International Women's Day - script for youth. Scenario of the holiday "International Women's Day" Scenario of the holiday of International Women's Day on March 8

Children come out, line up, read poetry to calm music.
Student 1
Spring is coming around the world!
And now there is no winter
By happy omens
We know spring.
Student 2
Learned from the windows
open everywhere,
Learned from the tracks
By snow water.
Student 3
Through the open skies
By the rays of the sun
For important, businesslike
Ravens and rooks.
Pupil 4
Along the street, along the flexible
nimble streams,
And at home - by smiles
Our beloved mothers.
Student 5
Happy spring holiday
In this bright hour
mothers relatives,
Pupil 6
Spring walks through the yards
In rays of heat and light.
Today is the holiday of our mothers,
And we enjoy it.
Pupil 7
This is the feast of obedience
Congratulations and flowers.
devotion, adoration,
Holiday of the best words.
Pupil 8
drops of sunlight
We bring home today
We give to grandmothers and mothers.
Children (in chorus). Congratulations on Women's Day!
- Good festive evening, our dear women: teachers, mothers, grandmothers, classmates. We are glad to see you today in this hall at our holiday and are proud that we were able to organize and give you this holiday. I would like to pay special attention to you on this day, to tell you about my feelings in a new way, to throw all the flowers of the world at your feet, to give the most beautiful gifts and to fulfill wishes. Let not all this be feasible, but our desire is indomitable. Today, the word love sounds special. Love for a woman, for a mother, for a grandmother. Love is a poignant - romantic, intoxicatingly exciting and sweet-chocolate word. To love is to act. So we did!
My Russia has long pigtails
My Russia has bright eyelashes,
My Russia has blue eyes
On me, Russia, you are very similar.
You, my Russia, will warm everyone with warmth.
You, my Russia, know how to sing songs.
You, my Russia, are inseparable from us.
After all, our Russia is our friends and me.
For me, Russia is white birches,
For me, Russia is the morning dew,
For me, Russia - you are the most precious thing,
What a mother, you look like mine.
Song "Russia"
-Today we congratulate the dearest people to us - our mothers, grandmothers, girls. In these spring days, we wish everyone happiness and joy, health, family warmth and prosperity. May the birds sing louder this day, the spring sun shine brighter, and the spring mood never leaves us! And today the guys and I will try to make you, our dear mothers, feel a little warmer from our congratulations
Pupil 9
- We can do a lot in the world,
In the depths of the sea, and in space too,
We will come to the sea and to the hot deserts,
We even change the weather.
There will be a lot of cases and roads in life,
Let us ask ourselves: “Well, where do they start?”
Here it is, our answer, the most correct one:
Everything we live with starts with mom!
- We can't sit still
We love to have fun.
We are not too lazy to dance and sing,
We would dance every day.
- And we will dance the fervent dance "The Patterned Upper Room"
- dear mothers, of course your children love you because you are beautiful, kind, sensitive. And it is not in vain that they say that “The truth speaks through the mouth of a baby.” But whether your children recognize you by voice, we will now find out. We invite mothers and children. Children: "Mom! Congratulations! Mom: Thank you!
Today all over the world
The holiday is big and bright.

Listen, mothers, listen -
Children congratulate you!
(Children read poems about mom.)

Go around the world around
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.
You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.
One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mom!
- How many songs are we together
They sang to their own mother,
And about dad before this song,
There were no songs!
- And here is what this song we now and learn!
Song "About Dad"
Mom can be without shame
Give the medal "Hero of Labor".
All her deeds cannot be counted:
Even once to sit down -
And cooks and cleans
Reading a fairy tale at night
And in the morning with great desire
Mom goes to work
And then shopping.
No, we can't live without mom.
I need to help my mom
And don't worry about anything!
Leading: There is one fervent poem. It's called "If I were a girl". But what would happen if the girl was Zhenya Andreev, we will now find out.
Here's what I thought:
What will happen, friends?
If I were a girl
Fragile, small and thin,
If you were a girl
In a skirt with curly bangs,
If we were all girls
In ruffles, in bows, with frills,
If there were no boys
What would happen to us then?
Who would take care of them
Did you do hard work?
Who would build, dig, dig,
Who would protect them with their breasts
In the sky, on the ground, in the infantry,
On the border and in the morflot?
No, friends, our path is one -
Glorious, valiant men.

