Bleach for intimate areas. Whitening cream Alen Mak Achromin - “Intimate whitening is possible at home! The secret recipe for the beauty of the crotch between the legs for women. There is a desire to try to remove the dark skin between the legs and get rid of the gi

It is very important for women to always look perfect, and beauty and well-groomed appearance, as a rule, depends on healthy and beautiful skin, and not only in visible places. Darkening of the intimate areas of the body is a common phenomenon, but not everyone knows that there are many means to combat excessive pigmentation. The color of the surface of the skin can change depending on many reasons, ranging from hormonal disorders and age-related changes to uncomfortable underwear that rubs the skin. Currently, it is possible to whiten intimate places not only in beauty salons, but also at home.

Methods for whitening intimate areas

Today, in order to whiten the skin between the legs, in the perineum, in the labia, groin, anus or bikini area modern salons offer many different methods. The whole whitening process is divided into such stages as:

  • exfoliation of old, obsolete cells;
  • reduction in the production of melanin.

Light therapy or phototherapy is one of the most popular and well-known methods to whiten the bikini area or the skin between the legs. This method allows you to completely painlessly lighten problematic intimate places within several procedures. It is worth considering that there are contraindications for this method: pregnancy, breastfeeding, any inflammatory processes in the body, diabetes, atopic dermatitis.

Chemical methods are quite effective, but are not suitable for women who have increased skin sensitivity between the legs, in the perineum, in the anus, labia or bikini area. Side effects can be manifested in a burning sensation, an allergic reaction, or severe redness and itching in the process of whitening intimate areas.

“Home whitening of the intimate area is very popular among women, because embarrassment does not allow many of them to turn to an experienced specialist. Whitening is best done by a beautician. This procedure minimizes the risks of injury and allergic reactions in comparison with home procedures. The safest home whitening methods are - special creams or fruit and vegetable juices.

Valentina Igorevna

One of the simplest whitening procedures is the use of a brightening ointment containing special ingredients. To whiten the labia, a special powder is also used (men also use it). There are also strong creams with a whitening effect, but they are quite expensive.

Any beauty salon offers such services, but the fact is that not every woman is ready to use them. In this case, you should use proven products that can be easily prepared at home from simple and inexpensive ingredients.

In all women, intimate areas have a different color and shade, often very different from the main skin color on the body. Sometimes the color of the labia, perineum, anus, or the skin between the legs and in the groin in girls with white skin is dark brown, while in dark-skinned, these same intimate places can be light pink or white.

The dark color of the skin between the legs, in the anus or labia usually depends on hereditary factors or is caused by a large amount of melanin. Frequent visits to the solarium can also cause darkening of intimate places.

Recipes for lightening at home

Before using any home remedy to whiten intimate areas, it is worth consulting with your doctor about possible skin conditions. In their absence, you can safely choose and use suitable recipes. During whitening procedures, it is necessary to protect the skin from exposure to sunlight and exfoliate dead cells with the help of peeling (it helps to remove melanin from the epidermis). It must be taken into account that such procedures will require great patience and diligence, since the result may not appear soon, but only after a few months.

Combine hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon) with ammonia (0.5 teaspoon) and treat intimate areas with the resulting mixture. The procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. Before applying the solution, you need to test for an allergic reaction (try the liquid on your wrist or elbow). If no unpleasant symptoms appear within 20 minutes, then a mixture prepared at home from the simplest components can be used without fear. The course of whitening involves 10-12 procedures.

Grated cucumber can be mixed with nourishing cream, wrap in gauze and apply to the intimate area to be bleached. Keep the compress for at least 10 minutes.

Combine parsley juice with lemon juice and sour cream (1:1) and apply the product on the perineum, around the bikini area, anus or between the legs, leave for 20 minutes, rinse. After four days of using the product, you need to take a break. Reviews of women who have tried this remedy clearly indicate that it is the best and most effective, giving results in a week.

