How to feel energetic after 50. Ageism: how to live after fifty? Believe in your own ability

So the next milestone has come - 50 years ... Children have long been adults, most of the grandiose plans for life have either been realized or put away on the shelf of unfulfilled desires ...

For some, this is a time of new opportunities, but for some, a crisis ...

What to do when you are already 50, and more than half of your life has been lived?

We listen to the advice of psychologists, draw conclusions!

The topic was proposed by Zavaruhina E.V.

Only limited thinking can stop a person in his development. There are many opportunities in the world, if there is a desire.

IN modern society people are accustomed, reaching the age of 40-50 years old, prepare for old age. Many people do not even think of doing something interesting, exciting. After all, there is an opportunity, and health is still in perfect order.

I think the reason for this lies in the stereotypes of society. Kindergarten, school, institute, family, career, pension... Few people dream of doing hobbies and traveling in retirement. Abroad, this is more or less accepted, but here we are not. From here, people have despondency and readiness to exist without any joy. Although more often you can already meet people who want to live to the fullest.

Yes, a lot has been lived - 50 years are left behind. I am also 48 years old, and I feel that I have lived a lot.

However, it is important to understand that this is an amazing age when you have the opportunity to fully devote your life to yourself.

What can you do during this time? I propose to think about what you wanted to do before - in childhood, youth. What was it that you still have not been able to implement?

Set aside a day for these reflections, take a walk, come home and start writing whatever comes to your mind about this. If you think about it, then the answer will definitely come.

Another option for reflection is to start writing morning pages. Every morning, as soon as you wake up, write 3 pages of text in a specially designated notebook - everything that comes to your mind. I can assume that you will be visited interesting ideas that you will start implementing.

I wish you success in the implementation of your plans!

The topic sounds a little strange to me. I'm already over 50 ... But I don't feel age is somehow problematic. Yes, “children have long been grown up, most of the grandiose plans for life have been realized” ... But material plans ...

If you set goals of the spiritual plan, the goals of perfection, they are unattainable. My main goal in life is to learn unconditional love. And I know that at any age I will have something to strive for. Learn to love your man, your son, grandchildren, people in general, the world, life in all its manifestations ... And more. Have a job you love. This is a separate story from my life.

I am sitting at the bus stop, waiting for the bus. Grandma comes and sits next to me. " Good morning! Good health!” “And good health to you,” I answer. The conversation starts.

“You know, girl (she’s coming to me), I was recently awarded such a rare diploma,” she says proudly. Then I find out that she is 88 years old, of which the last 30 (which means, from the age of 58) she has been working as a janitor at Matsesta LLC (hydropathic clinic). The management awarded her with a diploma for a long and impeccable work.

“I really love my job,” continues the grandmother. “My territory is always very clean. In autumn, when the leaves fall, there is more work to be done. But it doesn't matter, I have such a broom. Shirk (she waves her hand) once - and immediately perfectly clean. Then she tells how she was sweeping the territory, and a visitor to the clinic drove up in a car, parked, got out and handed her grandmother five thousand rubles. "To me? For what?". And she answered - “For your work. No matter how many times I come here, it's always nice to see cleanliness. And this is your doing." But for me, five thousand is such a big amount, I have a salary of five and a half a month. But money is not the main thing for me. What is money? Yes - no. But it's nice to see the result of your work."

And they tell the truth, it doesn't matter if you're a professor or a janitor, it's important how you feel about your work. It is important to enjoy what you do for other people. And this is an illustration for me.

I am 53 years old, and I understand that I have a lot of interesting things ahead of me!

Well, if you look at my husband, who is already 4 years old like over 50, then yes! And what an active life!

I agree that a person chooses what kind of life he should live, but when does a person believe that there is no choice? Here it is somewhat more complicated. Someone will say that this is the life of this person, and it is worth letting go and not interfering. BUT when this person is close? And he has a few more people nearby who, perhaps, would like to develop, but do not give data once a frame, especially when such people went through hunger and other crisis situations ... Elena Ivanovna Turova, many thanks to you for a fly in the ointment!

In my example, I have my teachers, who already have and are over 60 years old. These are people whom I really sincerely respect and want to learn from them to rejoice, to share, to be positive and resourceful.

It is hoped that in our country there will be a slightly different attitude towards themselves among people after 50 years. Psychologists are a separate group that for the most part know what they want. But not psychologists - much more. And it seems to me that our task is to inform people about the possibility of learning to enjoy life after 50 years.

Once again, many thanks to everyone who paid their attention to this topic, which is so important for our society today.

Children have long been grown up, most of the grandiose plans for life have either been realized or put away on the shelf of unfulfilled desires ...

This happens only if a person lives according to a pattern. There is a certain "program" - to give birth before 30, grow up to 50, and after 50 become a grandmother / grandfather, stop thinking about your plans, start wearing children's things and "score on yourself", considering yourself already old.

And you can not live according to the pattern. And then, even if the children have grown up, their own life is no less interesting than before. No one is forcing you to put your plans on the shelves - but what really gets in the way? Nobody is forcing you to stand still. Many begin to travel only after 50, explore the world, decide on what they did not dare before, continue to learn something new, and some begin to give birth to children only closer to 40. Who and why should set this template and for what ?

What to do when you are already 50, and more than half of your life has been lived?

This is also a template. How do you know how many years you will live? How much do you really want? And what are you willing to do about it?

I personally know a number of people who started their health care in their 60s and in their 70s look much more fit and youthful than many in their 40s and 50s.

I am over 40, at 37 I started diving, at 40 I became a diving instructor. My shape and health are much better now than at 30. And honestly, I don’t really understand how 50 should be different from 30.

It seems to me that age is a purely conditional value, overgrown with some amount of all sorts of "should", "should", "accepted / not accepted", etc. And people themselves program themselves for early aging with similar attitudes like "most of life has already been lived." At the same time, they often forget that the first 15 years are not very conscious, a person in these years does not define himself at all, this is still not HIS life in the full sense of the word. Then he gains life experience, social formation takes place ....

Actually, we start to LIVE later. Consciously, making your choice and having at least some base for it. So the words of the heroine of the famous film that life is just beginning at 40 are quite fair. And the resources of our body are very considerable, if we treat it with attention and care. Therefore, life can continue for a very, very long time, if you do not clog your head with how and when "everything should be."

