Pensions for future pensioners. Future pensioners will receive support from the state Non-state additional pension provision

For old age, using the new PFR 2019 online calculator. Our pension calculator for those retiring in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and beyond will help you calculate your future pension using reliable data taken from the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia.

It should be taken into account that these calculation results are purely conditional., therefore, they should not be taken as the real size of the future pension. For its exact calculation, in any case, you should contact the Pension Fund at the place of registration.

Attention readers! Before proceeding with the calculation of the future pension in the online pension calculator, in order to fully understand its formation, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this material.

Below we have prepared the most up-to-date information to date and even provided a number of simple examples of self-calculation especially for those who do not believe in “machines”!

Male Female

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Please select your rate.

Please enter your gender.

By law, citizens born in 1966 and older do not form pension savings.

Enter a different value for your seniority.

Please enter your year of birth.

In accordance with the data you entered, your length of service is , the number of pension points is . From 2025, the minimum total length of service for receiving an old-age pension is 15 years. The minimum number of coefficients earned for assigning a pension is 30. If in the answers to the questions you indicated less than 15 years of experience or the number of coefficients collected does not reach 30, then you will be assigned a social old-age pension: for women at 60 years old, for men at 65 years old. Social old-age pension today is 4959.85 rubles per month. In addition, you will receive a social supplement to your pension up to the subsistence level of a pensioner in your region of residence.

In accordance with the data entered for you, your length of service is , the number of pension points is . You do not have enough pension coefficients or length of service to qualify for an old-age insurance pension. From 2025, the minimum total length of service for receiving an old-age pension is 15 years. The minimum number of coefficients earned for assigning a pension is 30. If in the answers to the questions you indicated less than 15 years of experience or the number of coefficients collected does not reach 30, then you will be assigned a social old-age pension: for women at 60 years old, for men at 65 years old. Social old-age pension today is 4959.85 rubles per month. In addition, you will receive a social supplement to your pension up to the subsistence level of a pensioner in your region of residence.

If you want to receive a higher pension, revise your life plans so that you have been working for 15 years or more and in the end you can earn at least 30 pension factors.

Please check that the form is filled out correctly. The number of years of combining activities as a self-employed citizen and an employee cannot exceed the number of years of minimum work experience specified in each type of activity separately.

If you want to receive a higher pension, revise your life plans so that you have been working for 15 years or more and in the end you can earn at least 30 pension factors.

Sorry, the calculator is not designed to calculate the amount of pensions for current pensioners, citizens who have less than 3-5 years left before retirement.

How to calculate pension using the new pension calculator?

Our pension calculator has all the information about the length of service and earned points. You will only need to add the current data that has not yet entered the database. In addition, we have up-to-date information on FV And StIPK, as well as numerous tips to help you enter information correctly.

After entering the information, it remains only to click on the button "Calculate"- and you will get a much more accurate version of your expected pension. A very useful thing for future pensioners!

You should be aware that this online pension calculator is NOT applicable to military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies who do not have insurance experience as employees in positions not related to military service.

The pension strategy of Russia remained the same, only the component had to be temporarily turned off. It has not gone away, but will be in a frozen state until approximately 2020.

By default, all citizens of the Russian Federation are participants in the distribution system for this period, and all contributions go to it. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is balanced by revenues from the budget, in 2017 the transfer amounted to 977.1 billion rubles, and the total income of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was expressed in the number of 8181.6 billion rubles. PFR budget revenues for 2018 totaled 8.333 trillion rubles. Pension payments increased by 279 billion rubles, social payments - by 11.8 billion. In 2019, they promise to pay pensions in full, they are going to index and increase them.

Calculation of pensions according to the new formula

Note. In the form on the right, you can instantly calculate the number of pension points that can be accrued to you for 2019.

How many pension points can you earn in 2018?

Enter the amount of your monthly salary before deducting personal income tax:

Error! Enter a salary higher than the minimum wage in the Russian Federation in 2018 - 9,489 rubles.

Number of pension points per year:

An insurance pension in Russia is formed for each citizen on the basis of his labor activity, if we are talking about able-bodied persons, and is paid from the funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The rights of citizens to retire today are reflected in the coefficients, they are also called. During the implementation, all available developments for pensioners, both past and future, were converted into these points.

In order to be able to accrue a pension, the following conditions are generally necessary:

  • age, 60 for women and 65 for men;
  • at least a certain number of years. From 2024, this is 15 years, for previous years there are transitional values ​​\u200b\u200b( what to do if it suddenly turns out that there is not enough experience);
  • the presence of a certain amount of points, from 2015 - 30, with transitional values ​​​​of earlier years.

The number of points depends not only on the years worked, but also on how accrued and actually paid.

The number of points that a citizen can receive per year is limited from above and has its own maximum. In 2016 it was 7.83, in 2017 - 8.26, in 2018 - 8.7, in 2019 - 9.13, in 2021 - 10.

However, it depends on how the citizen defines his attitude to the funded pension (NP): whether he takes part in its formation or focuses only on the solidarity system. Those who were born after 1966 will have to solve this problem, and for everyone who is older, there is only one option - only an insurance pension.

