What does it mean to write a refusal of a child. Abandonment of a child - how to abandon a father or mother: jurisprudence, procedure and consequences. What are the legal consequences of abandoning a child?

In life, there are situations when parents cannot bear such a burden as raising children, and therefore decide to abandon them. Some do it immediately at the birth of a child, while others, for a number of reasons, do it until the child comes of age.

Simply abandoning a child, according to the law, will not work. In legislation Russian Federation there is not a single article that would regulate the process of unauthorized refusal of the maintenance and upbringing of a child. Therefore, further in the article the legal basis for abandoning children, the reasons and consequences of such a decision will be considered.

Legal basis

The law does not recognize and does not describe and regulate such actions as the voluntary renunciation of parental rights. contains no such article. Having written a refusal from the child and submitted all the necessary documents to the court, you should not consider yourself free and not related to the child. It is worth waiting for an answer and finding out the amount of alimony, which, according to the court order, the parent will still transfer to the upbringing of persons who will take responsibility for the child.

Often, the behavior of the father in the family is unworthy. And the mother is ready to take any action, if only he wrote a refusal of the child and no longer harmed and interfered with the upbringing of the child, did not oppress the minor morally and did not punish physically.

From the example discussed above, it can be seen that if the father behaves unworthily, and in his place there is a man who is ready to take responsibility for the child, then you can adopt the baby. The problem is that the place of the father, according to the law, is already taken. In order to release him, the biological father must be deprived of parental rights. If the procedure is carried out voluntarily, with the consent of both parties, then the biological father writes the refusal of the child.

Regulates the procedure of the article 69, 70, 71 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. The articles describe the regulation of the procedure for deprivation of parental rights, but the abandonment of a child, in this case, is equivalent to the deprivation of parental rights.

An application is made according to the rules given in article 131. The law establishes that the format of the trial must comply with that described in paragraphs. 4 p. 1 art. 23 and 24 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Reasons for abandoning a child

In order to abandon a child (lose parental rights), you need to know that the consequences of such a decision will be. It also requires reasons according to which it is possible to initiate the procedure for depriving parental rights and writing a voluntary abandonment of the child.

Article 69 of the Family Code of Russia describes reasons why you can write a refusal of a child:

  • The father refuses to pay maintenance payments to the account;
  • Spouses want to divorce or are already divorced, as a result - they do not want to contact each other;
  • A conscious decision to take your child out of medical institution. For example, a mother refuses a child in a maternity hospital;
  • One of the parents uses brute force against the child;
  • Providing psychological pressure on the child, manipulative behavior;
  • The presence of one of the parents in the family poses a threat to the life and health of the child;
  • The presence of an ancestor of a severe form of addiction - alcohol, addiction to drugs, etc .;

The procedure for abandoning a child will vary depending on whether the mother or father wishes to write a refusal, the reasons for the refusal and the circumstances.


A mother who wants to abandon a child in a maternity hospital cannot do this by signing only a refusal. She will have to go through the appropriate procedures in court, after which she will be deprived of her rights to the child, who will then be transferred to the authorized bodies to ensure the protection of the baby's life and consider who will continue to raise him - the state or he will be adopted into the family.

Regardless of the reason for the deprivation of rights and abandonment of the child, the mother is not exempted from paying the amount established by the court for the maintenance of the child, until he turns 18 years old.

The child has the right to inherit the property of the parents, even if they have renounced it. This is true until the adoption of this child by another couple. In this case, he will have the right to inherit the property only of the adoptive parents.

In the event of the death of a parent who wrote a refusal from the child and was deprived of parental rights, but transferred maintenance payments, the authorized bodies issue a survivor's pension for the child in the amount of payments received earlier.

As can be seen from the description presented, it will not work to completely part with responsibilities. He will need to be supported, he may inherit the benefits of his parents, and so on.

