Reading technique online check. Reading speed test. How to test your reading speed and comprehension with this tool? Types of Reading Regular Literature

Reading is a truly essential skill for life, and it is not for nothing that it is given such attention in elementary school. Now that you are a businessman, a manager, a leader, a father, a mother, or just an adult, your ability to read effectively is even more important for success than in elementary school. We suggest testing your reading speed, and then discussing ways to increase it.

Most likely, your income mainly depends on intellectual labor, and not physical labor, that is, the brain is more important to you than the muscles. And your main competitive advantage is the acquisition of new knowledge: the ability not only to keep up with the rest, but to get ahead of them. However, if you are like 99% of our clients, then you are reading these words the same way you read books in sixth grade. Your method, reading speed, and reading comprehension percentage have remained the same since then.

It's not your fault. It's not laziness or lack of ability; it's just that you haven't been taught how to use reading tools in a very long time. You may have had literature classes in high school or college, but they mostly consisted of discussing books you read on your own. You were not taught to read correctly. Let's see what this led to.

Reading speed: test

It's time to do a little exercise to assess your starting reading speed. Copy the text of any article, select a part of it, consisting of 500 words, and print it. You will also need a pen and a device for measuring time - any stopwatch will do. Set it to 0, then go to the beginning of the article. Don't race; read as you read these words now. Reade set Go!

Use the table to determine your reading speed.

Your time Words/min
0:10 3125
0:20 1515
0:30 1000
0:40 750
0:50 600
1:00 500
1:10 470
1:20 375
1:30 333
1:40 300
1:50 272
2:00 250
2:10 230
2:20 215
2:30 200
2:40 187
2:50 177
3:00 167
3:10 158
3:20 150
3:30 143
3:40 136
3:50 130
4:00 125
4:10 120
4:20 115
4:30 111
4:40 107
4:50 103
5:00 100

What does your score mean

Let's figure out what speed says about your ability to read. Please remember that this indicator does not reflect your character or intelligence. If your reading speed is below average, it does not mean that you are worse than the average person. You just read slowly. I want to please you: whatever your initial data turns out to be, you can significantly improve it. So let's see what your score means.

Less than 200 wpm- speed below average; It means that your reading is accompanied by pronunciation. At that speed, you're like reading aloud to yourself. You mentally pronounce each word. Your lips are probably moving, even if you don't notice it. This has its upside: you read very carefully and believe that understanding is much more important than speed. But there is a downside: it takes a lot of time to read, and slow reading does not necessarily improve understanding.

200-300 wpm— the average speed for both adults and sixth graders. You have learned well to read one word at a time. It would seem logical, but the way your eyes move as you read is such that this method limits your speed. Plus, you probably have a couple of other undesirable habits that tire your eyes and brain faster than reading faster.

300-450 wpm- the speed is above average, and two conclusions can be drawn here. First, you as a reader can be called a thinker. You don't have to mentally spell every word, your eyes move a little faster, and you're probably thinking about what you're reading. You make connections between ideas and/or actively recycle material. In addition, you probably read a lot - out of love or out of necessity. It is only through this extensive practice that you read a little faster than the average person.

Over 450 wpm considered to be "adjusted" indicator. You consciously or unconsciously use techniques that allow you to perceive two or more words at the same time, and / or do not try to read each word separately.

The fastest readers in the world have a constant rate of 5-10 thousand words per minute, and understanding is almost perfect. I know it sounds crazy; but the potential of human thought is truly amazing. Do you need to read 10,000 words per minute? Probably not. But imagine how your efficiency would change if you just doubled your reading speed while maintaining the same level of comprehension.

The concept of "gears" in "reasonable reading"

Eat useful idea"gears" when reading, as when driving a car. Sometimes you need to read very methodically and in detail: for example, you have a report or an agreement in front of you that you need to understand. Sometimes you need to get more general information: for example, if you are already well versed in the topic.

To read like an adult, you need the ability to improve your reading speed depending on the situation. When you're driving, a low gear is ideal for passing school at 20 km/h, but on the motorway, it can break you down. Starting from the sixth grade, the majority reads only in one "transmission" - the first. By learning how to use higher "gears" when reading, you will create new opportunities for yourself.

Three Reading Habits You Can Break

To provide higher gears, you first need to be aware of what is slowing you down. If you can read anything at all, you are doing three habitual actions in the process, sometimes without realizing it. By reducing any (or all) of these habits, you will greatly increase your attention, speed, and reading comprehension.

