Christmas tree: what and how to decorate. Magical traditions: what can and cannot be hung on a Christmas tree Everything that can be hung on a Christmas tree

The international symbol of the New Year is, of course, the Christmas tree. And to this day, the question of how to decorate a Christmas tree is very important for us on the eve of the upcoming holidays.

The tradition of annual decoration of this tree came to us from Germany. It is believed that for the first time such an idea was proposed by the church reformer Martin Luther (16th century). And today people try to surpass themselves in this matter and try to decorate the Christmas tree as beautifully as possible. And I think this is true for all time.

And today we will talk about decorating the Christmas tree in detail and in detail. Let's try to approach this issue from different angles, consider in theory and in the photo. And most importantly - we will draw some interesting ideas for inspiration and create a New Year's mood.

The upcoming 2019 according to the eastern horoscope is the Year of the Pig (Boar). This is a sweet, good-natured animal that symbolizes simplicity, comfort, family joys. And the pig strives for comfort and material well-being.

This is generally the image of a thrifty housewife who knows how to work miracles in the kitchen, please her family, and also manages to take care of the children, gently takes care of the missus and generally brings only good news to her house.

In 2019 we celebrate the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig. This is a calm and cozy look, so it is believed that it is better to choose options for decorating a Christmas tree among calm, warm tones and styles.

This brings us to two interesting ideas:

  1. On the New Year's tree, of course, there should be the main character herself.
  2. The main color is yellow and its shades (pale, bright, golden, orange).

Let's try to visualize how these ideas can be implemented.

Symbol of the year - Yellow Earth Pig

Let's start, perhaps, with the main character - a pretty pig, who is ready to show off anywhere in the tree. It can be hung on a Christmas tree or placed under it (especially if the toy is quite large).

But in any case, the pig should become a kind of visiting card - the center of attracting everyone's attention. It is very easy to achieve this, because he has a very cute face, which not only pleases, but even makes guests and hosts laugh.

And of course, there are ready-made options for pigs in the form of Christmas decorations made of glass and other shiny materials.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in the Year of the Boar: color

And now about the color scheme. The predominance of yellow does not mean the monotony of the plot. In fact, this color has very interesting, intriguing shades that symbolize prosperity and well-being.

And it is also the color of the sun, which is generally perceived by us with something warm, positive - in a word, cheerful.

Of course, it is not forbidden to use toys of the same size and shape, but different shades of yellow. It is good if they also have a different surface - glossy, matte, mirror. After all, the eye is attracted not by monotony, but by diversity.

And here's how you can imagine this variety of toys of similar shades.

And lovers of original, bold experiments can even consider this option.

The abundance of yellow does not mean the absence of other colors. Mustard, brown, green, white and even red tones go well with such a color scheme.

How to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully: TOP 5 effective tips

Of course, the most correct answer to the question of how to decorate a Christmas tree is: the way you like it. And for this you just need to follow your own intuition and sense of beauty.

And it would be nice to pay attention to the classic design techniques that have long become familiar. These are simple principles for combining colors, styles, shapes and sizes. But first things first.

Live or artificial?

If this question does not arise, of course, you can immediately skip to the next section. And if there are certain doubts, you can simply listen to yourself and to those useful tips that have long been derived empirically.

Of course, an artificial Christmas tree is a more practical option. Needles do not fall from it, you cannot prick on its branches, and it is also perfectly symmetrical, and all branches can be bent in order to hang a toy, tinsel or garland as best as possible.

A living tree has its own indisputable plus - it smells pleasantly of pine needles and frosty freshness. Therefore, if you achieve the same smell in a different way, a festive mood is guaranteed. And you can do it with:

  • branches of pine, spruce and other coniferous trees;

  • aroma lamps with fir oil;

  • air fresheners - the simplest, but not quite natural option.

Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether it is worth acquiring a living beauty, which you will have to part with in just a few weeks. Although it is obvious that there are much more arguments in favor of artificial spruce.

Choose the style of the Christmas tree

And this question is the most important. Choosing a style means choosing:

  • color scheme;
  • patterns;
  • symbolic toys.

If you follow the current traditions of 2019, then, as already mentioned, you must definitely find a place for the pig and decorate the New Year tree in yellow. On the other hand, we can be creative and add other tones to yellow. And in general, you can create your own unique style.

Here are some examples for inspiration:

  • Perfect for lovers of the old and the good. retro style, which, by the way, can stand out favorably against the background of a variety of lush Christmas trees. This style provides for the presence of antique toys or even rare originals. DIY crafts, serpentines, flags, chains and even ... old photographs that can be placed in beautiful frames are welcome.

  • Single color Christmas tree- we have already considered such options using the example of the yellow range, which is relevant in 2019. Coloristic Christmas trees are made up of almost the same color or similar shades. Therefore, to create diversity, toys are used that are different in shape, size, style.

  • But if you allow different colors, but at the same time use only one type of toys (albeit different sizes) - this style is called European. It is easy to see that this is how Christmas trees are often decorated in studios, shopping centers and other public places. This is quite an interesting technique, which will be even more effective if, for example, we start to "play" with the color scheme.

  • snow style for lovers of frost, silvery shades and generally everything winter. Decorations for such a Christmas tree are selected to match the snowy shades - these can be silver icicles, balls, cones and other beautiful toys.

How to hang garlands and tinsel

It would seem that this is difficult? Garlands and tinsel are traditional Christmas decorations that are invariably used from year to year in all countries and continents.

It is better to hang them first for practical and aesthetic reasons. If you first decorate the tree with toys, then the wires of the garlands will get tangled in them, and most importantly, then the general pattern, the “filling” of the Christmas tree will not be completely clear.

Strictly speaking, there is only one way to hang a garland - by winding it in a spiral, starting from the top of the head and ending with the very floor. What length will fit?

Empirically, the following ratio was derived: 10 meters of colored light bulbs for every 2 meters of wood. That is, for a room beauty, just such an option is suitable. However, even if the length is 15 meters, it will not get worse - there is never a lot of light.

But tinsel may need a little more. First of all, you need to choose the right one. What is better for a Christmas tree - traditional serpentine or New Year's beads?

It all depends on the style of decoration and the prevailing color scheme, because both pictures can look very beautiful. The main condition is that the tinsel should not hang anyhow, but with a clear artistic design - waves, zigzags, etc.

