How to crochet a small voluminous heart. How to crochet a heart or cozy valentines with your own hands. Crocheted heart

An indispensable element of decor for Valentine's Day is, of course, a heart. Your attention is invited to three options for hearts, made in a similar style, but associated with the use of different techniques and a different number of rows. The first row of all hearts is knitted approximately the same with slight variations. And the second and third rows describe in detail how to carefully tie a heart for those who have not yet learned how to count loops well on their own. For knitting hearts, you will need any yarn of medium thickness or thick, hook No. 3.5 - 5.5, depending on the thickness of the thread. In principle, you can also knit from fine yarn, then you get smaller hearts. 1. Let's start with a heart, which fits in just one row. It looks like this. Cast on 5 chs, work 1 C3H in the first loop of the chain (the first from the initial knot or the last from the hook). Continue to knit in the same loop: 2 CH, 3 CH, (left side of the heart is ready) 1 ch, 1 C2H, 1 ch, (pointing is connected) 3 CH, 2 C2H, 2 C3H. (to form the right side) Finish the heart with 2 VP and a connecting column in the first loop of the initial chain, which by this point has become the center of the heart. Next, you can pull up the loop and cut the thread or knit 25 VP to form a loop. Abbreviations used: c.p. - chain sc - single crochet PS - half double crochet CH - double crochet C2H - double crochet C3H - triple crochet SS - connecting stitch Description translated from the blog 12/make-cute-heart-decorations.html 2. Heart of 2 rows. 4 vp, conn. Art. in the first c.p. to form a ring, ch 3, continue to knit in a ring: 2 C2H, 3 CH, 1 ch, 1 C2H, 1. ch, 3 CH, 3 C2H, 2 ch, SS into the ring. 2 row 3 ch, 2 RLS, 2 RLS from 1 loop, 3 RLS, for sharpening, perform in the column of the first row located between the VP: 2 RLS, 1 ch, 2 RLS, 3 RLS, 2 Sc from 1st loop, 2 sc, to complete 2 ch, sl-st. Description taken from 3. Heart of 3 rows. 1 row 4 ch, then all the time knit in the first loop of the chain (the first from the initial knot or the last from the hook): 3 C2H, 3 CH, 1 ch, 1 C2H, 1. ch, 3 CH, 3 C2H, ch 2, SS. 2 row 3 ch lift, 1 RLS and 1 PS in the first column, in the next column - 3 PS, in the next. loop - 2 PS, on the 1st RLS in the next 4 loops, 1 ch, RLS in the column of sharpening the heart, 1 ch, 4 RLS, 2 PS from one loop, 3 PS in the next. column, 1 PS and 1 RLS in the next loop, 3 ch. and SS to the center. 3 row 3 ch, 1 RLS in the upper lifting loop of the previous row, 2 RLS in the next. column, 1 sc, 2 sc in one loop, then knit sc to the column, sharpening the heart, ch 1, 5 sc, 1 sc in the next. column, 2 sc in the next. loop, RLS in the next. column, 2 sc in the next. loop, ch 3, sl-st in the center of the heart.

Even in ancient times, the heart was a symbol of all emotions, and much later it became associated exclusively with love. Probably, it was then that the heart became a symbol of the day of all lovers - St. Valentine's Day.

In fact, the heart is our main organ and the basis of our body and all life. It is not known for certain why the heart became associated with love, but there are several versions on this topic.

This symbol is simple and unique in its meaning, which has come down to us from ancient times. No matter how they laughed at these squiggles, she was and remains the most powerful emblem of love. All the main symbolic forms were concentrated in it, which, of course, could not but affect its meaning: the symbol "heart" became multifaceted, universal, suitable in meaning to many different everyday situations.

What does the heart mean to us today?

Today we see hearts everywhere: on women's accessories, children's things and toys, New Year's toys, wherever we would like to feel love and recognition, the warmth of relationships. Many people want to receive love and warmth from women, we see our reflection in children and are ready to sacrifice everything for them, on New Year's holidays it is customary to unite families and celebrate the New Year with our loved ones.

Today we invite you to tie this unrealistically warm and kind symbol of love with your own hands and give it to your loved ones. Perhaps a homemade heart will help you express your feelings for the first time or, on the contrary, consolidate them. On Valentine's Day, and just for the occasion, you can give your loved ones a beautiful voluminous large one, the size of a pillow, or a small cute heart knitted with knitting needles.

