Where can I get a pension certificate. You can get a certificate from the PFR without leaving your home. Video: "Personal account of a citizen"

A pensioner's certificate serves as a citizen a document certifying the appointment due pension old age, disability or loss of a breadwinner, as well as the corresponding benefits that are presented upon receipt. Since 2015, the certificate is no longer issued, since its role (directly as a document) was recognized as insignificant. He was replaced by the established sample. Such a certificate contains information that is almost identical to that contained in the pension book, but does not contain a photo of the pensioner and is printed on a plain sheet of paper.

Such an innovation (according to representatives of the state) will help reduce costs and slightly moderate the country's budget deficit.

Retirement Certificate - what is it and what is it for?

It is possible to confirm the appointment of the prescribed pension and the right to receive it using pension certificate. The document looks like a small book in a red stamped cover, and the inner pages are protected by watermarks and contain:

  • personal photo of the pensioner;
  • official seal of the PFR department;
  • information about the assigned pension.

The document confirms the right of a citizen to receive a pension, but not the very identity of the pensioner, like a Russian passport.

For civil servants in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Ministry of Defense, special pensioner service certificates are provided in their form.

Where to get and how to recover?

Retirement certificate can be obtained in person in the FIU to those citizens who, until 2015, however, due to changes in pension legislation, instead of the most red pension book, are currently issued if necessary. It contains all the necessary information that was displayed in the identity.

If the certificate is damaged or lost, in order to restore it, it is necessary to contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residence with a passport and SNILS, however, instead of its duplicate, a certificate will now be issued.

Required documents for registration

In order to obtain a pensioner's certificate or certificate, when applying for a pension, a citizen was obliged to fill out a form, present 4 x 3 photo(for certification) and submit the following documents:

  1. passport;
  2. employment history;
  3. (insurance certificate);
  4. marriage certificate (if any);
  5. birth certificates of the child (all children);
  6. certificate of income from the place of work;
  7. certificate from the place of study (at the end of studies - a certificate, diploma, or other document);
  8. a document on the opening of the bank account to which the funds will be transferred every month;
  9. other documents required at the request of the FIU specialists.

Depending on individual cases, other documents may be required. For example, if there is no seal in the work book for a certain period of time, or if the Pension Fund body does not have wage data for any period of work, specialists have the right to demand additional information from the place of work.

In any case, it is recommended to check the full package of documents for applying for a pension and the certificate itself at the Pension Fund branch, since it must be ready per month before the onset.

What does a pension certificate look like?

Until January 1, 2015, upon retirement, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation issued a pension certificate of the following sample:

Since its role in pension provision has always been very insignificant, however, additional expenses from the state budget were required for the preparation of the document, since 2015, in connection with the transition to new legislation, it was decided to stop issuing pension certificates, and instead of them, if necessary, at any time, a pensioner in the territorial FIU can receive, which indicates all the necessary information.

Such a certificate is issued in the usual paper form on an A4 sheet with the official seal of the Pension Fund body and signatures of its authorized employees, which contains information:

  • about the PFR body issuing this certificate;
  • about the personal data of the pensioner (name and date of birth);
  • SNILS numbers;
  • about the established (due to old age, disability or loss of a breadwinner);
  • about the terms of payment;
  • on the amount of the pension.

Such a certificate can be obtained independently by contacting the territorial department of the Pension Fund, by proxy through an official representative, or ordered through a personal account on the official website of the PFR.

After 2 days, it can be obtained at the local department of the FIU. The certificate has full legal force., exactly the same as the certificate.

Help instead of a pension certificate

With the advent new reform and the entry into force of the law dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ "About insurance pensions", the rules for applying for a pension have changed, and instead of a pension certificate, a certificate has been issued. However, the innovation applies only to those citizens who have acquired the right to a pension. since 2015, and for citizens who already have a previously received pension certificate, they will not be withdrawn.

Help Sample

With the help of such a certificate, a pensioner can take advantage of benefits and discounts in pharmacies, museums or theaters, but the same can now be obtained using a certificate of the fact of a pension, simply by presenting it at the place of demand.

