What words can you congratulate a guy on the anniversary of a relationship? Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship 6 years how we met congratulations

Question to the psychologist:

Good afternoon. My situation is as follows: I have been in a relationship for 6 years, I started dating a young man when I was 18 and he was 16. (now I am 23, he is 22) He was the first in my experience Serious relationships and the first in an intimate sense. For the third year now we have been living together, keeping a common budget, both of us are working. Recently, it began to seem to me that it was time to legitimize our relationship. When I voiced my thoughts on this to him, he made it clear that for him at the moment this is not such an important thing, but I accepted his answer with hostility, not understanding what difference it makes that we already live together as a husband with wife and after the wedding, nothing essentially changes, except for the status. I love him, he does me too (at least he says so), he takes care of me, helps in everything, supports, helps my parents and friends, we know our parents, we go to visit both mine and his parents (The only his grandmother is not very happy with our relationship, because she is afraid that he will marry too early and that in general because of me he will miss his youth, will not work up, then the children will go and we will get divorced, and he will remain a young father). Everything is fine. He is now working full-time and studying part-time, so he says that the first thing that worries him the most is to finish his studies without problems. He said that he plans to marry, but not now. I told him that I needed further logical development of relations, that we were marking time, that we had been together for 6 years. I know that marriage does not guarantee happiness, and it does not equal happiness, but if this time is not enough to understand whether you need a person or not, is there any point in waiting for some kind of insight further? I asked directly, why don't we get married? He began to say that there is no finance at the moment, because. we rent our own apartment, pay for food, clothes, all the needs and study. In general, we completely contain ourselves. Then I told him that there would never be a suitable moment, there would never be extra money for a wedding, there would always be reasons where to spend money more importantly. I asked what we are doing to ensure that we have money for this business? Answer: NOTHING. Then he said that if YOU want so much, please go to the registry office tomorrow, I answered go, but apparently he expected a different answer, he began to say that he did not want such a wedding, that he wanted a normal one, with guests and celebrations. And then he said, well, let's start postponing every month, I agreed. As a result, 4 months have already passed, not a penny has been set aside due to lack of money for various reasons. He is now in a very responsible period in his studies, he is at the stage of writing a diploma. In general, all this scares me very much, all this uncertainty, because we have always had such wonderful relations and still have, but this question haunts me. We've been together for 6 years, I'm about to be 24, and he recently turned 22 and I don't know what to do. I want to be with this person, but I'm worried about his uncertainty. I understand that at 22, not every young man wants to marry because of his age, but then why is he in a relationship with me for so long, he says that it’s not just that everything is the same, but because he loves. Everyone around me asks why we don’t get married, why we’re pulling, why we’ve been together for so many years and he doesn’t call (his grandmother also showed an indicative attitude towards me as just his girlfriend, she always asks him about other girls in my presence, makes sharp remarks, to make me uncomfortable). If I were single, at this point in time I would not want to get married, I would only want to live for myself, work, take care of myself and hobbies, etc. And so I am in a relationship, I have certain duties that are performed in marriage, but in fact I am not married. I don't know what he plans next, for how long, or if he plans at all. The age difference began to frighten me, it seems to me that in a couple more years, and I will begin to want more from the family, but he will not need it. Although I never felt the difference in age, he is a serious and responsible guy. I'm afraid of wasted time, it's like an investment that will not bring profit in the end. Time is not in my favor, after all. Maybe I needed a young man older than me. I think about it more and more often, but I can’t get out of this relationship just like that, I love him. What should I do? When I strongly think that I want to get married, I start to feel unhappy, I start to whine. I don’t know if it’s worth it, it diverges, because of this. In fact, now the situation is such that I want to get married, but I don’t want to force him and that he takes this step under pressure, I want him to do it consciously, but the prospect of waiting for the weather by the sea is so-so. Maybe you should end this relationship or somehow change it? For example, to disperse and not to live together, but to meet on neutral territory? Or does this relationship have no future? On the one hand, I seem to understand that the age difference is not so big, but on this issue we do not agree, I think it is because of age. I want to marry him because I love him and want further relationships, for me 6 years of relationship is quite a long time, I can’t mentally wait anymore and don’t want to. I like the feeling of novelty, courtship, candy-bouquet period. We clearly no longer have this in a relationship, I even thought specifically to find a reason for parting, so that later we could gradually get back together, go through this whole wonderful period again, these emotions. Maybe I just want a different relationship? I can’t answer this question for myself, I have nothing to compare with, I just don’t know anything. I want everyone around me to know that I am his wife, so that he perceives me that way, so that his family already perceives me differently, more seriously. Otherwise, we live as if in a real marriage, sharing all the joys and sorrows, but we cannot formalize everything.

