World Day of the Elderly. What date is the International Day of Older Persons in Russia: congratulations, the history of the holiday. Do you need a holiday

How often do young people thank veterans for their contribution to the development of society? Who among us has ever helped a frail old man on the street at least once in his life? Most begin to think about the older generation only at the moment when they themselves approach retirement age.

Day of the elderly is a young holiday that has its own characteristics and interesting story. We will tell 13 interesting facts about this holiday.

1. When is the Day of the elderly celebrated?

This date was not chosen by chance, there is some symbolism: autumn, like old age, is the golden time of our life.

2. Background of the holiday in Japan

The idea belongs to the Japanese Masao Kadowaki, who proposed to approve this day officially in 1947. A date was also proposed - September 15th. At this time, good weather was established, and the harvest was ending. A council of elders was held in the village, who supported the idea of ​​the need to improve the lives of the elderly.

Other villages and cities in Japan appreciated this idea and began to hold the holiday everywhere.

So in 1966, the Day of the elderly became official holiday .

3. History of the adoption of the Day of the elderly

In the 1970s, the problem of the rapid aging of the world's population captured the whole world. In 1982, issues related to aging were considered in Austria at the World Assembly. Ensuring a dignified old age has become a topic that concerns all countries of the world. Representatives suggested various options and exchange experiences.

The UN did not disregard this initiative and proposed its own plan of action. So in 1990 there was international holiday dedicated to the problems of the elderly.

The northern countries of Europe were among the first to celebrate the Day of the Elderly, then the southern countries and the USA joined in.

In Russia, the Day of the Elderly has been celebrated since 1992.

4. The meaning of the holiday, or who is congratulated on the Day of the Elderly?

This day was created so that the problems affecting the older generation are heard by society.

Day of the elderly is designed to help parents, grandparents adapt to a rapidly developing society. The interests of pensioners, the difficulties of the disabled, material difficulties should be in the spotlight on this significant day.

Just to pay tribute and learn from the experience of the older generation is already worth devoting a little time to those who took care of each of us in childhood.

One cannot but rejoice at the fact that the significance of this holiday is increasing every year.

5. Statistics data

In the second half of the 20th century, life expectancy increased by 20 years. To date, almost 700 million people around the world have celebrated their 60th anniversary.

According to demographers' forecasts, by 2030 citizens over 60 years of age will make up almost a third of the population of economically developed countries. In Russia, this period is slightly longer, according to the forecasts of Professor S.P. Kapitza, we will reach this figure by 2100. For 50 years, the number of the elderly population in Russia has more than doubled.

Thanks to statistics, there has been a reassessment of the role of the older generation, and the attitude towards them has also changed somewhat.

6. Symbol

The peculiarity of this holiday is that it has two symbols: foreign and Russian.

  • Foreign the globe is depicted on a white background. Around the ball are ears of wheat. This logo embodies the scale and globality of the celebration.
  • In Russia The symbol of the Day of the Elderly is the image of the hand in the form of an open palm, which symbolizes participation and support for the older generation.

7. Feature of the holiday

Every year, the Day of the Elderly is marked by a relevant topic reflecting social problems.

The year 2011 was under the theme of global aging, and in 2012 we considered the prospect of longevity for the future. In 2015, it was discussed how urban conditions are suitable for older people.

Pre-election campaigns in many countries often include care for pensioners in their program, which helps to beat rivals in the election race.

8. How do they celebrate?

The government timed this day to increase pensions, financial assistance to veterans, benefits and various payments. There are programs on television that are most interesting to the elderly.

In addition, free concerts, charity events and even sports competitions are organized in cities.

Honoring centenarians, labor veterans among the older generation is traditionally held on the Day of the Elderly.

9. What to give for the holiday?

One of the main reasons why everyone loves the holidays is the opportunity to receive a gift. And older people are no exception, because they love attention so much.

Of course, it is impossible to advise a universal option that would suit absolutely everyone, yet each person is individual. But the little things that are pleasant and necessary in everyday life will never be superfluous.

Women are pleased to receive flowers at any age, so a bouquet would be appropriate on this day. Often, older people are quite economical and try not to spend money on their needs. In this case, the holiday will be an excellent occasion to give the treasured new thing. It can be garden tools or satellite TV.

A tea set or a warm blanket will help express your concern for your loved ones.

10. The most famous centenarians

Not everyone manages to live up to a hundred years, since the duration depends on various factors. These include heredity, habitat, the mood of a person and his goals.