Why were pension certificates cancelled?

The reason for this decision was the elementary uselessness of this document (as the Government considered), which required extra costs from the state budget. All necessary information is stored in electronic format in a shared database.

  • Plus such a certificate is that the amount of the pension in the certificate is constantly updated, as of the date of issue, and in pension certificate the amount remains as of the day of its issuance and then, with an increase, is not rewritten.
  • However, there main disadvantage such an innovation is discomfort, since it is rather burdensome to constantly rush for the next certificate on demand.

The term of such a certificate is not defined by law, and information on restrictions on expiration dates is not available. Thus, it may be necessary to refine the innovation for the convenience of citizens. However, in general, on social rights citizens of Russia, changes in the issuance of a document confirming the appointment of a pension will be reflected should never.

At present, the Pension Fund Russian Federation(PFR) pays 60 types of social contributions due to pensioners and others preferential categories citizens. When they are credited to an account (deposit) in Sberbank, you can receive a certificate on the types and amounts of pensions paid to you by the PFR and other social benefits.

Information about the types and amounts of pensions is:

  • detailed information on all types of PFR social payments due to you and their amounts for the period you need
  • Efficiency of obtaining data on pension payments

Certificate of types and amounts credited to the account with the Bank PFR pensions You can get it free of charge at the Bank 's branches , ATMs and terminals of the Bank .

The main types of paid PFR payments are:

    Insurance pension:

    insurance pension– monthly cash payment to compensate citizens wages or other income they received during the period labor activity, as well as compensation for income lost by disabled family members of the insured person due to his death.

    To the insurance pension is established fixed payment in a fixed amount, which depends on the type of insurance pension. The amount of the payment is annually indexed to the inflation rate for the previous year.

    • old age

      old age insurance- the most common type of pension in Russia. Men who have reached the age of 60 and women who have reached the age of 55 have the right to it, if they have the necessary insurance experience and the minimum amount pension points(subject to transitional provisions pension legislation). Certain categories of citizens may be entitled to insurance pension earlier. Lists of works, industries, professions, positions, specialties and institutions (organizations), taking into account which early retirement old age, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

      Terms of appointment.

      Three conditions must be met in order to be awarded an old-age insurance pension.

      First– reaching the generally established age: 55 years for women and 60 years for men.

      It is worth noting here that some citizens may retire earlier. Lists of jobs, industries, professions, positions, specialties and institutions (organizations), taking into account which an early old-age pension is assigned, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

      Second– insurance experience of at least 15 years. The increase in requirements for seniority is gradual: in 2015 it is 6 years and over 10 years in stages, 1 year at a time, will increase by 2024 to 15 years.

      Third– 30 individual pension coefficients (points). The requirement to have 30 points is also introduced gradually: in 2015 - 6.6, followed by an annual increase of 2.4 until reaching the specified value by 2025.


      Disability Insurance Pension is assigned to disabled people of groups I, II or III in the presence of insurance experience, the duration of which does not matter, and regardless of the cause of disability and the time of its onset. It also does not matter whether the disabled person is currently working or not.

      Terms of appointment.

      To qualify for a disability insurance pension, the following conditions must be met:

      • recognition of a citizen as a disabled person and the establishment of a disability group (performed by the federal institution of medical and social expertise);
      • having at least one day of insurance experience. If the insurance period is completely absent, then social pension by disability.
    • on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner

      Survivor's pension is assigned to disabled members of the family of the deceased breadwinner who were dependent on him. An exception is persons who have committed an intentional criminally punishable act, resulting in the death of the breadwinner and established in court.

      Terms of appointment.

      The following conditions must be met in order to be granted an insurance pension in the event of loss of a breadwinner:

      • the insurance experience of the deceased breadwinner (at least one day);
      • the onset of the death of the breadwinner is not connected with the commission by a disabled family member of an intentional criminal offense that resulted in the death of the breadwinner and established in court.
  1. state pension pension provision:

    State pension provision- monthly state cash payment to citizens in order to compensate them for earnings (income) lost in connection with the termination of the federal public service upon reaching the length of service upon retirement due to old age (disability); or in order to compensate for the lost earnings of citizens from among the cosmonauts or from among the employees of the flight test crew in connection with retirement for long service; or in order to compensate for harm caused to the health of citizens during military service, as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, in the event of disability or loss of a breadwinner, upon reaching the age established by law; or disabled citizens in order to provide them with a means of subsistence.