How to proceed mothersrefuser who wants to say goodbye to the baby in the hospital. A number of mothers leave the territory of the maternity hospital, leaving the child and not informing anyone about it. This is a negative outcome. But, there are also mothers who, for a number of reasons, cannot assume the responsibility for raising a child. In this case, they act as follows:

  • write an application addressed to the head physician of the maternity hospital;
  • the document indicates that they do not plan to take the child;
  • consent to the adoption of the infant by third parties.

Additional rules for handling such cases:

  • the presence of representatives of guardianship and guardianship authorities is mandatory;
  • the prosecutor must be present at court hearings, as it is about protecting the rights and interests of a minor;
  • if the child is 10 years old, the judge may ask him a number of questions, but if a teacher or psychologist is present;
  • if the application for deprivation of parental rights was filed by the mother, she can provide documentary evidence that the parent is not coping with his duties and deserves the deprivation of parental rights.

In case of voluntary abandonment of the child, the package of documents is as follows:

  • documents proving the identity of family members who will be involved in the process;
  • statement of claim from a third party on deprivation of parental rights;
  • application for abandonment of the child.

Legal Consequences

Renunciation of parental rights can occur voluntarily or involuntarily. In both situations the parent loses the following rights:

  • take care of the child;
  • To be a representative of that in various instances;
  • The ability to protect the child and demand his extradition if he is retained by third parties;
  • The parent will not be able to inherit the property of a minor who has been abandoned;
  • Termination of payments of benefits and benefits to the parent;
  • In case of disability, the objector will not be able to count on the support of the offspring.

Despite this, the parents retain the obligation to pay child support until the minor turns 18. You can get rid of this obligation if the baby is adopted into another family. In this case, the minimum payment period for the parent will be 6 months.

Why does a parent have to pay child support even after receiving a positive response from the court to deprive parental rights? If the baby had only one parent who abandoned him, or both, information about him is entered into the database for adoption. For the entire period, while there is a family willing to take the child in for upbringing, the objector parent will pay alimony. The biological parent will be released from this obligation, according to Article 120 of the RF IC only after the end of the adoption process.

It is a well-known fact that not all children find a foster family. In such a case, the reluctant parent will pay until the 18th birthday of their offspring. It is worth transferring funds to the bank account of the person exercising guardianship and guardianship of the small.

Can a waiver be cancelled?

Parents have a period of 6 months to consider their decision. Regardless of the reason for which they expressed a desire to abandon a minor, his ancestors have the opportunity to challenge the decision of the court.

If the parents did not take any action within this period, it will no longer be possible to challenge the judge's decision later.

How long does it take to adopt a child?

Information about the parents is entered into the birth certificate of the baby by the registry office. Therefore, while information about the father will be located in his column, no one will be able to adopt the boy. Also, they will not be able to give it forever to the guardianship and guardianship authorities, without initiating the process by the court.

When a parent voluntarily abandons his offspring, after filing an application with the court, it will enter into force and legal action only six months later. Further, the registry office enters in the appropriate column information about the parents, or rather, about their absence. After that, the adoption procedure becomes legally available.

Despite what reasons prompted the desire to deprive yourself of the obligation to raise a child, it is worth keeping in mind some general rules when going through the procedure:

  • cooperation with guardianship and guardianship authorities is welcomed;
  • in all instances it is worth reporting only reliable data about yourself;
  • the minor must have a birth certificate;
  • permission to adopt a child by third parties should be certified by a notary.

Thus, regardless of the reason for the parent's refusal of his blood, it is worth taking care that his future life is given into worthy hands.

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The legislation does not provide for such a situation. However, theoretically, it remains possible to fill out a document that will enter into force in 6 months.

Right to abandon a child

Only parents can exercise the right to abandon a child. For various reasons and circumstances, people are forced to make such decisions. There is a special statement that explains how to waive parental rights.
To avoid paperwork, single mothers often simply leave the child in the hospital and leave. Under such circumstances, it will be difficult for the baby to find new parents. Writing an application will simplify registration in the baby's home or will enable the father or relatives to take the baby under their care. family law it is provided that the written paper does not enter into force immediately, the mother is given time not to think about the decision. (Articles 69-71 RF IC)
Parents often abandon their children for the following reasons:

  • underdevelopment of the fetus;
  • postpartum stress led to mental disorders;
  • minor parents;
  • father and mother do not own funds for the maintenance of the heir.