The following recipe contains coffee grounds, which must be mixed in equal proportions with lemon juice and this mixture should be applied around the intimate areas with circular massaging movements, and after 5 minutes, rinse with warm water. Because coffee grounds are abrasive, it is not necessary to exfoliate before applying the mixture. Such a procedure can be done quite long time(to desired result) twice a week.

Strawberry, birch, pomegranate, grapefruit and lemon juices, as well as bodyaga, honey and fermented milk products will help whiten intimate area. The substances contained in these products contribute to the lightening of problematic parts of the body and the reduction of melanin.

Another recipe that allows you to whiten intimate areas of the skin, prepared at home, contains white cosmetic clay (1 tablespoon), diluted with cucumber juice to the consistency of thick sour cream (so as not to spread). Add a little lemon juice (a few drops) to the finished mass and lubricate the skin cleansed before the procedure. After 10 minutes, wash off the composition with cool water and apply the cream. Cucumber juice, if desired, can be replaced with strawberry or parsley juice, which also have bleaching properties.

It is important to remember that after each whitening procedure, any nourishing cream must be applied to the treated areas.

The skin whitening procedure in intimate areas allows girls and women to get rid of serious complexes about their appearance, embarrassment in front of partners, and also makes it possible to wear any, even the most super short clothes without feeling any discomfort.

Cosmetic defects give women a lot of unpleasant moments, especially in the summer when going to the beach. Age spots on the inside of the thigh cause psychological discomfort and require a quick resolution of the problem.


In some places, the outer covers are most sensitive to the effects of adverse factors. With daily stress, melanocytes are activated, which produce a pigment that changes skin color. The disease can affect both men and women.

The problem is most often located in intimate places, armpits and on the inner thighs.

Also, the causes of the appearance of dark spots on the skin between the legs are:

  • rubbing due to obesity or anatomical features of a person;
  • uncomfortable, overly tight clothes made of coarse fabric;
  • age-related changes;
  • reaction to cosmetics;
  • injury during cosmetic procedures;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • fungal infection;
  • diseases internal organs(renal and liver failure);
  • violation of hormonal metabolism;
  • negative impact of ultraviolet radiation.

Ways to get rid

Modern cosmetology has developed many ways to help eliminate spots on the skin.

Before using pharmaceutical products and techniques traditional medicine you should consult a doctor and find out the cause of the disease.

How to remove dark spots between legs? Each patient chooses the most convenient way to stop the problem.

Pigmentation can be eliminated with:

  • laser exposure;
  • peeling with fruit acids;
  • local preparations;
  • alternative medicine.

Cosmetic preparations with whitening effect

Inexpensive but effective means:

  1. Zinc ointment. It is designed to combat various damages and changes on the skin. The drug has no contraindications and is prescribed to all categories of patients, including pregnant women.

Zinc oxide, which is the main component of liniment, reduces the level of melanin production and forms a film on the affected area. It protects the skin and can also lighten spots in the intimate area, preventing the entry of pathogenic microbes.

The course of therapy - until complete clarification. Apply to clean skin at least three times a day.

  1. Sulfur ointment acts on pigmentation by drying and exfoliating dead epithelial cells at the site of application. The tool is able to whiten spots in a short time, but it should be used with extreme caution for people prone to dry skin. It is also recommended to apply liniment only to the problem area no more than once every two days, for 10-14 days.

It is impossible to treat the skin with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of "potassium permanganate" before using the ointment, as this can lead to burns.

Of the shortcomings of the drug, a sharp unpleasant odor and the difficulty of washing off are distinguished, as a result of which the remedy is applied only at home.

  1. Ointment with vitamin A. The drug effectively relieves the outer layers of pigmentation and is able to return to problem areas healthy look rejuvenating them. The product should be applied in a thin layer twice a week in the evening, since the components that make up the liniment are sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

The drug is available by prescription and prohibited in childhood, during the period of bearing and feeding a child.

  1. Synthomycin ointment. A local antibiotic is able to rid the skin of age spots. Before using the liniment, it is necessary to slightly steam the place of application. The medicine is used for no more than one month, as it is addictive and ceases to work.

In cases where desired result is not achieved, the ointment is canceled and a break is taken or replaced with another remedy. Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, kidney and liver diseases, hypersensitivity to components.