Dance "Sailor"
- I want to talk to the guys. Did your mother read fairy tales to you as a child? And now we will check whether mothers remember fairy tales.
Fairy tale quiz
- I wonder what would happen if Sasha Simindeikin suddenly turned out to be a girl.
If I were a girl
And then I would become a mother,
That Bows for their daughters,
I wouldn't get tired of knitting.
The game "Twisted tufts"
(Two gentlemen appear in the hall to the music from the movie about Sherlock Holmes.)
Gentleman 1
I'm looking at you girls
And a snowdrop in the spring
Fragrant, delicate, delicate,
I suddenly remember.
How much fragrance is in it
And hidden warmth
How much charm do you have
Spring life has brought!
Gentleman 2
I'm looking at you girls
I hear your voices
How beautiful they are, calls,
Luminous eyes.
Everything in them glows in the spring,
Reflecting heaven.
This wonderful time
You have a special beauty!
Stay the same
Keeping the light for a long time.
Be happy, love
No matter how old you are!
- I'll give you a riddle
And you guess it.
Who puts a patch on his heels,
Who irons and mends linen.

Who cleans the house in the morning
Who puts a big samovar
Who walks with the younger sister
And takes her to the boulevard.

Whose hair is whiter than snow
And the hands are yellow and dry.
Whom I love and pity
About whom I write poetry.
- Of course, there are also grandmothers in our hall, and the guys want to say warm, tender words for their beloved grandmothers. And Katya and Anzhelika will tell about them

Two grandmothers on a bench
They sat on the hillside.
Grandmothers said:
We have fives!
Five for math!
And five - in language!
But grammar rules
I'm bad at dragging!
And I'm learning history
And it seems to work.
Just these dates
I don't remember.
Sat and discussed
shook hands with each other,
At least they got marks
Not grandmothers, but grandchildren.

Let's find out what would happen if the girl turned out to be Anton Sitdikov.

If I were a girl
I wouldn't jump, I wouldn't jump
I would be with my grandmother
Day and night, always used to play.

Game "Rewind the ball"

Mother! Who is dearer than her?
Mother! She has spring in her eyes!
Mother! The best on earth.
Mother! Gives stories, gives laughter.
Mother! Because of us sometimes sad
Mother! Regret and forgive!
Mother! There is light in this word of the sun!
Mother! There is no better word in the world.
Mother! The song flows like a stream.
Mother! This is what we sing about.
The song "Mimosa", we give a gift. (During the performance of the song there is a presentation on the screen)
May the sun shine brightly for you,
Let the birds chirp outside the window!
So that not only the day of the Eighth of March -
Every day was considered your day!
For listening to us carefully
And helped us diligently,
Thank you all for your attention.
The concert is over. Goodbye!

Purpose: to instill in children a sense of love, respect for a woman, to cultivate a caring attitude towards their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, classmates.

Equipment: performance items, gifts for mothers and grandmothers; phonograms, computer, screen.


Soundtrack sounds

Leading. Valera

Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the holiday of spring, joy and beauty - International Women's Day on March 8th.

Christina The most beautiful and touching word in the world is mother. This is the first word that the baby utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages.

Valera Children are the most precious thing for a mother.

Christina Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that everyone can do. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for children never goes out.

Valera Our dear women, let me sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, stamina and patience, peace and longevity, as well as always good mood!

Christina How are you, dear mothers?
It's not easy, because there is so much trouble,
But used to keep your back straight
Love doesn't let you down.

Valera The love that is called family
The love that is in the eyes of a child
We are the only star shining
And warm like a shawl on the shoulders!

Christina Spring to you joyful and tender,
Happy days and pink dreams
Let March give you even snowy
Your smiles and flowers.

Valera And what is love without hugs
And what is love without love?
Smile to us, dear mothers
After all, for you all the flowers bloomed


Christina For mother's day
It's time for spring
And congratulates women
The whole world and the whole country.
And the happiest
These minutes will become
After all, mothers will be congratulated now
their loving children.


Dima In March, the sun played on the snow,
Spring has come with the sun.
Children run to their mothers with congratulations.
Mother's Day is celebrated by the whole country.

Vika Spring is sweeping across the country
The sky is clear today.
And the sun smiled at me
Good, radiant.

Anton I know it's no accident
I already figured it out myself
Because they know
Today is the holiday of our mothers.

Christina And every class is happy to congratulate
To all mothers on the planet.
“Thank you” to moms say
Both adults and children.

The song "If I'm with my mother" to the music of V. Shainsky for the song "If you are kind"

Valera March brings us spring warmth,
Turning snow into puddles.
If I'm with my mother, then it's light around,
Then a blizzard, a cold, is not terrible.

Egor If I hear a song in the morning
The house will be filled with our sounds.
If I'm with my mother, I'll help her,
Hands will do things together.

Vika Let the holiday bring laughter to every home,
We'll sing to mom now.
Let there be enough joy, enough flowers for everyone,
Mom will be fine with us.

A boy and a girl come out. (Anton and Nastya)

Girl. Happy Women's Day!

Boy. Hello hot helmet!

Girl. For you, dear mothers,

Boy. Darlings, for you!

Girl. The concert is cheerful, joyful ...