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Is it possible to abandon a child without consequences

Filling out a waiver form does not mean that the parents are no longer required to participate in the baby's life. Although there is no such law, the application can be certified by a notary. If a mother has written such a document, the state will give her time to think. If the decision is not changed within 6 months, she will lose parental rights, without the possibility of appeal. If a woman in labor changes her mind after writing the mother’s refusal of the child and wants to return the baby, stressful proceedings cannot be avoided, but the baby will be returned sooner.
The consequences of abandoning a child are irreversible after 300 days after the application is written. After the expiration of a period of 1 year, a mother who does not want to register an heir for herself is deprived of parental rights. At this time, the father or other close relatives of the parents take the baby to him. The father can take custody of the child without a lawsuit. It will take time and the decision of the department of guardianship and guardianship, agreed with the court opinion, to resolve guardianship by a relative. The refusal of the mother from the child is written before the registration of the heir in the registry office. If the father wants to raise the child on his own, then the parent draws up the baby for himself. The consequences of a declaration of renunciation of paternity are irreversible. At controversial situations Seek legal advice that will protect the innocent.

How to give up parental rights if a young family has nowhere to live

Under such circumstances, the guardianship authorities force you to complete the form before finding living conditions suitable for the life of the newborn. The mother feeds the baby, spends time and walks with the stroller, but on the territory of the Baby House.
If the decision to refuse was given with a cold head, it is proposed to act nobly towards the child and give one more chance to acquire a new family. For this, the following actions are performed:

  • the baby is issued a birth certificate;
  • contacting a lawyer to formalize the refusal;
  • it is necessary to leave the child in the hospital;
  • assistance to guardianship authorities. Public services will not force you to take the baby back, these formalities are necessary for future parents.

Otherwise, the baby will not have a chance to find a normal family, thus the parent dooms the child to lifelong orphanhood.
If, after registration, the parents change their mind about taking the child, then they need to apply to the court for a voluntary refusal and notify the registry office about the situation. Until the age of the baby, the parents who abandoned him are obliged to pay monthly the funds assigned by the trial.
Since then, the rights of the baby are protected by public services. The prosecutor and representatives of the PLO will monitor the implementation of maintenance obligations until the age of 18.

How to write a letter to the father for the voluntary abandonment of the child

According to statistics, the father's refusal from the child is more often received by the guardianship authorities. The child remains in the care of a single mother. If a woman alone cannot financially or physically give the baby what she needs, then she will have to write the mother’s refusal from the child.
Before writing an application for voluntary renunciation of parental rights of the father, dad explains why the application for renunciation of the child was written:

  • dad is addicted to alcohol or drugs;
  • due to mistreatment of the baby;
  • there is no other option but to leave the child in the hospital;
  • due to evasion of alimony.

Even if the parents do not live together, the father is still responsible before the law and must fulfill his duties. The refusal of the father from the child is appropriate if, through DNA analysis, the fact of the man's non-involvement is proved.
The law does not know how to give up parental rights to the father without alimony. Even if the true father abandoned the heir, new husband mother takes custody of himself, then the biological parent must still make maintenance payments. Only now without the right to see the baby.
Voluntary and forced refusal decisions have the same consequences:

  • parents do not have the right to raise an heir;
  • it is forbidden to declare in other bodies that this is your child;
  • new guardians must not be disturbed;
  • those who wrote the refusal do not have rights to property after his death;
  • state benefits for a young family or single mother are cancelled;
  • in case of illness, the child is not obliged to take care of the parents.