Here are the values ​​of these main parameters by year:

YearIPC - minimum amountExperience minimumIPK annual maximum including PNIPK annual maximum without PN
2015 6.6 6 7.39 7.39
2016 9 7 7.83 7.83
2017 11.4 8 5.16 8.26
2018 13.8 9 5.43 8.7
2019 16.2 10 5.71 9.13
2020 18.6 11 5.98 9.57
2021 21 12 6.25 10
2022 23.4 13 6.25 10
2023 25.8 14 6.25 10
2024 28.2 15 6.25 10
2025 and beyond30 15 6.25 10

In the case when we are talking only about the insurance pension, all the points scored go to its formation. When a funded pension is present along with the insurance pension, the maximum 10 points are transformed into 6.25, since 27.5% of the number of insurance premiums are sent to the funded part.

Need to understand: The state annually indexes the insurance pension. But the funded part is at the disposal of the Criminal Code or is not subject to indexation, instead it is invested in some financial projects. If such actions are successful and profitable, then the pension may increase. In the event that the investment operation is unprofitable, the pensioner can only rely on the amount of contributions paid.

Fixed payment, its size in 2018

Fixed payout ( FV) is called so because it is established every year by the state in hard monetary terms, that is, it is fixed for a year. As laid down in, the annual increase in the PV indicator is a consequence of indexing to the inflation rate of the past year.

However, this provision was suspended in 2016 and an indexation factor of 1.04 was adopted. In 2017, the result was an FV in the amount of 4805.11 rubles. for the majority of pensioners. In 2018, the amount of the fixed payment after indexation amounted to 4,982.9 rubles. per month. In 2019 - 5334.19 rubles.

PV has more than one meaning, it is set differently for different categories of citizens. It is indexed twice a year:

  • February 1, according to the results of inflation of the past year;
  • April 1, based on the results of the PF income for the previous period - this type of indexation is treated as possible, and the decision on this possibility is made by the government of the Russian Federation.

How is the insurance pension calculated in 2018?

insurance pension ( joint venture) in Russia is calculated today by the formula:

SP \u003d IPK x StIPK + FV

IPK- the sum of all pension points.

StIPK- the cost in rubles of one pension point.

FV- Fixed payment.

As you can see, there is only one variable in the formula. This is the IPC, reflecting how many points the future pensioner has.

The remaining two indicators are constants, that is, they have a constant value throughout the year.

In 2019, StIPK = 87.24 rubles. (in 2017 - 78.58 rubles, in 2018 - 81.49), FV = 5334.19 rubles. (in 2017 - 4982.9 rubles).

Both of these indicators are indexed by the state, and their values ​​change annually.

Strictly speaking, the task comes down to counting the points scored - IPC.

This is a rather cumbersome job that is performed by employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. They are required to calculate all the points on a monthly basis, evaluate the income and the contributions paid from it to the PF, and also take into account the option with the funded part, if any.

In addition to points earned directly, some citizens can count on an increase in the IPC for a different reason. Additional points are awarded for other types of employment and are added to the total.

There are quite a lot of such positions, all of them are specified. Here are some:

  • 1.8 points are supposed to be added for military service in accordance with the draft;
  • 1.8 - for the care of a child under 1½ years old, added to one of the parents;
  • 3.6 - to care for the next, second child, up to 1½ years;
  • 5.4 - for the care of next children, 3rd or 4th, up to 1½ years each;
  • 1.8 - for the care of a disabled or elderly person under certain conditions;
  • others specified in the legislation.

As an incentive prize, one can consider the possibility of increasing the IPC if a pensioner applies for a pension after having worked for some years over the prescribed age. For each such working year, he has a certain number of additional points - there are bonus coefficients for this.

This is a fairly significant increase in pension: if, for example, you continue to work in excess of the prescribed 5 years without drawing up a pension, then the amount of IPC will increase by 45%. And if we add here the increase in the fixed payment over the years, we get a noticeable increase in pensions.

How to calculate your old age pension in 2019?

In principle, when preparing for the registration of a pension, everyone tries to independently estimate the numbers that he reaches. This is quite possible, because the values FV (fixed payment) And StIPK() is freely available. The most important thing remains - to correctly calculate the amount IPK.

Here is an example of a calculation when retirement took place immediately upon reaching retirement age.

Let's say it comes in 2019. The points earned will be 75, another 1.8 + 3.6 points are due for the care of two children, up to 1½ years in each case.

∑ = 75 + 1,8 + 3,6 = 80,4

If in 2019 PV = 5334.19 and StIPK = 87.24, then we get the expected pension value:

SP \u003d 5334.19 + 80.4 x 87.24 \u003d 12,348.28 rubles.

disability pension

They are appointed for medical reasons, specifying the group of disability, without regard to the existing experience, the causes of disability and the moment of its onset.

If there is no experience at all, then it is installed. If at least 1 working day is registered, then there are grounds to appoint. Its size is set on an individual basis, with a focus on the existing experience, the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund and earnings.

First of all, it is calculated joint venture, and, starting from its value, the pension is calculated. Its value is finally determined by the disability group.