According to the WHO classification, centenarians are people who have celebrated their 90th birthday.

Today, people who have crossed the centennial milestone are found in many countries of the world. The United States can rightfully be proud of the number of centenarians: in 2000, those who celebrated 100 years or more, there were more than 70,000.

One of the most famous centenarians is the Colombian Javier Pereira, who lived for 169 years. Zoltan Petrij lived in Hungary for 186 years. Tense Abzive, a resident of Ossetia, celebrated his 180th birthday. There are also centenarians who have lived for more than 150 years in Turkey, Albania and Pakistan.

11. Age is not a hindrance to glory!

Having set a goal, you can achieve it at any age, as dreams have no limits.

Many examples can serve as proof of this:

  • Writer Herbert Wells received his degree at the age of 76. The fact that he left school at the age of 14 did not stop him from completing his dissertation.
  • Professor Takishiro Mori decided to go into real estate at the age of 55. After 38 years, his fortune was estimated at $13 billion.
  • Colonel Sanders decided to open his own KFC chain, stepping over the 60-year milestone. The road to glory was long and thorny, but perseverance and self-confidence helped to overcome all difficulties.
  • Katherine Josten decided to become an actress at the age of 60 after many years of living as a housewife. As a result, the star of the series received two Emmy awards.
  • Writer John Tolkien He became famous after the adaptation of his book The Lord of the Rings. The professor at Oxford University had celebrated his 62nd birthday by that time.

12. Better late than...

Life goes on in retirement - this is a well-known fact. But for most older people, it does not change for the better.

Let's look at amazing examples when old record holders proved to the whole world that age does not interfere with new impressions.

Kenyan Kimani Marugi went to school at 84 to read the Bible and calculate his pension.

Mor Kit was in the Guinness Book of Records after bungee jumping. The jumper from the bridge of 160 meters at that moment was 96 years old.

Japanese Minoru Saito traveled around the world alone at the age of 77. Respectable age did not deter from the trip, which lasted almost three years.

American resident Gladys Burrill ran a marathon at the age of 92. It was her fourth attempt in 6 years.

In retirement, you can conquer Everest, learn to be a pilot, bypass the icy desert - truly inspiring examples, aren't they?

13. How to live happily ever after?

Many centenarians living in different countries of the world are a great example that it is quite possible to live to be 100 years old.

It is important to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, give up junk food and exercise. Scientists have proven that walking on fresh air have a healing effect on the entire body.

Important good mood After all, laughter is known to prolong life.

So longevity and optimism are inextricably linked.

Day of the elderly is special holiday which brings all mankind to new level. This day is a kind of recognition that life expectancy is constantly increasing, which means that there are more and more people who celebrate the holiday every year.

People is a special day for senior citizens around the world. Today, there are about 600 million people worldwide who are 60 years of age or older.

In our rapidly aging world, "veterans of life" will increasingly play a decisive role - passing on their accumulated experience and knowledge, helping their families. They are already making a significant contribution to the development of society. Mature people are new power for development.

The origin of the holiday

The most important celebration for all our grandparents is the day of the elderly. The history of the holiday dates back to the 70s of the last century. The first thoughts about its creation came to the minds of scientists who seriously thought about the influence of older people on the development of the economy.

In 1982, Vienna, the capital of Austria, hosted the First World Assembly, which raised the issue of population aging. Representatives from different countries talked about the life of the elderly and shared their experience with each other. It has become important issue for the governments of countries, because the social and economic status of people of advanced age plays an important role in the development of any state, regardless of its location.

The problem of providing veterans with a decent old age had to be addressed. of course, she could not but support the decision of the assembly, as a result of which it was established: October 1 is the day of the elderly.
The next assembly took place already in 2002 in Madrid. She not only supported the decision to approve a special Day of the Elderly, but also developed the main provisions for activities aimed at improving the lives of pensioners.

Origin in Russia

But how did the Day of the elderly come to Russia? The history of the holiday, so beloved by the Russians, again, is largely due to the decision of the 45th session of the UN General Assembly. 1992 Presidium of the Supreme Council Russian Federation decided to support the global initiative. The first day of October was officially recognized as the Day of the Elderly. This holiday has become official not only for other peoples, but also for our Fatherland.

Celebration in Russia

One may ask: what is this holiday for? Its purpose is to draw public attention to the problems and difficulties of older people. This day is needed so that we do not forget about the great contribution that the elderly make to the life of the whole society.