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Consequences of a declaration of renunciation of paternity

After the court accepts the waiver of parental rights, the father and mother undertake to pay child support to the baby until he has new family. Or he won't come of age. After adoption / adoption, the alimony process stops.
If the baby is not adopted, then until his 18th birthday, payments will be received by Orphanage. This public service is obliged to dress, feed, teach and educate the baby. All parental rights and obligations are transferred to them. In this case, the minimum term for alimony payments is 6 months. The longest is 18 years.
The application for abandonment of the child is not approved within six months. This time is allotted for changing the decision. The court understands: this choice caused the factor of unwillingness to have children, or the lack of funds makes it necessary to make such a decision. If a woman has written a refusal, and a man wants to leave an heir, then the father has all the rights to unhindered adoption.
Until the biological dad writes a refusal, no one has the right to adopt a child. After 6 months, if the man has not taken action to take the baby to him, he automatically loses his rights. Subsequently, the refusal of the child, the name of the father is deleted from the certificate. With the help of lawyers, adoption becomes legally possible.
Can new parents abandon an adopted child? Through a statement of claim to the court for refusal. If the mother and father decide to renounce, then the application is written by hand on their own or drawn up by a lawyer.

Application for voluntary renunciation of parental rights of the father

An application for abandoning a child is written with an appeal to the court, the registry office and the PLO. Therefore, you should accurately write the names of organizations in the header. After that, personal information is processed:

  • passport data, full name, address of residence of the mother;
  • an explanation is written that the decision is deliberate;
  • the data of the newborn are indicated: date of birth, full name;
  • expression of consent with the further adoption of the baby by other people;
  • confirmation of the understanding that the newborn will have other guardians, and the biological parents will not see him again;
  • explain that the decision was made in cold blood and you are in a state of health and tranquility
  • court cases are considered without the participation of parents. Therefore, to accurately fill out the form, enlist the support of an online lawyer;
  • write the city, date, signature in words.

An example of how to write an application for voluntary abandonment of a child to a father can be found on the Internet. Or ask an online lawyer.

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There is no provision in Russian legislation according to which a citizen can voluntarily renounce parental rights. Nevertheless, in legal practice such precedents are found. They are subject to the 69th paragraph of the Family Code (SC) of the Russian Federation. It talks about (no waiver).

In exceptional situations, a person can draw up a statement that he agrees to transfer the right to another person, voluntarily. Such permission is the basis:

  • to deprive the parent of the right in a judicial proceeding;
  • subsequent adoption of a child.

Hint: Only the mother can voluntarily waive parenting rights for a newborn. Moreover, she must make such a decision even before the official registration of the baby in the registry office.


The legal foundations of the relationship between family members are dealt with in paragraphs of the Family Code. The law does not contain a rule that unequivocally interprets whether one of the parents (or both) can abandon the child. It is legally impossible to voluntarily get rid of obligations in relation to minors.

SC paragraphs 69 to 71 deal with the situation from a different perspective. A parent may lose their rights to a child. In this case, the procedure provides for a trial with mandatory participation:

  • state representatives:
    • prosecutors;
    • guardianship authorities (OOiP);
  • witnesses.

Hint: a parent may declare their unwillingness to take part in the fate of the baby. However, this does not relieve him of his obligation to maintain it.

The law provides only one option, allowing the father or mother to waive the right to a minor. It consists in the adoption of a judicial decision on the deprivation of such a right. The process is initiated by the official representative of the baby:

  • second parent;
  • guardian;
  • OOiP;
  • prosecutor.

Important: the procedure can be simplified by writing a statement of refusal by a parent who does not want to bear the burden of responsibility for a minor.

Paragraph 69 of the UK contains a list of reasons that give grounds for depriving a person of paternal or maternal rights. It starts with an unwillingness to fulfill duties. Judges rely on this phrase from the law when making a decision.

Men who are going to write an application for (this happens more often in life) need to understand the legal basis of this document:

  • it is impossible to simply relieve oneself of responsibility (the law does not allow);
  • for failure to fulfill the duties of a parent, a person should be punished;
  • he is allowed to transfer the right to another person (adoptive parent).

Attention: in fact, the meaning of the application is that the citizen allows the transfer of parental rights to a third party.