Probably, life begins when the constant pressure of everyone stops ... Already the children are big, and I figured out the profession, and more or less got to know myself. :)))

Only now I enjoy MY life, I realize MY desires!!!
It is important by this time not to lose health, strength, interest in development. But this, of course, does not work for everyone. :(((

It is important for children from childhood to tell about the mysteries of Life, its Surprises and Gifts... And to teach them how to keep all the most valuable things. And it's best to show them (children) an example - to get joy yourself at the age of 50+!

majority plans implemented a lot of plans implemented

b ABOUT the greater half of one's life has been lived A I have lived part of my life

what to do when you ALREADY 50? what to do when you're just 50?

The general portrait of my clients - men over 50: smart, thinking, well-paid jobs, a measured rhythm of life, adult children, divorced or thinking about a divorce. Those who are married are in sufficient distance from their spouses, have free time, a place for solitude (another apartment, cottage, personal office).

What unites them? Self-doubt, feeling of loneliness. The bitter experience of deceit and exposure of oneself and one's spouse, mutual penetration into personal territory and its further upholding, gaining anew, reconstruction of personal boundaries. Many have already changed their profession, occupation, family, environment. There are frequent disappointments in expectations from adult children, recognition (or non-recognition) of one's guilt for insufficient participation in their upbringing. They realize that there are sores ahead, an already inflexible character, established habits. There are almost no illusions about yourself. They are afraid that they will not be able to create a couple anymore. It’s hard to discuss what really worries you (sex, your parents, prison, drugs) - “I still can’t find a person to whom I could tell everything”, “I can’t talk to my wife - old grievances and mutual claims.” Depression due to an undeserved demotion, and in connection with this: "How will I tell my family that I was fired." For a long time (up to a year) stuck thoughts “Take pills, fall asleep and feel nothing.” Lack of sincerity in conversations with his wife, not enough sex.

They are still attracted by sensuality, beauty, physicality, grace. And they also care about love, the consciousness of one's own uniqueness and the acceptance of it by a partner.

Almost all of them have a problem that is impossible to bear - it is hard for them to admit that "no one loves" them. This thought, this understanding leads to desolation. A person loses his value in the immediate environment.

The psychology of a modern man over 50 has its own specifics. What influences her today. When - the world crisis, when information rushes to mankind like an avalanche, when there is almost no sacred, unseen, secret? Television, the Internet opened the way to the Holy of Holies - you can see any medical operation, attend childbirth, spy on the love affair of famous personalities. Secret personal corrupt correspondence began to be made public (remember the Wikileaks story).

For a man of this age, it is important to be aware of his gender, it is important to be sure that even with the natural extinction of sexual activity, he will feel strong, decisive, significant. Modern studies have revealed a positive correlation between the structure of gender identity and qualities that reflect better adaptation in the elderly and senile age.

The most common strategies for dealing with the crisis after 50 years among Russian men are the following:

  • a series of novels with younger partners,
  • withdrawal into alcohol, into gambling,
  • workaholism (alas, currently unavailable to most due to rising unemployment),
  • downshifting (conscious descent through the social hierarchy, moving out of town, escape from the hustle and bustle of city stress).

The sad statistics of crisis centers and helplines: the most common portrait of a suicidal person is a man aged 59 years.

What is reasonable and effective to do? ...

  • accept age-appropriate changes,
  • tune in to the constructive living of your crisis life period,
  • develop a "program for successfully coping with the crisis", activating energy,
  • take care of your physical condition
  • organize your life so that there is a place for joy in it.

A. Danilov, head of the Brain Ecology project, claims that joy is a universal elixir of health. It is the joyful experience of one's present life that brings the feeling of happiness. And to feel like the "salt of the earth" it is not necessary to be widely known or in demand, but at least at the level of the family, the closest people - parents, husband, wife, children, grandchildren or friends - everyone needs it.

After 50, it's time to start living your own life, which means stop living someone else's life. There is still time to change everything!

I think that sometimes life only begins after 50! I am now 40, and only now I am starting to gain experience as a professional (more practice), the children have grown up, now I can devote more to the work that I like. And by the age of 50, I hope my goal will be achieved. Remembering their parents at 50, they are still physically strong people with life experience, one might even say, wise. Of course, at 50, this is only half of the path traveled, and there are many interesting things ahead! We need to live and enjoy every day!

The topic is interesting, and the number 50 is symbolically beautiful. I can’t give any special recommendations from a psychologist for 50 years, because they simply don’t exist. The age is incredibly interesting - there is already enough life experience and wisdom, worked out problems of youth and a confident understanding of who I am and what I want.

But what I can do depends on a lot, including how I lived the previous stages of my life.

Around this turn, I changed my work profile and lifestyle greatly. Found new unusual professions. For example, at 51 I became a diving instructor, and at this moment, when I write these lines, I fly to Spain, where I develop my new project, combining diving, hydrotherapy, body-oriented therapy and Gestalt therapy.

There is much more power for creativity and new ideas. And the experience of my clients spurs even more. There is even one who, at the age of 80, after listening to me, began to dive and excrete according to my "Breathing in Water" method and after that regained mobility, travels the world and recently returned from South Africa. A couple of years ago, he still could not walk 500 meters from bench to bench.

I myself was seriously ill about 10 years ago, maybe a little more. It's hard to believe now, and I can't figure out if it was me.

Dare! Age is in the body, and in the feelings, and in the head. How you deal with them is your choice.

Life after 50 years fully continues. The retirement age changes periodically. Scientific research confirms that if a person continues to develop, to be interested in life, this has a beneficial effect on his health and intellect.

Too often stereotypes get in the way. But we are psychologists - we differ from clients in the degree of awareness. At least desirable. And we understand that at any age you can be successful, lead a full life. It all depends on the choice of the person himself - how to relate to this. You can consider yourself an old woman even at 30. Therefore, experiencing your age is very personal.

The topic is interesting. Life goes on after 50, that's for sure...

Of course, this life has its age features both in men and women ... If a woman, as a rule, cannot give birth to her children due to the end of her childbearing age, then a man can still ... As a rule, at 50 years and older, all or most people begin to appear - who has more, who has less - a “bouquet”, but not flowers, but diseases ... and health, as you know, is a determining factor in life, that is, it can significantly affect further activities and life in general ... .