Boy. We'll set it up now!

Girl. Our concert is dedicated to you dear mothers!

Boy. The sun smiles at you in spring, dear mothers!

Girl. Birds have composed a sonorous song just for you.

Together. We wish mothers to live happily ever after!


I stand before you
I'm worried mom!


I put my hand on my cheek
Calm down, mommy!


Let everyone see that you
I love it, mommy!


And I won't hide my love
Kiss mommy!

Leading. Everyone is looking forward to March 8, but not because they are waiting for expensive gifts, but because it is a day of surprises. Our children also prepared a surprise program.

Student 1. Dima

Every year at the beginning of March
They talk about miracles.
We do not sit at the desk,
And snowdrops - in the forests.

Student 2. Vika

All shop windows
Decorated in spring
Men running everywhere
Looking forward to a special weekend!

Student 3. Valera

The planet will celebrate
The best holiday on earth.
I'm waiting for your answer, friends -
Help me remember!
Waiting for his start today
Ladies' Holiday...

All participants of the holiday (in chorus). March 8!!!

Christina Having fun kids:
Mothers have a holiday today.
Made a gift for mom
Her son is a prankster.

Anton Daughter embroidered at home
Mommy's handkerchief.
And now he looks from a handkerchief
The Scarlet Flower.

Egor He will bring joy to mom
Mom smiles:
“Oh yes daughter, well, son -
Looking straight ahead!”

Vika The sun peeks through the window.
The snow is still sparkling
But it melts with joy.
Birds will fly to us.

Nastya Let them sing to you
Mother dear.
After all, of all mothers in the world
You are the only one!

Four girls take the stage. In their hands they have sewing, knitting, dishes.

The girls talk among themselves.

Mom cooks, mom sews,Vika G.
And he drives a car
And mom pours coins -
Not at home - at the factory!
Women need to know
Do everything in the world
How can they get everywhere?
Tell me, kids!

2. Maybe, like in the series,
We hire housekeepers
For them to wash their clothes
Would make the bed
3. They cleaned the house cleanly
And went to the store
Played all day with the kids...

All together 1 and 2 (surprised). And for mom?

3. And for mom - a limousine!Nastya
Let the family rest
He travels everywhere with his dad...

Girls 1 and 2 (in chorus).

Well, enough talk!Nastya
One can only dream of this.

Student 1.

Our mothers did not fitDasha
Live like in these series.
Mom's life, though not honey,
But things are moving forward!

Student 2.

They give us warmth and affection,Vika S.
From their smiles light.
Our mothers are just a fairy tale!
Warms their souls warmly.

Student 3.

Get up without an alarm clockNastya
The book is revered
Sing a lullaby
Gently caress.

The song "Mammoth" is performed

Class presentation about mom.

Leading. And now it's time to talk about those who take care of the house, raise children in the absence of their mother. Who is this? Of course, grandma!


Christina The parents have a job.
The sun draws a circle in the sky.
Only grandmother - care
Our reliable, faithful friend.
Both mom and dad
Mothers also have their own
This is a grandmother care
And she is here today.

Valera 1. I love my mother very much,
Hello to her hot sender,
But not only to her,
But also to my grandmother.

Egor 2. With grandmother we are letters
In the book we will understand
Playing with dolls with her
We go for a walk in the park.
Important secrets
I whisper in her ear
Because grandma
Best girlfriend.
Anton 3 . Who scolds us the least?
Who bakes pies for us?
Who walks us to school
And then from school waits?
Well, of course, this is the most
The best person.
Let the gray head
You, grandma, are the most beautiful.
She always has time
To tell a fairy tale
And with grandchildren with everyone
Have fun, play.
Who will fry the cutlets for us
And fill our leisure?
This is my grandmother,
The most faithful friend in the world.
Dima 4 .Who is in the kitchen with a ladle
Always standing by the stove
Who mends our clothes
Who is humming with a vacuum cleaner?
Vika G. 5 .Who in the world is the tastiest
She always bakes pies
Even dads who are more important
And who in the family is honored?
6. Who will sing a song for us at night,
To sweetly we fell asleep?
Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
Well, of course, grandmothers!

Speech of classes about the grandmother.

I have one game called "He - She".

He is an elephant - she is ... an elephant.
He is an elk - she is ... an elk.
He is a cat - she ...
Well, of course she's a cat!
Well, you made a mistake.
So let's play again
I want to beat you!
He is a walrus - she is ... a walrus,
He is a hare - she is ... a hare,
He is a bull - she ...
Does everyone know this word?
Yes! Yes! She is a cow!

Leading. On this day we congratulate mothers, grandmothers, sisters. Did you forget to congratulate anyone? Of course, we must congratulate our beautiful girls!


