Where and how to meet a girl: tips, examples. How to get acquainted: the rules of etiquette when meeting and introducing. How to learn how to easily get acquainted with girls, guys, people on the Internet, Vkontakte, Facebook, social networks, on the street,

First impression develops in appearance, according to the first words, the girl makes further conclusions about the guy according to his upbringing, etiquette and attitude towards her. But first things first.


It is known that any person adds up his first impression of another person in just a few seconds. Perhaps, it is possible to obtain information in such a short period of time only from visual and auditory signals.

Therefore, the appearance and manner of speech are very important criteria for success with women at the initial stage. The appearance of these two parameters is more primary and should be thought about first.

Most of the appearance of a man is his clothes, and in general, girls very carefully study what a guy who wants to meet is wearing. Tastes and preferences may be different, but there are universal canons, following which a man will like most women.

Need to pay attention to a few particulars:

  1. Type of teeth. There is no need to strive for an exaggerated ideal, but the teeth should be in order - even, everything is in place, without stuck pieces of food, without dark plaque.
  2. Type of nails. Everything is quite simple here - the nails should be neatly trimmed, not resembling stumps.
  3. Hair and body hair. The rule here is approximately the same - accuracy, normal hair length. A very important point is the hairstyle. Before choosing a particular haircut style, you should discuss this point with the hairdresser.
  4. Figure. Inflated athletes look at us from the pages of posters, hinting at the ideal of male beauty. In life, everything is somewhat simpler. It is necessary to eliminate the fat hanging from the abdomen, hips and buttocks, if any, to work quite a bit on the relief of your body and a pleasant picture for fastidious female eyes will be provided.
  5. Shoes. Whatever the shoes, cleanliness will always remain parameter No. 1 for it. Keeping your shoes clean is a must, make it your daily routine, akin to brushing your teeth. Women always pay attention to shoes, even if it is not obvious.
  6. Socks. Nothing pretentious - no patterns, plain, not too low and not too high.
  7. Pants or jeans. First of all, trousers should be ironed, neat and clean. In all other respects, you can trust your own taste, but there are several rules in choosing trousers that are common to all elegant men:
  • normal length (up to the heels of the shoes);
  • without ornament (cell, stripes, and so on);
  • not too narrow and not too wide;
  • predominantly in classic style or casual style.
  • Belt. The choice of a belt in the first place should be determined by the choice of shoes. The colors of these things must match. In addition, it is very important to achieve a combination of the color of the belt and the color of the trousers. The optimal length of the belt can be calculated as follows - it must be fastened to the third hole. Huge buckles with labels inscriptions are bad manners, which must be abandoned.
  • Sweater, shirt or t-shirt. The choice of this detail depends on the situation, but by definition everything should be clean and tidy. Huge branded inscriptions do not decorate a man too much, betraying his banality and vulgarity.
  • Refusal of fakes. You don't have to pretend - you have to be. High-quality clothes of an average company always look better than a fake for an expensive thing. If it is not possible to purchase fashion flagship items, it is better to refuse them. A fake can be calculated and this will have a very bad effect on the reputation and overall impression of a man.
  • Blazer. This thing also should not look pretentious, pockets should not be protruding and stuffed to the top with little things. The bottom button should always be left open.
  • Accessories. Headwear, scarves, gloves, ties - all this must be chosen taking into account the style of the main clothing, since accessories perform the function of complementing the image.
  • Decorations. Most jewelry does not make a man more beautiful. Earrings in the ears, piercings and bracelets look pretty ridiculous. The best decoration is a watch. They should not be plastic and too massive.
  • perfume. The choice of perfume is a strictly individual task. No need to be influenced by advertising, agitation of fashion sites and take the most popular. The task of perfume is to make a man unique, so it is better to choose what you like.
  • Video on how to meet a girl, advice from girls.

    How to impress a girl on the street?

    Street dating is not only the most exciting, but also the most effective. The street offers a huge selection of girls - a real man has a place to turn around here.

    However, in order to impress a lady on the street, you need to know the specifics of such acquaintances. In order not to make unforced errors, it is very important to follow certain rules.

    ? Psychologist's advice:

    • pay attention to the mood, it should not be bad, and the girl should not look gloomy;
    • make an appropriate compliment, you do not need to praise the girl for the missing qualities, you should only notice what the girl is really remarkable for;
    • do not rush with your proposal, you need to give the girl the opportunity to see and become interested in herself;
    • try to keep the conversation going if the girl reacted to the compliment;
    • simulate a situation for acquaintance, namely, involve in your problem (send SMS, brush off your back, etc.).

    Rules of male etiquette

    In order to make a lasting impression on a girl, it is very important to be well-mannered and know at least a few rules of etiquette. Good breeding is a rare masculine quality in the modern world, and this makes it very valuable.

