Funny and comic congratulations to Tatyana on her birthday. Happy birthday greetings to Tatyana Congratulations to Tatyana in verse

Tatiana, like all women, loves beautiful congratulations for each of your holidays. And especially - to the most important thing of the year. Therefore, it is worth trying to congratulate Tatyana on her birthday in a very bright, interesting and unusual way. This can be done in poetry or prose.

All Tatyanas are bright and interesting personalities. The owners of the name under discussion combine strength of character and feminine softness and tenderness. They are both decisive and emotional.

The energy of the name is characterized by artistry, unprecedented charm, the will to win and the ability to overcome any difficulties on the way to the goal. Tanya also has a great sense of humor. This is one of the main traits of their character. Therefore, on their holiday, such girls will definitely be glad to receive not only a beautiful, but also a cool congratulation.

Humor will be appropriate both in the text of the wishes and when choosing a gift. Dishes, stationery, accessories, cosmetics, sweets, books, textiles, clothing, shoes - all this can be found in a fun design. For example, popular Korean manufacturers today produce lipstick in the form of miniature aromatic bananas or even tomatoes. Such an unusual gift will not ruin the congratulator, and will definitely please a lover of cosmetics and original things.

All that remains is to come up with a bright and interesting packaging for the chosen gift. And be sure to put it inside beautiful postcard Congratulations.

Tatyana can arrange everything,

And we can't beat her.

What he is striving for - he knows for sure

Decisions are made quickly.

Let fate not be strict

Leads the open road.

Let in the series of your dreams

There will be no disappointments.

I wish you, Tatyana,

Money - full pockets.

An ocean of happiness

With the husband to you - love and passions.

Distinguish at work

And catch the good luck bird

Everyone reveal their talents,

Get a gift with a bow:

The one you've been waiting for so long

The one that excites you.

And don't think about sad things.

Strong nerves, good feelings to you!

I'm sending this early this morning

Congratulations to you, Tatyana,

So that he wakes you up

Turned your day into a holiday.

So that you smile in response,

Joy in the heart so that it wakes up.

I want you to laugh

So that your dream always comes true,

To make your wishes come true

At my beloved Tanya's.

Beautiful congratulations for a woman named Tatyana

If you want to make your birthday greetings to Tatyana especially beautiful and touching, you will need to carefully think through every step and spoken words. A chic bouquet will be a universal addition to the text of the wish. Any woman, regardless of age, will definitely be delighted with such a gift.

Interestingly, the symbol of the name Tanya is the clover flower. It is modest, delicate, but at the same time beautiful, with a light honey aroma. Tatiana has similar qualities. They are shy people, but there are many virtues hidden inside. If you get to know Tanya better and become a dear person to her, you will be able to feel that same “honey aroma”.

It will be very symbolic to make a bouquet of clover flowers for the birthday girl. If it turns out too simple and nondescript, you can add the plant to white roses, gerberas or ordinary field daisies. The main thing is not to forget to explain your choice to the girl, and be sure to tell her about the name symbol.

In addition to the bouquet, sweets will be an excellent addition to the congratulations. You can even make a chocolate wrapper in the form of a postcard with the text of a beautiful wish printed/written on it.

Such products, ready-made, are sold in almost every gift store. All you have to do is choose the option with the appropriate text and picture.

Happy birthday, Tanyusha!

At the very the best holiday is yours

I wish you happiness

Let him walk next to you.

And good luck in everything,

May you always be lucky

To smile more often,

I was never sad.

Set a goal and achieve it

All the same sweet to be

the best to stay

And keep warm in the soul.

Tanya, happy birthday to you! I wish you to always be happy! Be the most beautiful, the most beloved, the most attractive and fabulously charming! May all your dreams come true. I wish you good health, reliable and devoted friends, faithful loved ones and wonderful human relationships. All the best to you!

Happy birthday, Tanya,

A bright, kind person.

I wish you happy

And your age was rich.

Always be as bright

Unusual, groovy,

That beckoning mystery

Something open and simple.

May you be infinitely loved

Appreciate, cherish, clear light.

After all, more beautiful and kinder

Certainly not in the world at large.

