Crochet sundress for girls 2. Crochet children's sundress. Summer and winter options. Blue sarafan for a girl with a fluffy skirt

The best clothes for little fashionistas in summer are tops and dresses. For this reason, it always makes sense for mothers to crochet a sundress for a girl. Such an outfit will become a real holiday and will undoubtedly please the baby. Also, the child will stand out from the rest in an original and unique way.

Pattern Features

Before you start crocheting a summer sundress for a girl, you need to understand the features of its cut. The easiest option is a straight stocking with straps. This is a kind of elongated top. It is perfect for the little ones. For bigger girls, there is another simple option.

We knit the upper part straight, like the previous version, but at the waist line we turn into knitting in a circle, like a napkin. This cut allows you to get a fluffy skirt. The more loops you add in each row, the more folds you get.

Thus, a sundress for a girl, crocheted, will become not only practical clothing, but also a completely formal outfit. Provided that if you choose the right pattern and type of thread, such clothes will turn into a real work of art. The main thing here is not to be afraid to experiment.

Plain white sundress

A beautiful, elegant and simple crochet sundress for a girl will be knitted by any beginner. To do this, you need to know the size of the child and be able to knit a pair of dense and openwork patterns, not necessarily of increased complexity. The blouse or dress that the girl is currently wearing will help determine the size.

We collect a chain of air loops, which will be twice the width of the selected measurement. True, there is one caveat - in the process of knitting, the width of the product will increase slightly. This point must be taken into account so that the sarafan does not turn out to be too loose.

After that, we connect the ends of the chain and knit several rows in a circle in a dense pattern. The easiest option is double crochets or without. The width of the knitted part depends on the desire of the knitter herself. But don't make it too narrow.

When the main canvas is ready, we tie the straps on which the sundress is worn at the top.

Sundress with a column

But it is not necessary to crochet sundresses for girls, the patterns of which require great experience and certain skills. You can create a product that will both wear well and look great. There is no need to be an ace in the possession of a hook. An example of this would be a sarafan, made exclusively with the help of columns and crochets.

Its highlight is not in the pattern, but in a simple and practical cut. It is knitted from the top, according to the principle of raglan. To form the correct sleeves, on raglan lines we knit two loops into one arch. When the armholes are ready, we connect them and knit further to the waist line or a little higher.

Specifically, in this product, the craftswoman changed the tone of the working thread to emphasize the moment where the skirt begins, and hence the smooth expansion of the working canvas. This crocheted sundress for a girl is made with a wrap, but it can also be knitted in a circle, buttoning the wide neck with a button in front or behind.

Openwork skirt

We knit the upper part of the product in any acceptable pattern. At the same time, it is important that it is in harmony with what will be on its lower part. It is to this description that pineapples and other plant patterns categorically do not fit. It is better to choose something simple and discreet so that the skirt is an accent in the product.

The first row will be transitional and is knitted on the basis of the last row at the top of the sundress. Dots indicate air loops or loops of the previous row. Vertical sticks are columns. The number of horizontal lines on them indicates how many yarns are needed for the pattern.

The most difficult moment in this scheme for beginners will be the common top of two or three columns. It knits like this: we make the required number of crochets, we knit a column, but we leave the last loop on the hook so that it comes out like there are two of them. After that, yarn over again and knit the next column. In it, too, the last loop is left, and there are already three of them. When the number of stitches needed to combine is ready, we knit all the loops on the hook together.

Summer pineapples

Now consider crocheted sundresses for girls, the patterns of which contain the popular "pineapples". We also knit the upper part with an arbitrary pattern. Please note that it should not be very openwork and lush in order to pay all attention to the skirt.

According to this pattern, we start knitting not from the waist, but from the armhole. Therefore, in the upper part, the pattern practically does not expand. The entire skirt will also not be too wide.

The scheme of this pattern is a little simpler than the previous one. It also has columns with several crochets and a common top. The only difference is that the knitted elements result in the well-known pineapple pattern. Its popularity has not changed over the years. Craftswomen are looking for ways to improve it and make it more elegant and unusual.

Playing with color

Here's a great way to use color to highlight different parts of a product. As mentioned earlier, the upper part, from which the sundress (crochet) for the girl begins, is made with pink fans. This is one of the variations of the pattern, in which its elements are knitted one above the other and have different sizes. It turns out that the top of the sundress consists of columns of wide and narrow fans.

The lower part of the sundress seems to be one of the variants of pineapples. This is a rather wide variation of it, as a result of which the skirt-sun known to everyone is obtained. It has a light silhouette and beautiful folds.