    Basic rules of male etiquette in communication with a lady look like this:

    1. Greeting with a nod of the head. It is impossible to ignore the nods of other people, even strangers.
    2. No need to use a lot of appliances at lunch in a cafe or restaurant. You should limit yourself to traditional forks and spoons.
    3. It is forgivable for women to be late for a meeting for about 15 minutes, you need to take it calmly.
    4. Accompany the lady should be on your right hand. The top courtesy will be an offer to take one's hand, bent at the elbow.
    5. You always need to let the girl go ahead, opening the door to the room for her.
    6. Before you sit down at the table, you need to move the chair for the lady, and then sit down opposite her. If a man’s companion wants to leave for a while, you should always get up from the table with her.
    7. You can not rest your elbows on the surface of the table if it is not a bar counter.
    8. You should smoke only with the permission of the lady.
    9. You need to use colognes regularly with a subtle smell of perfume.
    10. It is an absolute taboo to leave a girl alone at a party and join friends.
    11. It is customary to give traditional roses only to beloved women.
    12. You should always give a hand to a girl at the exit of public transport.

    A gallant and well-mannered man is able to conquer any woman, but very it is important not to overdo it with manners Don't be obsessed with them. You can start with a few rules and gradually bring the knowledge of etiquette to automatism.

    What should I do if I can't meet a girl? Psychologist's advice for dating in different places:

    1. Activities within the social circle of a man. Parties, Holidays organized by friends often bring together a lot of new, unfamiliar girls. There is no need to invent anything here, since a girl at such meetings will already subconsciously consider men “her acquaintances” and will gladly make contact.
    2. Work or study. Communication methods are also very simple - colleagues or classmates will easily find a common topic and develop the conversation into something more.
    3. Dance and sports schools. Here there is an opportunity to get to know each other during a joint activity - a dance or a sports exercise.
    4. Trainings and seminars. In such places, girls are quite inclined to get acquainted, as they want to quickly find new connections among people with similar interests.
    5. Night clubs. In many ways, the goals of women and men in these places are the same. The girls come to have a rest, they are in a great mood and are disposed to communicate.

    1. A girl wants dating no less than a man, and a gallant and unexpected approach will cause her genuine delight. Therefore, it is necessary to get acquainted even when there is no readiness, mood or nothing to say. The very fact of the manifestation of male courage is able to conquer a woman's heart.
    2. You can use a non-trivial phrase - "And my friend and I argued ..." or "What do you think ..." and others.
    3. There should be no restrictions on the place of acquaintances. This must be done everywhere - in a cafe, on the street, in a shopping center, trolleybus, queues.
    4. You should not retreat immediately if the girl did not respond to the offer with consent the first time. Perhaps she is just flirting and expecting original moves from a man. For example, if there is a refusal to meet on the street, you can catch on to this and invite the girl to meet in a cafe.
    5. Never miss girls. In the case of an approach, the chances of a man are at least 50%, in the case of missing a girl - definitely 0%.

    The desire to meet women is a natural and most beautiful feature of male nature. However, the social behavior of men is filled with fears, self-doubt and leads to the rejection of personal happiness next to the woman of their dreams.

    Another video with tips for dating girls.

    You can talk for a long time about ways out of the state of grogs, build dozens of theories and hypotheses. This is all quite useful, but a man must take out one most important thought from the knowledge base - only he can make his life better through practice and daily development.

    This article is only for 9% of men

    My parents met when they were in college. That was the way it was in their time. Grandma and Grandpa met at a dance. And it's absolutely normal that young people ask themselves questions: how and where can I meet a good girl. And for everyone the concept of "good girl" will be different.

    Where is the right place to meet? We, pick-up artists, answer this question like this: anywhere! On the street, in a cafe, in public transport, in a nightclub. Good girls are everywhere, and you never know where next time you will meet the one you like.

    In general, the desire to get acquainted is normal. Everyone has seen a situation a thousand times when men turned around after a spectacular beauty. And, I'm sure, he also turned around, and inside there was a desire to talk with this girl. It is a fact.

    Another fact is that almost all men will turn around, but pass by. They will be shy, they will discuss with their friend that "her legs are crooked" and come to the conclusion that there is no need to approach. This is how the myth “I can meet if I want” grows stronger.

    Almost all men - according to our estimates, about 90% - never approach and get acquainted on the street, in cafes, in public transport. These men are adrift, inert, and we will not be able to get through to them. One percent doesn't need our entire pickup truck. These are athletes, celebrities, handsome men. Girls stick to them themselves, they are fine with this (I'm talking about dating - when it comes to relationships, they consult with us). I want to write an article for the remaining 9% of young people who want to learn how to get acquainted and are ready to do something for this.

    What kind of men do girls like?

    If you ask a question on our forum: how can I meet a girl, with a probability of 99% you will receive an answer: come up and get acquainted. Those who answer you this way are trying to assert themselves, because at one time they were answered the same question in exactly the same way. They answer absolutely correctly, although not in the way that the questioners would like. But for now, a few words about why it is important to be able to meet girls.

    Most men are limited to their social circle. Classmates, classmates, colleagues from work, 2-3 companies of acquaintances. And it turns out that they are in the position of the "chosen one", since there are few girls in these companies, and even fewer of those who are liked. And if a man falls into such a position, he initially loses to a woman in a relationship. He will not be the leader, but he will be led. This is due to the lack of alternatives, many men agree to relationships because: it's more comfortable, there is regular, albeit mediocre, sex, now there is no better option, and so on, add your reason.

    When you are interesting as a man to only one or two girls, you become dependent on their opinion. If not them, then who? Such uncertainty scares many, because you will need to do something, and you refuse more, being content with less.

