One married couple has three children. One married couple did not have children, although they had been married for several years. In order not to feel lonely, the husband and wife purchased a German Shepherd puppy. They loved him and took care of him as if they were their own.

in one large collective garden annual fees were collected from each site. It turned out that in total 300,737 rubles were collected. It is also known that there are no more than 500 plots in the collective garden. How many plots are in the collective garden and how much is one contribution?


Three carps and one bream were sold for the same amount as two pikes. One carp, two bream and three pike were sold together for £50. How much is each of the fish worth if their values ​​are whole numbers of pounds?


The husband returned home from work, his wife cooked dinner for him, but decided to give him a task. She wrote 4 notes indicating where the dinner was. She attached these notes: to the refrigerator, to the kitchen cabinet, to the bread box, to the gas stove. There was another note on the door to the kitchen: "Dinner is in the kitchen, but the truth is written in only one note." It is necessary to determine - where is the dinner?

Four notes had the content:
On the locker: "Dinner is either in the refrigerator or in the bread box."
On the fridge: "Dinner is either in the cabinet or in the oven."
On the breadbasket: "there is no supper here."
On the stove: "dinner is here in the oven."


Nine boys and three girls got together and decided to divide their pockets of money equally among themselves. Each boy has the same amount of money, the girls have a different, but also the same amount. Each boy gave the same amount of money to each girl. And each girl also gave the same amount of money (but different) to each of the boys. After that, all 12 people had equal money. What is the minimum amount of money that each of them could initially have?


One guy sets a problem for another: “guess how much my jeans, jumper and T-shirt cost, based on the following data: a jumper costs the same as jeans and a T-shirt, a jumper and two jeans would cost 350 francs, and jeans and two T-shirts would cost 200 francs". How much does each type of clothing cost: jeans, jumper, T-shirt and everything in general?


One young man wanted to get into the club for a private party. To enter inside, visitors had to the guard, to the phrase he said, to answer the word-password. The young man hid not far from the guards and began to eavesdrop - what the guards ask and what the visitors answer. The guard asked the first visitor a question: "Twenty-two?", the visitor answered "Eleven" and was allowed inside the club. The guard asked the second visitor a question: "Twenty-eight?", the visitor answered "Fourteen" and was allowed inside the club. The hidden young man thought that he had guessed the cipher and approached the guard, who asked the question: "Forty-two?" The young man replied, "Twenty-one." The guard did not let him in and said that the party was for invitees only, i. the cipher was named incorrectly. And what do you think the guard should have answered this question if the answer twenty-one is not correct?


Two friends met. One says: "Take my wallet, what amount you find there, then add the same amount and give it to me." The second did just that. Then the second friend says: “Now give me as much money as I have left in my own wallet.” The first friend did just that. As a result, the first friend had 7 pounds in his wallet, and the second friend had 6 pounds. How much money did each friend originally have?


One merchant bought a hundred pineapples for a certain amount of money. If a hundred pineapples cost £4 more, then £120 could buy 5 fewer pineapples. How much does 100 pineapples originally cost?


There are 12 coins, of which one is counterfeit and it differs from the genuine ones in weight, either up or down. How to identify a counterfeit coin with no more than 4 weighings on a pan balance?


One aspiring banker invested an initial sum of 2,000,000 francs in his profitable banking business. Every 3 years he increased the capital by another 50%. What size did his capital reach after 18 years?


A bank worker found a £5 bill on the road. He picked it up, memorized its number, and in the butcher's shop paid off the butcher, who owed exactly £5. The butcher used this banknote to pay off a farmer who owed £5 for a chicken. The farmer paid with this banknote in a shoe store. The shoe shopkeeper paid this bill to the bank for a loan. Bank employee I recognized the same bill by number, and when I checked it on the authenticity detector, it turned out that it was fake. Who and how much money lost on all operations?


There are 3 piles of matches. There are 11 pieces in the first pile, 7 pieces in the second, 6 pieces in the third, 24 pieces in total. It is necessary to shift the matches in three shifts so that there are 8 matches in each pile. Rules for shifting matches: you can add as many matches to any pile as there are already in it.


If you add the square of Timothy's age to Lena's age, you get 62. If, on the contrary, add the square of Lena's age to Timothy's age, you get 176. How old are Timothy and Lena?


Elena had three children. Half her age was equal to the sum of the ages of all her children together. Five years later, when the 4th child was also born, Elena's age became equal to the sum of the ages of all her four children. Another 10 years later, Elena had another child. When he was born, the first child was the same age as the third and fourth child together. Some time passed and the sum of the ages of all five children turned out to be twice Elena's age. At the same time, Elena's age became equal to the sum of the ages of the first and second child. At the same time, the age of the first child became equal to the sum of the ages of the fourth and fifth children. How old was everyone in the family at this point?