The psychologist Lunyushin Sergey Anatolyevich answers the question.

Of course, I understand your feelings, every girl at the age of 24 wants a legal relationship, but before making a decision that is very important for you, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. Let's try to figure out what you have at the moment? On the one hand, the desire to get married (legitimize their relationship), and on the other hand, 6 years happy relationship, not a simple situation for a young person (at the moment he is forced to work, study and write a diploma). At the same time, it is clear from your words that his grandmother inspires him that it is too early to get married, that you need to work up properly. Apparently, she is a great authority for him, he listens to her opinion. Most likely, for your young man, the logical conclusion after marriage is the appearance of a child, and he is not ready for this now either mentally, financially or physically, and this also scares him. It is also clear from your words that your young man wants a good, full-fledged wedding, but at the moment, since he is also studying, he cannot ensure this, you also cannot save.

Judging by what your young man only 22 years old, but he not only studies, but also earns for your life together, he is a very responsible young man and believe me, not all men, even much older than him, are capable of this.

I don't think a two year age difference is a reason to break up. In my practice, I came across families in which the wife is 11 years older than her husband and they are happy, because everyone found in the other what they were looking for, and this is the most important thing in family relationships.

Let your man get a diploma and only after that try to find out from him what it means to him and how he imagines a legal marriage, a wedding. Also give him your arguments and thoughts on this topic. Always remember that destroying everything is easy, but building is difficult. Have patience and wisdom.

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Today is a holiday, yours and mine,
Do you remember that golden day
When for the first time me and you
Did you have a conversation with each other?

That conversation was about nothing
We were good together.
So it was light in the soul,
We started dating again.

Days have flown by and years
And everything remains as it was then,
As before, together we are with you,
They are bound together by love.

Oh what a beautiful world this is
In which you are, my idol.
In which the whole year is spring,
in which I love you.

Happy relationship anniversary,
I congratulate you
I wish us patience
In the world to live with you always!

I wish us smiles
And we don't lose love
And don't make mistakes
And understand each other!

Today is a very happy day
This date cannot be forgotten.
Our relationship has an anniversary
And with this I congratulate you!

I wish that feelings do not fade away
Love in the eyes shone every day,
Caring, understanding and happiness
In life they surrounded us in everything!

We have each other now
And our life is rich in this.
Love is an anniversary today
Today is a memorable date.

Memories day after day
We are getting more and more
Not only to each his own,
But there are a lot of things we have in common.

They contain our feelings and dreams,
Hopes, fears and desires.
Now we're together - me and you
One love, one breath.

It doesn't matter how much we know each other
Weeks, maybe years.
And it is important that with you together
We are in love forever.

Together with you we managed together
Love to meet once.
Now we need these feelings
Develop even more.

And outside the window, let the years rush
We don't care about time.
We swore with you forever
Lend each other's shoulders!

There is a reason for the holiday -
Relationship anniversary!
You are together and it's great
Your couple is so beautiful!

You hold on to each other
If you quarrel, make up
May all dreams come true
And wishes come true!

Great day today.
We met on the same day.
And we have a reason today
Celebrate anniversaries.

I congratulate you on your anniversary
I wish you and I love
I want to be for each other
We are the guiding star!

Today is our meeting day,
It will always be magical.
Then it flew over us
Hurrying somewhere, Cupid.

He pierced the hearts of the two of us
With your arrow on the run.
And since then I'm only with you
I can live happily ever after!

We once fell in love
And they opened magic to each other!
How wonderful it is to live in goodness, love,
To know that we are desirable and close.

To be one whole and inspiration,
Enjoy every moment
Tremble at the voice and sight,
There is no need for greater happiness.

How hard it is often in this world
Protect love from harm.
And your feelings, like for the first time
Refresh again after a year!

But if you daily
Try your best,
Then for anniversaries you can
Invite friends and acquaintances!

And for others you will become an example,
How to save your family.
And happiness will certainly be
Love will bloom again!

I remember how I met you
After all, I have been dreaming of this for a long time.
I painted your portrait in my mind
And finally, in reality, I found out.

