To increase your pension, you need to get a certificate from the MFC and not wait for automatic recalculation. What documents are needed to receive a pension supplement for two children? Documents required for applying for an old-age pension

An old-age pension is a systematic receipt of cash payments from the state by a person who has reached retirement age. The exit process, accrual is carried out in full accordance with the current legislation and the law "On State Pensions in the Russian Federation", it also indicates the age limit at which people can go on a well-deserved rest - 60 and 55 years, men and women, respectively.

New laws have made changes to the pension system of the Russian Federation. Pensioners are completely confused about how to draw up the required allowance, what documents to collect, where to go.

We will tell you more about this, and also determine what conditions are necessary to receive a pension payment.

Three mandatory conditions for applying for an old-age pension, according to the new pension reform 2017

Not everyone will be able to retire - since 2017, a citizen of the Russian Federation who wants to retire must comply with certain conditions and requirements.

If at least one item is not fulfilled, then you are unlikely to be able to count on receiving benefits.

Let's list them:

1. Seniority for retirement

Insurance experience of at least 15 years. The increase in the requirements for seniority is gradual: in 2017 it is 8 years and over 10 years in stages, 1 year at a time, will increase by 2024 to 15 years.

2. Number of pension points

30 individual pension coefficients (points). The requirement to have 30 points is also introduced gradually: in 2017 - 11.4, followed by an annual increase of 2.4 until reaching the specified value by 2025.

3. Retirement age

Everyone knows that men retire at 60, and women at 55. In the near future, you should not be afraid that the age bar will be raised, this will not happen for about another 1 year.

It is also worth noting that there are exceptions to the rules:

1. Citizens, living or working in areas of the Far North or areas that are equated to them may be eligible for the following benefits:

1. Victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant have reduced the pension bar for 10 years. Women can retire at 45, and men at 50 (Article 28.1 of the Federal Law No. 1244-1, dated 12/14/2015).

2. In accordance with the Federal Law number 400, adopted on December 29, 2015, creative people, as well as citizens who have worked in production under harmful working conditions, can count on a decrease in age conditions.

Name of works Floor Age Work experience Insurance experience
Those who worked in underground works, in production with harmful working conditions, as well as in hot shops. Women 45 years At least 7 years 6 months 15 years
Men 50 years At least 10 years 20 years
Work with difficult working conditions. Women 50 years At least 10 years 20 years
Men 55 years At least 12 years 6 months 25 years
Worked as tractor drivers in agriculture, as drivers of construction, road and loading and unloading machines. Women 50 years At least 15 years old 20 years
Worked in the textile industry, at work with increased intensity and severity. Women 50 years 20 years
Workers of locomotive crews and employees of certain categories who organize transportation and ensure traffic safety on railway transport and the subway, as well as drivers of trucks involved in the technological process in mines, cuts, mines or ore quarries for the export of coal, shale, ore , breeds. Women 50 years At least 10 years 20 years
Men 55 years At least 12 years 6 months 25 years
Those who have worked in expeditions, parties, detachments, at sites and in brigades in the field of geological exploration, search, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey work. Women 50 years At least 10 years 20 years
Men 55 years At least 12 years 6 months 25 years
Workers, foremen (including seniors) directly at logging and timber rafting, including maintenance of machinery and equipment. Women 50 years At least 10 years 20 years
Men 55 years At least 12 years 6 months 25 years
Machine operators (docker-machine operators) of integrated teams for loading and unloading operations in ports. Women 50 years At least 15 years old 20 years
Men 55 years At least 20 years old 25 years
Working as seafarers on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet. Women 50 years At least 10 years 20 years
Men 55 years At least 12 years 6 months 25 years
Drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams on regular urban passenger routes. Women 50 years 15 years 20 years
Men 55 years 20 years 25 years
Those who were employed full-time in underground and open pit mining (including mine rescue personnel) in the extraction of coal, shale, ore and other minerals and in the construction of mines and mines. Men and women Regardless of age At least 25 years old
Workers of leading professions – stope miners, sinkers, jackhammers, drivers of mining machines. Men and women Regardless of age At least 20 years old
Working on ships of the marine fleet of the fishing industry in the extraction, processing of fish and seafood, receiving finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed), as well as on certain types of ships of the sea, river fleet and the fleet of the fishing industry. Women Regardless of age At least 20 years old
Men Regardless of age At least 25 years old
Employees who are part of the flight crew of civil aviation. Women Regardless of age 20 years
Men Regardless of age 25 years
Employees leaving the civil aviation service for health reasons. Women Regardless of age 15 years
Men Regardless of age 20 years
Rescuers of professional emergency rescue services, professional emergency rescue teams of the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy, legal regulation in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, and persons involved in the liquidation Emergency. Men and women 40 years At least 15 years old
Those who work with convicts as employees of institutions executing criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment. Women 50 years At least 10 years 20 years
Men 55 years At least 15 years old 25 years
Firefighters, firefighters and emergency services. Women 50 years At least 25 years old
Men 50 years At least 25 years old
Persons who carried out pedagogical activities in institutions for children. Men and women Regardless of age At least 25 years old
Creative people working in theaters and theater and entertainment organizations. Women 50 years
Men 55 years At least 15-30 years, depending on the nature of the work

What documents for its registration is better to prepare in advance

The pension is assigned from the date of applying for it. At the same time, not only a written application is submitted to the FIU, but also documents confirming the length of service and earnings. If there are any defects in the papers, they have to be drawn up again. But until the PFR receives a complete set of documents, the pension is not assigned. This must be taken into account if you want your pension payments to start being made to you without delay.

