Beautiful warm crochet scarf. Openwork crochet scarf. Crochet openwork scarf: easy pattern

How to crochet a scarf

Scarves have always been one of the lightest products. It is better to start with them not only with knitting needles, but also with a crochet. Many people do just that. With the help of a hook, a scarf can be created in a variety of density, texture and shape. Moreover, not only for adults, but also for small children with their own hands.

can link fishnet scarf crochet for a girl or strict and tight. It is possible to create a collar scarf or snood and other models. Similar knitted products will look equally beautiful, as a spring-summer decoration or winter version for cold weather. You should consider the details of crocheting a scarf.

We knit men's and children's crochet scarves

The simplest and easiest thing is to knit a children's scarf or a men's scarf. For the latest products, lightweight sample schemes are chosen. And also, the most calm shades. When we knit male and children's scarves crochet for kids, everything is easy, due to the small size of the finished knitted product. The most common crochet pattern for a men's scarf would be relief pattern. It looks incredibly stylish. For example, the scarf, which is shown in the photo:

How to crochet beautiful scarf

You can link it like this:

  • First you need to create a sample of a certain pattern, as shown in the diagram, study, and only then calculate the right number loops for the width of the scarf that has been selected.
  • The number of loops that will be obtained, if necessary, will need to be adjusted a little so that it is possible to divide it into six and four edge loops. And also in order for this drawing to look symmetrical.
  • First row and double crochet.
  • Second and third row. It is necessary to start knitting with two loops of the lifting type, and then knit the embossed columns in a certain sequence: three concave embossed columns, three convex embossed columns. You need to complete this row with a double crochet.
  • Fourth and fifth row. Two loops of the lifting type at the beginning, located under the concave relief columns. First you need to knit convex, and only then, concave. And just like last time, the row ends with one double crochet.
  • In this sequence, you need to knit a scarf until it can reach the desired length. To make the product more airy, it is best to take a hook two and a half - three times thicker than the thread that was chosen. And for those who do not know how to take embossed columns, you need to read the article about crocheting columns.
  • For baby scarf it would be better to choose more saturated and bright colors. In addition to making it look funnier, various applications are also made. If the scarf is intended for a girl, it is made more openwork, and for a boy, a scarf is made with ordinary patterns or with a jacquard pattern. Girls can knit such a lovely scarf:

How to crochet a cute scarf

  • For this product, you must obviously prepare children's yarn of a snow-white and heavenly shade. As you can see in the figure, this product must be made with a pattern that includes three stripes, tapering towards the edges, and forming a specific fringe at its tips. The entire main fabric of this scarf should be created from exactly three different parts - this includes two blue ones, one of which will be knitted from eight double crochets, and one white piece, knitted with seven double crochets. And the ends of all these parts should be created according to such a specific pattern:

How to crochet a scarf pattern

  • The first wide blue strip must be reduced in such stages: the first row is one decrease loop, and the next four rows, without any change. But in the next row, again you will need to reduce the loop, and then knit four more new rows, making a special decrease on the fifth row. And after that, you need to decrease, through every three rows.

Double scarf

  • For a snow-white and thinner blue stripe, a decrease will need to be done, exactly every five rows. And then another one, only at the end through three rows.
  • Along the edges, you must first tie the little blue parts with cloves of five air loops, and in the process of tying the snow-white one, you must simultaneously connect it with other parts, catching each of the cloves for the other cloves.

Scarves with animals will also look original. For example, you can link like this:

Scarf with animals

Sometimes we crochet men's and children's scarves with a seal's head will be knitted in columns without any crochet. Well, all the rest of the parts, including the paws, will be made with double crochets.

We knit a scarf collar or crochet snood

A collar or a snood scarf is a wonderful decoration, but also a great solution for all those people who don’t really like hats, for the reason that this product can be worn in the form of an ordinary scarf. And also, if necessary, cover their heads.

When we crochet a scarf collar or snood, you can do it, both with a seam and without this seam. In the first of these cases, the fabric of the product should be knitted like the most ordinary scarf, then sewing together its ends, or by imposing and attaching special buttonholes to them.

