Competitions for the 15th wedding anniversary. crystal wedding

Here comes significant date in your married life, a real Anniversary, the fifteenth anniversary of a relationship, and at the head of this holiday is no less wonderful material, like the date itself - crystal will be the personification of your feelings at this stage of life. And we want to note that this day is in no way suitable for a romantic secluded date, you should definitely gather a lot of guests. The holiday should not be ordinary, it should be played in some style, and since your holiday is crystal, you can create a crystal palace in which the king and queen will rule.

And so, what is needed for this:

(all guests sit in their places, the host comes out to them in the form of a royal page, with an old bundle in her hands, according to which she reads a solemn order)
I read the order in the Crystal Kingdom,
Today everyone I invite you to the holiday
The king and queen will be glad to see you
To all the ladies, ladies, and gentlemen!
You have the honor to share a big holiday with them,
After all, they proved to everyone that they truly know how to love,
Anniversary has come to a beautiful wedding,
They want to celebrate their fifteenth birthday among their relatives and friends!
And now I ask everyone to stand up,
Applause in honor of the king and queen give!
(all guests rise from their seats, applaud, the spouses enter the hall in the form of the king and queen)

I bow before you
royal gentlemen,
But what do I see in you?
Where are the crowns, where is the symbol of royal being?!
Looks like they forgot to put them on.
But I managed to succeed
So now I'll give you new ones,
Golden crowns in honor of the fifteenth anniversary life together I reward you with all my heart!
(the presenter gives the spouses golden crowns, you can make it yourself from foil-coated golden cardboard)

And now pass behind the royal throne,
He has been waiting for your faces for a long time,
We have royal glasses,
We will be happy to drink for you!
(Spouses go to their place)

In the Crystal Kingdom, the holiday is noisy,
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate from the heart,
And the date, more crystal clear, is simply not,
Family life for fifteen years,
So let it continue to shine and shimmer like crystal,
For that ladies, gentlemen and drink is not a pity!

The meal is going well
Managed to drink a glass
And now the royal entertainment
To cheer up the royal gentlemen!
The competition is called: "Know me if you can." Participation is accepted by five guests at will. Task: the presenter takes out a package with carnival masks, one participant turns his back on the others, the presenter ties him up, and the others, in turn, put on masks. Then the blindfolded participant turns around and by touch, touching only the face, must determine what kind of person is hidden under the mask. So all the participants guess each other in turn, then at the end we count whoever guessed the most wins. Prize: a beautiful carved teaspoon, as in tsarist times.

The masquerade was great
And now I'll tell everyone clearly
Glasses need to be filled
For the Anniversary of the King and Queen to drink,
Well, after it will be necessary,
And of course sincere wishes in honor of great love!
(everyone drinks, eats, music plays)

Now I ask all the guests to stand up,
To the door in the ranks to walk,
Then we take turns approaching the royal family,
And we give a gift and congratulations!
(the guests all get up from their seats, line up in rows and begin to officially congratulate married couple )

The king and queen are pleased with your gifts,
And now, without any doubt,
It's time for our kingdom to dance
So gentlemen, everyone will have to stand up again!
(a dance break passes, all guests dance at will)

And I have another gift
In honor of royal honor,
I give it from myself and from the guests,
There is no better gift than this!
(the presenter takes out a gift in the form of a crystal ball, in which there is a photo or image of the spouses, such things are made to order in many cities)

Here is crystal, and in the middle you,
And you can see the feeling of fiery love,
But let the crystal keep the feeling
And the brilliance of his sorrow will win,
And as today on this Anniversary,
All life will be more beautiful and brighter,
And so that in thirty-five years,
Your image changed to gold!
And the guests are sitting, I don’t understand
After all, I'm hinting at a reason to drink?!
(everyone drinks, eats, music plays)

And now the royal song will sound in the Crystal Kingdom,
And the guests will perform it together!
(a congratulatory song-alteration to the motive of Alla Pugacheva “Kings can do everything” sounds, guests perform)

Verse #1
We came today to congratulate you together,
We wish you health and love,
And today we will definitely say at this hour,
That you are worthy of the title of royal family!

Honor, gifts and flowers,
And the music sounds
Let dreams come true
Love keeps happiness!

Everything can be let love, everything can be let love
Let your crystal castle shine more strongly,
Worthy of the best words, all the best words,
For the fifteenth anniversary, for the wedding anniversary!
(everyone applauds)

The party in the crystal palace comes to an end,
But the sweet treat is ready for the table
And so, the king and the queen,
To fulfill your dreams!
(everyone applauds, a large cake with fifteen burning candles is brought into the hall, the spouses blow them out, we all have a meal, and then the holiday can continue, but without a host)

Congratulations on the Crystal Wedding.

From Wife.
I am writing to my husband
There is a reason to confess again
I love you countless
And I can love forever

With your smile and soul
Your eyes through the heart
I'm enchanted by you
And there's no getting away from you

Fifteen years, as we are with you,
And this anniversary important to me
I understand that you are mine
And there is no dearer and more beautiful to me!

From Husband.
My queen, congratulations
I will hand over a crystal slipper,
Today I wish you
So that the whole world is at your feet,

I would gather and bow
And with him and I will bow,
Fifteen years since I fell in love
How do you guard my house

You kindle the hearth with love,
How good it is to just eat
You are the best in the world, you know
And my feelings for you are innumerable!

From Guests.
The precious date has come
In crystal your feeling of love,
This date is just the beginning
Your dreams are ahead

Congratulations on this step
Anniversary is beyond praise
And let all the sadness pass by the shadow,
Let the ball spin with all joy,

And of course the crystal chimes
Toasts are louder and brighter sound,
You wear crowns today,
This outfit will suit you

After all, not everyone can be fifteen years old,
So easy and beautiful to live,
This is a feat and very brave,
After all, you could really fall in love!

Beginning: Registration of 15 years of marriage (Table, walkway, wedding arch, registry office entourage)

Plywood: Mendelssohn. the heroes of the occasion enter, then the background
Dear friends and relatives!
On behalf of Tamara and Alexander, I am glad to greet all of you and thank you for coming here to share this happy moment with us.
Tamara and Alexander have great affection and respect for all those gathered, and therefore they invited you to become witnesses of their celebration.

Fifteen years ago, Tamara and Alexander sealed their union with oaths, signatures and seals.

The fifteenth anniversary is a Glass or Crystal wedding, it is the personification of purity and clarity family relations, cloudless happiness of two loving people which is so fragile that it can break at any moment. It is rather an anniversary of faith in yourself and your family.
Alexander and Tamara have a big, wonderful, Friendly family. Three beautiful daughters, son-in-law ...
Their children are a symbol of the continuation of life, joy and family happiness.