Retirement is a time for a well-deserved rest, and so that registration does not take place hard and does not drag on for a long period of time, you should take care of this in advance: prepare all certificates and certificates, and throughout your working life, follow the clear and competent filling of your main companion - labor books. And reaching a certain age is only a small formality, in which a person is already free from obligations to the employer and he has the opportunity for self-realization.

There were times when the personnel department prepared documents for applying for a pension for an employee. Now the citizen himself must collect the necessary package and submit it to the Pension Fund. PFR experts strongly recommend: it is better to start applying for a pension a few months before the person turns “pension” 60 or 55 years old.

When a person retires, the following list of documents must be submitted to the branch of the pension fund ():

  • A completed application on a ready-made form must be submitted only on a standard form. It must be filled out without blots and errors, you can take it home in advance and slowly fill it out in a relaxed atmosphere. ;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Original work book and information about the conduct of labor activity;
  • Information on the average accrued wages for the period 2000-2001;
  • Properly executed pension insurance certificate;
  • If yes, you must provide data on disability.

To confirm the labor activity, some documents of the enterprise may also be needed - copies of the certificate of state registration of the enterprise, documents confirming the change of surname - a certificate of marriage, divorce or other.

If a person wishes to receive pension payments through bank branches, then you should provide data on the current account in any bank, to the details of which the accrued pension will be transferred in the future.

After a week of consideration - registration takes place within a short period, the employee of the fund informs the applicant about the need to visit the branch of the fund and the opportunity to pick up a pension certificate.

If labor activity was carried out during the perestroika period and there are records of several organizations in the work book, there is a need to provide all the data to the Pension Department in advance so that there is time to eliminate the difficulties that have arisen. Moreover, age does not affect the time of such treatment.

A person who at the time of applying has not reached retirement age, but less than one month is left before reaching it, can also start registration.

Data affecting the calculation of pensions

Age affects the time of applying to the pension fund, and its size depends on the length of service. Registration of the minimum social pension is possible if there is a 5-year service, the appointment and payment of insurance pensions. The amount of state security depends on the amount of pension contributions. They are monthly transferred by the enterprise where the employee works. The funds accumulated in this way will be divided, and the pensioner will receive an addition to his minimum, state-guaranteed income.

The difficult financial situation that occurred in 1990-2000. It can also have a serious impact on future pensioners, since during this period the salaries were minimal and not very profitable for processing pension payments. Applicants to the Pension Fund are offered to submit a certificate for any period of time, lasting 60 months. Continuous work experience is a prerequisite for the acceptance of such a certificate and the calculation of a pension. Staying on maternity leave during these 60 months does not interrupt seniority, and this period is taken into account when calculating pensions.

If it is impossible to provide such data, the employees of the Pension Fund must assist in obtaining them and request the relevant documents from higher organizations. This may require an appeal to state and city archives.

There is always a possibility of difficulties

With a thorough check and establishment of reliability, the documents may have some nuances that affect the reliability and veracity of the information. For example, a pension cannot be granted without confirmation of a change of surname if such an entry in the work book is not duly certified by the seal of the enterprise where the person worked at that time. As such confirmation will be a certificate of marriage or divorce / dissolution. In his absence, you should visit the local registry office and send a request with a request to provide the necessary documents.

The form of entries in the work book is also important for PF employees, opposite each entry should be recorded: order number, date of admission / dismissal, position for which the employee was hired and the position of the person who made this entry. All entries are made in an even and legible handwriting and are certified by the seal of the enterprise.

How is the submission of documents?

You must personally contact the territorial office of the FIU at the place of registration. If you are registered temporarily, it does not matter, you are still required to be admitted to the FIU. It often happens that a person is registered in one city, but lives and works in another. In this case, he can apply to the Pension Fund at the place of actual residence.

How does the FIU officer need to help?

  1. They will check the correctness of the paperwork, assess the completeness and reliability of the information, and suggest what is missing.
  2. They will give explanations on how to make a request to the archival authorities. Often, it is extracts from the archives that are the only source confirming labor activity.
  3. They will tell you how to send a request to former employers, if you need to confirm the insurance experience.

What documents are needed?

To confirm experience:

The main document confirming the periods of work until 2002 is the work book. If it contains gaps, the FIU accepts:

  1. Written employment contracts drawn up in accordance with labor legislation at the time of their conclusion.
  2. Labor books of collective farmers, certificates issued by employers or government agencies.
  3. Extracts from orders, personal accounts and statements for the issuance of salaries.

After 2002, all information about labor activity (legal) is in the Pension Fund of Russia - in the personalized accounting system.
To confirm earnings:
Until 2002, two options for calculating the average monthly salary were used.

Option 1. The average monthly earnings for 2000-2001 are taken. During this period, the PFR has already begun to operate a personalized accounting system, therefore, in this case, no supporting documents need to be submitted to the Pension Fund.

Option 2. If the salary in 2000-2002 was small or the citizen did not work at all, he has the right to submit a salary certificate for any 5 consecutive years (60 months) in the period up to January 1, 2002.

In different situations, the FIU requires additional documents. For example, if a citizen has dependents, this will need to be confirmed. For the appointment of early pensions, you will need documents confirming the preferential length of service.

Important! Documents confirming periods of work and other periods must be drawn up strictly: the number and date of issue, last name, first name, patronymic of a citizen, date, month, year of his birth, place and period of work, profession (position) are indicated. The basis for issuing the document is indicated: orders, personal accounts, etc. At the same time, dismissal documents can be accepted to confirm the length of service even if they do not contain grounds for their issuance.

What should a future retiree do?