Especially in order to knit a snood scarf with hooks without any seams, you need to knit in a tight way, knit in a circle. To do this, you need to dial the number of loops that will be necessary, and then connect them into one circle. Then you need to knit all subsequent rows with exactly the selected pattern or with simple single crochets.

Or you can add yarn to them. In the event that the craftswoman chooses ordinary knitting, she can arrange an experiment with flowers. Well, with a more complex pattern, there is the possibility of limiting one selected color.

Knitting a collar scarf in all the necessary details on this video:

Beautiful openwork scarf

With the help of threads and a hook, it is possible to create incredibly beautiful, airy and light openwork scarves that can become a delightful addition to any of the women's wardrobes.

Especially for creating such a scarf, it is possible to choose any of the many crochet patterns that will appeal to you more than anyone else. Well, for beginner craftswomen, it is quite possible to stop at the product that follows below, with a light pattern, but no less beautiful.

Openwork scarf

The main fabric of the scarf will be knitted according to this pattern:

Azher scarf scheme

  • Then, along the entire length of this product, on both sides, you need to tie a scarf with single crochets. Well, on the wide side with cloves, consisting of five ch at once, you need to knit in every fourth loop of this row. The fringe, which is on the edge of the scarf, will be created in this way:
  • First you need to make a chain consisting of twenty-eight loops. And then exactly five loops are counted from the tip, introducing a hook into the chain and knitting one half-column. And after that you need to knit twenty again air loops by attaching the chain to the middle of the arc. It is also necessary to knit all the other threads of the fringe.
  • The scarf, the creation of which is explained in the video, also comes out incredibly elegant and cute:
  • Learning how to crochet scarves will be incredibly easy. And precisely for this reason, anyone will be able to supplement their own wardrobe with such an attractive product, which was made, in an independent way.

Scarves are not only for protection from cold and wind. Nowadays, they are used as a separate accessory to complete the image. The main criterion for a fashionable scarf is brightness and originality. Any shades, patterns, textures are in demand. How to crochet a scarf - summer or winter, thin or thick, openwork or tight - you decide. They are decorated with long fringes, pompons, tassels, etc.

Choosing yarn for a scarf

The choice of yarn for creating scarves must be approached very responsibly. After all, it directly depends appearance scarf. It should be hypoallergenic, soft, non-irritating to the skin.

How to crochet a scarf for beginners?

If you have never tried knitting before, and you have absolutely no experience, but really want to learn, try to make an interesting little thing for your child! Not a single kid can remain indifferent at the sight of this cartoon character. The simplest in terms of manufacturing method, but very bright and beautiful scarf with a minion, you can knit even for the first time picking up a hook.

The patterns used in the work are absolutely not complicated - the main ones are double crochets, and the strapping is 3 rows of single crochets.

To work, you need to prepare:

  • 120 g saturated acrylic yellow color,
  • 30 g of blue thread,
  • little by little black, brown and white threads - for appliqué,
  • hook number 3.

So how to crochet a scarf with a cheerful minion?

  1. To start working with yellow yarn, cast on a chain of air loops equal to the width of the scarf (about 50 loops).
  2. Knit 2 lifting loops and knit the first row with single crochets.
  3. Turn the work, dial 2 lifting loops and also knit the next row with double crochets. Thus, knit 14 rows.
  4. Next, change the yarn to blue and knit 8 rows with the main pattern.
  5. Now take black yarn and work 2 rows.
  6. Knit 8 rows again with blue thread, and then knit the fabric with yellow yarn to the desired length of the scarf.

When finished knitting, tie the resulting scarf with three rows of single crochets.

For the eyes, knit 2 circles of brown and white yarn and sew them onto the black stripe. Embroider a mouth and a cute baby minion scarf is ready!

You can decorate the ends with fringe or blue yarn tassels.

By fantasizing, you can create many original scarves for yourself and your children!

Openwork summer scarf

Knitted openwork scarves for summer are a wonderful accessory that will add romance to your look, and will come in handy in the evening on the beach. Yarn choose natural, not containing synthetic fibers, thin and light. They knit according to the patterns below.

This scarf model is unusual and incomparable because of the special openwork pattern.

Scarf knitted from motifs

In the wardrobe of any woman, there should be such gizmos that can not only warm in the cold season, but will become a wonderful, bright and unique accent in clothes. Excellent scarves and stoles are knitted from individual elements.