But not only two colors can be used. In children's sarafans, there is a huge field for space and opportunities for playing with shades. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

Correct threads

After you have decided on the model and pattern, you need to purchase the right yarn. Here it is necessary to take into account several nuances. Firstly, a sundress for a girl is crocheted for the summer. And this means that it should be pleasant to the body. It is better to give preference to cotton threads, which perfectly pass air and absorb moisture. Their disadvantage is that they quickly lose their shape.

Secondly, a little synthetics must be added to natural threads. Here, decide for yourself: either it will be a small artificial thread, or finished yarn with the addition of synthetics.

Thirdly, colors should not shed, since the thread is in direct contact with the body, and poor quality dyes can cause an allergic reaction in interaction with sweat.

A few words about tools

It is quite obvious what the main tool is knitting - crochet. A sundress for a girl for the summer period requires a special approach to choosing the weapon with which it will be connected. And all because children's products should be light and airy.

And most importantly: when knitting children's clothes, never sit down to work with a bad mood. Children need to be given only joy and care, and not to convey our poor health, which is woven along with the threads.

Translated honey25 from aspen.

Description of work:

Back (top)

Row 1: for 2 years; first side of the shoulder

Crochet 2 dial 3v. p., stsn in 3 loop from the hook, 2c. p., a column with 3 crochets to the top of the last column made. * (2v.p., stsn to the top of the last column) -2 times., 2v. p., a column with 3 crochets to the top of the last column made, repeat from * -2 times, 2c. p., stsn up the column, turn. (12st)

Row 1: for 3 years; first side of the shoulder

Crochet 5 dial 3v. p., stsn in 3 loop from the hook, 2 in. n, double crochet to the top of the last stitch made, 2c. p., a column with 3 crochets to the top of the last column made. * (2v.p., stsn to the top of the last column) -2 times., 2v. p., a column with 3 crochets to the top of the last column made, repeat from * -2 times, 2c. p., stsn up the column, turn. (13st)

Before the first row - the right side of the shoulder.

Row 1: for 4 years; first side of the shoulder

Crochet 5 dial 3v. p., stsn in 3 loop from the hook, 2c. p., a column with 3 crochets to the top of the last column made. * (2v.p., stsn to the top of the last column) -2 times., 2v. p., a column with 3 crochets to the top of the last column made, repeat from * -3 times turn. (14st)

Before the first row - the right side of the shoulder.

Row 2: for all sizes, 2v. p. 2pstsn in each art. row, turn (25pstsn) (27; 29)

Rows: 3 (3-5; 3-5): 2v. n, 2pstsn in each art. row, turn

Rows: 4 (6; 6): (2in. p, psts) in the first st., psts in each st. row, turn (26pstsn) (28; 30)

Rows: 5 (7; 7): 2c. p., pstsn in each art. row with 2pstbn in the last st. turn (27 pstsn) (29; 31)

Rows: 6-11 (8-13; 8-13): repeat. rows 4 and 5 (6 and 7, 6 and 7) until we get (33pstsn) (35; 37) in the last row. Break the thread at the end of the row.

Rows: 1-3 (1-5, 1-5): for the second side of the shoulder. Repeat rows as in the first part.

Rows: 4 (6; 6): 2v. p, pstsn., in each art. row with 2pstbn in the last st. turn (26pstsn) (28; 30)

Rows: 5 (7; 7): (2in. p, psts) in the first st., psts in each st. row, turn (27 pstsn) (29; 31)

Rows: 6-11 (8-13; 8-13): repeat. rows 4 and 5 (6 and 7, 6 and 7) until we get (33pstsn) (35; 37) in the last row. At the end of the row, do not break the thread!

Row 12 (14; 14): 2c. p., pstsn., in each art. row; for the neckline, dial 22 (23; 25) in. P; continue psts into each column of the first side of the shoulder, turn 66 psts, 22 in. p (70pstsn, 23v.p; 74pstsn, 25v.p)

Rows: 13 (15; 15): 2v. n, pstsn in each column and each. V. p. row, turn (88 pstsn) (93; 99)

Rows: 14 (16; 16): 2v. p, pstsn in each art. row, turn (27 pstsn) (29; 31)

The note! pstsn of 2 columns - (yarn, insert the hook into the next loop, yarn over, pull the thread through 2 loops) 2 times, yarn over, pull the thread through all the loops on the hook.