As a rule, at the age of 50, a person already begins to choose priorities and limit his plans in something, that is, he begins to realize more and more that he will not have time to accomplish something, to achieve something in his life, so he is becoming more and more strict in choosing what he still needs to do, and what is no longer so important for him and his loved ones ...

But life - it certainly continues and will continue until death in the sense that if a person is active according to his capabilities and is engaged in socially useful work, or, so to speak, until his activity brings at least some benefit to people ... then a person will not thrown out of life - he is in the ranks, in the "clip" - he is not a ballast and a burden for other people ...

Dear fellow psychologists, the question itself sounds ridiculous, wrong, crooked. It seems that everyone who writes here is called upon to "gouge" the Soviet stereotype. Such a question in many developed countries can be an insult. 50 years is the age of Creativity, Service, Eccentricity, Love and Joy!

I'm 54 and I don't want to be 20 or 30 years old because I have everything that the younger generation has - health, enthusiasm, dreams and plans, interesting work and self-development strategies, love, children (adults) and... what they don't have - Complete Freedom, Wisdom and a great Taste for Life! Yes, wrinkles appear, well, this is how to look at them. I love them! And I'm glad that I live among people for whom skydiving at 92 is the NORM!

Age is an interesting phenomenon: there are numbers, there are papers, there are sensations, there are relationships - and it is very difficult to "reconcile" these different sides of age within oneself. For example, when you discover at the age of 30 that on paper you are no longer a "young scientist" as before, although you internally feel completely different, and at 40 it turns out that you can fall in love like a teenager, but at the same time you may be denied a job place due to "age", etc. And you face such different inconsistencies at any age.

In my opinion, there are simple everyday (that is, acquired by long experience in everyday psychology) ways of adapting to age, some of which have long been in my piggy bank, which I constantly replenish.

For example, to look at those who are older, to "try on" someone else's dress - as it happens, as you would like. For example, when I was a third-year student, my pedagogy teacher Vera Petrovna Bederkhanova, at the age of 60, went to driving courses - and told how a young teacher first ran to refuse such an elderly student, and then appreciated her advice, how she streamlined the training system for herself and how to start driving.

With the same question: "How does it happen?" you can watch, read, listen to the biographies of famous people, cultural and scientific figures. Someone found their way earlier, someone later, but at any age there are finds, discoveries, opportunities.

The second point is to try new things, to go off the "knurled paths" on your own, to look around. One creative person I read in an interview that he was not scared retirement age- because he never had a stable salary and knows well what it means to look for different jobs and not wait for help from the state.

Another important point for me is to expand my inner horizons, set long-term and timeless goals. For example, when I was a teenager, I recalled fairy tales in which an "old wise woman" always appeared from somewhere and prompted the hero in difficult moments - how to behave or what to pay attention to. Looking around me, I realized that I was very unlucky, and many women who seemed to be in this role for me were very preoccupied with their problems, complained to others about their lives, got angry, and even if they undertook to advise something to the young generation, they never asked and often did not rely on even the simplest everyday logic. This was probably one of the important factors for me in choosing a profession - I remember the day when I thought that I wanted to eventually be this wise old woman, which is so hard to find in our time ...

And only finding myself on this path, I realized how difficult it is. Wisdom is something like gold, which you extract from the ore of life experience, sifting sand, selecting the main thing bit by bit, bit by bit, this big job life long. When there is a goal inside that contains more than one, two, three, four age periods - 50 years are perceived not as limitations, but as opportunities. Opportunities for new experiences, new sensations from life, new relationships, and the possibility of fulfilling your teenage dream of a wise old woman.

I found a similar dream with my friend - from a slightly different angle: she dreamed of an active and fighting granny (like from the French film "Boom"), who participates not only in secrets, but also in gambling and risky actions of teenagers.

There are, of course, specific circumstances to which one has to adapt separately (for example, to changes in the state of health or to the loss of loved ones), but no one is immune from them throughout life and even in childhood.

Mental wealth and prosperity - that's what I want to wish myself and others at any age.

Each round date is accompanied by some excitement, sometimes tension and even fear - especially among the fairer sex. After all, round dates are automatically perceived as the sound of the alarm that your youth is moving further and further away from you.

I decided to celebrate my 50th in a completely unconventional way - without numerous guests at the festive table. Together with my youngest daughter, we flew to Turkey to relax and gain strength, lying on the seashore. It was this atmosphere of the sunny coast, fragrant sea air, filled with the magical smells of various flowers, that helped me make a small report on what I came up to the milestone at the age of 50. And with each new item I liked this report more and more, and I I was able to accept it with great Gratitude painlessly and even with a certain amount of pride in myself.

The main thing is that I am physically healthy and look great on the outside, I have found my purpose and am doing my favorite thing, which brings me both moral and material satisfaction. I have two wonderful daughters who have taken place as Personalities, as Women and as Mothers. They bring me a lot of joy, and most importantly, I became the grandmother of three wonderful grandchildren, and this is the biggest gift from my eldest daughter. I perceive communication with my grandchildren as a miracle in the truest sense of the word - I am 20 years younger with them and I can spend time playing football with my grandson, and Monopoly already with both elders. And when I hear their sincere words of recognition to me in Love - I'm just in seventh heaven from Happiness!

I also want to note the respectful and friendly relations with my two sons-in-law - sincere and mutually respectful relations have been built between us. And this is another gift from my daughters - having made the choice of their halves, they gave me two dear people, whom I perceive as sons, whom I never had.

Separately, in my report, I allocated a place to my Friends. There are three of those with whom I have been friends for more than 20 years - and this is Friendship for centuries. There are those whom I met in a new city for myself. And, despite the fact that there are only a few years of communication between us, they are also interesting and dear to me.

And now I want to list my hobbies and interests - with great pleasure I go to movie premieres in cinemas, with no less pleasure I purchase tickets for ballet, opera and classical concert our and foreign guests of the capital. Performances and musicals also attract my attention, and I rejoice at every opportunity to watch them with my friends and relatives, as if for the first time.

Beautiful music, yoga, swimming, travel and walks on fresh air is an integral part of my life. Recently, I have a new hobby - drawing 12 magic cells, which gives a deep immersion in the process and reveals my Creative potential.