( Participants of the dramatization `Knights from the class` appear on the stage - five boys with briefcases. After class, they gathered in the school yard and decided to discuss how best to congratulate the girls from their class on March 8)

Dima . So, guys, tomorrow is March 8th and we should discuss how best to congratulate our girls on the holiday. What will be the proposals?

Anton . And what is there to think long! You, Dimka , before the lessons you will go to the blackboard and say that we ... that on such a day ... well, in general, you will congratulate them and be done with it.

Dima . It's easy to say congratulations. What will I tell them?

Egor Dimka You're right, you need to come up with a good congratulations. And preferably in verse. After all, they congratulated us on February 23! What are we, face in the dirt to hit?!

Valera . And what if we have them in verse! Slavik knows how, let him write!

Anton Easy to say - write. What if it doesn't work?

Dima What do you mean it won't work! It should work! In short, we have decided. Anton until tomorrow he will write a congratulation, and I will read it. And all things. And now you can play football.

Anton What about a gift?

Dima . Which present?

Anton Like what? Did you receive a gift on February 23rd? Received.

Valera . Exactly, `pigtails` tried! But what are we to do?

Egor I have a suggestion. Let's buy 20 packs of ice cream, 20 cakes, 10 bottles of lemonade, 2 kilograms of sweets, and more buns, shortcakes, donuts and...

Dima . And we'll eat it all.

Valera . Well you Dimka , give! Let's eat! Let's eat... Let's eat? Well, that's an interesting thought. Maybe, really?

Anton . Are you both? (Twisting a finger at the temple).

Dima And Valera (together). What about?

Egor What will you eat?

Valera . Egor right! Why would we buy all this in order to eat it with a clear conscience? We don't have that much money!

(The boys are silent, thoughtful.)
Dima . So what's left for us to do?

Anton It remains to refer to objective difficulties and confine ourselves to verbal congratulations. In prose.

Dima . Are there other opinions?

(Everyone is silent .)
Dima . There are no other opinions. Then home.

The boys come out and read poetry.

Boy 1. Dima

Long live the girls, with pigtails and without!
May the sun smile at you from blue skies!

Boy 2. Valera

Long live skinny!
Long live fatties!
Everyone who has earrings and freckles on his nose!

Boy 3. Anton

And in the class you - fives!
And at home to you - praise!
So that all film actors fall in love on the spot!

boy 4. Egor

Well, anyway, congratulations!
And please don't get angry.
Not everyone succeeds
To be born boys.

A song is performed to the motive "I won't brag, dear," (music by B. Mokrousov).

Boy 1. Dima

I confess - I will not lie,
I tell you the whole truth:
I just see
Dasha ,
Heart, I feel burning!

Boy 2. Valera

I want to tell about Vic ,
Shoulder leaning towards her,
About the weather, about football,
Yes, and you never know about anything!

Boy 3.

Christina is - the soul will rise,
Christina no, it's a sad sight!
me to
Christina so it pulls
Feelings are an impressive magnet.

boy 4.

But as soon as I see Nastya ,
I don't care about others.
In essence and in fact
Nastya not to be found!

boy 5.

I look at everything as if at an icon,
I can't take my eyes off the lovers...
Oh you
Vika , our Vika ,
How I love you!

boy 6.

But when will it pass Christina ,
Glancing at my outfit,
I feel my heart
Everything pricks and hurts!

boy 7.

We also eat Nastya
I'm telling you the truth.
Oh you
Nastya our Nastya ,
I send my hot hello!

Performance classes for girls .

Dima 1. Today we are like dandies,
In front of you at the blackboard
But more beautiful than our girls
We still didn't!

Valera 2 . You are beautiful like stars.
And eyes sparkle with fire.
And your smiles are cute
Block out the sun during the day!

Anton 3. You are so nice to us!
You girls are simply awesome!
That's why we all want
Be like you!

Egor 4. We wish you only happiness,
And let's tell you a secret:
Our girls are more beautiful
Not in the whole school!

Boys give gifts to girls


Congratulations on the bright sun
With the song of a bird and with a stream.
Congratulations on the best
The most feminine day in the world!

Student Christina

We wish our mothers
Never lose heart
Every year to be more beautiful
And scold us less.

Student Valera

We wish you dear
Always be healthy
So that you live a long, long time
Never getting old!

Student Christina

May adversity and sorrow
Will bypass you
So that every day of the week
It was like a day off for you!

Student Anton

We want no reason
They would give you flowers.
Men would smile
Everything from your beauty.

Student Nastya

Let the sun shine for you
Lilac blooms only for you
And let it last for a long time
The most feminine day in the world!

Vika We wish you all today
Health, vivacity for many years.
And you are so kind
Stay forever.

Presentation of gifts.


Thank you for listening to us!


And they helped us diligently!


Thank you all for your attention. The concert is over.