    • for seniority

      State pension for years of service appointed by federal civil servants, military personnel, cosmonauts and flight test personnel.

      For federal government employees:

      Federal state civil servants with at least 15 years of experience in the state civil service and filling the position of the federal state civil service for at least 12 full months are entitled to a seniority pension upon dismissal from the federal state civil service on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 1 - 3, 7 - 9 of part 1 of article 33, points 1, 8.2 and 8.3 of part 1 of article 37, points 2 - 4 of part 1 and points 2 - 4 of part 2 of article 39 federal law from 27.07. 2004 No. 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation".

      For military personnel:

      A seniority pension for military personnel (with the exception of citizens who have been conscripted as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen) is assigned in the manner prescribed by the Law of the Russian Federation "On pensions for persons who have completed military service, service in internal affairs bodies, state fire service, authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families.

      For astronauts:

      • the presence of length of service in the relevant positions of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women, of which at least 10 calendar years for men and at least 7.5 years for women have to work in the flight test unit.
      • when leaving work for health reasons (illness) - the presence of at least 20 and 15 years of service, respectively, for men and women, of which at least 10 calendar years for men and at least 7.5 years for women fall to work in the flight test unit .
      • leaving work in positions that give the right to a pension for long service: from among test cosmonauts, research cosmonauts, test cosmonaut instructors, research cosmonaut instructors, in detachments (groups) of cosmonauts that are flight test (flight research ) subdivisions of scientific testing, research centers and other organizations of federal executive bodies and other organizations.

      For flight test personnel:

      • employment in flight tests (research) of experimental and serial aviation, aerospace, aeronautical and parachute equipment.
      • the presence of at least 25 years of service for men and 20 years for women, of which at least two-thirds of the indicated length of service falls on periods of work in positions that give the right to a pension for long service (excluding periods of military service in positions of flight personnel and periods of work in positions of civil aviation flight personnel).
      • when leaving work for health reasons - the presence of a length of service of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively, for men and women, of which at least two-thirds fall on periods of work in positions that give the right to a pension for long service (excluding periods of military service in positions of flight composition and periods of work in the positions of civil aviation flight personnel). Establishment of an old-age (disability) insurance pension.
    • old age

      State old age pension is assigned to citizens who have suffered as a result of radiation or man-made disasters.

      Terms of appointment.

      Conditions for appointment state pension in old age differ depending on the status of citizens exposed to radiation, and on the nature of the work performed by them, on the time, place and duration of residence in territories exposed to radiation contamination, on the establishment of a causal relationship between developed diseases and disability with the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster or with the consequences of other radiation or man-made disasters.

      In addition, the presence of at least 5 years of insurance experience will be common to all categories.

      Retirement age and conditions for assigning pensions

      Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986-1987.

      Citizens evacuated from the exclusion zone

      Upon reaching the age of 50 and 45 (men and women, respectively)

      Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster in 1988-1990.

      Citizens who have received or suffered radiation sickness and other diseases associated with radiation exposure due to the Chernobyl disaster or work to eliminate the consequences of this disaster

      Citizens employed in the operation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and work in the exclusion zone

      Citizens who became disabled as a result of the Chernobyl disaster

      Upon reaching the age of 55 and 50 (men and women, respectively)

      In the presence of seniority at least 5 years

      Citizens resettled from the resettlement zone

      Citizens permanently residing in the resettlement zone before their resettlement to other areas

      Citizens employed in works in the resettlement zone (not living in this zone)

      The generally established old-age pension age is reduced by 3* years and an additional six months for each full year of residence or work in the resettlement zone, but not more than 7 years in total.