Small poems and short congratulations in your own words

The easiest way is to write short congratulations in your own words. To do this, you just need to tell in the text about your warm attitude towards Tatyana, give her the kindest, brightest and most pleasant wishes.

But writing beautiful poems yourself can be difficult. Even if it's a quatrain.

To help a novice writer, special services have been created that automatically select rhymes and synonyms for words.

If they do not contribute to “poetry,” it is better to simply choose a ready-made text. Among them there are personalized options dedicated specifically to Tatyana.

Dear Tatyana, happy birthday to you. I wish you to always remember that Tanya should not be sad or lose heart. I wish you to constantly think about something good, believe with all your heart in your luck and always get what you need from life.

Wonderful Tatyana, happy birthday to you. Sweet, wonderful and unique, I wish you that your wishes come true, that your life is happy and prosperous, that your love remains sincere and bright, that your path is illuminated by the bright rays of good luck and luck.

You today, Tanechka,

I wish you a fabulous life,

For the magic to happen

Everything changed for the better.

At the peak of inspiration

Celebrate your birthday

Let your wishes come true

The bad will be forgotten!

Warmth from family, health and luck,

And in life - joy, hope, faith, passion.

For all years, not just on birthdays:

I wish you, Tanya, love and happiness!

Touching birthday wishes for Tanya

In order for congratulations to simultaneously please and touch the girl, it is very important to make them truly sincere, coming straight from the heart. It is not at all necessary to “memorize” them and read them out, as in front of a school teacher. You just need to sincerely wish the hero of the occasion all the best and brightest.

The name Tatyana has several symbols. For example, ruby ​​stone, tiger eye, number “3”, red and Brown color, animals lynx and gopher, blueberries, season - winter. You can associate your gift with any of these symbols. Then he will protect the girl from various troubles and misfortunes, and also bring her good luck and happiness. A lynx figurine is suitable for this purpose. And any jewelry with a ruby ​​or a tiger's eye, winter souvenir balls with a snowstorm inside, any blueberry sweets or tea with the addition of these dark berries, as well as other similar options, would also be appropriate.

Happy birthday, Tanechka,

Be always happy

Be cheerful, joyful,

Kind, gentle, sweet.

Anything you wish

Let it come true in life,

Let me meet you

People are smiling.

Troubles and adversities

Let them pass by

Tender words

Let the beloved whisper.

Eternal spring

Let it bloom in your soul,

I'm happy in life with you

Walks nearby.

On your birthday I wish you

I'm for you, Tatyana,

To happiness in your life

It was constant.

So that you look at the world

From the glossy cover

To lay before you

Red carpet.

To count money

bank bundles,

The diamonds sparkled

On your fingers.

Let everything that you wish

Fulfilled in life.

If you believe in miracles

Then they come true.

Tanyusha, I wish you on your birthday

Fly above the clouds with happiness!

May your mood always be bright,

I wish you compliments and kind words!

Let joy and prosperity reign in the house,

Let your soul be full of tenderness!

May every moment of yours be very sweet,

May your life always be delicious!

If the congratulator is embarrassed to read out poems or wishes in prose prepared for the girl in the presence of all the guests, you can place them on a cake, card or chocolate and give them to the girl. Or send beautiful words for your birthday in a letter, SMS message, post it on the “wall” in social network and so on.

The meaning of the name Tatyana: organizer, founder, ruler, appointed.
Origin of the name Tatyana: Roman origin.
Relatives affectionately call her Tanya, Tanyukha, Tatyanka, Tanyusha, Tanyusha, Tatusya, Tusya.
Women with this name are practical and active, but at the same time they are emotional and impulsive.

Happy birthday to Tatyana

The sun rose early in the morning
Only for you, Tatyana.
Somewhere it's raining overseas
Only for you, Tatyana.
The mischievous winds are drunk
Only you, Tatyana.
You are beautiful without a flaw!
Happy Birthday, Tatyana!

We wish Tanya to be happy,
To be loved and desired,
And happy birthday,
We ask you not to forget about us!
And invite you to visit for cake -
After all, our Tanya is so kind!
And we will ask fate in the morning
Tatyana should be fully rewarded!
Shower leaves of good luck,
Happy to irrigate with rain,
Don't forget wealth in addition -
We are waiting for all this for Tanya!

