Assistance to the poor c. Payments to low-income families

For citizens who find themselves in an unfavorable economic situation, the state has provided preferences in certain areas of life. Low-income families can apply for both federal benefits as well as regional ones. In 2016, no innovations in the field of social security were established; accordingly, the documents that must be collected to receive benefits remain the same. How to apply for benefits, we will tell in the article.

Which family is considered poor?

If in a family the income per citizen is less than the subsistence level indicated in the region of their residence, then it can be recognized. Families that are below the poverty line are taken into account not because of their own desires, but by chance. For example, if the parents of young children do not work because they abuse alcohol, then such a family will not be classified as poor.

The joint income is calculated as follows: (S (sum of income) / 3 (months)) / N (number of family members)

The amount of earnings is not the only condition for classifying a family as poor. It is important that relatives live together and manage the common household. For example, if spouses live separately and have children in common, but are not divorced, they cannot be classified as a low-income family, even if their income is small.

The family must confirm its position once a quarter. This is related to the fact that living wage in the region is set once every 3 months.

What are the benefits for low-income families?

Social payments. Their size and the procedure for providing them are established by regional legislation. These may include subsidies for the birth of two and future children, targeted support in the form of transfers to parents of schoolchildren before the start of the next school year. All these payments are nominal in nature and stop after the family has ceased to be considered poor.

Provision of housing. If a family below the poverty line does not have its own housing, it has the right to apply for an apartment from the state. To do this, after confirming the situation of low income, you must contact the regional body that is responsible for the distribution of housing, and join the queue. In addition, some regions offer a social mortgage program, which consists in issuing a gratuitous subsidy for the purchase of real estate from the state.

Subsidies for utility bills. A low-income family is entitled to take advantage of benefits related to the compensation of payment for public utilities. This assistance from the state is implemented as follows: in the current month, the family pays for services, after which they are transferred compensation to an open account.

Tax preferences. Low-income families may not pay personal income tax from preferential payments.

Possibility of extraordinary admission of children to kindergarten. Moreover, the legislator decided that a low-income family should be compensated if there are several children attending a kindergarten. For example, for the first child - 20%, for the second already 50%.

Important! To apply for benefits, you must contact those authorities that deal with this issue; for example, if we are talking about schools and kindergartens, then to the department of the Ministry of Education.

Benefits for children from low-income families

The legislator provides children from poor families with the following benefits:

  • payment of food allowance at school;
  • compensation to parents of funds spent on the purchase of school uniforms;
  • free trips on public transport;
  • payment for meals in the children's kitchen for babies under 3 years old;
  • free provision of medicines.

A child can be enrolled without competition in a university subject to the following conditions:

  • he has 1 disabled parent of the 1st group;
  • the minor is under 20 years of age;
  • The applicant has successfully passed all the entrance exams.

Also, students are applicants for scholarships, which are established by the internal acts of the educational institution.

In addition, children can get a ticket to rest in a sanatorium or dispensary. However, this measure of social support is provided no more than once a year.

The procedure for applying for benefits

In order for a family to be recognized as poor, one of its members needs to visit the social security office at the place of registration with the following documents:

All members low-income family Those who have the opportunity to work must work or, as a last resort, be registered with the labor exchange. If this condition is not met, then it is necessary to submit documents that confirm the reasons that do not allow you to work.

Important! If the family has members whose whereabouts are unknown, then the recognition of the family as low-income can be carried out only after these citizens are recognized as missing officially, through the court.

We recommend that you contact the social security department immediately after collecting all the documents, since some of the papers have a limited validity period and if you delay visiting the state agency, they will have to be redone again.

After the package of documents is submitted for consideration to the authorized person, the applicant is issued a receipt on their acceptance indicating the date of the next visit to the social protection department. If a positive decision is made, the family is recognized as poor and its members can take advantage of all the benefits established by the legislator. If the family is not recognized as such, then the applicant must be notified of this. He has the right to appeal the decision both to higher management and to the court.

Benefits for the poor: video

The problem of poverty in our country today is a rather acute topic for discussion.

Traditionally, the most vulnerable categories of citizens have a low social status. In most examples, these are single-parent families, citizens with disabilities, pensioners who have no one to take care of.

Such social phenomena how poverty in terms of the economy is connected, first of all, with the inability of the able-bodied part of the population to ensure a minimum sufficient level of their existence.

What is targeted assistance?