  1. Check your workbook.
    See if the entries are readable, if there are any blots, corrections, erasures, if the seals are smeared. If the surname has changed, this should be noted. All corrections must be certified with a seal, and the entries must have the date and reason for their introduction - the number of the order, order. If we are talking about the appointment of a "northern" pension, the work book should indicate that the organization is located in the territory where the "northern" coefficient operates. If there is no such record, a certificate will be required.
  2. Check that all entries match.
    Often in the work book, the employment record contains the name of one organization, and the dismissal record is certified by the seal of another. This happens, for example, if the organization has been reorganized. If there is no record of reorganization or renaming of the company in the work book, you must take a certificate confirming that the name of the organization where you worked has changed. If the company is liquidated, you need to get a certificate from the successor organization or contact the archive.
  3. Take care to confirm the experience and earnings.
    If there were no records of any periods of work in the work book. For confirmation of the length of service, you need to contact the organization where you worked (regardless of how much time has passed since your dismissal). If the company is liquidated (bankrupt, etc.), you can contact a higher organization. Before sending a request to a particular archival institution, you should first contact him by phone to clarify whether the necessary documents are stored there.
  4. What do you need to have for the first visit to the Pension Fund?
    Take your passport, compulsory pension insurance certificate (green plastic card), work book (or its copy) with you. The FIU specialist will study the entire set and tell you if you need to collect any other certificates and extracts. If you come to the FIU in advance, by the day you retire, you will have a complete set of documents for its timely appointment, and you will start receiving money without delay.

What documents are needed to apply for a disability pension?

To apply for a disability pension, collect the following documents:

    • application for the appointment of an insurance pension for disability;
    • documents confirming the duration of the insurance period; Documents confirming periods of work and other periods must contain the number and date of issue, last name, first name, patronymic of the citizen to whom the document is issued, the date, month and year of his birth, place of work, period of work, profession (position), grounds for their issuance ( orders, personal accounts, etc.). Documents issued by the employer upon dismissal from work can be accepted to confirm the length of service even if they do not contain grounds for their issuance;
    • an extract from the certificate of examination of the medical and social examination of a citizen recognized as disabled.

In some cases, you may need:

    a certificate that confirms the presence in the family of dependents who, due to illness or minority, do not work;

    a document confirming the place of residence in Russia;

    a document confirming the permanent residence of a Russian citizen abroad;

    a certificate from the registry office or a marriage certificate when changing the last name, first name or patronymic.

It is worth noting that a disability labor pension can only be assigned if a person has worked for at least one day.

What documents are needed to apply for a survivor's pension?

If you have lost a breadwinner who had dependent children, parents of retirement age or other relatives who fall under the category of dependents who are entitled to a labor pension for the loss of a breadwinner, then the following documents must be submitted to apply for such a pension:

  • an application for the appointment of an insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner;
  • passport (for citizens of the Russian Federation) or residence permit (for foreign citizens and stateless persons);
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
  • documents confirming the death of the breadwinner (death certificate);
  • documents confirming family relations with the deceased breadwinner;
  • documents confirming the duration of the insurance experience; Documents confirming periods of work and other periods must contain the number and date of issue, last name, first name, patronymic of the citizen to whom the document is issued, the date, month and year of his birth, place of work, period of work, profession (position), grounds for their issuance ( orders, personal accounts, etc.). Documents issued by the employer upon dismissal from work can be accepted to confirm the length of service even if they do not contain grounds for their issuance.

In some cases, provided:

    identity documents and on the exercise of the powers of a guardian or other legal representative of a dependent;

    a document confirming the fact that the disabled person is dependent on the deceased;

    if the children were brought up by only one of the parents, a document confirming this;

    death certificate of the other parent;

    for children who study full-time, a certificate from the educational institution;

    a document certifying the loss of means of subsistence;

    confirmation that the pension applicant is busy caring for children under 14 who are sisters, brothers or grandchildren of the deceased, and therefore does not work;

    confirmation that children under the age of 14 who are being cared for are eligible for a survivor's pension;

    information about other persons claiming or already receiving a pension for the loss of this breadwinner;

    a document confirming the disability of the person applying for a pension;

    a document confirming residence or stay in Russia or permanent residence of a Russian citizen abroad;

    a document on the maintenance of a deceased or missing stepson or stepdaughter.

A labor pension for the loss of a breadwinner may be granted if the breadwinner had at least one day of work experience.


The exact list of documents that the applicant is required to submit is specified in the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the state service for receiving and registering citizens' applications for the establishment of pensions in accordance with the Federal Laws "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" and "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation" . This regulation was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of December 12, 2011 N 1521n.

Gradual increase in the retirement age for civil servants - annually by 6 months until the age of 65 for men and 63 for women

For the appointment of a state pension for long service, the length of service in the state civil service must be at least 20 years. The increase in the requirements for seniority is gradual: in 2017 it is 15 years 6 months and over 9 years in stages, 6 months each, increases by 2026 to 20 years.

It is worth noting here that some citizens may retire earlier. The increase will be the same number of years, based on gender, and it is the age from which an early old-age insurance pension of the corresponding category of citizens can be assigned that is subject to increase. With regard to persons whose right to early retirement is exercised regardless of age (for example, teachers), the retirement age is determined based on the date in the corresponding calendar year on which the citizen acquired the required length of service in the relevant types of work and the value of the individual pension coefficient for determining eligibility for an old-age pension.

Federal state civil servants with at least 25 years of state civil service experience and dismissal from the federal state civil service before acquiring the right to an old-age (disability) insurance pension are entitled to a seniority pension if, immediately before their dismissal, they filled the positions of the federal state civil service service for at least 7 years.

The seniority pension is established in addition to the old-age (disability) insurance pension, assigned in accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-ФЗ “On Insurance Pensions”, and is paid simultaneously with it.

