Beautiful embossed patterns plus noble grey. Simple embossed knitting patterns. Interesting openwork patterns for women and girls

There is no limit to the imagination of craftswomen. They can always come up with something new - a new model, a new pattern, a new combination of colors. Therefore, knitting is still a fashionable and popular type of needlework. Both beginners and experienced knitters use embossed patterns in their work: they are easy to knit with knitting needles, but they look very beautiful in the finished product. In practice, relief patterns are an alternation of front and back loops. Drawings can be very simple and quite complex. And the result will always be great.

For knitting such patterns, smooth yarn (cotton, cotton with viscose, silk or linen blended yarn) is suitable. The thicker the yarn, the more embossed the pattern will be.

In the diagrams with a description for knitting, horizontal stripes indicate purl loops, and vertical stripes indicate front loops.

Such different diamonds

Very often there is a rhombus pattern in various versions. At the same time, its knitting technique is quite simple, but such a pattern looks very beautiful. Some types of rhombuses with diagrams will be discussed below.

One of the simplest rhombuses:

Another kind. You need to dial a multiple of 8, 4 more loops for symmetry and 2 edge loops. Even rows are knit according to the pattern. The dots indicate the purl loops, all the rest are facial.

And more diamonds:

Pattern "small openwork rhombuses":

Note! The number of loops for the pattern is a multiple of 10, plus 1 loop for symmetry and edge loops.

Pattern Description:

  • 1st row: knit 1, * knit 1, knit 2 together, knit 1, 1 yarn over, knit 1, yarn over 1, knit 1, 1 simple broach, knit 2 *;
  • 2nd and all even rows - all loops and crochets knit purl;
  • 3rd row: knit 1, * knit 2 together, knit 1, 1 yarn over, knit 3, 1 yarn over, knit 1, 1 simple broach, knit 1 *;
  • 5th row: knit 2 together, knit 1, yarn over 1, * knit 5, yarn over 1, knit 1, 1 double broach, knit 1, yarn over 1*, knit 5, yarn over, knit 1, single yarn over 1;
  • 7th row: knit 1, * yarn over 1, knit 1, 1 simple broach, knit 3, knit 2 together, knit 1, yarn over 1, knit 1 *;
  • 9th row: knit 1, * knit 1, 1 yarn over, knit 1, 1 simple broach, knit 1, knit 2 together, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2 *;
  • 11th row: 1 front, * 2 front, 1 yarn over, 1 front, 1 simple broach, 1 front, 1 yarn over, 3 front *; Repeat the pattern from the 1st to the 12th rows.

Patterns for children

Embossed patterns look charming on models knitted for children. The difference between children's relief patterns is that they must have a small repeat of the loops of the pattern itself, so that the pattern looks complete. For children, you can knit a lot of things - hats and scarves, mittens and socks, sweaters, dresses, blankets, etc. All this will look very cute.

Knitting pattern for this sweater:

Examples of relief patterns in products for children: a scarf for a girl.

Owl pattern for blouse:

Knitted socks:

Examples of unusually beautiful relief patterns:

Every needlewoman always wants to create something truly original and exclusive. Even if you think that you know how to knit perfectly, there will still be those moments that not everyone knows about. Now the choice of needlewomen is offered a wide variety of knitting patterns. You can choose what you like the most.

Types of knitting patterns and their features

The proposed collection of knitting patterns is distinguished by its beauty, versatility, practicality and variety. It is well systematized. Based on all these patterns, even the most experienced knitters will be able to create a chic creation that will delight loved ones and yourself, as well as friends all the time.

Beautiful patterns are a great opportunity to practice the technique until you personally reach the desired level of skill and can create beautiful masterpieces yourself. Airy and original patterns, as well as braids, structural patterns and weaves. All this can be used for direct knitting of summer, winter clothes for everyone. By choosing one of the patterns for work, you can feel the full pleasure of knitting.

Types of patterns: embossed, patterns of crossed loops, openwork patterns, original lazy patterns, patterns of plaits and braids and others.

So let's look at these knitting patterns like embossed. They are distinguished by their beauty and luxury. Such patterns are simple and great for all beginner needlewomen. These patterns are often loved by beginner knitters. Despite the fact that they are simple, they still look stylish and beautiful. You will be able to come up with new and incredibly beautiful patterns with their help.

There are a large number of such patterns for knitting. By simply changing the purl and front loops, you can get different effects without any problems. For example, waves, also cells, cells and others. Each option is memorable and beautiful in its own way.

Openwork patterns fascinate everyone with the variety of their options. They are incredibly beautiful. Such patterns can consist of large or rather small motifs, also differ in complex and simple texture and have a vertical, horizontal orientation.

Lazy patterns are no less chic and attractive. They are cleverly designed. Absolutely every two rows are knitted with a thread of the same color, and then they change color. A chic pattern is obtained by slightly elongated loops directly from the previous rows. For their lightness and simplicity, such patterns received the original name "lazy".

It is worth saying that knitters do not often use such patterns. Choose your favorite options, knit for your pleasure.

Every beginner needlewoman wants to master knitting. Knitting patterns will be easy if you start from the basics, so start learning needlework with the simplest patterns, and then boldly proceed to more complex and interesting options. We have collected for you a lot of interesting ideas, starting from the simplest ones.

Simple knit and purl patterns with pictures

Simple beautiful sweaters, mittens, blouses, socks, hats, cardigans, tunics, pullovers and vests are knitted with these simple patterns that even lazy needlewomen can handle. And jacquard patterns in combination with such light ones can decorate absolutely any thing.


  • 1 row: all loops are facial;
  • Row 2: Purl all stitches.

Garter knit from thick yarn with a detailed description

  • 1 row: facial;
  • 2 row: facial.

All rows are knitted with knit loops. When knitting in a circle, one row is knitted and the second row is purl.

Rice (Moss) for jackets

Popular articles:

The pattern is double-sided loose and stretchy. To complete the sample, an even number of loops are cast on the knitting needles.

  • Further Thus, the front loop lying on the knitting needle is knitted on the wrong side, and the wrong one is knitted on the front.

Hole technique

For a pattern sample, a number of loops is cast on the needles, a multiple of 12, plus 2 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: * yarn over, knit 2 loops together with the front behind the back walls (each loop is pre-turned), 10 facial *, yarn over, knit 2 loops together with the front behind the back walls;
  • Row 2 and all even rows are purl;
    3, 5, 7, 9 rows: all loops are facial;
  • 11 row: * knit 6, yarn over, knit 2 stitches together behind the back walls (the loops are pre-turned), knit 4 *, knit 2.
  • 13, 15, 17, 19 rows: all loops are facial.

Purl strips

  • 1 row: all loops are facial;
  • 2nd row: purl all loops;
  • 3 row: facial;
  • 4th row: purl;
  • 5 row: facial;
  • 6th row: purl;
  • 7th row: purl;
  • 8 row: facial.


For a pattern sample, a number of loops is cast on the knitting needles, a multiple of 12 plus 6 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1, 3, 7 and 9 rows: all loops are facial;
  • 2 and all even rows: they knit according to the pattern, that is, the loops are knitted as they lie on the knitting needle;
  • 5th row: * purl 6, knit 6 *, purl 6;
  • 11 row: * 6 facial, 6 purl *, 6 facial.
  • 13 row knit as 1 row and so on.

Simple No. 1

1 row: * 4 facial, 1 purl *; For a pattern sample, a number of loops is cast on the needles, a multiple of 5 plus 2 edge loops.

  • 2 row and all purl rows are knitted with purl loops;
  • 3rd row: * purl 1, knit 4 *;
  • 5 row: * 1 facial, 1 purl, 3 facial *;
  • 7th row: * knit 2, purl 1, knit 2 *;
  • 9th row: * knit 3, purl 1, knit 1 *.

Simple No. 2

Dense fine-knit pattern, elastic, weakly stretched both along and across. The texture resembles fabric, so it could also be attributed to fabric patterns. For the sample, an even number of loops are cast on the knitting needles.

  • 1 row: * 1 facial, 1 purl *;
  • 3rd row: * purl 1, knit 1 *;

Narrow colored diamonds

This simple pattern is knitted and purl stitched. The pattern is double-sided, it looks the same from the front and the wrong side. For a pattern sample, a number of loops is dialed, a multiple of 8, plus two edge loops.

  • 1 row: * purl 4, facial 4 *;
  • 2nd row: * purl 3, knit 4, purl 1 *;
  • 3rd row: * knit 2, purl 4, knit 2 *;
  • 4th row: * purl 1, knit 4, purl 3 *;
  • 5th row: * knit 4, purl 4 *;
  • 6 row: * purl 4, facial 4 *;
  • 7 row: * 1 facial, 4 purl, 3 facial *;
  • 8th row: * purl 2, knit 4, purl 2 *;
  • 9th row: * knit 3, purl 4, knit 1 *;
  • 10 row: * 4 facial, 4 purl *.

The pattern is repeated from the first row.

Rubber bands

There are a huge number of rubber bands that were invented by the best craftsmen.

Simple elastic band 1×1

Cast on an even number of stitches for the pattern. The elastic is knitted in the front and back in the first (main) way. The first row is knitted alternating knit and purl loops, then the knitting is turned over and the loops are knitted as they lie on the knitting needle - facial facial, purl purl.

An elastic band record with a rapport designation can be represented as follows:

  • 1 row: * 1 facial, 1 purl *;
  • 2nd row: * purl 1, knit 1 *.