Knitting a heart is not difficult, even beginner needlewomen will cope with this task.

How to knit a heart with knitting needles, ideas and descriptions from the Internet

The heart is a symbol of love and fidelity. Do you want to give such a symbol to your loved one? Tie it together with us with knitting needles.

interesting selection on the site 37 children's models only

For knitting you will need: soft yarn and knitting needles of the right size. For this sample, a thick yarn was used, which has a composition of 51% wool and 49% acrylic, and knitting needles No. 8. You will also need scissors and an embroidery needle.

Knit in garter stitch (front and back rows - front loops), start knitting from the top.

The finished heart can be used as a valentine, gift decoration, key chain or clothing patch. And if you tie two hearts, stuff it with padding polyester and sew it on the sides, you get a voluminous heart!

Master class on knitting a heart

  • Difficulty: below average
  • Working time: 1 hour
  • Materials: yarn, knitting needles, master class

Black heart knitting

Today I will tell you about my method of knitting a heart with knitting needles. Of course, there are others, but I liked this one the most :) I think it is perfect for those who are just learning to knit with knitting needles. I hope you will like it.

We will need:

  • 3 knitting needles (or 2 knitting needles and a large pin);
  • Needle;
  • Threads;
  • A piece of foam rubber (you can use stuffing);
  • Scissors;
  • Cast on 40 stitches.

How to crochet a simple heart-shaped scrunchie

Necessary materials:

  • Yarn Pekhorka Children's novelty
  • Hosiery knitting needles No. 1.75
  • Filler (holofiber or sintepukh)
  • Wide eye sewing needle

Finished product size: 6.5 by 6.5 cm.


  • Pink or red yarn
  • Two double knitting needles 3.75 mm
  • Filler (synthetic winterizer)
  • Knitting needle

I suggest you tie a shy cat in love :) He will purr serenades in his ear, love you forever and wait for reciprocity.

The toy is knitted in the round, on four toe knitting needles. The head, upper and lower legs are movable, on threaded hinges.

Pillow - heart knitting yarn Grass

Description of the heart pillow with knitting needles

For work you will need: knitting needles (the thicker the better) I have No. 5-6, yarn grass like YarnArt Samba and any filler.

Cast on 3 sts on needles and purl all rows, yarn over at the beginning of each row.
Knit until there are 42 loops on the needle. If you want a larger pillow,
Next, knit only on half of the loops (21 p.), Transfer the remaining loops (21 p.) to the needle-pin. Knit the first half of the loops, decreasing as follows: cast off 2 loops at the beginning of each row until 9 loops remain on the needle. Cast off these 9 stitches in one
Tie the second piece of the pillow in the same way. Place both pillow pieces together and sew, leaving a small opening for stuffing. Stuff a pillow.

The scheme of this pattern can be used on any other clothing - mittens, gloves, hat and sweater.

Openwork patterns “Heart” with knitting needles, knitting patterns

Knitting openwork hearts.

1. Small hearts.
These two small hearts can be part of a pattern or serve as a separate pattern.

2. Pico heart.
The double "eyes" of which the heart is made, themselves have the outlines of the heart. They are connected as follows: 1 out., 1 persons. from a double crochet instead of the usually knitted 1 person., 1 out.

3. Pierced heart.
Yarn additions and their accompanying decreases help create the shape of the heart while embellishing it.

Knitting heart knitting pattern

Mesh hearts look spectacular against the background of the front surface

The answer to the question of how to crochet a heart depends on the purpose of its use. If you need an application element, then this will be one way, but if you want to get a three-dimensional version, then it is better to choose a different manufacturing method.

There are quite a few different, simple and complex ways to knit hearts. We will talk about a few with which you can easily crochet crocheted hearts. The schemes are simple and accessible. Which one you choose is up to you.

The easiest and fastest option

The first photo shows an example of a crocheted heart. This is the fastest and easiest option that even a child can knit. It can be a small crochet heart, a medium size or a large one. Any of them are knitted in the same pattern.