      With at least 5 years of work experience

      Citizens permanently residing in the area of ​​residence with the right to resettlement

      Citizens who voluntarily left for a new place of residence from the zone of residence with the right to resettlement

      The generally established old-age pension age is reduced by 2* years and an additional 1 year for every 3 years of living or working in the specified zone, but not more than 5 years in total

      With at least 5 years of work experience

      Citizens permanently residing in the zone of residence with preferential socio-economic status

      The generally established old-age pension age is reduced by 1* year and an additional 1 year for every 4 years of residence or work in the specified zone, but not more than 3 years in total

      With at least 5 years of work experience

      Citizens who became disabled as a result of other (non-Chernobyl) radiation or man-made disasters

      The conditions for assigning an old-age pension are established in the manner prescribed by the regulatory acts regulating the provision of pensions for these citizens.

      * Initial reduction value retirement age provided for citizens living (working) or living (working) in the territory subjected to radioactive contamination, in the period from the moment of the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to June 30, 1986, regardless of the time spent in the specified territory until the moment of resettlement (departure) from this territory or until a decision is made by the Government of the Russian Federation to change the boundaries of radioactive contamination zones.

      on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner

      State survivor's pension assigned to disabled members of the families of the dead (deceased) servicemen; citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters, astronauts.

      In what cases is a state pension for the loss of a breadwinner awarded:

      1. In the event of the death (death) of military personnel during the period of military service on conscription as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, or no later than three months after dismissal from military service, or in case of death later than this period, but due to injury, concussion, injuries or illnesses that were received during military service.

      2. In case of death (death) of citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters from among:

      • citizens who have received or suffered radiation sickness and other diseases associated with radiation exposure as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or work to eliminate the consequences of this disaster;
      • citizens who became disabled as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
      • citizens who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the exclusion zone;
      • citizens who suffered as a result of other radiation or man-made disasters (except for the Chernobyl accident), in the manner prescribed by the regulations governing the pension provision of these citizens. The conditions for assigning pensions to citizens who have suffered as a result of other radiation or man-made disasters, as well as to members of their families, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

      The specified pension is assigned regardless of the duration of the insurance period of the deceased breadwinner.

      3. In case of death (death) of citizens from among the test cosmonauts, research cosmonauts, test cosmonaut instructors, research cosmonaut instructors who had the title of "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR" or "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the Russian Federation".

      4. In the event of the death of citizens from among candidates for test cosmonauts, research cosmonauts, from among test cosmonauts, research cosmonauts, test cosmonaut instructors, research cosmonaut instructors, in the performance of official duties related to the preparation or performance of space flight.


      State disability pension assigned to military personnel; citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters; participants of the Great Patriotic War; citizens awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad"; cosmonauts. The fact of paid employment does not affect the payment of the state disability pension.

      Conditions for the appointment of a state pension for disability.

      For military personnel who were conscripted as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen:

      • the onset of disability during the period of military service by conscription.
      • the onset of disability no later than three months after dismissal from military service.
      • the onset of disability later than three months after dismissal from military service, but due to injury, concussion, injury or illness that was received during military service.

      For citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters:

      • recognition of a citizen as a disabled person (with the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster or with the consequences of other radiation or man-made disasters) and the establishment of a disability group;
      • having at least one day of experience.

      Citizens who became disabled as a result of the Chernobyl disaster can receive an old-age pension instead of a disability pension.

      For participants of the Great Patriotic War and citizens awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad":

      • recognition of a citizen as a disabled person of any of the three groups, regardless of the cause of disability.

      In the event of disability due to illegal acts or deliberate damage to one's health, a participant in the Patriotic War and a citizen awarded the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad" is assigned a social pension.

      For citizens from among the astronauts:

      The state disability pension is assigned to citizens of the Russian Federation from among candidates for test cosmonauts, research cosmonauts, from among test cosmonauts, research cosmonauts, test cosmonaut instructors, research cosmonaut instructors who became disabled due to injury, concussion, mutilation or diseases associated with the preparation or performance of space flight, regardless of the length of service (work).

  2. Social pension

    Social pension is assigned to disabled citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation.