Starting from 01/01/2015, the PV was withdrawn from the JV, and its value is determined separately:

From date% indexing1 disability group2 disability group3rd disability group
01.01.2015 RUB 7870.00RUB 3935.00RUB 1967.50
01.01.2015 11,4% RUB 8767.18RUB 4383.59RUB 2191.80
01.01.2015 4% RUB 9117.86RUB 4558.93RUB 2279.47

The size of the PV increases for each disabled dependent who is supported by a citizen, but no more than three. This increase was:

  • dated January 1, 2015 - 1311, 67 rubles;
  • from February 1, 2015 - 1461.20 rubles;
  • from February 1, 2016 - 1519.65 rubles;
  • dated February 1, 2017 by 5.4%.

survivor's pension

The loss of a family breadwinner entails the assignment of a pension to the disabled dependents whom he supported. Of course, provided that their guilt in the death of their breadwinner is not established.

The law clearly defines the circle of persons who can apply for a pension. In order for it to be appointed, the deceased breadwinner must have insurance experience, at least a minimum, at least 1 day.

From 02/01/2018, the fixed payment (PV) in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is exactly half of the PV of the insurance pension: 4982.9 / 2 = 2667 rubles 95 kopecks. So much for one disabled family member.

The assigned pension is paid every month, any delivery method can be chosen.

Military pension, calculation formulas

In 2019, the scheme according to which the pension is calculated for the military who have completed their service is as follows:

VP \u003d (OVDZ + NdVL) x 50% +

+ 3% (with service over 20 years, for each year, but not more than 85%)x PC+

+ 2% (in case of non-indexing DD- Every year)

OVDS- military salary and rank.

NdVL- Seniority allowance.

PC- reduction factor.

DD- financial allowance.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are also entitled to, for the accrual of which it is required to serve in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for at least 20 years (read more about all the changes).

It can be of three types:

  1. By seniority.
  2. By disability.
  3. In connection with the loss of the breadwinner (received by her relatives if the breadwinner died or went missing).

There is also the so-called. This is the case when 20 years of service is not accumulated, but there is one of the additional circumstances:

  1. At the time of dismissal from the authorities, the total experience reached 25 years.
  2. Of all the years of total experience, the Ministry of Internal Affairs accounted for at least 12½.
  3. At the time of dismissal, the age of the employee was at least 45 years.
  4. The reason for the dismissal was either the state of health, or regular events, or the achievement of the service age limit.

Future military pensioners, knowing thoroughly all the ups and downs of their service, are able to independently estimate what pension they are entitled to.

To help them, the Pension Calculator program was created, designed specifically for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If you provide her with the necessary data, she will calculate the required pension herself. For the convenience of users, it is equipped with various tips.

The formula for calculating the funded pension ( NP) is extremely simple:

NP = Mon / T

T- the number of months before payment.

Mon- the amount of funds accumulated in a special personal account.

Formed amount Mon maybe from these sources:

  • from pension insurance contributions;
  • from additional contributions made by the employer in favor of a citizen accumulating a pension;
  • from contributions to co-financing Mon;
  • from part of family or maternity capital;
  • from investment results from any of the sources.

Facilities NP you can receive everything at once, as a lump sum payment, or receive it gradually, in the form of an urgent pension payment, after reaching the required age.

How to check the amount of pension savings?

This is easy to do for an insurance pension.

Each pensioner has a personal SNILS - Insurance Number of an Individual Personal Account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. With it, you can find out the contents of your personal pension account, not only by visiting the PF branch, but also online via the Internet. How to do this is written in detail.

Moreover, you need to come to the department with a passport, and at EPGU (single portal of public services) you just need to enter the SNILS number.


  1. We go to the site
  2. We select the necessary service in the catalog - "Pension Savings".
  3. We request an extended account statement, for this we enter its number.

After waiting a few minutes at the screen, we receive a letter with the amount of interest. If a user's personal account is set up, then you can print the information received.

If you want to get acquainted with the state of your funded pension, being a client of an NPF, then the PF is not your assistant here, it does not have the necessary information.

The NPF has it, and to get it you will have to go to its website.

The cost of a pension point for working pensioners in 2019

For working pensioners, the pension was once again recalculated on 01/01/2019. As a result, each of them received an allowance on an individual basis, some in tens, and some in hundreds of rubles.

The price of a pension point in 2019 is 87.24 rubles. As the Law “On Insurance Pensions” says, during the January recalculation, you can add no more than 3 points to your pension, in rubles it will be 244.47. This is how the recalculation procedure works for those citizens who do not apply for a pension.

If a person receives a pension and works at the same time, then the recalculation is made based on the realities of 2015, when the price of a point was 71.41 rubles. Accordingly, the increase in pension came out less, only 214.23 rubles.

It turns out that at post-retirement age it is more profitable for a person to work without drawing up a pension, in this case he will receive larger additions to the pension in the next recalculations - which has not yet been received.

Is a working pensioner required to work 2 weeks upon dismissal? .

That is, there is a desire of the state to encourage the population to retire later in order to alleviate the burden of the Pension Fund.

This is often criticized, allegedly there is a desire on the part of the state to ensure that fewer pensioners survive until retirement.

Maybe this is true, but does not the desire to increase mean the same goal?

In addition, non-retirement will be forced in this case, while in the current conditions a certain amount of freedom of action remains with a person. Known, but not complete, since many work simply because there is not enough money.

But there is another category of elderly citizens whose interests in this case coincide with those of the state. Many, having become accustomed to working all their lives, will feel like they have been thrown to the sidelines in retirement, so they are in no hurry to get there.

As long as you work, rotate in a team, you are useful, and life retains its meaning.