I will never forget that day
When I saw you!
Pierced right through me,
And my eyes quickly caught!

Now we are celebrating our anniversary
We remember our meeting with a smile.
Since then, we have been "non-spill" water,
Believe that it will always be like this!

Currently, the psychology of relationships very often pays attention to periodic crises in the life of couples in love. For each of them, despite external well-being, something may not go well or even fall apart. One of the partners suddenly begins to notice the shortcomings of the other: scattered things, slowness while getting ready for a walk, loud steps, etc. Everything that used to seem funny suddenly became unbearable. You call friends, complaining about your own irritability and talking about the familiarity of the relationship. And every day, reluctantly returning home, you ask yourself: “What to do next?”

If you find yourself in such a situation, then you should not torment yourself, your soulmate and friends with your own irritability. You need to understand that a crisis in a relationship occurs in all couples without exception. Even those who have been together for more than a quarter of a century face this. Hence, naturally, contradictions arise, ranging from a reassessment of values ​​and ending with a radically new look at the way of life.

It is not easy for many to go through their own crisis, but if we are talking about two people who are in this state, then it will take a lot of time, patience, love and mutual respect to maintain a relationship.

Crisis Symptoms

We list the most common symptoms, the appearance of which indicates the onset of a crisis:

  • Partners lose their desire to like each other.
  • The upbringing of children becomes a topic that provokes mutual reproaches and quarrels.
  • The spouses have different opinions about most of the issues that are most important to them.
  • One or both partners avoid intimacy.
  • Spouses stop communicating, and each spends time on his own.
  • Almost all the words and actions of a partner cause irritation.
  • One of the couple begins to believe that they are constantly forced to give in to the opinion and desires of their soulmate.
  • One of the spouses ceases to participate in family life and solving household problems. Usually it's the husband. He behaves rather aloofly and often stays late at work.
  • Following from the previous paragraph, the wife goes headlong into solving family problems. She, like a draft horse, drags her husband, children and the whole life.
  • Spouses do not understand (or poorly understand) each other's feelings.
  • There is no desire to share their own joys and problems with a partner.

Relationship crises by years

In the life of any couple, there are several turning points. Let's consider them in more detail.

Crisis 1 year

As a rule, it begins after 6 months of relationship. This period is especially difficult for a couple who live together and are trying to arrange a family life.

Features of the manifestation: "everyday life" prevails over romance, and the "rose-colored glasses" fall off the future spouses. Lovers begin to notice the habits and behaviors of each other, which were not even suspected before. For example, it turns out that a woman takes a bath for 2 hours and does not know how to cook, and a man does not clean up after himself and grinds his teeth in his sleep.

Partners should learn to calmly discuss exciting issues and contradictions so that certain norms and rules can be developed in the relationship that suit both. If this does not happen, then the lovers will part. According to statistics family psychologists About 90% of couples break up in the first year.

Therefore, if you really have strong feelings for your soul mate, then try to survive the crisis in the relationship. 1 year is the time when partners should listen to each other and look for compromises. Go ahead.

Crisis 3 years

Some psychologists distinguish between this and the previous periods one more. This is a 2 year relationship crisis. We will not talk about it separately, since it is very similar to the turning point of 3 years. The crisis of 2 years may not come. Everything will depend on when the children arrive. After all, the appearance of a child is a serious stress for newly-made parents, as they have to radically change their usual way of life.

The same can be said about the crisis of 5 years of relations. 3rd summer period- this is just a guideline. No one knows when the couple will have a crisis, which is why experts have set a conditional framework in the range from 2 to 5 years. During this time period, the partners may have a second (after 1 year) critical stage. We now turn to a discussion of the period included in the subheading.

Features of manifestation: for time life together the couple's relationship is on the rise new level. The lovers recognize all the shortcomings and virtues of each other, the “grinding” ends. Some have children.

The waiting period for the firstborn is the most prosperous. The husband takes care of his wife, protecting her from negative situations, helping with the housework, trying not to upset her once again. But all this can be described as the calm before the storm.

The crisis in the relationship occurs when the child is already born. The wife turns her attention to the baby and practically does not pay it to her husband. Due to sleepless nights, irritation and fatigue accumulate. In addition, sexual desire in the postpartum period is reduced. These factors often lead to alienation. Everything seems to be fine, the baby is born and was born healthy. A woman with a child in her arms needs more support, but right now a man has a desire to go “left” to young girls and forget about family problems at least for a short period.