    Conditions for the appointment of a social pension:

    • permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
    • belonging to the category of "disabled citizens".
  3. funded pension

    funded pension is a monthly lifetime payment pension savings formed at the expense of employers' insurance premiums and income from their investment.

    Size funded pension calculated based on the expected repayment period of 19 years (228 months). To calculate your monthly payment, you need to total amount of pension savings recorded in the special part of the individual personal account of the insured person, as of the day from which the payment is due, divided by 228 months.

    The amount of the funded pension will be higher if you apply for a pension after acquiring the right to the specified pension. For example, if you apply for a pension three years later, then the amount of pension savings will be divided by 192 months.

    Monthly cash payment

    Monthly cash payment- paid by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from the federal budget to certain categories of citizens from among veterans, disabled people, former juvenile prisoners of fascism and persons exposed to radiation as a result of radiation accidents and nuclear tests.

    If a citizen is entitled to a monthly cash payment on several grounds within the framework of one law, the payment is established on one basis, which provides for a higher amount of payment. If a citizen is simultaneously entitled to a payment under several laws or another regulatory legal act, he is granted one monthly cash payment on one of the grounds provided for either by a federal law or by another regulatory legal act at the choice of a citizen.

    The exception is citizens who are entitled to receive payments in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 "On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster". They can be paid at the same time and on a different basis.

    Citizens entitled to receive a monthly cash payment are required to immediately inform the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia about the circumstances affecting the change in the amount of the payment, as well as entailing the termination of the monthly cash payment.

    Additional monthly material support(DEMO)

    From May 1, 2005, additional monthly material support (DEMO) by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2005 No. 363 "On measures to improve the financial situation of certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 years" established

    in the amount of 1,000 rubles:

    • invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
    • participants of the Great Patriotic War from among the persons specified in subparagraphs "a" - "g" and "i" of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans" (see Appendix);
    • former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War.

    in the amount of 500 rubles:

    • military personnel who served in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the army in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, as well as military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period;
    • widows of military personnel who died during the war with Finland, the Great Patriotic War, the war with Japan, widows of deceased invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
    • persons awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad";
    • former adult prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, prisons and ghettos.

    Get a CERTIFICATE ON THE TYPES AND AMOUNT OF PFR PENSION from Sberbank and you will know everything about your pension.

Responsibility for the timely accrual and registration of pensions lies with the Pension Fund. There are situations when a person needs proof of income, including the amount of his pension.

A special certificate is issued by the PFR employees on a declarative basis. If you prepare in advance, there will be no problems with obtaining the document.

What is needed for

The main cash income of most pensioners is pensions. They are accrued upon reaching the age of all Russians. Certain authorities require a certificate from the Pension Fund to verify the amount of a person's income.

Especially often a document on the amount of a pension is used:

  • when applying for pension supplements;
  • if a serviceman draws up a pension, the military registration and enlistment office will require a certificate of the amount of civil payments;
  • if a citizen is caring for a disabled child or an adult who needs income, he is entitled to an additional allowance, which is issued after presenting a certificate;
  • for the birth or adoption of a second and subsequent children is issued maternal capital, pensioners present a certificate as income.

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Many large banks of the Russian Federation require a paper on the size of the pension when applying for loans and mortgages. Any state benefits, benefits and social support paid upon presentation of the document.

Federal Law No. 152 establishes that the certificate contains confidential information. Citizens are advised not to provide information to third parties or upload it to non-state sites.

What does the template and form look like?

The certificate contains all the data on the body issuing the pension and its amount, including:

  • the name and address of the PFR unit to which the citizen applied;
  • TIN, KPP and full address of the branch;
  • reference number;
  • a certificate is issued for a certain period of time (for example, 6 months, a year), which fits into the document;
  • the amount of the pension looks like a table with the date and the amount received for this month;
  • signature with a transcript of the employee who issued the certificate and the head of the unit;
  • certificate issue date.

The state has not established a specific application form, each branch may slightly change the form. However, it is recommended to download the sample in advance to save time at the FIU. It is allowed to fill in with a black pen or on a computer.