On one side of a single track railway there is a freight train with 5 wagons. On the other side, a passenger train is standing towards him. Between them there is a dead end that can accommodate 3 cars or a train with 2 cars. The cargo and passenger trains can enter this dead end with their rear. How to skip a passenger train if it only has time for one transportation of freight train wagons?


Two mathematicians liked to talk in the language of formulas (at different times). The first one said that he was x years old in x^2 year (the ^ sign denotes exponentiation). Another scientist said in 1925 that he was a^2 + b^2 years in a^4 + b^4, and also that his age was 2*m in 2*m^2. He also said that he turned 3*n years old in the year 3*n^4. What year were each of the scientists born?


The product of the ages of the two brothers is 1280. The difference in the ages of the two brothers is 44 (subtract the smaller from the larger age). How old are each of them?


Train 2 is approaching the station, but it is overtaken by fast train 1, which must be passed ahead. At the station from the main track there is an exit to a dead end, into which trains can only enter backwards. Most of train 2 can be temporarily stumped, but not all of it. How to skip train 1?


A man was a boy for a quarter of his life, a young man for a fifth, a man for a third, and lived an old man for 13 years. How many years did he live?


One married couple had three children. Moreover, the age difference between the parents was exactly the same as the age difference between the first and second child, as well as between the second and third. The product of the ages of the first and second child was equal to the age of the father, and the product of the ages of the second and third was equal to the age of the mother. The sum of the ages of all family members was 90 years. How old was each of the five members of the family?

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In the life of every family there are crises - big and small. Some couples divorce after 2-3 years life together while others have been married for many years. And the point here is not at all about luck, just happy spouses know the simple truth: with all the problems in family life can handle.

website has compiled a list of the main problems that even the most happy families. And, as it turned out, all of them can be solved.

1. Overweight

Most married couples gain significant weight. Scientists from the University of Glasgow conducted a large-scale study and came to the conclusion that newlyweds gain an average of 1.5-2 kg in the first year of family life. In general, married people weigh 6 kg more than single people. Often weight gain is associated with a state of psychological comfort: partners are confident in each other, and therefore they allow themselves to relax a little.

What to do? Losing weight together is easier than it seems, because there will always be a person nearby who shares your desire for healthy lifestyle life. However, nutritionists warn: men lose weight faster, and this can lead to some disappointment on the part of the woman. A great way to put your figure in order is cycling, rock climbing and even banal walks before going to bed.

2. Having children led to a financial crisis

The birth of children really leads to financial problems in a young family. Polls conducted by NerdWallet have shown that parents are almost always unprepared for the appearance of heirs, and this does not depend on the level of wealth: both middle-class families and couples with more modest means are short of money.

The relationship "mother-in-law - daughter-in-law" and "mother-in-law - son-in-law" was played out more than once in jokes, comical skits and sitcoms. Psychologists note that such relationships can be very dramatic and often even harm the health of both parties.

The intensity of passions is especially strong in the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law. A study conducted as early as 1954 showed that 2/3 of mothers-in-law are dissatisfied with their son's wife, and daughters-in-law, on the contrary, are hostile towards their husband's mother. And Japanese scientists have found that women who live with their mother-in-law are more likely to experience coronary heart disease.

What to do? Most the right way avoid conflicts with the mother-in-law - live separately. Perhaps at first an independent life will be an invoice, but it's worth it. However, if you do not have the opportunity to live separately, you will have to use all your diplomatic skills and calmly explain to your husband how quarrels with his mother upset you.

4. You spend money differently

After a few months of marriage, some habits and characteristics of the second half really start to annoy. Psychologists are sure: this happens to most couples and does not mean at all that love is over. Surprisingly, those habits that attract you in a partner become wildly annoying after a while. Love for sports, passion for reading, popularity with friends - all this and much more falls into the list of the most annoying habits.

What to do? Humble yourself. Seriously. You need to remind yourself more often that your partner's cute quirks make them unique: after all, you fell in love with this person. And if you are constantly annoyed by little things, devote more time to work and friends in order to have time to miss your soulmate.

6. Forget important dates

Forgetfulness of a partner can bring a lot of bitter moments: sometimes it is perceived as a personal insult. How can a loved one forget the wedding date, the birthday of their beloved grandmother, or the exact time of the first kiss? It turns out that almost ideal people sometimes they forget about important things: perhaps they work hard or are generally absent-minded by nature. It happens that for a spouse all these dates are not so important, and this is partly true, because the main thing in family life is not marks on the calendar, but your relationship.