Educational trainings and seminars supplement my life with new professional knowledge and new acquaintances, some of which develop into good and mutually pleasant communication outside the seminars.

Recently read good phrase"There can be a ceiling above a person's head or ... the sky" and I think this is just about how a person sees and perceives his life. He can see either the limitations associated with age, status and God knows what else, or ... see endless possibilities your own, especially in the period when the children have already grown up and can take responsibility for themselves and their lives, when you have a favorite job, strong relationships and the opportunity to realize all your dreams, for which there was not enough time and money once.

And the most important acquisition of the golden frontier is life experience, which helps to avoid unnecessary mistakes and helps to move through life much more comfortably and easily. Well, is it possible to devalue all this with just one thought - I'm 50, and this is already a sentence?

I can only sincerely Thank the Universe for everything I have and for what is yet to come! Love begins with an attitude towards yourself, and only when you fill yourself to the brim, you can share with everyone who is close to you. This is the secret of how a person perceives his age - either there is something to share from a state of fullness or ... there is something to be sad about. The choice is yours!

For a person who has thought about his life from an early age, who has invested strength in this process, who has devoted time, more or less, for someone who has found the opportunity to be sincere with himself until the age of fifty, and after, the process of development and individuation continues.

To say that many begin to think about the question of starting to live fully after 50 is rather incorrect, unnatural, even deceptive. Just like offering significant changes in life to a person who is not prepared to work on himself in the age category of fifty and beyond, starting new projects is irresponsible.

Of course, now there are more and more people for whom health issues in the second half of life do not become a burden, and this pleases! At any age, a person is able to develop, thinking about the future, not to lose heart, not to get lost, being left to himself.

And for a long, pleasant life, a new culture of being in everyday life is needed in order to know well, to feel where personal energy is focused. It is good to correct your own life at any age, to mobilize your potential to achieve maximum maturity in your own desires, dreams, self-esteem, including.

I know retirees who travel, express themselves creatively and are absolutely happy, and look younger. Therefore, I know for sure that there is life after 50, if you organize it for yourself. :)

There are, of course. Another question is who is satisfied with her (life). Someone says that he is already old and there is nothing more to do in life. And someone says that this is another fruitful stage in life and opens their own Psychological Center, enters an art school and fulfills their old dream of drawing, someone goes to vocal lessons and starts performing on a professional stage, someone gets married and completely changes your life.

Both those and other examples before my eyes, these are examples from life. Everyone lives as he sees fit. I’m not sure that the first option brings joy to someone, but it probably makes some sense for them. For example, once again to attract the attention of already matured children. The second option inspires me much more. It has a search for something new, energy, strength, interest.

Hello dear beautiful women! Tell me, who do you see in the mirror every day? Grandmother, who looks into him to smooth White hair by combing them with a comb? Or a well-groomed fifty-year-old lady who looks younger than her years?

Or maybe a tired woman looking at you from the mirror, having long waved at herself, but not yet old, with a glimpse in her eyes, a woman who suddenly realized that the children have grown up, and life has not yet ended ?! And so you want to feel young and beautiful! Do you think it is difficult and expensive? Not at all! Today I will tell you how to look younger after 50 without complex cosmetic surgeries and procedures, and even without visiting an expensive fitness center.

Some scientific facts: in 2013, a new term appeared: behavioral aging. Research conducted by experts in the field age-related changes that occur with the skin, led to the conclusion: the older a person becomes, the more the state of his body is interconnected with the way of thinking.

It is clear that nature cannot be deceived, changes in the body after fifty years are inevitable. But what these changes will be depends largely on you.

So, here are 4 rules for looking younger after 50, even if you do not resort to the services of cosmetic surgeons.

Rule one: move!

Even if you work all day, and in the evening, it seems that there is no energy for anything. Try to at least get off the bus a couple of stops early and take your time walking home. Your body and lungs will be saturated with oxygen, and your muscles will get a load. Over time, you will feel the pleasure of these walks. At this point, it will be good to increase the pace of walking in order to get more health benefits, rejuvenation and weight loss. The ideal pace is when your breathing has already increased, but this does not prevent you from speaking.

Do not give in, even if you have already retired, and now the children are happy to push their grandchildren on you!

Sign up for yoga classes, swimming, dancing. And let the children figure it out themselves, because once you raised them and completely coped with this task on your own. If you are healthy and active, you will not become a burden for them in old age.

In addition, classes in a group of like-minded people will give you a huge amount of positive emotions.

All metabolic processes at any age depend on physical activity. The faster the blood runs in your veins, the faster it is renewed, the better you feel and look younger.

Moderate exercise is more than a health benefit. An athletic woman always looks much younger.

Useful grimaces for beauty

Come up with an obligatory morning ritual for yourself, in which you include a couple of exercises for the face and in a month another woman will look at you from the mirror, younger and without unpleasant “sagging” on her face and neck.

Here are examples of such exercises:

Smile! Even if you don’t feel like it at all, do it with force, “hold” a smile on your face for at least a minute, try to give your smile different expressions - coquettish, gentle, joyful. Choose positive emotions, because you are now creating your mood for the whole day. As an experiment, do this exercise for at least a week and watch how your day goes after the morning smile.
-Make a face while looking at yourself in the mirror, puff out your cheeks, push your lower jaw as far as possible, pulling the skin on your neck, stick out your tongue so that it reaches your chin.
-Take a pencil in your mouth and draw letters in the air with it - whatever you want. You can "write" whole words and phrases. For example, a wonderful option to write “how beautiful I am!” - and strengthen the muscles of the face, and raise the mood.

Doing all this "hooliganism", try to fulfill two important conditions:
1. Let no one see you;
2. Do them every day, at least for one or two minutes.

Gymnastics for the face can erase wrinkles and tighten the skin more effectively than any cream.

Rule two: take care of yourself!

You can influence your skin with the help of familiar products - fruits and vegetables, milk, cereals, making masks, scrubs, creams from them yourself.

Be sure to cleanse the skin, do peels, they will “cleanse” old dead cells from you, this can be done at home.

Choosing the right care for your skin type is very important.

Do not forget about your body, it deserves to be cherished and cherished.