  1. Salicylic ointment has a drying and exfoliating effect. It removes pigmented cells of the epidermis, due to which the skin is clarified.

Apply liniment only to the affected areas up to three times a day. In case of an overdose of the drug, itching, redness or rashes are possible. The ointment is not used on the skin in intimate places and armpits, since there the epidermis often comes into contact with water. Before using the medicine in children, you should consult a doctor.

Folk remedies

Unconventional skin whitening techniques at home are suitable for people who have allergic reactions to pharmacy products.

  1. Parsley juice, lemon and kefir.

Prepare the ingredients in equal proportions and mix them in a deep bowl. Lubricate the problem areas with the prepared product, leaving the substance on the skin for several minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse with water and apply the cream. Carry out the treatment twice a week for a month, then take a break and repeat the course.

  1. A mixture of cucumber pulp and moisturizer.

The mask is suitable for people with increased dry skin and regular inflammation.

Grate the cucumber and mix with any moisturizer. Moisten napkins or bandage in the resulting mixture and apply them to the problem area. After 15-20 minutes, the skin is wiped with cool water, the procedure is done 3 times a week.

  1. White clay and yarrow decoction.

Mix the cooled decoction of yarrow with clay until smooth and apply on age spots for 10 minutes. After washing off and lubricating the skin with cream. The course of procedures is a month.

For a better effect, you can add a little lemon juice to the remedy.

  1. Coffee grounds and lemon juice.

Brew strong coffee and drain the water. Add 30 ml of lemon juice to the resulting mass and stir until smooth. Apply to the problem area and keep the mixture for no more than 5 minutes. Rinse off and treat the skin with a moisturizer.

Traditional medicine methods do not bring the desired effect immediately, but after a while, since the substance must accumulate in the skin before starting its action. Therefore, it is necessary to repeat the whitening course after a break.

Features of nutrition in pathology

Often, pigmentation appears in patients with a weakened immune system or with insufficient intake of vitamins from food. As a result, you should adhere to a special diet, which includes:

  • chicken liver;
  • lean meats;
  • seafood;
  • cereals;
  • dairy products, cheese;
  • greens, salad and vegetables.

Instead of tea, it is better to drink a rosehip or chamomile drink.

Possible consequences and complications

Age spots on the skin are not an independent disease and in themselves do not harm human health. They cause cosmetic inconvenience and require careful diagnosis, since the disease can be the result of malignant neoplasms.

In addition to the tumor, spots may indicate a malfunction of the internal organs or hormonal metabolism disorders.


To prevent the appearance of pigmentation will help the implementation of simple rules:

  1. Support for the immune forces of the body: regular intake of vitamins and mineral complexes, the introduction of foods containing vitamins A, C and E into the diet.
  2. The use of creams that protect the skin from exposure to sunlight.
  3. Periodically perform peeling, which helps to saturate the skin with oxygen and improves tissue trophism.
  4. Get rid of bad habits, especially smoking: nicotine can cause disruptions in hormonal metabolism.
  5. Take anti-anxiety medication during times of stress.
  6. If spots appear, visit a dermatologist.

Darkening of the skin is a common phenomenon that can be eliminated by choosing the most convenient way. Before using one of the brightening agents for problem areas, you should consult with a specialist.

Changes in skin pigmentation occur for various reasons. Sooner or later, many are faced with a very delicate problem of darkening of the skin in intimate areas. For men and women, the question of how to whiten the skin in intimate places can be very acute. The causes of dyschromia, that is, violations of the usual color of the skin, may be of a medical nature. Age spots occur most often after a disease as a manifestation of a specific skin disease or may be side effect when taking a number of medications - manufacturers always prescribe such consequences in the instructions. Women often experience skin changes during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or menopause. The hormonal background, which tends to change dramatically at these stages of life, is to blame. There are many ways to whiten, but how to whiten the skin in intimate places so as not to inadvertently cause injury? It is well known that some areas of the human body are highly susceptible and require special attention and delicacy when carrying out a variety of hygiene procedures. Few people entrust this process to professionals, so let's figure out how to whiten the skin in intimate places at home.

