Documents for benefits as a low-income large family. What kind of assistance from the state can a low-income family count on? Basic conditions for granting benefits

The difficult economic situation in a number of regions of the country, unemployment, inflationary processes, make people interested in the question of what regional and federal programs for the protection of large low-income families that involve the issuance of benefits and other support measures necessary to ensure the normal development and upbringing of children. Many Russians do not know what compensation they are entitled to, how to apply for subsidies, what documents to collect for benefits for low-income families with children in 2018.

Who is considered a poor family

According to the definition, a low-income family is recognized as citizens who lead a joint household in the same territory according to registration data, connected by family ties. Specialists who decide on the assignment of the status of the poor consider each specific case individually - people who are not related by blood ties, who are in cohabitation, who are raising common children, can live together. Families of different composition can be low-income families:

  • incomplete, with a father or mother single-handedly raising a child or several offspring;
  • large families;
  • complete with a low average per capita income;
  • an orphan child left without parental care;
  • persons with limited legal capacity due to disability;
  • pensioners and young people who study full-time at universities and receive social benefits.

The level of income of a family per person applying for the status of the poor, after calculations, should be lower than the minimum subsistence allowance (PM) adopted for this subject of the federation. At the same time, the age of a person is considered, since the size of the PM varies depending on whether a citizen works, is an incapacitated pensioner or a child.

Means criteria for the provision of social support measures

It is not so easy to get the status of low-income citizens who need state benefits. To do this, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be considered officially low-income, be registered with the municipality or the local department of social protection. The status will have to be updated every three months, with the provision of a package of documentation on the income of all working households.
  • Adult family members must work officially. If they do not work, they provide information according to which they have the right to stay at home (the state of pregnancy, caring for a baby, disability, other cases). If the household is unemployed without good reason, the allowance will not be issued.
  • Citizens really should need state support - they need to prepare for various checks, including the calculation of all available income, an inspection at the place of registration to verify the data on low income provided.

How to calculate total income

Many Russians who do not know the procedure for calculating the total income, according to which the family is recognized or not recognized as indigent, lose hope for state assistance. The calculation algorithm is very simple, it can be found in Article 14 of the Federal Law of April 05, 2003. FZ-44, which speaks of the procedure for calculating the income of several people living together or one citizen applying for social support. Social Security workers do the following:

  1. Take into account the total quarterly earnings of all family members, summing up the income.
  2. Divide the resulting figure by three months, receiving the average monthly earnings per family.
  3. The resulting number is divided by the number of households to find out how much money per month falls on one person.

Often, citizens do not know what cash receipts are included in total earnings. When calculating the average per capita income, the following types of funds are taken into account:

  • salary according to the form 2-NDFL;
  • assigned federal or local benefits, pensions;
  • scholarships received by students of schools, universities, secondary technical institutions;
  • issued dairy products, other in-kind support with products or things;
  • estimated amounts of profit from movable or immovable property owned by households.

The procedure for determining the average per capita income per family member

To visualize the calculation methods used by social security authorities, consider the following example:

An incomplete family consisting of a mother and two minor children aged 6 and 8 living in Moscow. The mother works and received a salary of 51,000 rubles for 3 months. Child allowances, other assistance was not issued. The average per capita monthly income per household is calculated using the following formula:

51,000/3/3 = 5,667 rubles.

Given that the PM in the capital for 2018 for capable citizens is 18,742 rubles, for minors - 14,252 rubles, a mother can apply for the status of an indigent family with cash benefits, preferential treatment and benefits. You need to know that all types of income are taken into account, and if an intentional or unintentional attempt to hide additional earnings is revealed, the allowance will not be given.

What assistance can be received from the state for the poor in 2018

Each region of Russia provides low-income citizens with its own types of subsidies, but all people in need of support measures can apply for the following types of benefits:

  • children's subsidies (including benefits for carrying a baby, childbirth, caring for a baby);
  • social benefits;
  • benefits when paying for housing and communal services;
  • preferences for the purchase of medicines, vitamins;
  • privileges for offspring when entering kindergartens, schools, circles, sections;
  • free food for women carrying a baby and young children;
  • special one-time and monthly surcharges established by local authorities.