  1. Distraction (thought wandering). Have you ever realized at the end of a page or chapter that you didn’t remember anything from what you read? The reason is that you are distracted. Strange: the eyes moved across the page, but the brain was busy with ... what? Who knows! The problem is that reading comprehension turned out to be zero, and you had to read again!

In some cases, this habit is useful. When your mind finds a connection in the reading with another topic, which it moves on to, this is actually very good. When, while reading, thoughts simply wander somewhere far away, there is nothing good.

The main “cure” for this habit is simple: move faster! Your mind is distracted mainly due to boredom. If he is able to easily absorb, say, twice as much as now (and this is true), then he will find additional use for these reserves. The brain will really like it if you challenge it to increase speed, and it will be more attentive. This will dramatically increase the understanding of the material.

  1. Regression (return). When reading any material, almost everyone regularly goes back and reread what they have just learned. This can be seen by following the eyes of the reader. Most of the time we don't even realize it! Naturally, the regression process greatly slows down reading and is usually not needed.
  2. Subvocalization (mental pronunciation). The third habit to correct is called subvocalization. It is the pronunciation of each word in the mind. The reading speed does not exceed the speed of oral speech: about 150 words / min.

In fact, subvocalization is convenient when reading works in a genre where it is necessary to “hear” the words. This category includes Scripture, dialogues and poetry. Other times, subvocalization slows down the reading and you waste a lot of extra effort.

The best way to eliminate this habit (and all three) is to use your eyes and/or hands (the tools of "intelligent reading") more actively and more consciously, learn to use the visual centers of the brain more than the auditory ones. We will tell you how to do this.

Comment on the article "Reading speed - for work and not only. Test and three bad habits"

More on the topic "How to test reading speed and learn to read fast?":

I have less reading new ones. But I re-read, I became more selective, and I don’t bother, if it doesn’t go, I feel sorry for the time that I don’t like it very much. Reading speed - for work and not only. Three reading habits you can break.

Reading speed - for work and not only. Test and three bad habits. The concept of "transmissions" in "reasonable reading". To content. Reading speed: test. It's time to do a little exercise to assess your starting reading speed.

Reading technique. Given: A 1st grade schoolgirl (7 years old), learned to read at 5.8 years old, while the speed has not yet been tested, but there is almost no progress since the beginning of the year, although we honestly read 04/19/2011 How to increase the speed of reading? How to learn to read fast. In the gymnasium where my son studied ...

How to learn to read fast. Speed ​​reading or read quickly. Now, in 1 month, the reading speed has increased from 80 words to 100, English has become easier to read, and I began to read with pleasure. Reading technique - normal? How to learn to read fast. Discussion.

Slow reading speed affects everything else. On the speed of preparation of lessons, on understanding, on writing too (because so when did your children begin to read quickly (not in syllables)? At what age? Did they read at the time they entered school and how fluently?

reading technique... Education, development. Child from 7 to 10. Reading technique .. girls, tell me how to count the number of words correctly? conjunctions "and", "a" I myself was interested in checking how fast a preschooler daughter reads, in order to understand whether it is normal or not.

no, he says that the speed was not checked, all children read in the same speed as she does. The teacher does not force you to read faster. How to learn to read fast. In the gymnasium where my friend's son studied, tables of syllables were used to practice reading techniques (their ...

How to improve reading speed? The child is 6 years old. We plan to enter a good school, where there is a competition, incl. require almost fluent reading. Read. Get interested in whatever you like and under any pretext to increase the amount of what you read. I don't have any problems with the older...

Reading speed - for work and not only. Test and three bad habits. For a long time I read myself only the titles of the chapters About reading. I suppose that to scare and send to the head teacher - they can hardly leave it for the second year. This applies not only to reading, but also to A read ...

I realized that it only depends on the development of the speech apparatus and its training. I have a speed when reading to a child somewhere around 70 Reading speed - for work and not only. Test and three bad habits. Use the table to determine your reading speed.

Before the upcoming admission to school, I decided to check the child's reading speed. I took reading tests and forced Natasha to read. the first text is 79 words per minute, the second is 81 words. He does not read quite like adults read, but not by syllables anymore.

at school, 2 types of reading are checked: expressive - this is when with feeling, sensibly, with speed reading or we read quickly. Now, in 1 month, the reading speed has increased from 80 words to Pro reading speed. Reading technique according to the norm of 100 words. The girl wants to learn...

Reading speed - for work and not only. Test and three bad habits. Section: Education, development (for which the school determined the speed of reading). Does anyone know the reading speed standards for first grade?