On the website of the regional labor inspectorate, a memo for pensioners, persons of pre-retirement age who have a work experience in a particular specialty or a certain social status indicated by law has been published. We are talking about early retirement.

Preferential pension

Preferential (early) pension- This is a monthly cash payment that can be paid to a person who has not reached the generally established retirement age, but who has a work experience in a particular specialty or a certain social status indicated by law.

For the purpose of early retirement, certain requirements must be met:

Professional activity.

A person has the right to early retirement if he or she works in hazardous or difficult conditions and his work may pose a particular danger to health and life.

Special territorial conditions.

Citizens who work in the regions of the Far North or other territories that are traditionally equated with them go on a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule.

social requirements.

The right to early retirement provision under the law relies on people who have a certain social status.

These include mothers of many children, parents and guardians of people with disabilities since childhood, residents of the regions of the Far North, leading a traditional way of life, people with disabilities, dwarfs.
Early retirement implies the fulfillment of a number of conditions:


Russian legislation, in contrast to the practice used in other countries, sets a differentiated retirement age for men (60 years, in the future - 65 years) and women (55 years, in the future -63 years). Representatives of certain professions and categories of citizens are entitled to receive pensions of the previously indicated values.

Insurance experience.

A certain number of years, established by law, during which the employer had to deduct insurance premiums from the employee's earnings. Also, other socially significant so-called non-insurance periods are counted in the insurance period: military service; care of one of the parents for children before they reach the age of one and a half years; care for children with disabilities, for disabled people of the 1st group, for 80-year-old citizens; periods of receiving unemployment benefits, etc.

In 2018, the minimum insurance period is 9 years.


The time during which a person worked under an employment or civil law contract

The length of service takes into account the time of military service, being on a sick leave, the period of being registered with the Employment Service, leave to care for a child until he reaches one and a half years of age, etc.

Special seniority - length of service in certain professions and positions, which is necessary for the appointment of an early pension

Individual pension coefficient.

The value that directly affects the size of the assigned pension. When transferring insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the amount of money according to a special formula is converted into points, which, upon entering a well-deserved rest, are summed up and then multiplied by the cost of the IPC (the value is indexed annually).

Social categories of citizens

Today, groups of the population that are entitled to early retirement are legally defined, and in this case, not their work experience (work in harmful or difficult working conditions) is taken into account, but their social status in society: mothers of many children; guardians or one of the parents of children with disabilities or disabled since childhood; certain categories of the unemployed; representatives of small indigenous peoples of the Far North engaged in subsistence farming; midgets; disproportionate dwarfs; visually impaired of the 1st group; persons who became disabled due to military trauma; mothers of 2 or more children who worked in the Far North.

Preferential professions

The list of preferential specialties is an approved list of professions that are entitled to certain preferences.

The basis for their compilation is the level of impact on the body of harmful factors that occur during the production process.

Allocate List No. 1 and List No. 2. They were approved in 1991 by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 10 to determine the professions of people who have the right to retire early. The procedure for applying the Lists at the present stage is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 dated July 16, 2014, in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”.

According to the Labor Code, citizens whose labor activity is carried out in harmful conditions (according to SAUT) are entitled to additional leave, shorter working hours and other privileges.

Lists #1 and #2

The difference lies in the degree of harmful influence of production factors on the human body:

List No. 1 - especially dangerous and difficult conditions;

List No. 2 - harmful and severe conditions (less hazardous to health compared to List No. 1).

In short, work in professions, positions and industries defined by both Lists entitles a citizen to preferential pension coverage.

Among the professions and positions it is necessary to single out: workers of the nuclear power industry; chemical industry workers; geologists, search engines; miners; persons working at underground facilities and structures; civil aviation flight personnel; persons employed in urban passenger transport; workers engaged in work with radioactive substances; women who worked as tractor drivers in agriculture or on loading and unloading machines; persons who worked in hot work areas; doctors and nursing staff; workers of metallurgical production; railway workers; teachers; persons with particularly difficult working conditions; aviation industry workers; seafarers on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet; employees of the penitentiary service; emergency workers; creative workers.

Provided that the labor activity of a person is associated with dangerous, harmful or difficult working conditions that relate to List No. 1 and List No. 2, he may qualify for early retirement even if he has worked at least half the time required for early retirement in connection with the work on these Lists.

In order to use this prerogative, you must additionally have the required amount of pension points and a certain length of insurance.

Some categories of citizens who do not work in dangerous and harmful working conditions can also issue early old-age payments.

The amount of the insurance pension depends on the labor contribution of a citizen - his length of service, earnings, the amount of insurance premiums paid to the Pension Fund.

mothers of many children

For those women who gave birth and raised five or more children before reaching the age of 8, the state guarantees the opportunity to take a well-deserved rest earlier than the due time. To do this, you must reach the age of 50 and have an insurance record of at least 15 years, in which, in addition to work, other non-insurance periods can be counted, including caring for children up to one and a half years, but in total no more than 6 years. It is also necessary to have the required IPC value.

For those women who do not meet the above criteria, an insurance pension is accrued on a general basis or a social pension.

The only exceptions are those who gave birth to two or more children, but worked in the North.

To enter a well-deserved rest, they must reach the 50th anniversary. Their total insurance experience must be at least 20 years, with 12 years of them they must work in the regions of the Far North or 17 years in areas equivalent to such territories.

