointment of a pension payment is the presence of a certain amount of seniority.
  • At the same time, pensions are provided both for citizens who have earned the required length of service, and for those who do not have it.

Types of old-age pensions and conditions for their appointment

Depending on the compliance of the recipient of pension provision with the conditions specified by law, he may be assigned one of the types of old-age pension:

Insurance pension provision

The old-age insurance pension is assigned in our country more often than other pension payments. The overwhelming majority of pensioners (about 83%) are its recipients. this type of payments are regulated by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions", according to which the right to appoint him is acquired by his recipient in the presence of:

  • age 60.5 years in men and 55.5 years among women.
  • duration at least 10 years.
  • (IPK) not less than 16.2.

The above parameters for the number of insurance experience and IPC are set for 2019 and, in accordance with the law, increase annually. The seniority requirement increases by 1 year until it eventually reaches 15 years, and IPC by 2.4 to size 30 .

For persons who worked in difficult climatic conditions, as well as in jobs with harmful, especially difficult or hazardous conditions for health, access to the old-age insurance pension is possible earlier than the generally established retirement age, that is. The conditions for granting an early pension, as well as the list of professions and persons entitled to it, are established by the same law. "About insurance pensions".

Is there a pension if there is no work experience?

There are cases when a person for some reason did not have the opportunity to work at all or had only temporary official earnings. In a word, by his retirement age, he could not earn such a length of service that would give him the right to an insurance pension. And for this category of citizens, pension support is provided by the state.

If the insurance period and IPK of a citizen do not reach the minimum size required for the establishment of an old-age insurance pension, or missing at all, a pension is assigned to such a category of recipients.

However, in order to receive this financial support, there are conditions that are provided for by the Federal Law " On state pension provision in the Russian Federation"of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ, in accordance with which the social old-age pension benefit is assigned disabled persons:

  • from the number small peoples of the North reached 55 years(men) and 50 years(women), as well as on the day of the appointment of a pension permanent residents in the territory considered to be inhabited by these peoples.
  • Citizens of the Russian Federation, permanent residents in our country, as well as citizens of other states, or who do not have citizenship at all, provided that they permanent residence in our country at least 15 years upon reaching both the age 65 years old(men) or 60 years(women).

What is the minimum old-age pension in Russia by region?

concept "minimum pension" in itself is very subjective, since in different regions of our country both wages and prices differ significantly from each other, and in some areas, such as the Far North and other areas, regional coefficients are applied to wages. The amount of pension payments depends on many circumstances and in different regions of residence it may vary.

If the recipient meets the minimum conditions provided for by law, the old-age pension in 2019 was established in the following amounts:

  • Social pension benefit - from April 1, 2019 5163.2 rubles(until April 1, 2019 - 4959.85 rubles);
  • Insurance pension - 6107.46 rubles(as of 2019, see calculation below).

Social pension payments are established to their recipients in fixed form, while the old-age insurance benefit: CPI multiplied by its value plus a fixed payment.

Depending on the region of residence of the pensioner, the minimum amount of the pension payment received may differ due to the different subsistence minimum in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This is due to the appointment of one of the measures of social support for pensioners - additional payments to pensions.

Minimum size in 2019

Annual pension payments. Legislation provides for an increase in pension provision at the level of actual inflation of the previous year. Now the Government has provided for the indexation of pensions in 2019 more than inflation in 2018 - by 7.05%(according to calculations, inflation in 2018 was 4.3%):

  • at the same time, the value of the pension coefficient will increase to 87.24 rubles;
  • and the fixed payout 5334.19 rubles.

Thus, given that from January 1, 2019, the conditions for assigning an insurance pension are changing (it will already be necessary to have 16.2 pension points), the minimum old-age insurance pension will be:

16.2 x 87.24 + 5334.19 = 6747.48 rubles.

As for social pensions, the Government of the Russian Federation (in particular, the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development) reports that it will be indexed by only 2.0%, then in 2019 the social pension benefit for old age will be 5163.2 rubles.

What if the pension is less than the living wage?

Minimum Pension Benefit idle a pensioner, by law, should not be lower than the subsistence level determined by the state for such citizens, while the total income takes into account not only the pension itself, but also additional monthly payments, allowances and compensations.