Respect and flexibility should be shown to the opinion of the partner in order to survive the critical time - 3 years. A relationship crisis can also arise due to disputes over the upbringing of a child. In this matter, the couple should also develop a common line of conduct.

Crisis 7 years

This is one of the most unstable and "mysterious" periods in a couple's life. Its conditional boundaries are from 7 to 9 years of marriage.

Features of the manifestation: the mystery lies in the fact that all areas of the psyche and human life overlap each other. One of the spouses may begin a midlife crisis. If there are children, then the couple will experience all manifestations of their age features(or 3 or 7 years). During these periods, offspring can become the most naughty and unpredictable fidgets in the world, capable of unbalancing even the most emotionally stable parents.

In addition, significant changes can occur at work: career advancement, business development. All this imposes additional duties on the spouses and increases their responsibility.

Also, partners compare their past dreams with reality, and for most they do not match reality, leading to disappointment. Spouses begin to feel that life has become monotonous.

If your couple has had a crisis of 7 years of relationship, then the best way out of it will be to bring new joint activities and hobbies to life. Stock up on patience. To survive this turning point, you will need it more than ever.

Crisis 15 years

The boundaries of this period are quite wide and vary around 5 years (from 15 to 20 years of marriage). "Adolescent crisis in relationships" - this is the name given to him by family psychologists.

Features of the manifestation: the spouses look back at their lives and count the ups and downs, comparing their own achievements with the successes of acquaintances and friends. Usually both partners are at the stage of an age crisis and are engaged in a reassessment of values ​​(intra-family and their own). Often they ask themselves the question: “Did I do the right thing by linking my life with this person?” By the way, the children have grown up and become independent. If they want to lead an independent lifestyle, partners will again have to learn to live together. If, during a reassessment of values, each of the spouses realizes that he has lived these years with a person who sincerely gives his feelings, then the crisis in the relationship will quickly end, the union will become stronger, and the feelings will become even brighter and stronger. If the ideas of partners do not coincide with reality, then a “war” may break out with an unpredictable outcome.

Crisis 25 years

Very soon a silver wedding, all friends and acquaintances look with envy at happy couple but for some reason there is discord in the family.

Features of the manifestation: women begin menopause during this period, and men try to look younger, watch their figure and make greasy jokes towards young girls (although they didn’t allow themselves to do this before). They can be understood: a career is made, children have grown up, material prosperity is provided ... What else to strive for? Men, unlike women, are more difficult to realize their weakness. It is difficult for them to admit their own lack of demand. On the contrary, the strong half will actively prove to others that the “gunpowder in the powder flasks” has not yet ended.

But what about the spouse? Does she have much-needed moral support at this time? In most cases, no! By the silver wedding, 90% of women become grouchy old women. This is partly due to the fact that after so many years of marriage, the partner simply got tired, well, the list of his sins over the years has become too long.

How to survive this stage? Spouses should remember their youth and arrange a honeymoon for themselves. You can go on a trip that you have long dreamed of, or take up some new sport.

So we have considered the crisis family relations on years. Know that in any turning point there are two stages: the beginning and the end. Having learned this, it will be possible to easily cope with any difficulties. In addition, the crisis is an objective thing. It occurs in the life of any couple, regardless of whether the spouses are good or bad.

Describing crises in relationships, the periods of which vary greatly, we have already given some tips on how to deal with them. Now let's dwell on this topic in more detail and give some universal recommendations for overcoming tipping points.

How to survive a crisis in a relationship?

1. Surprises

In this difficult period, think about how they can decorate your life pleasant surprises. For example, after work, you go home in a bad mood, expecting a scandal, open the door, and there are a lot of balloons and the inscription "Welcome". Such non-standard actions will bring a sea of ​​​​positive emotions and strengthen the belief that everything will change for the better.

2. Joint efforts

To fight the crisis, the couple needs to prepare mentally. Both partners should want this. After all, a conflict situation is a consequence of misunderstanding between spouses. Even if one person tries to establish family relationships, this will not be successful. It takes a collaborative effort to make things right.

3. Self-esteem

When a crisis occurs, the psychology of relationships teaches not to look for negativity in a partner, but to pay attention to one's own behavior. Both are to blame for this! Therefore, stop telling your soulmate: “It's your fault!”, “You are good”, “Look at yourself”, etc. Find out what exactly has changed in your life experience, work on self-esteem, and also try to give your loved one confidence in yourself.