Simple elastic band 3×2

For the sample, a number of loops is dialed on the knitting needles, a multiple of 5, plus 2 edge loops. The first row is knitted like this: three facial, two purl. Then the knitting is turned over and the loops are knitted as they lie on the knitting needle: facial facial, purl purl.

  • 1 row: * knit 3, purl 2 *;
  • 2 row: * 2 facial, 3 purl *.

You can create your own ribbing by alternating the tracks of knit and purl stitches in different ways.

English scarf ribbing

nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.
  • 1 row: * Yarn over (before the first loop), remove 1 loop, knit 2 loops together with the front, picking up the loops in front *; The pattern is double-sided, it is used for knitting hats, scarves and warm sportswear. English gum is quite loose and voluminous, stretches well. To knit a pattern sample on the knitting needles, a number of loops is dialed, divisible by three.
  • The 2nd row and all subsequent rows are knitted as the first, but not two loops are already knitted together, but a pair of yarn-loop.

Raised elastic band 2 x 2

Convex elastic bands look good on voluminous things. With circular knitting needles, you can knit the original snood collar, as in the Missoni collection. Seamless scarves are very popular right now.

nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.
Knit two loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from the front (top).
Remove the loop from the left to the right knitting needle. Working thread behind the needle (behind).
The absence of a loop in the diagram.
  • 1 row: * yarn over, 1 loop is removed, yarn over, 1 loop is removed, 2 loops together front, 2 loops together front *;
  • 2nd row: * yarn over, 1 loop is removed, yarn over, 1 loop is removed, 2 loops together (yarn over and loop of the previous row) knit, 2 loops together (yarn and loop of the previous row) knit *.

French elastic band for original scarves

  • 2nd row: * purl 1, knit 2, purl 1 *.


  • 1 row: * 3 front, 1 loop to remove untied, thread before work *, 3 front;
  • 2 row: 1 front, 1 loop to remove untied, thread before work, 1 front, * 2 front, 1 loop to remove untied, thread before work, 1 front *.

pearl gum

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Knit two loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from the front (behind the front wall).
nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.
The absence of a loop in the diagram.
  • 1 row: * yarn over, slip 1 loop (thread at work), knit 1 *;
  • 2nd row: * Purl 1, knit 1 stitch with double crochet *.

Scottish gum

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.
The absence of a loop in the diagram.
  • 1 row: * 2 facial, 1 purl *;
  • 2nd row: * K1, yarn over, knit 2, yarn over over the last two loops *.

Embossed patterns

Patent skittles

  • 1, 3 and - 5 rows: * 4 facial, 2 purl *, 4 facial;
  • 2nd, 4th and 6th rows: purl 4 * knit 2, purl 4 *;
  • 7th and 9th rows: purl 3 * knit 1, purl 2, knit 1, purl 2 *, purl 1;
  • 8 and 10 rows: 1 facial, * 2 facial, 1 purl, 2 facial, 1 purl *, 3 facial;
  • 11, 13, 15 rows: 3 purl, * 4 facial, 2 purl *, 1 purl;
  • 12, 14, 16 rows: 1 facial, * 2 facial, 4 purl * 3 facial.


Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Knit two loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from the front (top).
nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.
Remove the loop from the left to the right knitting needle. Working thread behind the needle (behind).
The absence of a loop in the diagram.
  • 1 row: * purl 1, knit 1 *;
  • 2 row: * purl 1, yarn over, 1 loop is removed *;
  • 3 row: * 1 front, the yarn is removed from the left to the right knitting needle without knitting (thread at the back), 1 front *;
  • 4 row: * purl 1, yarn over of the previous row is removed from itself (thread in front of the knitting needle), 1 purl *;
  • 5 row: * 2 loops knit together front, 1 purl *;
  • 6 row: * yarn over, remove the loop, purl 1;
  • 7th row: * Knit 2 loops, yarn over (thread at the back) *;
  • 8 row: * the yarn is removed from itself (the thread is in front), purl 2 *;
  • 9 row: * purl 1, knit 2 stitches together *;


  • 1st and 5th rows: all loops are facial;
  • 2nd and 6th rows: all loops are facial;
  • 3 row: * from 5 loops to form 5, 1 facial *, from 5 loops to form 5;
  • 4th and 8th rows: purl all loops;
  • 7 row: knit 3, * form 5 from 5 loops, knit 1 *, knit 2.

Inclined strips for clamp snood

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.

For the sample, a number of loops is cast on the knitting needles, a multiple of 6, plus two edge ones.

  • 1 row: * purl 1, 2 loops to cross to the right, 2 loops to cross to the left, 1 purl *;
  • 2 row: * 1 facial, 4 purl, 1 facial *;
  • 3 row: cross 2 loops to the right, cross 2 loops to the left, purl 1, * purl 1, cross 2 loops to the right, cross 2 loops to the left, purl 1 *, purl 1;
  • 4 row: 1 facial, * 1 facial, 4 purl, 1 facial *, 1 facial, 4 purl;
  • 5 row: 1 front, 2 loops cross to the left, 1 purl, * 1 purl, 2 loops to cross to the right, 2 loops to cross to the left, 1 purl * 1 purl, 1 front;
  • 6 row: 1 purl, 1 facial * 1 facial, 4 purl, 1 facial *, 1 facial, 3 purl;
  • 7 row: cross 2 loops to the left, 1 purl, * 1 purl, 2 loops to cross to the right, 2 loops to cross to the left, 1 purl *, 1 purl, 2 loops to cross to the right;
  • 8 row: 2 purl, 1 facial, * 1 facial, 4 purl, 1 facial *, 1 facial, 2 purl;
  • 9 row: 1 front, 1 purl, * 1 purl, 2 loops to cross to the right, 2 loops to cross to the left, 1 purl *, 1 purl, 2 loops to cross to the right, 1 front;
  • 10 row: 3 purl, 1 facial, * 1 facial, 4 purl, 1 facial *, 1 facial, 1 purl;
  • 11 row: purl 1, * purl 1, 2 loops to cross to the right, 2 loops to cross to the left, 1 purl *, 1 purl, 2 loops to cross to the right, 2 loops to cross to the left;
  • 12th row: Purl 4, knit 1, * knit 1, purl 4, knit 1 *, knit 1.

Embossed pattern Leaves #1

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Interception from one front and two wrong loops with a slope to the left. The 1st loop is removed forward on an additional knitting needle. The 2nd and 3rd loops are purl, and then the loop from the additional knitting needle is knitted.
Interception from one front and two wrong loops with an inclination to the right. The 1st and 2nd loops are removed back onto an additional knitting needle. The 3rd loop is knitted with the front, and then the 1st and 2nd loops from the additional knitting needles are purl.

For a pattern sample, a number of loops is cast on the needles, a multiple of 6, plus 2 edge stitches.

  • 1 row: * purl 2, knit 2, purl 2 *;
  • 2 row and all even rows knit according to the pattern;
  • 3rd row: * 2 loops are transferred to the auxiliary knitting needle at work, the 3rd loop is knitted with the front one, then 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle are purl, the 4th loop is transferred forward to the additional knitting needle, the 5th and 6th loops are knitted with purl then knit
  • 4th front *;
  • 5 row: * 1 front loop, 4 purl, 1 front *;
  • 7 row: * The 1st front loop is transferred forward to an additional knitting needle, the 2nd and 3rd loops are purl, and then the 1st front, 4th and 5th loops are transferred to the additional knitting needle back, the 6th is knitted with the front , then purl 4 and 5.

The pattern is repeated from the first row.

little basket

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Wrap loop. The wrapping loop is pulled out from the gap between the 4th and 5th loops, the wrapping loop is transferred to the left knitting needle and knitted together with the 1st knit loop, the remaining loops from the group of the wrapped ones are knitted.
  • 1 row: * 1 facial, 2 purl loops, 1 facial, 2 purl loops *; 1 front, 2 loops purl, 1 front;
  • 2nd row: 1 purl, 2 loops facial, 1 purl, * 2 loops facial, 1 purl, 2 facial, 1 purl *;
  • 3rd row: pull out the wrapping loop from the gap between the 4th and 5th loops, transfer the wrapping loop to the left knitting needle and knit it together with the 1st loop of the front, knit the rest of the loops from the group of the wrapped ones, knit 2 purl *, again pull out the wrapping loop and knit it together with the 1st loop (in a new group of looped loops);
  • Rows 4 and 6: purl 1, knit 2, purl 1 * knit 2, purl 1, knit 2, purl 1 *,
  • 5th row: * knit 1, purl 2, knit 1, purl 2 *; 1 front, 2 loops purl, 1 front;
  • 7 row: 1 front, 2 purl, * pull the wrapping loop from the gap between the 7th and 8th loops and knit it together with the 4th loop (similarly as in the 3rd row), purl 2 *, 1 front.


Waves look very original on blankets and blankets.

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Knit two loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from the front (top).
Knit two loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from behind (behind the knitting needle). The hinges are pre-rotated.
nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.

To complete the pattern sample, a number of loops is dialed, a multiple of 11 plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: * Knit 2 loops together with the front for the back walls, 3 front, yarn over, 1 front, yarn over, 3 front, 2 loops together with the front for the front walls *;
  • 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13 row: all loops are purl,
  • 3, 5, 7, 9 row: knit in the same way as the 1st row;
  • 12, 14 row: all loops are facial.

The rapport of the pattern is 14 rows, the 15th row is knitted like the first and so on.

fabric patterns

Pattern #1

For a pattern sample, an even number of loops are typed on the knitting needles.