Good way

One of the most proven methods used for skin whitening is lemon juice. It is necessary to be extremely careful when using such an aggressive agent so as not to inadvertently burn the delicate mucous membrane. This remedy should not be used by people who are prone to allergies, since lemon is still a citrus fruit.

Another option

Cucumber juice gives a good effect, especially when mixed with parsley and applying a kind of mask from this gruel. By using this remedy regularly, you can achieve noticeable results.

Natural cosmetic

Effective skin whitening with chamomile. In addition, the use of a decoction of this medicinal plant is absolutely safe and contributes to additional hygiene of intimate places due to the rather strong antiseptic properties of chamomile officinalis.

Other options

Another affordable remedy for whitening the skin in intimate places is ordinary hydrogen peroxide. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to prepare a mixture with milk and blue clay. A concentration of 10 drops of peroxide for the same amount of milk will be sufficient, and the amount of cosmetic clay is adjusted according to the description on the package with the dry mixture.


Almost any pharmacy can offer a skin whitening cream, the main components of which will be the plants mentioned above. Their properties are carefully enhanced by pharmacists through the use of a larger concentrate of active ingredients.


How effective will be a set of measures that contribute to the lightening of the skin, largely depends on the regularity of the procedures. The effect becomes noticeable not earlier than after a month of using the selected remedy. If you find it insufficient, it is never too late to turn to professionals for help.

According to dermatologists, darkening on the skin in intimate places is found in many. Such pigmentation of the skin does not pose serious health consequences, but it does not look in the best way especially during the beach season.

Women who take care of the beauty of their bodies should have order in all places - this gives confidence. Faced with this problem, many people have the question of how to whiten the intimate area at home with simple but effective means and methods.

With the darkening of the skin of intimate areas, most representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are faced, the reasons for such changes may be different.

Causes of darkening of the skin in intimate places

Most often, pigmentation is a hereditary feature, but there are a number of other factors:

  • age-related changes;
  • exposure to chemicals (deodorant);
  • tight underwear;
  • special individuality of the skin of the body;
  • fullness (rubbing and debate of the internal parts of the body);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • the effects of certain medications.

Not every woman decides to go to the salon with the question: how to whiten the intimate area, but at home, using one of the popular recipes, this is not so difficult to do

Regardless of what factors caused darkening in the groin area, they must be eliminated.

Contraindications for whitening

Even the most innocuous procedure for lightening delicate areas of the skin has some contraindications for lightening sessions:

  • it is impossible to bleach I look both pregnant and lactating;
  • procedures are prohibited even at home in intimate areas with an exacerbation of herpes, various inflammations, fevers;
  • allergic reactions to the ingredients of the composition of the product;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • injured skin, cracks;
  • while taking contraceptives.

If there are no contraindications, you can find a suitable way to eliminate pigmentation, and prepare the skin before the lightening procedure.

Preparatory procedures before whitening

Before carrying out lightening procedures, the body in the areas of the intended lightening should be prepared. First you need to shave the required places or do depilation.

The next step is scrubbing. The procedure helps to remove the dead layer of the epidermis, which is necessary for better penetration of bleaching agents and a better effect.

Scrubbing can be done commercially or homemade. At home, you can use the usual sea ​​salt or ground natural coffee. Before carrying out these procedures, it is best to get the advice of a dermatologist to exclude possible negative consequences.

The best methods for whitening the intimate area at home

It is important to know! Before choosing a bleaching folk remedy for the intimate area at home, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of allergic reactions to the components of the mixtures.

Read the site's popular article:

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

The mixture is prepared from one tablespoon of peroxide and half a teaspoon of ammonia, mixed, applied twice a week to problem areas. The exposure time of the mixture on skin areas is 4-6 minutes.

To remove the risk of possible allergy reactions before the session, it is required to conduct a test for the perception of the components, withstand half an hour, if there are no negative reactions, the agent can be used in intimate areas. One course - 10 for 2 months.