    If you don't care, close our site, you are not on the same path with us.

    If you know how to get acquainted on the street, do it regularly, do not hide your desires - you are sincere with yourself. Girls feel it, they love hunters, they love winners. Yes, and it becomes more pleasant. No matter what anyone says, it is important for us to feel confident.

    But how do you get to know each other? How to take the first step, what to say, how she will react. On the Internet you can find a bunch of answers to these questions, a huge number of first phrases, analyzes of various situations, examples, but this does not make it easier. After reading motivating articles, you run out of the house into the street, and it begins. The girls are not the same, the mood is not right, the clothes are bad, and indeed ...

    Understand. It's really hard. And here I have two news. Good - I'll try to help you now. The bad news is that it will still be hard. And if at trainings I would say: contact our supporters, they will help, in the article I will tell you this: resist, but do it. But first, help.

    The first and most important task

    Write on paper the first phrase you say to a girl. Find it on the Internet, come up with it yourself - it doesn't matter. Personally, I like phrases composed by structure.

    <приветствие> <что ты тут делаешь> <что ты хочешь>

    EXAMPLE: Hello! I'm waiting for my friends here, I just liked you, let's talk. like itlet's get acquainted.

    So, learn this phrase by heart and rehearse 20 times in front of the mirror. Pay attention to your posture, smile, gestures. Make sure the phrase sounds good. You will probably miss this task, but it is extremely important. Do you want to feel comfortable when meeting? Then do not be lazy, rehearse. You must like how you pronounce it.

    Now to the street. Scary? I'm not going to write about fears here. I don’t know exactly how you will get through to yourself: maybe you will argue with yourself or call a friend to help. I don't know. But if you want to get acquainted - start acting. Do not bring these workouts to the point of absurdity, but try to get to know each other regularly.

    Even Einstein defined insanity as the performance of the same actions in the hope of a different result. So change, try something different, do something. And remember - keeping your usual way of life, not going beyond your comfort limits and only reading articles on the Internet, you will not find your love. We need to act!

    There are two components in the ability to get acquainted: motivation and technology. We talked about motivation, and if you are re-reading this article not for the first time and already have experience of approaching strangers on the street, then let's talk about technology. What is important here?

    It is important to understand that you are not a hundred dollar bill to please everyone. This is the favorite phrase of our coach Mikhail Shirin. Mikhail teaches mostly individually, they bring him a lot of money to learn how to communicate with girls (in particular, get acquainted). And even he has misfires. I personally saw that Mikhail was sent off. But, firstly, this rarely happens. Secondly, he does not worry much about this and continues to meet regularly. Now about you. If you get acquainted, you will be rejected. Just take it. It may be that you will be rejected 20 times in a row, but a normal acquaintance will turn out only 21 times. And if you stop at 5 times, then there will never be a successful acquaintance.

    5 rules that will increase your efficiency at times

    Here are the basic rules of the approach, following which it will be easier for you to get a positive reaction from a girl:

    • When you approach a girl, do not get into her personal space - be on its border. This border is easy to find: in front of a person - an outstretched arm, on the sides - a palm, behind - growth. Therefore, if you approach a girl from the front, stop at arm's length. It's even better to approach from the side. At the same time, approach from the side where the girl does not have a handbag.
    • Before you speak, try to get your attention. Pause, look into her eyes. If she is in the player, show that you want to tell her something. The fact is that if you appear out of nowhere and immediately start talking, you will simply frighten her. Everything can be fixed, but why create unnecessary problems for yourself? The first impression is difficult to change, so try to do the right thing right away.
    • As you approach, pay attention to your posture: your back should be straight.
    • Smile, look into her eyes. A smile shows your good nature, and a look into your eyes shows confidence.
    • Gesticulate. Do not hide your hands, subconsciously they will be afraid of this. It’s also bad in pockets. If you feel that your hands “weigh with whips” and it’s not convenient for you, take them with a bottle of mineral water or a girl’s hand.
    • Speak loudly enough. If a girl is forced to ask you again, this is bad both for dating and for you as a man.

    Now about your goal. Acquaintance is considered successful if she agreed to meet with you again. You usually exchange phone numbers while doing this. We will leave the simple "shooting of telephones" to other projects. Therefore, when meeting, it is important to create interest and a desire to meet, which means you need not to “squeeze out the number and dump”, but to chat. Although there are exceptions: if you are in a hurry somewhere, you can come up and say that you are in a hurry, but you saw her and could not pass by. What would be great to meet again, when no one is in a hurry and over a cup of coffee, calmly get to know each other again. This is Direct Style (direct way) - one of the types of dating.

    EXAMPLE: Hello, wait. I'm here with friends and we're already wildly late, but I don't want to miss you, let's meet with you in the week, drink tea and get to know each other normally, what do you say?

    The last and most important tip

    Only after any answer from the girl, take out the phone and start writing down the number 8 ... 9 ...

    Everything is simple. In direct style, you immediately open the cards and get the answer: either yes or no.

    Psychologically, it is easier, but there is practically no opportunity to interest. Here it is extremely important to fulfill 5 signs of a man’s behavior, I will not dwell on them in detail, this is the topic of another article. For now, use the rules I wrote above.

