Disability pension: the amount of payments. State pension A disabled person has the right to choose

A disability pension is called a state social payment, it is due to people who, in whole or in part, cannot be considered able-bodied. This fact must be confirmed on the basis of medical and social expertise. After it, the group is assigned and disability provision is made. It has enormous social significance. Helps people who have injuries or illnesses that prevent them from leading a normal life and work, provide for their livelihoods, develop, carry out rehabilitation procedures and adapt to limited living conditions.

The amount of pension for disabled people of different groups

The allowance is regulated by the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 213, in accordance with which the monthly payment is calculated, as well as state benefits, the possibility of their monetization. In 2019, they are calculated according to the schemes presented below, for each category, respectively.

1 group

Disabled 1 gr. persons are recognized as completely disabled, who need constant care, unable to work in a team, responsible for their actions and deeds. Perhaps the appointment is untimely for people whose conditions are recognized as incurable, or negatively progressing. There are also diseases in which disability is assigned for a period of 2 years.

In 2019, the average amount of benefits for 1 gr. is set at 10668.38 rubles. This indicator is minimal. For each region, an individual regional coefficient is assigned, on the basis of which funds are calculated. In addition to this amount, the recipients are paid an additional UDV of 3,750.30 rubles.

Additionally, there is a supplement for dependents, monetization of benefits and reimbursement of expenses for medicines and rehabilitation equipment, which are prescribed by the attending physician.

2 groups

Disabled 2 gr. citizens with disabilities who have temporarily lost their ability to work, requiring special working conditions and organization of the workplace can be considered. People suffering from oncological diseases, visual impairments, brain diseases, insufficiency of vital organs, pulmonary system and others are included.

Monthly payments can be calculated by choice, based on a fixed amount of social benefits or calculated as insurance (according to the formula below). The condition for obtaining is a work experience of at least 1 working day. Expect for 12 months, after which a re-examination is required.

The size of the pension for the 2nd group of disability is 5334.19 rubles. The exception is the disabled since childhood. They are paid 10,068.53 rubles.

It is impossible to receive both benefits, except for the cases prescribed in the Federal Law “On Social Assistance to the Disabled”. The categories of citizens who can count on receiving social and insurance benefits include:
  • veterans of the Blockade;
  • soldiers who were injured in the service;
  • some participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • astronauts;
  • refugees from radiation zones who received radiation.

Insurance is calculated according to the formula below.

EDV is fixed and added to the amount of social benefits. In 2019, they pay 2678.31 rubles.

3 groups

Citizens who cannot work in their profession, due to their state of health, have the opportunity to be employed in lighter industries or, if special working conditions are provided, they can receive 3 gr. disability.

In this case, a person has the right to choose whether he will be assigned a social pension and EDV, or insurance and what they pay extra for unused benefits.

The appointment of a social disability pension is fixed and amounts to 2667.09 rubles. To this amount is added monthly UDV in the amount of 2,144 rubles.

Calculation rules

The payment of an insurance pension for disability depends on the length of service and the capital accumulated over the years of work, the recipient's capital. The calculation is made according to the formula:

TPPI \u003d PC / (T x K) + B, where

PC - pension capital, its size can be individually found in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is calculated based on the amount of capital on the date from which it is planned to start the payment. Capital is accrued from taxes paid on wages.

T - the time that is supposed to pay the old-age insurance benefit, since 2013 is 228 months = 19 years.

K is the proportional ratio of the insurance period to 180 months. He can't be anymore. Accordingly, the coefficient will either be equal to or less than it.

B - the basic amount of disability benefits corresponding to gr. (for example, the minimum base rate for a single disabled person without a dependent is 2402.56 rubles).

For example, Lyubov Grigoryevna issued an insurance pension for disability 3 gr., Having accumulated capital in the amount of 400,000 rubles. Her work experience is 180 months (coefficient 1). She is single, has no dependents, respectively, the basic amount of the insurance payment is 2402.56 rubles.