Flowers, leaves, circles, squares, etc. (any flat motifs) - all this is knitted either with yarn of the same color or from several shades of threads that blend well with each other. Watch the color combination especially carefully so as not to get a tasteless and lurid thing.

The elements can be connected to each other immediately in the process of knitting or later, when all the components are ready, steamed and ironed. The second method will give a more accurate canvas.

Replacing flat-shaped motifs with voluminous flowers, you will get a wonderful puffy scarf. Decorate products with beads, ribbons, rhinestones.

Crochet scarf

Any craftswoman can create a warm, cozy little thing that can reliably protect from a cold. Scarf-snood, crocheted, is made from semi-woolen yarn.

First, cast on the required number of stitches. It is calculated by measuring the volume of the head plus 10 cm (for a narrow collar) or double the volume is taken (for a large snud). The chain closes in a ring with a half-column. Two lifting loops and in a circle, knit double crochets into each loop of the chain, close with a half-column. Then knit according to the pattern below.

Crocheting a snood scarf is quite easy. We must be patient and a warm accessory will appear in the wardrobe!

Scarf with flounces

It is possible to knit an interesting boa scarf from ribbon shaped yarn in an hour. This yarn looks like a mesh with a border of pompoms, ruffles, fur. One ball gives the size of a scarf about one and a half meters.

So, how to crochet a flounced scarf? Crochet the cells through one, starting with the first. When 4 loops are typed, knit them with the fifth loop. Thus, you have the first shuttlecock and one loop. 4 more cells, pull the fifth through them - it turned out 2 loops, connect them together.

Turn the work and continue to knit, grabbing the cells through one and stretching them into the desired holes of the previous row.

In this way, continue to the desired width of the scarf.

Trim the end and fasten it tightly.

How to crochet a scarf? Easy and fast! Stock up on yarn, knitting tools, patience and, of course, imagination!

Compared to knitting, crocheting a scarf for beginners will be much easier. As with all training sessions, there is no need to fear complex schemes accompanied by huge texts.

Having understood the features of conventional signs, you will freely master any of these schemes. If you are learning knitting from scratch, we will offer you detailed lessons, which will describe step by step how to crochet a scarf quickly and easily.

p.s In the last article, we looked at how to knit a scarf with knitting needles

Knitting for beginners

Knitting scarves is easy, but first you need to understand the basics of knitting technology, watch a video for beginners, find out what materials to use and what tools you will need. First of all, you need to learn how to hold the hook in your hand:

  • you need to use the hand that you consider the main one, right-handers use the right hand, left-handers, respectively, the left;
  • the hook is clamped with the index and thumb, it can be placed above the brush, or under it - to taste, and the hands should not be held in weight, it is better to lean on them with your elbows;
  • in the process of knitting, you need to learn how to properly hold the thread, fixing it on the outer part of the palm, located between the little finger and ring finger.

Crochet methods

Having picked up the desired yarn and the required tools, you need to master the basic techniques that you need to imagine before you figure out how to crochet a scarf. First of all, you need to master knitting in straight and reverse rows, reminiscent of front and back knitting when working with knitting needles. To diversify the resulting scarves, it is advisable to master a few more crochet techniques:

  1. Fillet knitting with the creation of straight and reverse rows, where air loops will alternate with columns with om. Having learned this technique, you can get openwork patterns on scarves, both small and large.
  2. Knitting in a circle, in which the work is done in one direction. The diagram and description will tell you how to knit - in a spiral or in a circle. Using this technique, napkins and carpets are usually knitted.
  3. Knitting with the expansion or narrowing of the fabric. In this case, it is necessary to add loops inside or on the edge, on one side or on both sides at once. To complete the addition, for one base you will have to knit a certain number of columns, and in order to reduce it, you will need to connect only one of the two adjacent columns.