    What to communicate? Yes, about anything. It is important that you speak emotionally, tell her, ask her opinion. After you start a conversation, if you like her, offer to meet again, exchange contacts.

    Please note that you can approach both directively - immediately indicate your intentions and offer to meet again - and contextually: start a conversation about something, and then translate it into a question about the next meeting (this is longer, more difficult, but usually more effective). ).

    But the most important thing is action. That is why the advice from the forum “come up and get acquainted” is so true. Knowing all this theory is empty garbage in your head without applying it.

    As you can see, everything is quite simple. In fact, it will be harder, but this can also be dealt with, if there is a desire.

    My work is over, yours has begun. You just have to go and do it all. If it doesn’t work out on your own, I can offer you our trainings. The downside for you is that the trainings cost money. The advantages are that it has been verified over the years, and we will not leave you behind until you either learn or send us and leave for those 90% that I wrote about at the beginning of the article (this also happens, but rarely) .

    If you want to find the girl of your dreams, start acting. "How" is not so important, it is important - "when". Personal life is not something that should be put off until later.

    How to meet a girl? This question occupies many young guys who want to arrange their personal lives. In practice, everything turns out to be much more complicated than in theory. There are many subtleties and nuances that it would be good to take into account. If they are not taken into account, then the acquaintance may simply not take place. How can you meet a girl? What keys to choose to solve this problem? The psychology of the stronger sex is such that men do not always know how to propose their candidacy to a girl, where to start a conversation. In some cases, it is not at all easy to approach an unfamiliar girl who has liked. You need to know some points that help make a new acquaintance not just pleasant, but very promising.

    For the timid

    How to meet a girl if you are shy? It is necessary, first of all, to understand that a lot depends on the activity of the stronger sex. Most often, a decent girl will not take the initiative too obsessively. That is why a young man should be quite bold and enterprising. For timid guys who experience extreme awkwardness when they first meet a girl, support and guidance are needed.

    Where to meet a girl? How to start dating a girl? These and other questions occupy the minds of the stronger sex. In fact, shyness only prevents you from building deep relationships. Shyness creates visible barriers to acquiring a girlfriend in life, to feel like a necessary and significant person. A shy guy has to step over himself in order to at least get closer to understanding the essence of the issue, to acquire a soul mate and stop being afraid of being rejected.

    What to do in this case? You need to try to work on yourself as much as possible and free yourself from oppressive fears and doubts. You can meet a good girl without resorting to additional abilities. All that is required is to be open and sincere, ready to accept the ongoing changes in your life.

    How to start a conversation with a girl you like? You don't have to think of any special occasion. You just need to use your natural charm. And everyone has it, because a person always has some attractive character traits that others may like.

    On the street

    How to meet a girl on the street? It is not at all necessary to go far in order to find your soul mate. It is quite possible to meet the girl of your dreams, especially if you believe in such a prospect and do not despair.

    How to meet a girl on the street? Meeting people on the street is considered bad manners. However, if you think about it, there is really nothing terrible about it. Namely, walking around your favorite city, contemplating the magnificent landscapes, you can meet a kindred spirit, which will be extremely close.

    Where can you meet a girl? In fact, there are no restrictions here. In the park, near water bodies, near the location of cultural centers, there is a high probability of meeting an interesting person. You just need not be shy, do not miss your chance to meet. Where and how to start a conversation with a girl will tell the case. A young person needs to be extremely attentive to what is happening. If he is afraid to meet and communicate, does not know how to approach a girl to get acquainted, you should first think over everything well.

    How to meet a girl on the street? You need to do it as casually as possible. It is good to imagine that such an action is something ordinary and ordinary.

    How to meet a girl on the street? It is best to smile sincerely and not expect some stunning results after the first few minutes of the conversation. It is unacceptable to rush somewhere and show with all your appearance that acquaintance on the street causes considerable anxiety. Most young people are wondering how to please a girl at the first meeting. After all, only in this case she wants to continue communication. You need to make it a rule to meet with the opposite sex only when in a good mood. Only with the presence of experience can one positively answer the question of how to meet a girl on the street.

    In transport

    Sometimes it happens that there is absolutely no time to think. A person you like can meet in a place where it is easy to lose him. It is very easy to miss your chance on public transport. There is no time to be afraid or show your insecurities.

    How to meet a girl on the bus? How to learn to meet girls in a limited time? Ways to meet a girl in a minibus or trolleybus are not limited to ordinary phrases. You should not think that an outsider can only take an interest in what time it is now. Moreover, in the age of the rapid development of information technology, this advice is losing its relevance. Now each student has a smartphone, and it accordingly has a built-in clock.

    But if you really liked the girl and want to start dating her, you need to act without delay and delay. Seduction skills are unlikely to come in handy on the bus, but you need to be ready to make a positive impression. The fair sex is also often afraid to meet and start a conversation with a stranger. That is why the first phrases should definitely help to relax and relieve internal tension. Questions can be asked about anything, but without going beyond the bounds of decency, of course.

    How to start a conversation with a woman you like? You can compliment her or praise some accessory (purse or phone that she holds in her hand). The main thing to remember is that you don't have to be intrusive. If the lady makes it clear that she does not want to keep the conversation going, there is no need to insist.