The monthly payment under these conditions will be equal to: 400,000/(228*1) + 2402.56. As a result, Lyubov Grigoryevna will receive monthly 4156.38 rubles and a single monthly income of the third disability group.

You can also use an online calculator to calculate. You can find it on the official website of the FIU. The calculator will help you figure out what kind of pension people with disabilities receive, what it consists of and calculate the amount.

How to receive

Without bureaucratic procedures now nowhere. Therefore, in order to assign a disability pension, you must confirm your status, undergo a medical examination and register with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Procedure for receiving payments to the disabled:

  1. The first step is to contact the local therapist or the attending physician. He is obliged to issue a referral for examination, certificate 0-86\U-06.
  2. To pass the examination, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and collect evidence of disability.
  3. With medical indications, certificates, other documents, you must contact the local social and medical examination and prove the inability to provide for yourself, work and lead a normal life. At this stage, a group is established, the relevant papers are provided.
  4. After passing the examination, a certificate of incapacity for work will be in hand. With it you need to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Annually it is required to confirm the status, to undergo re-examination. For the first group, this procedure is repeated every two years or completely removed in case of futility (absence of a limb, incurable diseases).

Relatives can collect and submit documents by proxy from the patient. In addition to calculating a pension, a disabled person is assigned an individual rehabilitation plan, technical means for ensuring life, adaptation, and positive dynamics of the disease. Including undergoing treatment in sanatoriums, equipment for the room, a wheelchair, etc. (depending on the group).

Required documents (+ sample applications)

Documents to be submitted for 2019:

  • application for the need to receive social benefits;
  • an identity document with a residence permit-confirmation of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • for foreigners: residence permit and registration in the Russian Federation;
  • pension certificate;
  • work book or contract from the previous place of work (from all, if there were more than one, stamps from each must be affixed);
  • the conclusion of the SME on the recognition of incapacity for work, the establishment of a group;
  • if available: collective farmer's certificate or military ID.

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Also, the Pension Fund of Russia may require additional documents for the assignment of benefits. To reduce the time of registration and consideration of the application, it is better to provide them immediately:

  • certificate from the Tax Service at the place of residence: 2-NDFL;
  • from the housing department about the composition of the family;
  • birth certificate of minor children (or if the disabled person himself has not reached the age of majority);
  • on the presence of dependents;
  • civil law contract, contracts from the current place of work, municipal authorities to receive benefits for paying utility bills.

Competent authorities

The main competent authorities for the appointment of a disabled pension are now a medical and social examination, based on the decision of which disability will be established, as well as the relevance of receiving social benefits by a person.

With the decision of this service and a package of documents, you must contact the Pension Fund at the place of residence. It is there that a pension case will be opened, the amount of security will be assigned, the monthly payment of funds will be made, and additional information will be provided.

You can contact the SME only on the basis of a referral from the attending physician, therefore, medical services will become the first competent authority where you should contact for subsequent paperwork.

Types of disability pensions

In Russia, people with disabilities who cannot provide for themselves are entitled to three types of benefits. To obtain them, you must prove compliance with certain conditions. It happens that a person can choose what type of social payments he will receive. This happens when the group, as well as the conditions for obtaining, match the criteria with several species at the same time.


All persons with disabilities are entitled to cash payments. Including those who do not have work experience, children who were injured upon reaching 18 years of age. Also, social benefits can be received by those people who have a short working period and the amount of the insurance pension is too small. At their choice, they can apply for the minimum security according to the regulations.


Such provision can be received by people who have work experience. The pension is calculated taking into account the accumulated amount of insurance premiums. In this case, the calculation will be made based on the total number of accumulated contributions, taking into account the expected period of receipt of funds from the state budget. A person has the right to refuse to receive a labor pension in favor of a social one, if its amount is higher.

To be appointed, several prerequisites must be met:

  • had a work experience of 1 day or more;
  • disability of the 1st degree (complete loss of working capacity);
  • the injury is not related to criminal activity.