It should be noted that the increase in the required length of service of federal state civil servants when determining the right to a pension for seniority and calculating its amount does not apply to the following persons:

  • on federal state civil servants who have acquired the right to a pension for long service in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 1.1 of Article 7 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ and dismissed (released from their position) from the federal state civil service before January 1, 2017 of the year;
  • for persons holding federal state civil service positions as of January 1, 2017 and having federal state civil service experience on that day for at least 20 years of seniority pension;
  • for persons holding positions in the federal state civil service as of January 1, 2017, who have at least 15 years of the specified experience on that day and acquired the right to an old-age (disability) insurance pension before January 1, 2017 in accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ "On insurance pensions".
The age upon reaching which the right to a pension is acquired in accordance with Part 11 of Art. 8 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ (men) The age upon reaching which the right to a pension is acquired in accordance with Part 11 of Art. 8 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ (women) Year of acquisition of the right to an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Federal Law No. 400-FZ
60,5 in 2017 - born in the first half. 1957 55,5 in 2017 - born in the first half. 1962
in 2018 - born in the second half. 1957 in 2018 - born in the second half. 1962
61 in 2019 56 in 2019
61,5 in 2020 - born in the first half. 1959 56,5 in 2020 - born in the first half. 1964
in 2021 - born in the second half. 1959 in 2021 - born in the second half. 1964
62 in 2022 57 in 2022
62,5 in 2023 - born in the first half. 1961 57,5 in 2023 - born in the first half. 1966
in 2024 - born in the second half. 1961 in 2024 - born in the second half. 1966
63 in 2025 58 in 2025
63,5 in 2026 - born in the first half. 1963 58,5 in 2026 - born in the first half. 1968
in 2027 - born in the second half. 1963 in 2027 - born in the second half. 1968
64 in 2028 59 in 2028
64,5 in 2029 - born in the first half. 1965 59,5 in 2029 - born in the first half. 1970
in 2030 - born in the second half. 1965 in 2030 - born in the second half. 1970
65 In 2031 60 In 2031
60,5 in 2032 - born in the first half. 1972
in 2033 - born in the II half. 1972
61 in 2034
61,5 in 2035 - born in the first half. 1974
in 2036 - born in the II half. 1974
62 in 2037
62,5 in 2038 - born in the first half. 1976
in 2039 - born in the II half. 1976
63 in 2040

How is the calculation and calculation of pensions

In the system of compulsory pension insurance, working citizens form insurance pensions and pension savings. There are three types of insurance pensions: for old age, for disability, for the loss of a breadwinner. Payments from pension savings are assigned and paid in the form of a fixed-term or lump-sum pension payment or funded pension.

The pension rights of citizens are formed in individual pension coefficients, or pension points. All previously formed pension rights were converted without reduction into pension points and are taken into account when assigning an insurance pension.

The conditions for the emergence of the right to an old-age insurance pension are:

  • reaching the age of 60 for men, 55 for women.Separate categories citizens have the right to assign an old-age insurance pension ahead of schedule;
  • for persons holding public positions in the Russian Federation, from 01/01/2017, an increased retirement age is in effect, which will increase annually by 6 months to 65 years for men and 63 years for women;
  • insurance experience of at least15 years (since 2024) subject to the transitional provisions of art. 35 of the Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ;
  • the presence of a minimum amount of pension points -at least 30 (since 2025) subject to the transitional provisions of art. 35 of the Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.

The number of pension points depends on the accrued and paid insurance contributions to the mandatory pension insurance system and the length of the insurance (work) experience.

For each year of labor activity of a citizen, provided that employers or he personally accrues insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, he has pension rights in the form of pension points.

The maximum number of pension points per year from 2021 is 10, in 2017 - 8.26.

The pension provision option in the mandatory pension insurance system affects the accrual of annual pension points. When forming only an insurance pension, the maximum number of annual pension points is 10, since all insurance contributions are directed to the formation of an insurance pension. When choosing to form both an insurance and funded pension at the same time, the maximum number of annual pension points is 6.25, since 27.5% of insurance premiums are directed to the formation of pension savings.

Citizens born in 1967 and younger who have made a choice before December 31, 2015 in favor of forming an insurance and funded pension in the MPI system, may at any time refuse to form a funded pension and direct 6% of insurance premiums to form only an insurance pension.

Also, citizens born in 1967 and younger, in favor of whom insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance will begin to be accrued by the employer for the first time after January 1, 2014, have the opportunity to choose a pension option (to form only an insurance pension or to form both an insurance pension and a funded one) within five years from the date of the first accrual of insurance premiums. If a citizen has not reached the age of 23 years, the specified period is extended until the end of the year in which he turns 23 years old.

When choosing a pension option, it should be borne in mind that the insurance pension is guaranteed to be increased by the state due to annual indexation. The funds of the funded pension are invested in the financial market by the NPF or management company chosen by the citizen. The profitability of pension savings depends on the results of their investment, that is, there may be a loss from their investment. In this case, only the amount of paid insurance premiums is guaranteed to be paid. Retirement savings are not indexed.

For all citizens born in 1966 and older, the option of providing pensions is the formation of only an insurance pension.

Eligibility for an insurance pension depends on the year in which the insurance pension was granted.

Year Minimum insurance period Minimum amount of individual pension coefficients The maximum value of the annual individual pension coefficient
in case of refusal to form a funded pension when forming a funded pension
2015 6 6,6 7,39 7,39*
2016 7 9 7,83 7,83*
2017 8 11,4 8,26 8,26*
2018 9 13,8 8,70 8,70*
2019 10 16,2 9,13 9,13*
2020 11 18,6 9,57 5,98
2021 12 21 10 6,25
2022 13 23,4 10 6,25
2023 14 25,8 10 6,25
2024 15 28,2 10 6,25
2025 and later 15 30 10 6,25

*From 2016 to 2019, regardless of the choice of the pension option in the CPF system, all citizens are entitled to pension rights only to the insurance pension based on the total amount of accrued insurance premiums. In this regard, the maximum value of the annual individual pension coefficient is the same for any option for forming a pension.