If there are no contraindications, try to visit the bathhouse at least once a week. At the same time, you should not bathe with fanaticism, bringing yourself to the state of cancer in a pot of boiling water. Everything is good in moderation.

To make sure you don't have any serious illnesses, in which the bath is strictly prohibited, for example, benign or malignant tumors - go through annual professional examinations in clinics.

Sleep - from wrinkles barrier

This is one more important rule to understand how to look younger after 50 years Nature has given us a wonderful tool with which our body rejuvenates every day - this is sleep.

After fifty years, you need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. It is very important to go to bed before 23.00, because it is during this period that our biological clock, with the help of growth hormone, triggers the mechanisms for restoring the skin and the whole body.

If you want to sleep during the day - try to find the opportunity to do this. Even a short 15-20 minute nap can invigorate you and refresh your brain.

If you can’t sleep - let’s say you work all day in the office, give yourself time for a short meditation, even five or ten minutes is enough for it.

Sitting at your workplace, accept comfortable posture, relax, try to move away from everything that surrounds you. It is difficult to get all thoughts out of your head, so don't even try to do it, watch them like the waters of a river that flow past you without stopping. And you sit on the shore and calmly look at the water, taking away all your problems and troubles.

It would be nice to put on special music during meditation, wearing headphones, you will fence yourself off from others for a short time and immerse yourself in a world of tranquility.

Such meditations very well help not only to concentrate, but also to restore emotional condition, so strongly reflected in our appearance.

The emotional state is reflected in the appearance instantly. Do you want to look younger? Radiate with happiness!

Makeup is our savior

When doing makeup, remember - it is important not to overdo it here, because you want to look not like Christmas tree but how beautiful well-groomed woman with taste.

After fifty years there is no need to choose bright makeup, you only need to emphasize your strengths and slightly hide your flaws.

At this age, the processes associated with the restructuring of the body continue. Manifestations of menopause, such as sudden hot flashes, during which it throws you into a fever and sweat trickles begin to run down your face, can greatly ruin your makeup.

Sweat, flowing down the face, washes away Foundation leaving ugly streaks. If you have heavily painted your eyes with mascara, especially the lower eyelashes, then at such moments you are at great risk of getting black circles under the eyes, which will look untidy and add age to you.

So, when choosing cosmetics for makeup, consider what will add years to you:

    • Bright or white shadows;
      Thick layer of foundation;
      Black eyeliner;
      Provocatively bright lipstick and blush will turn you into a clown;
      Thinly plucked eyebrows will give the face an unnatural and therefore aging expression;
      Hair on the face, chin, near the lips are clear manifestations of hormonal failure.

Hair is the frame of a beautiful face

Your appearance largely depends on the condition of your hair. If you have a well-groomed face with good make-up, and a hairstyle that does not suit you in style and color, this will visually increase your age.

It's good to ask a stylist to help you choose the color and shape of your hair, but you can try to do it yourself at home.
On the Internet there are sites for the selection of hairstyles online. All you have to do is upload a photo of yourself, preferably with slicked back hair, and please experiment as much as you like.

There is another way: go to a wig store and try on different hair colors and styles.

Rule #3: Take care of your food!

There are many different food systems, diets, restrictions. But still, listen to yourself. Just as an experiment, try adding or eliminating any food from your diet for a month and see how it affects your mood, the health of your skin, joints, and the whole body.

Anti-aging products

It is very important to consume enough vitamins and minerals. Scientists in this matter show amazing unanimity - it is better if all these useful substances enter our body with food, and not with nutritional supplements, which have been so actively advertised lately.

To get the right amount of essential substances with food, it is enough to eat half a kilogram of fruits and vegetables every day. Make sure your diet has a sufficient amount of protein - both vegetable, which you can get from legumes, buckwheat, soy, and animal, dairy products or lean meat.

Make sure to eat foods that slow down aging every day:

1. The most powerful antioxidant is prunes. 3-4 berries a day - and your body will be provided with serious protection against aging;
2. The second most powerful is raisins, you need to eat at least 2 tablespoons of it;
3. Next on the list is white cabbage, raw or sauerkraut, which will help you look younger;
4. Green tea - it has long been famous for its ability to improve metabolism;
5. Beets - improve blood composition;
6. Orange - a supplier of vitamin C;
7. Red grapes - famous for their antioxidant properties;
8. Sweet Peppers - It has slightly less vitamin C than oranges, but it is enough for pepper to be included in this list;
9. Millet - you need to eat millet porridge at least two to three times a week.

Food against aging is not a fairy tale for a long time, but the results of scientific research. Food rich in antioxidants really rejuvenates all body systems.

How to eat and drink - nutrition for youth

It must be remembered that with age, moisture is less retained by the body, and therefore the layer decreases. hyaluronic acid that keeps our skin taut. Following the thinning of this “water cushion”, collagen fibers are destroyed, which in turn leads to the appearance of more and more wrinkles. To maintain water balance, you need to drink at least two liters of water per day.

If you eat three times a day, try to divide all servings of food, starting with breakfast, into two parts. Eat one at the usual time, and the second - a little later, in total you will get 5-6 meals of a small amount of food. By eating in this way, you facilitate the work of the digestive tract, which contributes to smooth weight loss. Such nutrition will not only help you lose weight, but also significantly improve your well-being.

Of course, important factor in preventing the occurrence excess weight and ugly bags under the eyes in the morning - do not eat at least 4 hours before bedtime. Well, in extreme cases - a glass of kefir with bran.

After fifty years, as a rule, menopause greatly affects not only the physical, but also the emotional state of a woman. Flaxseed or flaxseed flour will help you cope with the manifestations of menopause.

Every day, in the morning before washing, eat, carefully chewing a spoonful of flaxseed, washed down with a glass of water, or dilute the same amount of flaxseed flour in half a mug of water and, stirring well, drink the resulting slurry in one gulp. This will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and save you from menopausal manifestations.

Human life is an interesting phenomenon. Remember how at fifteen you wanted to look older, well, at least five years? And with time comes the desire to look younger years for fifteen. And this desire almost always arises after 50 years, and at 55, and after 60 ... Not only the above tips can help in this matter, but also the right wardrobe.

Proper clothing, a healthy lifestyle plus positive emotions - this is the formula of unfading youth.