Where to apply for registration

The law provides for 3 instances that have the right to issue certificates:

  • employees of the Pension Fund issue them personally. It is possible to pre-order certificates on the website. An online appointment is open to citizens so as not to wait in a live queue at the department;
  • Sberbank employees, if the salary goes to the bank card;
  • multifunctional centers are intermediaries between citizens and employees of the FIU. The system was developed recently, so it is not available in every city. Through the MFC, applications are processed faster, and the queues are smaller. The certificate is sent to the citizen at the specified address.

Except traditional ways Internet services are running:

The main advantage is the absence of fuss with paper documents, it is enough to upload scans to the site. Online applications are processed faster. The finished certificate is issued at the selected branch of the FIU. You will need a passport or a power of attorney with you if a trusted person comes to pick up the document.

If a citizen is a client of Sberbank and uses Sberbank Online, he can receive an online certificate of the amount of his pension at any time.

The mobile application works on all modern phones. Bank employees report that in 2019 it is planned to introduce the receipt of a document at the Sberbank terminal.

In addition to the standard instances, the following organizations have the right to issue certificates:

  • military registration and enlistment offices at the place of registration (only for active and former military personnel);
  • non-state FIU, in which the citizen is a member.

Upon presentation of documents, the above authorities will not have grounds for refusal. Otherwise, the citizen has the right to appeal their decision in court. by the most fast ways get help are internet sites.

How to get a certificate of the amount of pension from the Pension Fund

According to the employees of the Pension Fund, the certificate of the amount of the pension is the most popular. About 10,000 certificates are issued monthly in each region. The workload of employees affects the time of issuing a document, the waiting process can take up to a week.

For paperwork you will need:

  • collect documents, fill out an application;
  • approach the FIU at the place of residence in person or apply through a representative (with a power of attorney);
  • transfer the papers to the fund employee;
  • receive a certificate of acceptance of the application for consideration;
  • on the appointed day, go to the office and pick up the document.

If you apply online, the certificate will be ready within 2 business days (instead of a week).


Online help can be ordered in a few steps:

  • go to the official website of the FIU;
  • register;
  • go to the tab "Preliminary appointment";

  • select the section “Order a document/certificate”;
  • fill in basic information about the user;
  • choose any branch of the FIU.

The certificate will be ready within a few days, the citizen must personally approach it. The document is issued according to the passport.

Danara Anglaeva, deputy head of the FIU responsible for the payment of pensions, said that the online system significantly reduces the waiting time for clients at the FIU branch. According to her, online applications helped optimize the process of accepting papers from Russian citizens and accelerated the procedure for issuing documents.

In 2019, PFR employees are actively urging citizens to master the new website, on which a consultant is constantly working.

Through Public Services

Before using the services of the site, the user must activate his account. To do this, you need an electronic signature or a code from the Pension Fund. Then:

  • enter passport data;
  • the column about SNILS is filled in;
  • comes up with a username and password.

Ordering certificates is carried out in 4 steps:

  • go to the "Catalog of services" section;

  • select "Pensions, allowances and benefits";

  • request a notification of the status of the personal account in the FIU;
  • click "Get Service".

An online application form will appear, in which standard data is entered, and the department where the citizen will pick up the certificate is indicated. It will be ready on the appointed day.

At the MFC

Multifunctional centers have the same powers as the Pension Fund. They accept documents and issue certificates.

All MFC addresses are on the PFR website. This requires:

  • go to the "Find customer service" section;
  • go to "Contacts and Addresses".

Then the citizen selects the area, all the centers that serve the specified area will appear on the screen. The process of obtaining a certificate completely repeats the method of obtaining paper in the Pension Fund.

What documents are needed

If a person receives a certificate in person, and not online, he will need a complete package of documents:

  • internal passport and copy;
  • pension certificate and a copy;
  • SNILS;
  • application for a certificate.

The application is written in free form. Most importantly, provide the following information:

  • Name in full, cannot be abbreviated;
  • date and place of birth in full;
  • place of residence on the passport and actual address, if different;
  • type of pension (may be insurance, state or social);
  • the nature of the pension (for old age, disability or old age);
  • signature, transcript and date of submission of the document.

