Psychology of education of children 10 13 years independence. Bolshoy high school. Overprotective mother

The child enters a difficult period, both physically and emotionally. Body changes occur, adult features are formed, metabolism is rebuilt, which leads to emotional instability, vulnerability. Parents need to show a lot of patience and understanding during this period to their children.

Entering the early phase of puberty is easy for the child himself. Changes in the body, some clumsiness and angularity lead to the fact that the child experiences complexes. Hence tightness, constraint, behavior change, and even outbursts of anger and aggression. At this age, children move away from their parents, become more and more independent. However, even without admitting it, at 11 years old children still need the support, approval and advice of their parents.

At this age, thinking is actively developing, intellectual ability, logic abstract thinking. Children may well plan their affairs and calculate actions, understand the consequences arising from them. Now social interaction is important for children, not learning success in it, but the opinion of the team and others about the child about his abilities, is already in the first place. Gradually, interest in the opposite sex also appears, although contacts are still more active with children of the same sex.

Features of raising children at 11 years old

Now the child is important public approval and his diligence at its peak.

At this age, it is important to instill a love for work and help others, develop talents, culinary skills, and a passion for needlework. In raising a girl, first of all, attention should be paid to domestic issues - the need for all possible assistance to adults, maintaining order and caring for younger animals. Equally important is the education of high moral qualities girls. At this age, it's time to talk about sex education, intimacy, and the consequences of rash steps. It is important to become a girl's friend so that she can trust you with the most delicate and serious secrets.

Boys are somewhat behind in development from girls at the stage of puberty. Therefore, at this age they can still be passionate about cars and games, while girls are already thinking about love. However, it is important to know how to properly educate an 11-year-old boy in order to instill in him high moral qualities - responsibility, caring for loved ones and weaker ones, loyalty and honesty. Parents need to know that the basis of education is their own positive example of relationships in the family, between friends and colleagues. Children copy our behavior and attitude to the world.

Psychology of 11-year-old children

Features of the psychology of children at this age are changes in appearance that coincide with character measurements. Sometimes children themselves cannot understand what is happening to him, aggression and cruelty can arise from self-doubt and internal experiences. In many ways, the psychology of an 11-year-old boy differs from that of a girl, since the timing of their development is not synchronous. In girls during this period, nervousness, tearfulness and resentment associated with changes in appearance are noted. While boys at this age add fuel to the fire by teasing girls, and paying attention to appearance, sticking offensive nicknames.

At this age, the desire for independence begins, making adult decisions, but you need to understand how independent a boy of 11 years old or his girl of the same age should be. Children of this age can easily be left alone at home, looking after the younger ones and doing simple housework. Apart from self-fulfillment lessons, communication on social networks, walks and other things, children must fully serve themselves - wash and iron their things, cook simple meals for themselves, completely observe body and hair hygiene, give themselves first aid for minor injuries or cuts.

Symptoms of a Crisis in Eleven-Year-Old Children

In the period after about 10 years, a special age crisis is formed. It arises due to internal and external changes that form a special tension. nervous system which results in a change in behavior, relationships with family and friends. Often, the transitional age in boys at the age of 11 is manifested by problems in school, disobedience, scandals and quarrels with parents. Girls do not lag behind at this age, their behavior also leaves much to be desired, they try to prove their adulthood through whims and tantrums. As a result, this leads to tension in relations with parents. Such a period must be experienced, treating the child as tactfully and delicately as possible, becoming his friend and winning his trust. Then it will be easier for you to understand what is going on.

The period starting at age 10 is the time of the onset of puberty. During which an angular teenager is formed from a small child. This has been happening for a long time, but the first changes are already noticeable now. Both the appearance of the child and his emotional sphere, features of communication.

In their development, children at this age have some features, although in general the stage is also characterized by many common features. So, girls and boys begin to grow and develop physically actively, they actively gain height and weight. Often, the development of a 10-year-old girl is faster than that of a 10-year-old boy.

Girls are ahead of their male peers in terms of growth and physical development, which can be observed in the example of a child's class. Against the background of large and rather tall girls, boys seem like children. But these differences will gradually be eliminated as children grow and develop further.

