Application for unfreezing pension savings. What is a funded pension freeze? Where do the funded pension funds go?

In the current difficult economic situation, with a deficit in the state budget, the Government of the Russian Federation was forced to introduce a temporary restriction on the formation of a funded pension. The purpose of the measure is to stabilize the budgetary funds of the Pension Fund of Russia (PF). On the eve of the new financial period, many citizens are concerned about how the funded part of the pension will be paid in 2018, what decision will be made by the state on this vital issue.

What is a funded pension

In 2005, from January, a new type of payment was introduced in the pension system - a funded form. The insurance part of the old-age pension is a cash benefit received by retired citizens every month as a partial compensation for their labor income earned before going on a well-deserved rest. Cumulative cash payments are formed from deductions made either by the citizen himself or by his employer, and additional income from investing these funds.

This type can be formed by persons born in 1967 and later, if they have made their choice before the end of 2015 from the two available options - to form an insurance pension or an insurance pension + funded pension for 5 years from the time of the first accrual of contributions. If the age of a citizen is less than 23 years, the marked period is extended until the end of the year of execution of 23 years.

Retirement savings of individuals older than 1966 (inclusive) can be deducted exclusively by voluntary contributions under the State Co-financing Program and the allocation of maternity capital funds. You can receive savings in the following order:

  1. Reach retirement age.
  2. Contact your insurer.
  3. Divide the accumulated amounts by the possible survival time to determine the monthly amount paid.

It is possible to manage funds in the following way:

  • Receive at a time - the entire accumulated amount is received at once. This is available with the amount of savings equal to 5% or less of the old-age insurance pension. Those receiving an insurance pension on the grounds of disability, loss of a breadwinner, receiving state pension payments have the right to a one-time receipt. Early lump-sum payment from the funded part of the pension in 2018 is paid on the same grounds without change.
  • Receive urgent payments for a period of at least 10 years. The basis is pension savings received in old age and formed by contributions under the State Program. co-financing, matkapital funds.
  • Receive for life every month. The funded pension in 2018 will be calculated from the expectation of payment of 240 months: the amount is determined by dividing the total amount recorded on the personal account by 240 months.

Design features and innovations in 2018

As it was, a funded pension in 2018 can be created by persons born not earlier than 1967. For other citizens, there will be such an opportunity if they become participants in state projects. co-financing. They will need to annually contribute an amount from 2,000 to 12,000 rubles to a personal pension account. These funds will be doubled from budget resources. The rate of 22% paid by the employer can be divided: 16% for sending to the Pension Fund for the insurance part and 6% for distribution at its own discretion (insurance, funded share).

The accumulative part is formed in a personified way and this is its main advantage over the insurance part. Funds are assigned to a specific person and given the opportunity to profitably invest them. As a result, savings are accumulated, which are used by the increase in the basic pension payments. Under the solidarity system, today's pensioners are provided with payments that are not related to the future pension accruals of a particular payer.

The current legislative norms define the procedures for obtaining the funded component. The first step is to find out where the deductions accumulate. Information will be provided by territorial multifunctional centers (MFCs), PF branches or it can be found on the website of public services. Documents required:

  • confirming the insurance experience;
  • passport;
  • statement;
  • SNILS;
  • application for the insurance part of the pension (with simultaneous execution of both parts).

Within ten days, having accepted the documents for consideration, the PF makes a decision. Upon approval, both parts are paid at the same time, but in 2018 the formation of the funded part of the pension remains limited. By the decision of the President of December 20, 2017 No. 413-FZ, the moratorium was extended until 2020. The amendments were adopted by the State Duma and approved by the Federation Council. Entry into force of the document - 01.01.2018

Freeze of pension savings

A significant decline in budget revenues due to the economic crisis forced the government to decide to optimize the expenditure side of the budget, including freezing the transfer of pension savings to third-party non-state pension funds (NPFs) with expected savings of billions of rubles. As today, the funded part of the pension in 2018 is directed only to the insurance pension.