I hate to check reading technique and would not check it, but how to increase reading speed? The child is 6 years old. We plan to enter a good school, where there is a competition, including How to learn to read quickly. Time has passed, programs have changed, requirements for ...

Reading speed - for work and not only. Test and three bad habits. Use the table to determine your reading speed. I learned speed reading at the age of 10, I use it only if I need to quickly run through a boring Discussion. We have a second class of 70 words and more than 5.

Reading speed - for work and not only. Test and three bad habits. Reading speed: test. It's time to do a little exercise to assess your starting reading speed.

reading speed in grade 1. The teacher checked the speed of the class. 3 reasons to learn to read quickly. For adults and children from 13 years old. Usually towards the end elementary school children develop a stable basic reading skill one word at a time.

Test and three bad habits. I read (with my first child) about methods of teaching reading in whole words. And once I complained that in the first grade he had a reading speed of 2-3 words per minute. :) It did not fit into any standards.

Reading errors happen, but not many. Included in the third of the best, however, only in reading. There are children reading and 20 characters. They are to blame Reading speed - for work and not only. Test and three bad habits. Use the table to determine your reading speed.

Think back to your childhood when you were taught to read. First you learned the alphabet and how letters form syllables. Then - how words are obtained from syllables. And here you are at your desk and reading aloud.

When reading aloud, you were taught to pronounce word by word. This habit, most likely, has passed into reading to oneself. If you are silently reading the words all the time, then you are not reading faster than you are speaking, about 150 words per minute. Folding letters into syllables, and then syllables into words, logically leads to the next step - the formation of phrases or semantic units from words. Words are symbols of communication that fully convey meaning only when they are related to each other. Since you learned to read when you were a child, you are most likely still trying to excel in your "adult" reading with outdated methods from long gone school days. Psychologists believe that our most important skills are formed in childhood, and reading is one of them. It's no wonder most of us can't handle today's information flows.

Ineffective skills are characterized mainly by passive behavior, while effective ones require active behavior. By acquiring the skill of speed reading, you will read more in less time, concentrate better, and understand and remember information better.

When you read, your eyes work like a camera. You take a picture of the words and send the picture to the brain, and it instantly interprets the meaning of the words. In fact, while you are reading these lines, your eyes are constantly stopping - this is about 95% of the time spent reading. Your gaze does not move continuously from word to word, but is constantly delayed and starts moving again. Later, when you train your eyes to take a solid, or panoramic, photograph, your gaze will not have to stop as often, and it will capture more. Images bigger size means more words sent to your brain at each stop, and as a result, it gets to understand phrases and sentences. Once you learn to feel the rhythm of reading, you can read longer without getting tired and get much more information in a minute.

Browsing articles, websites, forums, signs, reading blogs, books, headlines has become a daily practice for us. Whoever owns the information owns the world.

By improving your reading abilities, you will find that you have acquired many useful qualities - you have become an interesting conversationalist or a more qualified worker, improved the speed of learning, memorization and information retrieval, began to get tired less and do more. Speed ​​reading is not only about books. It's about your personal effectiveness.

In the middle of the long ridge of the Appalachians, in southeastern Kentucky, is a small town called Harlan.

It is located on the Cumberland Plateau, in a wild country where mountain ranges are punctuated by narrow strips of valleys. The width of some of them is such that only a small river and a one-lane road can fit there. When the first settlers came to the Cumberland Plateau, the slopes of the mountains and valleys were covered with impenetrable virgin forests. Giant tulip trees reached 50 meters in height and about two meters in girth. They were surrounded by massive white oaks, beeches, maples, hazels, sycamores, birches, willows, cedars, pines and hemlocks, entangled in wild vines. Bears, cougars, and rattlesnakes abounded in the forests, squirrels frolicked in the canopy of trees, and layer after layer of coal lay beneath the topsoil. Harlan was founded in 1819 by settlers from the northern parts of the British Isles. In the XVIII century. they settled in Virginia, and then moved west towards the Appalachians in search of new lands.

The county has never been rich. During the first hundred years of its existence, the population rarely exceeded 10,000 people. The early settlers kept pigs on their small farms, herded sheep on hillsides, and struggled to make ends meet. Drinking whiskey in the backyard. Trees were felled and in the spring, when the water rose, they were rafted down the Cumberland River. Up to the XX century. the nearest railway station was two days away by wagon. And the road to the nearby town of Pine Mountain, nine miles north of Harlan, kept getting impassable.