And now, Alexander and Tamara, I will register for you your fifteenth anniversary of living together.

Are you ready to easily and without hesitation give each other an oath of love and fidelity?


I ask you to back up your decision with an oath.

Read the oath. (Any oath, there are many of them on the Internet)

Plywood: applause
Alexander and Tamara, having exchanged vows, you announced your firm intention to continue to live in love and harmony throughout all the days given to you by fate.
Now you can exchange rings, an ancient symbol, simple and sacred, as a token of allegiance. May they always remind you that your love is endless.

Ring exchange. (glass or plastic rings) Plywood: wedding ring

And now I am giving you a symbol of family happiness and well-being - this glass with a candle is your family hearth. Light it up.

They light a candle.

Fire is passion, fire is life and well-being, and the glass shell reminds you that you need to cherish your love even more, because family happiness is very easy to break, like a glass goblet.

Plywood: Light the candles

I declare you a husband and wife with fifteen years of experience, and today you are issued a Marriage Certificate, which confirms that from today you are considered builders of love of increased strength and delicate family relationships.

Plywood: fanfare

Congratulations. Congratulate each other too. Kiss each other. Bitterly!

Plywood: Wedding, wedding Bitter!

Guests and heroes of the occasion, I ask everyone to the table!

1 toast
Once again, we are all gathered here today. It's been 15 years and it seems like this day was just yesterday. You have given birth to a beautiful daughter who brightens up your life and keeps you from being bored.
The elder daughters grew up and got married. Before you know it, you will have grandchildren. So let's raise our glasses and drink for two wonderful people who were able to carry all the sorrows and joys together in this difficult life and saved what is so dear to all of us - family happiness. Let's drink to the bottom for wonderful spouses!

2 toast. wedding report
I think that each of you, dear guests, has prepared his congratulations, wishes, toasts in honor of the young people. So that you don’t worry when that most important moment for you comes, I have prepared a wedding report from which you will find out what, when, and how will happen at the wedding anniversary of Tom and Sasha. So, the wedding report.

Today we have again ... "Wedding, wedding, wedding." (M. Magomaev.)

We have... "Tili-tili dough, bride and groom." (T. Bulanova.)

For them today once again sounded ... Mendelssohn's March

We know that they have... "Happiness, happiness." (Vitas.)

And, of course... "Love, love." (P. Narcissus.)

always ready!

we raise the red banner
everyone at the table boldly behind us!
love your husband hard again and again!
Our light Tamara will you be ready?

always ready!

love each other we call you
kiss and laugh, we congratulate you!
health and happiness always and everywhere!
now 100 grams, otherwise we will not leave

Congratulations from the guests (bag of happiness)

Musical pause (precursor) Kissing game

Guests consider the heroes of the occasion kiss

We continue our holiday and count together:
Let everything work out in your life - this is one (1)
Health to always be - two (2)
To warm the soul from the inside - three (3)
So that everyone lives in love and peace - four (4)
To never lose heart - five (5)
Friends so that you do not count - six (6)
To give warmth to everyone - seven (7)
So that autumn is fruitful - eight (8)
That everything will be fine - believe - nine (9)
And finally, more good songs - ten (10)
Still kindness, patience diligence
And always remember the first date!
Full bowl.
Having filled two bowls with wine, the host starts them in a circle in different directions. Each guest picks up a bowl and says short wish. Having bypassed the whole table, the bowls fall to the newlyweds.

Take these bowls of divine drink and drink them on brotherhood. Together with wine, you will absorb all the love and tenderness, all the warmth of the souls and hearts of those who were invited to your holiday.
This magical drink is a symbol of hot and tender love.

Let your house be a full bowl!
Life is long and bright!
Love is sincere and pure!
May your children and grandchildren be healthy and kind!
Faithful and devoted - friends
How a man sold a woman


In the morning, at the dawn of a ruddy, you wash your husband in the bathroom,
Pre-foaming water with pineapple gel.
And then from the washroom you take your husband to the bedroom,
Wrapped in a sheet of satin fabric.

There, open everything carefully, and kiss everything that you can:
Spout, ear, ass, breast and of course, every finger.
Comb your hair boldly: right - to the right, left - to the left.
Scratch your cheeks with a razor. And your boy is ready to eat.

From fried eggs from the yolk there are drools:
Gently blot them with a flowered napkin too.
Put toilet paper in your pockets
Key, glasses and always a clean handkerchief.

And then put each foot carefully into the shoe
And send him to work to make money.

In the morning, at the dawn of a ruddy, you snore, as if drunk,
So that the little wife would rather open her sleepy eyes.
There is no point in making beds, as by the night it’s barely
The wife will crawl to the bedroom, having worked in the kitchen.

With appetite, without choking, you will quickly eat all the supplies. After all, the wife is starving, and without you the food will go bad.
Here, when she cleans up piles of dishes for you,
You jokingly stun her with a kiss right on the ear,
And then from the shock of your caress without a doubt
Your pocket expenses will be increased by a half!

And then the wife and in the rain, and in the heat and in the blizzard
Send you to work Earn money.

* * *
glass wedding,
desired wedding,
Five-year-olds huddled -
Three at once.
God bless you good
To the fairy tale of the past
Continued again
Until the dawn of the earth.
To trouble with storms
Eyebrows did not frown
And framed the shoulder
Friends in difficult times.
For the light to come true
The most cherished
Relatives pleased
And the family grew.

Fifteen years and dawn again
The same as then, for the first time.
And there's just no distance
And you are "young" today.
God forbid you break the glass
Your love, fate and honor.
Let it be clear and bright
Always when you are together in everything!

Everything in this world is fragile, like glass,
And the fate of two, alas, is no exception.
But to forecasts, and to hell out of spite
May joy and luck be with you.
Fifteen years later, like the first time,
Let only the call of love be omnipotent,
And with its purity caresses the eye
The transparent glass vessel is beautiful.

Game What? Where? When?

What did Sasha say to Tamara when he proposed to her?
How you want to spin, we sign tomorrow.

Where were Tom and Sasha on their honeymoon?

What brand was the first family car?

What did Tamara drive to the registry office?

What was the name of the performance, which for the first time in its family life Have you seen Tamara and Sasha?

A wedding anniversary is a kind of anniversary that needs to be organized so that no one is bored and everyone is satisfied. Traditionally, a scenario is thought out, in which there may be a solemn part, but it must be followed by competitions for the wedding anniversary. Let's figure out which ones.