Disabled people and their caregivers

If a child with a disability or disabled since childhood is brought up in a family, one of the parents has the right to an early pension, but subject to two conditions: reaching the age of 55 and having 20 years of insurance experience for men; reaching the age of 50 and 15 years of insurance experience for women.

Citizens who are the guardians of disabled people from childhood or who were the guardians of disabled people from childhood who raised them until they reach the age of 8 years old, the old-age insurance pension is assigned with a decrease in the generally established retirement age by one year for every one year and six months of guardianship, but not more than five years in total, if they have at least 20 and 15 years of insurance experience for men and women respectively.

Health status

When assigning 1, 2 or 3 disability groups, a person has the right to receive pension payments. When applying for a pension, it is not taken into account whether the disabled person is currently working or not. The only condition that is necessary for the appointment of an insurance pension is the presence of an insurance period, and its duration does not matter.
This means that even one working day is enough for a person with disabilities if a deduction was made from the salary in the FIU.
In addition to the disability pension, a monthly cash payment is due, the amount of which depends on the disability group.

Another shake-up of the pension system could be the most serious in many years. To begin with, it was decided not to pay old-age benefits to working millionaire pensioners. Next, it seems, the issue of raising the retirement age will be resolved. There are great chances for much more radical reforms - up to the complete rejection of the state part of the pension.

220 thousand people may lose their pensions in the near future. So many working pensioners, according to the calculations of the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin, may be stopped payments from 2016 or 2017. The measure will affect citizens with an annual income of more than 1 million rubles. "That's 83,000 rubles a month" - one could have calculated it without the minister, but, apparently, the government understands it better that way.

Taking into account the fact that there are more than 41 million pensioners in Russia (14.3 million working pensioners), there are few “lucky ones”. The main blow will fall on Muscovites (about 200 thousand workers out of 2.8 million pensioners). It is in the capital that the concentration of highly paid pensioners is maximum. Average earnings in Moscow are almost twice as high as in Russia (61,000 versus 32,000 rubles in November 2014). At the same time, many approach retirement age at the peak of income or slightly lower, which is why they continue to work.

This plan has almost one hundred percent chance of becoming a reality: the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development and representatives of both houses of parliament support it. “If the decision eventually passes and does not cause protests, then the amount will most likely be moved down or left in place, but over time, a million will not be a very large amount due to inflation,” notes Deneg’s informed interlocutor, who asked for anonymity. And Dengi, in turn, is going to follow specific bills: the likelihood that the pensions of security forces and officials will be withdrawn from this initiative is also close to 100%.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance proposes to introduce an additional contribution of 1% of salary to the PF budget. Thus, the tax burden on working citizens will increase to 14% (1% plus 13% personal income tax). This can give the budget about 170-200 billion rubles. per year, which is clearly not enough to cover the PFR budget deficit (623 billion rubles). The chances of this proposal are not so great, in December 2014, President Putin proposed a moratorium on tax increases for the next four years. However, if we are talking about a hasty, without serious public and expert discussion, adjustment of the pension reform that has just been carried out, we can assume that now this is also possible.

On February 18, at a meeting with Prime Minister Medvedev, other plans were also discussed. The Ministry of Labor proposed to gradually increase the minimum length of service for retirement for teachers, doctors and creative workers. Today, the experience of teachers is 25 years, medical workers - 25 and 30 years working in the countryside and in the city, respectively. Starting from 2016, it is planned to raise it in increments of three months per year. This could affect about 20,000 people a year. The chances of acceptance are high, the source of Deneg believes: "The decision on teachers and doctors will most likely be eaten - preferential pensions for them are still a relic of the past."

The topic of extending the freezing of pension savings was also considered at the meeting, but so far there has been no decision, Topilin said. The head of the Ministry of Economy, Alexei Ulyukaev, spoke extremely negatively about this idea earlier. Freezing the funded part of the pension is a de facto tax increase in order to reduce the PFR deficit. The money that went to the employee's personal account will go into a common money box to pay for current expenses for paying pensions. The first decision to freeze pension savings was made in the autumn of 2013 and came as an absolute surprise. Then the officials assured that this was a temporary measure, now, say the cynics, "it has become even more temporary."

However, the optimists are not giving up yet. “It will not be possible to evade the creation of a full-fledged system of pension savings,” says Anton Tabakh, director of regional ratings at the Rus-Rating agency. “Savings from the current system can become the basis for voluntary savings stimulated by tax incentives for both employees and employers, such as British NEST or New Zealand KiwiSaver".

Matter of age

The main problem of the pension system is different - the low retirement age. President Putin instructed to study the issue of raising it at the expert level, and then transfer it "to the level of the working formats of the government," Alexei Kudrin, former finance minister and head of the Civil Initiatives Committee, told reporters, who participated in an anti-crisis meeting with the head of state on February 13. And this is a breakthrough: earlier the head of state categorically rejected the idea.

Proponents of the increase talk about gradual reforms. Alexei Ulyukaev and Finance Minister Anton Siluanov propose a British scheme for a gradual transition. “The regime, when a schedule of approximately half a year for increasing the retirement age per year is set for new future pensioners, is reasonable. That is, in ten to fifteen years, to come from the current state to that hypothetical new state,” Ulyukaev believes. Thus, the retirement age for men at 63 years will be set no earlier than 2021, and for women - no earlier than 2031 (now the retirement age in Russia is 60 years for men and 55 years for women).