The state promises that the abolition of this form of savings is not expected, that all the accumulated funds after defrosting will not only be returned to the accounts of NPFs, but will also be indexed. Now, according to the decision to extend the measure until 2020, all funds from the personal accounts of mandatory pension insurance continue to serve as a source of insurance pension only. Does this mean the end of the pension savings system?

The Ministry of Finance has made proposals on reforms of the pension system, affecting savings, which are proposed to be formed on a conditionally voluntary basis. Persons wishing to receive accumulative pension contributions will themselves send a part of their salary to the NPF, and the funds transferred by employers will already be directed only to the Pension Fund budget for the insurance part. According to experts, the economic processes inside against the background of external sanctions indicate the likelihood of a long freeze on the funds of the NPF until the state finds other sources of replenishment of the budget.

Where to transfer the funded part of the pension in 2018

For pension savings, you can choose the Russian Pension Fund or NPF. Concluding an agreement with a management company for the disposal of funds requires a careful study of its reliability and understanding of its capabilities, taking into account the likelihood of license cancellation. The Central Bank has compiled a NPF rating, with the help of which the funded part of the labor pension can be placed with greater profit and less riskiness. Among them are NPFs of the largest industrial associations (Lukoil-Garant, Neftegarant) and banking structures (Sberbank, VTB PF).

Such organizations are preferred by the state structure due to their high profitability. The Russian Pension Fund has a lower interest rate, so at the end of 2018, the PFR showed a 7% increase in capital investments, and Sberbank - 13%. This factor is very significant for pensioners who want to increase their well-being. The amount of the transfer can be clarified through the personal account of the PFR portal or by contacting its branch, where you will need to submit:

  • application for the transfer of savings;
  • passport;
  • pension card;
  • SNILS;
  • bank account details.

NPFs are required to annually index pension savings in August according to the inflation rate. The percentage is determined by the size of the investment and the profitability of the organization managing these assets. The more profitable the company invests the funds raised by potential pensioners, the greater the percentage of addition to the existing allowances. Since the moratorium continues in 2018, you can transfer savings at any time so as not to miss the opportunity to increase savings.

How to find out your retirement savings

The procedure for checking savings on a personal account is carried out using the SNILS number simply and quickly. There are several ways to find out retirement savings:

  • through the website of the selected PF manager in your personal account;
  • through the State Services website;
  • directly to the PF through the client department;
  • in the bank through which the operations of the pension fund are carried out, but this service is not available in all banks.

How to get the funded part of the pension in 2018

According to the Law of November 30, 2011 No. 360-FZ, persons who have reached retirement age are entitled to receive the funded part of pension payments in the form of lump-sum payments, urgent payments every month and unlimited funded pension payments. In the event of the death of an insured citizen, such a right passes to his successors under the law of inheritance.

To receive legitimate payments, you must contact the management company that manages pension funds. Russians can apply in person, by mail or through a representative of their own interests. The last option is provided for a person who is unable to move independently due to health. Documents required for submission:

  • passport;
  • statement;
  • SNILS.

At the same time, at the same time, the insurance part will also require an additional application for old-age insurance pension contributions, documents confirming the length of service (work book and similar certificates). There is no strict time limit for submitting an application. Payments of this type of pension occur within the same terms provided for the insurance part.

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NPFs have found a way to unfreeze pension savings. It is necessary to cancel the moratorium on the formation of savings and reduce the rate of compulsory insurance premiums, they are sure.

The Association of Non-State Pension Funds () has proposed lifting the moratorium on the formation of pension savings by citizens and temporarily reducing the rate of insurance premiums transferred to the mandatory funded system, said Sergei Belyakov, chairman of the association's council. According to him, this will solve the problem of freezing pension savings, which has been going on for three years.

Reducing the tariff rate is necessary due to the limited state budget, a return to the current rate is possible as the economy grows, Belyakov believes. This practice is already being used in foreign countries, he pointed out: after the 2008 crisis, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Slovakia followed this path.