If the monthly income of the recipient of the pension is below the level of the pensioner's subsistence minimum (PMP), then he is set for a pension.

Depending on the level to which (in Russia or in the region of residence) the maintenance of a pensioner falls short, a social supplement is assigned to him:

  • federal paid from the funds provided in the budget of the PFR;
  • regional(from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

Accordingly, for its appointment, it is necessary to apply to the territorial branch of the pension fund or to the territorial body of social protection of the population.

Living wage for pensioners in 2019

In 2017, the amount of the PMP, which determines the right to receive a federal social supplement, decreased (relative to 2016). The Federal Law on the Budget of the Russian Federation included the amount of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner (for the whole country) to determine the social supplement to a pension at the federal level in the amount of 8,540 rubles. This measure was aimed at reducing budget expenditures for the payment of social supplements to pensions.

However, in 2019, an increased amount of the pensioner's subsistence minimum was included in the budget - 8,726 rubles.

Here it should be taken into account that the social surcharge is set to the level of the regional PMP, and in many regions it differs in one way or another from the federal value (maybe both up and down). For example, in Moscow in 2019, a PM was established to receive a social supplement for a pension of 11,561 rubles, and in the Khabarovsk Territory - 10,895 rubles.

Maximum old-age pension in Russia in 2019 (in rubles)

It is difficult to determine the maximum amount of the old-age pension benefit precisely, since it also depends on many components. For example:

  • from the taxable base (in 2017 it was 876,000 rubles, in 2018 - 1,021,000 rubles);
  • from the age of retirement of a citizen;
  • from the maximum possible amount for the year of work, etc.

As an incentive for a later retirement of citizens, the state establishes for their pension provision, increasing it and depending on how many months later the citizen applied for a pension payment from the day he became entitled to it.

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions"(Appendix 1) such coefficient is provided in the calculation from 1 year up to 10 years postponement and maximum its value is 2,32 .

The size of the pension content largely depends on the number of individual pension points earned by a person during the period of his labor activity and formed by converting the insurance premiums paid during this period, and their pension payment established at the time of assignment. However, in accordance with Appendix 4 to the above law, their maximum value per calendar year can be no more than 10. In 2018, this indicator is 8.70 points.

Pensions will increase three times, but once for different categories of pensioners: in January, April and August. For the most part, everything is as usual, but in 2018, some changes appeared in the rules for indexing pensions. More about them in our material.


The upgrade for this category will take place on January 1st. The government decided to move the indexation deadlines a month ahead - before that, the increase was accrued from February 1. According to the law, pensions are growing at the level of last year's increase in prices. Therefore, the FIU usually waited for Rosstat to finally calculate inflation. And only after that they began to distribute pensions. In 2018, the increase will be faster.

It was decided to index pensions by 3.7% from January 1, 2018. Do it earlier in order to ensure a more significant increase in real pensions next year, - said recently Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin.

The government initially provided for an increase of about 4% next year. This was the forecast for the current inflation. But the reality turned out to be much more positive. Now, according to the latest data from Rosstat, over the past year (since last September), prices have increased by only 3%. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers decided not to wait for official figures and immediately put an increase of 3.7% into the budget. In any case, it will be higher than real inflation.

Recall that this year the average old-age insurance pension is 13,657 rubles. Taking into account indexation, in a year it will grow to 14,045 rubles. That is, the average increase is about 400 rubles.


More than 4 million people receive a social pension in Russia. As a rule, these are the disabled, war veterans, children left without a breadwinner in the family and other beneficiaries, as well as those who have not earned the necessary experience. Now the average social pension is 8,742 rubles. From April 1, 2018, it will grow by 4.1%.

For comparison, the average annual social pension for children with disabilities and people with disabilities since childhood of group I is 13,241 rubles. But there are those who receive only 5-6 thousand rubles. As explained in the Pension Fund of Russia, all pensioners (both social and insurance), whose income is below the subsistence level of a pensioner (PMP) in the region of residence, are entitled to social supplements. They increase the amount of the benefit to the level of the PHC.


In total, there are 43 million pensioners in Russia. Of these, about a third (14 million people) are employed. The indexation of pensions does not apply to them. A few years ago (after another reform), it was canceled. Working pensioners were left with only an increase due to the increase in seniority.