Toys big or small

We can say: both those and others, but subject to a harmonious combination. Of course, there are certain limits, beyond which it is better not to go.

Toys that are too big to hang on city Christmas trees are not suitable for a room version. And miniature figurines will simply get lost on the New Year's beauty - it is better to place them on souvenir, gift Christmas trees.

As for toys of acceptable sizes, it is better to follow these tips when placing them:

You can take figures of the same size and evenly distribute them on the tree. It can be, for example, only balls or only cones - the same European style.

You can take both large and medium toys. But then, first of all, it is better to distribute the overall figures. They should emphasize the main pattern or create a dominant color scheme. After that, you can hang smaller models.

And most importantly - you should not obviously overdo it with the number of toys. Christmas tree decoration, but not a decoration tree. Still, she is the main character of the evening. And toys are the decorative element that emphasizes its natural beauty.

How to decorate a Christmas tree: 10 consecutive steps

Based on the foregoing, you can draw up a kind of instruction on how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year:

  1. We decide on a specific tree - artificial or natural.
  2. We choose a place under the Christmas tree. The best thing is that it can be viewed from all sides. If the room has a kind of center of gravity like a false fireplace, this is the best option.
  3. We choose the style of the Christmas tree, note the features of a particular year (fashionable color and image of the patron according to the eastern calendar).
  4. We decide how to arrange the garland. Most often, this is a classic version with full coverage of the entire tree. You can add light bulbs around the edges, and also at the bottom to highlight the gifts.
  5. After the garland "lay down" on the branches, we check how evenly it is located. To do this, you need to consider it from different angles and sides, closer and further, right and left.
  6. Now the turn of tinsel has come, with the help of which we determine the main pattern and motif - these can be traditional, but not lost their relevance waves with one or another angle of the arc, zigzags and other motifs.
  7. The next step is toys. Let's start with large balls, figurines and the crown. We evenly distribute them along the branches from top to bottom. If there are any iconic, special decorations, it is better to send additional light bulbs from garlands to them, or even hang additional white-yellow glow lamps.
  8. We evaluate our creation and fill the voids with smaller toys. Or we leave it as it is - after all, decorating a Christmas tree does not mean hanging it with different figures. Perhaps all the beauty will be just in the branches, illuminated by garlands and decorated with tinsel.
  9. We check how the tree looks in daylight, and most importantly - in the dark. After all, the beauty is that at the cherished hour all the lights will go out, and only a burning garland will remain. This will make the whole charm of the holiday.
  10. Finally, we decorate the place under the Christmas tree - it will be a magical island with gifts, where, of course, you can put Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden and a kind pig, which will certainly bring good luck to the whole family in the new year.

We decorate the Christmas tree in the apartment: photos and unusual tricks

Since it is customary to celebrate the New Year with family, friends and just nice people, most often we decorate the Christmas tree in the apartment. The apartment is, of course, not Red Square and not even a shopping center with its high ceilings.

But on the other hand, each house has its own design potential. After all, it is at home that you can create a cozy, pleasant Christmas tree, which will be a pleasure to relax every day of the New Year holidays. Here are some good options with photos and descriptions.

It is better to put a New Year tree against the background of light wallpaper and in general in rooms with a light design.

Contrasting options are also good - for example, any shades of blue in an interior with a warm color scheme.

Not every apartment has enough space to put the main decoration in the center. Then we will place it in the corner - we will not waste precious space.

As already mentioned, the most successful option for the location of the New Year's tree is next to a place that attracts attention, best of all - with a false fireplace. But even if it is not there, it is appropriate to put the Christmas tree near the chest of drawers, the surface of which can also play along as a place for additional decorations (candles, gifts, photo frames, tinsel and others).

Successful beauty: we decorate the Christmas tree on our site

It is good to have your own cottage, where you can come not only in summer, but also in winter. And even better - so that your own spruce grows on such a site, which you can dress up every year.

Most often we are talking, of course, about a large perennial tree. Of course, you need to decorate it with toys of the appropriate size.

Well, if the Christmas tree is small, you can stock up on the most common balls and figures. And the most important thing is, of course, the backlight, because it will create all the beauty.

Lighting is generally a powerful tool for a designer. It can be used to decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also houses, fences, gazebos.

These are such interesting options for decorating real, large Christmas trees. Near such a tree, you will probably want to lead whole round dances. And sing funny songs - just like in the good old days.

To work is like a holiday: the best ideas for decorating an office Christmas tree

The workplace is part of the public space, so when decorating office Christmas trees, you should use classic and creative design ideas that will appeal to almost all colleagues. This means that the tree is dressed up sequentially, using toys of the same color and shape, following a preconceived style or pattern.

We will use all parts of the workspace - let the holiday break into every square meter.

Of course, creativity is not only not forbidden, but also recommended. It is good if the decorations reflect the scope of the company, its specifics.

For example, from this photo it is easy to guess that employees are engaged in the delivery of correspondence and other important goods.

And of course, you can make Christmas trees with your own hands - any material at hand will do, even.

For real originals: TOP 5 creative Christmas trees

But what if all the traditional options have become too familiar and no longer evoke those vivid emotions that make up the essence of the holiday? No problem, let's try something new. Here are some unusual ideas that will tell you how to creatively decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year.

Techno tree - for lovers of everything new, progressive, technological. It can be decorated with CDs (or even made from them), souvenir gadgets and other material evidence of the progress of civilization.

The literary Christmas tree is made up of books decorated with garlands. Although you can take as a basis an ordinary tree that needs to be creatively dressed up.

Souvenir books will be an obligatory decoration on such a Christmas tree, and you can also add portraits of your favorite writers, pens - in a word, everything that we associate with the art of literature.

A pillow Christmas tree is created from several blanks of the same shape, but of different sizes. They can be sewn by hand or purchased ready-made options.

Hanging Christmas tree - comments are superfluous, inspiration can be caught at a glance.

And finally, the inverted Christmas tree is an option that may initially seem strange. And if you look closely, this design of the Christmas tree is also not without design potential. A festive chandelier, a New Year's liana - these are the associations that may arise when viewing a photo of this beauty.

Through the eyes of a child: decorating a Christmas tree with children

Decorating a Christmas tree is, without exaggeration, a family affair, because each of us can literally have a hand in this. And it’s especially great when kids take part in the festive event. They can not only help in this matter, but also offer their original ideas.

