What a fun date. A non-standard date and an unusual pastime for a couple. Romantic evening at the hotel

If you don’t get enough vivid impressions within your couple (and this is a common thing when joint life enters a comfortable rut), then there is a risk of going somewhere else for them or starting to unconsciously “rock the boat”, clinging to a partner for nothing. To prevent this from happening, organize a little adventure for the two of you!

Ideas to spice up your dates

A weekend on a yacht in the Mediterranean, a helicopter flight and other dizzying dating options that you know from films, let them remain within the TV screen. A boring rendezvous should not require preparation comparable to a special operation, and drive you into loans.

City Tour

The streets you walk to and from work are bound to have some history. The beautiful building in which the tax office of your district is located, quite possibly, was once a merchant's mansion. At that crossroads, it turns out, in the last century, an attempt was made on the governor's life, and a famous children's writer spent his summers in this inconspicuous house. To become a guide for your companion, you do not need to dig into dusty archives - just download and study the guide app in advance or read a couple of articles by local historians that are easy to find on the Internet.

rooftop picnic

It sounds almost unrealistic, but in fact there is nothing complicated here. You can climb any city roof by asking for the keys from the senior in the house or from the representative of the HOA. Bottles of wine, fruit, and light snacks will suffice for a high-altitude dinner—stargazing and city lights from an unaccustomed height will be the main course. Do not forget a couple of blankets: on one it will be possible to lay out a treat, on the second - to cozy hide together.

Cinema outdoors

You must have seen or read about American drive-in cinemas, when the screen is installed in a large clearing, and the audience watches the movie each in their car. The fashion for such film screenings has also swept through Russia, but even if it has not yet reached your city, it does not matter - you only need a laptop with your favorite movie, a car (your own or rented), a place as secluded as possible, and a companion who agrees that the back seats are ideal places for kissing.


Wine shop, cheese factory, chocolate shop self made... Any place where they can give you a small lecture and treat you with something delicious will do. In this case, it is not so much the opportunity to try several types of product that is important, but the atmosphere itself. Therefore, take an interest in reviews about the chosen institution in advance and speak out all the controversial points when booking. Say that you want to arrange a romantic date, which means that the presence of other participants is undesirable. If this is not possible, discuss what kind of surprise you can prepare for your loved one.

Cooking class

If your man says that he does not like to cook, it means that he simply does not know how to do it very well and is embarrassed to admit it. In culinary schools "one day" you will be helped either to master the secret of cooking some complex holiday dish, or, conversely, they will teach you how to cook everyday dinner with a minimum of hassle and cost. There are plenty of places where you can find a teacher in a chef's hat: restaurants, cafes, training centers and even consulates of countries famous for their cuisine regularly organize such master classes!

Relax for two

An option that a man may have seen in the collections of ideas for Valentine's Day, but did not like it - a joint visit to the SPA-salon. It may include a simultaneous couples massage, a "barrel of health", a tea ceremony, a hammam or a sauna. You can get by with a budget option - buy subscriptions for a one-time visit to the pool and just swim side by side.

Who will pay?

If you are determined to arrange a turnkey date, then you pay - and not from your general budget. Another thing is that not every man can calmly watch a girl take out a wallet, so solve all financial issues in advance.

check yourself

If you are used to taking on any task with Stakhanovite zeal and seem to get a little carried away when planning a date, check yourself against the checklist!

■ The budget should not go beyond what is reasonable - for example, the amount of your weekly expenses in the supermarket. This is still a date, albeit not quite an ordinary one, but still not a celebration. crystal wedding.

■ Respect time and space limits. A date cannot last three days and pass five hundred kilometers from hometown. Otherwise, this is already a mini-vacation, the organization of which, by the way, is better for you to do together - this is incredibly close.

■ The format of the date should be of interest to both of you. It is not necessary, using a plausible pretext, to drag a man to a jazz festival if he listens only to Russian rap.

What is unlikely to please your man

If you are inspired and make your own list original ideas for a date - carefully reread it and cross out everything that your man is unlikely to like.


Even if the mall is on the way, even if you just need to run into one department for a minute, and even if you decided to be a stylist out of good intentions, devoting the whole evening to choosing new looks for your "half" or "family look" for the two of you - cross out! For a man, a joint shopping trip is torture, but for you it’s also a ruinous option, because you yourself pay for an atypical rendezvous, as we have already agreed with you.