Zakirzyanova Liliya Faridovna

Leading. : Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the holiday of spring, joy and beauty - International Women's Day on March 8th. The most beautiful and touching word in the world is mother. This is the first word that the baby utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that everyone can do. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for children never goes out. Our dear women, let me sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, stamina and patience, peace and longevity, as well as always good mood!

How are you, dear mothers?
It's not easy, because there is so much trouble,
But used to keep your back straight
Love doesn't let you down.
The love that is called family
The love that is in the eyes of a child
We are the only star shining
And warm like a shawl on the shoulders!
Spring to you joyful and tender,
Happy days and pink dreams
Let March give you even snowy
Your smiles and flowers.
And what is love without hugs
And what is love without love?
Smile to us, dear mothers
After all, for you all the flowers bloomed

Every year at the beginning of March
They talk about miracles.
We do not sit at the desk,
And snowdrops - in the forests.

All shop windows
Decorated in spring
Men running everywhere
Looking forward to a special weekend!

The planet will celebrate
The best holiday on earth.
I'm waiting for your answer, friends -
Help me remember!
Waiting for his start today
Ladies' Holiday...

All participants of the holiday (in chorus ). March 8!!!

Student: Happy spring holiday
In this bright hour
mothers relatives,

Student: Spring walks through the yards
In rays of heat and light.
Today is the holiday of our mothers,
And we enjoy it.

Student: This feast of obedience,
Congratulations and flowers.
devotion, adoration,
Holiday of the best words.

Student: Drops of sunlight
We bring home today
We give to grandmothers and mothers

Chorus: Congratulations on Women's Day.

Student: At a dark night it is light for me,
On a frosty day I feel warm
If mom is around
Looks with tender eyes.

Student: The sun is brighter for me - mom!

Student: Peace and happiness for me - mom!

Student: The noise of the branches, the flowers of the fields - mom!

Student: The call of flying cranes is mother!

Student: The water in the spring is clean - mom!

Teacher: Dear mothers, please accept this performance as a gift from us.

mother's song song

With the first ray of spring comes a holiday,

The sun teases us with warmth.

And I give this song to my mother!

Mom mom,

The birds sing, I sing along with them,

And I give this song to my mother!

Honey, let the spring warm you

Mommy, I probably won't be able to.

How I love you, good!

Mom mom,

A simple song to tell you, dear,

How I love you, good!

Excuse me, I'm stubborn

May you have the strength for everything mom.

Mom mom,

May from your most tender smile,

This huge world will become brighter!

Four girls take the stage. In their hands they have sewing, knitting, dishes.

The girls talk among themselves.

1. Mom cooks, mom sews,
And he drives a car
And mom pours coins -
Not at home - at the factory!
Women need to know
Do everything in the world
How can they get everywhere?
Tell me, kids!
2. Maybe, like in the series,
We hire housekeepers
For them to wash their clothes
Would make the bed
3. They cleaned the house cleanly
And went to the store
Played all day with the kids...

All together 1 and 2 (surprised). And for mom?

3. And for mom - a limousine!
Let the family rest
He travels everywhere with his dad...

Girls 1 and 2 (in chorus).

Well, enough talk!
One can only dream of this.

Our mothers did not fit
Live like in these series.
Mom's life, though not honey,
But things are moving forward!

They give us warmth and affection,
From their smiles light.
Our mothers are just a fairy tale!
Warms their souls warmly.

Get up without an alarm clock
The book is revered
Sing a lullaby
Gently caress.

Leading. But on the day of March 8, we congratulate not only our mothers, but also the oldest women in the house - grandmothers. And we say a big thank you to them for their kindness, affection, care, attention, for the love they give to their grandchildren.

Mom has a job
Dad has a job.
They have Saturday left for me.
Grandma is always at home!
She never scolds me!
Seat, feed: Yes, do not rush,
Well, what happened to you, tell me.
I speak, but my grandmother does not interrupt,
Grains of buckwheat sits, sorting through.
We're good like this together,
What is home without grandma?

Not anxious at work mom
Cheerful childish voices.
After all, they always look after the kids
Kind, tired eyes.

My grandmother is with me
And that means I'm the boss in the house!
I can open cupboards
Watering flowers with kefir
Play pillow football
And clean the floor with a towel...
Can I eat cake with my hands
Slam the door on purpose!
But it won't work with my mom...
I already checked!

My grandmother and I are old friends.

What a good grandmother!

There are so many stories

What not to count

And there is always something new in stock!

But grandmother's hands are just a treasure!

Hands do not order grandmother to be idle.

Golden, dexterous, how I love them!

No, you probably won't find others like them!

We love grandma very much

We are very friendly with her.

With a good, kind grandmother

Have fun guys!

There are many different songs

In the world about everything.

