You will be my girlfriend. How to invite a girl to meet - the best phrases and original ideas. How to choose the right way

Sometimes guys who are committed to a serious relationship can't make the first move first. This is due to the fact that they are afraid of being rejected. Well, if you don’t offer to meet your chosen one, then someone else, a more self-confident young man, will do it.

Therefore, you need to take the bull by the horns and act before it's too late.

How to win the sympathy of a woman?

Do you like a girl, but you do not know how to achieve her location? Everything is very simple. Here you need to follow some rules.

Too much attention hurts

Yes, yes, it really works with both men and girls.

You need to show that you don't care about her. Some young ladies are used to the fact that a man always takes the first step, takes the initiative, looks after and shows signs of attention.

Sometimes the female sex is dependent on this. Well, you can pay attention to her, but not fulfill various whims.

Important! Stand out more from the gray mass. Then she will notice you.

More humor and jokes

You need to joke well and to the point. You should be noticed not only by the object of sympathy, but by the whole company.

You can also come up with an original phrase that will make the girl laugh. The main thing is to make her smile. The Internet will help you.

Nice appearance

Ladies like well-groomed young people who take care of themselves, their speech:

  • The body and hair must be clean.
  • If you grow a beard, then you must follow it (accuracy does not hurt).
  • Do not forget about ironed clothes and clean shoes.
  • And of course, add a twist - a pleasant smell of perfume. Girls adore when a bright and tasty aroma comes from a man.


You must communicate freely, easily find topics for conversation and not let the lady of the heart get bored.

Reference! This quality should be demonstrated not only to the chosen one, but to everyone around.


A person with a rich inner world always attracts attention. Such people always want to listen and listen. Very good quality to win a girl's heart.

How to achieve the location of a woman is described in the video:

When is the right time to move on to the next stage of a relationship?

« Suggest to meet” is a phrase that implies a serious meaningful relationship. Of course, at the age of 12 or 13, there can be no talk of seriousness. Such love is more childish and naive. These are walks, gatherings in a cafe, visiting attractions.

But adult couples are already seriously tuned in to such a step in their lives.

Before you propose a girl to meet, you need to think carefully. And did you make the right choice? Usually, guys are in a hurry with such a serious step, and the relationship does not lead to anything positive in the end.

Important! In order to be 100% sure of the choice, you need to be sure of the sincerity of your feelings and the feelings of your chosen one.

Before making such an offer to a girl, make sure that she takes you seriously too. If she has warm and mutual feelings for you, then you can act.

Another important factor is not to rush:

  • You should not immediately take the second step after the second or third date. You have to get closer to the girl.
  • You need to gradually and slowly get to know each other, what interests you have in common, what you like and dislike, etc.

Reference! Usually the haste is due to deceptive and fictitious feelings. Everything must take its course.

How exactly should you not do it?

Unsuccessful actions and phrases:

  1. You should not be a tough macho and use not quite suitable words for such a proposal. Example: “You are a very hot thing, and I like you. We should try to stir it up." That's exactly how you can't do it. It will only push the girl away from you. On such a day, you should be more romantic in nature, even if in ordinary life love to play the bad guy.
  2. It is not nice to offer a girl to meet via VKontakte or phone messages (unless, of course, you are not 12 years old). From the outside, this method looks comic and frivolous.
  3. Also, don't be pushy. Offered once, the girl said “no”, you will need to accept such an answer and let her go. And if you ask the same thing every day, try to achieve it, she will simply hate you and stop any communication.
  4. No need to beg for a positive answer. Example : “I like you, please be my girlfriend. Please say yes. Please please"

This is a very bad option. The opinion about you will immediately change and the chosen one will rush to leave you alone.

Examples of the best phrases

Beautiful and romantic

If you and the girl have mutual feelings, but no one hastened to take the first step, then take this matter upon yourself.