Happy birthday Tatyana!

Tatiana, Tanyushka,
Beloved girlfriend.
On your birthday
I'll whisper in your ear:
Be funny and watch
To live with optimism.
Don't count love and loyalty
You're an anachronism.
Be happy and successful,
Break hearts.
May your happy days
There will be no end.

Congratulations on Tatyana's name day

Bright name - Tatyana
Everyone calls you!
Happy birthday
All friends and all relatives!
We wish you complete happiness,
Love like in a fairy tale - unearthly,
Let him protect you
Your angel is in the sky above you!
We wish you to live in abundance,
Po - more money, less tears!
Let your dreams come true,
Only from your dreams!

Tatyana, on your wonderful holiday
I wish you to be happy!
Let your dreams come true!
Be sweet, feminine, loved!
Let everyone drink to their health,
The family surrounds you with care!
And luck awaits ahead,
It simply cannot be otherwise!

Happy birthday wishes to Tatyana

Beautiful dear Tatyana,
Fascinating, good!
You are woven like a fog -
Always light, always bright.

I wish you a happy birthday
You, Tanyusha, with all my heart!
Forget about sorrows, confusion -
Everything in life will be fine!

Poems for Tatyana happy birthday

Tanya, on your birthday
I wish you well from the bottom of my heart,
May love come to you
What a wonderful glimpse of heaven!

Let your life go
Carefree and calm,
Only brings joy -
You deserve good things!

Happy birthday poem to Tatyana

The fragrance of the gardens, the wonderful aroma of spring!
I’m ready to give it to you!
Happy birthday!
Let the petals of tender roses
Happiness will suddenly shower you!
Love will give you two wings,
And your life will close in a circle,
Where the world will be full of happiness!
Our world is where it’s just you and me!
I love you and congratulate you,
My dear Tatiana!

Tatyana's birthday - congratulations

Tanya, happy holiday to you
Congratulations to all friends!
On your birthday we wish
May you be healthy
I found a guy with a dowry,
So that you live happily
And we didn’t forget our friends!

Happy birthday friend Tatyana

Tatyana, always smile!
Let your birthday
Brings only joy and happiness
And your smiles are for us.

More beautiful than a fairy rose
You always be as you are now
Forget about tears!
Everything will be great for you!

Happy birthday to Tatyana funny

Tanya, you are a faithful friend,
You are a wonderful wife and mother,
We couldn't live with you without each other
We can find happiness in the world!

I wish you, my love,
So that you never feel sad!
I congratulate you today.
Be happy, dear, always!

SMS happy birthday to Tatyana

I wish that my Tanya
Happiness always smiled!
May the clouds pass and the sun laugh!
May only good luck always and in everything!
May your home be bright and joyful!

Happy birthday to the woman Tatyana

Your holiday is approaching again,
All the vases are filled with flowers...
And we are in a hurry - pour it quickly,
To make it more joyful with us.

Tatyana, our lovely friend,
You are our pride and delight.
With you to the North, even to the South, -
We won't find a better treasure in the world.

Be happy everywhere, always,
Tanya, friend for all years.

Happy birthday to girl Tatyana

Our dear Tatyana,
Happy Birthday to You!
Can't find a flaw in you -
Honestly, sincerely, lovingly!

Be as beautiful as you are
Never be sad
Well, most importantly - happy
Stay forever!

Birthday congratulations to the woman Tatyana

Happy birthday to Tatyana
From the bottom of our hearts today we want.
We wish you eternal luck,
Sincerely today we say:

You are beautiful, so let over the years
Your beauty blossoms
And for all the good deeds
Let love always hide!

Happy name day to Tatyana

I wish to be drunk with happiness
On your name day, Tatyana,
Stay beautiful yourself
Love and smile more often,
Have an appetite for life -
Let anyone be open
A beauty like you
Let your dreams come true!

Birthday wishes for Tatiana

Tatyana, I wish you
May everything you dreamed come true!
So that your sincere eyes
No more sorrows were foreseen,

So that love will cover you
With its weightless chiffon,
So that you smile every hour,
May happiness become your home!