We have not changed the conditions, the moratorium has been preserved, - he recently explained Maxim Topilin.

Companies continue to pay insurance premiums for working pensioners. According to the new rules, they are transformed into pension points. One point in 2017 is estimated at 78.58 rubles, and in the next it will be 81.49 rubles. And the higher the salary, the more points you can earn. But there is a ceiling: the maximum increase in 2018 can be up to three pension points, that is, about 245 rubles, the Pension Fund specified.

Other incentives have appeared for working pensioners - for example, you can postpone your well-deserved rest voluntarily (or suspend receiving a pension) and then get a multiplier (the formula is on the PFR website). But so far very few have taken advantage of it.

Many of our compatriots receive pension payments, which differ significantly in size.

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Rosstat specialists constantly monitor the level of pension benefits for various groups of pensioners and keep records of the average pension.

Important Aspects

Approaching the retirement age, a person is increasingly beginning to think about what the minimum old-age pension is. The amount charged can vary greatly.

A number of factors affect the amount of payments. In order to guess in advance what size of pension awaits him, a person must carefully study a number of nuances that affect the amount.

Initial concepts

The state seeks to support its citizens, and therefore pension provision can be assigned not only in connection with the achievement of retirement age.

There are several types of payments, including:

  • a disability pension guaranteed to citizens who are diagnosed with a serious illness, due to which they cannot provide for themselves in the proper amount;
  • old-age pension, assigned to persons who have reached a certain age (60 years for men and 55 years for women);
  • benefit for the loss of a breadwinner, guaranteed to disabled citizens and minor children, if their breadwinner died suddenly;
  • social benefits available to all users whose work experience is minimal or non-existent.

The minimum amount of state aid

The fixed part of the pension is a certain amount approved annually by the government of the Russian Federation.

This amount is stable and cannot be adjusted during the year. The funded part of the pension (also known as the insurance part) depends entirely on the insurance period of the pensioner.

Working officially, the user transfers a certain part of the money (taxes) from his income to the Pension Fund.

The larger the amount received on behalf of the user to the Fund, the greater the payment to citizens can be expected.

Legislative regulation

All issues of pension provision in Russia are regulated by a number of legal documents, including:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation as amended in 2009. Here, every citizen who has reached retirement age is guaranteed mandatory state support in the form of a pension benefit;
  • FZ-166, the provisions of which provide for the procedure and conditions for receiving pension benefits;
  • FZ-167, which regulates all issues related to compulsory pension insurance;
  • FZ-27, according to the provisions of which the issue of personal accounting in pension insurance is considered;
  • FZ-75, which regulates the possibility for pensioners to receive additional payments from non-state funds.

How is the average pension calculated in Russia from January 1, 2019

According to the requirements of the law, pension provision in Russia should be as close as possible to the level of the subsistence minimum. You can apply for a pension.

It is at this level that the minimum amount of pension benefits is established. Often the level of the average pension in the country exceeds the subsistence level.

Pensioners must constantly feel protected, and therefore the state is implementing a number of measures, the main task of which will be to improve the standard of living of elderly citizens.

In 2016, the increase in pension benefits was 4.1%. As a result, the average level of pension in the country amounted to 13,100 rubles.

At the same time, the social benefit was 8,600 rubles, and the minimum pension in Russia in 2019 from January 1, which was registered, was 4,600 rubles.

For 2019, the pension has grown slightly and reached an average mark of 13,700 rubles. Many factors are taken into account when determining pension benefits, including:

  • change in the level of consumer prices for essential goods;
  • the current economic situation in the country;
  • inflation and its main indicators.

Features of accrual of funds in Moscow

Pension payments for pensioners living in the capital region are calculated according to the same principles and rules as in other regions.

However, in the capital there is a much more extensive range of social benefits and benefits that any pensioner can apply for.

If the pension level does not reach the subsistence level, then the Moscow government provides a social supplement, which ensures a decent standard of living for a user whose age has exceeded the minimum pension limits.