Rows: 15 (17; 17): 1c. p, pstsn next. Art. (count as pstsn from 2 columns) the first pstsn in each st. row to the last 2 columns, psts from 2 columns (see Note!) turn 86, (91; 97) psts

Rows: 16-19 (18-21; 18-21): repeat rows 14 and 15 (16 and 17; 16 and 17) until you get 82, (87; 93) dc on the last row.

Row: 22 for size 4; 2c. p., pstsn in each loop of the row.

Row: 23 for size 4; 1c. p., pstsn in the next. p., pstsn. in each loop of the row. (92)

Rows: 20-22 (22-24; 24-26): For all sizes: 2in. p, pstsn in each loop of the row, turn.

32 arcs from 3c, p., 17 arcs from 1c. p, (34 arcs from 3c, p., 18 arcs from 1c. p; 36 arcs from 3c, p., 19 arcs from 1c. p,)

Rows: 24 (26; 28): skip an arc from 1c. p., 5c. p., (stbn in the next arc from 3v.p., 3v.p., stbn in the next arc from 3v.p., 4v.p.) to the last 4 st., stbn in the 3rd arc from 4v. p, turn. 33 arcs., (35 arcs; 37 arcs)

Rows: 25 (27; 29): 5v. n. in the next. arc, shell (stsn, vp, stsn, vp, stsn, 2v. p, stbn in the next arc) to the end, turn. 17 shells and 33 arcs., (18 shells and 35 arcs., 19 shells and 37 arcs).

Row 28 (30, 32) skip shell, 5v. p., stbn in the next. arc, (3in. p., stbn in the next. arc, 5in. p., stbn in the next. arc), to the end, turn.

Row 29 (31, 33) 5c. p., stbn in the next. arc, (2in. p., shell in the next arc, 2in. p, stbn in the next arc), to the end, turn.

Row 30-32 (32-34, 34-36)), repeat rows 26-28, (28-30, 30-32)

Row 33 (35, 37) 5c. p., (stbn in the next arc, 2in. p., shell in the next arc, 2in. p.), to the last arc,

(stbn., 3v. p., stsn) in the last arc, turn. 34 arcs, (36 arcs, 38 arcs)

Row: 34 (36; 38): 5c. p., stbn in the next. arc, 3v. p, (stbn in the next arc, 5ch, skip the next shell, stbn in the next arc, 3in. p) to the last arc, (stbn, 3in. p., stsn) in the last arc, turn. 35, (37; 39)

Row: 35 (37; 39): 5v. p.s., skip the trail. arc, shell in the trail. arc, 2v. p, (stbn in the next arc, 2in. p., shell in the next arc, 2in. p) to the last arc, turn sts in the last arc. 34 arcs and 17 shells, (36 arcs and 18 shells; 38 arcs and 19 shells).

Row: 36 (38; 40): 5c. p., stbn in the next. arc, 5v. p, skip the next. shell, (stbn in the next arc, 3in. p., stbn in the next arc, 5in. p., skip next. shell,) to the last arc, (stbn, 3in. p., stsn) in the last arc. Break and fasten the thread.

Knitted sundress size: 28-30 (height 99-104 cm).

You will need: 80g Yarn Art JEANS (55% cotton, 45% acrylic, 160m/50g) orange; 80 g melange ribbon yarn “ALIZE Flamenco Firfir” (100% acrylic, 20 m / 50 g) yellow-red-orange; 100 g cotton yarn yellow; hook number 3.

Basic patterns: rows of st / n; “fillet net” according to scheme 1; openwork elements according to schemes 3 and 4.

Performance. The main yarn in the product is yarn "Yarn Art JEANS" orange.

The product consists of several parts: the lower part (skirt) and the upper part of the front and back.

Lower detail: with the main yarn, dial a chain of 136 in. p., close it into a ring and knit with an even cloth, distributing the loops as follows: 40 p. in cx. 1 (side part); 26 st / n (before); 40 p. cx. 1 (side) and 30 st / n (back). At a height of 19 cm from the typesetting edge, finish the work. Tie the top of the product - 2 p. st / n, bottom of the product - 1st river. st / n.

Top detail.

Backrest (make a full-size pattern of the part): knit the element according to cx with yellow cotton yarn. 4, lay it out on the pattern. Fill the space around the element with the main yarn in rows of st / n according to cx. 2.

Before: with yellow yarn, knit the element according to cx. 3.

1. Tie the upper part of the front with the 1st p. Art. b / n, hem it to the bottom part. On the left shoulder, perform 7 “loops” - * art. b / n, arch from the 3rd c. * (from * to * repeat 7 times).