The old-age insurance pension is calculated according to the formula:


SP \u003d IPK * SIPC + FV, Where:

  • joint venture - insurance pension
  • IPK - this is the sum of all pension points accrued on the date of assigning an insurance pension to a citizen
  • SIPC – the value of the pension point in the year of granting the insurance pension.

In 2016 = 74.27 rubles. Indexed annually by the state.

  • FV - Fixed payment.

Thus, the calculation of the insurance pension in 2016 is carried out according to the formula:

SP \u003d IPK * 74.27 + 4558.93

  • When determining the sum of all pension points, pension points for each calendar year are taken into account

    Also, by the amount of your pension points (IPK) significantly increases the application for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension for the first time (including ahead of schedule) after the emergence of the right to it. For each year of later application for a pension, the insurance pension will increase by the corresponding premium coefficients.

    For example, if you apply for a pension 5 years after reaching retirement age, then the fixed payment will increase by 36%, and the amount of your individual pension coefficients by 45%; and if in 10 years, then the fixed payment will increase by 2.11 times, and the sum of your individual pension coefficients by 2.32 times.

    Coefficients for calculating the insurance pension in case of postponing the application for its appointment

    The period of later application for the appointment of an insurance pension Fixed payment increase ratio Coefficient of increasing the fixed payment in the presence of the right to early appointment of a pension The coefficient of increase in the amount of IPC The coefficient of increase in the amount of IPC in the presence of the right to early appointment of a pension
    1 1,056 1,036 1,07 1,046
    2 1,12 1,07 1,15 1,1
    3 1,19 1,12 1,24 1,16
    4 1,27 1,16 1,34 1,22
    5 1,36 1,21 1,45 1,29
    6 1,46 1,26 1,59 1,37
    7 1,58 1,32 1,74 1,45
    8 1,73 1,38 1,9 1,52
    9 1,9 1,45 2,09 1,6
    10 years or more 2,11 1,53 2,32 1,68

    Those who have insurance experience: disabled people of group I, citizens who have reached the age of 80, citizens who worked or live in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, the insurance pension is assigned in an increased amount due to an increased amount of a fixed payment or the use of "northern" coefficients.

All questions when applying for an old-age pension - lawyers answer

- Where to apply for a pension if you live in another city, not at the place of registration?

Come to any department of the FIU located in your area of ​​​​residence.

- How to apply for an old-age pension if a work book is lost or damaged?

You can apply for a pension without a work book. To do this, you need to collect certificates from your previous jobs, which will confirm your experience.

If there are no organizations, then the FIU specialist should send a request to the archive of a certain city where this company operated.

The data must be sent to the pension department.

- How to confirm the work experience correctly and how to make a request for the previous place of work correctly?

  1. If you have the opportunity, you can go to your previous place of work and ask a HR specialist to issue a document confirming your experience. In this case, you may not have to wait.
  2. Another option is to write a statement to the head of the organization with a request to confirm your experience and send a document by mail to the address of the company. The delivery time of your application depends on the work of the postal service, consideration of company documents.
  3. Another option is to ask the representative of the FIU to send a request to the institution where you previously worked.

Note that this is the responsibility of the employees of the pension department. But in reality, sometimes it happens that the applicant is refused and told to get the information himself.

- How to apply for a pension if there is a different surname in the work book?

A document fixing the replacement of your initials will be confirmation that the book belongs to you.

- What years are better to take to calculate a pension when applying for it, and is maternity leave in this period included in the length of service?

Temporary disability of a woman due to pregnancy and childbirth is included in the length of service. This time can be from 3 months to six months.

As for the time that you will take for the calculation, it depends on your wishes.

- Can I apply for an old-age pension remotely, because I am in another country?

Residents of some regions, or citizens who belong to them at the place of registration, can use PFR website service and independently submit an application, mandatory and necessary documents for registration of a pension.

To find out if your region is among the lucky ones, you should register on the site.

- Will I receive an old-age pension if I do not have continuous work experience?

The concept of "continuous work experience" was abolished. It was replaced by a new one - “insurance experience”. Now the amount of the benefit is calculated taking into account the length of service.

Is it possible to apply for an old-age pension in advance, before reaching retirement age?

No. The pension is issued only with the onset of the age of your retirement, and not earlier.

- If I was late to draw up a pension for two months due to illness, will they pay for the missed months?

Under the new legislation, a later appeal to the FIU will be recorded. For each year of non-applying, you will be charged interest on the established amount of the pension.

The moment you want to retire your amount will be indexed .

But in two months, interest will not run up.

- Do I have the right to continue working after receiving the old-age pension?

Yes, but in the near future they plan to put pensioners before a choice: either work or receive a pension benefit.

— Documents confirming my work activity and salary are certified by seals in the Moldovan language. The translation into Russian was made and notarized in Moldova. Is it legal in Russia? Do PFR employees have the right to demand additionally provide a translation made and certified in Russia?

Unfortunately, such a document may not be accepted, since it will be certified by the seal of a Moldovan notary and his signature, deciphered in the language of Moldova. It is better if the translation of the document is carried out in Russia and certified by a notary in Russia.

Upon reaching the retirement age determined by law, a citizen has the right to draw up a legally deserved pension. Making a payment to the FIU is not difficult, but you still need to follow some formalities.

  • When assigning a pension, an extract from the certificate of examination of the medical and social examination (MSE) of a person recognized as disabled will be required.
  • When applying for a pension, documents are required that confirm family relations with the deceased breadwinner (birth (adoption) certificate, marriage or divorce, etc.).