Crochet patterns and their reading

In any instruction on how to crochet a scarf, beginners are especially intimidated by patterns. If you don't imagine symbols, it is quite difficult to understand their reading. You just need to learn a few basic rules:

If it seems to you the most difficult thing when learning to knit is to remember conditional icons, keep in mind that they may not be memorized, since each lesson has which decipher the crochet pattern. But next the most important types loops you need to learn:

  1. Start loop. Place the tip of the thread on top of the index finger, after which a hook is wound under it on the left, turned over, and a yarn is made from above, then this thread is pulled through the resulting loop.
  2. The air loop resembles the initial one, but the yarn is made on the right, and the thread is passed through the loop.
  3. Connecting column. To get it, you need to hook a hook into the second loop in the row and drag the thread through it. The thread is again pulled into the two resulting loops.
  4. Single crochet. This type of loop is used to reduce the number of loops. The beginning looks like a connecting post, however, the thread is first passed through the second and third loops in the row, and then they are knitted.
  5. Double crochet. First, a loop is thrown on the hook, then all actions are carried out, as when receiving a single crochet.

Varieties of crochet hooks

Hooks are classified according to several parameters. For example, according to the material - the hook can be made of aluminum or wood, plastic or bamboo, steel or bone. Its number depends on the diameter of the tool. Hook number 2 has a diameter of 2 millimeters. The range of diameters is from 0.5 to 15 millimeters. The tool can also be of various lengths. Eat short hooks, their length is up to 125-200 mm and long - from 350 to 450 mm. It is impossible for the hook to be very sharp and overly blunt - this interferes with work, and injury is possible. The hook should not have any defects, so that it is more comfortable for a beginner to work with it.

Video tutorials for 10 different scarves:

How to crochet a snoot scarf.

Snood has a width of 23 centimeters and 110 centimeters of total length. It took 170 loops to dial. A thread of pure wool was used, hook No. 4 was used for work. At the beginning of knitting, you can use a thicker hook.

Video lesson:

Crochet scarf for beginners.

For knitting, a blended yarn was used, in which there is 50% wool and 50% polyacrylic. The name of the yarn is Mille. Merino wool is used, which is distinguished by tenderness and softness, the thread does not prick and provides a pleasant feeling. The recommended needle size for this yarn is from 7 to 8, which means that the hook can be taken an even smaller size.

Video lesson:

Crochet scarf.

Hook number 7 was used. Knitting begins with a set of air loops with a total length of 160 centimeters - this is the length of the future scarf. You can make the scarf shorter if you like.

Video lesson:

Versatile scarf for women and men.

It is better to knit from thick yarn. Used yarn Bendigo Woolen Mills, Luxury, consisting of 100% pure wool. For 100 grams of this wool, there are 150 meters of yarn. The scarf is 2.2 meters long and has a width of 18 cm. 230 grams of yarn went into this scarf.

Video lesson:

Openwork scarf.

If you use thin threads, the scarf will turn out light and openwork, you can also add tassels to it. Threads can be acrylic or woolen, as well as a mixture of two fibers. For summer things, you can use cotton threads. The scarf is made using Nako mohair yarn. There are 500 meters in 100 grams. The second thread was used cotton "Successful" produced by Pekhorka. Hook 3.5 mm.

Video lesson:

Crocheted snood scarf with a pattern in the form of pigtails can be knitted from any yarn.

Used 100% acrylic Dolly Vita, 50 grams fit 300 meters of thread. But it is better to use yarn that contains a little wool, preferably merino, nice and soft. To get a not very tight product, we took a hook a millimeter more than the recommended one - 3.5 millimeters.

Video lesson:

Scarf snood, crocheted from mohair, which took one and a half skeins.

Yarn brand - YarnArt, 100-gram skein holds 520 meters of thread. 70% mohair is 30% acrylic. Hook used No. 3.5.

Video lesson:

Men's scarf.

The scarf is 16 cm wide and 90 cm long. Used yarn superlana. In 100 grams of a skein, 280 meters are placed, and one skein went to the scarf. The composition of the yarn is 70% acrylic and 25% wool. It is recommended to use hooks no. 3 and 4.

Video lesson:

How to crochet a snood scarf.

The scarf is knitted from Yarn Art Super Perle yarn, which fits 400 meters in a 100-gram skein. Knitting is done with a 3.5 mm crochet hook.

Video lesson:

We crochet a scarf collar or snood in two turns around the neck.

Used acrylic baby yarn Nako Super Bebe. In a hank it fits 50 grams 180 meters. Hook number 3 was used. It took two hanks for a snood for a 10-year-old girl.