Thus, the parties to the relationship comply with all the requirements of the law:

  • the father confirms his own unwillingness to perform duties in relation to offspring;
  • at the same time does not restrict other persons in their desire to take care of the child;
  • the state, represented by guardianship specialists, gets the opportunity to arrange a baby in a family (this method is considered a priority).

Contents of the application and withdrawal procedure

A person who waives the right to a minor must notify three government agencies about this:

  • OOiP;
  • judicial authority;

The text of the document must be identical. It is customary to make one appeal, indicating in it three addressees. Therefore, in the header of the application, the full names of state institutions are written one under the other (you can find out from the relevant specialists).

Below in the header (that is, in the upper right corner) the personal information of the applicant is indicated in the format:

  • address of registration (and residence, if different);
  • date and city of birth;
  • passport data.

The body of the document should contain the following information:

  1. Intention to waive parental rights voluntarily:
    1. for a minor:
      1. full name;
      2. date and place of birth;
    2. transferable to a third party.
  2. Confirmation of the fact of understanding the impossibility to withdraw the application after the court:
    1. deprive the applicant of parental rights;
    2. decide on adoption.
  3. Statement of the preservation of maternal rights in full.
  4. Signature, date and place of compilation (indicate the locality).

Hint: only a capable person can make a waiver.

Papers signed by citizens who have renounced paternity have no legal force. The document must be reviewed by a specialist. It should be taken to a notary. The responsibilities of a lawyer include:

  • checking content for legal compliance;
  • interview with the compiler for the voluntary signing;
  • confirmation of the fact of voluntary refusal.

Hint: the notary signs the paper with a signature and seal, and also makes a record of its compilation in the journal.

The preparation and notarization of the application does not yet mean the deprivation of the parent of his rights. This decision is made in court. Therefore, a claim needs to be filed. The above statement is an annex to the claim, as well as the basis for its preparation.

An application to the court is written in the form explained in paragraph 131 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The text has the following sections:

  1. A header that says:
    • the full name of the court (it was already written in the objector’s application);
    • personal information about the complainant and the defendant (as described above);
    • the price of the claim (the amount of child support that must be assigned to the parent).
  2. The main section consists of a stating part, which describes the situation:
    • parents data;
    • the state of their official relations (indicate the details of the birth certificate);
    • the fact of the birth of the baby (given the data of the registration document);
    • the presence of a refusal statement (it is necessary to rewrite the notarial registration number);
    • the second part of the main section is a request:
      1. on the deprivation of a man who has refused the rights of a father;
    • List of applications.

Hint: copies of all the papers indicated in the text, as well as the original statement of refusal, are attached to the claim.

Legal Consequences

Giving up the rights to the baby has irreversible consequences. After the entry into force of the court decision, the person ceases to be considered a parent. In addition, the following changes are made to the record:

  • parent data is removed;
  • a place is vacated for a potential adopter.

Voluntary deprivation of paternity leads to the same consequences as forced. Namely:

  • dad no longer needs to think about raising a baby, meetings with him are prohibited;
  • a man cannot influence the fate of the offspring;
  • he is denied the opportunity to:
    • receive state support due to parents (benefits, etc.);
    • inherit from the former offspring.

Responsibilities for the maintenance of the baby are removed from the objector only after the court decides on the adoption of a minor. Until such an event is recorded, the former father (mother) will deduct maintenance in the amount established by the court.

The method described above is often used by divorced women who have children. After the conclusion of repeated family ties, often the new spouse is not averse to establishing official paternity. Formally, this is hindered by the record in the certificate of the minor about the birth - the biological father appears there.

If certain circumstances coincide, the father's right can be transferred to a new spouse who is responsible for the real upbringing and maintenance of someone else's offspring. For example, if the biological father was not interested in the fate of the baby anyway, he did not want to pay money for his maintenance. It's easier to agree on a voluntary waiver. Its presence will significantly reduce the time of the court session.

Hint: as a rule, deprivation of the right of the father and adoption are considered in the same paperwork.

That is, the consent of the new spouse to assume the rights and obligations of the father should be included in the claim.