In order to solve the problem of economic poverty, there is a need to take concrete measures. One such solution is to ensure that as many citizens as possible can be involved in labor activity. Methods are also used to reform the payroll system, correct flaws in the current tax policy, etc. overcoming poverty among the population depends on the quality of income distribution in the field of social protection.

As mentioned above, poor families are one of the most vulnerable categories of citizens. Billions of rubles are specially allocated by the state to support this part of the population. What exactly gives the status of the poor:

  1. Individuals have the opportunity to apply for any, a list of which is given in the current legislation.
  2. They have the right to receive from public authorities.

In most examples, support for the poor is provided by public authorities on a regular basis. Often this type of assistance is of a one-time nature and falls under the definition of a scholarship. In some cases, money is given for the purchase of food - this is the so-called targeted assistance. It is also practiced the use of benefits when buying medicines.

The needy is distributed at the federal and regional levels. The size of the regional subsidy may be determined by the area where the poor live.

In 2019, state support for the poor is provided by such ways:

  1. Subsidies for the repayment of arrears on utility bills. This is due to citizens even if they do not have their own living space.
  2. Children brought up in low-income families are given the opportunity to enter a huge number of higher educational institutions. In this case, there is no need to take part in the main competition of applicants.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who wish to receive the status of the poor are advised to independently determine their own average per capita income. To do this, the total family income for a three-month period is calculated.

We list the payments that can be family profitability, except for the official salary:

  1. Financial assistance already received from the state;
  2. Income denominated in in kind– own vegetables, fruits, livestock products;
  3. Pension;
  4. Other types of income, such as rental income from housing.

The total amount of income, first of all, is divided into 3 months, after which distributed equally for all family members. Next, you need to clarify the size established in a particular region of the Russian Federation, where citizens who wish to receive the status of a low-income family live. The reason is that certain areas are more attractive to potential investors and residents, while others are constantly decreasing in population. It is for this reason that the cost of living may differ depending on the region of residence.

To whom and in what amount is this type of assistance due?

Assistance to the needy in the Russian Federation is always assigned to families whose total income is below the subsistence level established in a particular region.

The value is fixed and tied to a specific region of a person's residence.

The law provides for these payments:

  • large families with minor children;
  • incomplete, having only one parent, families;
  • in the presence of children with a disability status, whose age is less than 18 years;
  • families where one or both parents are disabled;
  • unemployed parents raising minor dependents, provided that they are officially registered with employment centers. Assistance is paid within 90 days from the date of registration;
  • single people with a disability of 3 groups;
  • persons with childhood pathologies - until the onset of adulthood.

The intended purpose of this income item is meet the primary needs of the most socially vulnerable citizens of the country.

fixed value targeted assistance the poor in 2019 do not have it - in each region and for each group of people it has its own.

This year there are the following types of targeted assistance as part of the status of low-income citizens:

  • payment for a newborn - 17,479.73 rubles;
  • adoption of a disabled child - 133,559.36 rubles;
  • assistance to first-graders - from 730 rubles. (depending on the region);
  • for travel to public transport- from 240 rubles. (depending on the region);
  • assistance not for children - depends on the region of residence of the person in need and will average 1,555 rubles;
  • for a student - from 750 rubles (depending on the region);
  • food allowances - the amount is determined individually by social services.

These payments cannot cancel or reduce the amount of basic government payments laid down for a low-income family under the current legislation on a general basis.

Other types of cash payments cannot cancel the allowance for families that have received low-income status.

Registration procedure

A completed application regarding the appointment of targeted assistance from the state is submitted to the department of social protection, located in the area of ​​​​the place of residence of poor citizens. The procedure for filing a specific application, as well as the conditions that must be met for subsequent consideration, are determined solely by the Regional Administration.

Consider list of required documents for submission to the authorized bodies:

Features of obtaining in Moscow and in the regions

A special committee for the social protection of citizens in Moscow and other regions is engaged in ensuring social assistance and additional funding, as well as planning the main directions and ways of support and funding.

Practical activities to collect all the necessary information for a regional banking organization about citizens in need of social support, is always assigned to the departments of local self-government and is carried out in accordance with specific guidelines previously approved by the Administration of the separately considered region.

About the features of obtaining such assistance in the Murmansk region, see the following video:

Poor families are one of the most vulnerable social strata of society. Due to the large population of our country, it is difficult for the state to provide all those in need with the necessary material and social benefits. But the state authorities are trying to resolve this issue in favor of poor families, singling them out as a privileged category of the population.