Types of benefits for the poor for children

All subsidy options are divided into two groups - one-time, or one-time, and received once every 30 days, which have to be re-registered annually or in another manner established by laws. One-time subsidies include the following child benefits for low-income families in 2018:

  • Issued subject to registration in the early stages of bearing a baby. In 2018, the amount of the payment has changed and will amount to 633 rubles.
  • Wives of contractors who are more than 180 days pregnant are given 26,721 rubles.
  • At the birth of a baby. It is issued from the federal budget, regardless of the mother's employment.
  • When adopting one baby - 16,873 rubles, several sisters, brothers or a disabled child - 128,928 rubles.
  • Aid for first-grader fees. Depending on the region, the amount varies between 5,000-1,100 rubles.

Monthly donations to the poor are as follows:

  • For the care of minors aged 1.5-16 years. The amount depends on the legal capacity of the parent and the minor dependent, the regional allocation of funds.
  • Grant for a baby born third in the family. In St. Petersburg, the allowance is 10,115 rubles.
  • Social stipend and travel allowances for schoolchildren.
  • Supplements for good nutrition. Issued 100-500 rubles per month.

One-time allowance for the birth or adoption of a child

One-time assistance is issued at the birth or adoption of a child from the federal budget. The amount for 2018 is 16,874 rubles. Either parent can receive money at work or by contacting a branch of social security authorities 10 days after the application is submitted. Finances are issued to any citizen who has a son - the unemployed, students, single fathers or mothers, employed citizens.

If several babies were born at once, then money is issued for one of them. If adults decide to adopt a boy or a girl, then the amount of compensation remains the same regardless of the age of the adoptee. An exception is the adoption of brothers with sisters or a disabled child. The amount of assistance increases, reaching 128,928 rubles.

One-time financial assistance to low-income families

One-time surcharges are subsidized by the regional budget, therefore, not all subjects of the country make them. To receive money, you will have to prove your eligibility for financial assistance - bring documentary evidence of need to the MFC or social security authorities. In the capital, such payments are given to citizens with a large number of ward offspring; a simple poor person cannot collect a one-time subsidy. In St. Petersburg, you can get up to 100 thousand rubles, in Vologda - 300-10,000 rubles, other regions provide benefits according to the amount of PM.

Maternity payments

The demographic crisis is forcing the government to stimulate the birth rate with numerous maternity subsidies. A woman can apply for different types of subsidies:

  • One-time, with early registration, the birth of a baby.
  • Maternity leave, paid depending on the status of a woman - workers receive 100% of earnings for the last 24 months of work. The unemployed, who are registered with the Social Fund, are entitled to a payment of 633 rubles. Students will receive 1,419 rubles from 2018, and female military personnel - up to 30,000 rubles.
  • Subsidies for offspring up to one and a half years. Employed citizens are given up to 40% of monthly earnings, the unemployed - a fixed amount of 3,066 rubles at the birth of their first child, 6,131 for a second child.
  • Assistance until the offspring reaches 3 years of age. 50 rubles are paid to everyone, except for the wives of the military who are in the service on conscription. They are given 10,528 rubles.

Payments by September 1

Not all citizens can provide the child with textbooks, uniforms, and supplies necessary for study. Regional authorities provide financial assistance, which can be obtained before sending a first-grader to school. The entitlement to financial resources is lost after 6 months of study of a son or daughter. The city authorities issue 5,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 3,768 rubles, in Bryansk - 1,000 rubles. Some regions do not allocate subsidies for this type of assistance.

For children up to the age of majority

After the child has reached the age of three, mothers stop paying compensation. If a woman proves that she is in need, belongs to the poor, then you can receive assistance until the offspring comes of age. Mother and father must officially work, and the average monthly income of each household must not exceed the PM established for the region. The money is paid up to the age of 16 of the son or daughter. Separate payments are given to mothers caring for a minor with a disability, or when the parent's legal capacity is limited.

Scholarships for children from low-income families

You can receive financial resources if the student belongs to the category of low-income. The money is paid for full-time education in higher and secondary technical institutions for the entire period of study. For universities, the amount of the subsidy is 2,100 rubles, for colleges - 730 rubles. You can apply for assistance if the young person is a representative of one of the following categories of citizens:

  • a disabled person of 1 or 2 groups;
  • an orphan child left without parents or a guardian;
  • a member of a large poor family;
  • a person who has been exposed to radioactive irradiation;
  • contractor who served for at least 3 years.