The result is sure to be sweet and romantic, but the whole process of dressing up and freezing in awkward positions is quite tiring. It is unlikely that a man will be delighted. Better put it off until your wedding anniversary (or even completely).

double date

It doesn’t matter if you invite a couple you know to join or arrange to bring a free friend and girlfriend with you to try to arrange their personal life at the same time. The focus of attention in any case will be partially shifted to strangers. Is this what you wanted in the first place?


Travel together to an animal shelter to walk a dozen dogs, or volunteer to deliver boxes of food and toys large families. This is a wonderful and honorable initiative, which, however, does not fit in with the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdeveloping time for each other. So next time.

According to conventional wisdom, spring is the best time to refresh your senses and start a new relationship. But for true romantics, neither autumn slush nor winter frosts, no summer heat is a hindrance - they always have the most daring ideas in their arsenal in order to surprise their "half". And on the eve of Valentine's Day, their imagination has no limits, you just need to try to organize a romantic date!

Here are just a few ideas that will help you charm your loved one, tell him about your feelings without words and win his heart.

Idea #1: Chocolate Date

Chocolate is attributed magical properties: it improves mood, awakens a light perception of the world, as in childhood, warms the soul. A cozy table in a cafe, thick cocoa aroma, fresh pastries, hot chocolate… The right atmosphere to give a “valentine” and original gift in the form of a funny toy, warm scarf do-it-yourself, etc.
Handmade gifts are suitable for a chocolate date. Even if you prepared jewelry or a funny flash drive, you can give them to your loved one in an original box or a textile heart.

Idea number 2. Walk for two

A win-win date option fresh air. What could be better than walking around your favorite places, which are associated with memories of acquaintance and happy moments of meetings!
If your "love story" does not have such a rich past, go to the skating rink. An atmosphere of universal joy, laughter, music ... It’s good to ride holding hands among the same happy people! And then with pleasure to drink hot tea or coffee in the nearest cafe.

Idea number 3. Romantic photo session

Get to know a like-minded outdoor photographer in advance. He will tell you where and how best to organize a romantic photo session. Perhaps you will go to a studio with a shabby chic interior or take some original outdoor shots. In any case, enjoy communication and creating unique images captured in romantic pictures.

Idea number 4. Date to order

If you do not rely too much on your own ingenuity, enlist the help of professionals. Today, many companies offer turnkey dating scenarios. Here and the evening under open sky on the roof of a building in the historical part of the city, and individual viewing of a romantic movie with a light dinner after it, and a ride on an old tram and many, many others nice options. Just find out where such an agency is located in your city and contact it in advance.

Idea number 5. Creative workshop

And why don't you make gifts for each other at an individual master class in scrapbooking, soap making, drawing? In addition to learning a new skill, which is useful in itself, you will also surprise your loved one with your ingenuity and ability to surprise.

Idea number 6. Dance date

No, we are not talking about a nightclub, although this is an option. If you are not afraid of new experience and are relaxed enough, then it is in your power to arrange an evening of incendiary salsa or tango for your "half".
Take a few lessons ahead of time and surprise her (him) with grace and passion. Dance master classes to order take into account the preparation of the participants, so do not be afraid that something will not work out - the coaches will make sure that everything goes perfectly!

Idea number 7. Extreme date

Does your girlfriend say she likes extreme sports? Please! For example, skydiving or flying in a wind tunnel. You won't soon forget this! As you know, strong feelings shared together unite. Don't believe? Check it out!

Idea No. 8. Mimimi

If you really love your girlfriend, and she loves all kinds of small animals, go to the zoo or to the cat show. Let not only admire, but also cuddle them. So many emotions! Be condescending and agree that "they are cute and cute!" 100500+ to your emotional bank account is secured. As a last resort, just buy her a collectible Teddy bear - most girls are delighted with them!

Idea number 9. Cooking class

Cooking together is a sacred process that helps to get to know each other better. And the creation of dishes under the supervision of the chef is also very exciting. Spend a date with benefit: cook together, and then taste the dish. Delicious and romantic!

Idea number 10. Quest

In general, it is believed that the quest is entertainment for the company, although the organizers promise a lot of impressions and groups of two people. So, if you wish, you can tickle your nerves, looking for a way out of the maze, solving a crime or hunting for treasures. Just do not get too carried away with the process, because you are not here to show off erudition and resourcefulness, but to give new sensations to your loved one, so let him (her) express himself.

Dates are important, dates are needed! And it does not matter whether you have known each other for several days or 10 years: a date is an occasion to get to know each other even closer, to communicate sincerely, to pay attention to a loved one. I have prepared for you 25 date options - where to go and how interesting it is to spend time together. After all, even if you have been together for a long time, it is very important not to stop surprising each other, not to be limited to fulfilling family responsibilities, but to develop together, learn something new, go somewhere, and then discuss events and emotions together.