By the age of fifty, a woman outwardly becomes a reflection of her inner world. Wisdom and life experience give her self-confidence, and she is already boldly moving forward in life. Usually such women know perfectly well what suits them and what does not. They know what color of blouse will pleasantly refresh the face, and what will make it dull and add a few extra years.

When choosing clothes at an elegant age, it is better to give preference to calm light colors, classic combinations of black and white, but also do not deny yourself the pleasure of wearing jeans with a sweater.

The main thing in the selection of clothes is a sense of proportion. You should not dress in flashy, poisonous canary pink colors, they will only emphasize your age.

Of course, it's good if you save good figure, but even in this case, dresses and skirts will look much better on you middle length- to the middle of the knee, or longer. Leave the miniskirts to the young girls.

Pants should be of very good cut and quality fabric. It is better to choose straight or slightly flared styles to the bottom.

Blouses - irreplaceable thing in the wardrobe of women of all ages. Women in their fifties and older, unfortunately, often have quite a lot of wrinkles on the neck and décolleté, so low-cut blouses will only emphasize this small, but still not very pleasant skin flaw.

Styles that suit women over fifty:

  • Sports. It makes the figure more toned, and therefore allows you to look younger.
  • Elegant. In fact, this style looks good at any age, but is it not for nothing that the age of fifty and older is called this word?
  • Classical. Style, for all time, allowing you to feel confident anywhere and anytime.
  • Casual. Free and comfortable, but at the same time beautiful clothes will add charm to your image, and you will look much younger.

Be beautiful and happy, we are always glad to see you on the pages of our site, see you soon!

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While a person is young for years, he is full of hopes and plans: finding a profession, great love, creating a family. At an advanced age, when it is time to take stock, it seems that all the possibilities for the fulfillment of desires are left behind. And if something did not work out in youth and a person, whether a man or a woman, remains alone, then life becomes unbearable, painful. How can a woman live alone when she is over 50 and over? This is our article.

Life is like a dead end of loneliness. Is happiness possible?

One. Age is well over 50 ... very far over 50. No husband, no children ... No relationship either. And nothing shines anymore ... Can a miracle happen? And what can change for a woman over 50 if nothing worked out in her younger years? It remains only to survive somehow ... Life seems to have passed by.

That thought alone is debilitating. From it you grow old - right before your eyes. Life is colorless, empty, insipid ... Not life at all ... Thoughts are spinning in my head that once it was necessary to do this, and not this way ... Then now there would be at least some semblance of a family, at least someone nearby. .. So that in old age there was someone to give a glass of water ... And now it's too late, time has gone ... You can’t return or change anything ... All chances are lost ... How to live if there is no longer any reason to live and there is no one for anyone? ..

History, of which there are many, with various variations. But one thing unites them: a woman did not realize her desires in order to feel her life filled, but happy, and, being beyond the threshold of a certain age (after 50 or after 60 years), she does not see the opportunity to change something in her life, so as not to be lonely to live in full force and with joy, to feel their need for others.

Deceptive magic of numbers for a woman after 50

Still, it seems, quite recently, on the threshold of the 40th anniversary, the woman did not lose optimism and hope, because “after 40, life is just beginning!”. And a little later (“at 45 - a woman berry again”), a gradually fading woman for some time, another three to five years, is waiting for what is still possible to change in her such a monotonous and lonely life ...

The fateful date - 50 years - hits like a butt on the head. Someone, congratulating the lady on her anniversary from the bottom of her heart, will jokingly add: “I exchanged my sixth decade.” And then 55 years ... and the so-called old-age pension. A woman who still feels herself able to live actively, from these words addressed to her, literally loses the ground under her feet: is it really old age, is it really all? ..

In fact, you can start living joyfully and happily at any age! Ask how? The answer is given by "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan. And in particular, she points to those false attitudes, taken from bad life experience, that prevent a person from living not only in old age, but at any age. And you can also get rid of these attitudes, rebuild your thinking and attitude to life at any age - at the training, starting with free lectures.

False attitudes for a single woman after 50

In the case of a woman after 50, living alone, these are the attitudes that seem to have been known since ancient times as worldly guidelines that help “behave right”, not make mistakes in life, but they stopped working in our dynamic time, full of changes.

And what are these "false assumptions"? We will not analyze the reasons for the loneliness of a woman after 50, the roots of which are in the past: what she once did not do or, on the contrary, did instead of proudly doing nothing. Consider the causes of loneliness, which now, after 50 or 60 years, and even at an older age, prevent a woman from gaining the joy of life. These are the very “arguments in favor of hopelessness” that program a woman to give up trying to change her life. Here are some of them:

  • "life passed by"
  • “there are no children of their own, and there will be no more”,
  • “there is no pair relationship, and there is nothing to hope for”,
  • "no job", "no interesting work"," At that age, they won't take me anywhere.

Now, in connection with these arguments, consider the counter-arguments offered by system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan.

Has life gone by? How to live to live

Such a feeling most often develops if generally accepted plots have not been passed, indicating that a person has taken place, that life has not been lived in vain. For a woman, this is the creation of a family, the birth of children, and in the future - the acquisition of grandchildren. For modern woman there may be additions: a career, own housing, a car, opportunities to travel - providing both personal space and conditions for wide communication ...

All these are “signs” of social fulfillment, at the same time these events are sources of vivid impressions, emotions, constant changes that make life dynamic, interesting ... If this is not the case, then the feeling of an unlived life, painful in itself, is exacerbated by “public opinion” . Previously, such a lonely woman was called "empty flower", now she is a loser. And in comparison with her, a neighbor with a drunkard husband and nightly scandals feels more “accomplished”.

In fact, life is made rich and vivid not by specific plots in themselves, but by how a person lives the life events sent to him. Those who have a family are not guaranteed to feel lonely either - and in a crowd you can feel lonely. And vice versa, the so-called single woman, even after 50, 60 years old, can find a wide field for realization and joy in life.

Firstly, to do what you always wanted to do, but what was put off until better times (learn something, try yourself in something). So: those best times have come! Learn and try! Not too late!