  • 1 row: * from 2 loops form 2 loops as follows: two loops are knitted together with a purl loop, then, without removing 2 loops from the left knitting needle, they are knitted with the front one;
  • 2nd and 4th row: purl all loops;
  • 3 row: 1 front loop, * knit from 2 loops - 2, in the same way as in the 1st row *, 1 front.

Fabric pattern of elongated loops

Cast on an even number of stitches for the pattern.

  • 1 row: all loops are facial;
  • 2 row: * 1 front loop, 1 loop is removed (thread behind the knitting needle) *;
  • 3rd row: all loops are facial;
  • 4 row: * 1 loop is removed (thread behind the knitting needle), one facial *.

Fine knit pattern No. 2

  • 1 row: * 1 facial, 1 purl *;
  • 2 row and all even rows: knit according to the pattern, that is, the loops are knitted as they lie on the knitting needle;
  • 3rd row: * purl 1, knit 1 *.

Fine knit pattern No. 2

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Loop with a crochet. Yarn over, and then remove the loop untied. The working thread is on the needle.
Loop with two crochets. The loop and yarn over of the previous row are again removed with a new yarn over.
Loop with three crochets. A loop with two crochets is removed with a new crochet.

For knitting a sample, an even number of loops is dialed.

  • 1 row: * purl 1, knit 1 *;
  • 2nd row: * yarn over, purl 1, knit 1 *;
  • 3rd row: * purl 1, yarn over, loop and yarn over of the previous row, remove *;
  • 4 row: * nakid, a loop with two nakida is removed, 1 facial *.
  • 5 row: * Purl 1, 4 loops together (a loop with three crochets is knitted with a “grandmother's” front one (picking up the loops by the back wall).

The pattern is repeated from 2 rows.

Small Honeycombs

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Knit two loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from the front (top).
nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.
Remove the loop from the left to the right knitting needle. Working thread behind the needle (behind).
The absence of a loop in the diagram.

Knit 1-6 rows, and then repeat 3-6 rows.

  • 1 row: all loops are facial;
  • 2 row: * 1 front, yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting (thread at work);
  • 3 row: * 1 front, remove the yarn without knitting (thread at work), 1 front;
  • 4th row: * yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting, knit the loop together with the yarn over *;
  • 5th row: * knit 2, yarn over without knitting *;
  • 6th row: * Knit a loop together with a crochet front, yarn over, remove 1 loop without knitting *;
  • 7th row: knit like 3rd.

Fine knit pattern No. 3

To knit a sample, a number of loops, a multiple of 4, plus two edge loops, are typed on the knitting needles.

  • 1 row: * 2 facial, 2 purl *;
  • 2nd row: * knit 2, purl 2 *;
  • 3rd row: * purl 2, knit 2;
  • 4th row: * purl 2, knit 2.

Fine knit pattern No. 4

  • 1st and 3rd row: * 1 purl loop, 1 crossed front loop *; This pattern is knitted with knit and purl loops. But some loops are crossed.

Facial crossed loops are knitted behind the back wall (“grandmother's” way). The purl crossed loops in this case are knitted in the same way as the classic purl loops, but they do not pick up the front wall of the loop, as usual, but the back one (the knitting needle is inserted from back to front behind the back wall of the loop). For a pattern sample, an even number of loops is dialed.

  • 2nd and 4th row: * 1 purl crossed loop, 1 front loop;
  • 5th and 7th row: * 1 loop of the front crossed, 1 loop of the wrong side *;
  • 6th and 8th row: * Knit 1, purl 1 crossed *.

Patterns for knitting - patterns cage, rhombuses, braid

Cage from elongated loops

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Remove the loop from the left to the right knitting needle. Working thread behind the needle (behind).
Remove the loop from the left to the right knitting needle. Working thread in front of the knitting needle (in front).

For the sample, the number of loops divisible by 3 is cast on the knitting needles, plus 2 loops for symmetry, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: all loops are facial;
  • 2nd row: purl all loops;
  • 3 row: * 2 facial, 1 loop is removed (thread behind the knitting needle) *, 2 facial;
  • 4 row: 2 front, * 1 loop is removed (thread in front of the knitting needle), 2 front *


Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Interception of four loops with a slope to the left. The 1st loop is removed forward on an additional knitting needle, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th loops are purl, and then the loop from the additional knitting needle is knitted.
Interception of four loops with a slope to the right. 1, 2 and 3 purl loops are removed back onto an additional knitting needle. Knit the 4th loop of the front, and then the 1st, 2nd and 3rd loops of the purl.

This pattern is formed using slanted loops. For the sample, the number of loops is dialed on the knitting needles, a multiple of 12 plus two edge loops.

  • 1 row: * knit 3, purl 6, knit 3 *;
  • 2 and all even rows are knitted according to the pattern, that is, the front loops are knitted over the front ones, the wrong ones are knitted over the wrong ones;
  • 3rd row: * 2 front, 3rd loop is removed on an additional knitting needle forward (additional knitting needle before work), 3 loops are purl, and then a loop from the additional knitting needle is knitted, 3 purl loops are removed on an additional knitting needle back (additional knitting needle is at work) , knit the loop following them, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle, purl, 2 facial *;
  • 5 row: * 1 front loop, the next loop is removed on an additional knitting needle forward, 3 loops are purl, and then a loop from an additional front knitting needle, 2 front, 3 purl loops are removed on an additional knitting needle back, knit a front loop, and then loops with an additional purl knitting needles, 1 facial *;
  • 7 row: * the front loop is removed on an additional knitting needle forward, 3 loops are purl, and then a loop from the additional knitting needle is knit, 4 loops are front, 3 purl loops are removed on an additional knitting needle back, 1 loop is knitted front, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle are purl *;
  • 9th row: * purl 3, knit 6, purl 3 *;
  • 11 row: * 3 purl loops are removed on an additional knitting needle back, knit the next loop with the front one, and then 3 purl ones from the additional knitting needle, 4 front ones. Next, one front loop is removed on an additional knitting needle forward, the next 3 loops are purl, and then the front loop from the additional knitting needle *;
  • 13 row: * 1 front, 3 purl loops are removed on an additional knitting needle back, knit 1 loop of the front, and then 3 purl from an additional knitting needle, 2 front, 1 front loop are removed on an additional knitting needle forward, knit 3 loops with purl, and then the front loop with additional knitting needles, 1 facial *;
  • 15 row: * 2 front, 3 purl are removed on an additional knitting needle back, knit the next loop of the front loop, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle are purl, 1 front is removed on the additional knitting needle forward, knit 3 loops are purl, then the front loop is from the additional knitting needle, 2 facial *.

Rhombuses and stripes

Knitting patterns for knitting classic sweaters and cardigans.

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Cross 2 loops to the right. First, knit the 2nd loop with the right knitting needle, picking it up from the front side of the knitting and, without removing the loops from the knitting needle, knit the 1st loop, remove both loops from the left knitting needle.
Cross 2 loops to the left. First knit the 2nd loop with the front loop, picking it up from behind (behind the knitting needle), and without removing the loops from the knitting needle, knit the 1st loop.
Remove the loop from the left to the right knitting needle. Working thread in front of the knitting needle (in front).
  • 1 row: * Purl 2, knit 2, cross right 2 loops, cross left 2 loops, knit 2 *, purl 2;
  • 2 row: knit 2 * purl 2, remove 1 loop from the left to the right knitting needle (working thread in front of the knitting needle), purl 2, remove 1 loop untied, purl 2, knit 2 *;
  • 3rd row: * purl 2, knit 1, cross 2 loops to the right, knit 2, cross 2 loops to the left, knit 1 *, purl 2;
  • 4 row: knit 2, * purl 1, remove 1 loop untied, purl 4, remove the loop untied, 1 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 5 row: * purl 2, 2 loops to cross to the right, 4 facial, 2 loops to cross to the left *, 2 purl;
  • 6th row: knit 2, * remove 1 loop untied, purl 6, remove 1 loop untied, knit 2 *;
  • 7 row: * purl 2, 2 loops to cross to the left, 4 front, 2 loops to cross to the right *, 2 purl;
  • 8 row: knit 2, * purl 1, remove 1 loop untied, purl 4, remove 1 loop untied, purl 1, knit 2 *;
  • 9 row: * Purl 2, knit 1, cross 2 loops to the left, knit 2, cross right 2 loops, knit 1 *, purl 2;
  • 10 row: knit 2, * purl 2, remove 1 loop untied, purl 2, remove 1 loop untied, purl 2, knit 2 *;
  • 11 row: * Purl 2, knit 2, cross 2 loops to the left, cross right 2 loops, knit 2 *, purl 2;
  • 12 row: 2 facial, * purl 3, remove 2 loops untied, thread in front of the knitting needle, 2 purl, 2 facial *.

Simple rhombuses number 1

To knit a sample of the pattern, the number of loops is a multiple of 8, plus 4 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: * 7 facial, 1 purl *, 4 facial;
  • 2 row and all even rows: knit according to the pattern, i.e., the loops are knitted as they lie on the knitting needle;
  • 3rd row: * purl 1, knit 5, purl 1, knit 1 *, purl 1, knit 3;
  • 5 row: * 1 facial, 1 purl, 3 facial, 1 purl, 2 facial *, 1 facial, 1 purl, 2 facial;
  • 7 row: * 2 facial, 1 purl, 1 facial, 1 purl, 3 facial *, 2 facial, 1 purl, 1 facial;
  • 9 row: * 3 facial, 1 purl, 4 facial *, 3 facial, 1 purl;
  • 11th row: knit like 7th row;
  • 13th row: knit like 5th row;
  • 15th row: knit as 3rd row;
  • 17 row: the pattern is repeated from row 1.