The main thing is to do it in a beautiful and romantic setting, young ladies love pleasant and unexpected surprises:

  • A great option would be to have an evening dinner on the roof with a beautiful view of the city. How everything will go, how you decorate the meeting place, depends only on you, the main thing is romance. Such a pleasant atmosphere will evoke warm and Right words, and the girl's answer will not keep you waiting long.
  • You can also ride a boat, arrange a walk under the moon, go to the beach, horse ride, etc.

Which phrase is not recommended to use:

"Let's meet"- the most banal words. You are not fourteen years old to apply just such an option.

What phrases can be used:

  1. “You look wonderful today, however, as always. You know, we have become so close during our communication that I can no longer imagine my life without you. Will you agree to be my girlfriend?"
  2. “The best moments in my life are connected with you. And I want more moments like this, so I would like to have you as my girlfriend."
  3. “This is the first time I feel these feelings. Be the right person sometimes become confused and stupid. Even now I'm terribly worried. But I like it. I want you to be my girlfriend"

Reference! It doesn't have to be exactly like this. The main thing is to express what you feel for your chosen one. Be sincere.

How to invite a girl to meet is described in the video:


Offer to meet in an original way, what could be better? There's not even a need for words.

  1. Quest. Currently the best and interesting option. You can come up with it yourself or seek help from specialists. The most important thing is that the quest be romantic, but at the same time insanely interesting. Do not forget about the highlight at the very end - a confession of feelings.
  2. Video. Make a short film with your photos and also record your own video where you confess your feelings. And then you can show it on the projector.
  3. Flash mob. Also very unusual option. Only here you will need to try to organize everything. A lot of people will need to be involved.

You can also take her to a crazy attraction, a dolphinarium, or even offer a trip to another city. It all depends on your desire and imagination.

In verse

The easiest way. If you are a very romantic person at heart and love poetry, then go for it. The main thing is that the verse must be read from the heart, clearly and clearly.

Example of a poem:

"Let's date you!

I want to be with you

throw flowers,

Give love to you!….”

Be sure to add something at the end of your own. And best of all if it will be your own poem.

Is it possible to offer in VK or by phone?

You can offer to meet by correspondence if you are no more than sixteen years old.

Reference! This option is most likely suitable for school age, when the guy is still insecure and very shy.

At the age of 12 to 15, young people are afraid to be rejected, afraid to seem stupid. Therefore, it often happens that if the object of sympathy refused, at a personal meeting, the young men say that it was a joke (or the addressee was mistaken).

Watch a video that shows how to date properly at 14:

An offer by phone is also not considered the best option. After all, if the girl agrees, then you will not see the joy on her face, you will not be able to hug and kiss each other.

But if you still decide, then:

  • Speak clearly and with tenderness;
  • Do not interrupt the chosen one;
  • Pause and wait for her response;

Well, in general, by phone you can only hint at such an offer, and the process itself can be carried out in person.

In general, such things are done live. It is better to overcome your shyness and appear before the girl as a self-confident guy. Then there will be more chances for a positive answer.

The main thing is to be confident in yourself.

Down with all embarrassment! It's time to become a real man and do beautiful things for the sake of the one who sympathizes with you.


Ladies love to listen with their ears and do not like incomprehensible hints. You should always speak directly and clearly: what you think, what you want and how you feel.


Don't forget to take care. It is not difficult to call and find out how she is doing, how the day went, or how she feels. Or maybe she needs help, and you will come in handy.

Also a few rules:

  • Don't forget about appearance;
  • Choose the right moment;
  • Be yourself;
  • smile more;

So, in order to invite a girl to meet, it is not necessary to move mountains and do crazy things. The main thing is to show her your attention and your serious intentions.

Do not forget that you should not offer to meet by correspondence on VK, it is better to do it in person, looking into each other's eyes.

Arrange romantic evening, pick up beautiful words and act. If at least a little adhere to the most simple rules then everything will be successful.

Most guys find it quite difficult to propose a girl to meet, so if this applies to you, most likely you will be interested in knowing how to achieve her location and sympathy. In fact, attracting the attention of a girl is not so difficult: give her compliments, ask about topics that are interesting to her, be interested in her hobbies and be yourself. In addition, when it comes to the actual proposal to date, you have many options for how to bring up the topic of relationships and invite her to become your girlfriend. Regardless of whether she agrees or refuses, you must respect her decision and be proud of yourself for having dared to try.