Who is a poor family?

In accordance with the legislative norms (Law No. 134-FZ of 10/24/1997), a low-income family can be recognized as a family whose income per member does not exceed the subsistence level established for the region of residence of this family.

To calculate the average per capita income for each family member, the sums of all benefits and payments received by family members (wages, unemployment benefits, pensions) are added up. various kinds, scholarships, etc.) accrued for the last three months.

The total amount is reduced by a factor of three. This is the desired value of the average per capita income.

The main legislative act regulating issues state support low-income families, as well as individual residents, is served by Law No. 178-FZ of 07/17/1999.

This regulation defines the criteria for those who need social measures support of citizens, their categories and the list of benefits to which they are entitled.

Law No. 178-FZ also establishes that a family, applying for preferential benefits as a low-income family, must confirm this fact. That is, its non-working members must be registered with the employment center, so that it would not be possible to think that they simply do not want to work.

It is also necessary to provide evidence that the state of need has occurred due to circumstances beyond the control of people - illness, the presence of people with disabilities requiring assistance, loss of property, etc.

In an effort to support needy low-income families, the state has established a number of benefits designed to support them. These include:

  1. Housing benefits - a discount on rent and housing and communal services.
  2. Tax incentives - exemption from taxation social benefits received from the budgets of all levels.
  3. Educational benefits - admission to higher educational institutions bypassing the general recruitment rules (participation in the competition). To receive this benefit, one of the conditions must be met: the parent of the child entering the study is disabled, the future student is less than 20 years old, the score scored on the basis of the Unified State Examination or entrance exams corresponds to the minimum passing amount.
  4. Cash payments - monthly, annual and one-time benefits.

In 2017, the list of benefits for members of low-income families was supplemented. It included items such as:

To start using due benefits on legal rights, one of the members of a poor family or its legal representative must submit a set of certain documents and a corresponding application to the social protection authorities.

You can also carry out this procedure in a multifunctional center that provides citizens with public services.

To apply for benefits, you will need the applicant's passport and identification cards of family members, income statements, documents confirming residence and documents on the basis of which each family member receives the appropriate benefits, if any.

One-time financial assistance to the poor

What types of payments are due to low-income people?

One of the types of benefits that members of a poor family are entitled to is a one-time cash allowance. It can only be obtained once. Like other types of material assistance, obtaining this benefit is regulated by regional legislation.

Lump sum payments are intended for people who find themselves in a difficult life situation due to various reasons, among which may be:

  • disease;
  • injury;
  • caring for a disabled person;
  • loss of property, etc.

In order to qualify for this benefit, a citizen needs to contact the social security authorities to submit an appropriate application. The text of the application must contain a description of the specific difficult or emergency situation in which the citizen finds himself, and indicate the type of assistance he needs.

Usually this application is written in the name of the head of the administration of the region in which the applicant permanently resides.

How to make payments?

When applying to the social security authorities, the applicant must have the following documents with him:

  1. Passport.
  2. Copy of SNILS of the applicant.
  3. Copy of Certificate with TIN.
  4. Information about the composition of the family.
  5. Copies of documents proving the identity of the applicant's family members.
  6. Certificates of registration with the employment center indicating the amount of unemployment benefits received.
  7. Certificates of income indicating the types of accrued benefits and payments.
  8. Copies of certificates of pensioners, if any.
  9. A copy of the certificate of the personal account with the details for which the enrollment will be carried out lump sum.
  10. Documents on the basis of which the applicant's family members receive the benefits they are entitled to.

If the applicant asks to provide financial assistance to him or his family in connection with the treatment, additional documents from the medical medical institution about the need for treatment and the purchase of medicines.

In addition, you will need certificates of the impossibility of acquiring medications and conducting treatment under the current territorial program for the provision of free medical care.

To assess the conditions of a difficult life situation in which a citizen finds himself, a special commission is created. On departure, she conducts a survey of living conditions and draws up an appropriate act.

Additional payments may be denied in case of shortage of funds in the regional budget

On the basis of this act and the documents submitted by the applicant, a decision is made on the payment of a lump sum and its amount. This takes into account payments that the citizen and members of his family previously received.

A citizen may be denied the accrual of material assistance if:

  • there are not enough funds in the regional budget;
  • the citizen used previously received funds not for the intended purpose;
  • the citizen has not submitted all the required documents;
  • a citizen (members of his family) independently resolved the situation in which he found himself.