Comic, funny, funny and funny contests play a special role in the celebration, since the wedding anniversary is still an entertaining event, which should be dominated by such feelings as: laughter, joy, positive. Of course, it will not do without songs and dances. There are several types of competitions. A little about each.

dress-up contests

This view is the most fun, as it reveals the creative potential of the participants and with its help the original images are recreated. After all, in a different situation, the bride will never be able to see her husband wearing makeup and wearing heels, as well as in a skirt, but here it is real.

Option 1. Sweet bride

An interesting variant of this type of competition is when the heroes of the occasion act as judges, and five men become participants. The latter receive a veil as an attribute and, to the song, they need to portray a tender, innocent, and also a bride in love. Musical compositions should be chosen about passionate love, lyrical. The winning options are: “I will rise to him in the sky”, “Call me with you” and others. The winner will be the one whose game the jury considers more truthful. Such a competition, held on the anniversary of the wedding, will give a lot of positive emotions.

Option 2. Find the right item

The contestants are several men who wear skirts, as well as hats and high heels. They are given ladies' handbags with their usual contents.

The goal of the participants is to search in 3-3 minutes in a purse for items such as:

  • brasmatic and leggings;
  • tips and ironing;
  • clips and clutch;
  • and others. What is enough fantasy.

A similar task can be given to ladies by dressing them in trouser suits, hats and shoes. Instead of a handbag, they will have backpacks. They need to find:

  • wobbled;
  • decoy and manometer;
  • spool and game bag;
  • karemat and bandolier;
  • and other items.

The first task will delight women, and the second men.

Option 3. Beautiful walk

Contestants must be big men. They wear high heels and a veil. The leader's task is to draw three lines. Men, on the other hand, need to walk through them beautifully and gracefully, demonstrating their gait. As soon as the participant leaves the line, he immediately leaves the competition. It is better to leave it for the second table on the wedding anniversary, since during this period those present are already relaxed and will show interest in participating in it.

Contests are universal

There are many competitive events for a wedding anniversary that may be suitable for other celebrations.

Option 1. Poems by subject

Three couples become participants in the competition. Each receives a bag with various items. The goal is to compose congratulations in verse for the heroes of the occasion using these words in them.

Option 2. History of dating young people in subjects

This, in fact, is an echo of the previous competition, only in this case, witnesses become participants. They are not chosen by chance, as they are the best known about the life of the newlyweds and will be able to tell the story of their acquaintance. Participants in the competition receive a variety of interesting items that should be involved in the story.

Option 3. Song of your own composition

The purpose of this competition is to write a beautiful rhyme based on the names of these leading subjects and perform it in the form of a song. Members can be family and friends. As planned by the leader, the cat or hamster should run away, thus, humor appears in the song.

Vocal and dance competitions

Here the main role is played by music.

Option 1. Song according to the words

Several pairs are selected, each of them is given a set of words. They must compose a cheerful and funny song about the heroes of the occasion. Whose performance will be more fun and interesting, that couple will win. All those present act as a jury.

Option 2. Traditional newspaper dance competition

This competition is quite cool and is often included in the script developed for the wedding anniversary. There are three couples. Each is given a newspaper. Couples should dance on it, when the music ends, the newspaper folds first in half, then in four, and so on. A couple that steps outside the newspaper is eliminated. Those who endure the longest and do not go beyond the newspaper win. The secret of the competition is that the guy can take the girl in his arms, but this still needs to be guessed. Another trick is that you can stand up to the representative of the stronger sex with a miniature lady on one leg and dance.

Option 3. Hug dancing

5 ladies and 6 guys participate in this competition. Girls stand in a single circle and hold hands. While the music is playing, they move clockwise. Representatives of the stronger sex stand in a larger circle behind the ladies and move in the opposite direction. As soon as the music stops, you need to quickly hug the guy standing behind. One of the guys will be left without a couple, he drops out of the competition and takes any girl with him. At the end of the competition, the winner is determined.

Contests with questions

There are an extraordinary number of them.

Option 1. Game 20 years later

Its participants should be the parents of the young. The host asks one of them to leave the hall for a while. The remaining husband or wife is asked several questions. The most common of these are:

  • What time and where did you meet?
  • How did the husband confess his love?
  • How many guests were at the wedding?
  • Did it rain or snow on your wedding day?

It is better not to do more than 5 questions.

After one of the spouses has answered, you should call the second and ask him the same questions. If the answers do not match, then you can simply offer a toast to a joyful event, thanks to which today their children are already celebrating their wedding anniversary. If all the answers are the same, then in such a situation, a toast may be for today's heroes of the occasion not to forget their wedding event twenty years later, like their parents.

Option number 2. Truth or lie

Since the celebration is a wedding anniversary, the topics of questions will also relate to the traditions of this event.

The whole hall participates, and the prize in this competition is a toast to the heroes of the occasion, or small souvenirs can be prepared.

Tradition Answer
In Egypt, the groom can see his betrothed only after the wedding. Is it true
In Denmark, during the matchmaking, the groom is obliged to give a gift to each of the family members of his beloved, two wooden shoes. Lie
In Hungary, the groom is required to give the bride's parents a ham. Lie
In Finland future bride before wedding celebration should stay seven days, doing small kinds of housework. Is it true
In Bangladesh, the bride must survive in the forest for five days. Lie
In Norway, young people milk a cow in a barn after a wedding. Is it true
In Germany, a drunken rooster, which is tied to a broom, must be present in the dowry of every bride. Is it true
In England, in some villages, before the wedding ceremony, church gates are decorated with beer mugs, as well as silver spoons. Is it true

The competition ends when the audience loses interest. It should end with a question: In Russia, in honor of the heroes of the occasion, it is customary to pronounce toasts. Of course it's true, so let's raise our glasses.

Option 3. A game called "Welcome"

Several leaders are selected. Papers or cards with the names of various places are fixed on their backs. For example, the following:

  • pre-trial detention center or strip bar;
  • nudist beach or baths;
  • a gynecologist's office or the State Duma;
  • and others.

important than more interesting place will be invented, the funnier the contest will turn out.

The person who leads should not see the personal sheet, but the rest of the participants should read the title.

Drivers virtually go to the place they got, and the rest of the contestants begin to ask them questions. The former must, with all revelation and creativity, give answers to them.

Questions should be asked in a variety of ways, as the effect of the competition depends on this.

For example, you can use the following:

  1. How often do you visit this place?
  2. Who are you visiting with?
  3. What do you usually take with you to this place?
  4. What style of clothes do you wear?
  5. Are you in this place taking photos?
  6. Are you paid to visit this place?
  7. Does your husband/wife know?
  8. Are you staying there for a long time?

After enough answers have been received, you should remove the sheet from the back of the driver and show where he has virtually been.