A romantic date is an opportunity to evoke a storm of emotions or indulge in memories, plunge into the magic of your love story. Therefore, do not deny yourself such an affordable pleasure - or even better, make it good. family tradition(as an option - "romantic Fridays"). In any case, a date will be useful for relationships, if only because sometimes you need to be just the two of you, without children, to feel not like “mom” and “dad”, but a woman and a man.

Well, well, the lyrical introduction is over: I propose to move on to the main topic of the article - the ideas of romantic dates.

Where to go to date?

In the process of preparing the weekend, I discovered how many there are interesting ways spend time together. I have planned my weekend, and I am sharing the rest of the ideas with you - well, the good doesn’t disappear?!

These ideas can be implemented with or without reason - whether it's a spontaneous desire to add variety to everyday life, a pre-planned date, or timed to coincide with an anniversary.

I suggest three types of dates - even if there is no way to go somewhere, you can have a great time together and at home. Well, if you want thrills and adrenaline, then there is an idea for an original date for you.

So let's go - date options for two:

Home options:

1. romantic dinner by candlelight with your favorite foods and drinks.

2. Fragrant bath with candles and rose petals.

3. Board games on desires (cards, dominoes, backgammon, checkers, chess, your choice).

4. Watching your favorite movie or romantic melodrama together.

5. Evening of memories: watching videos / photos under "your" song.

"The publication":

6. Romantic dinner in a cafe/restaurant.

7. Picnic in nature (how beautiful in autumn in a golden forest or park! don't forget a blanket and a thermos of tea).

8. Going to a performance, ballet, opera, concert.

9. Cinema (I, for example, recently really liked it in IMAX!)

10. Visiting exhibitions, museums and other cultural events.

11. Attractions (it seems very romantic to me to ride together on a Ferris wheel).

12. Dates on the roof (now there is such a service in almost every big city, and if not, you can organize it yourself).

13. A trip together to the spa, swimming pool, sauna.

14. Biking, rollerblading, skating (now there are many rental points, and for bicycles even child seats are issued if you are with children).

15. Horse riding.

16. Hike in night club(how long have you been dancing with your husband and rocking together at the disco?))

So, you have a date with a girl. How are you planning to spend it? Cinema and dinner? Come on, don't be banal! You can come up with something much more interesting, impressive and exciting than the usual trip to the cinema and an equally ordinary dinner.

And while you're thinking, here are 10 examples of how to have a date.

1. Surprise yourself and your girlfriend with new music

Look through the poster of the nearest concerts and select the performance of that group or that artist whose work neither you nor your girlfriend are familiar with.

Perhaps you will find a new favorite artist. You may never want to listen to this again. But in any case, it will be an interesting and original pastime.

2. Take a very long walk in your city

Start your journey from one end of the city and walk to the other, stopping at cafes along the way to have a bite to eat and rest. Such an unusual walk will surprise you with how many beautiful things you did not know about your city.

It is best to take a taxi back, because your legs are likely to be very tired. And - yes, warn the girl in advance so that she puts on comfortable shoes. It is unlikely that she will be happy about the prospect of walking kilometers in stilettos.

3. Share your date planning

Suppose one of you is responsible for choosing a date, and one of you is responsible for filling the evening. By dividing the organization in this way, you can be sure that at least part of the date your girlfriend will definitely like. Plus, it will allow you to get to know each other's interests better.

4. Host a Dinner… at Multiple Locations

Eat a salad at one restaurant, a soup at another, a main course at a third, and dessert at a nearby cafe. This will give you much more experience than a long and luxurious dinner in one place.

5. Try something you haven't done before

Why not come along to a dance class for beginners? Or a seminar on motivation? Combine business with pleasure!

6. Play computer games

For some reason, it is believed that girls do not particularly like to play computer games, but this is fundamentally wrong. Some people love games more than guys. Ask your girlfriend if she's one of those people whose eyes light up when they see a new game that's out.

7. Buy ice cream

And not just two in briquettes, but big-big! From several balls of different flavors. To get real pleasure from it, as in childhood.

8. Have a "silent" date

Sometimes silence and the opportunity to spend some time side by side in silence can bring together much more than a day filled with fun and new experiences. Walk hand in hand. Read books with shoulders touching each other. Be there.

9. If you or your girlfriend were born and grew up in this city, go to a place where memories come alive

What school did you go to? Where and with whom did you like to walk? What vivid impressions remained from that time? A story about childhood will bring you very close, will allow you to get to know each other much better.