Soften positions and opponents of the reform. For example, the Ministry of Labor, which previously did not support the initiative of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development. "We need to compare this with life expectancy, compare it with the age, how long people live in our country after retirement age, how many in other countries," Topilin said. Federation Council Chairman Valentina Matviyenko (according to Deneg, she can be considered a leading indicator of the Kremlin's official position) used to be against raising the retirement age, but now, judging by RIA Novosti, she is in solidarity with Ulyukaev and Siluanov.

Butting with demographics

The stability of pension provision not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the world is under the threat of negative demographic trends, namely the aging of the population. In 1950, in developed countries, according to the OECD, there were more than seven people of working age per pensioner, in 1963 - six, in 1976 - five, and in our time - four. Population aging continues, and starting in 2023, this ratio will fall to three to one, and from 2047 to two to one.

In the 2000s, the West realized that an aging population could be fed only by raising the retirement age. Its bottom in OECD countries was reached in 1999 at just under 62 for men and 60.5 for women. For 15 years, they have been gradually raising the retirement age and will continue to do so. In 2000, the average retirement age in OECD countries was 60.5 years for women and 61.8 for men, and in 2013 it was already 64 and 65 years, respectively.

In Russia, things are worse because of the low retirement age. According to the average version of the UN demographic forecast for Russia until 2050, by the end of the period, the share of the population of retirement age will increase by 1.5 times, while the share of the working age population will significantly decrease. As a result, the ratio of the number of people of retirement and working age will almost double, from the current 32% to 61% by 2050.

emancipation issues

The traditional argument of opponents of raising the retirement age is the low average life expectancy in the Russian Federation. It is indeed much lower than the OECD average (70.7 years versus 80 years). “Yes, our life expectancy is growing every year, but so far this indicator, especially the life expectancy of men, does not encourage an increase in the retirement age,” Matvienko quoted Ekho Moskvy in September 2014.

The key word here is "men". There is a gender gap in retirement age, with women retiring earlier than men. The life expectancy of women is longer than the life expectancy of men. Accordingly, women spend much more time in retirement than men: on average, in OECD countries, men spend 16 years in retirement and women 21 years. Developed countries have taken the path of recognizing gender equality and are gradually reducing the gender gap (now on average it is only a year, and in most countries men and women have the same retirement age).

Russia has not only one of the lowest retirement ages in the world, but also a huge gender gap - five years. The situation is aggravated by the difference in life expectancy between men (65.1 years) and women (76.3): it is the highest in the world in Russia - more than 11 years. As a result, the expected time spent in retirement (life expectancy since retirement age) for Russian men living up to it is about 13 years (below the OECD average by three years), for women - more than 23 years (above the OECD average by almost for three years).

Accordingly, there are three times more female pensioners in Russia than male pensioners. According to Rosstat, at the beginning of 2014 there were 9.7 million men of retirement age, and 24.1 million women (in 2011, there were 8.9 million men and 22.8 million women). That is, despite their lower life expectancy from the moment of birth, Russian women spend a much larger part of their lives in retirement than women in developed countries, because their life expectancy since retirement age has long been above the OECD average. Now there are only 1.7 women of working age per woman of retirement age in Russia, and 4.6 women of working age per man of retirement age.

Hidden move

“The retirement age in Russia has remained unchanged since the early 1930s,” notes Oksana Sinyavskaya, deputy director of the Independent Institute for Social Policy. “Since then, the structure of industries, conditions and content of work have changed, and workers, according to medical examinations, began to lose their ability to work later But it was unprofitable to increase the age limit: early retirement guaranteed a tolerant attitude of the population towards the amount of payments.

However, it is possible that this limit will not be officially increased even now. After all, you can do it in a hidden form, which has already been partially implemented with the introduction of a point system. “The plan of the Ministry of Finance does not take into account the political component and, most likely, was thrown in so that everyone gasped and said: well, what they accepted is not scary. The issue can be suspended, for example, they will introduce some age for an increased pension, 62 years or 65 years, and pensions will simply not be indexed from 55 and 60. Inflation will quickly depreciate them," notes the source of Deneg, who asked to remain anonymous.

Another possibility is the introduction of a means test for the payment of pensions. This is the Western version of the state pension for the poor, adopted, for example, in the UK. The pension applicant will have to prove that he needs it. You can introduce a new order from the same 55 and 60 years old, and then, if everything goes smoothly, and then on to older ages.

In this case, the pension turns into a poverty benefit at an older age - at first, not for everyone. Then the next step is logical - the transformation of the state part of the pension into "social disability benefits, oriented in size to the minimum subsistence level of a pensioner." Recall that exactly three years ago, the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank Alexei Ulyukaev came to this conclusion exactly three years ago (see "Money" dated March 19, 2012).

Fresh number!


Efficiency without workaholism

If retirement is not far off. Tips for a future retiree.

Let's worry in advance

The norms of modern pension legislation are designed for the active participation of each citizen in the formation of their own pension. It is important not to passively wait for the onset of retirement age, but to actively prepare for retirement, competently build relationships with employers and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, not only on the eve of retirement, but throughout the entire working life.

It is useful to get acquainted annually with the extent to which the employer transfers information to the FIU for replenishing an individual personal account, the number of which is indicated in the insurance certificate. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will not refuse to receive an extract from an individual personal account, which reflects the monetary equivalent of a person's labor activity.