The allowance reaches 15 thousand rubles. for those who find themselves in a difficult life situation and up to 30 thousand rubles. - in an emergency.

Monthly allowance for low-income families

Children left without parents are also entitled to monthly payments

Members of a low-income family, having confirmed their status with relevant documents, can apply for monthly payments. Monthly allowance citizens can receive various categories whose average income does not exceed the subsistence level in the region. These include:

When applying for benefits for a child who has no parents, these concerns must be taken over by his guardian or trustee or legal representative.

If a guardian is not appointed for any reason, his duties are assumed by the body of guardianship and guardianship, in which the child is registered.

Almost all types of social payments to low-income families and single citizens are carried out from regional budgets, therefore, in different subjects Russian Federation they vary in size and completeness depending on the number of sources of budget replenishment and the degree of responsibility of the regional administration.

Because payments come from regional budgets, depending on the region they may vary

So, for example, back in 2015, the Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation made a proposal to extend the duration of the payment period for mothers raising a child under three years old.

All-Russian federal law this period is set at the rate of one and a half years, that is, until the child is one and a half years old.

Due to the impossibility of allocating the necessary funds for the implementation of this procedure, the proposal is still hanging in the air.

Demonstrating their own initiative, the administrative bodies of some regions independently decided on this issue. But not all regions have enough budget funds for this.

How to apply

With the collected documents, you can contact the SOBES

To apply for benefits and allowances, it is necessary to contact the authority with a set of certain documents. social security at the place of his permanent residence and write an application.

In addition to SOBES, the procedure for obtaining benefits as a low-income category of citizens can be completed at the multifunctional center of public services (also at the place of permanent registration or temporary registration).

If the applicant is not able to visit one of the above organizations in person, he can delegate the authority to complete the documents and submit the application to a representative.

To do this, it is necessary to issue a power of attorney for this citizen in the presence of a notary and certify it with a seal and signature.

Submission of documents is possible by registration of the postal item. The original and copies of documents certified by a notary are sent by a valuable registered letter, which contains an inventory of the documents to be sent, signed by the sender and the operator of the postal department from where the letter was sent.

Also in the inventory should be the seal of the post office. Together with a registered letter, a notification is sent, upon receipt of which the sender can be sure that his documents have been accepted for consideration.

Another option for sending documents may be the Internet portal of public services if you have registered on it. In the case of sending documents in electronic form, they must have an electronic qualified signature confirming their originality and validity.

A decision on the issue of monthly and lump-sum cash benefits is made within a certain time, after which the applicant must receive a written notification. The decision can be either positive or negative.

In case of a positive decision, the citizen (or his legal representative) must come to the social security authority or the multifunctional center of public services to obtain the relevant documents confirming his right to social benefits.

You can apply for benefits both at the post office and through the portal of public services

In case of refusal to issue payments, the citizen must be informed of the reasoned reason (reasons) for this. A negative decision can be appealed to judicial order by filing an appeal with the appropriate authority (the Court of Appeal).

In addition to a personal visit to the above organizations, you can also get the result of consideration of an application for processing social benefits through the services of a post office or through the Internet portal of public services.

What documents are needed to apply for benefits

In order to receive a payment, you need to provide a number of documents. In each individual situation, the set of these documents may vary. Below is a generalized table that shows the compliance with the preferential category and the documents required for submission.

Disabled children

Large families


Seniors over 65

pregnant women from incomplete families

Families that have lost a breadwinner

Non-working disabled people

Passport or other proof of identity (for a child under 14, a birth certificate)

Information about the composition of the family

income statement

Pensioner's ID

Certificate of disability

Certificate of pregnancy

Survivor's death certificate

Certificate with the details of the personal account to which the allowance will be transferred

Being a citizen of a poor family, it is worth making an effort, collecting Required documents and apply to the center for social protection of the population (social security) or other competent authority to apply for registration of benefits and benefits. Whatever the scope of benefits, to one degree or another, obtaining them will simplify the complex life situation into which the family fell due to circumstances beyond the control of its members.

In the following video you will learn about social assistance to low-income families:

Jul 14, 2017 Content manager

You can ask any question below

Monthly allowances for children from low-income families can be issued remotely in electronic form by submitting an application in the established form on the Portal of Public Services of Moscow WWW.MOS.RU.