What to do? Remind you of important dates and events in your family life. So you will avoid disappointment, and the partner will not be tormented by shame for his absent-mindedness.

7. You got bored

The first year of marriage does not always turn out to be the continuation of a magical honeymoon. Contrary to expectations, streams of flowers, romantic evenings and heart-to-heart conversations sooner or later dry up, and a boring life remains. In part, such disappointment is explained by the high expectations of partners, and in part - by a lack of life experience. But most couples still cope with these changes in relationships.

What to do? The priorities of married people are different from the priorities of just lovers: now you have a common household, a mortgage and, possibly, children, and the time for romantic dates and other bright events must be discussed in advance. Psychologists say that this is not unusual: family life is associated with adherence to a certain schedule and distribution of responsibilities. Plan dates, romantic meetings, going to the cinema and the theater, and then that very spark will not disappear from your family life.

8. You're together 24/7 and it's stressful

There is an opinion that spouses should spend all their free time together, as this strengthens relationships and contributes to the emergence of common interests. However, for some couples, after a couple of years of such a life, irritation accumulates.

What to do? Each of the spouses should have their own hobbies that may not be of interest to the other (of course, provided that they are not destructive). There is nothing wrong with spending the weekend apart: it helps strengthen relationships.

9. Bad friends

After the wedding, the spouses receive not only new relatives, but also new friends. Often friends of the husband or wife's girlfriend are unwanted guests in the house. It seems to the newlyweds that friends take up too much space in the life of the family and influence the partner in a far from good way.

In the 70s of the twentieth century, scientists properly understood circadian rhythms and found that there are so-called larks who wake up early in the morning cheerful and ready for labor exploits, and there are owls that are most active in the evenings. What if a member of the lark group and a member of the owl group meet and decide to start a family? After all, such a union can cause some inconvenience and even be harmful to health.

What to do? In fact, different biological rhythms do not interfere in any way happy marriage, but only for those people who can find a compromise. For example, while a spouse is sleeping, you can perform a lot of tasks that will benefit the family.