Get her attention

  1. Keep track of your appearance And don't neglect your personal hygiene. This is the easiest way to get the attention of most girls. Shower regularly, smell good, keep your hair in order, and choose clothes that make you feel confident and attractive.

    • It's the little things, like a good haircut or stylish combination things most often attract the attention of girls.
  2. To interest a girl, look into her eyes and make eye contact. Once you've managed to catch the girl's eye, look into her eyes and hold your gaze for a few seconds, then just smile and look away. This is a very clear hint that this girl is attractive to you, in addition, this technique will help to interest the object of your sympathy.

    • When talking to a girl you like, look her in the eyes - it is eye contact that helps form the bond that is at the heart of a relationship.
    • You should not maintain eye contact for more than three seconds, otherwise such a sign of attention will seem too intrusive and intent.
  3. Make sure that your body language is positive - this will help demonstrate that your attention is focused on the girl. This includes non-verbal cues: for example, you can sit or stand next to her, completely turning to face her. Try to smile more when she is around, and also pay attention to any hints and signs with which the girl shows that she is also interested in you.

    • Whether you are sitting or standing, remember to maintain good posture and keep your back straight.
    • Do not cross your arms over your chest - this will make you look more open and friendly.
    • If the girl also likes you, most likely, she will try to do so in order to be closer to you. Do not be afraid to gently play with her hair, smile more, you can lightly bite her lip.
  4. Compliment her to show you like her. These compliments must be sincere, in addition, it is important to note her personal qualities and not just appearance. For example, you can say that you admire her inner world, her attitude to friends and family, her success at work or in school.

    • Compliment her skills and abilities (for example, in sports or in the arts).
    • Say something like, "You have a magical smile," or "You always make me laugh."
  5. To show how cheerful and funny you are, try to make the girl laugh. For example, you can tell a joke or funny story, or you can tease her fervently from time to time to cheer and make her laugh. If you succeed, she will feel more comfortable with you, and in the same second you will become much more attractive to her.

    • You can tell some funny story that happened to you as a child.
    • You can tease her about something cute and silly, like making a kind joke about her collection. soft toys or some of her funny habits.
  6. To show that you are comfortable and good with her, from time to time you can lightly touch her and gently hug her. Gently touch her hand, hug her when you meet or say goodbye, hug her by the shoulders with one hand when you are standing next to her. Such innocent touches are a great way to show a girl that you like her without resorting to obvious means.

    • Squeeze her hand gently and gently as you walk beside her.
    • When talking, lightly touch her knee if you are sitting next to her.
  7. Exude self-confidence by enjoying who you are. Don't try to act differently to get the girl's sympathy. Girls like authentic confidence the most, so you're more likely to woo her if you're just being yourself.

    • Don't take yourself too seriously and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.
    • If you are confident, the girl will notice and feel more comfortable around you.

    Start building relationships

    1. To get to know each other better, try to communicate more often. You can communicate through messages, in person, through social media and even with the help of simple notes to each other. Try to chat with her throughout the day - this will help you learn more about each other and show that you often think about her.

      • Send her a simple text message saying, "Hope you have a great day!" or “What are your plans for the weekend?”
      • Leave her cute notes in her bag or other places where she can find them later.
      • But do not overdo it, do not overwhelm her with messages and letters! From time to time, such a sign of attention will be pleasant, but if she does not reciprocate, it is better to hush up this situation.
    2. Ask her about everything to show your interest. This will not only help you get to know her better - the girl will definitely appreciate your efforts. Ask her different questions about school or work, ask her about her family and find out about her hobbies.

      • Find out what she likes to do on the weekends, what series and TV shows she likes, what cafes and restaurants she likes to spend time in.
      • If you manage to start a conversation, she will most likely start asking you counter questions as well - this will be a clear sign that she also wants to get to know you better.
    3. In fact, the best basis for any relationship is a commonality of views and interests. For example, it can be a love of sports, an interest in some school subject, a desire to participate in various events. A connection based on common interests and hobbies will not only strengthen your relationship, but also give you new ideas for spending time together that you both will definitely enjoy.