Its manufacture begins with knitting a square with single crochets. What could be easier? We knit a chain of 9 air loops, and then continue to work with single crochets. It is necessary to connect 9 rows (this is an approximate number). Depending on the yarn used, it may need more or less, the main thing is to end up with a square.

Now we unfold the work in such a way as if we are going to continue knitting the next row. We make two crochets and knit 10 in the middle loop of the side of the square, alternating them with air loops. Next, you need to make a half-column in the corner of the square, and then on the next side, repeat the knitting of the columns with two crochets. That's all! Your heart is ready. Crocheting in this way, as noted above, allows you to make hearts of different sizes, from very small to large. The size will directly depend on the parameters of the associated square base. And, of course, do not forget to knit more double crochet stitches if you increase the size. For a harmonious appearance in a large specimen, it will be necessary to increase the number of crochets in the columns.

To crochet a voluminous heart, you can use several options. It can be solid knitting with or without double crochets, or openwork knitting. In both cases, you need to knit two identical halves that will be sewn together. It is due to this technique that volume will be created.

Below is a knitting pattern for a heart that explains how to crochet a heart. Knitting begins with three air loops, in the middle of which three single crochets are knitted. Further, according to the scheme, additions are made by knitting two columns into one loop. Decrease is done by leaving the loop of the previous row untied where necessary (according to the scheme).

You need to connect two identical halves of the heart. You can use single crochet or double crochet, as in the next photo.

The next stage involves the connection of two parts into one whole voluminous heart. This can be done using a needle and thread, or with a hook. You can fill a heart with ordinary cotton wool, or with more modern materials, such as holofiber.

If you want to knit a voluminous heart, but with an openwork knit, then this option is also possible.

But the volume in this case will be created at the expense of airspace. The finished heart must be starched and dried using a suitable form. Satin ribbons can be used as decorative elements for this heart.

As for the first volumetric version, made in solid knitting, you can give it originality and sophistication by finishing around the entire perimeter, for example, using the technique of knitting rings from air loops or double crochets. Just in the next photo, a variant of a yellow heart with decoration is presented.

How to crochet a heart, now you know, but how to use such a decorative ornament, decide for yourself. It can be a Christmas toy or a needle bed. Perhaps you will come up with other original applications.

Potholder or hot plate in the shape of a heart

The next option for knitting a heart is suitable for using the product as a hot stand or potholders. It knits very easily and quickly. After reading the description below, you will quickly figure out how to crochet a heart.

Knitting begins with air loops connected in a ring. Further, double crochets are knitted into the middle of the ring until they completely fill the inner space. The next row is also knitted with double crochets. But the third one will be different from the previous ones, and the knitting technique will change. We will continue knitting not in a circle, but first in one direction, then in the other. In the lower part of the heart we will knit single crochets, and in the upper part with a crochet, and for greater expressiveness, you can also use double crochets. The last column of each row must be knitted without a crochet. This way you will get a heart shape. In order to increase the size of the heart, it is necessary to knit a larger number of circular rows at the beginning of work, and then continue knitting in the manner described above.

Napkin from openwork hearts

A napkin made of openwork hearts can serve as a beautiful and refined interior decoration. For knitting its elements, the method described first is used.

You need to tie four identical hearts. Then we finish them, tying around the perimeter in the following way. In the lower part we alternate double crochets and air loops, in the upper part - two double crochets with one air loop.

The next row will be done like this: four air loops, one half-column, which joins through one loop. This is the last row. After its completion, you can proceed to the connection of hearts with each other. The photo shows in which part you need to make the connection. To do this, you can use a thin hook and thread to match the napkin or needle. The finished napkin must be starched. By tying several of these napkins, you can beautifully serve the festive table. Guests will definitely pay attention to your diligence and skillful hands.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, souvenirs, gifts and crafts in the form of hearts become especially relevant. And if we are all used to the paper version of the symbol of love, then such a sign of attention as a knitted heart is already a more original version of a do-it-yourself valentine.