And in order to make it more interesting for them, we will use the following techniques:

  1. Old, kind, long-tested advice - we will hang on the Christmas tree and put not only beautiful, but also edible figurines under it. More recently, it was customary to decorate with a lot of chocolates. Why not revive this tradition? Moreover, such Christmas trees can be presented to a dear person, colleague, neighbor - anyone.

  1. A similar method will work on a large Christmas tree. It will also be great if the main New Year's fruit, tangerines, which in themselves resemble interesting bright balls, finds its place.

How to decorate a Christmas tree with tangerines? Several illustrative ways are shown here.

  1. And the most important thing. Children are perhaps the most creative people. And they will certainly offer to decorate the Christmas tree with their favorite toys, figurines, crafts. Of course, we will give them such an opportunity - let the desired toy take the best place on the New Year's beauty. After all, everything that creates a good mood is good.

Happy New Year!

It is impossible to imagine the New Year holidays without a beautiful Christmas tree decorated in bright colors.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in 2020, it is advisable to plan in advance: the best toys will already be sold out by the last days, and you will not be able to immediately think through the design to the smallest detail.

In order for a Christmas tree decorated in accordance with the best traditions to really create a festive atmosphere, you should not limit yourself to purchased accessories alone: ​​add designer elements to the design, use improvised materials - and you will get a stylish, sophisticated and bright Christmas tree that will be remembered by each of the guests.

Given that next year's symbol is the White Metal Rat, it's easy to guess how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year. The rat is an energetic, active creature, therefore it requires careful selection of shades and accessories.

Let's figure out which Christmas tree decorations will be considered the most suitable in the New Year 2020.

Preparing for decorating

Decorating the 2020 Christmas tree requires careful preparation. Firstly, think in advance about which Christmas tree is better to buy: the larger it is, the more difficult it will be to create a harmonious design, and the naturalness of the winter beauty will also play an important role in the perception of the interior.

Take a look in the boxes of old toys: perhaps some of them have already lost their appearance, are beaten up, or simply do not fit the theme of next year.

Think about what toys you should buy - and go in search of jewelry of the right shapes and sizes (the sooner you start searching, the larger the range will be at your disposal).

Don't rush to throw away old glass balls: they can be crushed up and used as glitter powder for new homemade decorations.

The best options for decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year involve the use of red, gold, yellow, brown and white, but these colors do not have to be present in Christmas tree balls. Look for bright bows, garlands with light bulbs in matching colors, or raindrops in matching colors.

To figure out how to decorate the Christmas tree in 2020, decide in advance on the best option for the location of toys and other decorations.

There are several such options:

Find out: decor ideas, useful tips and tricks for decorating rooms for the eve of the year of the Rat.

Read about how to make New Year's candles with your own hands in: options for a beautiful festive decor of candles for the new year, made using different techniques.

Since the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree has been going on for a long time, many people prefer to decorate it in the old style. In fact, there are many interesting stylistic solutions for such decoration. For example, a country-style Christmas tree can be decorated with paper decorations, felt toys, small figures made of straw or wood, and vintage accessories.

Decorations for a traditional Christmas tree are the usual ball-shaped decorations, flashing garlands and large rain. The range of modern Christmas accessories also includes bows, bells, flowers and ordinary ribbons.

Sprayable artificial snow is also on sale, which can be used to decorate individual twigs or toys.

If you want to decorate your Christmas tree in a vintage or retro style, stock up on old toys, vinyl records (even with their help you can create spectacular decorations!), accessories made of glass and shiny elements. A modern-style Christmas tree, in addition to standard accessories, can be decorated with fur elements, plastic and metal parts, and even CDs.

The best Christmas tree for the new year will turn out if you pay attention to every detail. The decoration of the Christmas tree begins with garlands, then you can proceed to the toys and, at the last stage, to rain and tinsel, as well as to install the top. Let's take a closer look at how to decorate the Christmas tree in 2020.

Decoration with garlands

Garlands for the Christmas tree can be different: electric and standard, large and small, one-color and rainbow. Therefore, the choice of such accessories should be preceded by a careful planning of the appearance of your Christmas tree.

If you decide to purchase an electric garland, be sure to consider its safety and place of production. It is advisable to look at the quality certificate for such jewelry: at specialized points of sale you should not be denied this. Immediately check it for suitability: all the lights of the garland should be on.

By the way, garlands can be not only the main, but also the only decoration of the Christmas tree: when lit, they will look very bright and festive, even if they have only one shade. Do not forget that even such decorations should not be too much: follow the measure and stick to one direction when decorating a Christmas tree of any size.

When using multi-colored garlands, make sure that Christmas decorations are in harmony with them in shade.

When we decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, we do not always think that even the most unusual materials can be used to create accessories. You can even make your own garlands.

The easiest way is to create a paper garland: it can be in the form of a chain of rings, it can be a rope or ribbon with paper pictures and clippings, and even have volume (for example, bright candy figures can be made from paper).

As improvised materials for creating your own garland, you can use gingerbread and sweets, beads, toys made of felt or other fabric, coins, jewelry, nuts, plastic corks of bright colors and many other items. The main thing is that they fit into the design of the Christmas tree in shape and size.

When the garland is ready, you can start choosing Christmas decorations. How to decorate a 2020 Christmas tree with purchased and homemade decorations, we will consider further.

Christmas tree toys

We have already noted that before buying Christmas decorations, you need to decide on their shapes and sizes.

The standard option is bright medium-sized balls, but since the Rat is considered the symbol of 2020, you can look for toys in the form of these animals or tropical fruits. Also, toys in the form of snowmen, Santa Claus, snowflakes and other New Year themes are suitable for decorating the Christmas tree.

It is better to decorate a large Christmas tree with large toys or harmoniously combine them with smaller elements. Large accessories are hung on the branches first.

Christmas tree decorations 2020 are best hung in such a way that the fasteners are not conspicuous. The stores sell special green fasteners that merge with coniferous branches. Also, as holders for toys, you can use paper clips, strings or bright ribbons that will fit into the festive decor.

Do not forget about the possibility of hand-made Christmas decorations. Figures made of puff pastry, wax toys, decorations made using decoupage and papier-mâché techniques will look unusual and interesting. A few more ideas on how to decorate a Christmas tree with your own hands, we will describe below.