4. Sex

Whatever happens to a relationship, don't let it negatively affect your intimate life. On the contrary, the quality of sex should increase! No headaches, tediousness, habits or fatigue! Make sex a variety, find out the secret desires and preferences of your spouse, experiment!

Good sex strengthens relationships and allows you to look at your soulmate from an intimate side, which makes you closer. It also helps in solving most of the problems: excessive grouchiness, unwashed dishes, an empty refrigerator, dissatisfaction with uncleaned socks, distance from each other and many others.

5. Memories

Shared memories play a huge role in the area of ​​family and family relationships. Therefore, psychologists advise to return to them in crisis situations. Your acquaintance, date, first kiss, sex, favorite music... But the greatest benefit will be not from simple memories, but from joint visits to memorable places.

6. Gratitude

Thank your partner daily for everything they do. Even for the most real trifle. For example: “Darling, thanks for taking me to work! You are so caring!". Or, “Honey, thanks for the hemmed pants! I would have had a hard time without you!" By the way, you need to thank your loved one not only in crisis situations. Make it your habit.

7. Trusted communication

Don't gloss over problems. Often, offended by a loved one, we experience everything inside ourselves. This is due to a false stereotype, according to which quarrels and scandals do not paint a man and a woman. But you don’t need to express your resentment by shouting loudly and smashing everything around. Just calmly explain to your spouse what exactly he offended you. A very common situation is when one partner does not even know the reasons for the offense of the second and does not understand the motives of his behavior. This is where myths about nasty husbands or capricious and bitchy wives come from. In general, a frank conversation will help clarify all the unpleasant moments and in the future will allow you to be more attentive to the feelings of your partner.

8. Common cause

One of the best ways to build relationships. Even if you don’t really want to take it on, it still unites. For example, buy a camera and learn it together, sign up for a dance school, etc.

9. Positive

A relationship crisis is a negative, painful, and complex phenomenon. Don't dwell on it. Think positively even in difficult situations. Also change the wording of your phrases. Instead of, "I hardly see you," say, "Let's spend more time together." Do not delve into the shortcomings of a loved one, but concentrate on his virtues.

10. Freedom

Sometimes living together satiates the spouses, and they get tired of each other. This is especially acute at critical moments. If you are experiencing a severe lack of inner or outer freedom, move away from your partner for a while. Visit your parents, meet friends, go to a seminar. Do this until you really get bored.


The crisis of family relations over the years can be compared with the passage of a new round in the spiral of living together. Someone ignores him, turning a chronic conflict into an acute one, while someone allows the family to change and develop, polishing relationships. After all, when each such milestone is passed, affection and love are transformed and reach a higher level. So, at the age of 1, the love of "eros" is transformed into a strong feeling of "agate". From 2 to 5 years, the fruit of love may appear - a child. For the 7th year, the relationship of partners becomes familiar, cozy and freer. By the 15th year, the feelings of the spouses will go through serious tests and will be significantly strengthened, and at the 25th year they will turn into tender and deep affection. Already, as a rule, forever!

We need beautiful and cool congratulations happy anniversary of the relationship to your beloved, beloved, beloved, boyfriend, boyfriend, girlfriend, man, husband, young man, lover in your own words? Come visit us! The anniversary of a relationship is a good date that can only be celebrated together. Choose a congratulation and send it to your soulmate in SMS. Better yet, write out the congratulations you like on the anniversary of the relationship on a postcard and congratulate in person.


For this month that we are together,
The soul blossomed.
And the connection between us became stronger,
And two wings opened in love.

Congratulations on our first anniversary of relationship:
And our relationship, and love.
Yes, we used to be lonely
But for a month now we are relatives, we are our own.


Congratulations on our day
I will send you SMS.
And whisper in my ear:
How I love you!

We are not threatened by bad weather,
We are not afraid of separation.
And at any time of the year
Spring is in bloom!

Our anniversary today.
Let's meet soon!
And with all my heart you
Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship, I, loving!


It's been six months since we've been together.
I fall more in love every day.
Without you, the heart is not in place,
I can't think of anything.

And when you're around, the sun shines!
And involuntarily joy in the soul.
Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship -
We've been with you for six months already!