    Office romances happen all the time. At work, people have much more chances to get to know each other, evaluate each other from different angles. As a rule, in a production environment, people evaluate each other according to the best qualities of character. To decide on an office romance, you must have sufficient courage.

    At work, you should start caring for a girl only when there are the most serious intentions for a joint future. At work, you can have serious conversations with a person, especially if time allows it. Here you can flirt beautifully and meet for a long time just like that, slowly developing relationships, inviting you to a restaurant and cafe.

    non-traditional relationships

    Today, there are cases when a girl wants to meet a girl. Unconventional relationships are no longer surprising. However, people who identify themselves as sexual minorities experience certain difficulties in finding a partner. From the outside, it may seem that their choice is rather limited, because there are actually not so many people who consistently prefer same-sex relationships. How to meet a girl with a girl? Here you need to act very subtly and try to calculate the situation several steps ahead in advance. How to get acquainted with a girl in this case? After all, there is a great risk not only to be refused, but also to face a negative reaction.

    It is necessary to give up the idea of ​​attracting a girl on the street. In society, there are still prejudices against such couples. But they still manage not only to find each other, but also to start passionate romances.

    Where is the best place to meet a girl if you don’t want to be disappointed once again? The best option is to turn to the World Wide Web for help. There are special sites on the network where gay people have the opportunity to get to know each other. You can also go to a local club if you want to have fun. How to meet a girl in a club? The first phrase when meeting a girl should be light and relaxing. Sometimes in such places you can even meet your soul mate if you know how to meet a beautiful girl. Non-traditional orientation is not a reason to remain a single person. If you want to find true love, you need to act openly and originally.

    How to have a conversation

    How to meet a girl on the beach? How to meet a girl in the park? In fact, you can meet your destiny anywhere. It is important to have an inner readiness to accept the greatest gift of chance, and not to refuse it. It is necessary to be able to talk about everything in order to support any conversation in time. There is an opinion that it is easier to have a dialogue at work than, say, on the beach, but this is a moot point. You always need to select special phrases in order to interest a person.

    How to meet a girl in a bar? You need to show imagination, have fun talking. You should not immediately think about how easy it is to seduce a girl. After all, the fair sex must first be won over, won over. It is almost impossible to achieve this goal without mutual interest in each other. If you don’t do stupid things, then you won’t have to painfully think about how to meet a girl in a cafe.

    Thus, you can find your soul mate if you set such a goal. Shyness and indecision should be discarded, then the chances will increase.

    We told you the main points of filling out the questionnaire. Another 5 minutes to arm yourself with knowledge, and it will not be difficult for you to get to know each other correctly on the Internet. Now we will take a closer look at what to write to a girl, and what is better not to.

    I never use pickup methods for several reasons:

    1. Normal mature girls have not pecked at the usual pikapersky phrases for a long time.

    Only a young girl, or some TP will be interested in a template message in the style of "urgently call me 01, a fire started in my heart when I saw your ava, baby." Write like this only if you really have a fire at home, and pillows in the form of hearts are already burning.

    2. Stepping on the path of a pickup truck, you inevitably leave an imprint on your worldview and attitude towards girls in general.

    If you succeed in this, then it becomes a habit to treat girls as prey, meat. Yes, you can temporarily solve your current problems, satisfy physical needs. But you run the risk of one day feeling devastation and loneliness, with which none of your mined sheepskins can do anything. But all you need is a girl equal to you.

    3. It is unpleasant for girls to realize that they were processed by a “professional”.

    Finding out that her natural defenses against wicked men have been bypassed with the help of a universal "opener", she will surely add herself to the list of cold bitches of this world. And there are plenty of them.

    So, what to write to a girl on the Internet?

    As we have already found out, the guy should write first. There is no need to hope that you will create a profile and a sea of ​​cool girls will write to you. With those who wrote to me first, I never had anything but friendship. Although friendship is also great. :)

    You can, of course, just write "Hi". But she receives a lot of such letters. And even if she liked you outwardly, your shares are listed low. The first phrase to a girl on the Internet should be a little more meaningful.

    Study her profile, even if there is not much information, you can usually catch on to something. It is better to take not quantity, but quality.

    With this approach, you will have fewer messages left unanswered. And the girls you meet will interest you more, just like you will interest them.

    There may be some interesting detail in her photos, which you can notice in the first message.

    For example, if she learns to roller skate at the All-Russian Exhibition Center in a ridiculous pose, then we can say that she is very
    graceful, even when she loses her balance. Or ask what bearings she uses (after googling the options)

    There is no need to look for the little things in the background. It will sound insulting and stupid if you write about some kind of vulgar stone in the background, pretending to be Petrosyan. After all, in the foreground is she, all so beautiful, with a perfect manicure, in a dress, rings and an interesting pose. You need to push off from the part directly related to it.

    If the content of the girl's profile is a dark forest for you (and this will happen often) - search, find out, and start a conversation on topics that are interesting to her!

    Take advantage of the leads they leave for you. If you see the cryptic title of her favorite book, look for a summary. You don't even have to go to the library! Surely you will have some thoughts about the book. Discuss them with the girl, not forgetting to admire the fact that a beautiful girl reads good literature.

    The same with photographs. If you see something that she is clearly interested in, go to google.ru and look for information about it. Thus, creating an interesting conversation is not difficult, and the girl understands that she can talk to you about everything. And this is already 60% success.