1. Hem the top of the back.

2. Sew right shoulder seam.

3. Connect the front and back under the armholes with chains from the c. P.

4. With the main yarn, tie two laces - chains from c. p. 80 cm and 50 cm long (decorate the ends of the laces with elements according to c. 5, decorating them with ribbon yarn - see photo) and thread the long one into the transition row between the lower and upper parts of the product, short - lace up the left shoulder seam.

5. Sew ruffles on the side parts of the lower part with ribbon yarn “ALIZE Flamenco Firfir”, gathering the ribbon to form a frill (see photo). Sew the same yarn along the front neckline.

Hot summer is just around the corner, and with the advent of heat, every mother will look for a beautiful light dress for her beloved daughter. With a huge selection of children's clothing in our stores, this is not at all a problem, but for a girl, crocheted knitted is a rarity. And having met a baby in a similar outfit on the street, many spend her with an enthusiastic look, thinking about what kind of needlewoman her mother is.

Where to begin

So, what do you need to know to knit for a girl? First of all, you need to measure the child, you will need the circumference of the chest and the length of the product - these two measurements are the main ones. If the bodice of a sundress is knitted in a circle, then the circumference of the head will also be needed. Getting started, to these measurements you need to add a couple of centimeters to the free fit of the product.

For a girl, they can be knitted in one step - starting from top to bottom, round or in two stages - from the bottom of the bodice up and from the bottom of the bodice down, where the bodice is knitted alternately from the front and back sides, and the skirt - in a circle.

Sundress, knitted in the round

For such a product, they collect a chain of air loops with a length equal to the circumference of the head + 2 cm, close it in a circle and begin to knit the first row. Here you can use any pattern you like, the main thing is that the circle after the first row is knitted at the rate of two columns in each lower loop. So the fabric is knitted with a height equal to the height of the armhole + 3 cm, after which the knitting is folded in half and the fourth part of the chest circumference is measured from the middle to the edge in one direction and the other, in front and behind the knitting. It is on the measured loops that the beginning of the skirt will be formed. Between the two side marks, dial 4-6 air loops for a good fit along the chest line. As soon as work on the skirt begins, you can change the main pattern in which you can add the number of loops. The ideal option is the “pineapple” or “fan” pattern. Also, along the line of the beginning of knitting a skirt for splendor, you can increase the number of columns in one lower loop of the row. Such crochet sundresses for a girl look very cute on little ones from one to three years old.

Sundress in two stages

The first stage is knitting the bodice. Such crochet sundresses for a girl begin to knit with a set of air loops. The length of the chain should be 2 cm more than the circumference of the chest, if the sundress is with a high waist, or the circumference of the waist. Knitting is done alternately from the front and back sides, the bodice is knitted up to the armhole, after which the front and back parts turn into straps. They can be made on a clasp, or you can combine them into one. The panel of the skirt starts from the bottom line of the bodice, doubling or tripling the number of columns, and they knit in the same way as the top of the sundress from the face and from the inside, in a circle, but with a coup, work begins only on the hip line. The overturn is done in order to continue the alternate direction of the columns of the front and back rows, which ensures a beautiful and even crochet. Sundress in two stages, can be performed using a variety of patterns. Such sundresses are suitable for both very small and older fashionistas.

Sundress - the perfect clothes for a child's wardrobe! Knitted sundresses are an absolute hit, as it is difficult to imagine more comfortable clothes for girls. It can be worn alone or paired with a warm turtleneck. A crochet sundress for a girl is easy to knit even for beginner knitters.

Crocheted summer models for girls are airy, openwork and not hot in them. In the kit for a sarafan, you can knit pantaloons, for example, for a baby who is just starting to walk. Knitted sundresses will be an important element of a summer wardrobe for a girl at any age.

For older girls, the ensemble is complemented by hats, handbags, boleros, jackets. The color variety of crocheted sarafans is not limited to anything, on the contrary, bright shades and various floral motifs are appropriate for children's wardrobe.

Blue sarafan for a girl with a fluffy skirt

Baby girls, even at a young age, love to play with skirts, so this model will cause real delight. Restrained bodice, decorated with a ribbon that can be made in a contrasting color.

Size for girls 3-4 years old.


The yarn used is pure cotton - 350g blue (50g / 210 m). Additionally, you will need a satin blue ribbon for decoration - 1 m, a nylon lace ribbon for decorating the straps, as well as hook No. 1.5.


Sundress for a girl is made according to the pattern, step by step .

Initially, the bodice is crocheted with s / n columns, while the size of the strip is 8 cm high and 60 cm long. The bodice strip is connected into a ring, and then on the upper edge untie 2 shoulder straps with the main pattern with s / n columns. The width of one strap will be 3 cm, with a length of 28 cm. Diagram 14-3 shows the implementation of the strap on the bodice.