When performing work that gives the right to early retirement, it is advisable to make sure that this period is framed in accordance with the requirements. It is also necessary to stock up on a certificate specifying the nature of such work.

If the work was carried out under a civil law contract, you should make sure that this contract is legally correct.
It is worth remembering that many factors affect the amount of a future pension:

  • work experience;
  • the size of the official salary;
  • accurate management of personnel documentation;
  • the quality of the information provided by the employer of individual (personalized) accounting and insurance experience and insurance premiums;
  • the amount of insurance premiums reflected in the personal account of the future pensioner.

Where to begin

First of all, the future pensioner needs to check the correctness of the work book. The state of the work book is important for generating information about all labor activity in the PFR database. It is worth paying attention to the following:

  • whether the information about the last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth entered in the work book corresponds to passport data;
  • whether the insert in the work book is correctly drawn up;
  • whether there are references to orders, indicating the date and number, in each record of work;
  • whether records of dismissal have been made, whether all movements within the enterprise are reflected, whether the positions, names of professions, especially the names of “preferential” professions, are correctly indicated;
  • whether any corrections to the records, even the smallest ones, are properly certified.

In the event that some entries are drawn up or certified incorrectly, there are fuzzy seals, signatures, erasures of the text, insertion of sheets into the work book, clarifying documents will be required to confirm the entries that are in doubt. The future pensioner needs to send relevant requests to such enterprises in advance.

When to apply

The generally established retirement period for women in the Russian Federation is 55 years, for men - 60 years with insurance experience (the period of employment during which insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund) - 5 years.

Citizens can apply for a pension at any time after becoming eligible for it. Zez restrictions by any period, by submitting an application in the prescribed form to the territorial body of the Pension Fund.

An application for granting an old-age labor pension may also be submitted before the retirement age, but not earlier than one month before the right to a pension arises.

For certain categories of citizens, an old-age labor pension may be assigned ahead of schedule. The pension is assigned from the day of applying for it, but not earlier than the day of acquiring the right to a pension, for example, the onset of the appropriate age. In this case, the date of receipt of the relevant application by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is considered the day of circulation.

Future pensioners need to have a good understanding of the mechanism for the formation of future payments. After all, the size of the allowance directly depends on the efforts of the future recipient.

On December 15, 2001, two laws No. 166-FZ and No. 167-FZ were adopted, which laid the foundation for a new pension insurance system. The text of the first document contains the currently fundamental concept - the pension coefficient.

Fundamentals of the pension insurance system of the Russian Federation

The system of social guarantees for disabled citizens in Russia is built on the interaction of a specialized state body - the Pension Fund (PFR) with citizens. The essence of the distribution of responsibilities is as follows:

  1. The FIU performs the following functions:
    • registration of citizens and enterprises transferring contributions to the solidarity budget;
    • funds management;
    • payment of benefits to people who are legally entitled to them.
  2. Citizens' responsibilities include:
    • expression of a voluntary desire to participate in the mandatory pension insurance system (OPS) by means of a personal application;
    • distribution of funds paid by the employer between the relevant funds: state and non-state or management companies.
  3. The employer is obliged:
    • transfer 22% of the employees' monthly earnings to the solidarity fund;
    • assist in the registration of employees in the system
Download for viewing and printing: Attention: the interaction of the system participants is based on legislative acts, the implementation of which is equally mandatory for everyone.

Personalized accounting of contributors

Based on Law No. 27-FZ of April 1, 1996, the state body keeps records of future recipients of pension payments. Within its framework, each voluntary participant in the system receives:

  1. certificate of insurance (SNILS);
  2. personal personal account, which takes into account the contribution to the formation of the budget - pension coefficients, the value of which depends on
  3. work experience;
  4. amount of wages received.
Attention: a personal number is assigned once and for life.

It gives the owner the right to:

  1. claim maintenance upon the occurrence of an insured situation;
  2. control the accumulation of coefficients;
  3. distribute the contributions paid by the employer (22%) in the following ratio:
    • 16% - to the insurance fund;
    • or 10% for insurance savings, and 6% for the formation of a funded pension.
Important: 6% of the contributions of each payer always goes to cover the current costs of paying pensions. Download for viewing and printing:

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What will the future pensions look like?

The legislation lays the foundations for the formation of various types of payments in insurance situations. They depend on:

  1. type of work activity of the future recipient;
  2. the choice of a citizen;
  3. the sum of accumulated points and experience;
  4. contribution of the future recipient.

The principles of formation enable a person to participate in such systems:

  • state (OPS);
  • non-state (NGO).

In turn, the OPS program includes the following types of provision for disabled citizens:

  1. Insurance pensions are assigned upon the occurrence of one of the following cases:
    • old age (limiting age of compulsory employment);
    • disability (inability to take part in production activities for health reasons);
    • loss of a breadwinner;
  2. The funded pension allowance is due only to people who redirected part of the contributions to:
    • non-state PF;
    • management company (UK).

In addition, there are such additional types of state support for persons of certain categories:

  • retirement pension at the expense of the state budget;
  • payments from non-state funds to which the citizen transferred additional contributions at will on the basis of an agreement.
Important: in some cases, people have the right to receive two pensions, for example, state security and insurance.