Secondly, to live joyfully does not mean constantly getting what you want exclusively for yourself. Yes, man is so arranged - the kind to desire and receive. But you can also enjoy life when you help other people fulfill their desires. The interaction of two forces - receiving and bestowing - becomes a condition for a full and joyful life, a way out of the impasse of hopelessness and loneliness.

How this happens is discussed in detail at the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

Don't have your children? "Alien" children do not exist!

Most women would not refuse to have and raise their children. For some, this is the meaning of life, for others it is a status or a sign of female fulfillment, for others it is an escape from loneliness and counting on support in old age. And if a woman with certain attitudes is left without children by old age, then she experiences it as a catastrophe, inspiring at the same time fear of the future and a feeling of lack of a future, plunging into despondency. The end of childbearing age, certain restrictions established by law, make it impossible for a woman to fulfill her desire to have her own children.

If a woman is driven not by selfish desires to “get a child at her disposal” in order to avoid loneliness, but really wants to take care and help, then in our time there are many such opportunities - to come to the aid of destitute, abandoned, sick children. Various forms of volunteering allow you to correlate the measure of your ability to return (in terms of physical strength, mental urges, financial resources) with the specific demands of society in the upbringing of such children, be it material assistance, periodic meetings for classes and communication, participation in charitable organizations. In modern conditions, as never before, it becomes clear: there are no other people's children, all children are ours. Right now, it is important not to complain about the spoiled younger generation, sitting alone and afraid to look out into the street, but to make a contribution to help specific children grow stronger in soul, learn to empathize, gain true values ​​and develop the ability to defend them in word and deed.

No couple relationships - loneliness is inevitable?

It is a mistake to think that after the age of 50, a woman will not be able to find not only a satisfying pair relationship with a man, but also family happiness. By ordinary logic, no man will covet an aging woman. But 50-60 years old is not old age, if a woman is young at heart, attractive with her joyful mood, charming with her mobility, "manliness" and attention to others.

Men look back at such a woman, and the question of her age arises at the very least, if at all.

At the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, the patterns of female sexuality, its activation at any age are considered in detail - based on recognizing one's naturally given mental properties and understanding which partner is suitable for a woman so that they together make up a "natural couple". And this does not mean that, having met such a man, a woman will begin to live cloudlessly and without problems. No, of course, but she will be able to cope with the difficulties that arise, not breaking off relationships, but strengthening them, filling them with depth of emotional ties and intimacy with her chosen one. And forced loneliness will never threaten her again.

No interesting job for a woman after 50?

Nowadays, for a woman after 50-60 years, the question of continuing to work or finding a new job turns out to be quite acute, especially if, apart from a pension, she has no other sources of income, and one cannot expect help from capable relatives due to lack of those. Plus, for a single woman after 50, it is very important social contacts, meaningful communication with colleagues, intellectual activity. However, these needs run up against the stereotypical attitudes of employers to "get rid" of pensioners, especially if they are single.

It can be difficult for a woman after 50 to survive the situation of dismissal "of her own free will" or pressure under the threat of such a situation - both from the side of the authorities with their high demands, and from the side of young colleagues with their energetic pressure, the ability to quickly respond to changes.

At the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, he manages to restructure his thinking in such a way that a woman after 50 and even after 60 years becomes stress-resistant, which helps her not to panic, but to act according to the situation in the right direction.

The ability to understand her own properties and states, to recognize the peculiarities of the psyche of other people (colleagues) helps her to feel them better, and this involvement causes reciprocal sympathy and disposition of those around her. Together with professional experience, such an employee becomes truly invaluable, and no one wants to get rid of him. If the dismissal happened for one reason or another, then the stress resistance developed during the training allows you not to become discouraged, but to consider the crisis situation as a condition for urgent changes, new opportunities for social realization.

There is a way out of the impasse: loneliness is overcome

A woman suffering from loneliness rightly feels that she will be able to experience joy only in communication with other people ... But she mistakenly believes that someone should appear who will help her survive loneliness, save her from loneliness. And she lives in expectation that someone will come and make her life joyful and happy. This expectation or despondency from its ineffectiveness is a dead end, a trap for a single woman after 50.

But there is a way out. The answer to the question of how to survive loneliness for a woman after 50 is simple: one must not experience loneliness, but get out of it with a willingness to switch one's intention from receiving for oneself to bestowing for other people, not for one chosen one, but for many, with whom life brings.

The primary idea about the causes of loneliness, about the way out of the impasse of loneliness is given by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

“... After the first 2 lectures on anal and skin, my mother decided to apply to the Agrarian Academy of the DPR, for gardening. For a long time, this was her hobby (although the main profession is a piano teacher, and she has 47 years of experience in a music school). Now she has decided to take it seriously. I just melt with happiness when I see this. THE MAN IS 71 YEARS OLD. Yuri is right that passport age does not matter ... " 24 Aug, 2018

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Life expectancy in civilized countries is increasing every year. For this we should be grateful to the popularization healthy lifestyle life and progress in the field of medicine. Various diseases and loss of strength in women are observed approximately 10 years later than in men - approximately in the seventh decade.

Many women believe that after 50 years there is no life: lack of sex, understanding, hobbies, work, health problems. In this article we will try to figure out whether everything is really so deplorable.

Anti-aging experts, people who study the issue of aging, believe that the age of 50 to 60 is average. So, women's fears are unfounded.

But in order to extend this period, to feel better, to keep self-esteem at a level, we will highlight a few tips that will be useful to women of any age.

You will need:

Don't give up physical activity

Due to the fact that the level of assimilation of nutrients decreases with age, bone porosity appears. This is often solved with medicinal methods. However, a more gentle way is the muscular frame.

Sports, namely building muscle mass, will help reduce the load on the joints and the bones themselves. This will also protect them from various mechanical injuries.

Sex after 50 is

Despite the fact that in men after 50 sexual functions are somewhat reduced, intimate life exists at any age, especially when a couple loves and wants each other.

The main thing to remember is that the psychological side of intimate relationships becomes important for men.

As far as his physical form is concerned, sex life it will be on top if you make some changes to the husband’s menu:

  • A cup of cocoa without sugar once a day will improve the sensitivity of the entire skin in general;
  • zinc, which is contained, for example, in beef steak, will increase libido;
  • after eating - a piece of dark chocolate, which contains phenylethylamine, which increases sexual arousal in both men and women;
  • nuts, seeds, black currants, various mixtures improve male potency.