Monthly allowance

According to the Decree of the President of October 18, 2017 No. 487, the state introduces new measures to support motherhood and childhood, which will affect socially unprotected categories of citizens, poor people with a large number of minors under guardianship. The following types of payments are introduced:

  • at the appearance of the firstborn;
  • for the second baby up to one and a half years of age;
  • for the third and subsequent babies.

The payment card is supposed to increase the percentage of the minimum maternity allowance paid to employed mothers by 21.7%. Children's compensation up to the age of one and a half years will increase by the amount of fixed inflation. In 2017 this figure was 3.2%. The size of the mother's capital will not increase, until 2020 they will give out 453 thousand rubles, but you can spend this money without waiting for your son or daughter to turn 3 years old.

For the first child

Payments are provided every 30 days until the age of one and a half years of a baby born after 01/01/2018 and who is a citizen of the country. The condition is stipulated that parents can collect additional payments whose income per household per month is less than one and a half accepted regional PM. The amount of assistance depends on the subsistence minimum for the subject of Russia, calculated for the 2nd quarter of the previous reporting period. The average amount of payments in the country will be 10,523 rubles, in Moscow - 13,938 rubles, in Rostov-on-Don - 10,264 rubles, in Volgograd - 9,219 rubles.

Monthly payments from maternity capital for the second child

Citizens who have a second baby can collect monthly surcharges from the amounts of the mother's capital due until the daughter or son reaches the age of one and a half. The receipt of subsidies is limited to persons whose monthly cash receipts for each household are below 1.5 RM in the region. The amount of allowances for children to low-income families in 2018 is equal to the regional subsistence allowance for a minor for the previous reporting period: in Moscow - 13,938 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 10,222 rubles, in Krasnoyarsk - 12,020 rubles.

For a third child and obtaining the status of a large family

In principle, the types of compensation payments received when the third offspring appears are no different from the subsidies due to the mother at the birth of a child - she receives one-time, monthly maternity payments. But the presence of a third and subsequent children transfers parents and children into the category of large families. Many citizens are in need, so they are provided with additional compensation due to their status. The number of regions falling under the federal program for helping large families has expanded to 60.

The amount of child allowances for low-income families in 2018 will be determined depending on the PM adopted in the region. Target subsidies are allocated by the state budget. You can get money if the Russians prove low-income in accordance with the regulatory documents and resolutions adopted by the subjects of the federation. The measure is designed to stimulate the birth rate in areas where there is an unfavorable demographic situation.

Financial assistance to low-income families with a disabled child

The state is trying to provide disabled minors with conditions that provide for their adaptation, preservation of health, and provision of necessary medicines. Disabled children are entitled to the following preferential subsidies:

Types of surcharges

Disabled children, rubles

Disabled from birth, group 1, rubles

Children with disabilities from birth, 2 groups, rubles

Children with disabilities from birth, 3 groups, rubles

Social pension assistance

EDV (maximum size in case of refusal from NSU)

NSO in the form of products, things or money

Monthly care allowance

5,500 for guardians or parents, 1,200 for others

Not paid

Is not provided

How to apply for a low-income family allowance

In order to receive cash benefits for children to low-income families in 2018, you need to apply for the desired status. To do this, follow this algorithm:

  1. Gather the required documents.
  2. Go to a nearby welfare office.
  3. Write a petition and give it to the specialist along with the attached documentation.
  4. Wait for the deadline before making a decision.
  5. In case of refusal, find out the reason for the rejection of the application, correct errors and inaccuracies, and resubmit the application.
  6. With a positive decision, use material compensation.

Where to go

Poor citizens can apply for state assistance by personally contacting the branch of the social security service at the place of registration, the MFC (when the center provides such services). If you do not want to stand in lines, then, to process payments, you can use the State Services portal by sending an application remotely, with registration on the site, opening a Personal account. When contacting any of these services, a positive or negative response must be received within 10 days.