How to decorate the top?

A Christmas tree design can feel incomplete if you don't take care of creating a beautiful tree top. For these purposes, you can purchase ready-made Christmas tree decorations or build an accessory yourself.

Traditional options for decorating the top of the Christmas tree are large stars, figurines of Jesus or Santa Claus (depending on the holiday you are going to celebrate), or a pointed decoration. You can pick up an angel figurine or tie a beautiful and lush bow in a bright shade (it is preferable to choose red).

If the shape of your Christmas tree does not require the use of a toy for the top, you can decorate the end of the Christmas tree with a fluffy rain or garland.

To attract good luck next year, you can use a pig figure as the top decoration of the Christmas tree. In the decor of the Christmas tree, such a toy will not look contradictory.

Do not forget that the top of the Christmas tree should be chosen taking into account the color scheme of its design. It is desirable that in form it is in harmony with other toys and decorations on a coniferous tree. Therefore, many people prefer to buy jewelry in ready-made sets: it will be easier to follow a single style in the process of decorating.

The New Year is a time of fairy tales and magic, and homemade Christmas tree decorations in the form of snowflakes will emphasize this atmosphere. You can purchase ready-made plastic snowflakes with openwork inserts and sparkles that shimmer under the light.

In order not to spend money, make snowflakes yourself: paper, durable cardboard, plastic, foam rubber, hard fabric or felt are suitable as the main material for such decorations. Decorate the snowflakes with beads, glitter varnish, beads, bright embroidery or paints.

Another option for do-it-yourself Christmas tree decorations, which is quite often used in New Year's decor, is cone toys. Collect enough cones in advance and prepare paints and glitter for decoration.

The cones can be hung on the Christmas tree in their original form or turned into themed toys (for example, in the form of Santa Claus). You can emphasize the winter freshness of the Christmas tree by decorating the cones with artificial snow.

DIY Christmas decorations can be made in the form of snowmen. For such decorations, use cardboard (then the snowman will not be voluminous), plaster or foam rubber, felt, fabric or cotton wool.

The felting technique is very popular: make cute snowmen out of felted wool and use it not only as decorations for the Christmas tree, but also as gifts for guests.

From plastic bottles, you can cut out transparent figures of deer, Santa Claus, stars, which will shimmer from the glare of garlands or candles. More complex techniques can also be used: for example, using bottles, you can create penguin or Santa Claus toys.

Read about how it should be: what colors prevail, what should be the serving, including dishes, glasses, napkins and a tablecloth.

A detailed article about the kanzashi Christmas tree: step-by-step photos, video instructions with the execution technique.

You can make new Christmas balls from old ones. For example, wrap plastic balls with shiny or bright thread or stick interesting pictures using the decoupage technique. Using glue and broken glass, you can create Christmas balls with a glossy and mirror surface. And the creation of plastic balls decorated with beads, sparkles and paint can be entrusted to the younger generation.

How beautiful to decorate a Christmas tree with children? After all, it is better for children not to entrust work with scissors, sharp objects or wax. Invite them to hang edible decorations on the Christmas tree: gingerbread, cookies, fruits, nuts, sweets. All these decorations, if desired, can be wrapped in gift paper.

You can decorate a Christmas tree, even focusing on your hobby. Use dried flowers, shells, coins, postcards, or even family photos as toys. This design will definitely surprise your guests and create an atmosphere of a warm family holiday.

To make your Christmas tree look as spectacular and harmonious as possible in the New Year, do not put off preparing for decor in a distant drawer. Go shopping: you may get some ideas yourself or find unusual toys that are just starting to gain popularity.

It is advisable to decorate the Christmas tree with your family: then everyone will like the New Year's interior.

That's really what there is no bad or inappropriate place in the house, so it's for the Christmas tree. It is from the appearance of the Christmas tree in the room that we understand that the long-awaited New Year is about to come, and it is under it that children (and adults too) will find the most desired gifts - in a word, solid positive.

We associate so many good and kind things with this green guest that even prudent adherents of the ancient art of Feng Shui composition have no choice but to agree with this.

Spruce as an element of the fire element

Among all trees, Christmas trees are the only ones with a crown in the shape of a triangle. Feng Shui considers the triangle to be an element of fire. Fire has long been attributed mystical properties that can materialize human thoughts. The magical properties of spruce are complemented by its fluffy needles - needles, which, from the point of view of esotericism, are conductors of the celestial energy of Mars. By the way, a pine tree with its soft forms will carry half the energy of fire in itself than in the case of spruce.

Wishes expressed on New Year's Eve near the beautiful Christmas tree will surely materialize, especially if candles are burning in the room. By the way, esotericists agree that human thoughts that have been baptized by fire materialize. You just need to wish very much and how to ask for an elegant Christmas tree. Therefore, when writing a letter to Santa Claus, do not forget to dictate it to your Christmas tree - so that wishes come true, because the Christmas tree is the most reliable way to contact the Wish Maker. It will become the channel that will lead your desires to where decisions are made about their fulfillment.

The selection of Christmas tree decorations is not accidental - sweets, gingerbread, coins, figurines of angels and nuts in gilded foil and silver paper. All this symbolizes a beautiful and happy life, which is faithfully guarded by guardian angels, and glass Christmas balls are nothing more than a symbol of Mother Earth, therefore, in addition to sweets and gingerbread, decorate your Christmas tree with balls. All toys are recommended to be hung on red threads or ribbons in order to further enhance the ability of the Christmas tree to materialize desires.

And under the Christmas tree, you can put a chest of desires, in which each family member can put their wishes written on paper. After the end of the New Year celebrations, this chest is placed in front of a mirror, and at the end of the year it is filled with fresh desires. By the way, you can check how well the Wish Fulfillment Department is doing just by reading each of them. And most often it turns out that large and serious desires come true, and momentary or unnecessary ones are ignored by the heavenly office.

And a few words about the star, which is traditionally used to decorate the top of the Christmas tree. This is not a Soviet symbol, but the star that informed the Magi about the birth of Jesus.