Contests for children on the wedding anniversary

A wedding anniversary without children rarely passes, and they love contests much more than adults. There should be no losers among the children, and prizes go to each participant. This must be taken into account.

Option 1. Describe the bride by letter

Each child is given a certain one and he must come up with what word that begins with her can describe the bride. For example, “K” is beautiful, “U” is smart, and so on.

Option 2. Take a chair

You can put several chairs, the number of which should be one less than the guys. To fast music, kids will be happy to run around them, dance. As soon as the music ends, the kids should take the chairs. One is not enough, and he drops out of the competition, but he must receive the prize.

Option 3. Show the animal from the cartoon

This is a fun competition. The music sounds from the children's favorite cartoons with the names of animals, and each child, when it is pronounced, must portray it. The host helps the kids.

Subtleties in organizing competitions

The main goal in organizing competitions is to attract a lot of people so that it does not happen that some participate in each and others in none, of course, if they are not ardent opponents.

Children must all take part in at least one competition, otherwise they will think about this holiday that only an adult can win the prize.

Pairs of young men and ladies for the competition must be selected with special care and caution so as not to offend anyone. If a person does not want to take part, and refuses, you should not force him by any means.

Selection of contests

Fun and funny contests will be most appropriate when those present have eaten, as well as drunk and are bored. At this time, you need to take the initiative into your own hands. Also, a situation often arises when participants in one competition rush into battle and into the next, you should not forbid them, but you need to correctly make it clear that there are still many guests and probably there are those who want to show themselves.

Everything is important in moderation, you should not oversaturate the script with competitions, since the wedding anniversary is not a competitive competition, but a solemn event.

wedding script -
Crystal (glass) wedding
- 15 years

The fifteenth anniversary of living together has long been called a glass wedding. And only recently, a glass wedding began to be called also a crystal wedding.

Why were glass and crystal chosen as the symbolic material of the fifteenth anniversary? They are beautiful, transparent and, unfortunately, just as fragile,
like love and marital understanding. Family happiness is very easy to break, like a glass goblet.

Traditionally, crystal and glassware should prevail on the festive table of crystal anniversaries. It is necessary to drink for the health and happiness of the spouses, but only from crystal.

The room in which the celebration will be held is decorated with colorful balloons, posters with comic congratulations and instructions to the heroes of the occasion. Posters are made out, as a rule, on large sheets of drawing paper.

Some of the statements are given below.

The true love of spouses is caress, bed and stroller.

Remember, spouses: happiness lies not only in money, but also in respect for each other.

Husband is a tank, always goes recklessly. The wife is a passenger car, goes around all the pits and bumps.

Having created a legal family, do not forget to observe the fire safety of your relationship.

If the marital electrical wiring suddenly sparks, you need to pull the plug out of the socket in time so that your family relationships do not close.

When you see that sparks of anger are pouring out of your eyes, do not forget to put them out, because even children know from childhood that fire leads to a fire in family happiness.

What gifts do loving spouses give each other on this day? How can friends and relatives express their attention?

Spouses exchange with each other gizmos made of crystal or glass. Such gifts can be tea sets, wine glasses, glasses, vases, salad bowls.

Small figurines depicting human figures, animals, flowers or other objects will look very original.

You can present a crystal figurine depicting a pair of swans as a gift to anniversaries. These birds have always symbolized love, tenderness and swan fidelity.

You can also give glass candlesticks with candles and at the same time say the following wish: "Let your love and desire burn like these candles and never burn out."

A man can give his wife jewelry made of real rock crystal. Crystal products, decorated with engraving or carving, are distinguished by a bright multi-color play of light. So is family life: with each passing year, it allows spouses to discover more and more facets in relationships.

Products made of rock crystal are quite expensive and not everyone can afford, so they can be safely replaced with a gift made of transparent glass or plastic. It can also be a large glass dish or tray,
a table lamp with a lampshade made of colored glass folded into an intricate pattern, a box for small things, an elegant glass frame for a photo.

The gift must be beautifully wrapped. Sometimes the process of unwrapping a gift is more exciting than seeing it. Beautiful bouquet flowers and a lovingly signed postcard will complement your gift for anniversaries.

A gift for the anniversary of a glass wedding can be found not only in the store, but also at the author's exhibition of glass products. Very often, artists sell their original works right in the exhibition hall. No one will give a second such gift to anniversaries.

The gift can be intended both for both spouses, and for each separately. For example, you can give your friends a beautiful sconce with a glass lampshade, or your wife - a crystal necklace, and your spouse - a crystal stand with fountain pens.

Our life is full of events with which we congratulate our relatives and friends. You can congratulate in writing by signing a beautiful postcard or sending a telegram to the anniversaries. And you can say a wish and when presenting a gift.

And, of course, the anniversaries are congratulated at the table.

Congratulations, our dear anniversaries! We wish you to live together ten more times for 15 years in peace, harmony and love. Continue to share with each other all the sorrows and joys. We wish you great happiness, joy, good luck and good health!

Our dear anniversaries!

You have lived together for many years. You have almost adult children. And the years fly by like an avalanche, but is it worth it to grieve about the past. You lived together for only 15 years. In this short time, you had everything: joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, good luck and disappointments, peace and quarrels.

We wish you in your future family life to have only happiness, health, wealth and that your children are always with you!

Loving each other (names of spouses)! Congratulations on fifteen years of marriage. You have lived together so little, you still have a very difficult road ahead of you. The time is not far off when your children will have children of their own. We wish you to live in full understanding with each other, patience to you for another 100 years of marriage together! Good health to you, which cannot be bought anywhere and never for any money!

Happy anniversaries! Congratulations on fifteen years of marriage.

We wish you a clear sky above your head so that you never know misfortune and grief, may only good luck and happiness accompany you, and your children and true friends will always be by your side!

Dear “crystal” spouses! Congratulations on a wonderful holiday - fifteen years of marriage. We wish your relationships to be as transparent and pure as crystal, and quarrels to be fragile, so that they break on the floor, and only peace and tranquility reign in your house!

Dear anniversaries! It's your turn to celebrate fifteen years of marriage. We wish that on your faces we see not grief, but only happiness and joy! And we wish you great, great success!

. Toasts here can be:

Once again, we are all gathered here today. It's been 15 years and it seems like this day was just yesterday. You have given birth to wonderful children who decorate your life and do not let you get bored. Before you know it, you will have grandchildren. So let's raise our glasses of champagne and drink to two wonderful people who were able to
this difficult life to carry together all the sorrows and joys and saved what is so dear to all of us - family happiness. Let's drink to the bottom for the young spouses!

Exactly 15 years ago, on this day, two of the happiest hearts united.