And now we have a song for you

Let's sing about grandma!

(song about grandma)

Grandma's pancake song

What a grandmother has - delicious pancakes!
What delicious cakes mommy has!
And for this grandmother, and for this mom
I will give the first flowers for the holiday!

No, boredom-grandmother's hands do not know!
And my mother does not know rest
And for this grandmother, and for this mom
I have the most respect in the world!

Happy spring holiday, I congratulate you!
I sing a spring song for you
I promise to be obedient all day long
Because I love you very, very, very much!

Leading. On this day we congratulate mothers, grandmothers, sisters. Did you forget to congratulate anyone? Of course, we must congratulate our beautiful girls!

(Participants of the dramatization `Knights from the class` appear on the stage - five boys with briefcases. After class, they gathered in the school yard and decided to discuss how best to congratulate the girls from their class on March 8)
Munir. So, guys, tomorrow is March 8th and we should discuss how best to congratulate our girls on the holiday. What will be the proposals?
Camille. And what is there to think long! You, Munir, before the lessons you will go to the blackboard and say that we ... that on such a day ... well, in general, you will congratulate them and the matter is over.
Munir. It's easy to say congratulations. What will I tell them?
Azat. Munir is right, we need to come up with a good congratulation. And preferably in verse. After all, they congratulated us on February 23! What are we, face in the dirt to hit?!
Ilyas. And what if we have them in verse! Salavat knows how, let him write!
Salavat. Easy to say - write. What if it doesn't work?
Munir. What do you mean it won't work! It should work! In short, we have decided. Slavik will write a congratulation until tomorrow, and I will read it. And all things. And now you can play football.

Camille. What about a gift?
Munir. Which present?
Camille. Like what? Did you receive a gift on February 23rd? Received.
Azat. Exactly, `pigtails` tried! But what are we to do?
Ilyas. I have a suggestion. Let's buy 20 packs of ice cream, 20 cakes, 10 bottles of lemonade, 2 kilograms of sweets, and more buns, shortcakes, donuts and...
Salavat. And we'll eat it all.
Ilyas. Well, you, Salavat, give! Let's eat! Let's eat... Let's eat? Well, that's an interesting thought. Maybe, really?
Munir. Are you serious? Eat?
Ilyas and Salavat (together). What about?
Munir. What will you eat?
Azat. Munir is right! Why would we buy all this in order to eat it with a clear conscience? We don't have that much money!
(The boys are silent, thoughtful.)
Munir. So what's left for us to do?
Azat. It remains to refer to objective difficulties and confine ourselves to verbal congratulations. In prose.
Munir. Are there other opinions?
(Everyone is silent.)
Munir. There are no other opinions. Then home.

The boys come out and read poetry.

Boy 1.

Long live the girls, with pigtails and without!
May the sun smile at you from blue skies!

Boy 2.

Long live skinny!
Long live fatties!
Everyone who has earrings and freckles on his nose!

Boy 3.

And in the class you - fives!
And at home to you - praise!
So that all film actors fall in love on the spot!

boy 4.

Well, anyway, congratulations!
And please don't get angry.
Not everyone succeeds
To be born boys.

The song "From what, from what"

    Are our girls done?
    From flowers and bells,
    From notebooks and glances
    Our girls are done!
    Our girls are done!

    From what, from what, from what?
    2. From what, from what, from what?
    Are our girls done?
    From handkerchiefs and balls,
    Of riddles and marmalade
    Our girls are done!
    Our girls are done!...

You are beautiful like stars
And eyes sparkle with fire.
And your smiles are cute
Block out the sun during the day!

You are so nice to us!
You girls are simply awesome!
That's why we all want
Be like you!

We wish you only happiness.
And let's tell you a secret:
Our girls are more beautiful
Not in the whole school!

The boys sing ditties.

1. We sit in the classroom
And look at the girls
And beautiful and smart -
It's better not to find it.

3. There is a magazine on the table,
Well, there are fives in it.
Because in our class
Smart girls.

4. Lucky for you girls
You are already happy
Because we are with you
Most beautiful.

5. The river runs fast,
Clean to the core.
Our girls' smiles
Bright as the sun.

6. Why are we all dancing here,
Why are we eating here?
Because all the girls
Happy Women's Day!

We are fun guys
Congratulations girls
Happy women's holiday of spring -
Tenderness and beauty!
We read and count
Sometimes we get two.
We wish you only five
receive in the classroom.
We are all accustomed to order.
In the morning we do exercises,
To grow strong
And, if necessary, save you.
We all respect elders
We don't hate girls.
We want to be friends with you
Treasure this friendship.
We finish reading poems for you,
Better to become you promise:
So that with time you
Pride was born for us!!!
Then the boys give the girls gifts-souvenirs.