A knitted strap is sewn on the back to the bodice.

The next step is knitting the skirt, in the direction from the bodice down. Knitting a children's sarafan is crocheted round according to the pattern.

You should start knitting according to the scheme 14-1.

At the same time, it is tied tier of the main pattern with ruffles - from the 1st to the 7th rows, the 8th row is repeated 9 times, then the 9th and 10th rows continue, then the next 11th row of the pattern knitted 20 times. Rusha will make rows from the 13th to the 22nd of the main scheme.

An additional 3 tiers of ruffles are made on the front side of the skirt fabric. Ruffles begin on the 5th, 16th and 27th rows, respectively, according to the main scheme, only from the 11th to the 22nd rows. Having tied 3 tiers of ruffles - the skirt of the children's sundress is ready.

The final step of knitting is crocheting the upper edge of the bodice and straps according to laughter 14-3. The armholes are decorated with lace ribbon, the joint of the skirt with the bodice sheathed satin ribbon, the ends of which are left free to tie a beautiful bow.

Summer children's sundress with ties

flare occurs due to a gradual increase in the number of columns (6 then untie 7, and further 8) in the "shells" of the scheme.

From the top edge of the hem of the skirt unties pattern coquette. In the 1st row, all loops are columns without nakidov . In the 2nd row, holes are made according to scheme 2.

3rd row again b / n columns. After that, knitting is divided into front and back and knitted separately. According to the pattern, decreases are made in each row. Having knitted 10 cm, back and front closed.

The model ends with a strapping on the bottom of the hem of the skirt and on the top of the yoke with a white thread. The strapping pattern is pico. The straps are made of 4 laces, which are twisted into one tie. The straps are sewn to the yoke.

For crochet decoration untie flowers according to scheme 3 and sewn on in front of the yoke.

Elegant image for a girl

Work starts from the waist line upwards. For this, a chain vozdushek length equal to the circumference of the chest. Next, knitting is connected in a circle, but continues with turning rows. At a height of 16 cm, reductions are made for armhole : Initially 5 loops on each side, and then 2 loops in each of the following rows.

For correction reductions sample should be done!

The completed bodice of a children's sundress is tied with a red thread, first with b / n columns, then. The length of the straps is determined by fitting. are tied out they are simple b / n columns with a strapping step.

The skirt is knitted from the bottom edge of the yoke according to the red yarn pattern. final rapport The pattern is done with white thread. hem ends knitting borders with red thread.

petticoat is made from a tulle rectangle in the following way: a side cut is sewn down, below sewn on lace ribbon, top hem tidies up and from the inside it is sewn to the knitted skirt of a children's sundress. The sarafan for the girl is ready!

Video master class for beginners

We hope our crochet baby sarafan patterns will help you create a beautiful image of your baby. Happy knitting!

We offer you a very delicate and airy lace outfit for a little princess.

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Crochet knitted sundress for girls


150 g of Vita cotton Lira yarn, color - milky,

40 g of natural Pekhorka-Viscose yarn, color - red;

Hooks of different numbers - 2.3; 3; 4;

Buttons - 4 things;

Satin ribbon 60 cm long.

Knitting pattern for a skirt for a sundress for a girl:

Description of knitting a sundress for a girl:

We collect 14 air loops with crochet number 3, then we knit three lifting loops and in the fifth loop from the hook we knit a double crochet (hereinafter - dc). In the next 12 loops of the chain, we also knit 1 dc. We unfold our canvas, make three lifting loops and knit dc in each column of the row in front of it (but behind the back wall). So knit until the strip of the resulting "gum" is a length equal to the measurement of the circumference of the chest. In my case, this is 52 rows.

After you need to close the gum into a ring:

Now move on to knitting a skirt, and, starting from the second row, knit according to the pattern of the main pattern (Pineapples), just make sure that you end up with an even number of arches.

Here is what happened after I knitted the first circle of pineapples:

The second batch was crocheted No. 4:

And - the third block of pineapples, where the last 3 rows are in red.

From the inside of the upper edge, it is better to knit a thread-elastic band:

Webbing sundress for girls we will crochet number 2.3. Dial three loops, and plus them - three more lifts, then - in the fourth loop from the hook we knit 1 dc, and in the next 2 air loops - 2 dc each, turn, make 3 lifting loops and 5 dc (1 dc in each article of the previous row). Tie a strap of the length you need, I got 26 cm. The last row of the strap is 2 unfinished ssn.