By region

For a visual comparison of the pension system in the country, consider the average payments in some regions of the Russian Federation, as well as the ratio of the average pension to the subsistence level:

Region Living wage, rub. Average pension benefit, rub. Ratio of pension to subsistence minimum, %
Tambov Region 4 802 10 300 214,5
Astrakhan region 5 382 11 400 211,82
Murmansk region 8 840 15 150 171,4
Moscow 8 502 14 400 169,37
Saint Petersburg 6 258 14 400 230,1
Primorsky Krai 7 818 11 500 147,1
Bashkortostan 6 070 10870 179,08
Oryol Region 6 000 10 514 175,23
Bryansk region 5 648 10 208 180,74
Kaliningrad region 6 354 9 448 148,7
Voronezh region 6 039 10 053 166,47
Novosibirsk region 6 681 11 500 172,13
Tatarstan 6 621 11 600 175,2
Komi 7 798 14 678 188,23

By profession

Depending on the professional skills of the user and the work functions performed by him, the amount of pension provision will be radically different, and how much they will receive depends on many parameters.

At the moment, the average level of pension payment, depending on the profession, will be equal to:

For employees of educational institutions 9 500 rubles
For medical employees (payments to junior medical personnel were also taken into account) 13 300 rubles
For miners. Specific payout amounts will vary depending on the region in which the user worked. Thus, the highest pensions were recorded for residents of Kuzbass, which is known for its poor environment. 12 000 rubles
Law enforcement officers who do not have any merit to the fatherland and officer rank 15 000 rubles
For judges 130,000 - 140,000 rubles
For users who have worked in government agencies 80 000 rubles
Military personnel whose service is associated with increased danger (test pilots, reconnaissance officers at combat points, etc.) 85,000 rubles receive

How compensation is calculated for individual categories

In general, great importance will be given to the seniority of the pensioner, depending on which the main part of the pension benefit will be calculated. Additional parameters will be taken into account.

For residents of the Far North with severe climatic conditions, an additional payment will be provided, the amount of which will depend on the approved regional coefficients.

The exact amount of pension provision will depend on many factors, including:

  • user experience. Only those time periods will be taken into account when the pensioner worked officially, and on his behalf deductions were made to the FIU;
  • salary level at the last place of work. The amount of the pension benefit will depend on the amount of the user's earnings as a percentage, therefore, when determining the pension payment, the amount that was the citizen's income before will be taken into account;
  • the presence or absence of seniority.

military personnel

Military pensioners receive quite solid pension payments in comparison with other categories of users.

At the moment, the average pension provision for this category of the population is about 26,000 rubles.

Here, the amount of pension allowance will directly depend on the position in which the serviceman retired:


For citizens with disabled status, the average pension will be different depending on certain factors:

Users who have a disability established in childhood will receive slightly different money:

If the user has the status of a "disabled child", then on average in the country they are guaranteed a pension allowance of 12,300 rubles.


In the current reporting period, the average pension in Russia in 2019 for users with veteran status will average 38,000 rubles.

The provisions of FZ-166, supplemented on December 29, 2015, define the categories of citizens who are entitled to receive two pension benefits - for old age and for disability:

  • military personnel who were injured or seriously ill in the performance of their professional duty;
  • veterans of the Second World War, recognized as incapacitated, or having some restrictions for a full-fledged life;
  • users with the status of "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad" who have been assigned a disability group.

Veterans can expect to receive two benefits at the same time. The amount of the disability pension will depend on which group is assigned to the user:

Preferential benefits

The level of social pension for citizens directly depends on inflationary processes and fluctuations in the price level for essential goods.

Regional maternity capital

Since 2011, there has been a program for families that have given birth or adopted three or more children in the Kemerovo region.

The amount in 2017 is 130,000 rubles, not subject to indexation.

Regional maternity capital can only be spent on housing:

  • purchase, including under a share agreement;
  • mortgage purchase or its repayment;
  • building your own private house.

It is allowed to use the funds immediately after the birth of the child and the registration of capital. It is also possible to compensate for expenses already incurred.

How to apply for a pension and maternity capital

An insurance-type pension is issued in the Pension Fund at the place of permanent residence of the pensioner. In electronic form or in person, it is required to provide a list of documents:

  • statement. View and download here: ;
  • passport;
  • work book or contracts for the performance of work;
  • ITU conclusion in the presence of disability;
  • confirmation of special circumstances (for example, the presence of dependents).