On October 1, various events are held and many services are provided, such as free concerts, movie screenings, charity evenings, and even sports competitions.

The elderly are provided with material, social, domestic and other types of assistance. And all this is not done in vain. Indeed, according to scientists, the average life expectancy has increased by 20 years. And the total number of citizens of the older generation throughout Russia has reached about 20 percent!

The meaning of the holiday

In Russia, the Day of the Elderly is of great importance. The history of the holiday consists of many stages,
But not only Russia cares about the older population. Other countries pay great attention to their pensioners. After all, they take part in public life. For example, in Africa, children with AIDS left without parents are cared for by their grandparents.

We cannot but thank them, because they do a lot for us. And in Spain, for example, care for the sick is carried out mainly by people, especially women. In each state, certain traditions began to emerge, and over time, certain traditions were completely established.

Celebration in other countries

The countries of Europe were the first to celebrate this holiday, and then the celebration smoothly moved to the southern countries. Due to their financial capabilities, various events are held on this day in different states. But still the main goal is to encourage the elderly.

This holiday has different names in different countries. In the USA, for example, it is National Grandparents Day, which means "Grandparents' Day". China celebrates the Double Ninth Festival and Japan celebrates the Day of Respect for the Aged. But the name of the holiday does not change its essence - in all countries they pay tribute to the elderly.


The best gift for our relatives, of course, will be congratulations on the Day of the elderly. The most important thing on this day is to pay attention to your family. But it will be even better if a postcard for the Day of the Elderly is added to your warm words. We must remember that the older generation needs love and care every day. And if you take the time to make a postcard with your own hands, this will be the most best congratulations happy elderly person's day, which will touch anyone to the depths of their souls.

There is another option for congratulations - a home concert. This will be a great gift that even little grandchildren can arrange. In order for your concert to acquire solemnity, you can write beautiful script for the Day of the elderly and arrange a whole performance. Or maybe you like writing poetry? So give your grandparents a beautiful poem! And it’s not at all difficult to write a script for the Day of the Elderly. All it takes is a little imagination!


It turns out that this holiday even has its own logos. Abroad, it is usually referred to as a globe on a white background. Ears of wheat, as if hugging the globe, are a cradle. Have you ever wondered why the globe is a symbol of such an event as the Day of the Elderly? The history of the holiday says that this image symbolizes globality and scale.

In Russia, the logo of this holiday is the palm. The hand has always been help, reconciliation.

In Russia, the Day of the Elderly is of great importance. The history of the holiday already includes many annual events, their result is a new look at our older fellow citizens.

Whether to congratulate someone on the day of an elderly person and, in fact, with what? What do we know about old age?

When in Japan or Chile begins retirement age Can old people drive? What are Russian gerontologists doing?

1. What is the day of the elderly?

The International Day of Older Persons was established by the UN General Assembly in 1991, and has been celebrated in Russia since 1992. Then, in 1991, the UN adopted the United Nations Principles for Older Persons, which states that older people have the right to independence, participation, realization of their potential and proper care, and "regardless of their economic contribution."

On October 1, there are various festivals organized by associations for the protection of the rights of older people, conferences and congresses dedicated to their rights and their role in society.

The slogan for the day of older people in 2014 is "Leaving no one behind: promoting a society for all".

2. When is it time to retire?

The retirement age varies in different countries, ranging from 55 to 70 years. This difference is explained by differences in the average life expectancy and working capacity of older people.

Russia has a rather low retirement age, set back in 1932. For example, in Japan, Canada, Portugal, Latvia, Spain, Belgium, both men and women retire only at the age of 65. In the US, the retirement age is gradually increasing (from 65 to 69 by 2015). As in Russia, the retirement age for men is five years higher than for women in Austria, Georgia, Chile, Serbia, Romania, Turkmenistan, etc.

3. How old is the pension itself

State social programs, helping the elderly to survive in society, have existed at some level since the time of the Roman Empire. The first European law on the responsibility of the state towards the elderly was passed in England in 1601. First pension provision was introduced for officers navy in France in 1673. During the French Revolution, in 1790, the Pension Law was passed for civil civil servants who had served thirty years and reached the age of fifty. Pensions proper were first introduced in 1880 by Otto von Bismarck in Germany for people over 70 years of age.