Congratulate Tatyana on her birthday

The best Tanya in the world,
On her birthday
Fancy colored
Our congratulations.
Let them bring joy
Cheer up
And dispel forever
All your doubts

The brightest and most long-awaited holiday is a birthday. This holiday should always be approached carefully and responsibly. For the birthday boy, try to find a beautiful, original, memorable and emotionally charged congratulation. And if this concerns congratulations on Tatiana’s birthday, you need to be careful not twice, but three times. The beautiful Russian name Tatyana was sung by Pushkin and Yesenin in their poems. “Tatiana, remember the golden days?” sang the unforgettable Pyotr Leshchenko. The singer’s old tango, which was called “Tatiana,” was very fashionable in those years when our grandmothers were still young. And they, full of strength and energy, beautiful, fell in love and danced, listening to the enchanting sounds of the lyrical work.

Girlfriend, happy birthday!
I wish you a lot of happiness and love,
And may there be happy moments in life
They are waiting for you ahead, Tanyusha!

You are mysteriously beautiful
Like from a book novel,
You smile clearly
Our dear Tatiana!

You infect with optimism,
And we know that always
Will you lend a helping hand,
You will never refuse!

Always be as sweet
Responsive and groovy,
Both successful and loved!
We are glad to be friends with you!

Our dear Tatyana,
Happy Birthday to You!
Can't find a flaw in you -
Honestly, sincerely, lovingly!
Be as beautiful as you are
Never be sad
Well, most importantly - happy
Stay forever!

yellow and warm
Tanechka days -
Zim - shorter
And years are more authentic.
The sun gives
Always let it be warm
And they come to the house
Love and good.

Shining eyes, smile on the face
And in every glance there is warmth of the soul.
You go through life choosing a goal,
Striving to achieve fabulous heights.

Without knowing grief and fate, the alignment
Not knowing what awaits around the corner.
You captivate everyone with your beauty -
Let everyone ask themselves the question: “Who are you?”

You are the best, Tanya, man,
You are chosen from hundreds of thousands of Light Ones.
And your name will remain for many years
Poets will bless in their poems

And it seems like it might change
In such a time of dreams and snowy wilderness,
But the child was destined to be born -
To a girl with a warm name TANYUSHA.

The years flowed like streams in spring,
And life flowed across and along,
Our little girl has become big,
Saved for beauty and tenderness.

Many dresses were worn, many songs were sung,
And a lot of grief and wine was drunk,
And still the Earth and Space are small,
When she walks and sings!

When, tousling the curls of the yellow maples,
And maybe I’ll be sober, or maybe I’ll be drunk
Everything suddenly becomes cheerful and green,
Trying to be like the sonorous Tatyana!

And we, having fallen into this circle, will be resurrected in soul,
Let's understand - you need very little to be happy,
Let's sing a song of congratulations with our hearts
And let’s move our glasses of joy together!

Live, bloom, please us,
Laugh in grief, cry in joy,
Let life flow over the edge before you,
May God give you hope and love!

The sun rose early in the morning
Only for you, Tatyana.
Somewhere it's raining overseas
Only for you, Tatyana.

The mischievous winds are drunk
Only you, Tatyana.
You are beautiful without a flaw!
Happy Birthday, Tatyana!

Tanya dear, happy birthday!
Like an angel you are bright in soul.
I wish you happiness, positive, inspiration,
And joy in the heart, inner peace.

May all those you meet
You will be given happiness and success,
And so that everything you wish comes true.
May your merry laughter never cease.

On this April day, clear
Please accept congratulations:
You have become even more beautiful
And wiser in spite of

All problems at work
And the laws of existence.
You today, as before,
Incredibly good.

You are a fighter for justice,
Guiding star,
You are like an infantry warrior,
You can't turn back from the path.

Tanya, Tanechka, Tatyana,
What is there to wish for?
To be interesting
Live, love, teach.

So as not to put obstacles,
No hand twisting
So that students respect
And my husband loved me more,

For children to adore
And the circle of friends became wider.
May my mother be healthy
And mastered the laptop.