We've been together for two years now
And I notice more and more
What if you're not around - I miss you
That I am very good with you.
And no matter what happens in life
When you're with me - I don't care:
I'm not afraid of grief or misfortune
Because I have you.
I'm not afraid of winds and hurricanes,
After all, love always has special plans.
She saved many from trouble,
Because you have me and I have you.


Our relationship is exactly a month old.
Someone will say, maybe: "Only!"
And he adds: "It's not serious."
Only you, of course, argue with him.

You know how you and I
We mean a lot in life to each other.
How tightly bound by fate
Well, how could it be otherwise?

After all, in love there are no deadlines, distances.
It doesn't matter how many people are together.
Time we will pass the test
And we will love each other more!

Relationship Anniversary Words


Five months like five moments
Five months of wonderful relationships
Five months of love.
Five months I tell you
That you are not in the world better
That you are my holiday, gentle ray.
And there is nothing more important
We've been together for so many days.


Two months is not much at all
But this is just the beginning.
With you a common road
She showed us the way together.

We are together, no matter how much:
A minute, a month, a year Lee, an eternity.
'Cause I love you so much
That I believe even in infinity!


four months of love
Life gives us beauty...
already enjoyed them to the fullest.
They loved, kissed passionately.
We met late at night
Feelings burned between us
We had fun, sang songs,
We were so good together.
Strongly attached to each other
And they never parted.
Four months of hope
Desire, inspiration, faith,
And then came the anniversary
Let's celebrate my love...


Our relationship lasts six months
We give each other joy, pleasure,
We appreciate, love, respect,
Features, habits are accepted.

Let life together promise happiness
May the good angel help
Feelings to keep and strengthen,
And create a family in the future!


six months ago
Our romance has begun.
Love covered us
Like a violent hurricane.

Six months have passed
And I love more!
Let's go with you
Let's celebrate this day.

Happy days are countless
I believe in you and me.
Thanks for being you!
Thanks for the love!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship in verse and prose


Six months of our love
We are happy and close
Thank you for being in the world
The man of my dreams!

We are relatives with you,
Let feelings flow like a river
They give us light and warmth,
We've been waiting for it for so long!


Six months have passed, it seems a little,
Ever since the two of us.
Since our paths met
To unite us with one destiny.

But the most important thing for me is these six months.
What happened before was just waiting.
I love you more than anything in the world.
To live with you all my life is my desire.


Modest, first date
Our love with you.
It's strange that there were once
We are far from each other.

These six months with you -
It's time for our happiness.
We have become one destiny.
We met like yesterday.

Let the years go by
We will only become relatives.
Let miracles happen
In your life and mine.


Six months hand in your hand
We spent six months in the arms of the dear ones,
It's like we're floating on the same river
According to life for couples in love frozen.

Let it seem funny to someone
But this festive day is beautiful for us,
For both of us, everything is already decided,
After all, it does not happen in life that in vain.


We've been together for three years
And this is not a short period.
And even imperceptibly
What time is the mileage.

We're in love like before
Happy forever.
And I live in hope
That we will be together forever.

We, like relatives, have become,
For so many years with you.
Don't stop loving
So fated by fate.

Gone through fire and water
And jealousy, and quarrels.
Well, now it's time
Let's celebrate our engagement!

Anniversary Poems


It's been four months now
In my thoughts only you.
My world is shining with bright happiness,
All dreams come true!

We are celebrating today
Our little anniversary.
And you have every minute
I fall in love more and more!


A month - a lot or a little?
How many things happened!
How many joyful events
How many little discoveries
Meetings, dates and smiles ...
And such funny mistakes.
How did you meet
So faster days rushed off.
Being together is so interesting
It's great to be with you together.
And I wish, I will not hide,
Long, long time to be with you.


It's been two wonderful months.
Suddenly our paths crossed.
Our eyes glow with happiness
Thanks for this life.

I promise to be by your side
Love you, take care of your soul,
Separation feels like hell to me
I look forward to our meetings.


Two months of love and understanding
I repent that a whole century has passed,
After all, time flies by unnoticed,
When souls are insanely good.

And I hope that all life will be like this,
Love can do miracles
And even if it's very hard,
We can get through this together.


We've been with you recently
Feelings don't stand still.
We dated for two months
And rubbed each other.

And now it's clear
What makes us so happy together
What are we without each other
It will definitely be tough.

I want to be honest
I don't want to be with anyone
And I want to be with you. And all
We still have ahead of us.

Anniversary sms


Finally an anniversary
And we have with you, my love.
The term is not at all long -
We have been with you for two months.