Deadlines for filing documents with the FIU

A citizen can start collecting documents even if he has not yet reached the established retirement age, however, you can apply in advance no earlier than a month before reaching a certain age (becoming eligible for a pension). This is necessary for the timely assignment of the prescribed pension, that is, by the time of acquiring the right to it, since in practice there is the possibility of unforeseen situations that may delay the appointment process.

However, if a citizen applied for a pension within a month from the date of dismissal from work, it can be accrued before the day of application, in accordance with paragraph 5 of article 22 of the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.

The application itself, submitted by a pensioner, is considered for 10 days from the day he applied to the FIU specialist (subject to the availability of a complete package of necessary documentation) or from the day the required documents were submitted, if the applicant did not meet the three-month period given by the specialist for their collection. In case of refusal to satisfy the application, specialists notify the citizen within 5 working days about his decision, and in case of satisfaction - the old-age insurance pension is assigned to each indefinitely and paid every month.

Ivanova, a citizen of the Russian Federation, began collecting documents a month in advance, and submitted her application a week before the retirement age. During the check, the FIU specialists found that Ivanova changed her surname in connection with marriage, and explained to the citizen about the need to provide them with a marriage certificate, giving them a period of 3 months to complete the package of documents, but the application was nevertheless accepted.

Since Ivanova did not have a marriage certificate, she turned to the registry office, where she registered the marriage, having received a second document. Within a month, the citizen brought the document and the day of the appeal was counted as the day when the application was accepted.

The procedure for the appointment and payment of pensions

The insurance pension is produced by the territorial body of the PFR, in accordance with the law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ "On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation" at the place of residence of the pensioner. When the recipient moves to another place of residence, the payment is made in a new place on the basis of the pension case and registration.

The payment of the insurance pension is carried out upon presentation of a passport or other identity document.

The pensioner independently chooses the method of receiving a pension and the organization that delivers the pension. You can receive a pension in several ways:

  • at home or independently in the Russian Post;
  • to a bank account or card;
  • through the organization of pension delivery: independently or at home.

Having chosen the method of receipt, the citizen should report his decision to the FIU department: in writing or in in electronic format.

If a pensioner, for any reason, cannot receive a pension, his legal representative (by proxy) can do this for him. If the term of the power of attorney exceeds 1 year, then the payment of the pension will be extended the entire duration of the power of attorney, however, the pensioner will have to confirm the fact of registration at the place of receipt of payment every year.


Some categories of citizens are entitled to receive an insurance pension earlier due to certain reasons or the type of work performed. The list of works, industries, professions and organizations, taking into account which is required, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Having reached the retirement age, which gives a person the right to stop working, many employees want to take a well-deserved rest. But only a few of them know how to properly apply for a pension and what documents are needed for this.

Where to start

Many citizens, in an effort to save their time when they retire, apply for this benefit not directly to the Pension Fund, but to the Multifunctional Center.

Before such an appeal, a person must officially confirm the fact that he has the opportunity to retire on or with sufficient length of service. You can get such a service only in the FIU.

The deadline for processing an application for a pension after receiving all the required documents from a citizen is 10 days. Therefore, experts recommend for the timely registration of pension payments to start collecting all the certificates a couple of months before obtaining the right to a pension.


You need to start preparing for a pension two and a half months before a person reaches retirement age. To do this, a citizen must go to the nearest division of the FIU for a consultation in order to familiarize himself with the list of documents.

You can find out the main list of documents that need to be presented to the fund by reading the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of 2002:

  1. Employment history.
  2. Applicant's passport.
  3. Income statement for any 5 years prior to 2002.
  4. Pensioner's ID.
  5. Certificate from the place of residence, which indicates the presence of registration.
  6. A diploma or other document that confirms the availability of education.
  7. Birth certificates for children.
  8. Military ID.
Important! All entries made in the work book about dismissal, employment or transfer to another place of work must be confirmed by orders.

If a person has changed his personal data - for example, a surname, then it is additionally required to provide a certificate to the FIU.

Before applying to the fund, a citizen must carefully examine all documents to make sure that the full name and any dates are spelled correctly. If discrepancies are identified, the employee must receive other documentation, where all the necessary information is reflected correctly.

In some cases, in order to obtain all the necessary documents, a citizen may need to go to court, which can significantly delay the procedure for obtaining pensions. It is for this reason that it is better to draw up documents for submission to the FIU in advance, at least 3 months before the retirement date established by law.

Download for viewing and printing:

Instructions for applying for a pension

Where to apply for a pension

According to the law, a citizen has the right to apply for a pension on any day after receiving such a right. Registration of a pension is carried out in the territorial division of the PFR, located at the place of residence, the place of residence of the citizen. Appeal to the MFC is allowed.

An application for a pension can be submitted to the Pension Fund in several ways:

  1. By personal appeal to the territorial division of the state institution.
  2. Personal appeal to the FIU by a representative of a citizen who has reached retirement age, if there are documents confirming the legality of such powers.
  3. Through your employer.
  4. Through the PFR website, which provides the service "Citizen's Personal Account".

According to the law, PFR employees have the right to accept an application for the appointment of a pension payment even before a person reaches retirement age, but a maximum of a month before he receives such a right.

Making an application

In addition to the main package of documents that are required to receive a pension, a citizen must take care of filling out a special form. The following information is included in the application:

  • Name of the applicant;
  • Details of the identity document;
  • SNILS number;
  • Information about the citizenship of the future pensioner;
  • Data on the actual place of residence of the applicant and information on his registration;
  • Reasons why a citizen is entitled to apply for payments;
  • Type of pension provision;
  • Names of documents that confirm that a citizen has the right to receive cash payments from the state;
  • Applicant's contact details.

What documents should be prepared in advance

is carried out from the day when the citizen applied to the fund for its receipt. At the same time, submitting an application to a state institution alone is not enough; a person must provide a fairly voluminous package of documents that confirm work experience and earnings.