Sherlock Holmes, in one of his stories, gave the following description of memory: “I believe that the human brain is a small empty attic, and you should furnish it with the furniture you have chosen. They mistakenly think that the room has elastic walls. It depends on her how soon the time will come for forgetting what you knew before, with each new incoming information. A person's individual experience can be called his memory. Your friends remember one thing, and you - quite another. Every memory is different. After all, it is not in vain that they say that memory is a distortion of reality, and not its reflection.

With the help of memory we perceive and understand the world, we orient ourselves in space, preserve and use certain knowledge and skills. The loss of a person's memory has always been tantamount to insanity.

Memory reaches the highest level of its development in humans. No other being in the world has such mnemonic abilities as he possesses. Subhuman organisms have only two types of memory: genetic and mechanical. With the help of genetic memory, vital qualities are transmitted from generation to generation, and mechanical memory contributes to the acquisition of experience and practical skills. When an organism passes away, life experience disappears with it. Social progress makes it possible to improve the process of memorization in all civilized people, to improve it in the course of familiarization with the achievements of mankind. The scientist P.P. Blonsky proved that motor, affective, figurative, logical views memories appeared one after another - as the development of mankind. Memory is the basis of human mental activity, the basis of development and learning. It plays the role of a link between the past of mankind, its present and future. Without it, it is impossible to understand the foundations of the formation of behavior, thinking, consciousness, subconsciousness.

Richard Feynman, the double-drum winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, was a cheerful man. But one day, during a period both difficult and happy, his optimism was seriously tested.

In the early 1940s Feynman's beloved wife, Arlene, was in the hospital, terminally ill with tuberculosis. The clinic was far away, and Feynman could visit his wife only occasionally, because he worked in the closed city of Los Alamos (New Mexico) on one of the most important programs of the Second World War - the secret Manhattan Project. Then Feynman was not yet famous, he was not entitled to any special privileges. In order to keep his mind busy after a day of work and distract from anxiety and boredom, Feynman began to focus on penetrating into the deepest and darkest secrets: he began to figure out how to open safes.

Becoming a successful safe opener is not easy. Feynman developed intuition, comprehended the internal structure of locks, trained his hands like a pianist, so that the fingers themselves did what they needed in the last stages, when the first numbers of the combination had already been clarified.

Later, Feynman learned that Los Alamos had hired a professional locksmith - a real expert who opened any safe in seconds. Master right in Los Alamos! Feynman realized that if he managed to make friends with this man, then all the secrets of safe locks would immediately become known to him. While Feynman was perfecting his safe-breaking skills, he managed to make friends with a professional locksmith. As time passed, some conversations were replaced by others, little by little Feynman moved from on-duty polite phrases to a discussion of professional issues, trying to penetrate deeper and deeper into the secrets of a skill that seemed perfect to him. Finally, late one night, the most valuable detail of secret knowledge became clear to him. The secret was that the master knew the default lock codes set by the manufacturers.

Everyone wonders how fast they type on the keyboard.

Take our online test to free test keyboard typing speed computer.

To measure the speed of typing, it is necessary to print in a special program a small text with a volume of 1/3 of an A4 page. The duration of the test depends on the printing speed and will take from 2 to 7 minutes.

You have an unlimited number of attempts to pass online test. In free mode, the text for typing will always be the same.

Select the language in which you want to test your typing speed and click the "Take a speed test" button.

Speed ​​test scores

During the online test, the program will measure the following indicators:

  • Print speed- average dialing speed

  • Set time- time spent on typing

  • Mistakes- the number of typos made in the process of typing

  • Delay- how long the key is held down

  • Pause- pause between keypresses

  • Max. no mistakes– maximum length of text typed without errors

  • Rhythm of printing- an indicator that determines how evenly the keys are pressed: the higher, the better

How is typing speed measured?

In the Russian-speaking segment of keyboard simulators and programs that measure typing performance, typing speed is usually measured in "characters per minute", i.e. in the number of characters typed in 1 minute.

Typing speed, measured in characters per minute, per English language denoted as CPM (characters per minute).

In the English segment, the unit of measurement for typing speed is words, not characters. Accordingly, such typing speed is measured in words per minute and is referred to in English as WPM (words per minute).

As a rule, they do not measure the actual number of words, but divide the typing speed in characters per minute by the average word length.

Sometimes Print speed is measured in "beats per minute". In this case, the unit of measurement is not only the number of characters typed, but also the number of keystrokes on auxiliary keys, such as Shift and Alt.