Mask of parsley, kefir and lemon

How to whiten the intimate area at home with parsley?

To prepare the composition of the mask, it is necessary to mix the juice of parsley leaves (1 tsp), lemon juice (1 tsp), kefir or sour cream (1 tbsp). Lubricate areas of pigmentation, hold for 25 minutes. The procedure will be repeated for three days in a row, then a break, after which you can continue.

Cucumber Brightening Cream

Cucumber is processed with a blender, mixed with cream, applied to gauze napkins, applied to the required places. Then the mixture must be washed off with water. Exposure time - 25 minutes, do three times a week.

A mixture of lemon juice and coffee grounds

Stir the same amount of coffee grounds with lemon juice. With the resulting mass, process the required areas, massaging in a circle. Wash off after 4-6 minutes. After the body, treat with a nourishing moisturizer.

Apple cider vinegar and baking soda paste

Required to make pasta baking soda with vinegar (apple) apply to the necessary areas of the skin, wait for time to dry, rinse. Do the procedures for 7 days.

Armpits, as well as the skin between the legs, can be lightened with apple cider vinegar. Daily use on these intimate areas will relieve pigmentation at home.

Recipes for other folk remedies for skin lightening

How to whiten the intimate area at home, not all women know, but if this issue is dealt with closely, it turns out that there are a huge number of simplest ways.

Below are the most effective and popular recipes. Choosing a bleaching agent, you need to take into account the type of skin.

Oily skin type with excess pigment

1. Lemon juice should be added to one tablespoon of starch, The mixture should be the consistency of thick sour cream. The product is applied to problem areas of the skin twice a week.

2. Combine in equal amounts heated honey, table vinegar, lemon juice, mix. The resulting mixture is applied to the steamed areas of the skin. The exposure time is a quarter of an hour, then the product is washed off with water.

This whitening mask allows you to get rid of pigmentation, preventing reappearance. For the expected result, you can use regularly.

3. Mix homemade, fat-free cottage cheese with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, which add at the rate of 12 drops.

Application is done on dry, clean skin, aged for a quarter of an hour, after which it can be washed off with lukewarm water. This mask gets rid of the most stagnant darkening.

4. Cucumber pulp is processed in a blender, oatmeal flour is added. The consistency of the mixture should be airy and thick. The agent is applied twice in 10 days, keeping each procedure for 25 minutes.

The mask can be used not only on intimate and especially delicate areas, such as the inguinal or axillary area.

5. Two tomatoes are processed into puree(Remove the skin before processing). 2 tablespoons of flour are added to the cooked puree.

The mixture is applied to problem areas, aged for 25 minutes, washed off with water. Tomato fruits effectively fight any kind of age spots and freckles.

Among the tips on how to whiten the intimate area at home, there are often recommendations:

  • rubbing with ice cubes from parsley infusion;
  • rubbing with a slice of lemon;
  • sour apple;

Dry skin type

To whiten dry epidermis, additional saturation with moisture is required. Therefore, without fail, in the prepared products there must be a component with a softening effect.

Dry skin should not be subjected to brightening procedures, more than 1 time in 2 weeks.

Important: you can not use one lemon or peroxide for dry skin, these components dry the skin even more.

1. Heated or simply liquid honey product, mixed with lemon juice, in equal parts. The mixture should be applied to clean and dry required areas of the epidermis, washed off after a quarter of an hour, the skin is moistened with a suitable moisturizer.

2. A peeled cucumber is processed by a blender, two tablespoons of cream or high-quality yogurt are added to the prepared gruel. Regular use of the product eliminates dark areas of the skin throughout the body, including delicate areas and the area of ​​​​the lips and eyes.

3. Grind fresh parsley (1 bunch), pour boiled water (200 ml), cool down. In a filtered, warm infusion, moisten the prepared napkins, apply to the places of darkening (if necessary, additionally dip the napkins in the infusion). Use - twice a week, exposure time - half an hour.

4. A handful of unripe black currants are processed into porridge, a honey product is added, liquid consistency.

The product is applied to problem areas, after 25 minutes, the composition is removed, and the skin is treated with kefir.