Unfortunately, in modern world Often there are situations when parents want to formalize the abandonment of the child. There are many reasons that motivate people to take this step. But if the decision has already been made finally, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the legal side of this issue and find out how to get rid of a child.

The modern family code does not provide for the article “Abandonment of a child”. In fact, according to the law, it is impossible to abandon a child. However, parents have the right to write an application for abandonment of the child, on the basis of which they are deprived of parental rights.

Renunciation of rights to a child does not mean exemption from duty. If the father or mother decides to abandon the child, they are not exempted by law from the obligation to participate in it. educational process and provide financial support.

Refusal of the child by the mother in the hospital

If a woman has made such a decision, then she should write an application for abandoning the child in the maternity hospital. In this case, all documents are transferred from the maternity hospital to the guardianship authorities, and the child is placed in the baby's home. In case of voluntary abandonment of the child, the mother is not deprived of parental rights for six months - according to the law, she is given time to think and, possibly, change her mind. After this period, the child may be assigned a guardian.

If the mother did not take the child from the maternity hospital, then, by decision of the guardianship authorities, the father has the right to pick up the child, first of all. If the father also does not take the child, then this right is given to grandparents and other relatives.

Deprivation of parental rights is made after six months. During this period, the child is in a state institution.

Abandonment of the child by the father

Refusal of the child by the father is made through the court. If the father decided to voluntarily abandon the child, then he needs to write an appropriate application to the notary. In any notary's office, a parent is provided with a sample form for abandoning a child. The notarized refusal of the parent from the child is submitted to the court, and the judge decides on the deprivation of parental rights.

A woman can sue for the termination of parental rights of her father in the following cases:

  • if the father evades his duties of raising the child;
  • if the father abuses the child;
  • if the father is an alcoholic or drug addict;
  • if the father committed a crime against the child.

The above points are also grounds for depriving the parental rights of the mother.

A father deprived of parental rights is not released from the obligation to pay alimony. If the child abandoned by the father is adopted by another person, then in this case all obligations are assigned to the adoptive parent, and the biological father is exempted from paying alimony.

Only after depriving the father or mother of parental rights, the guardianship authorities can appoint guardian for the child. Also, only after a court decision can a child be adopted.

According to family code adoptive parents are vested with the same rights as parents in full. Thus, if the adopter has decided to abandon the adopted child, then a similar procedure for deprivation of rights is carried out. The adoptive parent, like the parent, in this case is not relieved of duties.

Reasons for abandoning children

According to statistics, most parents abandon their own children while still in the hospital. The reason for this phenomenon is often the inability to financially provide for the child, the unwillingness of the father of the child to bear responsibility, the too young age of the mother.

In other cases, in general, the deprivation of parental rights from parents of alcoholics and drug addicts is carried out.

Unfortunately, in our time there are quite often situations when a mother wants to abandon a child. And contrary to the prevailing stereotype, very often these are not asocial elements at all (whose number among those who refused is only a fifth), but women who have material or other difficulties in life.

Government measures to help mothers in crisis

Often women decide to abandon a child due to difficult life situations. This is either the inability to financially support yourself and the baby, or the rejection of loved ones (birth out of wedlock, early birth and so on.)

However, in the absence of support and finances, abandoning your child is far from the only way out.

baby house

By law, a mother can leave her child in a baby home for up to 6 months without giving up parental rights. During this entire period, the baby passes into the care of the state. However, the mother during this period will be obliged to pay a certain fee (alimony) for his maintenance and have the right to visit.

Six months is a pretty long time. If desired, it is quite possible to solve the main psychological and financial problems during this time and subsequently take the baby to yourself. We repeat, this legal way save all rights to the child and cope with a difficult situation!

crisis centers

In addition, Russia has specialized centers for providing support and assistance to women in difficult situations. These are the so-called Crisis or social centers for helping women and children.

Turning to such a center, a woman with a baby, homeless and material support, will receive a roof over his head and psychological assistance.