The procedure for issuing this monthly payment, as well as other electronic services of the Portal, becomes available after the registration of the user on the city Portal of PSU. How to register on the site and get access to the registration of benefits is indicated in the memo below.

Which families are considered low-income (poor)?

poor in accordance with federal legislation (clause 1, article 6 of the law of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ), by decision of local governments, a family is recognized whose family income per family member is less than the amount established by law living wage.

In the fourth quarter of 2016, the average cost of living in Moscow per capita was 15092 rubles.

What is the amount of the allowance for the poor in Moscow?

In general, the amount of the monthly allowance for a child in Moscow (including for children from low-income families) varies within from 1500 to 4500 rubles.

According to current legislation the city of Moscow, the amounts are monthly:

  • single parents(single mother or father in the absence of a mother) for children aged:
    • 2500 rubles;
    • from 1.5 to 3 years - 4500 rubles;
  • on children whose mother or father avoid paying child support, or children military conscript:
    • from 1.5 years and from 3 to 18 years - 1900 rubles;
    • from 1.5 to 3 years - 3300 rubles;
  • for children in other families(general case of monthly child allowance in Moscow):
    • from 0 to 1.5 years and from 3 to 18 years - 1500 rubles;
    • from 1.5 to 3 years - 2500 rubles.

Who can apply for benefits and how much does this service cost?

Assistance can be applied for one of the parents or adopters of the child, as well as the person replacing them (guardian), belonging to the number of:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • foreign citizens;
  • stateless persons.

However, at the same time, all citizens from the listed categories must have a Moscow residence permit, that is, be registered in Moscow at the place of residence.

At the same time, you should apply for the service of making a monthly payment within the following timeframes:

  • when applying for benefits for children from 0 to 1.5 years- not later than 6 months from the date of birth of the child;
  • for children from 1.5 to 3 years And from 3 to 18 years old- as the child reaches the appropriate age for the payment of benefits.

Where can I fill out an application for benefits on the PSU Portal?

On Portal of public services of Moscow This service can be found:

After that, the user needs to go through the application procedure, which is performed in accordance with the one presented on the site.

You can view the generated application and find out its status after sending in Personal account user PSU portal.

What is the term and cost of the service?

The time allotted to the authorized bodies for the provision of services for the issuance of a monthly allowance for a child, cannot exceed 10 days, including the term of interdepartmental interaction between the capital's executive authorities and other organizations.

Monthly child support service provided free of charge.

The result of the service

As a result of the provision of services to applicants (families with children), a Decision on the appointment of a monthly allowance for a child- the original of the document, drawn up in a single copy on a free-form form for internal use (not issued to the applicant).

The government has always taken care of citizens with a low income or who are unable to fully provide for their families, which is expressed in the provision of benefits, benefits and other programs. Consider what kind of allowance for low-income families is due today and the features of its provision.

Principles for determining the status of the poor

The procedure for assigning and processing benefits to low-income families in 2017 is practically the same as in previous programs. The law clearly defines the categories of citizens and families that can be considered poor:

  • the child has only one of the parents (incomplete family);
  • large (more than 3 children);
  • low income.

Main indicator

It is the amount of profit that is the decisive basis for the issuance of assistance. An allowance is assigned to low-income families if it is less than the regional minimum for living. You can correctly determine this parameter by the algorithm:

  1. Are summed up wages and other additional income of each citizen for a period of 3 months.
  2. The average value for the month is determined: divide by 3.
  3. The profit per one is calculated: the resulting parameter is divided by the number of people, incl. children.
  4. Compare the result with the minimum parameter approved for the region. Despite the fact that the allowance for a low-income family in Moscow and in another city will be similar, the living standards for them are very different.

Who is considered a family member

At the same time, it is worth understanding whose income should be taken into account and who is considered a family member. The law specifies the following characteristics:

  • A family is recognized as people who are related, incl. adopted, children from previous marriages or taken under guardianship, leading a common household.
  • Not included in the family circle are citizens living separately and staying on state support. For example, those who are in a boarding school, undergoing military service, etc.
  • An individual citizen who does not have close relatives is also recognized as poor (according to the level of wages).