Reducing the rate of contributions to the mandatory funded system in Russia by 1 percentage point will allow the government to save about 58 billion rubles in 2017, estimates ANPF. The second specialized association of NPFs - NAPF - supports the proposals, says its president Konstantin Ugryumov.

“We understand that in a crisis, the government is forced to go on restrictions. The conditionally Baltic version of unfreezing pension savings will allow maintaining the necessary inflow of long-term investment money into the economy and infrastructure projects, which will help the government restart economic growth,” he believes. Without the development of the economy, it is impossible to talk about an increase in wages and, as a result, an increase in contributions to the insurance pension - it will still suffer from a deficit, Ugryumov adds.

The growth of the economy due to the investment opportunities of pension savings, in his opinion, will allow us to abandon the idea of ​​eliminating funded pensions in the future and return to full-fledged indexation of the pensions of current pensioners.

For the first time, accumulative pension contributions were frozen in 2014 - they were used to pay current pensions, saving the budget part of the transfer from the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). Savings went to the budget anti-crisis reserve, intended to support the economy and the labor market. Anti-crisis measures were not needed in 2014: the reserve was spent on supporting Crimea. The moratorium on savings in 2014 was announced by the government as a one-time measure - for a year, necessary for the reorganization of non-state pension funds. However, then the moratorium was extended for another 2015. Amid renewed disputes about the fate of funded contributions, including with the participation of a mega-regulator who defended their necessity, Medvedev announced in the spring of 2015 that there would be no liquidation of the funded part of the pension: “This decision is supported and the majority of experts, and, most importantly, the citizens of our country.”

Related materials

Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets denied the information that appeared in some media about the partial unfreezing of the funded part of the pension in 2017 and its subsequent full restoration.

Earlier, encouraging information about the gradual return of the funded part of the pension, citing sources in the Russian government, was published by

So, the publication indicated that next year, out of 6% intended for transfer to savings accounts of Russians in non-state pension funds (NPF) or VEB, 1% will be unfrozen. Thanks to this, NPFs are expected to receive approximately 60 billion rubles in 2017. And it is planned to gradually restore the funded part, bringing it to the full 6%, from 2018.

However, as it turned out later, the Cabinet of Ministers (so far anyway) did not consider such a scenario.


He told the Federal Business Agency about the reasons why the government will not unfreeze the pension savings of citizens now "Economy Today" Alexander Safonov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Development of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations.

First of all, the expert noted a serious burden on the budget: according to the Ministry of Finance, the payment of insurance pensions in the next three years will require 3 trillion rubles, which are collected as part of annual transfers to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the department is now more concerned with finding savings options to reduce this transfer.

One of the methods of reduction in the Ministry of Finance is increasingly called the restriction or termination of payments of insurance pensions to a particular category of citizens, in particular, still working pensioners. So, just recently, a new proposal appeared - not to pay an insurance pension to those pensioners whose annual income exceeds 500 thousand rubles. Considering all this, Alexander Safonov notes that the decision to unfreeze the accumulative component is unlikely. Both in 2017 and 2018.


Another obvious reason, according to the expert, is that the government has taken on a lot of obligations. This will become an additional burden on the budget, and there is no certainty “in terms of the formation of budget revenues” next year. For example, in January pensioners were promised a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. In addition, indexing is also declared. Thus, next year defrosting is not expected.

As for 2018, the year of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, the situation is no easier there either. Additional funds will then be needed to fulfill the obligations on wages to state employees.

Given the above, Alexander Safonov believes that the government may not return to the conversation about unfreezing the funded segment of pensions until 2019 at the earliest.

Vera Segreeva.

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What does “freezing funded pension” mean in simple terms?

Based on the difficult economic situation in the context of the budget deficit, the Government of the Russian Federation introduced a temporary restriction on. This forced measure is intended, in the opinion of the Government, to stabilize the budget of the Pension Fund. Now part of the contributions that were previously directed to the accounts of non-state pension funds (NPFs) and management companies (MCs) involved in the formation of funded pensions, directed exclusively to the insurance pension.