To increase the allowance, documents on dependents can be provided (provided individually for each minor family member).

To increase, it is possible to use the monetization of benefits offered by the state. To do this, you need to submit an application to the FIU with a request to recalculate the entitlement privileges and add the amount to monthly payments.


UDV is called the monthly cash supplement to the disability pension. Replaces the social benefits that a disabled person is entitled to receive according to the relevant group. The EDV will consist of several parts. By his own decision, a citizen has the right to receive financial security in full or in part.

EDV is different for each category of privileged citizens. If a person falls under several of them, then he can choose for himself which EDV he will receive. You can choose the highest payout.

The EDV is made up of:

  • repayment of the amount of medicines prescribed by the attending physician (50-100%);
  • free travel in public transport;
  • sanatorium treatment;

You can refuse any allowance to receive it in kind.

Pension reform 2018-2019

The sensational pension reform of 2018-2019 will only indirectly affect privileged categories of citizens. For the disabled 1 gr. pension will not be increased. They will be able to recalculate by age according to the current law, so you should not worry ahead of time.

The increase in working years for citizens has made it possible to significantly save PFR funds, which will be used to increase social benefits for disabled people and active pensioners. The minimum amount in 2019 will be 12,730 rubles for 1 gr., 10,609 rubles, as well as 5,304 in the ratio for 2 and 3 gr. It is also planned to increase the CEV by more than 4.1%, which will exceed the amount of annual inflation. How much this percentage will be exactly is still a question. Amendments to 181 FZ will be made by February next year. At the same time, recalculation will be made, so at the beginning of the month, pensioners will see changes in financial security.

According to available information, the law will also be amended: pensioners of 3 gr., as well as persons who have reached the elderly age, will be charged an allowance if the benefits are less than the minimum wage of the region of residence or the average for the country. In the Moscow region this figure is the highest, provision for pensioners will reach the same level.


In 2019, a significant increase in payments to the disabled category of citizens is planned. Funds from the state budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are aimed at improving the living conditions of the privileged segments of the population. It is also planned to increase subsidies, which can also be monetized, receive compensation for equipment and funds for rehabilitation. The question of the exact size is still under discussion by the authorities.

The minimum amount of funds paid for disabled citizens will be in relation to the regional subsistence minimum, how much exactly it will be is still unknown. Getting benefits won't get easier. All bureaucratic procedures will remain the same, except for the opportunity to make an appointment with a doctor, as well as in the SME and Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the website of public services.

For each individual region, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation pays additional amounts of assistance. You can find out how a disability pension and additional payments in your area are assigned on the official website of the department. The latest news, legislative acts, lists of documents, changes in charges, regional subsidies and their size are also published there.

Certain categories of Russians who have health problems that led to the assignment of a disability group are entitled to a state disability pension. Who is entitled to it, how it is issued and how much it is, is discussed below.

State disability pension - what is it, what regulation regulates it, who is entitled to it

Russians who, in accordance with the established procedure, are recognized as disabled, that is, persons with health disorders and a persistent disorder of vital functions, which are the consequences of an illness or injury, which cause restrictions on life activity and the need for social protection, are entitled to receive one (or several at the same time) of the following pensions:

  • state.

The State Disability Pension is a state payment assigned to support certain categories of disabled people and ensure their vital needs.

The right to it, as well as the algorithm for its appointment and payment, are regulated by the Federal Law of 15.12. 2001 No. 166.

The recipients of the disability pension under the state pension provision include the following categories:

Conditions for granting a state disability pension

A state disability pension is due to military personnel if the disability:

  • acquired during service.
  • came no later than a quarter after dismissal from service;
  • came later than a quarter after the dismissal from the service, but was the result of an injury received on it or an illness.

When assigning a state pension to the second and third categories of persons, neither the group of their disability nor the reason for receiving it is taken into account. However, if the disability was the result of illegal acts or intentional infliction by a participant in the Great Patriotic War or a resident of besieged Leningrad, or by other categories of harm to health indicated above, they are entitled to a social pension.