    And 2 more very important points:

    Try to be short and concise in your first post.

    Write smart!

    Yes, here you are at the Russian language exam. And you are lucky in any case: either in the fact that you just write correctly, or in the fact that you have a bunch of spell-checking services at your fingertips. For example, this one.

    What NOT to start dating a girl:

    Offer a bed in the first message.

    By doing this, you put an end to your profile, and it immediately gets blacklisted. Girls receive whole bags of such spam. Offering her to buy her old bed is also not worth it.

    And in general to force acquaintance at once.

    Offers to live with you in Butovo together (because you are afraid to return home alone), chat on Skype (because you are afraid to be at home alone) or give birth to a child together (for the same reasons) put the girl in a culture shock. Respect her personal space, and remember that any girl is actually a stronghold of inner purity. Her very essence does not allow her to go with you to all serious things right from the doorstep.

    Arrange for her the theater of the absurd or play the game "guess my diagnosis"

    Hold off before introducing her to the Kukanostrus galaxy and your seven invisible selves. Go down to the address: Universe, Milky Way, Solar system planet Earth. Perhaps then your inner world will even seem sweet to her, but do not make the immersion too sharp.

    Ask trite questions, or questions with an obvious answer.

    She is not interested in telling for the hundred thousandth time where she studies, works, or what she does on this site. In the process of communication, you will receive answers to these questions, but this is not suitable for the first message.

    Where to meet online?

    Here are the most normal dating sites, in my opinion:

    Dating.com I started from this site. Of the main advantages - democracy and free lifting of the questionnaire. For some reason, it was here that I had the most successful acquaintances. There are many fake profiles, but they are easy to identify by blank information and just one photo.

    loveplanet.com- the most hyped site to date. There are a lot of profiles, here you can really find something interesting if you dig. But lately, unfortunately, he began to demand money for almost everything.

    mamba.ru- A good, high-quality resource, a convenient mobile application. You won't go wrong if you choose it.

    Datingstyle.ru- dating for informals, mostly gothic. Sparsely populated, but well off. The main plus, of course, is the audience - a lot of interesting people. Although he is a minus.

    Love.mail.ru- judging by the rambler statistics, this is the most populous dating site. However, I did not stay long on it. It seemed to me unclear, spammed with false profiles, but nevertheless worthy of attention.

    Acquaintance with a girl is a rather complicated procedure, and without knowing some of the intricacies of its implementation, you can easily get a refusal. For this reason, for many representatives of the strong half of humanity, it remains a mystery how to get to know a girl correctly, especially if they have a negative experience in this area.

    The process of dating a girl can sometimes be very difficult. It depends on many factors that can influence it both positively and negatively.

    What can affect the success when meeting a girl?

    • The first thing that can affect an acquaintance with a girl is the personal qualities of both yours and hers. The dissimilarity of such qualities can generally nullify the process of first acquaintance;
    • The unwillingness of the girl to get acquainted with men at all;
    • social status. You yourself know that it is very rare for a person with a higher status in society to get acquainted with a person whose status is lower;
    • All kinds of complexes that interfere with normal acquaintance.

    However, the realization that you just need a soulmate makes us go to any donations. The main thing is to know how to get along with a girl and spend time with her fully.

    Do not be afraid. It is the fear that a girl will refuse you that can affect you. To meet a girl, the main thing is to be confident in yourself. Only in this way can you win the heart of your chosen one. Even if she refuses you, there are many others with whom it will be much easier and easier for you to get to know each other better;

    The first impression when meeting is always created by appearance. So your clothes, hairstyle, perfumes, shoes - everything should be perfectly clean and tastefully selected;

    The main thing is to interest the girl from the first minutes of acquaintance. It depends on how well you know your strengths, how you can attract her. Find a common topic of conversation that would be of interest to both you and her. This way you can make contact faster. The main thing is that these should not be male-oriented topics;

    Don't make communication an interrogation. You should not ask her a lot of questions, especially personal ones, but do not tell a lot about yourself either. It is better to give this kind of information in parts. If you do not want to answer any question, then it is better to say that you will talk about it next time. The main thing is not to lie and tell the truth;

    No need to talk about your ex-girlfriends, no matter how many you had, or complain that the previous girl was a bitch and how much she hurt you;

    When communicating, do not constantly look away. So your chosen one will know that you are frank and interested in her;

    To get to know a girl, compliment her, but in moderation and according to her appearance. Exaggeration is also not the best way to interest her;

    If your communication has been long enough and the relationship has reached a higher peak, do not stop there, but persistently and confidently achieve your goal.

    First phrases to meet

    Once upon a time, Freud noticed that the easiest way to please absolutely any person is the manifestation of a certain sense of humor. Phrases for dating can be different. In reality, banal hackneyed phrases in an obvious attempt to get acquainted with a beautiful girl, at best, will not be able to cause any reaction in response.

    But the overly unceremonious appeal, which is as old as the world and everyone is tired of "Girl, does your mother need a son-in-law?" You can also get negative feedback. Therefore, the humor that you use when trying to win the favor of a mysterious stranger must certainly exalt the girl in the first place and somewhat belittle your (of course, significant) personality. For example, the question: “Girl, answer honestly in your purse, by chance, there will not be a gas canister in order to poison an impudent person who just wants to meet you?”, most likely, this question will cause an involuntary smile in a beautiful lady.