The development of a child at the age of 10 has certain features - the body begins to accumulate nutrients for the upcoming growth spurt soon. Because of this, children can begin to actively put on weight. If nutrition is not taken under control during this period, a set of excess weight from which it will be difficult to get rid of later.

Based on changes in the physical condition, psychological features may arise - children may be ashamed of their bodies, worry about the changes that occur to them.

What should a 10 year old be able to do?

At this age, leading in a child's life is educational activity which takes a lot of physical and emotional strength. Due to active learning, children's horizons expand, theoretical thinking and consciousness are formed. Also, there are abilities to analyze and plan both their daily affairs and future prospects. In order to form a clear need for learning, a certain motivation is formed, at this age children must have the skills of independent learning, storing large amounts of information in their memory, its full and adequate reproduction, and the full use of their knowledge.

Children at this age should be able to qualitatively and fully perform the tasks assigned to them. So, what should a girl or a boy be able to do at 10 years old? At this age, they are able to actively help their parents with housework - cleaning, dishes, partially cooking, maintaining order, caring for pets, going to the store.

The child must fully cope with all domestic issues, staying at home alone, he must show competence in many household and household surveys. social plan. Children of this age should easily communicate in a team, but prefer children of the same sex in communication. The need for maternal care and protection is reduced, but the behavior of a child at this age is still highly dependent on the mother's upbringing of parents.

How much does a child weigh at 10 years old

At this age, children begin to actively grow and gain weight. Weight gain at 10 years old can be up to 4-5 kg ​​or more, depending on the characteristics of the physique, growth and heredity, and nutritional habits.

On average, the weight norm for a 10-year-old girl is from 23 to 42 kg, depending on growth and developmental characteristics according to WHO tables. With this growth of a girl by the age of 10, it can be from 130 to 150 cm. At the same time, the main indicators of a boy's development also have fluctuation boundaries. So, the weight norm for a boy at 10 years old is from 25 to 44 kg, while his height can range from 132 to 147 cm.

Children develop very quickly, even rapidly.

This is especially noticeable in the first years of life. Junior schoolchildren are also growing by leaps and bounds. Although, not all children 6-7 years old are characterized rapid growth: Some will take a slower pace.

Physiological development

Child 6 years old

At this age, children lose fat and gain more muscle. From the first grade, they begin to look like lanky teenagers. It is set correctly when moving. Over the previous year, the child grew by 6-7 cm, his body weight increased by 2.5-3 kg. The norm for this age is height 107-121 cm, weight - 18-28 kg. Chest circumference - 56-65 cm.

Child 7 years old

Now children have well-developed motor skills, speech becomes connected. Your junior school student can easily convey his thoughts and impressions, reading and writing are given to him quite easily. The structure of lung tissue is still being formed in the child, therefore, after seven years, a variety of bronchitis and pneumonia in children are less common.

In boys at 7 years of age, there is a slight prepubertal enlargement of the testicles. The structure of the liver is approaching an adult, and by the age of eight it will just become identical. The norm of development is considered to be growth by another 8-10 cm by the age of seven. The circumference of the chest increases by 2-2.5 cm. Growth rates: 114-128 cm, weight - 20-30 kg.

Child 8 years old

From the age of 8, a complex coordination mechanism for controlling movements begins to form in a child, in other words, coordination is slowly improving. The student's ability to long-term dynamic work increases. An increase in working capacity, physical capabilities and, in general, an increase in the aerobic capabilities of the body - this is what is happening now with the child's body.

There are no cardinal changes that accompany puberty yet. Growth standards: 119-134 cm, weight - 21-32 kg.

Child 9 years old

Nine-year-olds are on the verge of adolescence, and in the next few years they will physical development will undergo major changes. Therefore, parents need to prepare their growing offspring in advance by talking with them about the upcoming changes.

One-year-olds at this age can vary greatly in height and weight. On average, children grow up to 125-140 cm, their weight is 24-36 kg.

Child 10 years old

At this age, some children (more often girls) begin to develop sexual characteristics. The hips become rounder, breast growth begins, the first menstruation (do not be surprised - modern girls grow up earlier than we did in our time). Literally in a year, a child can become noticeably taller and wider. Girls begin to develop faster than boys. If due to their height or weight, parents need to reassure him and explain why this is happening.