Braid No. 1

The perfect pattern for a blanket.

For knitting a sample, a number of loops is dialed on the knitting needles, a multiple of 20 plus 2 edge loops.

  • Rows 1, 5, and 9: * K12, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, knit 2 *;
  • 2 and all even rows: according to the pattern, that is, the loops are knitted as they lie on the knitting needle;
  • 3rd and 7th row: * 10 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 11, 15, and 19 row: * 2 facial, 2 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl, 12 facial *;
  • 13th and 17th row: * 2 facial, 2 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl, 2 facial, 10 purl.

Braid No. 2

They can be two-color and three-color, so if you are not afraid of difficulties, feel free to experiment.

To knit a sample, a number of loops is cast on the knitting needles, a multiple of 10 plus 2 hem.

  • 1 row: * purl 7, facial 3 *;
  • 2nd row: * purl 3, knit 7 *;
  • 3rd row: * purl 7, knit 3 *;
  • 4th row: purl all loops;
  • 5th row: * purl 2, knit 3, purl 5 *;
  • 6th row: * knit 5, purl 3, knit 2 *;
  • 7th row: * purl 2, knit 3, purl 5 *
  • Row 8: Purl all stitches.

Cell number 1

For a sample pattern, I dial the number of loops, a multiple of 4, plus 1 loop for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: * purl 1, remove 3 loops from the left knitting needle to the right, thread before work *, purl 1;
  • 2 row and all even rows: purl all loops;
  • 3 row: * 1 facial, 3 purl *, 1 facial.
  • Row 5 is knitted as row 1 and so on.

Important: when you slip 3 stitches from the left needle to the right, the thread that is located in front of the work must be tight enough, otherwise it will sag.

Diamonds No. 2

If you are looking for a raglan pattern, you can try this option.

This simple pattern is worked in knit and purl stitches. For the sample, a number of loops is dialed, a multiple of 10 plus two edge loops.

  • 1,3 and 5 row: * 7 facial, 3 purl *;
  • 2 and all even rows: knit purl;
  • 7th row: * purl 1, knit 5, purl 1, knit 3;
  • 9 row: * 1 facial, 1 purl, 3 facial, 1 purl, 4 facial *;
  • 11, 13, 15 row: * 2 facial, 3 purl, 5 facial *;
  • 17 row: * 1 facial, 1 purl, 3 facial, 1 purl, 4 facial *;
  • 19 row: * purl 1, facial 5, purl 1, facial 3 *.

Braid for mittens No. 3

For a sample of this pattern, a number of loops is dialed, a multiple of 8 plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1, 3, 5 row: * purl 4, facial 3, purl 1 *;
  • 2 row and all even rows: * 1 facial, 3 purl *;
  • 7, 9, 11 rows: * knit 3, purl 5 *.
  • 13 row knit, like the 1st and so on.

Braid No. 4

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.

For the sample, a number of loops is dialed, a multiple of 8 plus 4 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: purl 2, * purl 2, remove 2 loops on the auxiliary knitting needle at work, knit 2, knit 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle, purl 2 *;
  • 3 row: purl 2, * slip 2 loops on the auxiliary knitting needle at work, knit 2, purl 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle, knit 2 loops on the auxiliary knitting needle before work, purl 2, knit 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle *, purl 2 ;
  • 5 row: purl 2, knit 2, * purl 4, remove 2 loops on the auxiliary knitting needle before work, knit 2, knit 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle *, purl 4, knit 2, purl 2;
  • 7 row: purl 2, * remove 2 loops on the auxiliary knitting needle before work, purl 2, knit 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle, knit 2 loops on the auxiliary knitting needle at work, knit 2, knit 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle *, purl 2 .

Braid No. 5

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.

For the sample, a number of loops is dialed, a multiple of 6, plus 2 edging. For convenience, the first 2 rows can be knitted with front stitch. In the further description of the pattern, these rows are not taken into account.

  • 1 row: * Remove 3 loops on the auxiliary knitting needle before work, knit the next 3 loops, then knit the loops from the auxiliary knitting needle *;
  • 2 row and all even rows knit with purl loops;
  • 3rd and 7th row: all loops are facial;
  • 5 row: knit 3, * remove 3 loops on the auxiliary needle at work, knit the next 3 loops, then knit the loops from the auxiliary knitting needle *, knit 3;
  • 9 row: the pattern is repeated from the first row.

Interesting openwork patterns for women and girls

Shawls, stoles and other types of such products will look much more elegant if you take as a basis a chic pattern from the ones below.

So, openwork patterns for knitting with a description and patterns.

Sea foam for women's products

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Knit three out of three loops.
Knit five out of five loops.
Triple front long loop or loop with three turns. The technique is similar to knitting a double front loop.
  • 1, 2, 5, and 6 rows: all facial; For the sample, the number of loops is dialed on the knitting needles, divisible by 6 plus 1 for the symmetry of the pattern, plus two edge.
  • 3rd and 7th row: all loops are triple facial (loops with three turns);
  • 4 row: * purl 1, then knit from 5 loops 5 *; 1 purl;
  • 8 row: knit from 3 loops 3, * purl 1, knit from 5 loops 5 *, purl 1, knit from 3 loops 3.

5 loops out of 5 do this: knit 5 loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops in front (1st loop), without removing the loops from the knitting needle, knit all the front loops, picking up the loops from the back (2nd loop). The 3rd loop is knitted as the 1st, the 4th - as the 2nd, the 5th as the 1st. Preliminarily, we discard the turns of the wound thread to make large loops and it is convenient to knit from 5 and 5. From 3 loops, 3 are knitted in the same way.


Flowers and leaves will look good on children's blouses, socks.

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.
Knit three loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from the front.
Knit three loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from behind (behind the knitting needle). The hinges are pre-rotated.

For the sample, cast on the knitting needles a number of loops that is a multiple of 15 plus 2 loops for the symmetry of the pattern and 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: * purl 2, knit 1, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 3 loops together with the front, picking up the loops by the back walls (the loops are pre-turned), knit 8 *, purl 2;
  • 2 row and all even (purl) rows: * 2 loops of the front, 13 purl (including yarns) *, 2 front;
  • 3rd row: * purl 2, knit 2, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 1, 3 loops together front behind the back walls, knit 6 *, purl 2;
  • 5 row: * purl 2, knit 3, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2, 3 loops together front behind the back walls, knit 4 *, purl 2;
  • 7 row: * purl 2, knit 4, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 3, 3 loops together front behind the back walls, knit 2 *, purl 2;
  • 9 row: * purl 2, knit 8, knit 3 loops together front for the front walls, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 1 *, purl 2;
  • 11 row: * purl 2, knit 6, 3 loops together front for the front walls, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2 *, purl 2;
  • 13 row: * purl 2, knit 4, knit 3 together for the front walls, knit 2, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 3 *, purl 2;
  • 15 row: * purl 2, knit 2, knit 3 together behind the front walls, knit 3, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 4 *, purl 2.

Bells with holes

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.
Knit two loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from the front (top).
Knit two loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from behind (behind the knitting needle). The hinges are pre-rotated.

For a pattern sample, a number of loops is cast on the knitting needles, a multiple of 8 plus 7 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

  • Rows 1 and 11: K1, * K1, yarn over, knit 3 together (with central loop), yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 3 together with knit (with central loop), yarn over *, knit 1, yarn over, Knit 3 loops together (with a central loop), yarn over, knit 2;
  • 2 row and all even rows: purl all loops;
  • 3, 5, 7 rows: knit 1, * knit 5, yarn over, knit 3 loops together knit (with central loop), yarn over *, knit 6;
  • 9 row: knit 1 * yarn over, knit 2 loops together over the front walls, knit 1, knit 2 loops together over the back walls (turn the loops beforehand), yarn over, knit 3 loops *, yarn over, knit 2 loops together over the front walls, 1 front, 2 loops together, knit the front behind the back walls (the loops are turned beforehand), yarn over, 1 front;
  • 13,15,17 rows: knit 1, * knit 1, yarn over, knit 3 stitches together (with center loop), yarn over, knit 4 *, knit 1, yarn over, knit 3 loops together with knit (with center loop), yarn over , 2 facial;
  • 19 row: knit 2 loops together with the front behind the back walls (pre-loops turn), * yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, knit 2 loops together with the front behind the front walls, 1 front, knit 2 loops together with the front behind the back walls (pre-turn the loops) *, yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, knit 2 loops together behind the front walls.

Mesh caramel

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Knit two loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from the front (top).
Knit two loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from behind (behind the knitting needle). The hinges are pre-rotated.
Knit three loops together with the front loop (with the central loop). The loops must be rearranged so that the second loop is on top of the first.
nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.
Knit three out of three loops. The end of the right needle is threaded through three loops and, having captured the working thread, pull it through these loops. Without removing the loops from the left knitting needle, yarn over the right knitting needle and knit the same loops again.
From 7 loops, knit 7 behind the back walls (before knitting, each loop of 7 is pre-turned).
Purl four loops together, picking up the loops from behind.
The absence of a loop in the diagram.

For a pattern sample, the number of loops is dialed on the knitting needles, divisible by 8 plus 1 loop for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops. All purl (even rows) are knitted with purl loops.