As Russian government officials explain, "freezing" funded pensions in no case is not a withdrawal, as is often said in non-professional circles.

It is also assured that the abolition of funded pensions in connection with the introduction of a moratorium is not expected, and all pension savings of citizens after their "defrost"(which someday will happen) will definitely be returned to their accounts in the NPF. It was promised that the funds accumulated during the period of the moratorium would also be taken into account and indexed.

Why do we need a moratorium on the formation of pension savings?

Extension of the moratorium for 2015 - 2020

Later, the ban on the transfer of insurance premiums for the formation of a funded pension was extended to 2015 in accordance with federal law No. 410-FZ of December 1, 2014. This year is notable for the fact that it started working on January 1, in which the funded part was brought into an independent type of pension along with the insurance one.

For 2016, the restriction on the transfer of funds to a funded pension was extended by the adoption of Federal Law No. 373-FZ of December 14, 2015. This year, the decision to extend the moratorium on pension savings was taken by the Government against the backdrop of other measures aimed at saving budgetary funds. Among them are:

  • cancellation of indexation of pensions for working pensioners;
  • indexation of pensions not to the level of inflation set for 2015 (12.9%), but only by 4%.

In 2016, due to the stabilization of the economic situation and the return of the Government to three-year budget planning, the moratorium on the formation of pension savings was extended immediately for the three-year period 2017-2019. in accordance with the law of December 19, 2016 No. 447-FZ.

It is already known that the corresponding measure will be extended to 2020. Thus, at least until 2021, all funds credited to the personal accounts of citizens in will continue to be directed only for the formation of an insurance pension. Does this mean the end of the funded pension system?

Is there a future for funded pensions?

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation submitted to the Government on the further reform of the pension system, including those related to the formation of funded pensions. It is proposed to form pension savings for on a conditionally voluntary basis.

  • That is, citizens, if they wish to receive a funded pension, will independently direct part of the funds from their salary to non-state pension funds, bypassing the Pension Fund.
  • At the same time, the funds will be directed exclusively to the PFR budget for the formation of an insurance pension (just as it is happening now during the years of the moratorium on the formation of pension savings from mandatory insurance contributions paid by the employer to the Pension Fund).

Based on the destructive trends in the socio-economic sphere of the Russian Federation against the backdrop of sanctions pressure from outside, the absence of positive changes in the production sector and disappointing forecasts for the future, it is obvious that the funds in savings accounts with NPFs will continue to "freeze" until the Government finds other sources of replenishment of the state budget and reduction of its expenditures.

Will the moratorium affect future pensions?

The unconditionally introduced and twice extended moratorium cannot but affect the size.

  • Before the so-called "freeze" of funded pensions, the money of future pensioners could be placed through the NPF and the UK in financial markets, that is, could be invested in various economic projects.
  • The degree of profitability of investing financial resources depends on many factors, the defining of which is the professionalism of employees of non-state funds.

All this may also affect ordinary citizens in the form of loss of investment income by persons who have concluded contracts for accumulative pension insurance with NPFs in connection with the bankruptcy of some of them against the backdrop of the crisis.


When the frozen savings will be transferred to NPFs (and whether they will be transferred at all) is not yet known.

A further extension of the moratorium on the formation of funded pensions until 2020 inclusive undermines the confidence of the population in the Government of Russia and, in conditions of difficult access to external financial resources, creates difficulties in the domestic financial market (since management companies and NPFs are engaged in investment activities in the domestic market of the country).

After the “freezing” of accumulative pension programs, investment activity has significantly decreased, which will definitely lead to an increase in interest rates on loans for enterprises and the population. And this, in turn, can slow down the development of the industrial sector of the economy, which is already in a deep crisis, and lead to a further reduction in jobs and wages, and, consequently, revenues to the PFR budget.