If a citizen cannot submit papers on his own and does not know how to use the Internet, it is allowed to act through a representative. MFC does not work with third parties. A trusted person will need a document certified by a notary.

How much is done

The maximum processing time for applications is 5 business days. Online applications are processed within 2 days. If the certificate is sent by mail, the period is extended by a couple of weeks. The exact time frame is not specified by law.

Features of obtaining a loan

Most banks offer loans on special terms for non-working pensioners if the person's income is sufficient to meet their obligations. A bank employee checks that after paying the monthly payment, the pensioner has an amount that exceeds living wage in the region.

If a person has dependents, their needs are taken into account when calculating income. If the pensioner has guarantors, there are more chances to get a loan. The basis for bank payments is a certificate of the amount of the pension.

A feature of obtaining a certificate for obtaining a loan is age, the type of loan product depends on it:

  1. Mortgages are available only if the pensioner can repay the debt in full before age 65-75. Many banks only work with clients under 60, regardless of gender or income level. The problem can be solved with the help of guarantors.
  2. Citizens under the age of 75 can count on car loans.
  3. Consumer credit is issued to citizens under 65 years of age. If there are guarantors, banks work with Russians up to 75 years old. The main condition is the payment of the debt before this age.

The certificate of the amount of the pension is the main document by which the pensioner confirms the monthly income. It is required by most banks, military registration and enlistment offices, OSZN and government agencies.

To obtain a paper, you need to fill out an application at the Pension Fund or another authorized authority and submit documents. In 5 working days, the certificate will be in hand.

At present, the powers of all types, transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation . At the same time, there are situations when citizens need a certificate of the amount of pension contributions.

As a rule, paper is required when applying for a variety of transfers or receiving other types of pensions - military, for caring for a disabled person, etc., for obtaining a loan from a bank and, in cases established by law. The scope of the document is extensive, therefore, you should consider how to properly apply for it in order to avoid rejection.

On a note!

Often, a certificate is used when applying for various subsidies and benefits, however, at the same time, it serves as a confirmation of income and in some cases can replace a certificate in the form 2-NDFL.

How to get a service?

First of all, you need to decide where to go - all types of pension securities are issued directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the NPF of the Russian Federation , however, military pension can also be issued at the military registration and enlistment office to which the citizen is assigned.

Important information: SNILS through the MFC

To receive the service, you must submit a minimum package of documents: SNILS, an application and a passport, or other identity document. The application is filled out on the spot, you can consult with a specialist of the department if you have any difficulties in filling it out.

In addition to standard personal data - full name, date of birth and place of registration, the application should indicate the types pension payments that the applicant already receives in the country.

It is important!

If you don’t have the original documents at hand, it’s okay, you can submit copies, even if not notarized. It's just that the document numbers are listed in a special database and the employees themselves will easily identify your identity in the system.

However, if your representative submits the application, it is necessary that he has a notarized power of attorney, otherwise he will be denied the service.

Is it possible to get a certificate of the amount of pension through the Internet?

Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to personally appear at the department and apply for a particular document. However, recently, Internet services for the provision of public services have developed significantly, expanded their functionality, and, relatively recently, the possibility of issuing a certificate via the Internet has become available to everyone who has access to the global network.

You can use this opportunity either through the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, or through the portal of the State Service. And there and there, you need to register in order to gain access to your personal account.

In fairness, it is worth noting that the registration procedure is simple and does not take much time, you only need to enter your passport details and. After authorization, go to the appropriate section, fill out the proposed form and wait for the application to be processed.

It is important!To obtain a certificate from a non-state pension fund, the easiest way is to use the Sberbank-online functionality, it allows you to issue desired document through the Internet.

Terms, cost and reasons for refusal

The service is provided free of charge, the Tax Code does not provide for a state fee. The execution time is usually one day, however, it can be extended up to three.

Refusals are extremely rare and are mainly associated with errors in the application, therefore, when filling out, in those moments where you are in doubt, it is better to ask for advice from a department specialist. Also, the refusal can be received by the representative of the applicant if he does not have a power of attorney certified by a notary.