What a gift for mom
We will give on Women's Day?
There are many for this
Fantastic ideas.

After all, prepare a surprise for mom
- It is very interesting…
We'll knead the dough in the tub
Or wash the chair.

Well, I'm a gift to my mother
I'll paint the closet with flowers
It would be nice if the ceiling ...
Too bad I'm not tall.

Girls and boys,
Let's go with you
Say thanks to grandma
Thank you mom.
For songs and stories
For trouble and kindness,
For delicious cheesecakes,
For new toys.

For books and counting rhymes,
For skis and jump ropes,
For sweet jam
For long patience.

Children (in chorus). Thank you!

May the sun shine brightly for you,
Let the birds chirp outside the window!
So that not only the day of the Eighth of March
Every day was considered your day!

Congratulations to you lovely women: mothers, grandmothers, girls!

1. Poem by E. Uspensky “If I were a girl”

1 boy:

If I were a girl
I wouldn't waste time
I wouldn't jump on the street
I'd wash my shirts.

2 boy:

I would wash the floor in the kitchen,
I would sweep the room.

3 boy:

I would wash cups, spoons,
I would peel the potatoes myself.

1 boy:

All my own toys
I would put it in place.

2 boy:

Why am I not a girl?
I would love to help my mom!

3 boy: Mom would have said:

All:“Well done, son!”

"My mom is the best in the world"

You wake me up at dawn
Gently touch your hair
As always kiss loving
And a smile will warm me.

And calm and light.

And I sing about it, my mother.

My mom is the best in the world

How I love the warmth of her hands.
Mom, mom, my mom.
Mom, mom, my mom.

You will always understand and forgive everything.
I know you don't sleep at night.
Because you love me.
Because I am your daughter.

When you are next to me, I feel warm
And calm and light.
In the whole world, only we - you and me
And I sing about it, my mother.

My mom is the best in the world
She shines for me like the sun shines in my life.
Mom is the best friend in the world.
How I love the warmth of her hands.
Mom, mom, my mom.
Mom, mom, my mom.4. Chastushki

Scene "Assistant".

Vova is crying thinly
And rubs his eyes with his fist:
- I'm not your girl anymore.
I won't go for milk.

Mom looks without a smile:
- Well, you're making a mistake.
You won't help me
- I won't let you walk.
Look, he thought:
- Well, give me your can.

Vova is sad and insulting,
He walks sideways.

Maybe it won't be seen

All the cans behind.

Uncle with long mustache

Tall like a father
He smiled: - It can be seen that you are helping your mother?

Well done!
Aunt girl in Panama says:

Take an example!
Boy helps mom

- A real gentleman.
And no longer side
Vova walked home proudly.

Though I walked up the stairs,
Didn't spill milk.

Mom, what else to buy? I can go now!

IN : Hello, dear friends! Today we have gathered to congratulate all grandmothers, mothers and girls on the upcoming Women's Day. March 8 is the most beautiful holiday of spring. We dedicate all our smiles, songs, poems to you, our dear ones!

1. For you, dear mothers!

2. Lovely, for you!

3. The concert is cheerful, festive

4. We will arrange now!

1. Our concert is dedicated to you, dear mothers!

2. The sun smiles at you in spring, dear mothers!

3. Birds have composed a sonorous song just for you.

4. We wish you, mothers, that you live happily!

With the first flowers in this bright hour.

Mothers are dear, kind, dear.

Children all over the world congratulate you!

6. Mom is an expensive word.

In that word, warmth and light,

Our mothers - our greetings!


7. More and more sunbeams

Now they are looking at us.

They are caught by girls and boys,

To color the holiday of mothers.

8. Our own mother

Happy Women's Day!

And a song about mom

Today we will sing.

9. About mine and about yours,

About yours and mine.

About loved ones and relatives,

About our dear mothers.


10. Today is a bright holiday

We gathered with flowers.

All congratulations for children

To you, your beloved mother.

11. Let the wrinkles smooth out

Under the kind eyes

Let there be laughs

Gentle, harmless.

12. We will grow up - we will part.

We will become adults

But always with respect

Let's go to my beloved mother.

13. Today is mother's holiday.

I woke up a little light

Put on the table

Snowdrops bouquet.

Made up the bed

Removed from the apartment.

I was in a hurry

Finish all things.

And then mom woke up

And she laughed, “Oh!

From where in our house

Does it suddenly smell like spring?

Grabbed, swirled

Around the room me:

Thanks, I didn't forget

You are mother's day!"

Scene "wonderful broom"

Mom came back late

I looked around, surprised.

Houses are clean everywhere

Homes are just beautiful!

How wonderful: not a speck,

Not a speck, not a speck of dust.

This is who is so clean floor

Swept in our room?

We spread our hands here

And they said in chorus to mom:

“This is our broom,

He is magical, not easy!