With a decrease in attraction to each other, you can change the situation, try to talk more, learn new things about each other.

Signs that a man wants to have sex will not keep you waiting.


It is important for a woman to continue self-development. Being interesting to society, to your partner is the key to good self-esteem. Think of a hobby. You can grow flowers, take pictures or develop websites. Sign up for a chess club or yoga class.

Don't be afraid to make changes to your image and lifestyle.

There are many examples when people after 50 have just begun their life and become world famous:

  1. DJ Ruth Flowers became the queen of the dance floors of Ibiza, Amsterdam, London and other cities at the age of 69.
  2. Athlete Irvin Randle conquered Instagram users with style appearance.
  3. Model Christie Brinkley - one of the prototypes of the Barbie doll - extended her contract with the cosmetic brand CoverGirl when she was in her fifties.

There are thousands of similar examples, when age only adds interest to the individual, which means it helps to achieve success.

Don't lean on meat

Due to the fact that over the years the metabolism is disturbed, experts recommend reducing the intake of high-calorie foods and meat. After all, with a slowdown in digestion, there is a risk of gaining weight.

It is also advised to eat more vegetables and fruits to avoid various diseases.

Take care of your nerves

It is stress that most affects health, appearance, relationships with others. In order to soothe nervous system, walk more, go to the forest, to the water, ride a bike.

Beauty does not depend on the number of years

As children learn to brush their teeth, so adults should learn to choose care for their skin type: masks, creams, serums, tonics. All cosmetics must be age appropriate, as they have differences in their composition. It is quite easy to understand this, it is enough to pay attention to the marks “45+”, “55+”, etc.

With age, there comes a great time when you no longer need to compete and compare yourself with others. We just become freer. We just become ourselves.

Inspiration and admiration of the post by people who are over 50 years old and who are healthier and happier than many 25 year olds.

Positive internal energy

For several years, Victor Mikaelson has been organizing Slow Food eco-gastronomic festivals and popularizing the ideas of high-quality, healthy and tasty food. He is sure: external attractiveness after fifty depends on what and how a person eats.

After fifty, external beauty is formed primarily by positive internal energy. This energy is primarily related to what we eat. Food is one of the cornerstones of human life, the whole history of civilization testifies to this. Therefore, I treat food first of all as a way to get that positive, which ultimately helps to look good at our age. To be beautiful after fifty, you must first eat with pleasure. Any physiologist will confirm to you that food that does not give pleasure is digested much worse.

Pleasure in general should be the main component of human life. Illustration from the book "At its Best"

As you get older, it is very important to decide on your food preferences, to understand what foods help you feel better. Eat - listen to yourself. How about energy? How are you feeling? After fifty, it is very important to learn to focus on your feelings. It is in his organic physical form that a person feels comfortable and radiates that positive, happiness and self-confidence, which ultimately form external attractiveness.

Accessories shape the look

When fifty-eight-year-old Irina Ryabushkina enters the subway car, passengers begin to applaud her. This is because Irina loves to dress up and thinks through every detail of her image.

From what image I choose, my well-being, and mood, and gait depend. - says Irina.

Forming an image with the help of clothes is real creativity! Illustration from the book "At its Best"

Irina Ryabushkina believes that after fifty comes the most beautiful time in life. The opinion of others and social pressure cease to influence the choice of costume. With age, you can afford the luxury of communicating only with those with whom you are pleased and bold to wear incredibly interesting things that would have looked less advantageous in your youth.

The main decoration is self-confidence

Misya Badgers photographs stylish and beautiful people category 50+, whom he meets on the streets of Amsterdam, Harlem and other Dutch cities.

In the six years that I have been doing my photo project, I have been convinced many times: after fifty, the main decoration is self-confidence. Confidence affects facial expressions, the way you dress, and your walk. Misya says. - The pursuit of youth kills beauty. I am sixty-two years old, and, for example, I stopped dyeing my hair.

At our age, beauty is, first of all, naturalness. Illustration from the book "At its Best"

Contrary to expectations, with age, people are satisfied with their appearance not less, but more. A recent Gallup poll showed that 66 percent of people over 65 genuinely like themselves in the mirror and are quite comfortable with their appearance. Among young people aged 18-35, by the way, this figure is lower: 61 percent. The most doubtful and dissatisfied with their appearance turned out to be middle-aged people: almost half of them expressed serious complaints about their appearance.

Although it is generally believed that “reference beauty” is possible only in youth, in fact, it is in youth that all (including imaginary) flaws in appearance cause truly strong feelings. Age, on the other hand, provides an excellent opportunity to identify and appreciate your positive sides, love your reflection and finally come to the long-awaited harmony.

At the age of fifty, the former fashion model Angela Paul decided to return to her former job: contrary to all her expectations, at this age she began to feel even more confident and attractive than in her youth. About this discovery, Angela wrote the book The Beauty of Aging (“The Beauty of Age”), in which she told how absolutely any woman can turn age into her advantage.

1. Start the day with a cup hot water with lemon and ginger. It improves digestion remarkably.

2. Posture is the best of the free beauty products. Stand up straight and you will immediately look better and slimmer. The best posture exercises are Pilates and yoga.

3. The only one cosmetic procedure The one I absolutely cannot do without is sleep. Most women need more sleep, not less. After a good sleep, we not only look better, but also wake up in a good mood.

4. An open smile can completely transform a face. But let's be honest: teeth yellowed from nicotine or coffee are unattractive. If possible, get professional whitening done. I also rinse my teeth daily with 3% hydrogen peroxide for 5 minutes before bed - inexpensive and very effective.

5. Beautiful skin is possible at any age. Quit smoking (or better yet, don't start), don't wash your face with ordinary soap (it's too harsh for delicate skin), no matter how tired you are, always carefully remove makeup before bed. Keep facial wipes and makeup remover on your nightstand.

6. Use sunscreen. Yes, even in winter.

7. And finally: well-groomed, even eyebrows will give your face a complete, collected look.

With age comes an unexpected acceptance of yourself and your body. And this feeling is priceless. - Illustration from the book "At its best"

Most importantly, you don't have to wait 50 to feel at home. best form. If you want to live to 100, consider that 50 is only half of it. What or what do you want to be at this age?