Video lesson:

The easiest thing for beginner needlewomen is to knit a simple scarf. The scarf is one of the main accessories in the wardrobe. With it, you can accentuate or complement a certain color in clothes. Knitted scarves are made in different ways: knitting, crocheting, on a knitting machine, on a fork, and there are even those that fit without any tools.

It is better to choose yarn for a scarf not “prickly”, because. the skin around the neck is very delicate. If you knit with thick yarn, then the pattern will be more pronounced, but if you use fine yarn, then the scarf will turn out more airy.

Especially popular is a scarf-snood or in another way a scarf-collar. The peculiarity of such a scarf is that it does not need to be tied, it is like a “ring” around the neck. This is the same scarf, only sewn at the ends. For example: if you do long scarf about 120 cm, then it can make a snood in two turns.

It doesn't matter what you will knit: a women's, children's or men's scarf, they all knit in the same way, only they differ in patterns and sizes. A men's scarf is made with clear lines in the pattern or even simple without a pattern. And it is better to make a women's scarf with an openwork pattern, then it will turn out to be airy and delicate. Children's scarves are usually smaller in size, and patterns can be made using any pattern.

When knitting an openwork scarf, the clarity of the pattern depends on what yarn you will knit. From acrylic, semi-woolen, cotton yarn, a more pronounced pattern is obtained.

Crochet openwork scarf for beginners step by step

Scarf size: 18 cm x 100 cm

You will need:

  • yarn - 100 gr. (mohair 100%, 100 gr/500 m),
  • yarn - 100 gr. (100% mercerized cotton, 220m/50g),
  • hook 3.5 mm and No. 4 mm,
  • 1 knitting marker.

Patterns: openwork pattern we knit according to the scheme.

Description of work: with hook No. 4 we collect air loops (so that the edge is not pulled together), a multiple of 8 + 1.

In our case: 1st row: we collect 40 air loops + 1 edge loop and mark the extreme loop with a marker. We change the hook to No. 3.5. We make 3 lifting air loops + 1 additional loop. Next, we count 3 loops, the first loop is marked with a marker. Insert the hook into the 3rd loop and knit 1 column with 1 crochet. Next, we make 1 air loop, skip 1 air loop from below and knit a column with one crochet. Again we knit 1 air loop and count and in the 2nd loop we knit * 1 column with 1 yarn over, 1 air loop *, repeat from * to *, thus we knit the whole row. At the end we knit 5 air loops and turn the product.

2nd row: skip 1 column from the bottom and insert the hook into the loop of the next column. We knit 1 single crochet, 3 air loops in the same loop we knit 3 more columns with 1 crochet, skip 1 column from the bottom and connect the next column with a single crochet, then knit * 5 air loops and again skip 1 column from the bottom and knit in the next column single crochet, 3 single crochet, skip 1 crochet from the bottom and connect the next single crochet with a single crochet *, from * to * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row, we count 3 air loops from the marker and in this loop we knit a single crochet.

For beginner knitters without a marker, it will be difficult to knit an even fabric. Instead of a marker, you can use a thread of a different color.

3rd row: Start the next row with 5 air loops and turn the product. Then we connect the top of the 3rd column from the bottom with a single crochet, then 3 air loops, yarn over, then we knit 1 stitch with 1 crochet into each air loop from the bottom and connect under the chain with a single crochet. We continue to knit * 5 air loops and connect with the top of the 3rd column from the bottom with a single crochet, 3 lifting air loops, yarn over, in the 1st loop we knit 1 column with 1 yarn, in the 2nd loop we knit 1 column with 1 yarn, The 3rd loop is also 1 column with 1 crochet and we connect under the chain with a single crochet *. Repeat from * to * to the end of the row. At the end of the row, we report 3 air loops from below and knit a single crochet into the 3rd loop.

Further, we knit all the rows in the same way as the 3rd row. We knit an openwork scarf to the desired length.

In the last row we collect 5 air loops and connect with the top of the 3rd column, we connect 3 air loops under the chain, * we connect 3 air loops with the top of the 3rd column, we connect 3 air loops under the chain *, from * to * we knit to the end row. At the end, we connect 3 air loops with the 3rd air loop, counting 3 loops at the end of the product.