What documents are needed

We must prepare for the fact that we will have to collect an extensive package of documentation. The following official papers are required:

  • application for the status of a low-income family;
  • passports of adult households, birth certificates of minors;
  • information about the composition of the family according to the house book;
  • data on the income of working households in the form 2-NDFL for the last quarter;
  • information about legal marriage (if any);
  • certified copies of work books of working households;
  • documents on existing property, movable and immovable.

When assigning specific compensation, the following information may be required:

  • the conclusion of the VTEC on the assignment of a disability group;
  • certificates of pregnancy with an indication of the term;
  • information about studies, military service;
  • other papers required by employees of social security authorities.

Child allowances and payments for low-income in Moscow

Subsidies to needy citizens, according to the statements of the city authorities, will increase in 2018 along with the growth of the city standard and PM in Moscow. The upcoming increase in surcharges will affect the following categories of Muscovites:

  • people with a large number of children;
  • needy citizens with low-income status;
  • Muscovites containing a minor dependent with a disability or children with disabilities for health reasons.

Who can apply

Grants will be received by citizens whose average family income is below the level of the State Standard in the capital, which is 17,500 rubles. You can apply for the allowance:

  • Spouses of military conscripts.
  • Wives and children of contractors.
  • Single fathers or mothers with dependents aged 3-18.
  • Incomplete families where the second parent does not pay child support.

Benefit amount from January 1, 2018

You can compare the amounts of municipal assistance for 2017 and 2018 for certain categories of citizens in the table below:

Supplement for 2017, rubles

Subsidy amount for 2018, rubles

Single mothers and fathers to raise dependents up to 3 years

Wives of military conscripts with children under 3 years old

Fathers and mothers raising dependents up to 3 years, provided that the other parent does not make maintenance payments

Other persons with dependents under 3 years

Citizens raising minors aged 3-18 alone

Beneficial categories of citizens, in particular, low-income families living in Moscow, can receive benefits and other social assistance from the state. It will be necessary to confirm the status of the poor through social protection of the population.

Who is supposed to

Persons who are entitled to state support, first of all, must receive the status of the poor. For this, certificates are collected, which indicate the income of each family member. It owes less than the living wage established in the country.

At the same time, the commission must obtain confirmation that the persons submitting the application really live together and jointly manage the household.

A low-income family may consist of natural and adopted children, parents, grandparents, as well as guardians and caregivers. Out of turn, this status can be issued by citizens who are disabled and pensioners, and living in a low-income family.

Both a family member and a parent raising a child alone can apply. According to the norms of the legislation, a low-income family is one that has fallen into a difficult life situation and is in poverty due to circumstances that do not depend on it.

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That is, citizens can receive a pension, or they must carry out labor activities and receive a small salary.

The following conditions must be met:

  1. Low per capita income for each family member.
  2. Accommodation of all family members at one address.
  3. The absence in the family of citizens leading an asocial lifestyle, not employed.

The subsistence minimum is set separately for each region, in Moscow there is a certain indicator. For 2019, the figure is 15,307 rubles per capita, and for able-bodied citizens - 17,487 rubles.

When calculating the joint income in the family, payments under the system of remuneration of citizens, income from the rental of property, as well as various social benefits received by a citizen are taken into account.

What benefits do low-income families have in Moscow in 2019

In 2019, low-income families living in the city of Moscow are entitled to the following types of benefits and subsidies:

  1. Monthly allowance for a child up to 3 years.
  2. Payments to single mothers and fathers.
  3. Allowances for children under 18 years of age.
  4. Muscovite card - electronic, social certificate.
  5. Purchase of clothes, toys in some shopping centers.
  6. Kindergarten allowance in the amount of 20 to 70%.
  7. The pension supplement is calculated on the condition that the level of the pension paid does not reach the subsistence level.
  8. Providing free legal assistance both online and when visiting a legal organization.
  9. Benefits for admission to a university, provided that the child received at least a minimum number of points when passing exams.
  10. Benefits for food, including at school. Dairy products are provided for children under three years of age.
  11. Compensation for school uniforms.
  12. Free travel for children under 7 years old.
  13. Discounted visits to museums and theaters once a month for all family members.
  14. Exemption from payment of personal income tax.
  15. Discounts on utility bills.

The process of registering an individual entrepreneur for citizens living in low-income families is completely free. A preferential mortgage can also be issued to improve housing conditions.