Citizens who became disabled as a result of the Chernobyl or other catastrophe are granted a state pension if they have at least one day of work experience.

When calculating pension payments to cosmonauts, the length of service does not matter.

The state pension is assigned:

  • for the period of disability determined by the ITU;
  • for life with re-examination upon application - disabled people over 60 years old (men) and over 55 years old (women).

Missing the deadline for re-examination is fraught with the suspension of the payment of pension funds to a disabled person, and the revision of the disability group entails a change in their volume.

The amount of the state disability pension in 2018

Factors affecting the amount of disability state pension:

  • category of recipient of pension payments;
  • group and cause of disability;
  • dependents in care;
  • the amount of the social pension (since the state pension is calculated as a percentage of it);
  • place of residence;
  • indexing.

The amount of the state pension, taking into account them, is given in the table:

Category of pension recipient Additional terms Disability group % of the amount of social pension
1. Military personnel Cause of disability - military injury 1 300
2 250
3 175
The cause of disability is a disease suffered during service 1 250
2 200
3 150
2. Residents of besieged Leningrad X 1 200
2 150
3 100
3. Participants of the Great Patriotic War X 1 250
2 200
3 150
4. Victims of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant X 1 250
2 similarly 1 gr.
3 125
5. Astronauts X 1 85% of the monetary allowance provided for by the Regulation approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 1993 No. 455
2 similarly 1 gr.
3 50% cash allowance

If a disabled person maintains disabled dependents, the basic amount of social pension required for calculating state payments is increased by 1,653.28 rubles. (for each of those, but no more than 3 people are taken into account).

If a disabled person receiving a state pension lives in or equivalent areas, the amount of the pension is increased by the regional coefficient (the value of which varies from 1.15 to 2).

Moving a disabled person to areas with normal climatic conditions determines the amount of the state pension without taking into account this coefficient.

Indexation of the state disability pension in 2018

April 1 took place, which is the basis for calculating disability state pensions. Now its size will be:

  • 12577.42 rubles instead of 12082.06 rubles - for disabled people of the 1st group;
  • 5240.65 rubles instead of 5025.34 rubles - for disabled people of the 2nd group;
  • 4454.58 rubles instead of 4279.14 rubles - for disabled people of the 3rd group.

The size of the state pension, determined as a percentage of social payments, also increased automatically.

Registration of the state disability pension

The state pension for disability is not calculated automatically.

In order to receive it, you should apply to the appropriate authority with an application, an internal passport and a set of documents, the main among which is a document certifying the status of a disabled person. For each of the groups of pension recipients, it is different. It could be:

  • certificate of disability;
  • extract from the certificate of examination in the ITU institution;
  • certificate of a subject who has undergone radiation sickness or other diseases caused by radiation exposure, and who has become disabled as a result;
  • , which indicates the fact of work in the zone of radioactive contamination;
  • certificates of a participant in the war or a veteran of the Great Patriotic War;
  • military tickets, certificates of commissariats, military units.

Documents attached:

  • about disabled dependents;
  • on actual residence in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • about the residence of a Russian outside the Russian Federation.

According to the order of the FSB of Russia dated May 1, 2003 No. 302, former employees of the service submit an application along with:

  • calculation of seniority;
  • an extract from the dismissal orders;
  • paybook;
  • the conclusion of the TsVVK of the FSB of Russia, a certificate of illness, a certificate of health of the dismissed person;
  • an extract from the certificate of examination in the ITU institution about the disability group.

Thus, the package of documents attached to the application for granting a state disability pension depends on the category of the person applying for the pension.

The application form is freely available online. The form is also provided by the employees of the FIU department.

It states:

Papers should be submitted to the territorial office of the Pension Fund or to the multifunctional center of public services (MFC) at the place:

  • residence;
  • stay;
  • actual residence.