All documents for receiving a pension are collected in advance so that the citizen has the opportunity to check the correctness of the information entered, the presence of all the necessary stamps:

  1. Application, which is drawn up on a ready-made form. This is a document of the established form, otherwise the FIU officer has the right not to accept it for consideration. Errors and blots in the application are not allowed, it is for this reason that experts recommend taking the form home in order to enter all the information into it without haste;
  2. Passport;
  3. Employment book (only the original is accepted) and additional documents that confirm the labor activity of a citizen;
  4. Wage data for any 5 years prior to 2002;
  5. SNILS duly executed;
  6. (in the presence of).

To confirm their employment, the applicant may be required to provide additional documentation - a copy of the company's registration certificate.

When changing a full name, a citizen must additionally provide supporting documents, for example, a certificate of marriage registration or termination of relations.

If the applicant wishes to receive pension payments to a bank account, he has the right to additionally provide the details of his bank card to the FIU.

Submission of documents

In order to apply for registration of pension payments, a citizen must apply to the territorial division of the PFR located at the place of his permanent or temporary registration.

On a note! In those situations where a person is registered in one city, but resides and constantly works in another, he has the right to apply to the territorial division of the state institution that is located at the place of his actual residence.

Help from an FIU officer

When submitting documents to the Pension Fund, a citizen has the right to count on receiving assistance from an employee. For example, a specialist accepting applications to the FIU is obliged to:

  1. Check the correctness of all documents, evaluate the accuracy of entering information into them, their completeness. If necessary, suggest which documents are missing.
  2. Explain how to make a request to the archival authorities. Often, the only document that allows you to clarify the real work experience of a person is an archival extract.
  3. Advise on how to make a request to a former employer to obtain confirmation of insurance experience.

What should a future pensioner do on their own

To retire, a citizen must perform a number of actions:

  1. Check the correctness of filling out the work book. This document should be free of blots and corrections, the seals should not be smeared, and all entries should be easy to read. When the owner of the book changes the last name, this information must be reflected in the document with the obligatory indication of the basis for indicating such information;
  2. Make sure all entries are correct. In practice, a situation is often encountered when, according to the records, a citizen gets a job in one company, and the record of his dismissal is certified by the seal of another company. As a rule, such inconsistencies arise in connection with the reorganization of the company, which should be recorded accordingly. In the absence of such information in the work book, the applicant must additionally provide certificates obtained from the recipient organization.
  3. Confirmation of insurance experience from wages. If a citizen sees that in his work there are no records of a certain period of labor activity, he can confirm the existence of insurance experience by contacting the organization where he worked (in this case, the period that has passed since the moment of dismissal does not matter). When liquidating a company, a citizen can apply to the archive with a request, after consulting about the availability of the documents he needs.
  4. Collect documents for the first visit to the FIU. During the first appointment, the specialist must examine all the documents and suggest whether the citizen will need to provide additional certificates and extracts to confirm his insurance experience.
    If a citizen applies to a state institution in advance, then by the time of registration of his pension, he will have collected a complete package of necessary documents, which will allow him to receive all due payments without delay.

Deadlines for filing documents and assigning pension payments

A citizen has the right to apply for a pension at any time after receiving the right to it or a maximum of a month before the appearance of such a right.

According to the requirements of the law, the territorial division of the PFR has the right to consider an application for the payment of an old-age pension within 10 days from the date of receipt of the full package of necessary documents.

Attention! The payment of an old-age insurance pension is made from the day a citizen applies for it, but not earlier than the right to such funds appears.

Differences in pensions for women and men

There is no difference in the provision of pensions for women and men. The only difference is the age at which citizens can exercise their right to rest care - 55 for women and 60 for men.

Watch a video about applying for an old-age pension

September 14, 2018, 14:47 Jan 29, 2019 21:01

Upon reaching a certain age, every Russian has the right to apply for monthly cash payments from the state. To do this, you need to collect a package of documents and submit them to the pension fund, accompanied by an application. This process is simple, however, it involves some paperwork. It is better to find out what documents are needed to apply for a pension, as well as to clarify the correctness of their preparation in advance. Experts recommend seeking advice a year before leaving for a well-deserved rest.

Where and how to apply for monthly payments

A pension can be assigned with the onset of the age established by law, for men it is 60 years, for women - fifty-five. It is recommended to submit a package of documents one month before the deadline. You need to apply for a pension at the PF department at the place of registration or residence. It is better to hand over the papers to the employees of the fund from hand to hand, although sending in electronic form is also allowed by law.

Recently, future pensioners have the opportunity to use their personal account on the official website of the Pension Fund. The service is available to residents of eighty Russian regions. Citizens registered in the database will be able to use it. Documents can also be sent by mail, by issuing a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

Russians who have left for permanent residence abroad, but retained the citizenship of the Russian Federation, are also entitled to receive monthly payments from the state if they have a length of service in Russia. They can provide the necessary papers on their own by contacting the consulate or through authorized persons directly to the pension fund. Citizens serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty must act through the administration of the colony. You must contact the department at the location of the correctional institution.

A complete list of documents for applying for an old-age pension:

  • application of the established form, on the official letterhead of the PF;
  • a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as a military ID for military personnel;
  • certificate of pension insurance;
  • employment history.

Citizens who changed their surname must provide a certificate of marriage or divorce.

Additional documents that may be required during registration:

  1. certificate of temporary registration, if you plan to receive a pension at the place of actual residence, and not where you are registered;
  2. certificate of average monthly earnings for 5 years of continuous work experience (if we are talking about the period before 2002);
  3. the entrepreneur attaches a certificate of registration of IP and TIN to the standard set of papers.

Also, along with the original documents, you must provide copies of all pages of the passport.