      • If you like nature with her, you can go hiking or just go for a walk when the weather is nice.
      • Perhaps you both enjoy reading, watching horror movies, or playing Board games?
    4. Remember any little things that she mentions in conversation. When a girl tells you something, you need to listen to her carefully. Remember what she tells you (for example, about her hobbies, places she would like to visit, her favorite dishes).

      • If a girl once mentioned that she likes chocolate, surprise her with a chocolate bar the next time you meet.
      • Take her to a park she likes, or go to her favorite mall or store together. If you're driving somewhere in the car, play her favorite music.
      • You can send her a text message saying, “I remember you saying you were worried about an important test you were having today. I just want to wish you good luck!”
    5. Do something special for her, like asking her out on a nice date. You can cook her a delicious dinner or even breakfast, go on a trip together, or just show her attention by helping her in some business or buying her medicine when she is sick. Take the time to do something nice for the girl. Including her in your plans will show the girl how much she means to you.

      • Invite her to go bowling, go to the movies or play a board game together.
      • Have a picnic for two in the park.
      • Find out what kind of date she dreams about, and then think about how you can make her dreams come true.
    6. Tell her about your feelings. If you tell a girl how you feel about her, she will guess your intentions when you start a relationship conversation and ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend. You can start a normal conversation in which you tell her how you feel, or you can prepare and make this conversation special. If you want, ask her how she feels about you.

      • You can tell her: "I really like you, and I want to get to know you better."
      • You can tell her about your feelings at a romantic dinner or during a walk.
      • If you confessed your sympathy to a girl, but she did not reciprocate, treat her feelings with respect.

    Ask her to date

    1. If possible, it is better to start such a conversation in person. You should not invite a girl to meet through messages or social networks, because such communication can hardly be called personal, in addition, you will not see her real emotions and her reaction. Yes, this is a very exciting moment, but she will appreciate your efforts, courage and determination that it took for this conversation.

      • You can rehearse this conversation beforehand in front of a mirror if you are too nervous.
      • It is not necessary to make some kind of grand event out of this - it is enough to raise this issue in a normal everyday conversation, and then smoothly move on to another topic.
    2. If you still decide to invite her to meet through a message, try to add an element of live presence and emotions to this correspondence. For example, you can write: "Will you be my girlfriend?" - and then add a smiley, picture or gif-animation to the message. You can make this post more original by writing about what you like about it.

      • You can send her the following message: “I liked you from the first day we met, when you smiled at me. Be my girlfriend?"
      • As already mentioned, it is not recommended to invite a girl to meet via SMS, because a personal conversation is always much more advantageous.
    3. Be direct and pose the question clearly and precisely. If you want to ask a girl out but don't want to make it a big deal, just take the time to be alone with her and ask, "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" or something like that. Most girls like being straightforward, and it's also a great way to show your intentions by showing respect and courtesy.

      • You can ask this question on a walk, at dinner, or when you just have a good and fun time together.
    4. To add an element of romance to the conversation, you can send her a letter or note. If you're too worried and embarrassed to talk about it out loud, or want to explain your feelings in all the details, a love letter or a sweet note is a great way to invite a girl to meet. Write down everything you want to say to her, and then add the question at the end: "Will you be my girlfriend?"

      • This letter can be of any length (depending on your preferences). In fact, it can even be a simple cute note in which you can write a few kind words. nice words, and at the end ask a secret question.
      • You can write about the fun and funny situations that you have experienced together, about what you like about her, and about how she awakens in you.
      • When you write a letter, you can invite her to read this letter right in your presence, or you can hand it over and ask her to read it later.
    5. In order not to make a big event out of this conversation, you can ask this question not directly, but in a veiled way. Instead of immediately asking her to meet like this, you can use one of the options below. For example, you might ask, “Listen, when I introduce you to someone, should I say my friend or my girlfriend?”