The average height at this age is 129-146 cm, weight - 25-39 kg.

Formula for calculating physical data

Use the formula to calculate the weight: weight (kg) =10 + (2 x P), Where:

  • 10 kg - average weight a child at 1 year old (you take as a basis the weight of your child);
  • 2 kg - average annual weight gain;
  • P is the number of years.

For example, if the child is 8 years old. Then its average normal weight should be equal to: 10 + (2 x 8) = 26 kg.

The height of the child is determined by this formula : height (cm) = 75 + (5 x P), Where:

  • 75 cm - the average height of a child at the age of 1 year (you can take the weight of your child as a basis);
  • 5 cm - the average annual increase in growth;
  • P is the number of years.

If the child is 10 years old, then his average normal growth should be equal to: 75 + (5 x 10) = 125 cm.

We can say that by the age of nine, the child finally said goodbye to the role of a baby, he grew up and matured. The development of a child at the age of 9 and beyond refers to adolescence, when the personality is actively formed, and physiological changes in the body are rapidly occurring. The development of a child at the age of 9 is characterized by the fact that he has become not only more balanced, but also responsible, he is well versed in many issues and understands more. The development of an 11-year-old child is characterized by the fact that a teenager actively begins to explain and defend his own point of view, his opinion prevails over the opinions of others and seems to be the only true one. Also developing, a 12-year-old child “reclaims” his personal space and asserts himself. In order for the development of a child at the age of 10 and throughout the entire teenage period to proceed painlessly and correctly, parents should understand the changes taking place in the body and mind of their child and be able to adapt to them in a timely manner.

Physiological development of a teenager

Despite early development of the modern young generation, yet the period of puberty is usually attributed to 10-13 years. The physiological development of a child at the age of 9 usually proceeds without any pronounced metamorphosis. But a child of 10-12 years old usually already enters the stage of teenage changes that affect not only the body, but character and self-awareness. For some children, this period passes painlessly, while others experience a lot of unrest and difficulties. Since it will not be possible to avoid this “restructuring of the body”, programmed by nature, it is important to be aware of its features. Indeed, many children cannot understand their condition and what is happening, and therefore, at this stage, parents should provide assistance.

  • Development of a 10 year old child. A ten-year-old child is just entering teenage years. In girls, physiological changes in the body usually occur earlier and faster than in boys. In most cases, hormonal changes are accompanied by a sharp change in emotions, the emergence of a pronounced interest in the opposite sex, active formation intersexual relations. With the onset of puberty, the sex hormone enters the blood intensively.
  • Child development 11 years old. By about 11 years of age, girls begin to gain weight, while boys do not yet experience significant changes in weight. Often at this age, the first signs of personality changes appear, the child becomes quick-tempered, moves away from his parents.
  • Development of a 12 year old child. There is a development of secondary sexual characteristics and a redistribution of fat on the body. In boys, the size of the testicles increases sharply, voice breakage occurs, hair appears in intimate areas, and nocturnal emissions occur. Girls also develop hair in intimate area, the chest grows, the figure is outlined. The main authority for a child at this age is peers, adolescents have less interest in learning, values ​​and hobbies may change. The child can join the youth subculture. This age period is preparatory stage to social and sexual relations, so parents should discuss topics of concern to a teenager and just talk at ease about family, interpersonal and sexual relations.
  • Development of a 13 year old child. During this period, the so-called growth spurt occurs, when the teenager quickly stretches. The increase in body weight continues, boys can weigh from 38 to 50 kg, and girls 43-52 kg. In boys, there is an increase in muscle mass, and in girls, a female figure continues to form.

What can parents do to proper development child 10 years old and throughout adolescence? First, parents need to understand and maintain a friendly tone of communication. It is necessary to continue talking with the child, and not to lecture, but to conduct a dialogue, talking when the child is open to communication. It is important not only to discuss the differences between men and women and discuss the nuances of intersexual relations, but also to show the child various aspects of social relations. Feel free to discuss sexual aspects, impulses and attraction with your child, helping him understand himself. If the child does not want to have frank conversations, you can offer him high-quality literature and films on this topic. It is important for parents to understand that during this period the child actively learns about himself and tries to build new relationships with others, he should be helped to find harmony between his own and the public.