Allowances and benefits for low-income citizens

This type state aid is regional. That is, local authorities independently form a list of benefits, the amount of benefits and other options for assistance based on the size of their budget.

intangible nature

The allowance for low-income families in 2017 can be expressed in the following conditions (approximate list):

  • free provision of food;
  • obtaining baby food in the dairy kitchen;
  • unpaid trips in public transport;
  • meals for children in school institutions free of charge;
  • reimbursement of funds spent on the purchase of supplies for the school;
  • assistance with admission to educational institutions;
  • discounts on utilities;
  • free medical care;
  • free access to entertainment facilities.

Financial assistance to low-income families

These types of assistance are usually designed specifically for low-income families with many children, while material benefits can be expressed in the following forms:

  • allowances for children who go to school;
  • monthly payments for minor children;
  • social payment to a large family;
  • additional allowance.

A one-time or monthly allowance for low-income families in 2017 is assigned according to general conditions, while some specific condition is usually prescribed for the ability to use intangible options. These can be: the presence in the family of more than three children, a disabled child or an incomplete family. Any type of benefit to low-income families in 2017 is not taxable. This is another tax benefit.

Additional types of assistance

If the payment for housing and communal services exceeds 22% of the total family income, discounts are applied. At the same time, rent is also taken into account if citizens live in a rented apartment.

Admission to the University

In order for a child from a low-income family to be given a place in an educational institution, the following minimum conditions must be met:

  • the child has only one parent;
  • the applicant is less than 20 years old;
  • on the exam, the child scored the minimum number of points that allows you to pass the test for admission to the university.

In addition to the allowance for low-income families, there is additional support- the possibility of the child entering a higher educational institution

In 2017, a low-income family in Moscow who applied for an allowance receives another important “indulgence”. This is also true for some other cities in which there is a shortage problem. preschool institutions. Yes, kids should a place in the kindergarten without a queue.

Innovations 2014-2015

Of the relatively new types of assistance that have been in effect since 2014-2015, the following stand out:

  • issuance of a free form for the school, incl. sports;
  • in the canteen of the school, children receive meals (2 meals a day);
  • for preschool children medicines free (as prescribed by a doctor);
  • when traveling in international transport to the place of treatment - a discount on travel (50%) once a year (including for an accompanying adult).

Extras for parents

Do not forget about special mortgage programs for specific categories supported at the state level. Working parents who receive the established amount of the allowance for low-income families are entitled to a number of conditions enshrined at the legislative level:

  • lack of night shifts, business trips;
  • retirement at a lower age;
  • exemption from business tax.

In some cases, it is permissible to pay for babysitting services from the budget. This is relevant for single-parent families or if it is impossible to send the baby to kindergarten.

The amount of benefits for low-income families is calculated individually based on a combination of factors

The amount of the allowance and the procedure for applying

The amount of the allowance for low-income families in 2017 is calculated individually. The parameter is influenced by both family income and the principles of accrual, according to the regional program.

Calculation indicators

The final value is formed based on the following factors:

  • If the average profit is half or less of the region's minimum, each member is entitled to a payment of 150 rubles per month. In addition, 1,500 rubles are transferred once a year.
  • For each minor child, 450 rubles per month are charged.
  • One-time payment - 1 thousand rubles.
  • When living in a family of disabled people and senior citizens over 65 years old, additional subsidies are assigned.

It is worth considering that the monthly child allowance for low-income families is additional to all common types assistance for children: maternal capital, payments at birth, for babies under 1.5 years old, etc. For the poor, “children's” are paid until the age of majority and are extended upon completion of training - up to 23 years.

In order to apply for benefits for low-income families, you must first collect documents and apply to special authorities

How to apply for child support

To apply for benefits and child benefits, low-income families in 2017 must contact the social protection authority. Choose an institution according to the place of residence. You should first prepare:

  • applicant's passport;
  • papers from the registry office on marriage registration;
  • certificates and registration documents for each child;
  • paper on the composition of the family;
  • home Book;
  • documents on property owned by the family;
  • information on the level of salaries and other incomes of each relative for three months;
  • employment information: work book, certificate from the employer or from the employment center;
  • certificate of disability (if any).

The next step is to fill out an application for a specific type of assistance. The monthly allowance for low-income families can be accrued up to 30 days after the application is accepted. The commission needs from 10 days for verification and analytics. If inaccuracies or fraud are found, the commission will issue a refusal. Therefore, it is worth providing up-to-date data and not hiding it.

If one of the relatives is missing, i.e. there is no information about his income, you will need to contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs to initiate a case. Otherwise, you can not count on receiving the established amount of the allowance for low-income families in 2017.