11. Housework is now your only responsibility.

Hereditary and congenital pathology currently constitutes a significant part in the structure of the general morbidity and mortality of the population, especially in childhood. According to WHO, about 5% of newborns suffer from hereditary disorders, 40% of early infant mortality and childhood disability are due to hereditary factors. In some regions Russian Federation congenital malformations come out on top in the structure of infant mortality. First of all, this is associated with an extremely unfavorable environmental situation and an increasingly "burdened" heredity.
One of the most common congenital malformations, at best leading to severe lifelong disability of the child, is meningomyelocele (spinal hernia). The population frequency of this defect, according to various authors, ranges from 1:400 to 1:2000 newborns.
It is believed that the etiology of this defect is multifactorial, that is, its occurrence is due to the combined influence of genetic and environmental factors. There is evidence of an increased risk of giving birth to children with spinal hernia from mothers with diabetes, as well as from anticonvulsants taken during pregnancy (derivatives of valproic acid, carbamazepine). There is also a suggestion that an increased level of fluoride in drinking water has an adverse effect on the development of this disease. At the same time, it has been absolutely proven that the use of low doses of folic acid by pregnant women significantly reduces the risk of having a child with a spinal hernia. An important factor the age of the mother is also at risk - the mothers of adolescence and the elderly are at an increased risk.
It has been determined that the empirical risk of a recurrent case of the disease in a family in which one of the parents or a child suffers from a multifactorial disease is 2-5%, and an increase in recurrent risk (compared to the general population) confirms the role of genetic factors. In relation to the defect under consideration, it is believed that if there is one child with a spinal hernia in the family, then the risk of having a second child with a similar defect is 3-5%. In the case of the birth of a second child with the same congenital defect, the return risk increases to 10%.
In 1977, a corporate study was published in the UK that at 16-18 weeks of gestation, 88% of fetuses with anencephaly and 79% of fetuses with spinae bifidae can be identified based on elevated levels of alpha-fetoprotein (α-FP) in blood plasma. mother. However, the main difficulty in using α - FP in maternal plasma as a screening test remains a large number of false positive test results, which occur in 1.7-7.8% of all pregnant women. Ultrasound data also cannot guarantee 100% diagnostic accuracy.
In our practice, there was a situation when children with spinal hernias were born three times to the same married couple. Here are the observational data:
G., born in 1970, nurse by profession.
From the anamnesis of life: the 4th child in the family, brothers and sisters are healthy. He does not know about any hereditary diseases in the family, among relatives.
Of the past diseases, he notes chickenpox, dysentery, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections. There were no surgical diseases and injuries; allergic reactions to medicines, food denies. Vaccinations were made according to the vaccination schedule.
Gynecological history: mensis from the age of 14, were not established immediately, irregular, painful before the onset of sexual activity. After the onset of sexual activity, they were established in a cycle of 30 days, after 23 days. There were no gynecological diseases.
The husband is healthy, heredity is not burdened (according to the woman). He served in a closed military camp in the Krasnoyarsk Territory on the protection of the plant. any Additional information it is not possible to obtain information about the health and family history of the husband (the marriage is dissolved).
The 1st pregnancy occurred in January 1991, 1 month after the onset of sexual activity. Registered at 26 weeks gestation. Pregnancy proceeded against the background of early toxicosis, late preeclampsia of the 1st degree of severity, anemia. On early dates suffered ARVI without raising the temperature. She refused hospital treatment. Ultrasound screening did not take place, the level of α - AF was not determined. At that time she worked as a paramedic FAP. Childbirth on September 24, 1991 at a period of 39-40 weeks with a male fetus (weight 2800 g, body length 53 cm, head circumference 34 cm, chest circumference 32 cm). Polyhydramnios, posterior amniotic fluid dirty green. W. Apgar score 5/7 points. In the projection of the lumbar spine - a spinal hernia measuring 86 cm with a defect in the membranes, liquorrhea. Dysfunction of the pelvic organs. On the 8th day of life, the newborn was transferred to the children's department of the Central District Hospital. The date of the child's death could not be established. Pathological examination was not carried out for a number of reasons.
2nd pregnancy in February 1992, ended in a medical abortion.
The 3rd pregnancy in June 1993 proceeded against the background of early toxicosis, anemia, SARS at 18-19 weeks without a rise in temperature. IN antenatal clinic She was registered at a gestational age of 17-18 weeks, ultrasound was not performed, the level of α - FP was not determined. At that time she worked as a cleaner in high school. Childbirth on March 06, 1993 with a male fetus (weight 3100 g, body length 57 cm, head circumference 35 cm, chest circumference 34 cm). W. Apgar score 5/7 points. amniotic fluid green. In the projection of the lumbar spine, a spinal hernia measuring 4-5.5 cm with a defect in the membranes, liquorrhea. Dysfunction of the pelvic organs. On the 5th day of life, the newborn was transferred to the children's department of the BCGB. The child was consulted in the city hospital N 21 in Ufa, no surgical treatment was performed. Died 2 months later. Pathological anatomical diagnosis: spinal hernia, hydrocephalus, cachexia.
4th pregnancy in 1994, ended in a medical abortion.
The 5th pregnancy occurred in July 1994, proceeded against the background of toxicosis of the 1st half of pregnancy, anemia, proteinuria. During pregnancy, she had contact with chlorine-containing disinfectants (she worked as a nurse in the infectious diseases department). Transferred ARI to later dates without temperature rise. Registered at 12 weeks gestation. The level of α - FP was determined at a period of 16 weeks, not increased. Advised by a geneticist of the RCH named after Kuvatova, karyotyping of spouses was carried out, conclusion: 46XX, 46XY, no pathology; return risk - up to 10%. An ultrasound examination is recommended at 16, 20 and 26 weeks of gestation. Ultrasound was performed at terms of 20 (in the Republican Clinical Hospital) and 36 weeks, no pathology was detected. Childbirth on April 04, 1995 with a full-term female fetus (weight 3270 g, body length 50 cm, head circumference 34 cm, chest circumference 34 cm). W.Apgar score 7/7 points. In the projection of the lumbar spine, a spinal hernia measuring 2-2 cm is determined, after 12 hours a membrane defect spontaneously formed, liquorrhea began. Dysfunction of the pelvic organs, lower flaccid paresis. Hospitalization in the Children's Clinical Hospital was refused, the girl was transferred to the children's department of the Central City Hospital on the 2nd day of life. She died after 8 months. Pathological anatomical diagnosis: spinal hernia, hydrocephalus, "perforated" skull, cachexia. No other congenital malformations were found.