There was little time
Madly in love with you.
You became only my family,
Kind, sweet, dear.

I exist without you
And, I'm afraid, I'm jealous of others.
I respect, shore
I won't give anyone...


Not even six months have passed
When fate decided to bring us together
But I think we're extremely lucky
We found true love with you!

For 4 months of our wonderful relationship,
The best time I had to spend
A lot of happy moments are waiting for us,
It's good that it all started then!


Five months already the sun shines brighter,
Five months hand in hand lies,
And the world around is beautiful, colorful,
And my heart is beating so fast.

Today is relationship birthday
Love grew stronger and stronger.
May there be many joyful moments
Although five months is quite a long time.


When we are close, time is imperceptible.
And it seems like only a day has passed.
3 months already as together, and I'm with you
Everything is also good.

And every day is like a first date
Excites the soul, excites the blood
And sometimes the mind is clouded
When you whisper love again


Oh we're very lucky
Already 5 months have passed
How are we together
We go hand in hand.

We are moving towards happiness
Let's weather the storm together
We will all accept
What fate is ready to give.

Because the most important
Pure, strong, glorious
We are endowed with feeling
And we are faithful to each other.

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary


How insidious is this time, -
Flies by unnoticed
Solution testing,
Anniversary of relationship.
Anniversary ... But not a wedding,
Apparently it's too early.
We met for a year
Year so passionately kissed
Kissing, having fun
And the days were not followed.
How good it is with you
So cozy and calm.
The year is already the sun of the earth
As a witness of meetings with you.
You are my half
I can't be without you.
I love you very much
And as a value, I cherish.


Today is a special day for us...
Please accept congratulations!
I remember how everything happened at that time
We met - what luck!

Let's congratulate each other on this day.
Let the feeling grow stronger and not disappear.
There is in this world we and you and I together,
Love-beauty, like a rose, blooms.


Our first date with you.
Our first anniversary with you.
They say that a month is not enough.
It's enough for me, believe me!

And now I probably know
I want to be with you always
Spend together like this month
For many more years.


Happy Anniversary my sunshine.
Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship, you are my joy.
You are my love, you are my happiness
I can't imagine myself without you.

I feel very comfortable with you
I thank fate for you.
I wish you well-being
I love you so much!


3 years is a long time
Life has tested us a little.
To put everything in place
Let's celebrate such a wonderful holiday.

3 years of unearthly happiness,
Bottomless love and good luck
Hope, faith, inspiration...
And understanding, respect.

Everything was: quarrels and anxieties,
Nerves, long roads ...
Separation didn't stop us.
Fate bound us together.

Your love is warm for the heart,
That in the cold, the heat makes it warm.
With you forever, I promise
I love you and adore...

Anniversary of relationship - congratulations, poems, sms


Three months is not that long
But we are so close!
When we don't see each other,
I'm dying of boredom.

Let me confess to you:
I always want to be together.
I'm getting stronger and stronger
I fall in love with you every day!


We've been together for exactly five months,
Congratulations on your anniversary!
There is no more wonderful couple in the world.
You feel the same way, I know.

I love you more and more
With you, I'm not afraid of bad weather.
And there is no person more important
Than you, my sun and happiness!


Can you go back to the past
And remember the happiness of a sweet moment ...
There are good words
Words that are only for two!

And the time flew by quickly
We are older and wiser.
But you and me are the only thing now
For many years, for many days!


Today the day will be even brighter
And the music will be loud!
And maybe even people will know
What are we going to celebrate today...

Our day of love, hearts are burning and beating!
Let's drink champagne for him.
And tears of happiness will flow like a river,
We will remember the day we met a friend ...


Thank God and fate
That you and I found each other.
Now my whole life is in you
My happiness is your merit.

Beautiful words for the anniversary of the relationship


With you, time flies by
Day, month, week, years,
I know that I will always be honest with you.
Love is what I tell you.


A bouquet of flowers flies with hope
Today is a completely different day.
He is the lightest, most gentle,
When we met!

And this is important, unforgettable,
Let the lips of the lips touch again.
Everything is so easy, penetrating,
When love lives in the soul!


Not New Year, not a birthday,
But the date is important for us.
We met with you today
Although, of course, not now.

Since then, we are always with you,
Connecting your hearts.
And the romance of our life
There will be no sad end!


There is a birthday in love
We will celebrate it with you.
We found each other among all,
We were chosen by fate.