    Why reinvent the wheel when the wheel was already invented? In reality, why, in order to get to know a beautiful girl, a young pick-up artist needs to invent something and thereby complicate his already lonely life. For you and for you everything has already been thought up (and not badly thought up) by others.

    Let's go through the list and see what you might need to get to know a girl:

    • Do you need a faithful husband? ("No!" - "Oh, so I'm just right for you!")
    • Why did you stop smiling, I just started falling in love?!
    • Good evening, do you think we will be similar to a young dynamic couple?
    • Wait! It is very important! Do you need a great lover?
    • Are you looking at everyone in a row or only at those who you really liked?
    • Girl, you look at me soooo, as if your parents had left for a visit ...
    • What do you think, who likes whom more: you to me or me to you?
    • Help me¸ girl, go left!
    • You could not smile, otherwise it is already dark outside.
    • Tell me, what size shoes do you wear?.. Oh! I have the 44th. Well, we finally met!
    • Girl, how much time do you think it's decent to be late?
    • And what will you do this evening, after our acquaintance with you?
    • Shall we just talk, or will we continue to wink?
    • Did you notice by chance that my zealous white horse did not appear here about five minutes ago?
    • You smiled so gorgeously that I completely forgot where I was going.

    These phrases and many more can only really help you if you exude self-confidence. Just going from one girl to another with a list won't get you anywhere. Good luck!

    Meeting a girl on the street

    Often, many young people cannot start a serious relationship, because there is no time or no one. Few people think about such a method as acquaintance on the street, preferring to wait for a chance or when friends introduce a new passion.

    Reasons why people are afraid to meet on the street

    There are several reasons why young people are embarrassed to approach a girl on the street. They are alarmed by the openness and insecurity of what is happening. It's all about the imposed stereotypes, according to which it is much easier to meet a girl in a club or in any other enclosed space. Although, if you think about it, there is no difference. Both in the club and on the street, a potential couple is surrounded by strangers. And here and there, you have to overcome yourself and start a conversation.

    Many, on the contrary, prefer to meet on the street, alone. They claim that in such a situation, in case of refusal, they do not feel embarrassed.

    "Meet by clothes"

    Getting acquainted on the street, it is necessary to make every effort to make a pleasant impression once, since there will be no second chance. To meet a girl on the street and count on success, it is absolutely not necessary to be a mixture of Schwarzenegger and Brad Pitt. But neatness in clothes and hygiene will not be superfluous. If a potential gentleman has uncleaned shoes, dirt under his nails and poorly washed hair, he can hardly count on a long acquaintance. According to statistics, it takes a few seconds for a girl to understand how far she will let go in a relationship.

    How to meet on the street

    At all times, the best way to get to know each other and start a dialogue was to ask. Most often they are interested in what time it is and how to get to some place. After the girl answered something, you need to defuse the situation a little and joke.

    Choosing a conversation in the main way, how to meet a girl on the street, in no case should you use flattery, as well as hackneyed questions, such as: “What is such a beauty doing alone?” Representatives of the fair sex do not like this reception very much, considering it vulgar, addressed, as a rule, to women of easy virtue.

    To get to know a girl, from the very beginning of the conversation, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the chosen one, since it is she who will make it clear what you can count on from this meeting.

    If a girl shows counter interest, asks some questions, jokes, then she liked the new acquaintance. The original conclusion of such a successful acquaintance will be a promise to wait for the young lady in the same place, at the same time, for example, on the next weekend.

    What can you count on

    When making an attempt to meet a lady on the street, one cannot be cheeky, which is typical for men trying to establish numerous connections with women. Does not inspire confidence and insecurity shown by a young man, and caused by the fear of being rejected. As in all other life situations, in this one, the golden mean is also important, and the male image should be decorated with such features as correctness towards a woman and self-confidence.

    When meeting a girl, a man can expect:

    For a short romance, and then he must find his chosen one among the visitors of discos and bars.

    For a long-term relationship, in this case, a cinema, a cafe can become a place of acquaintance. In exceptional cases, the arena for such a significant event can be a street.

    If you don't know how to meet a girl, you shouldn't address her with the words "let's get acquainted", it's better to talk to her about some topic, or just say "hello". And while she will be tormented by the question: “Do we know each other?”, You can start a conversation. But in order to arouse and keep the interest of the girl you like, you should remember:

    That sociable people are always attractive, as well as those with a sense of humor. Therefore, it would be quite appropriate to please your new friend with a few anecdotes.

    That an important role in dating a girl is played by the appearance of a young man, since, even today, a saying is relevant that emphasizes the importance of clothing in a person’s image.

    That on the first evening, you should not talk a lot about yourself, it is better to give the floor to your new acquaintance, but at the same time it is necessary to answer all her questions in some detail.

    That special sympathy of others is caused by sincere and open people.

    Now knowing the answer to the question so exciting for many "how to get to know a girl properly", you can safely make new acquaintances, and some of them will definitely become very long, and maybe even a lifetime.

    How to continue dating a girl

    Everyone has long known one simple truth: girls love with their ears. Therefore, you must clearly decide for yourself what you will talk about with the girl and how to make your conversation effective.