Developing this tradition in a modern interpretation, hang toys on Christmas trees that will tell the Universe about your innermost dreams. If you want a house - hang a funny toy-hut, dream of a car - decorate spruce branches with funny cars, there is not enough money - let the banknotes decorate the Christmas tree. And the Christmas tree will look extraordinary, and send your desires to the heavenly office. Red threads will help to strengthen the fire element, with the help of which original Christmas decorations are hung on the Christmas tree.

According to Feng Shui masters, a properly placed Christmas tree can not only give you New Year's joy, but also bring additional luck into your life this year. Agree, it’s one thing to put up a Christmas tree, and another thing to put it in such a way that it can really help fulfill all your cherished desires and even change your life for the better.

On the one hand, a bright and festive Christmas tree in the house is good in itself: it embodies the burning energy of Yang, while the cold winter Yin reigns outside. But a correctly placed main New Year's symbol helps to stock up on Fortune's sympathy for the next twelve months.

Where to put the Christmas tree?

The main thing is to decide what you want most of all, and choose the right angle for the green beauty according to the Feng Shui compass. It is worth going in search of him from the entrance to the room.

If your task in the new year is to meet or develop love relationships, make intimate life more vibrant and stormy, try long-cherished secret fantasies and other close relationships, your corner is far to the right. For love, Feng Shui advises decorating the Christmas tree with shiny crystals, silk ribbons, hearts, heart-shaped toys or paired symbols, this is when two balls, bells, rings, cones, icicles hang side by side, and best of all are intertwined with ropes or golden threads for fastening. The color of Christmas tree decorations is red, pink, white, the top of the Christmas tree should be voluminous, the same plush heart, a large ball of tinsel. In general, it is desirable that the matrimonial bed should be in this place, and if it is really there instead of a tree, pick up pine branches and hang them above the bed, creating an artful composition.

If you set yourself the task of financial well-being, Feng Shui wealth, you need to activate the corner opposite to love, that is, the far left. Jewelry should be accented in the direction of gold or silver hues, coins are considered the most “correct” for attracting wealth, for example, chocolate in shiny wrappers, the more the better. A garland of banknotes from the games Manager or Monopoly, as well as other variations on the monetary theme, will also be a hit. In addition, you can wrap the branches of the Christmas tree with various banknotes, connecting with a paper clip, you get a money tree that will bring you financial success in the New Year. You also need to wrap the branches with red ribbons: they are a symbol of success and prosperity. And if the Christmas tree is not standing on a cross, but in a bucket of sand, then you can also bury a few coins wrapped in red paper in the sand. But silverware and cupronickel can not be hung out: they will still be more appropriate on the festive table.

Please note - career and financial well-being differ. Finance can also be an inheritance. A career is career advancement. What is the shortest path to a business goal? Of course, in a straight line. If you need a career put the tree right in front of the entrance to the room. This will contribute to career advancement to one degree or another of all employees. However, this option can be repeated at home. You need to decorate it in the style of work where you plan to advance - bright and outrageous if the work is creative, strict - if this is a serious business. How did you decorate the Christmas tree in your office?

The near right corner is the family, children's sector. If the New Year in your family is primarily a children's holiday, or, alternatively, you want to get pregnant in the New Year, the place for the Christmas tree is immediately to the right. Also decorate the Christmas tree - toys, all sorts of sweets, and if there are children in the house - let them decorate the Christmas tree, and you don’t need to redo anything behind them, except to fix it. Just hang the garland yourself, after all, the most important decisions should be made by parents. It is not necessary to put offspring there, even if this provides peace for the whole family for a while.

The best place to lure friends and influential patrons, and at the same time fame, is the near left corner of the room. The greatest effect will be if you ask all your friends to give some toy from their own stocks for your Christmas tree. And if you want new acquaintances, hang objects on the tree that you personify with these acquaintances: for example, if you need to meet a good realtor, then a toy in the form of a house should appear on the tree, you need a new employer or sponsor - you just need to hang a couple of coins, if you want more friendship with men, hang a couple of hairpins from your tie, and if you want to enrich your social circle with creative people, then you need to look for unusual and extravagant jewelry. In a word, find the thing that, in your opinion, the little man with whom you want to be friends should have.

If you put a Christmas tree right at the entrance to the room, then this position will help you feel like a strong, interesting person. If at the same time it is located in the near left corner, then this will help expand your contacts with the outside world, develop your creative and intellectual abilities.

However, the most effective way is to put the tree in the middle. Thus, you can strengthen almost every aspect of your life by hanging a few strengthening symbols there. The Christmas tree in the middle of the room symbolizes the combination of all the above desires, which will certainly come true, if not on New Year's Eve, then definitely before the next Christmas tree! At the same time, you need to hang symbols no longer looking from the door, but on those branches that look at the angles you need. A round dance around such a Christmas tree will be as effective as possible.

The flow of positive energy also depends on how the tree is located in relation to the cardinal points. It is them that the compass will help to determine.

Christmas tree in the SOUTHERN sector

The most correct and suitable place for your Christmas tree will be the southern sector of the apartment or room. Because the dominant element of this sector is Fire, and the Christmas tree, as already mentioned, symbolizes Fire. Spruce in the southern sector will help maintain our popularity, fame, strengthen our reputation and increase creativity. Thanks to the southern sector, we open ourselves to the surrounding space, declare to the world about ourselves, about what we do and what we are capable of. Also, the south is responsible for representative activities, advertising companies, PR, communication, outdoor activities, holidays.
Refrain from over-decorating the Christmas tree in this sector with shiny tinsel, as well as blue toys. Then the glow of our Christmas tree, and even decorated with red balls, candles in this sector will support the fiery Phoenix, and the New Year will certainly bring you good luck.
Decorations: Phoenix, peacock (other birds), snake, horse, butterfly. Jewelry depicting a lyre or other musical instruments, as well as a sprig or leaves of a noble laurel. It is favorable to use open fire: candles, sparklers, etc.

But if you don’t have a free southern sector in your apartment, then this is not a reason to be upset. Because if we decorate the Christmas tree according to the sector in which it will stand, then we can change the course of our life for the better! Therefore, we continue our journey through the Bagua zones.