For strength and health
I corrected it sometimes
Went to resorts
To very warm regions.

Never to be sick
Didn't suffer from melancholy
And like a bird to fly
On the waves of your love.

My dear, Tanya! In your Holy holiday I wish you a Valentine's Day best wishes! So that there are mountains of goodies and favorite delicacies around, eat for your health and don’t let anything happen to you for it! Have a blast, you have to try everything in life, even lard in chocolate! ©

Incomparable Tatyana, happy birthday to you! I wish you great love and passion on the love front! Let the balls not drown in the river, so that you don’t have to cry bitterly! And finances don’t sing romances! Don't worry about trifles - everything will be just fine! ©

Our Tanya's birthday,
like snow on your head,
Suddenly he came by chance,
puzzling all my colleagues.

We hasten to congratulate you,
Accept the present quickly!
Our team is very friendly
please with laughter for many years.

Today you are the best reason
forget about everything,
And therefore our gift
not expressed in rubles.

We have nothing to share, it’s even strange -
This doesn't happen to all friends.
Happy birthday, dear Tatyana,
And accept from my faithful hands:

Chocolate for a beautiful figure
And a huge cake with condensed milk.
You and I are graceful natures,
We don't care about sports today!

We wish you to live and have fun forever,

There were not enough words for beauty,

You deserve a sea of ​​happiness!

Today is not an ordinary day,
Not at all gray, not empty.
Your birthday, a personal holiday,
The whole world will celebrate with you!

I wish you only happiness,
May it fall and fall like gentle snow!..
So that in a varied round dance,
Whirling around brought good to you.

Hold handfuls of good luck in your hands,
Lose your mind from love!
Meteorites of pleasure
Catch him in your arms carefully!

I wish you strongly, boldly, passionately!
Laughing, dreaming and loving!
Your birthday is a bright holiday!
Tanya, happy holiday to you!

What should I wish you, Tatyana, on your wonderful holiday - your birthday? Well, of course, flutter like a butterfly, Evoking glances of admiration! May your dreams and girlish bright hopes come true. Be like a Beauty Queen, Charming, captivating and gentle. Let the chosen one carry you in his arms, Never letting you go, And let his confessions in poetry fill your life with happiness!

Tatyana's day comes to us - May you be rewarded for everything, For your good deeds, May luck come to you, And happiness settle in your heart, May all misfortunes go away, I want to wish you health, And never grieve!

Happy birthday, Tanya!
We wish you to live and have fun forever,
It's best for girls to be a friend,
Guys should dream of marrying you.

So that your figure is admired,
There were not enough words for beauty,
And every single dream came true,
You deserve a sea of ​​happiness!

Happy birthday, Tanya!
You are just a darling today:
Amazing, wonderful
Charming, lovely!

as good as ever -
Like a rose, like a star!
Bunny! Always be like this!
Let the years fly by

Stay young
Sweet, affectionate, simple,
Kind, bright, close to the heart!
Crazy optimist!

You have grown up a long time ago, Tatyana,
And now the ball in the river is not worth the tears.
Let there be no women without a flaw,
But there is no spring without thunderstorms.

So let your flaws and quirks
They attract men like bees with fragrant honey.
May it be sweet for you, Tanya,
And eternal spring blooms in the soul!

The mind is filled with a sweet dope
For all men who took one look
On your face and figure, dear Tatyana.
So let there be no more escapees

From your spell, gifts are pouring in,
And fairy tales gently whisper in your ear.
Be a chic, passionate, bright woman
Always always! Happy birthday, Tanya!

Please accept, Tanyusha, our congratulations.
And wishes for all sorts of different blessings.
Let luck follow you,
Fate will give you valuable papers.

Let gold fish by order
Will fulfill all desires and dreams.
Tanyusha, dear, Happy Birthday!
You are the most beautiful person in this world.

The morning sun has woken up,
Tanechka was born today!
I laughed softly,
I stretched and gathered myself into the world.
Luxurious diva, magician,
She bewitches men
With just one glance, sorceress!
The secret lies in her eyes.
Very beautiful, wonderful,
Responsive and sweet
Happy Birthday to you Tanya!
Thank you for being born!