10. Pretend to be tourists

You can buy a sightseeing tour, you can walk through the most historical places of the city without a guide. Let yourself get acquainted with its history, if you have not done so before. You can even fully get used to the image of foreign tourists: shoot everything on camera, speak foreign language(if both know him), laugh, smile at passers-by. It'll be way more fun than the movie, right?

A date is an opportunity to get to know each other, to understand how you fit each other. Don't miss your chance to impress, it's really that simple. More fantasy! More experiments! More impressions and emotions!

Coming up with an idea for a second date can seem like a daunting task. You have already made a good impression, but now you have no idea where to take your “newly made couple”. Use the following trouble-free tips. Of course, you can repeat yourself and go to the same place a second time. But the best second date is movement. Shopping mall, rollerblading or picnic. In such places, you have the opportunity to move around, flirt more and get to know each other better.

Here are some second date ideas that will guarantee you a third date.

Shopping mall

While shopping or just going shopping without the purpose of buying here and now, you have many topics for conversation, both important and comic. The shopping center allows you to see a person in a natural environment and a relaxed atmosphere. Shopping is a great way to learn about the real tastes and interests of the chosen one. Since both people are constantly on the move, this makes communication much more energetic and lively. The guy will immediately understand if the girl knows how to save money, and she, in turn, will see how generous her new young man is.

Swap meet

Walking around the flea market, you can find many wonderful things that you have never seen or have not seen for many years. This provides a virtually endless source of conversation. If your first date wasn't very dynamic, this is a great idea for a second date. Most often, these markets have live music and very unusual cafes with good food. Be sure to buy your girlfriend a small souvenir during a date.

Bowling/roller skating

Bowling is a great way to get active on a second date. For starters, the guy needs to make sure that the girl doesn't consider herself "too cool for activities like bowling or rollerblading." But if a girl immediately agrees, then she loves adventure, she is active and fun. The only rule is to spend time carefree and in no case be upset about a lost game.


The movie theater is a great place to ask a girl out on a date, but not on the first date, because it's hard to spend time with someone when you can't talk during the movie. It's best to go to the premiere. But if you want to be alone, choose a film that has been at the box office for a long time, then the hall will be guaranteed to be half empty. Always consider the girl's viewing interests and choose light films to watch: comedies or romantic dramas.

Live music

Live performances of musicians are always accompanied by an explosion of emotions, so a concert can be a great bonding experience.
For a second date, it is better to find a small concert - in a club, restaurant or on the street. You don't have to spend a lot of money on famous star tickets at this stage. Yes, and you will be able to communicate much more among a small handful of people than in a stadium among 15,000 people.

bike ride

We are not talking about tight suits, mountain slopes and speed bikes. Just invite the girl to a quiet bike ride around the area, whether it be a scenic view or an interesting city block. But don't tell the girl where you're going. Women love a little mystery and confidence that they can rely on a man. A date like this will help you determine if the girl is willing to step out of her comfort zone and try new things. One "but" - warn in advance that the girl comes in jeans or shorts.


A picnic is a classic and fail-safe option for a second date. Good way to diversify a trip to nature is to plan a picnic for the whole day. The park is the standard picnic spot, but you can go elsewhere: the beach or the lake.
The second date in nature is sure to be laid-back and easy, after the formal and tense first meeting.

Dinner at home / cooking together

Women adore men who can cook. Dishes don't have to be extravagant, as this date should primarily demonstrate simple cooking skills, not Jamie Oliver's high skill. Although if you are a chef at heart, you can impress a girl with your risotto or boeuf bourguignon. You should not experiment and it is better to cook dishes in which you are really good. It's best not to start before your girlfriend arrives, but make sure you have all the necessary ingredients. And don't forget the wine.


Wake up the child in you and your girlfriend. An amusement park will help to liberate you much better than all other places. Here you can fool around, flirt, overcome your fears together, eat cotton candy and scream from the heart on the roller coaster. Your second date will definitely become active and very emotional.

How to create sexual tension on a second date

The best way to create sexual tension is to bring it up in conversation. Let your girlfriend know that she leads you on too ambiguous thoughts when she is next to you at the cinema or wherever you are.

You can play a little and defiantly define an invisible wall between you to make it clear that you do not want to overstep the line. But no one forbids throwing glances or accidentally touching during a date. This technique shows that you are not a sexual maniac and are not trying to cause aggression from your girlfriend. It's fun, flirtatious and sure to please her, albeit subconsciously.


The most important component of a second date is a quiet or active activity. This will allow both of you to enjoy, be yourself and create a relaxed environment.

Use one of the ideas above, and you will definitely agree on a third date.