Tree in the SOUTHWESTERN sector
The Christmas tree is almost in place - the energy of Fire does not harm this sector, but, on the contrary, nourishes the Earth, the mistress of this sector.
To strengthen the sphere of accumulation, family relations, or relations in the work team, we will put a spruce in the southwestern sector. In addition, by filling the southwest with energy, we will support our financial investments, the acquisition of real estate, other large purchases and increase our energy potential.
There is a small warning from the masters of feng shui: you should not place a powerful New Year tree in the southwest, in the sector of the Mother of the Family (another name is the “Sector of Love and Partnership”). It will “suck out” the energy of the element of the Earth dominating there and thereby weaken the older woman in the house. This is an important moment for families where the “locomotive” is the wife, not the husband.
Decorations: Let the main colors of the toys be pink, red, yellow. Toys in the form of a house, a chest, a box, gold bars, coins, banknotes (it is better to use real coins and banknotes). Figurines of a dog, sheep, ears or grains of wheat and other cereals. Various pebbles, crystal balls, crystals, beads, pendants, key rings made of precious or semi-precious stones. The figures of Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden or some other couples under the Christmas tree will perfectly fit into this sector, thereby activating the sector of Love and Marriage. It is better not to hang large silver balls. Do not forget to hang a garland, as well as turn it on more often.

West and northwest. The element of these sectors is Metal, and our Christmas tree, as an element of Fire, is probably completely out of place here, but by decorating it all with white, gray, yellow, silver and gold balls, we will bring Metal energy into these sectors, which will help us in creativity.

Christmas tree in the WESTERN sector
When you need to improve your health, expand your social circle or remove people from your environment who bring more trouble than good, spruce must be placed in the western sector. The energy of the Western sector supports our immunity, helps to get rid of false embarrassment - when we want to get to know someone or, on the contrary, part, say NO, but for some reason we cannot.
Decorations: White tiger, stork, monkey, warrior, gourd gourd, fan. Branch of cedar, cypress, juniper, basil. Metal figurines or figurines covered with gold, silver, bronze enamel, jewelry.

Tree in the NORTH-WEST sector
The chances of taking a leadership position, defending one's opinion, subjugating circumstances and subordinates will increase when a spruce stands in the northwestern sector on New Year's Eve. This will help us to be more constructive, wise, visionary, improve our skills and professionalism, as well as our ability to manage.
Decorations: Key, mace, sword, shield, eagle, owl, rooster. A twig or leaf of oak, walnut, hazel, or their fruits (you can use real or fakes, decorations). Metal figurines or figurines covered with gold, silver, bronze enamel, jewelry. Decorate the Christmas tree in the northwest with metal bells and angel toys, then next year you can safely count on all kinds of help from friends and helpers.

Christmas tree in the NORTHERN sector
If we want to strengthen our social positions, reach a higher social level, accelerate our upward movement on the career ladder, we need spruce in the northern sector. The North helps us to be flexible, quick, resourceful. It shows the ability, if necessary, to adapt to changing conditions, and at a certain moment, having accumulated knowledge, strength and experience, independently change the conditions of the game.
Decorations: All the same balls and bells, but more white and blue-blue, rain is very suitable, but no candles, and also turn on the garland as rarely as possible. Figurine of turtle, wild boar, rat, mouse, whale, goldfish, killer whale, shark. Snow flakes or snowflakes, decorations resembling drops of water. And the fountain will be the most powerful element of the northern Christmas tree.

Christmas tree in the NORTH-EAST sector
To find good business partners, patrons, sponsors, teachers, the necessary information, enlist the support of friends, help spruce in the northeastern sector. This sector contains the energy of patronage and support, contributes to the receipt of help, verbal, physical or material.
Decorations: Everything is almost like in the southwest. Just instead of paired symbols, hang a toy on the Christmas tree - a small globe, help your children study. You can hang pearl beads on the Christmas tree, your life in the new year will be brighter and more interesting. Fairy, good sorceress, elephant, buffalo, two dragons with a pearl. Toys in the form of a magic wand, gift bundles, boxes tied with ribbons. Various pebbles, crystal balls, crystals, beads, pendants, key rings made of precious or semi-precious stones.

Christmas tree in the EASTERN sector
The East is responsible for ideas, discoveries, various undertakings and innovations in our lives, procreation (conception, birth), happiness and good luck for children. A Christmas tree located in this sector will help strengthen marital status. If in the coming year we planned to increase our family, open our own business, buy a new apartment or house - spruce in the eastern sector will support any of our undertakings. It will also have a positive effect on the happiness and good fortune of our children.
Decorations: Do not decorate it with a pointed crown, toys, icicles. In the decoration of the oriental spruce, figures of angels, a rabbit, a dragon, a star, snowdrops, primrose (early flowers) are desirable. And cover the Christmas tree needles well with rain and tinsel.

Christmas tree in the SOUTH-EAST sector
The southeastern sector is our achievements, victories, prizes, as well as the creation of a family, the qualitative and quantitative growth of monetary profits and other material values.
Spruce in the southeastern sector helps the development of everything that is in our lives. Development of relations, initiated projects; achieving goals, results and, of course, profit growth, quantitative and qualitative. A spruce in the southeastern sector will direct energy to this area.
Decorations: Precautions are the same as for the eastern sector. The best Christmas tree decoration is fish, coins, garlands of "precious" beads. Because the forest beauty located in this sector will help your financial prosperity, especially if you decorate it with coins wrapped in foil and tie the branches with red ribbons. Toys depicting flowers or real flowers, their inflorescences. Jewelry in the form of fruits or berries (apples, peaches, grapes, strawberries, etc.). You can use real fruits.

Tree in the CENTRAL sector
In order to strengthen internal harmony, rally the family or work team, gain power, and also establish interaction between all departments of the enterprise, we will put a spruce in the central sector.
The placement of the Christmas tree in the center of the perimeter - in the Health zone - is justified by the historical experience of our ancestors. In pre-revolutionary Russia, in ballrooms, a decorated Christmas tree was always located in the center.
Decorations: Monad, eye, miniature globe or globe. Also, figurines depicting a crown, scepter, orb, castle or pyramid are favorable. Various pebbles, crystal balls, crystals, beads, pendants, key rings made of precious or semi-precious stones.