You can do this:

  • personally;
  • through an attorney;
  • via mail.

Depending on the method of submitting an application for the appointment of a disability state pension, the day for applying for a pension will differ. When submitting an application by mail, the date indicated on the postmark at the place where the application was sent will be considered as such, if submitted through the MFC - the date the application was received by the employee.

Deadlines for the appointment of a state pension and its payment

These funds are assigned from the beginning of the month when a disabled person applies for them, but not earlier than the day the rights to it arise, but are paid monthly.

The disabled person has the right to choose:

  • an organization delivering a disability pension;
  • way to get it.

The state pension can be received through:

  • mail of Russia (at the post office at the place of residence or at home);
  • bank (at the cash desk of a branch or to a bank card without deducting a commission for bank services);

In this case, the date of crediting pension funds to the account is the day they are received from the territorial body of the PFR.

  • organization delivering the pension (at home or in its office).

Their exhaustive list is presented on the website of the territorial body of the PFR.

In addition, an attorney named in the power of attorney may receive funds for a disabled person. If it is long-term, the pension is paid throughout the entire period, but on the condition that the disabled person annually confirms the fact of registration at the place of receipt of the state pension.

The method of delivery of funds (or its change) must be reported to the territorial body of the PFR.

If funds are not received within six months, their payment is suspended. To renew it, you must write an application to the FIU.

Receipt of two pensions for the disabled

In addition to the disability pension under the state pension provision, the above-mentioned categories of citizens, having reached the age specified by law, having gained experience and pension points, are also entitled to apply for insurance. Registration is also carried out through the FIU in the presence of supporting documents.

Calculation examples

  1. Citizen Suvorov I.V. has a 2nd disability group, received as a result of a military injury. There are no dependents. How much will his state disability pension be?

The size of the state disability pension Suvorova I.V. – 250% of the social pension. Therefore, it will be:

5240.65 rubles x 250% = 13101.63 rubles

  1. Citizen Suvorov I.V. has a 2nd disability group, received as a result of a military injury. Two dependents. How much will his state disability pension be?

(5240.65 rubles + 1653.28 rubles x 2 people) x 250% = 21368.03 rubles

  1. Citizen Suvorov I.V. has a 2nd disability group, received as a result of a military injury and lives in Murmansk. There are no dependents. The northern coefficient is 1.4. How much will his state disability pension be?

The amount of the state disability pension:

5240.65 rubles x 250% x 1.4 = 18342.28 rubles

  1. Citizen Suvorov I.V. - a former soldier who received an injury resulting in disability while participating in hostilities in Chechnya. Should he get a pension increase?

Yes, seniority pensions granted to persons with disabilities who became such as a result of a military injury are increased by the amount of the minimum disability pension (Article 106 of the Law of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1).

The most common form of state pension payments is associated with a person reaching a certain age when he can "go on a well-deserved rest." The disability pension has a different specificity - this payment is received by those who, due to their physical indicators, are often unable to work, which is confirmed by the relevant document - an act of medical and social examination. However, disability does not necessarily mean a lack of employment. Many people with disabilities can work very successfully and efficiently.

What is a disability pension

In accordance with the definition of current legislation, a disabled person is a person who has a health disorder and impaired body functions due to a disease, defect or injury that limits his life. Disability is established by the federal department of medical and social expertise (ITU), appointing the first, second or third group. A recognized disabled person is entitled to state monthly payments, which are assigned to citizens by the Pension Fund of Russia.

Types of disability pensions

Pension legislation distinguishes three types of disability pensions:

  • Insurance - obtaining this type of security implies that by the time of the onset of disability, the person had a seniority. At the same time, the cause of disability and the moment of its onset, as well as the duration of the working biography, do not matter. If in order to establish state insurance benefits in the usual form, it is necessary to reach the retirement age, then this is not necessary.
  • Social - is assigned to disabled children, disabled children, and representatives of groups I, II and III who do not have work experience.
  • State - it is assigned to the military, astronauts and liquidators of man-made disasters who have been injured and seriously ill as a result of the performance of official duties. This also includes participants in the Great Patriotic War and residents of besieged Leningrad.