We complete the scarf with columns with 1 crochet. To do this, we knit 3 lifting air loops + 1 loop, yarn over, count 3 loops from the bottom and in the 3rd loop we knit 1 column with 1 yarn, * 1 air loop, we report 2 loops from the bottom and in the 2nd loop 1 column with 1 yarn , again 1 air loop, insert the hook into the connecting column and knit 1 column with 1 yarn over *, then from * to * we knit to the end of the row.

A scarf is not only a warm accessory, but also an opportunity to complement an already perfect image. At the same time, a self-made product will look much more original and unusual. Even novice needlewomen with the most minimal skills will be able to crochet a scarf: it's simple and fast.

Dense knitted scarf especially useful when the sweater does not have a long neck, when it is windy and cold outside. Elegant lace - will decorate even the simplest and most concise coat model. Even the most ordinary scarf, if it is beautifully tied, will become fashion accessory and decoration of the image as a whole. A small scarf is easy to hide under clothes without losing its protective functions.

A scarf is not only a warm accessory, but also an opportunity to complement an already perfect look.

Applying only basic knowledge, painted step by step, it will be possible to create a beautiful, unusual, but easy-to-make product. Such an accessory will add sophistication to any outfit and will simply warm you in the most severe winter frost.

What you need:

  • 180 m of yarn;
  • hook;
  • scissors.

We knit according to the scheme:

  1. Wrap the end of the yarn around your finger so that a loop is formed.
  2. Grab the free end of the thread with a crochet hook and pull through this loop.
  3. Remove the second stitch from the finger and stretch it into the first, tighten the knot.
  4. Pick up the second stitch again and make it the required size.
  5. Throw the working thread on the hook in front of the knot and pull the yarn through it.
  6. Thus, dial sixteen loops.
  7. Count five stitches from the hook, then knit a double crochet. To do this, throw the thread once on the hook and insert it into the air loop. Pick up the yarn again and pull through a couple of loops. Through the remaining pair of loops, stretch the thread again.
  8. Thus, complete the row and cast on three air loops.
  9. Skip the first column and continue knitting by analogy with the previous row.
  10. Continue to work in the indicated sequence until the scarf is the desired length.
  11. Knit the last column and pull the loop on the hook to make it longer. Cut it in the middle and pull out the end of the thread, tighten the knot.

Crochet elastic scarf (video)

How to crochet a men's scarf

When choosing scarf knitting patterns for men, in most cases they prefer embossed. Ready product it turns out quite strict, solid and original.

What is necessary:

  • yarn;
  • hook number 4.

When choosing scarf knitting patterns for men, in most cases they prefer embossed

Knitting in stages:

  1. Cast on loops, the number of which directly depends on the desired width and should be a multiple of three, plus an additional two edge loops.
  2. In the first row, knit each loop with a single crochet.
  3. Start the second line with three air loops, then alternately knit three internal relief columns and three external ones, finish with a column.
  4. Start the third row with a pair of air loops, knit first three outer and then three inner relief columns, complete the row again with a column.
  5. By the same principle, knit the next line.
  6. In the next step, start with a couple of air loops, three internal and three external relief columns, finish with a column.
  7. Knit the next row in the same way as the previous one.

Continue knitting until the desired length is reached, repeating the scheme from the third row and then in a similar way.

Crochet scarf: instructions for beginners

Beautiful, warm, reliably protecting not only the neck, but also the head from the cold, even a beginner needlewoman can tie a scarf-collar. The circuit is so simple that it does not cause any difficulties.

What you need:

  • 300 m of yarn;
  • hook number 4.5.

A scarf collar can be knitted even by a beginner needlewoman

Description of work:

  1. Cast on an even number of stitches.
  2. Close the loops into a ring using a connecting post, make three lifting loops.
  3. Skip one loop of the previous row, knit a column.
  4. Knit an air loop, skip one previous line and knit a double crochet.
  5. Thus knit the whole circle.
  6. With the help of a connecting column, knit not only the last air stitch, but also a couple of loops at the beginning of the line.
  7. Make a couple of air loops in the formed hole.
  8. After that, knit with double crochets over the air stitches of the previous line.

Knit a collar of the desired length and hide the ends of the thread inward.