      • You can ask this question: “And when you tell your friends about us, what do you say?” Then a little later you can ask: “Hmm, would you mind if I called you my girlfriend?”
      • You can invite a girl to some special date or event to show that you have serious intentions.
    6. Before expressing your feelings and inviting a girl to meet, give her a compliment. You should not immediately go to the main question, first tell us what you like about it so much. This technique will help make the conversation more open and honest, as well as demonstrate that you really really want her to become your girlfriend.

      • For example, you could say, “I really enjoy spending time with you. You are so smart and amazing. Be my girlfriend?"
      • You can compliment her by noting that she is very kind, she has a magical smile, and she is a lot of fun.

Surely there is a girl who drives you crazy, and you have already thought of a thousand ways to tell her about your feelings for her. For such recognition, you must have two components: self-confidence and the right words to express your feelings.

If you are sure that she treats you the same way as you treat her, and you decide to declare your love to her, then first find the most beautiful words to declare your love to your beloved girl. But don't worry about it, because on this page we offer you a list of many phrases that are ideal for expressing your love for the girl you like so much.

The most beautiful declarations of love to your girlfriend

  1. “One look at you was enough for me to understand that you are for me - perfect girl I love you, and next to you I feel the happiest! Therefore, I want you to be my girlfriend and make me happy every day!”
  2. “I lived in a sad world filled with darkness until you came like a shining sun that illuminates my days, and since then my days have become the happiest! I want you to be my bride, to be a part of my life forever, and I could make you happy every second of my life!”
  3. “The feeling that was born in my heart when I first saw you grew stronger and stronger until I knew what it was. So I want you to gift me to be your boyfriend and live together from now on to make you as happy as me!”
  4. “You are perfect, your beauty is limitless, you are beautiful in my eyes and heart! I want to give you my love, and you will give me yours in return. Agree?"
  5. “You are the only one who can calm my loving heart. I know that you and I are more than friends, and that's why I'd like to formally court you."
  6. “You managed to win my heart with your beauty, intelligence and tenderness, and I want to feel joy from the complete conquest of my heart by you. I want to make you the happiest girl in the world!”
  7. “I fell in love with you at first sight, and at the same moment I realized that I had a feeling for you true love. Let's take the opportunity - let's get started beautiful relationship and enjoy beautiful love together!”
  8. “Tell me that you feel the same as me. When you and I are together, life becomes beautiful, and every moment becomes the happiest for me! I feel huge love to you, and I want to know if you feel the same way about me."
  9. “When I met you, I felt an arrow of love pierce my heart! You are the girl I've always been looking for! I love you, and when I see you, I feel great happiness that overwhelms me! I want you to be my girlfriend, tell me YES and I will never let you down!"
  10. “Since I met you, everything in my life has changed. You inspire me and I feel the most happy man every day! I just want you to give me a chance to show how much I love you and how happy I would be to be with you always!”
  11. “I used to think that I would never meet a person as sweet, gentle and smart as you. Now that I know you, I fell head over heels in love with you. Trust me with your heart to take care of it and show you how much I love you!”
  12. "I could not think that such beautiful girl will be as simple as you. You managed to conquer my thoughts and occupy all my heart. I ask you to let me be your boyfriend because I love you very much and I want to give you all my love!”
  13. “Next to you, I feel that everything around is beautiful! You add the most iridescent colors to my monotonous everyday life! When I wake up, my first desire is to see you! I hope you feel the same way about me. Don't deny us the opportunity to love each other."
  14. “I wanted to tell you that no matter where I am, no matter what happens, I will always think of you and remember those moments when we were together as the happiest in my life! I would like to return these moments again and again, because I love you!”
  15. “I have never loved you more than in this second. And I will never love you less than in this second in which I want to confess my love to you!

How to know if a girl loves you

  • If you notice that she usually starts the conversation with you first.
  • Constantly looking into your eyes.
  • She says she feels good around you.
These signs almost certainly mean that she is also infatuated with you and therefore you can tell her about your feelings and confess your love.