5. Two large spoons of cottage cheese, rubbed together with cream (1 spoon), 8 drops of peroxide (3%) are added. The mask is suitable for any type of pigmentation.

Normal type of epidermis

For a normal skin type, you should use products that not only whiten the skin, but also normalize metabolism in all layers of the epidermis. Cell function improves, melanin production normalizes.

For the preparation of bleaching agents, the use of all products that do not cause allergic reactions is allowed. The compositions should have a gentle base.

  • Grind on a grater the rhizome of horseradish, with the pulp of an apple of a sour variety. The number of ingredients must be equal. Due to the content of acids in these products, the mixture effectively fights dark spots and freckles.

  • For 2 st. l. kefir, 1 tsp is added. lemon juice, a few drops of olive oil. Dairy and fruit acids lighten any age-related pigmentation, even if they are already old. This mask is also suitable for getting rid of spots after pregnancy.
  • Dry yeast (1 spoon), warm milk (2 spoons), lemon juice (1 tsp). The resulting mixture is applied before going to bed.
  • The most famous recipe from bodyagi. Peroxide solution is added to bodyagi powder(You should get a porridge-like mass). The resulting mass is applied with massaging movements. The exposure time is 20-25 minutes, after which the product can be washed off and a suitable cream with nourishing properties applied.

If the bleaching agent is properly prepared, then after the procedure, the top layer will come off. During peeling, the skin needs to be nourished with fatty products. It is impossible to fully restore the epidermis, the skin should not be exposed to solar radiation.

Before going outside, the areas to be treated must be closed from direct sunlight. The tool can be used 1 time in 8 days.

To lighten a normal skin type, rubbing currant berries, an sour apple, a slice of lemon or grapefruit with juice is also suitable.

Problematic skin

For problematic skin characterized by irritation, wilting, peeling.

Important: whitening compositions for problematic skin types, not only work to lighten, but also relieve irritation, inflammation, and rashes. This is especially true for those women who have allergic reactions that occur after each hair removal procedure in the armpits and other delicate places.

1. Honey and cucumber pulp are mixed in equal parts, you can add a few drops of essential oil. Such a composition can be applied regularly. There will be no trace of dark zones, the elasticity of the skin will increase. The product can be kept on the epidermis for about half an hour.

2. Remove the peel from one tomato, process it into a homogeneous mixture, add a few drops of lemon juice and olive oil. The tool is recommended to be used on an ongoing basis. Complementing each other, both products effectively combat dark pigmentation.

3. Grind through a sieve 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese (preferably homemade), mix with gruel from processed cucumber. The mask is applied to the problem areas with a thick layer, covered with a napkin made of cloth soaked in cucumber juice. The exposure time is half an hour, it is allowed to use this tool on an ongoing basis.

4. Several gauze napkins are being prepared (the number and size should correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe areas in need of clarification). Peel a pineapple, process into a pulp, moisten wipes that need to be applied to areas with pigmentation. Thanks to fruit acids contained in pineapple, the epidermis is gently and quickly lightened.

Recipes for home remedies are highly effective and safe. Using whitening products of self-preparation, you can forever forget about pigmentation not only in the intimate, but also in other areas of the body.

Masks are suitable for treating the skin of the back, arms, face. To maintain a uniform skin tone, it is recommended to use prepared products on a regular basis all year round.

How to whiten underarm skin at home:

Skin whitening in the intimate area. Instruction:

The laser helps to maintain and restore the attractiveness of not only open areas of the body. It is also used to lighten the intimate area, because for many its appearance is very important. After the whitening procedure, the skin looks more well-groomed, without standing out against the background of the whole body.

Read in this article

Causes of dark spots in the intimate area

Usually, the procedure is done by those whose skin in the vulva is naturally dark, or hyperpigmentation has occurred on it. The cause of acquired spots are:

How can a laser help?

The skin becomes dark or mottled due to the presence of pigment in it. Light and at the same time thermal radiation acts destructively on matter. As a result, it is partially broken down and excreted naturally. The upper, darkest layer of the epidermis is also removed. The skin flakes for some time after the manipulation. A few days later, the surface of the laser-treated area acquires a natural light shade.