Or in short: if the tree ended up in the southern sector, this is undoubtedly good luck, because it is there that a bright, warm symbol can express itself 100%. If the New Year's symbol got a place in the southwest, then you should turn on the garland more often, add red and yellow decorations, and also refrain from large silver balls. But the figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will fit in wonderfully here. West and northwest will play more effectively if you add yellow and white Christmas trees to the ensemble. The north side loves shiny rain, balloons and bells in white and blue-blue tones. And the northeast, like the southwest, will again be delighted with red and yellow decorations. But the East, in relation to Feng Shui jewelry, is a minimalist, and among the decorations it only recognizes rain and tinsel. The southeast also does not require much frills, but can be strengthened by fish, coins and discreet garlands.

It happens that the situation at home does not allow you to put the Christmas tree in the right corner.- it's not scary, take a few fluffy branches, weave them into a New Year's bouquet and put it in a vase (hang it on the wall) in the place you need, decorating it with the right symbols, it will have exactly the same effect. Well, if you want everything, and immediately, put the tree in the sector that is responsible for the most favorable direction for you, and in the remaining sectors, replace the tree with pine or spruce branches.

And more tips. The Christmas tree should stand very firmly, evenly, not fall on its side, otherwise your dreams will be weak and frail. If it collapses on its side or even falls, then no feng shui will help here: the energy of the home will be disturbed. A crumbling Christmas tree is also not good, since it is a source of excess negative energy. Therefore, the Christmas tree must be taken out of the house before the needles begin to crumble.

Once in greenhouse home conditions, the beauty, who was born and raised in the forest and whom Frost had just wrapped in snow, turns into a pampered princess. It is cold in a draft, hot near the battery. And I want to drink all the time. So if your Christmas tree will stand in a bucket of sand, then water it every other day, like an indoor flower, and spray the branches with a spray bottle. If the tree is alive, be sure to fill the butt with sand and constantly add water to keep the sand wet.

By the way. Even in medieval Europe, for a long time from the 12th century, Christians hung a Christmas tree upside down in their dwellings, its triangular shape made them think of the Trinity. The founder of the celebration of the modern New Year in Russia, Peter I, recommended to the Russians to hang Christmas trees on the ceiling. However, they did not heed his recommendations then.

Thus, you will save space on the floor, create a festive atmosphere, and, moreover, surprise your family and friends with such an unusual approach to decorating your home.

A little about decorating the apartment as a whole. It is recommended to decorate window or door handles with bells, because they attract positive energy into the house, according to the teachings of Feng Shui. And to attract money, you can buy (or sew) a red bag, put a few coins in it and put it in the place where cereals are stored. Better yet, bury the "treasure" in a jar of rice to get it at the end of the year and spend it on a noble cause. If you repeat this ritual every year, the family budget will be strong and stable.

And in conclusion. The New Year has passed, the Christmas tree has been removed, the New Year's interior of the apartment has changed to the usual one, but is it worth refusing the help of higher powers? Of course not. We put or hang on the place where the Christmas tree was, a large, strong and beautiful flower or vase, add a couple of good luck accessories to it, and Feng Shui will work all year round!

Cunning all the same, this science, Feng Shui! Don't believe? New Year is coming soon. There is an opportunity to see for yourself the New Year's magic of Feng Shui.

according to tyrnetu


It is impossible to imagine the Christmas and New Year holidays without a beautiful Christmas tree decorated in a bright and original way. How to decorate a Christmas tree in 2019? You will have to think about the design, thinking through everything to the smallest detail, and buy the best toys, decor, garlands. You should not delay shopping, because the closer to the holiday, the worse and poorer the choice of jewelry will be.

The New Year holidays are a truly wonderful time that brings inexpressible emotions and a wonderful mood. And the Christmas tree, decorated in accordance with the best, will really create the atmosphere of this magical holiday.

An elegant Christmas tree requires careful preparation. In advance, you need to think about which tree is better to purchase: the higher it is, the more difficult it will be to create a harmonious design. It is preferable to purchase a natural winter beauty, this will play an important role in the perception of the interior.

The decoration of the Christmas tree should be carried out taking into account the established symbol of 2019 - the pig, so you should consider which style to choose and which color scheme to base on. Emphasis should be placed on the following points:

  • Symbols. Next year will be the Year of the Earth Pig. To properly decorate your holiday tree, you need to consider this fact. This animal loves luxury and chic, so the decoration of the Christmas tree should be rich. The main color is yellow, because this is the color of the hostess of the holiday, so preference should be given to golden decor.
  • Colors. Preference should be given to bright and fiery shades, because they are the choice of the Earth Pig. You can choose from red, gold, yellow, orange, purple and pink colors. But this is not a reason to abandon other options. Bright shades can be combined with calmer tones: white, lemon, silver, green, light blue or pale brown. The main rule is not to overdo it with the combination of colors on the Christmas tree, so that it does not turn out to be too tasteless. It is recommended to select a scheme of 2-3 color schemes so as not to overload the composition. In this case, the Christmas tree will harmoniously fit into the festive interior. In any case, it is up to the owners to decide what colors to decorate the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree decoration styles

New Year is a favorite holiday for many since childhood. He is eagerly awaited, and this does not depend on age, place of residence, nationality and social status. Christmas trees will shine in all houses, but what they will be depends on the taste and imagination of the apartment owners. You can decorate the Christmas tree in any style you like.


This style is popular at all times, but it is especially perfect for decorating holiday trees this year. While luxury is favored in 2019, restraint with no frills is preferred for the new symbol.

It will not be difficult to choose such a decor. You should buy balls of the same size in a golden hue and Christmas glass figurines for the Christmas tree. It can be angels or snowmen. Additional traditional decoration will be yellow and gold satin bows.

Eco style

For such a decor, you will need natural materials, but you should adhere to restraint and modesty. As toys, you can take acorns, dried fruits, salt dough products and original dry leaves and flowers. Ribbons can be tied to the Christmas tree with your own hands.


When thinking about how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2019, you can opt for a rustic style, because a pig is a rural animal. Such a festive tree will be inimitable, unique and will help to achieve the favor of the main patron of the celebration.

A great option would be hand-made Christmas decorations. To create them, any material is useful: wood, paper, fabric, fur. On such a Christmas tree you can hang gingerbread, sweets and nuts, decorated with shiny foil. Instead of boots, you can use felt boots to emphasize the rustic style.


A Christmas tree in a modern style will always be elegant. Ornaments made of metal and fur can be added to ordinary toys. A tree decorated with CDs will look great.