4. Elderly - old - long-liver

In different periods and in different cultures, the beginning of old age was defined differently: Pythagoras considered old age to be 60 years old, Chinese scientists - 70 years old, English physiologists of the 20th century - over 50 years old. According to the documents of the World Health Organization (WHO), the age from 60 to 74 years is considered as old; 75 years and older - old people; age 90 years and older - centenarians.

In the Russian peasant tradition, there is no stable age limit for the onset of old age, although, as a rule, people who have reached the age of fifty were considered old men and women. “In Western Siberia, the term “old men” could be applied to people who had reached 45–50 years old: if a peasant married his eldest son, he already considered himself an “old man” and separated himself from the “old woman” in a special room (sometimes five more children were born from such a peasant ).<…>A draft term had a great influence on the norm of old age: traditional ideas about physiological changes were “adjusted” to its end ... ”- writes T.A. Bernshtam.

5. Centenarians-record holders

Among the women of the world, the Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment lived the longest (February 21, 1875 - August 4, 1997) - 122 years, 164 days. As a child, she helped her father in the shop, but at the age of 21 she married a prosperous merchant and never worked again, but she loved tennis, swimming and roller skating. For 95 years she smoked, ate up to a kilogram of chocolate a week, loved wine. Jeanne gave birth to her only daughter and outlived all her heirs. Until her death, she retained a clear mind, although she almost lost her sight and hearing, and from the age of 115 she moved to wheelchair after a fall and broken leg.

Among men, the record was set by Izumi Shigetie (June 29, 1865 - February 21, 1986) - 120 years, 237 days. Izumi worked as a school teacher until the age of 105, started smoking at the age of 70, and throughout his life drank "setu" - an alcoholic drink produced by distilling sugar. True, there are doubts about the authenticity of his birth certificate - according to scientists, his age at the time of death was not 120, but only 105 years.

Magomed Nasibovich Labazanov (May 1, 1890 - September 7, 2012), who lived in Dagestan, is considered the oldest resident of Russia. However, if there was one, his birth certificate was not preserved, and the date of birth was entered into the modern Russian passport from his own words. Magomed Labazanov retained to a ripe old age not only health, but also a sound memory, although he never learned to read and write and did not engage in mental work. Unlike other champions, he never drank alcohol, did not smoke and strictly observed marital fidelity, he always ate moderately and rationally. Magomed Labazanov considered physical activity, work and movement to be the main condition for longevity.

At a time when documents were not yet so important, they talked about centenarians who died at the age of 180 and older.

The only photograph of a participant in the Battle of Borodino: Pavel Yakovlevich Tolstoguzov at the age of 117, 1912. Member of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78 Konstantin Vikentievich Khrutsky (112 years old) on Red Square in 1963

6. Retirees rule

Most countries have a minimum driving age, but no maximum. At the same time, after 70 years, it will be difficult for you to rent a car in almost any country in the world.

In the US, there are so-called "refreshing" driving courses for the elderly.

Sociologists in the UK believe that the driver of the car reaches maximum inner calm and composure at 59 years old. He is very attentive to what is happening on the road. At the same time, the driver remains focused and reacts quickly to changing situations. At the same time, drivers over 75 years old in the UK were required to re-take tests for knowledge of traffic rules and check their eyesight.

7. After 70 we are athletes again

In 2012, there were 75,000 people over the age of 100 in America. By 2050, according to forecasts, there will be more than 600 thousand.

According to a survey published in the Managed Care Weekly Digest, 100-year-olds in the US are about as physically active as the so-called. "baby boomers", citizens about 30-50 years younger. More than half of the so-called. centenarians said they exercise almost every day. 40% go to the gym, 11% practice yoga, 5% run. Their athletic performance differs little from survey data of 50-year-old Americans.

Social contacts and a sense of humor are also important for longevity. Centenarians, like Baby Boomers, often talk to friends or family members every day (80% each), participate in social events as often (26% of 50-year-olds vs. 24% of centenarians) or find something funny in a day (87% of 50-year-olds versus 80% of centenarians).

8. Old age as a childhood disease and non-aging as a disease

Among the rare genetic diseases there is progeria - no more than 80 cases have been recorded in the world when children begin to age at 2-3 years. The growth of the child sharply slows down, the skin becomes thinner, becomes dry, wrinkled, veins appear through it. The child usually has a large head, frontal tubercles protrude above a small pointed ("bird") face with a beak-shaped nose, the lower jaw is underdeveloped. Average duration life with childhood progeria - 13 years.