Crochet openwork scarf: easy pattern

Women's models of scarves must be unusual and incredibly beautiful. That is why they often resort to openwork knitting, thanks to which the products are perfect, somewhat reminiscent of exquisite Japanese motifs.

What is necessary:

  • 220 m of yarn;
  • hook number 1.5.


  1. Dial a chain of sixty-three loops.
  2. In the fourth loop from the hook, knit a double crochet, after which, until the end of the row, knit all the stitches with such columns.
  3. At the end of the first line, make a lifting air loop and turn the workpiece over and make a column in the first stitch of the base, knit five air loops.
  4. Skip three air loops, and in the fourth tie another column.
  5. Then make a pico of three air stitches and knit five air stitches again, skip three and knit the fourth with a column.
  6. Thus knit the entire line.
  7. In the third row, make five air stitches and a single crochet in the middle of the loops of the arch of the previous line.
  8. Again, make five air loops and a single crochet in the next arch.
  9. Re-tie a pico of three air stitches, make five air loops and again a single crochet in the middle of the loops of the arch.
  10. Repeat the pattern until the end of the row, and at the end of it, make a pair of air loops.
  11. Start the next row with a single crochet in the first stitch of the base.
  12. In the column of the previous row without a crochet, knit five columns with a crochet, and in the middle loop of the arch, knit a single crochet.
  13. After that, dial five air loops and make a column in the middle of the arch loops.
  14. This is followed by five double crochets to the single crochet of the previous line and a crochet to the acre.
  15. Continue knitting in this pattern until the end of the row.
  16. Now dial only four air loops, knit a single crochet column and dial three more air knots.
  17. Again, make a single crochet into the loop of the arch, dial three more stitches, make a column.
  18. Repeat the pattern until the entire line is completed.
  19. Knit a line in columns.
  20. Repeat in strict sequence the scheme from the second to the sixth row, until the scarf is the desired length.
  21. On the short side of the future scarf, knit a line by analogy with the second row, but without adding a picot.
  22. On the long side, make just a row of single crochets.
  23. Treat all sides in the same way.
  24. Make 28 chain stitches and insert the hook into the fifth stitch of the chain, knit in semi-columns without a crochet.
  25. Then knit another 20 air stitches and knit a single crochet into the loop of the arch.
  26. Continue the pattern until the end of the row.
  27. Long side tying pattern: three air loops, a pass and a single crochet.

Tie all sides in this manner.

Openwork scarf for beginners (video)

Children's scarf for a boy and a girl

In order to knit a scarf for a child, you need to choose the brightest threads. For a girl, you can additionally add a floral pattern to give a more sophisticated look.

What you need:

  • 100 g of yarn;
  • hook;
  • scissors.

In order to knit a scarf for a child, you need to choose the brightest threads


  1. cast on stitches, the number of which should be a multiple of nine, add seven more.
  2. Double crochet in the fourth and three subsequent stitches of the chain.
  3. Skip four stitches and double crochet in the next five.
  4. Continue the pattern until the end of the line.
  5. For the next row, dial the chain according to the same principle as in the first line, thread it into the holes of the previous row with a wave.
  6. Knit a row by analogy with the previous one, but given that the chain was threaded into the holes of another line.
  7. Changing colors, knit by analogy with the first two lines and all subsequent ones.

Decorate with yarn tassels.

Crochet trumpet scarf

Such an original product can compete with a classic neckerchief.. After all, a scarf-pipe not only warms in the winter cold, but also looks very stylish.

What is necessary:

  • 3 skeins of yarn;
  • hook number 8.

Such an original product can compete with a classic neckerchief.


  1. With a chain, cast on 136 stitches.
  2. Connect the last to the first.
  3. To lift and continue the line, make four stitches.
  4. Knit the columns, while making a crochet on the stitches of the previous row.
  5. According to this scheme, knit the entire line and close it in a circle with a semi-column.
  6. Knit the next row in the opposite direction.
  7. Alternating direction, knit a scarf of the desired height.

Close the first and last loops, pull the thread and fasten off.

Crochet vivian scarf

A voluminous scarf that can be made using the most coarse knit looks incredibly impressive. This is not just a winter accessory, but a real decoration that can create a truly perfect image.