Regional maternity capital can be issued at the social security offices upon presentation of documents:

  1. passport;
  2. birth certificates for each child;
  3. documents confirming residence on the territory of Kemerovo;
  4. if the father is involved in the registration - a death certificate of the mother or a court decision on the deprivation of parental rights.

Addresses of the Pension Fund in Kemerovo

Kemerovo area code - 3842.

  • 74 Sovetsky Ave. Phone: 58 73 20
  • st. Kirova, 40. Phone: 36 11 75
  • b-r. Builders, 34. Phone: 51 94 29
  • Shakhterov Ave., Shakhterov Ave., 45-A. Phone: 34 16 15
  • st. 40 years of October, 17-G. Phone: 62 35 87

In the light of the negative trends in the Russian economy that have been dragging on for several years, citizens are in no hurry to increase their consumer baskets - it is obvious that the crisis has hit the wallets of Russians with tangible force. It is known that the state in 2018 will again have gaps - and, in this regard, a number of analysts expressed their disappointing forecasts regarding the increase in standards of social payments. This topic worries Russian pensioners the most. What will be the pension in 2018 and are there any prerequisites for increasing the minimum benefit? Let's consider the main theses.

How do they promise to increase the minimum pension from January 1, 2018?

“Minimum pension” is an absolutely conditional term in the legislation of the Russian Federation, and implies the amount that is paid monthly to people whose length of service and age meets pension standards, including those who do not receive other types of pension benefits.

The amount of the subsistence minimum is calculated from the parameters for the current year, the level of price growth for, as well as other indicators of the economic state of the state. In each region of the Russian Federation, the living wage standard has different values, and if the minimum pension does not reach its level, the shortfall is subsidized by funds from the regional treasury.

It is necessary to differentiate the question of the minimum in 2018 by category of accrual for citizens:

The insurance pension (by age) implies a well-deserved rest for women after 55 years and for men - after 60 years, if they have at least 7 years (until 2024 this standard will increase to 15 years). 8,703 rubles - this is the minimum that beneficiaries of an insurance pension can count on in 2018. From January 1, the new year, Moscow pensioners are promised to pay twice as much - 17,500 rubles.

Social pensions are benefits paid regularly to those citizens who do not receive monthly insurance payments, but need state support for certain reasons (in case of disability, loss of a breadwinner, old age in the absence). In 2018, the government promises to index this type of benefits by 3.7%. And since April of the new year, the size of the social pension is expected at the level of 8742 rubles.

The minimum insurance pension will also be indexed by 3.7%, and this will be done not in February, as a rule, but from January 1. But for working pensioners, their allowance will remain unchanged until August 2018 - from this month, the recalculation of pensions will take place taking into account the increase in the cost of their labor points.

The size of the minimum Russian pension in 2018 will be calculated according to the formula:

Fixed amount + insurance premium,

where the last value is sum of individual points * cost. Instead of 78.58 rubles of the cost of a point in 2017, it is planned to fix this indicator at the level of 81.49 rubles.

How does the minimum living wage for a pensioner differ across regions of Russia?

The first wave of a widespread increase is planned in January, but not all pensioners will receive the same, even if they have the same achievements in terms of seniority. In addition, local budgets from the new year may introduce additional charges to their residents. How will the size of the minimum pensions differ in the Russian regions?
As already noted, it is the residents of Moscow who can claim one of the highest pensions in the country - their size is set at 17,500 thousand.

The highest level of the minimum pension benefit in the Central District is 9.5-9.6 thousand rubles. recorded in the Voronezh, Kostroma, Smolensk regions, and the lowest - in the Kursk and Bryansk regions, here the minimum pension does not exceed 7.5 thousand rubles.

The indicators will be higher in the North-Western District - for example, in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions, the minimum pension will be more than 12.5 thousand rubles, and in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug - more than 18 thousand rubles. At the same time, in St. Petersburg, the Leningrad and Novgorod regions - one of the lowest minimum wages in the region - about 8.8 thousand rubles.

In the Southern District, pensioners of the Volgograd and Rostov regions can count on the largest “minimum wage”, here the amount of benefits is fixed at 9.4 thousand rubles. At the same time, residents of Adygea and Kalmykia receive the smallest amounts in the region - less than 8.7 thousand rubles.