If you already know how to crochet a heart, then here are at least 10 options where you can apply it:

  1. The heart can be used as a keychain or fridge magnet.
  2. It can be used to decorate a flower pot (by planting it on a thick, strong stick fixed inside the bouquet or flower stems).
  3. Crocheted hearts with a special eyelet can be hung on furniture handles, on various hooks, i.e. used as a cute interior detail.
  4. Several multi-colored knitted hearts can be laid out in a glass vase at once - elegantly and modernly. Or such home-made gizmos can be a decoration of the festive table, one has only to arrange them in an interesting way between dishes.
  5. Having fixed a piece of Velcro on the back of the heart, you can attach it to clothes as a symbol of involvement in the holiday.
  6. The heart can be embroidered with a bead or beads, decorated with braid or lace, making it a real little work of art.
  7. You can make a funny little man with arms and legs and a heart-shaped base. Kids will love this surprise.
  8. You can embroider a muzzle on a knitted heart, and let her emotions be an expression of your feelings.
  9. Sewn on lace wings will make such a souvenir more touching.
  10. Finally, a knitted heart in itself can be a self-sufficient valentine.

For those who do not know how to crochet a heart, do not worry. It is easy to do, the process itself will take a little time. When working, we focus on the size of 5.5 by 6 cm.


  • Hook (ideal size - 3.5)
  • Yarn (100% acrylic)

You can choose the yarn for knitting a future souvenir yourself, but you should choose the right hook size for it.

So, to crochet a heart, first we make a magic ring. To do this, we begin to knit a lifting column - three air loops.

Then we connect them with the lifting column into the upper (third) air loop.

And again we knit a lifting column - this, as we remember, is three air loops.

After that, we again knit a chain of three air loops and, using a half-column without a crochet, connect them to the lower (first) loop of the lifting column.

Now we vertically knit a half-column without a crochet between the columns of the inner circle of the heart.

We must knit a circle, and then connect to the beginning of knitting (using a half-column without a crochet).

After this stage, we knit along the contour of our heart according to the scheme: 1 single crochet, 2 single crochet in a loop, 1 single crochet, 2 single crochet in one loop, etc.

Now we need to form a pico: at the bottom of the heart (where two double crochets are knitted), we carefully knit 1 loop into the first double crochet, then 3 air loops, connect the third loop to the first with a half-column without a crochet.

We knit one loop in the next double crochet and continue (as before) to alternate: 2 single crochet, 1 single crochet, 2 single crochet, 1 double crochet, etc.

With three columns without a crochet, we tie the last column of the rise, cut the thread, pull it out of the last loop, connect it with the beginning of the first column of the rise.

There is a place for such a cute souvenir in every home. You can sew on a looped rope - and you get an original pendant or keychain. And if there is a girl in the house, then she will certainly take the voluminous crocheted heart into her possession: her dolls definitely cannot do without such a pillow! And in our master class, we give a detailed description and step-by-step photos, according to which you can easily crochet three-dimensional hearts of any shape and in any quantity!

To crochet a voluminous heart, you will need:

yarn (preferably acrylic);

suitable size hook;

filler (silicone, synthetic winterizer or holofiber);

thread to match the yarn;

Crocheted voluminous heart: job description

We start knitting with one of the tops of the heart.

1 row. Around the sliding ring of amigurumi - 7 single crochet.

2 row. 2 single crochets in each loop of the previous row. It turned out 14 loops.

3, 4 rows. Without increments - we knit with single crochets (14 loops). Close the row with a connecting loop, cut the thread.

In the same way, we knit the second top of a voluminous knitted heart, only we do not cut the thread, but continue to knit.

5 row. We continue to knit around the first tip. We knit 13 single crochets (in total, as we remember, there were 14 loops in the row), then we knit 13 single crochets around the second “hat” (thus, one loop at each top remains untied). The total number was 26 loops.

6 row. Columns without a crochet, without addition. 26 loops.

7 row. Single crochet; reaching the end, cut one loop. Having reached the second end, also cut one loop. Knit a row. 26 loops - 2 = 24 loops.

How to make cuts? To prevent holes from forming, we pull out from two successive columns of the previous row along the loop - and then we knit three loops together.

You may also be interested in a master class on bookmarks.

8-16 rows. Like 7th.

When the hole remains small, fill it with filler.

17 row. We cut every other loop until the hole is closed. We fix the thread, cut it, fill it inward.

At the top, between the tops, there is a hole left, it needs to be sewn up. If you decide to make a voluminous knitted heart as a pendant, immediately sew a ribbon or rope into it.