The centers are big job for the preservation of the family. Psychologists and social workers help women find a way out of difficult situation are looking for ways to solve the problems that prompted the woman to abandon the child.

If the situation develops in such a way that the mother has made a firm decision to abandon the child, it is necessary to arrange everything correctly.

We refuse in the maternity hospital

A mother can write a waiver while still in the hospital. The application will be sent to the guardianship authorities. At the same time, the crumb-refusenik will be placed with the baby's house, but the parental rights of the mother will remain for another six months.

After this period, the mother will automatically lose all rights to the child. In the future, the father or other close relatives will be able to get custody of him.

If they also do not express such a desire, the baby can be given up for adoption or guardianship to other people.

How to write an application?

The application for abandonment of the child is written in the traditional form, by hand. There are no standard forms for this. Written even in an arbitrary form, a statement of refusal addressed to the head physician or director of the institution comes into force after its signing.

Note that the document must be certified by a notary public and contain the passport data of the mother, the name and surname of the baby and his date of birth.

What happens if after a while the mother "changes her mind"?

We repeat once again that until the baby reaches 6 months, the mother does not lose parental rights. Thus, she gets the opportunity to live separately from the child, but retains a chance to restore the family. The state gives her a “second chance”, time to think and try to solve her situation.

If the mother changes her mind and tries to take her baby back, she will, of course, have to go through a lot of bureaucratic difficulties, but she will achieve her goal.

Letting go of a teenager

Sometimes parents are looking for an opportunity to transfer not a newborn baby to a state institution, but an older baby, for example, a teenager. More often this situation concerns children with disabilities, including those who have become disabled as a result of an accident, injury, illness or accident.

In this case, parents need to contact the guardianship authorities and write a statement in any form explaining the reasons why they cannot raise a teenager on their own (difficult financial situation, inability to provide proper medical care, etc.)

Will I have to pay child support after giving up maternity?

Abandoning your son or daughter does not mean at all that you can not visit him or pay alimony. In our country, there is no provision for the complete alienation of a child from his parents. 25% of the salary is automatically deducted by the state for the needs of a daughter or son until he comes of age.

In addition, the abandoned child reserves the right of ownership of the parents' housing, as well as the inheritance by kinship.

Can a father get out of the birth certificate and not pay child support?

The law does not leave the father the slightest chance of evading material assistance. Official renunciation of paternity is possible only in a limited number of cases.

Genetic examination and refutation of paternity

The first option is that the father can refuse the child and the payment of alimony only if it is proved that this is biologically really not his son or daughter.

Paternity testing is easy to do now. Otherwise, no written renunciation of the child and the statement of the father do not exempt him from paying alimony.

Adoption of a baby by a stepfather by mutual consent

The second possible option is an amicable agreement with the mother of a daughter or son if she has a new husband who is ready to adopt a baby. In this case, the father writes a notarized consent to the adoption, completely withdrawing from the child. In any case, the father can be deprived of the rights to the child only by a court decision.

The basis for this, as we have already said, can only be very good reasons: voluntary (in particular, the transfer of rights to another person - the mother's new husband - or the establishment of the fact that the child is not his), or forced (for example, abuse of the baby) .

After the deprivation of rights in the registry office, the child is issued a new birth certificate.

How can I ensure that my child is adopted as soon as possible?

Even in very difficult situations, you need to act, thinking not only about yourself. Leaving the child, the mother must make every effort to save him all the chances for a decent life. Having made such a difficult decision, you need to gain strength and go the way to the end.

Currently, there are several ways to humanely and civilly leave a child. If you decide to refuse, act in his best interests. Under the influence of emotions, in despair, you should not take actions that can harm the baby.

If the decision to leave the child is made in advance, even before his birth, a woman must be observed during pregnancy by doctors and receive an official exchange card. The fact that the baby has medical records will give him a better chance of adoption.

It is necessary to issue refusal documents strictly according to all the rules, indicating your own passport data. In our country, women who have abandoned their children are not prosecuted by law, and the fact that the baby has all required documents will allow him to legally obtain the opportunity for a happy life with foster parents.