Let's all look at their happy faces and drink to their health, well-being and peace in the house. May they never end. Be happy always! Now we'll drink to the spouses!

None of the guests apparently forgot today's holiday. 15 years ago two good man united their hearts forever and were able to carry their love through all these years, overcome all the obstacles that stood in the way of happiness. So let's raise our glasses, drink to their great happiness and shout again: “Bitter! Bitterly! Bitterly!"

It seems to us that 15 years have passed like one week. You are still so young and just beginning to live. In this short time, you only got to know each other, saw your and your spouse's advantages and disadvantages.

So let's drink for the heroes of the occasion, for the years they lived together - and let love, like a star, lead them along the rough road of life straight to happiness and prosperity!

Crystal wedding - 15 years. Glass wedding.

The fifteenth wedding anniversary is called crystal. The anniversary got its name recently, and earlier, 15 years of marriage were called a glass wedding. A crystal wedding got its name due to the fact that by this time the relationship becomes transparent, beautiful, like crystal, but at the same time remains fragile, capable of breaking from the slightest misconduct. Celebrating the anniversary of 15 years of marriage is a must, and the main question remains: how best to celebrate?

Customs and traditions of a crystal wedding

A crystal wedding is the fifteenth anniversary of marriage, it has its own customs and traditions, it is up to you to adhere to or not. Traditionally, all relatives, friends, friends are gathered for this holiday, not only those who were present during the announcement of the couple as husband and wife, but also those whom the couple met, made friends over 15 years of marriage.

It was considered an ancient tradition for a crystal wedding to break old mirrors into which previous generations looked, which in its lifetime has seen sorrows, quarrels, tears of disappointment, as well as a sincere smile. It is believed that this is how the family gets rid of the difficulties of the past years, negative energy leaving in memories and in life only pleasant, bright, cheerful moments.

How to celebrate the wedding anniversary of 15 years?

The fifteenth wedding anniversary is an important date in the life of the spouses, so it must be celebrated on a grand scale. Moreover, age allows you to spend time the way you want. How to do this, where it is better to hold a celebration, whom to invite, how to cheer up guests - questions that are relevant for many on the eve of the celebration.

Choosing a venue for the celebration

Crystal wedding - significant event, which you certainly want to celebrate in full, so that this day will be remembered no less than the day of the wedding. An ideal venue for a celebration is a restaurant, an ordinary cafe, a banquet hall. It is beautiful when the tables are used in a round shape. Decorate the hall with flowers, decorative balls, balloons, various decor.

It is worth choosing a small hall, but such that all guests are accommodated and feel comfortable. The atmosphere should be cozy, it is better that the colors in the design are light, delicate, unobtrusive. To amuse the guests, it is necessary to hold small comic contests or games. And in order not to be bored at all - invite a toastmaster with musical accompaniment, he will cheer you up, stir up your guests, and make your holiday truly fun.

What to wear spouses

The fifteenth anniversary of marriage is a real holiday for spouses, so the heroes of the occasion should look the best they can. What is better to wear on the 15th anniversary of family life:

  • Perfect for wife fancy dress light colors or pantsuit. A light chiffon blouse with a skirt narrowed to the bottom will look good (if it fits the figure). In the event that the spouse has magnificent forms, it is better to pay attention to loose dresses of evening style, which will emphasize the dignity, hiding the flaws of the figure.
  • A suit similar to the one he wore on his wedding day is ideal for the spouse. If the celebration falls on summertime, then a light suit made of natural fabrics (linen, silk, etc.) in light shades is perfect.

Who to invite

Fifteenth wedding anniversary family celebration, to which you should definitely invite friends, relatives, relatives - parents, children. Parents symbolize tribute to the older generation. A child is a continuation of the family, family tradition create a family and live in love, harmony, fidelity, therefore, do not leave children unattended.

Friends are also irreplaceable people who in some moments help and support more than relatives, so without them the celebration is simply impossible. Yes, with whom else is it possible to have fun, share happiness, if not with your beloved friends at the fifteenth anniversary of the family?

What should be on the table

Anniversary wedding is a holiday for the whole family, with dancing, fun, delicious snacks on the festive table. Which dishes you choose for the celebration depends on your taste preferences and wishes. It can be traditional salads, cold appetizers and hot dishes, or you can organize an original themed party, for example, in a sushi restaurant.

The table should be served with crystal glasses, symbolizing the date for which all the guests have gathered. Crystal salad bowls and salad bowls, traditional for Soviet times, will also not be superfluous at the holiday. Looks good and glassware which has been very popular in recent years.

Do not forget that no anniversary is complete without a cake, so it must be ordered in advance. Dessert design ideas vary, modern confectioners are ready to offer one large cake, many small cupcakes, and personalized cookies - all so that the heroes of the occasion and their guests are satisfied with the final chord of the banquet.

Crystal wedding script

A crystal (glass) wedding is a special day when you celebrate your family's birthday. 15 years is almost the age of family when you are already firmly on your feet, leaning on each other and supporting your partner. This day should be celebrated with fun, with a good mood. To do this, you need to plan events by writing a script. For such a holiday, the standard scenario of the anniversary is quite suitable, only instead of the hero of the day there will be a family and there will be two heroes of the occasion.

What to give for 15 years of marriage

A glass wedding is different in that you don’t have to think much about a gift, because they are easy to coincide with the symbol of the anniversary - glass, crystal. Giving various crystal products is a sign good manners, because now manufacturers offer a wonderful selection of things - dishes and souvenirs, interior items made of crystal. If you go to visit where a crystal anniversary wedding is celebrated, then it’s quite suitable: sets (plates, cups, coasters), a set of elegant crystal glasses, glasses, as well as vases, figurines, and other trifles.

It is not difficult for a spouse to choose a wonderful gift, rock crystal jewelry, a new chandelier with durable crystal crystals in your bedroom, perfumes in original, faceted packaging are perfect. If you want to stand out, make a beautiful engraving (for example, the name of your beloved, the date of the wedding), thereby showing that the gift was made with all your heart and soul. And do not forget about the bouquet, not a single celebration should be complete without this sign of attention, because your spouse deserves it.

For a spouse, as a gift, choose a beautiful ashtray (if the husband smokes), beautiful candlesticks with candles, under the glow of the flame of which you can organize a beautiful romantic evening drinking expensive champagne from crystal glasses. You can also choose a picture under glass or a bottle with a boat or car inside.

Congratulations on a crystal wedding

The fifteenth wedding anniversary is a real holiday for a married couple, so it cannot do without congratulations. You can easily find and choose beautiful congratulations on the subject of "crystal (glass) wedding" in verse or prose. If it is not possible to congratulate in person, it is possible to send a beautiful or cool SMS message.