  • 1 row: knit 1, yarn over, * knit 3 loops out of three, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 3 loops out of three, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over *, knit 3 loops out of three, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, 3 knit loops of three, nakid, 1 facial;
  • Row 2 and all even rows (including yarn) are purl;
  • 3 row: K2, yarn over, knit 1, * knit 1, knit 2 together behind the back walls (each loop of the two is pre-turned), yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2 together behind the front walls, knit 2, yarn over , knit 3, yarn over, knit 1 *, knit 1, knit 2 together behind the back walls, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, 2 loops together behind the front walls, knit 2, yarn over, knit 2;
  • 5 row: K1, yarn over, knit 2 together for back walls, yarn over, * knit 2, knit 2 together for back walls, knit 1, knit 2 together for front walls, knit 2, yarn over, knit 2 together over front walls, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, 2 knit together over back walls, yarn over *, knit 2, 2 loops together over front walls, yarn over, 2 loops together over front walls, knit 2, yarn over, 2 loops together front for the front walls, nakid, 1 front;
  • 7 row: 2 stitches together with the front for the back walls, yarn over, 2 stitches together with the front for the back walls, yarn over, * 7 loops of 7 for the back walls (before knitting each loop of 7 is pre-turned), yarn over, 2 loops of the knit for the front walls, yarn over, knit 3 together with the central loop, yarn over, knit 2 together for the back walls, yarn over *, 7 loops of 7 for the back walls, yarn over, knit 2 together for the front walls, yarn over, knit 2 together for front walls;
  • 9 row: K2tog for back walls, yarn over, 2 loops together for back walls, yarn over, * knit 7, yarn over, knit 2 together for front walls, yarn over, knit 3 together with the central loop, yarn over, 2 loops knit together for the back walls, yarn over *, knit 7, yarn over, 2 loops together knit for the front walls, yarn over, 2 loops together knit for the front walls;
  • 11 row: knit 1, knit 2 together for front walls, yarn over, * knit 2 together for front walls, knit 2, yarn over, knit 2 together for back walls, knit 1, knit 2 together for back walls, yarn over , 2 loops together front for the back walls, 1 front, 2 loops together front for the front walls, yarn over *, 2 loops together front for the front walls, 2 front, yarn over, 2 loops together front for the back walls, 1 front, 2 loops together front behind the back walls, yarn over, 2 loops together front for the back walls, 1 front;
  • Row 13: Knit 2tog for back walls, yarn over, * knit 4 together for back walls, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 4 together for back walls, yarn over, knit 3 together with central loop, yarn over *, 4 loops together front for the back walls, yarn over, 1 front, yarn over, 4 loops together front for the back walls, yarn over, 2 loops together front for the back walls;
  • 15 row: K1, yarn over, knit 3 stitches from 3, * yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, 3 loops from 3, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, 3 sang from 3 *, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, 3 stitches from 3, nakid, 1 facial;
  • 17 row: knit 1, yarn over, knit 2 together behind the front walls, knit 1, * knit 1, yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, knit 2, knit 2 together behind the back walls, yarn over, knit 1, knit 2 together behind the front walls, 1 front *, 1 front, yarn over, 3 front, yarn over, 2 front, 2 loops together front for the back walls, yarn over, 1 front;
  • 19 row: K1, knit 2 together for front walls, knit 2, * yarn over, knit 2 together for front walls, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2 together for back walls, yarn over, knit 2, 2 loops knit together for back walls, knit 1, knit 2 together for front walls, knit 2 *, yarn over, knit 2 together for front walls, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2 together for back walls, yarn over, knit 2 , 2 loops together front behind the back walls, 1 front;
  • 21 row: knit 4, * yarn over, knit 2 loops behind the front walls, yarn over, knit 3 together with the central loop, yarn over, knit 2 loops together behind the back walls, yarn over, from 7 loops knit 7 *, yarn over, 2 front loops for the front walls, yarn over, 3 loops together with the front loop with the central loop, yarn over, 2 loops together with the front for the back walls, yarn over, 4 front;
  • 23 row: knit 4, * yarn over, knit 2 together behind the front walls. yarn over, knit 3 together with the center loop, yarn over, knit 2 together behind the back walls, yarn over, knit 7 *, yarn over, knit 2 together with the front walls, yarn over, knit 3 together with the central loop, yarn over, 2 loops together behind the back walls, nakid, 4 facial;
  • 25 row: yarn over, knit 2 together for the back walls, knit 1, knit 2 together for the back walls, * yarn over, knit 2 together for the back walls, knit 1, knit 2 together for the front walls, yarn over, 2 loops together front for the front walls, 2 front, yarn over, 2 loops together front for the back walls, 1 front, 2 loops together front for the back walls *, yarn over, 2 loops together front for the back walls, 1 front, 2 loops together front for the front walls, yarn over, 2 loops together front for the front walls, 1 front, 2 loops together front for the front walls, yarn over;
  • 27 row: knit 1, yarn over, knit 4 together behind the back walls, * yarn over, knit 3 together with the central loop, yarn over, knit 4 together behind the back walls, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, 4 loops together knit behind the back walls *, yarn over, 3 loops together with the front loop with the central loop, yarn over, 4 loops together front for the back walls, yarn over, 1 front.
  • 29 row: the pattern is repeated from the first row.

Summer Ideas - Bulgarian Cross

For light summer models, this option with holes is suitable.

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.
Flipped loop. The end of the left needle grabs the loop (or yarn) and pulls the next two loops into it.
The absence of a loop in the diagram.

The pattern is formed with the help of thrown loops and crochets. For a pattern sample, cast on the knitting needles the number of loops is a multiple of 3, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: * knit 3 front, then the 1st loop of three is thrown to the left through the 2nd and 3rd loops, yarn over *, 3 front, then the 1st loop of three is thrown to the left;
  • 2 row and all purl rows: knit with purl loops;
  • 3 row: 1 front, yarn over, * knit 3 front, then the 1st loop of three is thrown to the left through the 2nd and 3rd loops, yarn over *, 1 front.
  • The fifth row is knitted in the same way as the first and so on.

Openwork pattern spokes number 4

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Knit two loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from the front (top).
Knit two loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from behind (behind the knitting needle). The hinges are pre-rotated.
nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.

To knit a pattern sample, a number of loops is cast on the needles, a multiple of 12 plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: knit 1, yarn over, knit 3, knit 2 together with left tilt, * knit 1, knit 2 together with right tilt, knit 3, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 3, knit 2 together with tilt left *, 1 front, 2 loops together front with a slope to the right, 3 front, yarn over;
  • 2 and all even rows are knitted with purl loops;
  • 3rd row: knit 2, yarn over, knit 2, knit 2 together with left tilt, * knit 1, knit 2 together with right tilt, knit 2, yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, knit 2, knit 2 together with tilt left *, knit 1, knit 2 together with a slope to the right, knit 2, yarn over, knit 1;
  • 5 row: knit 3, yarn over, knit 1, knit 2 together with left tilt, * knit 1, knit 2 together with right tilt, knit 1, yarn over, knit 5, yarn over, knit 1, knit 2 together with tilt left *, 1 front, 2 loops together front with a slope to the right, 1 front, yarn over, 2 front;
  • 7 row: knit 4, yarn over, knit 2 together with left tilt, * knit 1, knit 2 together with right tilt, yarn over, knit 7, yarn over, knit 2 together with left tilt *, knit 1, 2 loops together front with an inclination to the right, yarn over, 3 front;
  • 9 row: 1 front, 2 loops knit together with a slope to the right, 3 front, yarn over, * 1 front, yarn over, 3 front, 2 loops together front with a tilt to the left, 1 front, 2 loops together front with a slope to the right, 3 front, yarn over *, knit 1, yarn over, knit 3, 2 loops together front with a slope to the left;
  • 11 row: K1, knit 2 together with a tilt to the right, knit 2, yarn over 1 knit, * knit 2, yarn over, knit 2, knit 2 together with a tilt to the left, knit 1, knit 2 together with a tilt to the right, 2 knit, yarn over, knit 1 *, knit 2, yarn over, knit 2, 2 stitches together with knit to the left;
  • 13 row: 1 front, 2 loops knit together with an inclination to the right, 1 knit, yarn over, 2 knit, * 3 knit, yarn over, 1 front, 2 loops knit together with an inclination to the left, 1 front, 2 loops together knit with an inclination to the right, 1 knit, yarn over, knit 2 *, knit 3, yarn over, knit 1, knit 2 together, tilt to the left;
  • 15 row: K1, knit 2 together with right tilt, yarn over, knit 3, * knit 4, yarn over, knit 2 together with left tilt, knit 1, knit 2 together with right tilt, yarn over, knit 3 *, 4 front, yarn over, 2 loops together front with a slope to the left.
  • The 17th row is knitted as the 1st and so on.

Garter lace for a summer dress

When knitting, the technique of knitting two loops together with the front one is used with a tilt to the left by the broach method. They do it this way: the first loop of the two is removed as a front one, the next loop (nakid) is knitted with the front one and the resulting loop is pulled through the first one.

To form a side edge in this pattern, it is better to knit the first edge loop of the row with the front one behind the back wall, and the last edge loop with the front one behind the front wall, then you get a beautiful nodular edge. Cast on an even number of stitches for the pattern.

  • 1 row: * yarn over, knit two loops together with a tilt to the left *.
  • The remaining rows are knitted in the same way as the first.