Probably, the described clinical case of the birth of three children with meningomyelocele in the same married couple is quite rare. In the sources of information available to us (including information from Internet databases), we did not find reports of similar observations.
Despite carrying out everything possible in our conditions of a complex of studies during the 5th pregnancy (consultation of a married couple by a geneticist, determination of the level of α - FP in the mother's blood plasma, double ultrasound), the malformation was not diagnosed, which led to the birth of a third child again with a spinal hernia .
A number of domestic and foreign authors recommend, as a more accurate method of prenatal diagnosis of violations of the closure of the neural tube, the determination of the level of α - FP not in the mother's blood plasma, but in the amniotic fluid. Taking into account the predicted very high recurrence risk in the described case (up to 10% according to the conclusion of the RCH geneticist), in our opinion, it was necessary to use this particular method. In addition, the determination of the karyotype of the spouses (given the fact that the pregnancy is far from the first) in this case does not have any informative value.
Thus, the quality of prenatal diagnosis of congenital neural tube defects in the Republic of Bashkortostan, unfortunately, remains low. Apparently, the absence of such reports in foreign sources is primarily due to the successful diagnosis of such malformations in the early stages of pregnancy and the prevention of the birth of terminally ill newborns. In this particular case, the birth of a third consecutive child with the same congenital malformation led to the breakup of the family. At the moment, the woman is raising an adopted child.

Seven years after the couple took the dog, they had a long-awaited child. The husband and wife were happy, the baby took almost all of their time, and the dog did not get almost a drop of attention. The dog felt unwanted and became jealous of the child to the owners. Once, the parents left their sleeping son in the house, while they themselves were preparing for a barbecue on the terrace. When they went to visit the child, a dog came out of the nursery. His mouth was bloodied and he wagged his tail contently.
The child's father assumed the worst, grabbed a weapon and immediately killed the dog. Then he ran into the nursery and on the floor, by the cradle of his son, he saw a huge headless snake. "I killed my faithful dog!" The man said holding back tears.
How often do we judge people unfairly? Worst of all, we do it without thinking, without even knowing the reasons why they did it one way or another. We don't care what they thought or felt, we don't care. And we do not allow the thought that later, perhaps, we will regret our haste. So let's next time, having condemned someone, remember this parable about the faithful dog.

2 motor ships departed from the pier simultaneously in opposite directions after 6 hours the distance between them was 360 km one of them went at a speed

28 km / h at what speed was the other ship

Two cyclists set off from the same village at the same time in opposite directions. In 30 minutes the distance between them was 15 km. Medium

the speed of one of them is 260m/min. Find out the average speed of another cyclist.

Two runners started at the same time in the same direction from the same spot on the circuit in a multi-lap race. One hour later, when

one of them had 1 km left before the end of the first lap, he was told that the second runner had completed the first lap 20 minutes ago. Find the speed of the first runner if it is known that it is 7 km/h less than the speed of the second.

1. Calculate: (

5080 604 432 7002 200:107 ⋅−⋅ +) .
2. Solve the equation: 770: 4 18 12 23 (
x x +)
− = .
3. Compose an expression:
1) Kolya bought 5 boxes of pencils, and Igor bought 3 of the same boxes. Kolya
bought a more pencils than Igor. How many pencils in one
2) There are b pencils in two boxes, and in the first box there are 4 times more
pencils than in the second. How many pencils are in the second box?
3) In two boxes of pencils, and in the second box for 12 pencils
less than the first. How many pencils are in the first box?
4. Solve problems
1) The perimeter of a rectangle is 24 cm, one of its sides is 5 times the other.
What is the area of ​​the rectangle?
2) There are 4 sticks 1 cm long, 4 sticks 2 cm long, 7 sticks
3 cm long, 5 sticks 4 cm long. Is it possible from all the sticks of this
set to fold a rectangle?
3) Misha and Alyosha ran towards each other when the distance between
they were 180 cm, and met after 15 seconds. See you Misha ran
30 cm more than Alyosha. How fast did each of them run?
4) Along the treadmill, poles are dug in at the same distance.
The start is given at the 1st pillar. After 12 min. the runner was at the 4th pillar. Through
how many minutes from the start will the runner be at post 7 if he runs with
the same speed?
5) There are 22 students at the celebration. Each boy has 3 balls, each girl has
5 balls. A total of 86 balloons were inflated. Who is more on the holiday - girls
or boys and by how much?
6) How many even numbers can be made using only numbers
0, 1, 3, 5, and each at most once (that is, once or none
once)? Name the most.
7) On Natasha's birthday, either 3 or 4 guests were supposed to come. For
guests, a roll was prepared, which the hostess wants to cut so that
it could be distributed equally. In this case, it is desirable that the number
there were less than 12 pieces and so that each guest received his share
more than two pieces. Natasha coped with this task. How many
got pieces? What is the volume of each piece (in fractions of the whole)? Which
pieces ended up on everyone's plate?