How to issue

To apply for benefits, you need to contact the Department of Social Security.

The most demanded are benefits for low-income families for utilities, free travel, and the purchase of an apartment.

In order to issue them, you need to do the following:

  1. Collect documents. If the application is re-submitted, it is important not to miss the deadlines - this should be done once a year, or every 6 months, since the financial situation of the family can change over a given period of time.
  2. The application is made in the department of social protection. You can also apply for benefits during pregnancy or after the birth of a child.
  3. You will need certificates and papers from both parents, including a marriage registration certificate, which is the main document. An employee of a state organization accepts a package of papers and issues a coupon with a record of the fact of admission and the date the decision was issued.

Before submitting documents, you should make sure that the family is actually entitled to benefits, this can be done during the initial visit to the social service center where the specialist will ask a few questions that will determine the social status of the applicant.

He will also tell you what documents you need to collect in order to obtain the status of the poor or certain types of benefits.

Pension benefits are issued at the FIU of Russia, and tax benefits - at the branch of the Federal Tax Service. Each instance will require a separate application and a complete package of documents.

Payments will be assigned and made from the month in which the application was submitted. In order to receive them, you must also provide a personal bank account number.

What documents will be needed

The list of papers that will be required to apply for benefits for low-income families:

  1. A certificate issued by the registry office confirming the registration of a marriage between a man and a woman who became parents.
  2. Application for recognition of a family of low income.
  3. Passports of both parents.
  4. Documents from the place of work, which indicate the amount of income for each parent.
  5. A certificate from the educational institution that the child attends - kindergarten, school.
  6. Birth certificate for each child.
  7. If the family is incomplete - a certificate of divorce.
  8. Certificates confirming the reason for receiving income below the subsistence level - a work book or medical documents.
  9. Medical certificates of diseases, provided that the parent or child has a disability group.

A complete list of documents can be found by visiting the department of social protection, or by calling. Separately, a bank statement with account details is provided.

The government changes the list of benefits from time to time, more or less subsidies may be issued. In order not to be refused, the application must be drawn up according to the model issued by the social security officer.

If one of the parents or the child is registered in another region, then you will also need to present a certificate confirming that this benefit has not been issued earlier in another region.

The process of applying for this type of benefit is notable for the complexity associated with obtaining the status of the poor. It takes about ten days to process benefits directly and two visits to a state organization are enough.

To simplify the task, you need to prepare all the papers in advance and make photocopies, as well as correctly draw up an application. A refusal that is unlawful can be challenged by filing a complaint first with the head of the Social Security Administration, and then with the court.

The social reform being carried out in 2017 will affect not only pensioners, but also low-income citizens. Families will be able to count on great support from the state. Some benefits will increase in size.

Consider what innovations are already operating in the country.

What assistance is due to low-income families in 2019 - all benefits and benefits

Assistance to low-income families, which is provided by the state, is carried out at the federal and regional levels. It can be expressed not only in cash payments, but also in the material provision of people with food, clothing, and medicines.

The issue of helping the poor sounds very acute in 2019. After all, the number of low-income families, according to Rosstat, is noticeably increasing every year.

Help for the poor can be not only cash payments, but also clothing, baby food, food.

In 2019, there is lump sum assistance to women from low-income families

Moreover, note that these benefits are provided to pregnant, lactating, as well as parents raising children in an incomplete family:

1. Benefit paid on the condition that a woman is registered with a antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy.

The monthly amount will be paid to those who were fired due to:

  1. Bankruptcy and liquidation of the organization.
  2. Closing of the company that provided the services of a lawyer, notary.
  3. Closing of IP by an individual.
  4. A company that requires a license to carry out professional activities ceases to operate.

3. One-time allowance for mommy at the birth of a baby

Note that the payment is due to the mother, regardless of which child she gave birth to. When each child is born, a sum of money is transferred to the parent's account.

4. The pregnant wife of a soldier , located in the third trimester, a payment of 24.5 thousand rubles is due.

5. For children under guardianship, the amount of 15.5 thousand rubles is paid to the parent.

Note that this amount is the so-called parent's salary.