More money for every Tanya!
Every Tatyana should walk in morocco!
To every Tanya - all sorts of musi-pusi!
Every Tanyuska deserves a glass of snacks!
Each Tanya gets a delicious shanka!
Each Tanya gets a delicious cheesecake!
Every Tanyukha deserves lace and ruffles!
Every Tatyanka has a car in the parking lot!

We wish Tanya to be happy,
To be loved and desired,
And happy birthday,
We ask you not to forget about us!
And invite you to visit for cake -
After all, our Tanya is so kind!
And we will ask fate in the morning
Tatyana should be fully rewarded!
Shower leaves of good luck,
Happy to irrigate with rain,
Don't forget wealth in addition -
We are waiting for all this for Tanya!

Bright name - Tatyana
Everyone calls you!
Happy birthday
All friends and all relatives!
We wish you complete happiness,
Love like in a fairy tale - unearthly,
Let him protect you
Your angel is in the sky above you!
We wish you to live in abundance,
Po - more money, less tears!
Let your dreams come true,
Only from your dreams!

Happy birthday, Tanyusha!
On your best holiday
I wish you happiness
Let him walk next to you.

And good luck in everything,
May you always be lucky
To smile more often,
I was never sad.

Set a goal and achieve it
All the same sweet to be
the best to stay
And keep warm in the soul.

Happy birthday, Tatyana!
Stay young!
May all plans come true
Sad thoughts - away!

Be healthy and happy,
Let your eyes shine
May God increase your strength,
Light, joy, love!

Tanya, happy birthday to you! I wish you to always be happy! Be the most beautiful, the most beloved, the most attractive and fabulously charming! May all your dreams come true. I wish you good health, reliable and devoted friends, faithful loved ones and wonderful human relationships. All the best to you!

Happy birthday, Tanya,
A bright, kind person.
I wish you happy
And your age was rich.

Always be as bright
Unusual, groovy,
That beckoning mystery
Something open and simple.

May you be infinitely loved
Appreciate, cherish, clear light.
After all, more beautiful and kinder
Certainly not in the world at large.

Happy birthday, Tanechka,
Be always happy
Be cheerful, joyful,
Kind, gentle, sweet.

Anything you wish
Let it come true in life,
Let me meet you
People are smiling.

Troubles and adversities
Let them pass by
Tender words
Let the beloved whisper.

Eternal spring
Let it bloom in your soul,
I'm happy in life with you
Walks nearby.

Tatyana is a name of rare beauty,
It is a source of tenderness, love,
After all, even Pushkin wrote
Tatyana's sweet ideal!

Happy holiday to Tatyana,
We wish you love and happiness,
Bloom, be full in spring,
Charming, gentle.

You are beautiful and so sweet
And charming, smart,
May your important dreams
Everything will be brought to life!

Happy birthday, Tanyusha!
May your life always be:
Beautiful, bright, the best.
So that you never feel sad.

Let everything work out easily,
Let your dreams come true,
Let luck smile forever,
And the heart is warmed by a ray of love and warmth.

Tanya, Tanechka, Tatyana,
Happy Birthday to You!
Be happy all the time
And always live lovingly.

Never be upset
Never be discouraged
Don't give in to sorrows
Just notice the joys.

You are beautiful like a goddess
And with a beautiful soul.
I want to be loved
Kind, sweet, mischievous.

On your birthday I wish you
I'm for you, Tatyana,
To happiness in your life
It was constant.

So that you look at the world
From the glossy cover
To lay before you
Red carpet.

To count money
bank bundles,
The diamonds sparkled
On your fingers.

Let everything that you wish
Fulfilled in life.
If you believe in miracles
Then they come true.

Happy birthday, Tatyana!
Let sadness not know about you,
In your house all the time
Let joy dwell.

Let it play pure in your soul
Music, lilacs are blooming,
And from bright words and thoughts
Will be woven every day.

Happy birthday, Tanyusha,
Please accept congratulations,
We want to wish you success
And good luck and love!

So that you are always healthy,
Happiness came straight into your hands,
To make life wonderful
And beautiful, like in the movies!