About 9-9.3 thousand rubles - this is the "minimal wage" for residents of the Volga Federal District in Udmurtia, Tatarstan, Kirov region. The Saratov and Orenburg regions lag behind them by an order of magnitude - here the minimum pension is 7.7 thousand rubles.

Sufficiently high rates of minimum pensions are fixed in the Urals district. In the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs, pensioners live on 12-14 thousand rubles, while in the Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions, the pension will be an order of magnitude lower - about 9.3 thousand rubles.

The highest minimum pension in the Siberian District is 9.7 thousand rubles. recorded in the Republic of Buryatia, Trans-Baikal Territory, Novosibirsk Region. But in Kemerovo, the lowest pension indicators barely reach 8.8 thousand rubles.

The highest levels of pensions are intended for residents of the Far Eastern Federal District. In Yakutia, Kamchatka, Chukotka, pensioners receive benefits in the range of 17-21 thousand rubles. At the same time, the lowest rates are observed in the Amur Region, Primorsky Territory - about 9.6 thousand rubles.

But in the North Caucasus Federal District, pensioners receive benefits - the smallest in the country. In Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Stavropol Territory, these payments are in the range of 7.6-8 thousand rubles.

Minimum pension in 2018 by regions of Russia: table

No. ppRegionrubles
Central Federal District
1 Belgorod region8 836
2 Bryansk region7 327
3 Vladimir region9 233
4 Voronezh region9 567
5 Ivanovo region8 194
6 Kaluga region9 338
7 Kostroma region9 629
8 Kursk region7 044
9 Lipetsk region9 479
10 Moscow region9 864
11 Oryol Region8 597
12 Ryazan Oblast7 998
13 Smolensk region9 516
14 Tambov Region8 231
15 Tver region8 726
16 Tula region9 354
17 Yaroslavl region8 930
18 Moscow17 500
Northwestern Federal District
19 Republic of Karelia9 703
20 Komi Republic10 556
21 Arhangelsk region12 315
22 Nenets aut. county18 199
23 Vologda Region9 701
24 Kaliningrad region9 703
25 Leningrad region8 672
26 Murmansk region12 497
27 Novgorod region9 299
28 Pskov region9 606
29 Saint Petersburg8 817
Southern Federal District
30 Republic of Adygea8 970
31 Republic of Kalmykia8 296
32 Krasnodar region9 279
33 Astrakhan region8 759
34 Volgograd region9 380
35 Rostov region9 355
Volga Federal District
36 Republic of Bashkortostan8 644
37 Mari El Republic8 781
38 The Republic of Mordovia8 231
39 Republic of Tatarstan9 175
40 Republic of Udmurtia9 371
41 Chuvash Republic8 146
42 Kirov region9 077
43 Nizhny Novgorod Region8 809
44 Orenburg region7 761
45 Penza region8 401
46 Samara Region8 326
47 Saratov region7 971
48 Ulyanovsk region8 707
49 Perm region9 011
Ural federal district
50 Kurgan region9 226
51 Sverdlovsk region9 703
52 Tyumen region9 402
53 Chelyabinsk region9 368
54 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug11 830
55 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug14 797
Siberian Federal District
56 Altai Republic9 499
57 The Republic of Buryatia9 703
58 Tyva Republic9 245
59 The Republic of Khakassia9 349
60 Altai region9 217
61 Transbaikal region9 703
62 Krasnoyarsk region9 270
63 Irkutsk region9 701
64 Kemerovo region8 882
65 Novosibirsk region9 703
66 Omsk region9 057
67 Tomsk region9 275
Far Eastern Federal District
68 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Zone 1:
17 435
Zone 2:
14 763
69 Kamchatka Krai17 151
70 Primorsky Krai9 637
71 Khabarovsk region12 009
72 Amur region9 695
73 Magadan Region16 280
74 Sakhalin region13 225
75 Jewish Autonomous Region9 700
76 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug20 944
North Caucasian Federal District
77 The Republic of Dagestan8 707
78 The Republic of Ingushetia8 104
79 Kabardino-Balkaria8 922
80 Karachay-Cherkessia7 491
81 North Ossetia7 606
82 Chechen Republic8 989
83 Stavropol region8 293