The only reverse case has been scientifically described. In 1993, a girl was born in the USA and lived for 20 years, who was practically not exposed to age-related changes. In 2009, 16-year-old Brooke Greenberg was physically and mentally at the level of a one-year-old child: she is 76 cm tall, weighs 7.3 kg, she has milk teeth, bone tissue corresponds to a 10-year-old age, and her brain has undergone only minor changes from early childhood.

9. What is gerontology

Gerontology is a science that studies biological, social and psychological aspects human aging, its causes and ways to combat it (rejuvenation). The components of gerontology are geriatrics (the study of age-related diseases, their prevention and treatment), gerohygiene (issues of general and special hygiene for people of older age groups) and gerontopsychology (psychological and behavioral characteristics of elderly and elderly people).

In Russia, unfortunately, gerontologists are focused on the medical aspects of aging and rejuvenation. On the website of the Gerontological Society at the Russian Academy of Sciences, 10 out of 10 priority research areas are related to genetics, processes in cells and tissues, and not to psychology or social aspects of aging.

10. Old Age Bible

Holy Scripture speaks of old age both as a blessed crown of life and as a period of difficulties and impoverishment. “Abraham was already old and advanced in years. The Lord blessed Abraham with everything” (Genesis 24:1). “And Abraham died, and died in a good old age, old and full [of life]” (Genesis 25:8). “Do not reject me in my old age; when my strength fails, do not leave me” (Ps. 70:9). “The righteous blossoms like a palm tree, rises like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they bloom in the courts of our God; they are fruitful even in old age, juicy and fresh, to proclaim that the Lord is righteous ”(Ps. 91, 13-16).

Forefather Abraham; modern greek script icon
Elders of the Apocalypse; Santa Maria Maggiore, triumphal arch mosaic (432-440)

The elders in the Kingdom of God have a special place: “And around the throne were twenty-four thrones; and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes and having crowns of gold on their heads” (Rev. 4:4).

The Bible also describes cases when an old man falls into dementia and is not able to assess reality, and senile weakness.

Details Created on 01.10.2019 12:05

International Day of Older Persons is a celebration of the older generation. This date is one more reason to express our love, care, support and respect - the generation that has done so much for us needs them so much.

The purpose of the celebration international day of the elderly is to draw public attention to the problems of older people, increase public awareness of the problem of the demographic aging of society, the individual and social needs of older people, their contribution to the development of society, the need to change attitudes towards older people, ensure older people independence, participate in the life of society, the necessary care, the conditions for the realization of internal potential and the maintenance of their dignity.

The elderly have always played a significant role in society. They serve as an example for the young, they are mentors and keepers of traditions. At the same time, this is one of the most vulnerable groups of the population. Many older people end up in poverty, become disabled or face discrimination. In many regions of the world, age inequality is the result of many factors: place of residence, gender, socioeconomic status, health, income. As health services improve, the number of older people is growing. Their needs are also growing, as is their contribution to society.

International Day of Older Persons aims to draw our attention to the important role played by older persons in society and raise awareness of positive aspects and problems of aging in the modern world.

Between 2018 and 2030, the number of people aged 60 and over is expected to rise from 901 million to 1.4 billion. In this regard, particular attention must be paid to demographic and economic trends that may adversely affect the well-being of older people.

According to Rosstat data for 2018, 31.5 thousand people aged 60 and over live in the Jewish Autonomous Region, which is 19.2% of the population of the region. Over the past 10 years, the number of elderly people in the Jewish Autonomous Region has increased by 24.5%.

Today, the quality and life expectancy of older people is affected not so much by good ecology as healthy lifestyle life, proper nutrition, assistance from the state, how much the attitude of those close to the elderly and the strength of family ties.

Caring for your elderly parents required condition to be considered a full-fledged person of our society. Particular attention should be paid to lonely elderly people, both those living in their own apartments and those living in boarding schools. Therefore, to work with older people, it is necessary to involve neighbors, friends, “volunteers”, to arrange informal meetings with young people, schoolchildren, employees of enterprises and organizations in which they previously worked, meetings with the participation of workers from social services and institutions.

Only by working together can we ensure that older people not only live longer, but also that their lives are more varied, fulfilling and enjoyable.

Respect for elders is a prerequisite for the existence of any healthy society. This feeling merges respect for life experience and heartfelt gratitude to parents, mentors, senior comrades for participating in our destiny. Attentive attitude towards the elderly is an indicator that the soul of the people is alive, and its future is based on the solid foundation of the past. Their memory keeps living history and their every word, every memory and wise advice priceless to us.