Mystery. She loves children. Always kind and caring. When you want, buy something tasty. Never scolds, always in a hurry to help. She is my father's or my mother's mother.

Mom came back late

I looked around, surprised.

Houses are clean everywhere

Homes are just beautiful!

How wonderful: not a speck,

Not a speck, not a speck of dust.

This is who is so clean floor

Swept in our room?

We spread our hands here

And they said in chorus to mom:

“This is our broom,

He is magical, not easy!

16. My grandmother and I are true friends,

What a good grandma.

There are so many fairy tales that you can’t count,

And there is always a new one in stock.

But grandmother's hands are just a treasure!

Hands do not order grandmother to be idle.

Golden, dexterous,

How I love them!

No, you probably won't find others like them!

Song "Grandma"

Mystery . He can drive a car or a motorcycle. Knows how to cook, but does not always want to do it. He is strong. He promised to carry his mother in his arms. Who is this?

17. Today we lost our feet:

We make a cake with dad.

Mom - congratulations

For tea - a treat.

Dad rolled out the dough

I put stuffing in there.

So we worked together

Even the hands are in the dough.

The house smells of pie -

Mom's holiday enters the house.

Congratulations mom

We give her a cake.

18. Do not recognize dad today:

He came - and suddenly at the door

I didn't throw my hat on the table,

And hung, as a guest.

He said: "Hey, daughter!"

And laughing this time

He kissed his mother on the cheek

And shook my grandmother's hand.

He did not hide in the newspaper,

He looked at everyone around the table.

He did not beat the cutlet with a fork,

As if someone was sitting in it.

He was better, he was simpler

Tea was poured into cups.

Even the grandmother is not mother-in-law,

And he called me mommy.

I asked my mother quietly:

"Mom, what happened to him?"

"On Women's Day," said my mother,

Dad should be like this."

It's not clear to me

Maybe an adult will understand?

Is dad uncomfortable

Be good all year long?

Song "Dad can do anything"

19. We congratulate our girls,

We wish you happiness, good luck, health.

We would dance separately for each

Only we dance very unimportantly.

20. If we teased you offensively,

Honestly, we are very ashamed.

And not out of anger, but out of habit

They often pulled your pigtails.

21. Even a boy can hit:

It hurt, of course, but not too much.

We are all bullies, you know,

But we won't hurt you anymore!


1. Our dear mothers,

Happy Women's Day!

We will dance for you now

And let's sing ditties.

2. Self clean once a year

I decided the frying pan

And then four days

They couldn't wash me.

Swept the floor three times

And on the ninth

I did not take the broom in my hands.

4. Me for the doll all day

It's not too lazy to sew a mitten.

My brother praised me:

"You quickly sewed a bathrobe."

5. Smoked pan

Katya cleaned with sand.

Three hours in a trough of soap

Katya grandmother later.

6. I found a broom in the kitchen

And swept the whole apartment,

But left of him

Three straws in total.

7. We tried: trash broke,

They washed and baked.

That made moms happy!

It's a pity that we dreamed everything.

IN : Mother! The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never goes out in it. And no matter how old you are - 5 or 50 - you always need a mother, her affection, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the happier and brighter her life.


For girls

Do you know fairy princesses.

Who told tales to the Sultan for 1001 nights?

The little girl who slept in a nutshell.

Pinocchio's friend.

Snow granddaughter of Santa Claus.

What was the name of the girl who saved her brother from the Snow Queen's palace?

For grandmothers.

All full of holes and evil,

And such a bite.

Only her grandmother gets along with her:

Her sides and rubs and strokes. (grater)

From the hot well

Water flows through the nose.

Mal Erofeiko,

Belted shortly

On the floor, hop-hop,

He swept up and sat in a corner.

House without windows and closed

And it's cold inside

If a cat sits next to

So the cat is hungry.

Whoever goes - everyone pulls her by the handle. (door)

The most caring mom.

I'll just say the word "three" -

Take the prize immediately.

Once we caught a pike

Ripped open, but inside.

Small fish were seen

Yes, not one, but whole ... two.

Dreaming boy tempered

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command 1, 2 ... start!

When you want to remember poetry

They do not bison until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

One, two, or better… five.

Newly train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, you missed the prize,

When it was possible to take.



Did not expect,

That someone will be able to take the prize!

Who will name more flowers.

Do you know fairy tales?

What did the queen say from Pushkin's fairy tale, looking into a magic mirror?

What and where was the death of Koshchei the Deathless?

Sing the song Kolobok.

What rivers, with what banks flow in a magical land?

Name all the heroes of A. Volkov's book who visited the Emerald City.

What did the girl Zhenya say when she tore off a petal from a seven-flowered flower?

What were the names of the fox and the cat in the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio"?