Also you can do original congratulations independently, using a computer, beautiful postcards from the Internet and a couple of photos of the heroes of the occasion. An example of such a congratulations look at the video:

Crystal wedding (15 years, glass wedding) is the last annual date, then the countdown will go in five years, so the final anniversary should be celebrated with dignity. It is worth remembering that crystal is a clean, transparent, sonorous material, but fragile. So is your relationship - they have already been established, they have become a little stronger, but they remain fragile and vulnerable, therefore it is worth taking care of each other, appreciating the family and keeping the family hearth. Everything will definitely work out if it is done together with love.

Are you planning your 15th wedding anniversary? Or have you recently attended such an event? Share your impressions, thoughts, emotions, ideas by leaving a comment or feedback.

Scenarios of a crystal wedding.

Crystal wedding is a special holiday. The couple have already walked together more than one hundred kilometers, literally ate together no less than a pound of salt. And still close, and still love each other. All this should be taken into account when considering holiday script for 15 years of marriage.

Crystal Facets

Appropriate decoration will help to emphasize the significance of the holiday. The abundance of glass and crystal is welcome! In decoration holiday table it is worth including a lot of transparent glasses, vases, salad bowls, you can decorate the table with pretty glass figurines. In general, the more transparent glass, the better.

The room where the celebration will take place can be decorated by placing large vases with flowers in the corners. And create a solemn atmosphere with the help of glass balls suspended from the ceiling or mounted on special stands. Let all this symbolize the purity of feelings and mutual trust that the heroes of the occasion managed to achieve.

Guest List

The guests of honor at the crystal wedding are the parents. It is worth providing warm words and toasts dedicated to parents in the holiday script. Come up with entertainment and, perhaps, games specifically for them.

Attention, children!

Children at a glass wedding are noisy and direct guests. It is difficult for them to sit in one place for a long time. And so that they do not get bored, the script must necessarily include mobile contests for them. Let them run and jump enough if they are kids. Or they will show their ingenuity and show a broad outlook if they have reached a wonderful teenage age.

For a friendly company

The desired participants in the celebration of the wedding anniversary are friends. People, as a rule, are energetic, which means they are ready to dance with pleasure. Good music and a professional DJ will come in handy here. Just like incendiary contests that require movement and dexterity.

A separate moment of the anniversary scenario is the time when you can give gifts to the “newlyweds”. It's good if the host announces this in some original way.

Based on

The scenario of a crystal wedding can be different. Perhaps these will be small cozy gatherings in a narrow family and friendly circle. Or a noisy feast with your favorite songs with a guitar. Or a themed show based on some very famous movie. In any case, it will certainly be remembered.

After all, a crystal wedding in family history is celebrated only once. And it symbolizes a certain milestone that the happy spouses managed to achieve. They have been together for a long time, know each other well and managed to maintain mutual affection and tenderness.

The celebration of the 15th wedding anniversary is another occasion to show each other your tender attitude, together with family and friends, to remember the years that were passed hand in hand. And, plucking up the courage, together step into the next stage of a long happy family life.

Glass wedding 15 years of married life.

Beginning: Registration of 15 years of marriage (Table, walkway, wedding arch, registry office entourage)

Plywood: Mendelssohn. the heroes of the occasion enter, then the background
Dear friends and relatives!
On behalf of Tamara and Alexander, I am glad to greet all of you and thank you for coming here to share this happy moment with us.
Tamara and Alexander have great affection and respect for all those gathered, and therefore they invited you to become witnesses of their celebration.

Fifteen years ago, Tamara and Alexander sealed their union with oaths, signatures and seals.

The fifteenth anniversary is a Glass or Crystal wedding, it is the personification of the purity and clarity of family relationships, the cloudless happiness of two loving people, which is so fragile that it can break at any moment. It is rather an anniversary of faith in yourself and your family.
Alexander and Tamara have a large, wonderful, friendly family. Three beautiful daughters, son-in-law ...
Their children are a symbol of the continuation of life, joy and family happiness.

And now, Alexander and Tamara, I will register for you your fifteenth anniversary of living together.

Are you ready to easily and without hesitation give each other an oath of love and fidelity?

I ask you to back up your decision with an oath.

Read the oath. (Any oath, there are many of them on the Internet)

Plywood: applause
Alexander and Tamara, having exchanged vows, you announced your firm intention to continue to live in love and harmony throughout all the days given to you by fate.
Now you can exchange rings, an ancient symbol, simple and sacred, as a token of allegiance. May they always remind you that your love is endless.

Ring exchange. (glass or plastic rings) Plywood: wedding ring

And now I am giving you a symbol of family happiness and well-being - this glass with a candle is your family hearth. Light it up.

Fire is passion, fire is life and well-being, and the glass shell reminds you that you need to cherish your love even more, because family happiness is very easy to break, like a glass goblet.

Plywood: Light the candles

I declare you a husband and wife with fifteen years of experience, and today you are issued a Marriage Certificate, which confirms that from today you are considered builders of love of increased strength and delicate family relationships.

Congratulations. Congratulate each other too. Kiss each other. Bitterly!

Plywood: Wedding, wedding Bitter!

Guests and heroes of the occasion, I ask everyone to the table!

1 toast
Once again, we are all gathered here today. It's been 15 years and it seems like this day was just yesterday. You have given birth to a beautiful daughter who brightens up your life and keeps you from being bored.
The elder daughters grew up and got married. Before you know it, you will have grandchildren. So let's raise our glasses and drink to two wonderful people who were able to carry all the sorrows and joys together in this difficult life and saved what is so dear to all of us - family happiness. Let's drink to the bottom for wonderful spouses!

2 toast. wedding report
I think that each of you, dear guests, has prepared his congratulations, wishes, toasts in honor of the young people. So that you don’t worry when that most important moment for you comes, I have prepared a wedding report from which you will find out what, when, and how will happen at the wedding anniversary of Tom and Sasha. So, the wedding report.

Today we have again ... "Wedding, wedding, wedding." (M. Magomaev.)

We have... "Tili-tili dough, bride and groom." (T. Bulanova.)

For them today once again sounded ... Mendelssohn's March

We know that they have... "Happiness, happiness." (Vitas.)