Day of the elderly

October 1 - International Day of Older Persons,international day for the elderlyInternational day of Older Persons)

International Day of Older Persons celebrated on October 1st since 1991. For the first time, people thought about the possibility of creating a holiday for the elderly in the 1970s of the XX century. Celebrating the same holiday began in the Scandinavian countries. After some time, in the United States, they decided to allocate a special day a year for pensioners. And soon the holiday acquired international status.

In 1982, the first World Assembly on Aging was held in Vienna, where the International Plan of Action was adopted, which determined the approaches of the international community to the problem of aging. In the same year, the plan was approved by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). On December 14, 1990, at the 45th session, the UN General Assembly voted to declare October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons (Resolution No. A/RES/45/106)

The resolution recognizes the rapid aging of the world's population, noting that older people can make a significant contribution to the development process. The focus is on older people's rights organizations and the United Nations Program on Aging. The General Assembly called on governments and non-governmental organizations to contribute to the Trust Fund on Aging

A year later, the UN General Assembly defined the principles of the world organization for the elderly (resolution 46/91), and a year later approved a declaration on aging (resolution 47/5). At the same time, the world celebrated the 10th anniversary of the International Plan of Action on Aging, adopted in Vienna. The main purpose of this document is to provide the elderly with guarantees of economic and social security.

In 2002, the Second World Assembly on Aging, held in Madrid, adopted the Political Declaration and International Plan of Action, which strengthened the political consensus on aging, with a particular focus on development and international cooperation and assistance in this area. Since the adoption of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging (IPAP), it has provided guidance for the development of policies and programs at the national level, stimulated the development of national and regional plans, and provided an international framework for dialogue.

The goal of the International Plan of Action is to ensure that older people around the world can live in safety and dignity and continue to participate in society as full citizens.

There are about 700 million people over the age of 60 in the world. It is expected that by 2050 their number will be about 2 billion, or 20% of the projected world population. The elderly population of Asia and Africa is growing rapidly. In this regard, there is a need to support the full and effective participation of older people, taking into account their rights, needs and preferences. And human rights are at the heart of these efforts.

In addition, there is a link between the participation of older people and the achievement of the Goals. sustainable development and achieving them will require the exercise of the rights and freedoms of older persons so that they can make a positive contribution to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda

Goals of the International Day of Older Persons:

Promoting the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and their significance in the lives of older people;

Attracting the attention of the general public to the contribution of older people to society, economic development and the realization of human rights;

Raising awareness of issues affecting older people such as aging and elder abuse and the difficulties older people face;

Give thanks for everything they have done and created throughout their lives

Moreover, the very existence of this big day is an impulse to eradicate negative attitudes towards the elderly and getting rid of outdated stereotypes about old age

Also on October 1, the Secretary-General of the United Nations makes a mandatory speech in which he calls for ensuring and honoring the rights of older citizens, focusing on creating a society for all ages, as envisaged in the Madrid Plan of Action on Aging and in accordance with the development goals formulated by in the Millennium Declaration, as well as the larger global development goals

The holiday even has its own logo. It represents an open palm - a symbol of kindness and help.

On October 1, various festivals organized by associations for the protection of the rights of older people, conferences and congresses dedicated to their rights and their role in society are held in the countries of the world. Public organizations and foundations arrange various charity events on this day

This holiday refers to family holidays, such as Grandparents Day , . International Day of Older Persons is celebrated in most countries of the world, including Russia. Many countries have established their own Days of the Elderly, some of them have a national character. In Chile, for example, the Day of the Elderly is celebrated even twice a year.

Holidays for the elderly by country:,

Other international holidaysold people:

2019-02-09T16:16:42+00:00 konsulmirInternational holidaysUnusual holidaysHolidays and weekendsFamily holidaysWorld elder abuse awareness day ,International Day of Persons with Disabilities,International Day of Persons in Wheelchairs,International Day of Persons with Disabilities,International Day of the Elderly,International Day for the Elderly,Unusual holidays,Holidays and weekends,Holidays for people with disabilities,Holidays for the elderly,Family holidaysInternational Day of Older Persons Day of Older Persons October 1 - International Day of Older Persons, International Day of Older Persons International Day of Older Persons has been celebrated on October 1 since 1991. For the first time, people thought about the possibility of creating a holiday for the elderly in the 1970s of the XX century. Celebrating the holiday began in the Scandinavian countries ....konsulmir