I'll circle that day in red
I will remember him forever.
When we met you
When hearts said yes

I don't remember if it rained that day
Lee's sun shone then...
We just met you
To never part.


There shouldn't be an end to love
But there is a beginning of love.
We have an anniversary today
The love that binds us.

Since we met you
The love grew and grew stronger.
Tied a thread of love
Our palms are tenacious.

We are destined
Walk through life side by side.
We are destined to meet together
Sunrises and sunsets.


The day couldn't be warmer
Than a joint anniversary
On this day, our two hearts
Luckily the door was opened
You are the whole meaning of my life
All my thoughts are with you,
May always from our passion
Goosebumps run down my arms!


The sky smiles at us in the morning
And the radiant sun is brighter,
The wind knows and nature remembers
That we have a small anniversary.

Every day in anticipation of a meeting,
Before the eyes of your native image,
I will hug you gently by the shoulders,
Enjoying you with all my heart.


We have an anniversary, we have an anniversary,
Sunset, dawn, all days and nights,
When you didn't want to leave
I just wanted to meet again soon.

Those days have not disappeared from us forever,
Their memory will melt for us into years,
And the treasure of our most beautiful minutes
Hearts will be saved and one day they will be found.


Today is a special day
For each of us.
We met and on that day
Suddenly a couple was created.

We will go through life
There are many roads ahead of us.
Where is the end of that path?
That only God knows.


Today is our anniversary -
So much happiness, tender words!
My other half
My meaning of life and love!

With you the whole world is much brighter
And the heart beats faster
Winter is warmer and hotter with you
And people seem kinder!

Everything has changed so beautifully.
Warm every moment with love!
Everything is lit up with you,
After all, you are the magic light!

Our love has a birthday
I am so happy to celebrate this holiday.
I remember that feeling, the origin
We were lucky to meet each other.

It doesn't matter what happened to us before
I've been resetting everything ever since
How our first kiss was the beginning
Lovely concluding our pact.

I promise to remember every detail
Love you, appreciate and respect.
And in their goals, plans, different thoughts
Our love to keep, protect.

Happy Anniversary my sunshine.
Congratulations, you are my joy.
You are my love, you are my happiness
I can't imagine myself without you.

I feel very comfortable with you
I thank fate for you.
I wish you well-being
I love you so much!

Congratulations on your day - a memorable date in your relationship. Let everything go smoothly and evenly for you, let harmony, love and happiness reign in the relationship. May there be many bright and pleasant moments in your life together. I wish you true and sincere love, well-being and unquenchable interest in each other.

Today is our holiday
Today is our day.
One for two
Small anniversary.

Day of our love
And shared happiness.
We are walking side by side
And in a thunderstorm, and in bad weather.

Let the feeling in the soul
Will never get cold.
And the heart beats
And love will not leave!

Do you remember how we used to
Did you meet on this date?
Since then we've been together
Since then we have been close.
We understand from a half-word
We are each other at once.
We will remember this date
Let's keep it in our hearts.
And through life with you
Let's carry this memory...

Today is a significant date
Only you and I know about her.
I wish everything worked out
To make dreams come true soon.

Let our feeling not fade away
Let our fire burn
I wish us both happiness
Let the flight be high!

Today is our holiday
Today is our day!
We have a romantic
Anniversary with you.

We are together.
I want it to always be like this
So that we do not part
Never with you!

Let the time go
Let life go on
And our love
Never ends!

Your smile conquered my heart
And we've been inseparable ever since!
Love for you opened the whole world to me,
In my soul draws a fabulous pattern!

I love you more every day,
And on this date I want to tell you so:
There is no one closer and dearer to me,
I want to connect this life with you!

Today is our anniversary -
So much happiness, tender words!
My other half
My meaning of life and love!

With you the whole world is much brighter
And the heart beats faster
Winter is warmer and hotter with you
And people seem kinder!

Everything has changed so wonderfully.
Warm every moment with love!
Everything is lit up with you,
After all, you are the magic light!

Not a New Year, not a birthday,
But the date is important for us.
We met with you today
Although, of course, not now.

Since then, we are always with you,
Connecting their hearts.
And the romance of our life
There will be no sad ending!

You and I found each other
To go through life side by side.
Because such a special
This date has become in my life.

The day that suddenly gave us
An amazing gift.
Day of the beginning of a new life
For two, for our couple.