Also in the new year 2019, such monthly assistance to families with children

  1. Maternity allowance for working citizens. As a rule, it is provided only to mothers who worked. The employer is obliged to pay the employee a monthly amount equal to the established average earnings. This allowance varies from region to region.
  2. Allowance for a child under 1.5 years of age. One of the parents is entitled to a cash payment in the amount of 40% of average earnings.
  3. Benefit for a child under 3 years of age. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1291, approved on November 30, 2015, the amount of payment is the amount of the subsistence minimum. Remember, this is the amount that must be paid every month for a child born third or next in a row in the family.
  4. The child of a serviceman, a conscript (and not a conscript) is also entitled to monetary compensation. Parents can use the allowance until the child turns 3 years old.
  5. The payment "for the loss of the breadwinner" is due to the child of a serviceman.
  6. For a child in care must pay an additional allowance in an amount close to the subsistence level. In the subjects of the Russian Federation, this amount is different.
  7. Payment for a child whose age is from 7 to 16 or 18 years , is due to all poor parents. Children are paid an amount ranging from 100 rubles to a thousand.
  8. Assistance to poor families. Every month, a low-income family is entitled to a payment. Its size is set differently in each region, or it may not exist at all.

Provided more housing allowance, other allowances and benefits.

New types of benefits and benefits in 2019 for low-income families

Innovations will affect, first of all, the educational sphere.

Firstly, a child from a wealthy family will be able to enter state universities under the following conditions:

  1. Under 20 years old.
  2. Successfully passed the exam or passed the entrance examinations, gaining a certain number of points (passing minimum).
  3. The parent has a disability of 1 group and he is the only breadwinner in the family.

Secondly, children from low-income families of younger age will be sent to kindergartens without waiting in line.

In addition, for a child under 6 years required to provide necessary medicines.

Also, when studying at school, The child will be given the opportunity to:

  1. Free two meals a day in the dining room.
  2. Get school and sports uniforms.
  3. Use travel tickets. The discount will be 50%.
  4. Visit free exhibitions and museums once a month.
  5. Visit a sanatorium. If the child is sick, then he is required to issue a ticket once a year.

Parents in 2019 can count on:

  1. Preferential working conditions (additional leave, shortened working hours).
  2. Exemption from payment upon registration of IP.
  3. Acquisition of a mortgage with preferential payment terms.
  4. Obtaining a garden plot or an apartment under a social tenancy agreement.

What documents are needed and where to apply for assistance to low-income families in 2019?

Before fleeing to the Department of Social Protection of the Population, you should collect package of documents, on the basis of which your family will receive the status of low-income or low-income.


  1. Passports of parents, originals and copies.
  2. Child's birth certificate.
  3. Statement written by hand or typed on a computer. You can create your own document .
  4. Certificate confirming your marriage or divorce if the family is incomplete.
  5. Documents about your family property. For example, about a car, real estate.
  6. An extract containing information about registered residents in your household or apartment.
  7. Document confirming the composition of your family.
  8. Income statement from work for the last 3 months.
  9. If you are not working and applied to the employment center, then you will need a document stating that you cannot get a job.
  10. Certificate of disability, if necessary.

Within 10 days workers The Social Security Administration must review your application and make a decision. It happens that the period is extended up to 1 month.

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are families that have been given a special status - the poor. The basis for this appointment is a low income that does not correspond to the subsistence level of the region of the country.

To support such citizens, the government has developed a special bill. It discusses the decisions on the provision of benefits and cash payments to low-income people. As a result, they feel financially and socially secure.

Who is supposed to

The status of "low-income family" is received by citizens whose income is below the established subsistence level. However, family members receive a small income for reasons beyond their control.

In addition, households must live at the same address and run a joint household. Only if these two rules are observed, the family receives a special title.

It should be noted that in each region of the country the size of the subsistence minimum is controlled individually. This is related to many aspects.

For example, in the Moscow region in 2019 it is approximately 12,156 rubles. If the monthly income is below this mark, then the family is assigned the status of "poor". However, if household members lead an immoral lifestyle, then they are not entitled to help from the state.

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Citizens who have special conditions can apply for the status of "low-income family".

Among the main features are the following:

  • the family has minor children and students under the age of 23 who study full-time;
  • under guardianship there are children under the age of 3 years;
  • the family has a disabled child or an elderly person over 65 who has limited opportunities;
  • the number of children exceeds 3 people;
  • if grandchildren are in the care of grandparents;
  • single mothers or single fathers.