In English, this dialing speed is denoted as SPM (strokes per minute).

The average indicator of one English word is considered to be 5 characters, while for the Russian language average length words - 7.2 characters.

Do not confuse typing speed, measured in characters per minute, and typing speed, measured in beats per minute - they are different values!

What is a good print speed?

The optimal typing speed to maintain keyboard productivity is 250 characters per minute. It is with this speed that the average person thinks when he formulates in his head the thought that he needs to type on the keyboard.

Use the typing speed gradation to evaluate the result obtained when passing the speed test:

Dial speed The nature of the set
< 120 зн/мин < 24 wpm slow typing speed, typical for a person with little experience in typing on the keyboard
120-160 cpm 24-32 wpm typing speed of an average person typing with 2-4 fingers while looking at the keyboard
160-260 cpm 32-52 wpm average typing speed of a person who is proficient in blind ten-finger typing
260-350 cpm 52-70 wpm good typing speed of a person who has completed a touch typing course more than once or is developing typing speed using a typing trainer
350-400 cpm 70-80 wpm typing speed at a professional level of keyboard proficiency
> 400 cpm > 80 wpm very fast typing speed close to speech speed

A4 page print time and speed

Dial speed Number of A4 pages
1 3 5 10
120 cpm 24 wpm 15m 45m 1h 15m 2h 30m
180 cpm 36 wpm 10m 30m 50m 1h 40m
240 cpm 48 wpm 7m 22m 37m 1h 15m
320 cpm 64 wpm 5m 16m 28m 56m
400 cpm 80 wpm 4m 13m 22m 45m

Approximately 1800 characters fit on an A4 page, printed in 14th font "Times New Roman" with one and a half line spacing.

The comparison table shows the print speed and the corresponding time it takes to set a certain number of A4 pages.

As you can see, the result of owning fast printing is obvious!

Take the 10-finger touch typing course to save yourself time.

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello friends! I am with you again, Yuri Okunev.

Today we will analyze in detail how to count words when checking reading technique. This is important for those who want to test a child's reading technique or develop own ability to reading. Knowing the speed of reading, we can judge the degree of effectiveness of training.

When choosing a text for checking speed, I advise you to first of all take into account the degree of compliance of this text with the level of preparation of the person being checked.

Imagine what will happen if we force a first-grader to read the Great Soviet Encyclopedia or a fragment of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina at speed? Brain explosion guaranteed.

The text should not be too primitive if we are testing a high school student, and should not be difficult when testing the reading skills of the youngest.

Criteria for choosing a text for students in grades 1-2:

  • First of all, the content should be new, unfamiliar;
  • Legible font, large enough;
  • Simple short sentences, no adverbial phrases;
  • Lack of dialogues;
  • Avoid long adjectives and rarely used words;
  • Without drawings;
  • The content should be understandable to the child.

If there is no desire to experiment with the selection of texts, for elementary school you can take allowance of Olga Alexandrova, which contains control texts, comprehension questions, and a reading speed test.

Prepare a stopwatch or hourglass.

Reading test session

Here you go. We seated the schoolboy, gave the text in hand. Briefly explain that you need to read quickly.

Sounds command "Start!" The child collects his thoughts and begins to read (someone turns on faster, some slower). We mark the time as soon as we hear the first word. I made a mistake - we don’t speak out loud, but we write it down. Then we count the number of incorrectly read words. If your child is a primary school student, it will be useful for him to follow the text, leading with his finger or pointer.

We count words

Quickly calculate the number of words read, taking into account the following:

  • Prepositions and conjunctions are also counted;
  • Words that have been transferred are counted as 2 words;
  • Words with a hyphen are also taken as 2 words.

Subtract the number of erroneously read words from the resulting number.

There is no need to panic if today the reading speed is 50 words, and tomorrow only 20. This is normal. This indicator can be affected by both the child's bad mood, fatigue, and the quality of the text. Check the child again, giving him a rest for at least a day.

Norms of reading technique in primary grades

First of all, parents are interested in whether the reading technique of their baby meets generally accepted standards. To answer the question, here is a table.

Don't take these numbers too literally - everyone develops at their own pace. Fanaticism is redundant here.

Perhaps that's all. In conclusion, I will add that it is better to teach a child to read and write with the help of Primer of Nadezhda Zhukova, as well as the methods of Olga and Sergey Fedin "How to teach a child to read". The child will study everything with pleasure, and you will save time.

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And I say goodbye. See you later. Yours, Yuri Okunev.