How to determine the amount of upcoming pension payments

The previous methodology did not allow citizens to independently calculate the future content in old age. System reformThe 2015 OPS corrected this shortcoming. Working with forecasts of estimated income has become more transparent and easier. Here are its fundamentals:

  1. participation of a person in the replenishment of the solidarity pension budget is expressed in points;
  2. their number depends on the terms of official employment and earnings;
  3. the cost of one pension coefficient is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation on the basis of the price of the consumer basket;
  4. data on the contribution of each worker to the Pension Fund for the previous (before reform) period are converted into points;
  5. the amount of the future pension depends on the premium coefficients for a late application for a pension.

Attention: non-insurance periods are converted into points. Namely:

  • time of care for newborns from 0 to one and a half years;
  • maternity leave;
  • service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on conscription;
  • the period of official registration with the employment authorities;
  • period of care for the disabled:
  • disabled people of the 1st group;
  • persons who have crossed the 80-year threshold;
  • disabled children.

Women who retired before 2015 can apply for a recalculation of an already allocated pension if they want to replace the period of child care taken into account under the old legislation with pension points. The recalculation takes place according to the following scheme:

  • for the 1st - 1.8 points are awarded for 1 year of care (in total, 2.7 points come out for 1.5 years of care);
  • for the 2nd - 3.6 points (in total, 5.4 points for 1.5 years of care);
  • for the 3rd and 4th - 5.4 points (in total, 8.1 points for 1.5 years of care).

The rest are not charged.

Important! The expediency of this recalculation depends on the number of children, length of service as of 01/01/2002 and the value of the wage ratio, based on which the amount of the pension is determined. The pension will be recalculated if this does not lead to a decrease in its size.

Formula for calculating the amount of future payments

The calculation of accruals for old age or another insured event is now determined by an exact formula. She is like this:

  • RP \u003d IPK x StIPK + BV, where:
  • RP - the final amount of the pension;
  • IPC - the number of individual coefficients accumulated over a lifetime;
  • StIPK - the price of one point in rubles, determined on the date of grant assignment;
  • BV - a fixed or basic part that has the same size for all pensioners on the date of appointment.
  • IPC = CER / MCCB x 10, where:
  • CER - the total contribution to the PFR budget made for the worker;
  • MSRV - 16% of the maximum taxable base, determined by a government decree for the current period.

You can also find out the amount of the IPC by requesting an Extract from the individual personal account of a citizen by submitting an application to the TO PFR or through the website of public services.

Attention: specialists have developed a program for automatic assessment of the amount of expected maintenance in an insurance situation. The calculator can be used by a citizen of any age. However, the program gives only an estimated result, which is very different from the real one.

The procedure for assigning pension maintenance

The methodology for working with the population on pension issues is described in the relevant articles of legislative acts:

  1. insurance - in Art. 21 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013;
  2. state - in art. 24 (No. 166 dated 12/15/2001);
  3. accumulative - art. 9 of Law No. 424-FZ of December 28, 2013.

Applications are accepted by the appointing authorities. In particular, there are several ways to apply for an insurance pension:

  • at the reception of FIU specialists;
  • in a multifunctional center;
  • by mail;
  • through the employer
  • via internet connection:
    • on the official website of the FIU;
    • in your personal account on the public services portal.
Attention: state pensions are assigned by the state body in which the applicant served.

For all types of subsidies, the following appointment rules work:

  1. it is allowed to apply no earlier than 30 days before the right to payment;
  2. it is processed:
    • ten days in the presence of all papers;
    • up to three months, if the package of documents needs to be finalized;
  3. in case of refusal to assign benefits, the state body is obliged to notify the applicant within five days with an explanation:
    • the reasons for such a decision;
    • methods and terms of its appeal.

For preliminary verification of documents, the future pensioner can apply to the authority 6 months before the established age.

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Package of documents

The application for the calculation of benefits in 2019 is accompanied by papers and their copies confirming the corresponding right.
In general, these include:

  • passport of a citizen (of the Russian Federation or another state for foreigners);
  • SNILS (not mandatory);
  • work book (probably, the provision of this document will be canceled soon);
  • military ID (if available);
  • marriage certificate (when changing surname);
  • certificate of wages for 60 months up to 12/31/2001 (if necessary, requests TO FIU);
  • documents confirming the preferential category, for example, a certificate specifying the nature of the work.
Attention: the package of papers provided depends on the type of pension.

The study of the methodology for calculating the future content shows an attentive person that his future well-being is built from the first days of his labor path. How much a particular citizen will receive in old age depends on participation in filling the PFR budget now. In addition, paramount importance based on the above formulas is obtained:

  • earnings at the place of service;
  • number of years of work experience;
  • retirement age.
Important: the more a citizen works, the higher his pension content will be.

However, simply working is not enough. When choosing a place for the application of talents, it is necessary to take into account such formal factors as:

  • official registration so that the employer regularly pays the due contributions to the FIU;
  • accrual of a white salary - then the contributions will be higher.
Attention: in the very first place, it is recommended to join the compulsory insurance system so that in old age you will not be left without income.

Young people (born after 1967) are advised to choose a comfortable plan for the distribution of contributions for future maintenance:

  • only insurance;
  • insurance and savings.

If funds are available, it will be useful to conclude an agreement with NPFs on the formation of an individual savings account from their own funds (they will have to be paid from current earnings).

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