If a person has at least one of the above reasons, he has every right to receive special assistance from the state. To do this, you must contact the department of social protection of citizens at the place of residence.

What are the benefits for low-income families in the Moscow region in 2019

Low-income families can count on government assistance. The law provides for financial support and social assistance.

It is worth noting that not only adults, but also children can count on preferences. However, to obtain them, you must collect a complete package of documents and contact the appropriate service.


Low-income families can fully rely on social assistance from local and regional authorities. It is worth noting that certain benefits are provided for in different regions of the country.

However, the capital's low-income citizens receive the following preferences:

  • monthly cash payments for minor family members and students under 23 years of age;
  • additional payment if the pension is below the subsistence level;
  • benefits for obtaining comfortable housing;
  • in-kind assistance is provided (for example, clothing, medicines, natural gas, coal, food, and others);
  • preferences for the payment of tax benefits;
  • free consultations of state lawyers;
  • subsidies for payment of housing and communal services. As a rule, there is a 20% discount on rent;
  • employment benefits, thanks to which a person will be able to provide for his family;
  • a labor pension can be received earlier than the age established by law;
  • the beneficiary is provided with a land plot for construction or for a garden;
  • social mortgage is issued on more favorable preferential terms.

Thanks to the above preferences, a low-income family does not need anything. They receive enough money to support themselves. In addition, they have social benefits that allow them to lead a full life.

For children

In addition to parents, children from low-income families can also count on preferences from the state. In the regions of the Russian Federation, they receive different benefits.

However, in the Moscow Region in 2019 they can count on the following social assistance:

  • free breakfast at the educational institution and a discount on meals;
  • payments are provided before September 1, for the purchase of school and sports uniforms, as well as office supplies;
  • a child can ride absolutely free in public transport until the age of majority;
  • children may not pay for travel in suburban buses and trains during their full-time studies;
  • special social products with good discounts are provided;
  • a dairy kitchen based on a local clinic provides free baby food;
  • bypassing the competition, the applicant has the right to enter any educational institution, but on condition that he passed the exam well.

Additional cash payments

Low-income families can count on additional payments for children. The amount of benefits depends on the federal and regional budget, so it will differ everywhere.

Citizens living in the Moscow region can count on the following financial assistance:

  • payments to pregnant women who are registered before 12 weeks;
  • unemployed women who are on maternity leave. Payments are made if it was reduced due to the bankruptcy of the enterprise or for other good reasons;
  • a one-time allowance after the birth of a baby;
  • during pregnancy, the wives of military men receive 24,500 rubles;
  • if a parent independently raises a minor child, they pay 15,500 rubles;
  • an allowance of 40% of a woman's earnings is provided until the child is one and a half years old;
  • monthly allowance for school-age children;
  • 50% discount on the purchase of a ticket in public transport for a child over 7 years old;
  • children are entitled to free admission to local museums or exhibitions;
  • a child with health problems is provided once a year with a free ticket to a health center or sanatorium.

As a rule, all cash payments are provided to a low-income family as long as it has minor children.

If teenagers continue to study full-time, then benefits are extended for another 5 years. As soon as the child turns 23, almost all monetary preferences cease.

How to issue

To apply for benefits that are due to low-income families, you must immediately contact the nearest department of social protection of citizens. It is worth noting that you can prepare a complete package of documents in advance so that you can start receiving preferences faster.

In the social service, you must write a statement, according to the model established by law. After its submission, the commission will consider the application and the submitted documents and make a decision.

As a rule, it takes no more than 10 business days. Sometimes it may take more time, but this is in exceptional cases, if additional paperwork is required or some kind of mistake has been made.

At the end of the allotted time, the applicant will receive an answer. Usually, he receives a notification by mail or email. In some institutions, a person must independently appear at a set time at the department of social protection.

What documents will be needed

To apply for benefits, a low-income family must prepare a complete package of documents in advance.

It includes the following papers:

  • statement;
  • passport, both parents;
  • income statement for each family member;
  • marriage certificate;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • if the children are adults, then their passports are needed;
  • birth certificate of children;
  • property ownership document;
  • employment history;
  • certificate of disability (if any);
  • bank card.