Applicants for a preferential pension must confirm their eligibility documented. As a rule, the work book already contains the necessary information. But in some cases, a certificate from the enterprise for the period of work in hazardous production may be required.

How additional documents are accepted: employment contract, certificate from the employer or organizations, extract from the order of employment or dismissal. It is also considered confirmation accounting statement, personal account. Since 2002, a personalized accounting system has been introduced, which contains the necessary data on legal labor activity, so there is no need to confirm the amount of earnings.

After receiving the documents, the PF employee is obliged to check their completeness, correctness of filling, and issue a receipt for receipt. An application form for accruing a pension can be obtained from employees of the pension fund department or downloaded on the official website. It must be filled in legibly and without blots, so it's best to do it at home.

The application form can also be downloaded.

How to avoid problems when accepting documents

It is better to prepare all the necessary papers for retirement in advance. Doing it yourself is not that difficult. First of all, it is necessary to check the correctness of filling out the work book. Amendments, blots, vague, fuzzy printing or inconsistency in order numbers is a violation. If the enterprise was reorganized, then this should be evidenced by a record of the established form. If these violations are found, in addition to standard papers, archival certificates or other papers will be required that confirm work in this organization for a specified period of time.

Citizens who were not officially employed or did not work for a long time, the state provides the right to receive minimum social benefits. To do this, it is enough to have at least 5 years of continuous experience. For the period up to 2002, they will need documents for applying for an old-age pension and additional archival certificates from the enterprise on the amount of wages. In order to receive your pension on time, it is better to take care of it in advance.

How to confirm seniority if the company no longer exists

The amount of wages in a particular organization is confirmed by an agreement with the employer or a certificate from the archives of the enterprise. The required document is sent at your request, which is drawn up in free form, as an application asking for information on the amount of salary for the specified period.

To facilitate the search for personnel officers, you must indicate the dates of admission and dismissal, as well as the position held, or attach a copy of your work book. If the enterprise has ceased operations, you will have to apply for a certificate to the federal, city, regional or municipal archive, depending on who the institution was subordinate to.

You can also get confirmation through the court. They resort to at least if the documents are not preserved. As confirmation, the judge accepts the evidence of at least two colleagues who have the necessary papers confirming their labor activity in this organization. After consideration of the case, a court decision is provided instead of a certificate to the pension fund.

What documents are needed to apply for early retirement?

In the conditions of a difficult economic situation, many Russian citizens found themselves outside the threshold of their native enterprise several years before going on a well-deserved rest. Specialists in this age category rarely find a new job and are forced to live on welfare. For such cases, the law provides for early receipt of pension payments. The right can be used by citizens dismissed due to reduction or as a result of the liquidation of the enterprise. Wherein the following conditions are required:

  1. Official recognition of a citizen as unemployed.
  2. Impossibility of employment through the employment service.
  3. Minimum work experience required for retirement.
  4. Reaching the age of 53 for women and 57 for men.

In order to exercise his right, a citizen must notify the employment service of his intentions, specifying what documents are needed for a pension, and receive a referral. Then it is necessary to provide the PF with a standard package of documents, attaching to them a referral from the employment service. Each candidate is considered on an individual basis. Employees of the Pension Fund are required to notify the employment service of the results.

The term for accruing a pension after the submission of documents is regulated by law and cannot be changed. The duration of consideration of the application is 10 days. If additional certificates or extracts are required, the future pensioner is given 3 months to receive them and submit them to the pension fund. After this time, the calculation is made according to existing documents.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Over the past year, the number of applications from the elderly has increased significantly in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation due to the collection of documents for increasing pensions for children. Such excitement was justified. The elderly in Russia have financial difficulties. This is due to the general state of affairs in the socio-economic sphere in the Russian Federation.

What the latest news says

Elderly people are entitled not to a one-time, but to a monthly allowance for children. To receive such funds, certain conditions must be met. The first condition is that the female person retired before 2015. In this case, it was necessary to have several maternity leaves, which were not previously taken into account for calculating pensions. In the second state of affairs, a person of advanced age must have a dependent child who has not reached the age of majority. Such pensioners are entitled to receive additional payments.

When assigning a social payment in 2015, there is no need to submit an application for recalculation of the pension. There have been changes in Russian legislation regarding the periods that were included in. So a citizen who cared for a child now has the opportunity to increase the unaccounted period by 6 years for all persons under the age of majority.

The time spent on maternity leave will be counted in points. Previously, the legislation provided for the inclusion of this time in the length of service; it did not affect the size of the old-age pension.

Points are awarded for maternity leave

Documents for an increase in pension for children

Consider the question of what documents are needed in the Pension Fund to increase the pension. To receive additional payments for children, you must provide a package of the following information:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a statement measuring the pension increase;
  • birth certificate of one or more children.

Officials also have the right to demand documents on the absence of a similar recalculation from the spouse of the applicant, it is possible to request the degree of labor activity of children, certificates from their place of study. Sometimes information about the presence of a disability group is required.

Please note that before going to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you need to make copies of all documents.

In connection with changes in Russian legislation, namely, the assessment of the insurance period in points, the amount of the pension may be increased. At the same time, the applicant's work experience will be less. This method of recalculation is beneficial for females who went on maternity leave before their first official place of work.

For example, it could be carried out while studying at a higher educational institution. Another profitable option may turn out to be for people who had a low salary during their working life.

Pension recalculation

For citizens who doubt such a procedure, you can get advice from officials at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The supplement to the pension is based on the number of children, the amount of wages for the period under review in the total length of service. Also, the amount of pension payments may be affected by the right to early registration and the place of residence of a citizen. In rural areas, additional benefits are provided. All have an individual character.

You can find out from officials what documents are needed to increase the pension for children. The Pension Fund provides information according to the specified list on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or directly on the spot with the employees of the institution.