    But besides the fact that you need to be able to speak, it is important to be able to touch. Well-thought-out, correct touching causes sexual interest. There is such a well-established mistake when a guy and a girl communicate on a date without touching each other - there is a high probability that the guy will become friends and he will not become anyone else if he does not take the initiative soon. It is touch that will destroy your intimate barrier and take you one step closer to winning her heart.

    But we'll get back to talking. What to say to a girl at the initial stage of your acquaintance. How to continue dating a girl? In fact, you can talk about almost everything. What matters is not what you say, how. If you start talking about something very interesting, but the presentation itself is lame, then all this will not cause her any emotions.

    You managed to meet a girl, and therefore tell her an interesting story. But not sad. You have to put a smile on her face, make her laugh. So your conversation will gradually move to a more relaxed stage.

    How to continue dating a girl after the first meeting

    Met a beauty, you can say the girl of your dreams, hesitantly met and absolutely do not know how to behave further? How to continue the acquaintance, having crossed the band of self-doubt and at the same time to fix HER attention on yourself beloved - that's what we'll talk about now.

    Before you is a dazzlingly beautiful girl, and it seems that she is so chic that she does not want you to communicate with her further. Questions begin to overwhelm you: “What if she doesn’t like me? She’s so beautiful that she has enough guys without me. What if I’m not her type?”

    You begin to look for flaws in yourself, instilling even more insecurity in yourself. Stop for a second and think: why is it better? Why should you be ashamed of her, because she is the same person, with her own, even if not outwardly visible, minuses.

    In no case should you judge her attitude towards you by her look, which, it would seem, looks down on everyone. Remember, appearances are deceiving. You do not know what her character is, whether she is successful in life, what status she occupies in society. Fear arises just before the picture.

    Most likely, she also stands and wonders what you think of her. So gather your will into a fist and boldly continue your acquaintance, without fear that you will be given a "turn from the gate."

    So, you are already communicating, but at the same time you still experience uncertainty, fear? How to continue dating? Here are some tips to help you get rid of it.

    When talking, be sure to relax. You must show that you are confident in yourself, in your words. Watch your facial expressions, your facial expression should not be repulsive.

    Now you have to interest her purely visually - use lingering smiles and mysterious looks - while effectively proving yourself. Next, you need to show yourself on the good side and at the verbal level. Don't forget - girls love with their ears.

    Therefore, you must clearly understand what you need to talk about with a girl and how to make this conversation interesting. To get to know a girl, express interesting thoughts and do not forget about compliments. Just be able to listen to her, do not interrupt.

    Even if you are not very interested in the topic of conversation of your interlocutor, you should at least pretend that you are interested, and then quietly transfer it to another area. Ask her questions so you can get to know your new friend better. But don't turn your conversation into a survey. As they say, everything should be in moderation.

    And most importantly: convince yourself that she likes you. Make her respect you by doing something appropriate for her.

    Remember one thing: having developed a sense of self-esteem and confidence in yourself, you can forget about fear.

    In case you just don't dare to invite a lady on a date, find another excuse for a meeting. Surely, she remembered any domestic problems - offer her help. You can also, on the contrary, pretend that you yourself need help from a girl - for example, a consultation on the treatment of your beloved cat, which has become somehow not like that.

    If you were talking about an interesting topic, ask her for contact details - a phone number or ICQ, email or Skype nickname, in order to clarify the data you are interested in. If you made a good impression on the girl, she will not be able to refuse this request. After remote communication, it will become easier to agree on a new date.

    How to start a relationship with a girl

    We will give you some tips that will help you answer the difficult question: how to meet a girl and start a relationship with her?

    Any person, first of all, is evaluated by their appearance, especially the one they see for the first time. You should not approach a girl in wrinkled or dirty clothes after a hard day's work - all this will only scare her away. You yourself should be radiant with positivity - smile, stay open and straight.

    Remember that all relationships are established through conversation. If you notice a beautiful girl on the street, then come up, and immediately, putting aside the embarrassment, start a conversation.

    To start a relationship with a girl, it is best to think over a few sentences, phrases, or maybe even questions in advance so as not to hesitate and not let the girl think that you are a “brake”. If the object of sympathy answered, and the conversation began, try to find a topic that is pleasant for anyone to talk about.

    A girl who is not too talkative can be relaxed with casual jokes or funny stories. The main thing is not to turn communication into an interrogation, let the girl insert her own words.

    Compliments are also good, but in moderation so that she does not think that you are flattering her. If a girl talks a lot - this is a great sign, the main thing here is to nod or respond to her words in time, thereby making it clear that you are interested in her, and you are listening to her carefully.

    To understand that the girl is interested in you, several signs will help:

    • She plays with her hair, straightens it, or tucks it behind her ear
    • During the conversation, she looks at you, smiles casually and tilts her head slightly,
    • She often laughs and touches you or your clothes.

    In any case, if a girl has already found her soul mate, then she is unlikely to get to know you. But showing interest and agreeing to further communication means excellent prospects. To start a relationship with a girl, the main thing is not to stand still and develop relationships - after exchanging numbers, do not expect the subject of sympathy to call or write first. Take the initiative and you will succeed!