The most beautiful braids, various harnesses, Irish embossed aran


Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.
Flipped loop. The end of the left needle grabs the loop (or yarn) and pulls the next two loops into it.

To knit a sample, a number of loops is dialed, a multiple of 5 plus 2 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: * purl 2, facial 3 *, purl 2;
  • 2 row: 2 front, * 3 purl, 2 front *;
  • 3rd row: * purl 2, 3 facial, 3rd facial loop of rapport is thrown to the left through the 4th and 5th facial loops *, 2 purl;
  • 4th row: knit 2, * purl 1, yarn over, purl 1, knit 2 *.

Eight for children's hats

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Interception of six loops with an inclination of the loops to the right. 1st, 2nd and 3rd stitches are slipped back onto an extra needle. Knit 4, 5 and 6 loops, and then loops from an additional knitting needle.

For the sample on the knitting needles, the number of loops is dialed, divisible by 8 plus 2 loops for symmetry, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1,3,7,9 rows: * purl 2, knit 6 *, purl 2;
  • 2,4,6,8,10 rows are knitted according to the pattern: 2 facial * 6 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 5 row; * 2 purl, 3rd, 4th and 5th loops are removed back to an additional knitting needle, knit the 6th, 7th, and 8th loops, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle are also facial *, 2 purl.

Changing in this way in the fifth row of the group of loops, they get a “figure eight” (harness) with an inclination to the right. If you want to knit a figure 8 with a left slant, slip the stitches on an extra needle before working.

Spit number 1

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Interception of six loops with an inclination of the loops to the right. 1st, 2nd and 3rd stitches are slipped back onto an extra needle. Knit 4, 5 and 6 loops, and then loops from an additional knitting needle.
Interception of six loops with an inclination of the loops to the left. 1st, 2nd and 3rd loops are removed forward on an additional knitting needle. Knit 4, 5 and 6 loops, and then loops from an additional knitting needle.

To make a “braid”, a number of loops is cast on the knitting needles, divisible by 11 plus 2 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1,3,7,9 rows: * purl 2, knit 9 *, purl 2;
  • 2 and all even rows: 2 facial, * purl 9, 2 facial *;
  • 5 row: * 2 purl, 3,4,5 loops are removed forward on an additional knitting needle, knit 6,7,8 loops, then 3,4,5 loops of facial, 3 loops of facial *, 2 purl;
  • 11 row: * Purl 2, knit 3, 6,7,8 loops are removed back to an additional knitting needle, knit 9,10,11 loops, and then 6,7,8 loops from an additional knitting needle *, purl 2 .

Spit number 2

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Slip the first three loops back onto an additional knitting needle, knit the next three loops with facial loops, then knit the loops from the auxiliary knitting needle with purl.
Slip the first three loops forward onto an additional knitting needle, purl the next three loops, then knit the loops from the auxiliary knitting needle.

For a pattern sample, a number of loops is cast on the needles, a multiple of 12 plus 3 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1st and 5th row: * purl 3, knit 3, purl 3, knit 3 *, purl 3;
  • 2 row and all even rows: knit according to the pattern;
  • 3rd row: * 3 purl, 3 facial, the next 3 loops are transferred to the auxiliary knitting needle before work (tilt loops to the left), then 3 loops are knitted with purl loops, then loops from the auxiliary knitting needle *, 3 purl;
  • 7th row: * purl 3, then 3 loops are transferred to the auxiliary knitting needle at work (tilt of the loops to the right), then 3 loops are knitted with facial loops, then 3 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle are purl, 3 facial *, 3 purl.

Pigtail #3

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
nakid. The end of the right needle grabs the working thread from the bottom right to the left, towards you. Nakid is made to form openwork.
Knitting a crochet without openwork. The end of the right needle grabs the yarn over from behind.
Knit two loops together with a purl loop.
Knit two loops together with the front loop, picking up the loops from the front (top).
Interception of six loops with an inclination of the loops to the right. 1st, 2nd and 3rd stitches are slipped back onto an extra needle. Knit 4, 5 and 6 loops, and then loops from an additional knitting needle.
Interception of six loops with an inclination of the loops to the left. 1st, 2nd and 3rd loops are removed forward on an additional knitting needle. Knit 4, 5 and 6 loops, and then loops from an additional knitting needle.
Knit two loops together with a broach.

For a pattern sample, a number of loops is cast on the knitting needles, a multiple of 28 plus 2 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: * purl 2, interception of 6 facial loops to the left, 4 purl, interception of 6 facial loops to the left, purl 4, interception of 6 facial loops to the right *, 2 purl;
  • 2nd, 4th and 6th row: knit 2, * purl 6, knit 4, purl 6, knit 4, purl 6, knit 2 *;
  • 3rd and 5th row: * purl 2, knit 6, purl 4, knit 6, purl 4, knit 6 *, purl 2;
  • 9 row: * purl 2, knit 3, yarn over, knit 3, purl 2 together, purl 3, knit 4, purl 3, purl 2 together, knit 3, yarn over, knit 3 *, purl 2;
    even rows from the 10th to the 22nd row: knit according to the pattern, while knitting the yarn over with a front loop without openwork, grabbing the yarn over from behind (crossed front loop);
  • 11 row: * purl 2, knit 3, purl 1, yarn over, knit 3, purl 2 together, purl 3, knit 2, purl 3, purl 2 together, knit 3, yarn over, purl 1, knit 3 *, 2 purl;
  • 13 row: * purl 2, knit 3, purl 2, yarn over, knit 3, purl 2 together, purl 6, purl 2 together, knit 3, yarn over, purl 2, knit 3 *, purl 2;
  • 15 row: * purl 2, knit 3, purl 3, yarn over, knit 3, purl 2 together, purl 4, purl 2 together, knit 3, yarn over, purl 3, knit 3 *, purl 2;
  • 17 row: * purl 2, knit 3, purl 4, yarn over, knit 3, purl 2 together, purl 2, purl 2 together, knit 3, yarn over, purl 4, knit 3 *, purl 2;
  • 19 row: * purl 2, knit 3, purl 5, yarn over, knit 3, purl 2 together, purl 2 together, knit 3, yarn over, purl 5, knit 3 *, purl 2;
  • 21 row: * purl 2, knit 3, purl 6, yarn over, knit 2, knit 2 loops together with a broach, knit knit 2 loops together, knit 2, yarn over, purl 6, knit 3 *, purl 2.
  • 23 row knit, like the first and so on.

The interception of 6 loops to the left is performed with oblique loops as follows: 3 loops of 6 are transferred to the auxiliary knitting needle before work, then 3 loops are knitted, then 3 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle are knitted.

The interception of 6 loops to the right is performed in the same way, only the loops are transferred to the auxiliary knitting needle at work.

Large viscous tourniquet No. 1

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.

For a pattern sample, a number of loops is dialed in multiples of 10, plus 2 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: * 2 purl, 4 facial, 8th and 9th loops are removed back to an additional knitting needle, 2 facial, 2 facial from an additional knitting needle *, 2 purl;
  • 2 and all even rows: knit according to the pattern;
  • 3rd row: * 2 purl, 2 facial, 5th and 6th loops are removed back to an additional knitting needle, 2 facial, 2 facial from an additional knitting needle, 2 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 5 row: * purl 2, 3rd and 4th loops are removed back to an additional knitting needle, 2 facial, 2 facial from an additional knitting needle, 4 facial *, 2 purl;
  • The seventh row is knitted like the first and so on.


Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Interception of four loops with an inclination of the loops to the right. The 1st and 2nd loops are removed back onto an additional knitting needle. Knit first the 3rd and 4th loops, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.
Interception of four loops with an inclination of the loops to the left. The 1st and 2nd loops are removed forward on an additional knitting needle. Knit first the 3rd and 4th loops, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.

To knit a sample of the Kolos pattern, a number of loops is cast on the needles, a multiple of 18 plus 2 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: * 2 purl, 4 facial, 7th and 8th loops are removed on an additional knitting needle (needle behind the work), 2 facial, 2 facial from an additional knitting needle, 11th and 12th loops are removed on an additional knitting needle (needle in front of work), 2 facial, 2 facial with additional knitting needles, 4 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 2 row and all even rows are knitted according to the pattern: purl loops are purl, facial - facial;
  • 3rd row: * purl 2, knit 2, 5th and 6th loops are removed on an additional knitting needle (the knitting needle is behind the work), knit 2, knit 2 from an additional knitting needle, knit 4, 13th and 14th loops are removed on an additional knitting needle (knitting needle in front of the work), knit 2, knit 2 with an additional knitting needle, knit 2 *, purl 2;
  • 5th row: * purl 2, 3rd and 4th loops are removed on an additional knitting needle (the knitting needle is behind the work), knit 2, knit 2 from an additional knitting needle, knit 8, 15th and 16th loops are removed on an additional knitting needle ( knitting needle in front of the work), knit 2, knit 2 with an additional knitting needle, knit 2 *, purl 2;

Curly tourniquet

With the help of harnesses, the most original things for adults and children are created.

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Interception of six loops with an inclination of the loops to the right. 1st, 2nd and 3rd stitches are slipped back onto an extra needle. Knit 4, 5 and 6 loops, and then loops from an additional knitting needle.
Interception of six loops with an inclination of the loops to the left. 1st, 2nd and 3rd loops are removed forward on an additional knitting needle. Knit 4, 5 and 6 loops, and then loops from an additional knitting needle.