In addition, the radiation activates the division of young skin cells, mainly its collagen layer. From this, it becomes more hydrated, smooth and toned.

How safe is the procedure

The skin of the intimate area is delicate and thin. But bleaching performed with thermal radiation, does not harm its condition, does not violate the structure. Usually, an erbium laser is used for this procedure. It gently affects only the outer layer of the skin.

Therefore, bleaching is an absolutely safe manipulation for her, not to mention the deeper tissues. It does not affect sexual performance and reproductive function.

Some patients note that the sensitivity of the intimate zone has increased, but consider this a positive manifestation. Problems are possible only if the technique of the procedure is violated. Therefore, it should be performed only by a good specialist.

Immediately after the manipulation, when the anesthetic cream stops working, discomfort may be felt. But it passes quickly enough.

What areas can be lightened

Skin whitening using a laser procedure:

  • around the anus;
  • on the pubis;
  • in the region of the labia majora in women;
  • scrotum in men;
  • on the stomach;
  • axillary area.

Method of laser whitening of the intimate area

The procedure is laser skin resurfacing. Its execution is carried out according to a certain algorithm:

  • the surface of the problem area is wiped with an antiseptic;
  • an anesthetic cream is applied for 20-30 minutes, after which it is removed;
  • the specialist adjusts the equipment by setting certain radiation parameters;
  • bringing the nozzle closer to the skin, treat the surface with a laser;
  • after bleaching all areas, a soothing cream is applied.

Crystal Bright Laser Whitening System for intimate area whitening

The main phase of the procedure lasts no longer than 15-40 minutes. During exposure to laser radiation, slight discomfort may be felt. But most patients feel only warmth and tingling. If you are concerned about pain, the intensity of the radiation can be adjusted during the manipulation.

For information on how laser whitening of the intimate area takes place, see this video:

Skin care after

At the end of the procedure, the laser-treated surface looks red and slightly swollen. After a few days, it will start to peel off. These signs will quickly pass if you properly care for your skin:

  • immediately after the manipulation, put on clean and fairly loose underwear;
  • wash in the shower using ph-neutral products;
  • apply Bepanthen or Panthenol creams to the skin;
  • temporarily forget about a hot bath, sauna, swimming pool;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • postpone sex;
  • avoid injury to the laser-treated skin.

"Panthenol" and "Bepanten"

All prohibitions must be respected for 7-10 days. During this time, the surface of the epidermis will be completely renewed.

The laser technique will lighten the intimate area in 1-4 sessions. Between them, breaks of 1 month are required. The speed and degree of whitening of the epidermis depends on the characteristics of the body, age of age spots, color intensity.

Service cost

The price of the procedure may vary. It is formed:

  • session duration;
  • the area of ​​the treated area (deep bikini is more expensive);
  • type of equipment used;
  • clinic level.

The minimum cost of 1 procedure is 7000 rubles. But 10,000 - 12,000 rubles. per session is also an acceptable price.

Alternative methods for whitening intimate areas

You can lighten the skin in the perineum and groin area in other ways:

  • Mesotherapy of the problem area. A drug is injected into the skin that breaks down the melanin pigment and thus brightens the surface. It will take several weekly sessions. The lightening effect will last for 6-8 months.
  • Salon peeling. This is a procedure for dissolving the pigment with a special chemical composition applied to the surface once. Then the patient independently processes it with the cream received in the salon for several days. The whitening effect will be revealed after 2 weeks. The method gives a chance to save it for six months. With the help of peeling, you can get rid of age spots, but it will not lighten the naturally dark skin of the intimate area.
  • Whitening cosmetics. These are creams containing brightening ingredients. To get the result, they must be used regularly for a sufficiently long time. But not everyone can eliminate hyperpigmentation with the help of creams.

Of the several methods for lightening the skin of the intimate area, the laser is the best. It gives positive changes after a single session. And the effect lasts longer than after peeling and creams.

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