And, of course... "Love, love." (P. Narcissus.)

we raise the red banner
everyone at the table boldly behind us!
love your husband hard again and again!
Our light Tamara will you be ready?

love each other we call you
kiss and laugh, we congratulate you!
health and happiness always and everywhere!
now 100 grams, otherwise we will not leave

Congratulations from the guests (bag of happiness)

Musical pause (precursor) Kissing game

Guests consider the heroes of the occasion kiss

We continue our holiday and count together:
Let everything work out in your life - this is one (1)
Health to always be - two (2)
To warm the soul from the inside - three (3)
So that everyone lives in love and peace - four (4)
To never lose heart - five (5)
Friends so that you do not count - six (6)
To give warmth to everyone - seven (7)
So that autumn is fruitful - eight (8)
That everything will be fine - believe - nine (9)
And finally, more good songs - ten (10)
Still kindness, patience diligence
And always remember the first date!
Full bowl.
Having filled two bowls with wine, the host starts them in a circle in different directions. Each guest picks up a bowl and says a short wish. Having bypassed the whole table, the bowls fall to the newlyweds.

Take these bowls of divine drink and drink them on brotherhood. Together with wine, you will absorb all the love and tenderness, all the warmth of the souls and hearts of those who were invited to your holiday.
This magical drink is a symbol of hot and tender love.

Let your house be a full bowl!
Life is long and bright!
Love is sincere and pure!
May your children and grandchildren be healthy and kind!
Faithful and devoted - friends
How a man sold a woman


In the morning, at the dawn of a ruddy, you wash your husband in the bathroom,
Pre-foaming water with pineapple gel.
And then from the washroom you take your husband to the bedroom,
Wrapped in a sheet of satin fabric.

There, open everything carefully, and kiss everything that you can:
Spout, ear, ass, breast and of course, every finger.
Comb your hair boldly: right - to the right, left - to the left.
Scratch your cheeks with a razor. And your boy is ready to eat.

From fried eggs from the yolk there are drools:
Gently blot them with a flowered napkin too.
Put toilet paper in your pockets
Key, glasses and always a clean handkerchief.

And then put each foot carefully into the shoe
And send him to work to make money.

In the morning, at the dawn of a ruddy, you snore, as if drunk,
So that the little wife would rather open her sleepy eyes.
There is no point in making beds, as by the night it’s barely
The wife will crawl to the bedroom, having worked in the kitchen.

With appetite, without choking, you will quickly eat all the supplies. After all, the wife is starving, and without you the food will go bad.
Here, when she cleans up piles of dishes for you,
You jokingly stun her with a kiss right on the ear,
And then from the shock of your caress without a doubt
Your pocket expenses will be increased by a half!

And then the wife and in the rain, and in the heat and in the blizzard
Send you to work Earn money.

* * *
glass wedding,
desired wedding,
Five-year-olds huddled -
Three at once.
God bless you good
To the fairy tale of the past
Continued again
Until the dawn of the earth.
To trouble with storms
Eyebrows did not frown
And framed the shoulder
Friends in difficult times.
For the light to come true
The most cherished
Relatives pleased
And the family grew.

Fifteen years and dawn again
The same as then, for the first time.
And there's just no distance
And you are "young" today.
God forbid you break the glass
Your love, fate and honor.
Let it be clear and bright
Always when you are together in everything!

Everything in this world is fragile, like glass,
And the fate of two, alas, is no exception.
But to forecasts, and to hell out of spite
May joy and luck be with you.
Fifteen years later, like the first time,
Let only the call of love be omnipotent,
And with its purity caresses the eye
The transparent glass vessel is beautiful.

Game What? Where? When?

What did Sasha say to Tamara when he proposed to her?
How you want to spin, we sign tomorrow.

Where were Tom and Sasha on their honeymoon?

What brand was the first family car?

What did Tamara drive to the registry office?

What was the name of the performance that Tamara and Sasha watched for the first time in their family life?


Hello, please help with the script for the 15th wedding anniversary.

13 messages

Natalia, hello! There is absolutely no time to choose what you need, there is a lot of work. And when is the wedding? suddenly there will be a minute. I'll try to help.
Game Compatibility test, you can compose questions at your discretion. The meaning is this. Put the newlyweds with their backs to each other, give them cards in their hands on one it is written SHE I (on both sides) on the second I am HE. or air balloons are red and blue. Blue symbolizes the husband, Red - the wife. They answer questions and raise the ball up. The main condition is that they do not turn around and do not peep. I don't know if I explained it clearly, ask if something is not clear.
1. Who is the boss in your house?
2. Who makes money?
3. And who spends them?
4. Who sometimes likes to drink?
5. And who will have a bite?
4. Who keeps order in the house?
5. Who takes out the trash?
6. Who likes to lie on the couch?
7. And who likes to watch TV shows?
8. Who was involved in raising children?
9. And who will take care of the grandchildren? etc

Anniversaries once again congratulations on this day,
And we are waiting for kisses too.

I see that you are happy today. Fine! Listen to what I wish you.
I want you to constantly burn ... in the fire of your love.
I want you to constantly drown ... in the arms of happiness.
I want you to constantly fall ... in the bedroom onto the bed.
I want you to constantly suffocate ... from long kisses.

After another toast to the perpetrators, the celebrations solemnly hand over the jubilee medal. The assistant presenter brings into the hall a tray with a festively decorated box, in which there is a medal on satin ribbon. The medal can be made from cardboard or anniversary material. On one side of the medal, the term of married life is depicted (written or engraved), on the other - the names of the spouses, the date of the wedding anniversary and the place (city) where it took place.
In addition to the medal, there are also 2 scrolls on the tray: Decree and Instructions for using the medal. The host asks the guests to stand up. After that, he takes out a medal from the box and solemnly presents it to the anniversaries. The presentation ceremony can be livened up with drum rolls or solemn music.
After that, the host reads the Decree and Instruction.
DECREE of the Supreme Council of Friends and Relatives
Commemorative medal "___________________ wedding" for the good attitude of the spouses to each other, to parents, children and friends, as well as in connection with the ______________ anniversary of married life
_____________ and ___________ (names of spouses).
This decree was signed in the ancient city _________________,
_________ year, _______________ month ___________ day, at the festive table.
Instructions for using the medal
The medal is made in a single copy of __________________, which has neither price nor sample, and is a unique relic of _________________________ wedding.
It is not subject to sale and exchange (including for non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks), as well as transfer to other persons.
It is not recommended to use the commemorative medal as a nail hammer or nut cracker. Completely unacceptable to use anniversary medal to resolve conflicts, acute everyday issues as a defensive-offensive weapon for delivering decisive blows to the enemy.
The jubilee medal is simple in design and trouble-free in operation. Does not require special care or additional anti-corrosion work.
For the purpose of disinfection, the jubilee medal should be washed annually on the day of the anniversary by drinking the best quality wine and vodka products inside in the presence of relatives, friends, co-workers and all adult family members. Replacement of the above alcoholic products with surrogate (moonshine) preparations is not allowed, as it leads to pain in the head, liver and gastrointestinal tract.
Subject to the terms of washing the jubilee medal, its safety is guaranteed.
The second part of the evening is usually reserved for contests, quizzes, outdoor games, ditties and dances. Competitions alternate with toasts and congratulations from the guests. Comic wishes, allegedly written or spoken on behalf of “specialists” are especially popular:

The festive feast begins with the words of the host:

“Good evening, dear guests! Today we have gathered here to celebrate the ______________________ wedding, ___________ anniversary of the joint married life of _______________ and _______________ (names of the spouses)! I ask everyone to get comfortable at the table. Today we have a wonderful day! I think no one doubts that before us is the happiest and most hospitable family, which we all kindly envy!”