Psychological development of a child 10 years old and 11-13 years old

By the age of ten, the child looks really grown up, and by the age of 12-13, the formation of the child's personality is almost completely completed. During this period, it is important to maintain the connection between parents and children, since it is at this time that it is the weakest and most fragile, because the child is ready to listen to anyone, but not the parents.

The development of a 10-year-old child is characterized by an increase in sociability and independence. The child easily makes acquaintances, feels comfortable in the company of peers, spends a lot of time with friends. All attempts to reduce the child's communication will be perceived with indignation, so prohibitions will not help here. Express your requests and wishes not in an ultimatum form, but in the form of friendly advice or a statement of fact.

For the correct psychological development of an 11-year-old child, it is necessary to provide him with a greater degree of freedom. For example, you can send him to a good pioneer camp, where he can safely rest without parental control.

The psychological development of a 12-year-old child is characterized by estrangement from his parents, a teenager tries to "fence himself off" from others. During this period, it is important to loosen control, but in no case remove it. Talking to your child should be a method of negotiation and compromise.

The development of a 13-year-old child refers to a period of greater psychological stability, a teenager has already formed basic values ​​and views on life, he has his own beliefs and is ready to reckon with the opinions of loved ones. Understanding the developmental features of a 13-year-old child, it is important for parents to treat him as an equal, taking into account his opinion and wishes, but still continue to follow the rules established in the family and raise the child.

At 10-11 years old, your offspring is no longer small, but not yet a teenager. This is a very difficult period, both in human development and in the relationship between the child and parents. At this age, not only children's psychology changes, but also physiology.

It is noteworthy that the period before puberty, namely 10-11 years, does not proceed in the same way for everyone: someone copes on their own, and not bad, but someone needs the help of a psychologist who will help them survive this difficult period.


Every parent should know which physiological changes affect his offspring.

Firstly, at 10-11 years old, growth accelerates, often children become "lanky" due to the sharp growth of the skeleton and limbs. Secondly, the mass of muscles increases, which, however, are not yet able to endure prolonged stress. Therefore, it is important to control the time physical activity and rest.

Thirdly, external signs of gender are becoming more and more noticeable (rounding of the pelvis in girls, changes in appearance genitals, etc.).

Very many children begin to complex in connection with the changes taking place in their body, hence the isolation, irritability and unwillingness to listen to adults appear.


IN character changes are also observed, sometimes not for the better: children are often distracted from the educational process, behave defiantly, react sharply to the slightest remark. At the same time, the student now needs more time to complete homework, and the reason for this lies not at all in their volume.

Parents should be prepared for the fact that the child is about to begin to rebel against their control, and indeed against everything that he previously agreed with. It is worth going too far somewhere or, conversely, giving up slack, and the loss of parental authority is not far off.

The peculiarity of age is that the opinion of peers (and other adults) for the child becomes more important than the parent. And now the girl will be a popular coquette from the class, and not her mother. Therefore, if you start to openly criticize a friend or girlfriend of a child, be sure that your yesterday's baby will do everything exactly the opposite out of a sense of contradiction.

Therefore, it is necessary to criticize the child's friends very delicately without any prohibitions. If you do not like one of your peers, it is enough to draw the attention of the offspring to the negative qualities of his friend, which do not quite correspond to age or norms of behavior.

You should not try to tie the child to yourself by force, you will have to come to terms with the fact that your "little bear cub" will now move away from you more and more. But it’s also not worth letting the situation take its course and depriving the child of even a small share of control. All problems must be solved through negotiations, and not through threats and aggression. Teach your child to cooperate with adults, tactfully express their opinions without fear of them. After all, it is at this age that the foundation for the future relationship between you and the child is laid, and it is unlikely that in five years you will want to face even greater problems.

10-11 years old is an age at which it is very easy to fall under the influence of "bad people", so pay attention to the slightest changes in your child's behavior. After all, it is better to prevent trouble than to reproach yourself for inaction later.