The amount of the disability pension

Depending on the assigned group and other factors, the amount of state pension payments varies, so more information is needed to answer the question of how much they pay for disability. According to their tariffs, they will receive benefits: a child with cerebral palsy (13,560.15 rubles) or a military pensioner with a length of service who is seriously wounded in combat operations (28,830.66 rubles).

For recipients of insurance pensions, in addition to fixed payments, in some cases, supplements are charged (for family members with disabilities, etc.), which significantly increase the final result. In its pure form, the dimensions of the base part from February 1, 2017 are:

  • For group I - 9,610.22 rubles / month.
  • For group II - 4,805.11 rubles / month.
  • For group III - 2,402.56 rubles / month.

The amount of social pensions also differs depending on the category of recipients:

  • For group I - 10,068.53 rubles / month.
  • For group II - 5,034.25 rubles / month.
  • For group III - 4279.14 rubles / month.

Minimum disability pension

The structure of the state insurance payable consists of two parts, and although payments are made in total, they can be decomposed into separate components. In this case, the base part represents the minimum amount that a person can receive without additional surcharges (for example, if he has a very small work experience and he is not entitled to anything else). In such cases, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of a social pension - this is allowed by law.


In addition to the insurance part in the presence of seniority, the total amount of pension provision for an individual may be supplemented by other allowances. These can be monthly cash transfers (MU) that are received by those who have refused a set of social services in kind. The main directions included in the TCU, which can pay in the form of a financial equivalent, are as follows:

  • provision of necessary medicines and medical devices;
  • sanatorium-resort provision with vouchers to health-improving institutions;
  • free transportation to and from the place of treatment.

How to issue

In order to apply for state social security, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Obtain an official disability certificate. This process is carried out by the federal structures of the ITU, with their help the category of a pensioner is established.
  2. Gather a package of documents and prepare an application.
  3. Provide the necessary papers to the Pension Fund (persons who have gone abroad or do not have registration should contact the central office at the address - Moscow, Shabolovka, 4).
  4. The deadline for registration is 10 days from the date of submission of the full package of documents, and the pension for the disabled will be considered from the date of application.

Conditions for granting a disability insurance pension

If to receive social state security, it is enough that the disability is established, then for the calculation of payments under the insurance scheme, the length of service is mandatory (at the same time, this type of pension is established regardless of the duration of the work activity). In addition, this pension option will depend on the size of the fixed payment, which is influenced by the following factors:

  • I, II or III group of disabilities assigned to a citizen;
  • the presence of dependents (disabled family members);
  • duration of labor activity in the regions of the Far North.


The list of documents that you submit to the Pension Fund must include:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • passport;
  • ITU act;
  • SNILS;
  • a work book or an agreement with the employer confirming the duration of the insurance period (not necessary for the social option).

How is disability pension calculated?

For an example, see how to calculate the amount of a disability payment, if you have an insurance period. When calculating, a special pension coefficient is used, which is formed due to seniority and transfers to the Pension Fund. The basic formula looks like RP = MF + FS, where:

  • RP - pension amount;
  • MF - insurance part;
  • FS is a fixed amount.

In this case, MF \u003d PC x SB, in this formula:

  • PC - the amount of accumulated pension coefficients;
  • SB - the cost of one point (in 2019 - 78.28 rubles).

This can be seen in a specific example: the cause of disability of group I for a person with 10 years of insurance experience is an industrial injury. It is necessary to calculate the amount of the state payment if the total score is 27.6. Substitute the values ​​and find out how much you have to pay:

  • MF \u003d 78.28 rubles. x 27.6 = 2160.53 p.
  • Since the fixed state payment for group I is known, then RP = 9610.22 rubles. + 2160.53 rubles = 11770.75 rubles.