Rapport of the pattern Figured tourniquet horizontally is 14 loops; vertically - 30 rows. The pattern looks good against the background of the purl loops, so knit a few purl loops on the left and right of the rapport. On the sample shown in the photo, 10 purl loops are connected.

The purl rows are knitted according to the pattern.

All facial rows are knitted with facial loops, except for 5 and 7, as well as 25 and 29 rows. They are knitted as follows:

  • 5, 7 row: interception of 6 loops with an inclination to the right (3 loops are removed on an additional knitting needle at work, 3 facial, then loops from an additional knitting needle are knitted), 2 facial, interception of 6 loops with an inclination to the left (3 loops are removed on an additional knitting needle before work, knit 3, then knit loops from an additional knitting needle).
  • 25th and 29th row: interception of 6 loops with an inclination to the left, 2 front, interception of 6 loops with an inclination to the right.

In this sample, the distance between 2 rows with interceptions is equal to one row. If the yarn is thick, this distance can be increased to 2 - 3 rows.

Harness No. 2

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Interception of four facial loops with an inclination of the loops to the left. The 1st and 2nd loops are removed on an additional knitting needle before work. Knit first the 3rd and 4th loops, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.
Interception from two purl and two front loops with an inclination to the right. Two purl loops are removed on an additional knitting needle at work. First, two facial loops are knitted, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle are knitted with purl loops.
Interception of two facial and two purl loops with an inclination of the loops to the left. Two facial loops are removed on an additional knitting needle before work. First, two purl loops are knitted, and then the loops from the auxiliary knitting needle are knitted with facial ones.

For sample, cast on a multiple of 8 stitches plus 4 stitches for pattern symmetry, plus 2 edge stitches.

  • 1 row: purl 2, * purl 2 to remove on the auxiliary knitting needle at work, 2 facial, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle to purl, 2 front loops to be removed to the auxiliary knitting needle before work, 2 purl, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle to knit facial *, 2 purl;
  • 2 row and all even rows knit according to the pattern;
  • 3rd row: 2 purl, 2 facial, * 4 purl, 2 facial loops to remove on the auxiliary knitting needle before work, 2 facial, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle knit facial *, 4 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl.
  • 5 row: 2 purl, * 2 front loops to remove on the auxiliary knitting needle before work, 2 purl, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle to knit facial, 2 purl loops to remove to the auxiliary knitting needle at work, 2 front, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle to purl *, 2 purl.

Owl for children (3D pattern)

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Interception of six loops with an inclination of the loops to the right. 1st, 2nd and 3rd stitches are slipped back onto an extra needle. Knit 4, 5 and 6 loops, and then loops from an additional knitting needle.
Interception of six loops with an inclination of the loops to the left. 1st, 2nd and 3rd loops are removed forward on an additional knitting needle. Knit 4, 5 and 6 loops, and then loops from an additional knitting needle.
Interception of seven loops with an inclination of the loops to the right. 1, 2, 3rd loops are removed back to an additional knitting needle. Knit 4, 5, 6 and 7 loops, and then loops from an additional knitting needle.
Interception of seven loops with an inclination of the loops to the left. 1, 2, 3 and 4 loops are removed forward on an additional knitting needle. Knit 5, 6 and 7 loops, and then loops from an additional knitting needle.

Rapport pattern width 14 loops, height - 32 rows. In the description of the pattern, only the loops of the Owl itself are taken into account, the loops of the wrong side are not included.

  • 1st and 3rd row: * knit 6, purl 2, knit 6 *;
  • 2nd and 4th row: * purl 6, knit 2, purl 6 *;
  • 5 row: * slip 3 loops on an additional knitting needle at work, knit the next 3 loops, then knit 3 loops from an additional knitting needle, purl 2, slip 3 loops on an additional knitting needle before work, knit the next 3 loops, then loops from an additional knitting needle facial *;
    even rows from 6th to 20th: purl all loops;
    odd rows from 7th to 19th: all loops are facial;
  • 21 row: * slip 3 loops on an additional knitting needle at work, knit the next 4 loops, then knit 3 loops from an additional knitting needle, slip 4 loops on an additional knitting needle before work, knit the next 3 loops, then knit loops from an additional knitting needle *;
    even rows from 22nd to 28th: ​​purl all loops;
    odd rows from 23rd to 27th: all loops are facial;
  • 29 row: knit like 21;
  • 30 row: * 3 purl, 8 facial, 3 purl *;
  • 31 row: * knit 2, purl 10, knit 2 *;
  • 32 row: * purl 1, facial 12, purl 1 *.
  • Sew on bead eyes.

Spit number 5

Knit in a knit row or purl in a purl row.
Purl st in RS row or RS st in WS row.
Purl stitch in knit and purl rows.
Interception of four facial loops with an inclination of the loops to the right. The 1st and 2nd loops are removed on an additional knitting needle at work. Knit first the 3rd and 4th loops, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.
Interception of four facial loops with an inclination of the loops to the left. The 1st and 2nd loops are removed on an additional knitting needle before work. Knit first the 3rd and 4th loops, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.

For a pattern sample, a number of loops is cast on the needles, a multiple of 22 plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1, 7, 13, 19 row: * purl 2, 2 facial, 3 purl, interception of four facial loops with loops tilted to the right, interception of four facial loops with loops tilted to the left, 3 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl *;
  • 2 and all other even rows * 4 purl, 3 facial, 8 purl, 3 facial, 4 purl *;
  • 3, 5, 9, 11, 15, 17 row: * 2 purl, 2 facial, 3 purl, 8 facial, 3 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl *;
  • 21, 27, 33, 39 row: * interception of four facial loops with a slope of the loops to the left, 3 purl, 2 facial, 4 purl, 2 facial, 3 purl, interception of four facial loops with an inclination of the loops to the right *;
  • 23, 25, 29, 31, 35, 37 row: * 4 facial, 3 purl, 2 facial, 4 purl, 2 facial, 3 purl, 4 facial.

Loop symbols and how to perform them for beginners

If you still couldn’t figure out the diagrams and description, video tutorials on YouTube, which you can watch for free, will definitely help you.

Embossed patterns quite simple in execution, but at the same time they look very impressive. Embossed is the best option for beginners in knitting, as the fabric turns out to be voluminous and small errors remain invisible on it. But experienced knitters also have a place to demonstrate their skills in this alternation of knit and purl loops.

The simplest in this group is the pearl pattern. On the first row, knit 1 and purl 1 alternately. In the next row, the pattern is shifted by 1 loop, that is, the purl is performed above the front loop, and the front loop is performed above the purl. Constantly repeating these two rows, you get a three-dimensional granular structure of a knitted fabric.

This pattern is also convenient in that when performing decreases and increases, the overall pattern is not violated. Relief patterns are very diverse, you can create rhombuses, triangles, circles, squares, rectangles, horizontal and vertical scars, alternating front and back loops in a certain sequence.

Embossed patterns for knitting patterns and description


The number of loops is a multiple of 8 + 1 + 2 chrome. Knit according to the pattern. The front rows are given on it, in the back rows, knit all the loops according to the pattern. Start with 1 chrome, constantly repeat rapport, finish with 1 loop after rapport and 1 chrome. 1-16th rows constantly repeat.


Knit on 21 loops. To optically highlight the pattern, knit adjacent loops to the right and left of the pattern. satin stitch. Knit according to the pattern. The front rows are given on it, in the wrong rows, knit all the loops according to the pattern. In width, the given rapport of 21 p. Perform 1 time. In the height of the 1-16th rows, constantly repeat.


The number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 2 + 2 chrome. Knit according to the pattern. The front rows are given on it, in the wrong rows, knit all the loops according to the pattern. Start with 1 chrome, repeat rapport constantly, finish with loops after rapport and 1 chrome. 1-20th rows constantly repeat.


The number of loops is a multiple of 12 + 1 + 2 chrome. Knit according to the pattern. The front rows are given on it, in the wrong rows, knit all the loops according to the pattern. Start with 1 chrome, constantly repeat rapport, finish with 1 loop after rapport and 1 chrome. 1-32 rows constantly repeat.


The number of loops is a multiple of 6 + 3 + 2 chrome. Knit according to the pattern. It has knit and purl rows. Start with 1 chrome, constantly repeat the rapport, end with loops after rapport and 1 chrome. 1-16th rows constantly repeat.


The number of loops is a multiple of 15 + 2 chrome. Knit according to the pattern. It has knit and purl rows. Start with 1 chrome, constantly repeat the rapport, finish with 1 chrome. 1-20th rows constantly repeat.


The number of loops is a multiple of 12 + 4 + 2 chrome. Knit according to the pattern. The front rows are given on it, in the wrong rows, knit all the loops according to the pattern. Start with 1 chrome. and loops before rapport, repeat rapport constantly, finish 1 chrome. 1-12th rows constantly repeat.


The number of loops is a multiple of 6 + 3 + 2 chrome. Knit according to the pattern. It has knit and purl rows. Start with 1 chrome, constantly repeat the rapport, end with loops after rapport and 1 chrome. 1-20th rows constantly repeat.


The number of loops is a multiple of 8 + 1 + 2 chrome. Knit according to the pattern. The front rows are given on it, in the wrong rows, knit all the loops according to the pattern. Start with 1 chrome. and 1 loop before rapport, rapport constantly repeat, finish 1 chrome. 1-12th rows constantly repeat.