“My friends, please pay attention! At weddings it was customary: always
In feasts, jokes, undertakings, the toastmaster leads everything.
And now, standing on this watch, I ask you to approve the Charter:
Sharpen it entertainingly and aptly. Take care of your neighbor.
Think of different stories. Coquettishly build eyes.
Cheerful toasts to say And, of course, gifts to give.
Participate in games and jokes. Chastushki to sing and jokes.
Laugh until a sweat. Tell jokes.
Dress up, joke fervently And even walk on their heads.
Eat and drink at will. Feel free to ask for supplements.
Behave naturally, Festive and carnival.
So, everyone without exception Take a cheerful mood!
We must drink for the approval of the Charter!”

Throughout the holiday, guests take turns toasting and wishing the anniversaries. Each toast ends with the usual “Bitter!”.
The first kiss should last as many times as the couple have been married for years. That is, every year the first kiss becomes longer and sweeter.

Toasts and congratulations can be very different: for love, fidelity, devotion, material well-being, children, health, etc. and so on. On anniversaries with a long family history, toasts to patience are obligatory. For example:
Often we, having decided to marry, do not have time to find out:
The temper of a mouse or a tigress The one we choose as a wife.
Taming the Shrew - Oh, no easy task!
But believe me, the patient, the patient will be lucky! So let's drink to patience!

We wish instead of all the awards, we are a couple dear.
More anniversaries, they are only at the doorstep:
The road to the golden anniversary is still long.
And let our young and through ………………………. years of marriage, looking at his charming wife loses his head, not his mind! So let's drink to that!

Hosted a Coral wedding once
I announce the "coral" dance. Young people, please!
The introduction to the song “Love is like a dream” sounds, the heroes of the anniversary go towards each other and begin to dance to the chorus:
Love like a dream Made my home happy. Your magical "I love you!" I will echo silently. Love, like a dream, Crystal chime of hearts, But contrary to the laws of sleep, let it not end!
- Did you see how they danced? Only lovers dance like this. Tell us (name Svetlana),
What kind of a man do you have to be to tame a woman like that?
With your smile you can melt Antarctica, And melt it to the ground,
So that you from the foam of ocean waters Arise like a lovely Cyprida?
What kind of husband do you need to become, To excite your heart?
To reach your magical beauty? What do you need to be
In order to get the right to come into contact with such beauty during life? (These questions are answered by the wife

Presenter (addressing the hero of the day): What kind of woman should you be,
To bewitch such a young man,
Who by his boldness and courage
Able to conquer the Himalayas?
What kind of wife should you be?
To reach your heart?
So that you soar like a brave falcon?
So that you strive to go home, as if on a date,
And about love, as on the verge of parting, did you talk, dear, incessantly? (Husband's answer)
After that, a toast to the lovely couple.

Wedding anniversary script 15 years.

Beautiful scripts for the 15th wedding anniversary can be held both outdoors and at home.

Crystal Wedding Anniversary Scenario (15 years)

The chime of crystal is heard. For the anniversary, the spouses should prepare gifts for each other. It must be something related to the symbolism of the anniversary. Maybe crystal figurines, or glass gizmos. They will need to be exchanged when the leader commands. On the stage - two large hearts, one smaller, placed in a large crystal glass labeled 15.

The presenter and DJ appear.

The music from the song “The earth is empty without you” is playing.

Families are truly the voice of God.
Like two souls merged into one.
And we congratulate you on this now.
And somewhere everyone is in a hurry taxi.

Without each other on earth - a blizzard.
How can you live here for a few hours?
And now you have the answer
There is no more important family in the world.

Loneliness is gone now.
You were able to save your family.

Presenter: We have gathered today for a wonderful occasion. Our couple has an anniversary. 15 years ago you said yes to each other. And today all the guests have come to tell you that they are still happy for you. Let's read our sincere and kind congratulations to the couple. And so that they come from the heart - let each congratulator touch the heart. More - masculine, prettier and smaller - feminine.

Leading: After congratulations, we traditionally make a toast. I want to say the following. 15 years is one and five. This is one person who received a mark of five for his deeds. There are two of you. You have created one cell - a family. We give you five stars for it. You are real good guys. May your family continue to grow. Crystal is a very delicate material. And you have a lot more ahead of you. Believe me, you have something to be proud of. But you don't have to stop there. Life flows forward like a crystal river. We will drink to future achievements. Let them help you see: there is still more to come!

Break with a feast, dancing and festivities.

The music from the song "I was born for love" plays.

Who are you in family business? You are the main conductor.
And you don't need another rank.
The main thing is what? To arise in life
Reason for happiness.
You entered your car together.
Banging in the vestibule quietly the door.
And you came to the registry office with everyone,
I believe in bright happiness.

Everyone is born for love
15 years - and the crystal rings.
You saved your peony so much
Let your worthy surprise await you too.

Host: We wish you the same passion. And that life was like a song.

Break with a feast, dancing.

DJ: Let the presenter rest too. While she has a break, we will remember the happy important moments.

Sample list of questions:

When was the wedding of the newlyweds? Answer: 15 years ago.
What is the wife's maiden name?
What is your husband's favorite color?
What is your wife's favorite flower?
What can this marriage be compared to?
How many children do they have?
Do they fight often?
Can they forgive?
Where did you last go on vacation?

After the competition with questions.

Host: Well done, great competition. Your marriage has already become an example for many. 15 happy years you spent together. We wish you to look at your family with new eyes. She has changed, become stronger and more friendly. This is a worthy example to follow. Let's not say too much. We wish the marriage many years and sunny happiness.

Break for a feast.

Presenter: We asked our spouses to pick up gifts for each other. I hope you didn't break them during this time? Present them to each other with kind graceful words.

Spouses exchange gifts and say appropriate words to each other.

Host: We continue to celebrate our wonderful anniversary. I wish you that your family becomes stronger than crystal and preserves its beauty and grace. I wish you health and all the best. You are a wonderful couple. You have a lot ahead of you.