How is it calculated

The social security of the disabled in Russia, in addition to state payments calculated for different categories of pensioners, also provides for indexation coefficients in order to keep up with the level of inflation. For example, from February 1, 2017, the insurance pension and the fixed payment to it were indexed by 5.4%, increasing this disability benefit for socially unprotected segments of the population.

Suspension and termination of payment

The legislation analyzes in detail the cases when the provision of pensions for persons with disabilities may be limited. The payment of the assigned pension is suspended until the situation is clarified or the interfering circumstances are eliminated in the following cases:

  • if social security is not received for six consecutive months;
  • when within three months, a disabled person does not come for a scheduled re-examination;
  • when a pensioner leaves for a permanent place of residence in a foreign state.

The pension is terminated if:

  • the recipient dies;
  • a period of more than six months passes from the date of suspension of extradition and the situation is not resolved;
  • in case of loss of the right to the assigned security;
  • when a disabled person reaches the age, for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension.

Pension for disabled children

This category includes children under 18 years of age with diseases and disabilities that interfere with normal life. Their pension provision can be called high (over 13.5 thousand rubles), compared with other categories of disabled people. In addition, the families of such children are also entitled to significant benefits (for example, they do not have payment for preschool institutions).


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The procedure for appointment, amount and calculation procedure is regulated by Federal Law No. 166 "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation", one type of which is a disability pension.

The legal provisions of the above law clearly define those who have the right to establish this type of pension payment, which is calculated based on the category of pensioner, as a percentage of the amount of social pension and, therefore, this type of payment is made April 1.

  • The size of the pension of federal employees and cosmonauts varies depending on the salary paid in the positions they held before retirement.
  • The procedure for establishing disability pensions for military personnel who served under a contract is established by a separate law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 dated 12/12/1993.

If the right to a disability pension arises, citizens can, without any time restrictions, to the territorial body of the Pension Fund, and military personnel to their personnel service, with an appropriate application, by submitting a package of necessary documents.

Types of state pensions

The existing types of state pension provision, indicated in Article 5 of the Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001, can be assigned to certain categories of citizens, subject to a number of conditions.

TO certain types state pensions include:

State social security pension is assigned, disabled people of 1, 2 and 3 groups, including those disabled since childhood (clause 1, clause 1 and 2 of Article 11 of the Federal Law No. 166).

Conditions for the appointment of a pension

To qualify for a disability pension, the following conditions must be met:

  1. For military personnel who served in the military as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen:
    • the onset of disability during the service;
    • the onset of disability within three months after its completion;
    • the onset of disability later, but as a result of a concussion, injury or disease acquired during service.
  2. For citizens who suffered from the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, as well as as a result of other radiation and man-made accidents:
    • establishment of 1, 2 or 3 disability groups in connection with the consequences of a radiation or man-made accident;
    • having work experience.
  3. For participants of the Second World War and blockade:
    • the presence of a disability, regardless of the group and the cause of its occurrence.
  4. For citizens from among the astronauts:
    • the establishment of any group of disability received during the performance of official duties in the performance of space and training flights, regardless of the duration of work (length of service).

The exception is cases of disability as a result of any unlawful acts or deliberate infliction of damage to one's body (suicide attempts, crossbows, etc.), in which a social old-age pension is established.

Features of the appointment of military personnel who have become disabled

For military personnel whose disability occurred during their service in the Ministry of Defense or other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, the appointment of pensions is made on the basis of the conditions established by the Law of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993 No. 4468-1.

Military personnel who have received a disability are divided into two categories:

  • Disabled due to receiving military injury- those who became disabled as a result of illness, concussion, injury or injury received during participation in clashes at the front, on the territory of other states, while in captivity or in the performance of other official duties.
  • Disabled due to illness received during military service - became disabled as a result of an illness or injury not related to the performance of official duties.

The connection between the performance by a soldier of his official duties and the injury or disease received is determined by the district military medical commission. The conclusion of the VVK may be appealed in court.

For officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and employees of the "power" departments of the Russian Federation, the amount of the disability pension is established by Art. 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 dated February 12, 1993 as a percentage of cash allowance:

  1. disabled due to military injury:
    • 1 and 2 groups - 85%;
    • 3 groups - 50%.
  2. disabled due to illness:
    • 1 and 2 groups - 75%
    • 3 groups - 40

Sizes of disability pensions for victims of man-made and radiation accidents in relation to social pensions:

  • group 1 - 250%;
  • group 2 - 250%;
  • Group 3 - 250% - 125%.

The pension to the participants of the War and the blockade is calculated in percentage of social pension(from April 1, 2018 it is 5240.65 rubles).

disability pension cosmonauts calculated based on the size of their DD:

  • Disabled people of groups 1 and 2 - 85%;
  • Disabled people of the 3rd group - 50%.

Conditions for increasing the amount of payments

In the event that the medical and social examination (ITU) or the medical consulting commission (MCC) has decided to changing the pensioner's disability group, then the amount of the pension payment will also be changed (in accordance with the values ​​given above).

The amount of state disability payments for residents of the RCS, as well as in areas with severe climatic conditions, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, are subject to an increase by district coefficient established for the period of residence in them.

When a citizen moves from these areas to a new place of residence, the payment of the district coefficient is terminated.

Indexation of state pensions takes place in accordance with the requirements of Article 25 of the Federal Law No. 166 of December 15, 2001, 1 April annually.

The exception is payments for federal employees, cosmonauts and the military, which are indexed with an increase in the amount of monetary allowance. If there was no increase in wages during the year, then from January 1 of the next year, these pensions are recalculated in an amount equal to the amount of indexation of the social pension.

When and where to apply for an appointment?

You can apply for a state disability pension Anytime after acquiring the right to appoint her. No time limit treatment is not provided for in the current legislation.

An application for the appointment of this type of pension should be applied to the branch Pension Fund or MFC if with him, the local unit of the FIU has an agreement on cooperation.

A citizen can apply in the following ways:

  • personally, by contacting the FIU department;
  • through a trustee, duly issuing a power of attorney;
  • send an application through the Russian Post;
  • send in electronic form, through the "Personal Account".

Terms of application and required documents

The appointment of a state pension provision is always happens from the 1st of the month in which the corresponding declarative appeal of the citizen took place, but not earlier than the day on which the right to it arose.

Documents that must be submitted:

  1. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a registration mark;
  2. application for a disability pension;
  3. a package of documents depending on the category of the recipient.

Comprehensive information on the contents of the package of necessary documents can only be obtained by personally contacting the specialists of the Pension Fund for advice, and this must be done in advance in order to be able to submit the missing certificates, clarifying documents and conclusions, which will allow you to make an appointment and calculation without delay pension payment.

For military personnel, in accordance with the content of Article 53 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1, a disability pension is established from the date of dismissal from the service, but not earlier than the day before which the allowance had already been paid.

In the event that the disability of a serviceman has been established after three months after dismissal, the payment of pension maintenance is carried out from the date of establishment of disability.

The right to choose a pension or receive 2 at the same time

Right to simultaneous receipt The following categories of citizens can use the state disability pension and the old-age insurance pension:

  • citizens who have been diagnosed with a disability due to a military injury;
  • participants in the Second World War, referred to in paragraphs. "a" - "g" and "and" paragraph 1 of Art. 2 Federal Law "About Veterans" dated January 12, 1995 (as amended on 07/03/16), and recognized as disabled;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad recognized as disabled, awarded with an appropriate commemorative badge;
  • cosmonauts who have been diagnosed as disabled as a result of a concussion, injury, injury or disease associated with the performance of a flight mission or preparation for it.

Citizens affected by the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, as well as other radiation and man-made disasters, recognized as disabled and receiving a state disability pension, when they reach the age that gives them the right to receive an old-age insurance pension, have a choice type of pension.