Relief patterns with knitting needles are an alternation in knitting of front and back loops, while the fabric turns out to be three-dimensional due to the combination of convex and concave sections, and also quite dense (without gaps). Therefore, such patterns are especially expressive. There are a great many relief patterns, they differ in small or large rapport. These patterns are ideal for plain cotton, cotton-viscose, silk and linen blends. If the yarn is thick, then the pattern looks especially embossed, and if it is thin, then an exquisite, noble structure will be obtained. Embossed patterns are quite easy to knit, so they are recommended for beginner craftswomen, because. help them gain skills and experience. Confident knitters also pay attention to embossed patterns, because they are convenient to combine with openwork and give it a special elegance. So that the charm of relief patterns does not disappear, they should not be ironed and steamed, it is enough to moisten and let them dry in a straightened form.
We bring to your attention a large collection of simple embossed patterns from front and back loops for knitting with visual samples, diagrams, descriptions and symbols. Choose and create with pleasure!
p. - loop;
persons. - front;
out. - purl;
chrome - edging;
cross - crossed.
Attention! In the diagrams, the purl rows are shown as they look from the front side.

※ Pattern 100 "Marmalade" (for 10 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 99 "Embossed columns" (for 18 loops and 24 rows)

※ Pattern 98 "Cells" (for 6 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 97 "Mermaid Veil" (for 8 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 96 "Moon Swing" (for 16 loops and 14 rows)

※ Pattern 95 "Soufflé" (for 10 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 94 "Parquet" (for 5 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 93 Caterpillars (12 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 92 "Geometric Waltz" (for 18 loops and 36 rows)

※ Pattern 91 "Asterisks" (for 8 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 90 "Birds" (for 14 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 89 "Expression" (for 10 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 88 "Twigs" (for 24 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 87 "Pyramids" (for 18 loops and 36 rows)

※ Pattern 86 "Abracadabra" (for 10 loops and 10 rows)

※ Pattern 85 "Embossed arches" (for 10 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 84 "Domes" (for 10 loops and 16 rows) reverse side of the pattern "Frogs"

※ Pattern 83 "Frogs" (for 10 loops and 16 rows) reverse side of the dome pattern

※ Pattern 82 "Labyrinth" (for 18 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 81 "Marshmallow" (for 14 loops and 18 rows)

※ Pattern 80 "Structural Relief" (for 14 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 79 "Embossed composition" (for 8 loops and 24 rows)

※ Pattern 78 "Footprints" (for 13 loops and 24 rows)

※ Pattern 77 "Turkish Delight" (for 8 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 76 "Lokum" (for 8 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 75 "Combine" (for 8 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 74 "Rachki" (for 8 loops and 18 rows)

※ Pattern 73 "Wings" (for 15 loops and 30 rows)

※ Pattern 72 "Bows" (for 10 loops and 18 rows)

※ Pattern 71 "Moths" (for 32 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 70 "Hearts" (for 13 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 69 "Hearts" (for 12 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 68 "Onions" (for 8 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 67 "Lacing" (for 12 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 66 "Pyramid masonry" (for 24 loops and 18 rows)

※ Pattern 65 "Beautiful Relief" (for 6 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 64 "Carousel" (for 8 loops and 48 rows)

※ Pattern 63 "Polyanka" (for 8 loops and 48 rows)

※ Pattern 62 "Honeycomb" (for 16 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 61 "Original Relief" (for 24 loops and 28 rows)

※ Pattern 60 "Dotted Zigzag" (for 8 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 59 "Fantasy" (for 12 loops and 24 rows)

※ Pattern 58 "Amber Coast" (for 8 loops and 34 rows)

※ Pattern 57 "Coral Bracelet" (for 12 loops and 40 rows)

※ Pattern 56 "Bugs" (for 10 loops and 36 rows)

※ Pattern 55 "Snopiki" (for 18 loops and 28 rows)

※ Pattern 54 "Chevrons" (for 14 loops and 32 rows)

※ Pattern 53 "Charted lattice" (for 8 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 52 "Pendants" (for 8 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 51 "Sports" (for 4 loops and 28 rows)

※ Pattern 50 "Dates" (for 6 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 49 "Expressive Relief" (for 6 loops and 24 rows)

※ Pattern 48 "Chess of rectangles" (for 8 loops and 24 rows)

※ Pattern 47 "Embossed columns" (for 6 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 46 "Almond" (for 12 loops and 14 rows)

※ Pattern 45 "Cactus" (for 10 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 44 "Petals" (for 6 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 43 "Leaf fall" (for 9 loops and 24 rows)

※ Pattern 42 "Flags" (for 18 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 41 "Beads" (for 5 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 40 "Fence" (for 5 loops and 6 rows)

※ Pattern 39 "Chain" (for 6 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 38 "Embossed Combination" (for 6 loops and 10 rows)

※ Pattern 37 "Checkmarks" (for 4 loops and 8 rows)

1 row: facial loops;
2 row: purl loops;
3 row
4 row
5 row: facial loops;
6 row: purl loops;
7 row
8 row: * 1 p. remove (thread before work); 3 out.*
Repeat from 1st to 8th row.

※ Pattern 36 "Rows with slipped loops" (for 4 loops and 8 rows)

1 row: * 3 persons; 1 p. remove (thread at work) *;
2 row: * 1 p. remove (thread before work); 3 out. *;
3 row: * 3 persons; 1 p. remove (thread at work) *;
4 row: facial loops;
5 row: * 1 person.; 1 p. remove (thread for care); 2 persons.*;
6 row: * 2 out; 1 p. remove (thread before work); 1 out. *;
7 row: * 1 person.; 1 p. remove (thread at work); 2 persons.*;
8 row: facial loops.
Repeat from 1st to 8th row.

※ Pattern 35 "Boucle" (for 6 loops and 4 rows)

1 row: * 3 persons; 1 out.; 1 p. remove (thread at work); 1 out. *;
2 row: * 1 person.; 1 p. remove (thread before work); 1 persons; 3 out. *;
3 row: * 1 out.; 1 p. remove (thread at work); 1 out.; 3 persons.*;
4 row: * 3 out; 1 persons; 1 p. remove (thread before work); 1 persons.*
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

※ Pattern 34 "Embossed checks" (for 3 loops and 4 rows)

1 row: * 1 p. remove (thread at work); 2 persons.*;
2 row: * 2 out; 1 p. remove (thread before work) *;
3 row: * 1 person.; Remove 2 sts (thread before work) *;
4 row: purl loops.
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

※ Pattern 33 "Waffles" (for 3 loops and 4 rows)

1 row: facial loops;
2 row: purl loops;
3 row: * 2 persons; 1 p. remove (thread at work) *;
4 row: * 1 p. remove (thread before work); 2 persons.*;
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

※ Pattern 32 "Drap" (for 2 loops and 4 rows)

1 row: * 1 person.; 1 p. remove (thread at work) *;
2 row: * 1 p. remove (thread before work); 1 persons.*;
3 row: facial loops;
4 row: purl loops.
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

※ Pattern 31 "Scales" (for 2 loops and 4 rows)

1 row: facial loops;
2 row: purl loops;
3 row: * 1 out.; 1 p. remove (thread before work) *;
4 row: * 1 p. remove (thread at work); 1 persons.*
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

※ Pattern 30 "Mail" (for 2 loops and 4 rows)

1 row: * 1 out.; 1 p. remove (thread before work) *
2 row: purl loops;
3 row: * 1 p. remove (thread before work); 1 out. *;
4 row: purl loops.
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

※ Pattern 29 "Embossed texture" (for 4 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 28 "Large cane" (for 3 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 27 "Small reed" (for 2 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 26 "Corners" (for 6 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 25 "Teeth" (for 6 loops and 6 rows)

※ Pattern 24 "Lentils" (for 4 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 23 "Raisins" (for 6 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 22 "Mosaic" (for 8 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 21 "Rosehip" (for 4 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 20 "Moss" (for 2 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 19 "Putanka" or "Large pearls" (for 2 loops and 4 rows)

Knit alternately 1 person. and 1 out., shifting the pattern after each 2nd row by 1 p.:
1 row
2 row: 1 chrome; knit loops according to the pattern (facial - facial, purl - purl); 1 chrome
3 row
4 row: 1 chrome; knit loops according to the pattern; 1 chrome
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

※ Pattern 18 "Corn" (for 2 loops and 2 rows)

※ Pattern 17 "Rice" or "Pearl" (for 2 loops and 2 rows)

Knit alternately 1 person. and 1 out., shifting the pattern in each row by 1 p.:
1 row: 1 chrome; * 1 persons; 1 out.; repeat from * to the end of the row; 1 chrome
2 row: 1 chrome; * 1 out.; 1 persons; repeat from * to the end of the row; 1 chrome
Repeat from 1st to 2nd row.

※ Pattern 16 "Shell" (for 8 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 15 "Algae" (for 4 loops and 8 rows) reverse side of the pattern "Rain"

※ Pattern 14 "Rain" (for 4 loops and 8 rows) reverse side of the seaweed pattern

※ Pattern 13 "Hoarfrost" (for 2 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 12 "Tweed" (for 4 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 11 "Cross" (for 8 loops and 6 rows)

※ Pattern 10 "Toe" (for 6 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 9 "Flake" (for 8 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 8 "Seeds" (for 4 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 7 "Seeds" (for 6 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 6 "Oats" (for 6 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 5 "Poppy dew" (for 2 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 4 "Dots" (for 4 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 3 Garter Stitch (any number of stitches and 2 rows)

※ Pattern 2 "Wrong Side" (any number of loops and 2 rows)

※ Pattern 1 "Front Surface" (any number of loops and 2 rows)

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