If there is no time to think too much about how to decorate a Christmas tree, then a similar style will do. Decorating the Christmas tree at home with some spectacular garlands, you can get a wonderful result. A forest beauty designed in this way will not require large financial investments, but will please the eye with bright lights.


In this style, the forest beauty will be especially original. For a retro style, you will need old toys from your grandmother's chest, vinyl records, unnecessary jewelry. An excellent solution would be to use your children's toys, which in this case will symbolize the connection of generations.

creative decoration

The unusual design of the Christmas tree will please the hosts and surprise the guests. Metal toys will be a wonderful option for holiday decor. But you should not use a large number of garlands and rain in this case. It is necessary to hang such toys on the Christmas tree at a distance from each other so that they do not merge into one bright spot.

A copper basin is suitable as a stand for such an industrial Christmas tree. For this style, an artificial tree is suitable, the options for which are many. For the most creative, a palm tree in a bucket is suitable instead of an ordinary pine.

According to Feng Shui

It will be original to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year in accordance with Eastern traditions. It is important that the tree is only natural and fresh. The main symbol of the celebration should be placed in the farthest right corner of the dwelling, since the well-being of the whole family in the new year will depend on its location.

All toys must be in pairs. It can be silk bows, glass hearts and figurines. In order for joy to settle in the house, you need to decorate the Christmas tree with coins. An angel should be placed on top. The main colors of the decor will be gold and silver.

How to match jewelry

In order for the Christmas tree to look elegant, you should think about the combination of decorations. A chaotic choice of toys will make her unattractive and tasteless. When buying Christmas decorations, you should give preference to packages of balls of 6 or 12 pieces of the same color. Such sets will serve as the basis for decoration in any style.

You can make a similar New Year's set for the Christmas tree with your own hands. It can be knitted Christmas toys, crocheted snowflakes or designer decorations. Whatever color the balls or bows are, you should stick to the same tone so that the style is respected.

How to decorate a Christmas tree so that it does not look clumsy? It is not necessary to use all available decorations. Sometimes the less the better.

When thinking about how to properly decorate a Christmas tree, you need to use the recommendations regarding the position of Christmas tree decorations and garlands on a festive tree. Having chosen a style, you should select the necessary toys, decide on their color and size. Do not hang all items randomly.

You need to start from three options for the location of jewelry:

  • vertical, allowing you to distribute toys along longitudinal lines;
  • screw, when the balls are hung in a spiral;
  • horizontal, in which objects are arranged in a ring.

You should start decorating the Christmas tree with a garland, it will set the tone for the whole decor. Then use tinsel and toys. Decorated spruce only remains to add top decoration. You can stop at a traditional star, an angel, a Santa Claus hat or a satin bow.

If there are small children in the family, it is not recommended to hang fragile balls on the lower branches of the tree, so as not to expose the kids to the danger of being cut by splinters when the toy falls from the Christmas tree. It is best to place the forest beauty by the window so that it becomes an ornament of the house not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

Preparing for the celebration of the New Year is an exciting family activity. All family members can decide how to beautifully decorate the holiday tree. The yellow pig does not like lazy people. She will appreciate cheerful and creative people. A decorated Christmas tree should be bright and unusual.

Useful video with ideas for decorating a Christmas tree with your own hands

It is very easy to get lost in the modern variety of Christmas tree decorations. Below are the most interesting options for decorating a Christmas tree, as well as recommendations for using decorations in 2017. Read on to understand how to decorate this year's Christmas tree the right way!

Traditional and original decorations

  1. Garland - a decorative chain made of objects connected to each other. This year, the ideal solution would be to decorate the Christmas tree with an electric garland. It will add bright festive lights and New Year's mood. Garlands hung in a spiral look best in the photo. It is also very beautifully decorated with windows, houses outside (roof, doorway, windows, bushes and trees) and mirrors. Hanging a holiday garland is much safer than setting it up. candles, but no one forbids you from doing so. The only thing - do not forget to install them correctly. The ideal option in 2017 would be to pack them in glass lanterns with a monkey sticker. Later, it is easy to remake such lanterns for an animal of another year with your own hands. It is enough to erase the old sticker from the glass, which is easily done with a blade, and stick a new one - with the symbol of the next year.
  2. Christmas glass balls it is desirable to use 1 or 2 colors. If you have a lot of multi-colored balloons, then you can decorate them in one color with your own hands. To do this, you can use paints, paper (colored, white, newsprint, book), fabric, beads, beads and threads. For balloons, you can even knit or sew interesting costumes or just glue lace to them beautifully!
  3. Do snowflakes on the Christmas tree, you can use wire painted with white paint or strung with beads, paper or thread. If you know how to crochet, then sewing a snowflake or an outfit-cover for a New Year's ball will not be difficult!
  4. Handmade balls you can also crochet. There are many schemes, but you can easily come up with your own. Another option for balls is to make them from rings. plastic bottles. The main thing is to decorate beautifully and brightly!
  5. If you are addicted carving then make a couple dozen wooden toys for a year will not be a problem for you. Even 3-5 wooden toys will add charm and originality to your Christmas tree. Be sure to color them in to add color and draw attention to them!
  6. Look original on a festive spruce golden gears from watches, computer boards with bows and many other things that in ordinary life we ​​call rubbish. It will be especially chic to use your basic working tools to decorate a Christmas tree for a corporate party.
  7. To use or not to decorate a festive tree classic bright rain- it's up to you, but every year its relevance is less and less. Perhaps, if you have it, then it’s worth hanging up, but if not, don’t buy it. A couple more years and it will completely lose its relevance. You can hang rain on a Christmas tree in three ways: vertically, horizontally (floor) and in a spiral. Try each of the options to see what you like the most! Advice ! We recommend that you use rain to decorate various items at home, and not a Christmas tree.
  8. Unlike the rain holiday ribbons becoming more and more popular every year. They are at the peak of fashion as decorations for the Christmas tree. Today, a very large number of tapes are on sale: from thin to very wide. One wide tape 5 meters long is enough for the whole spruce with a height of up to two meters. Advice! To decorate the Christmas tree with thin ribbons, use a maximum of 2 colors. Ribbons under the colors of the balls will look very beautiful and sophisticated if you used 2 colors. If the balls are of the same color, then it is better to take the ribbons of any two other colors. How to decorate a Christmas tree with a ribbon? The best choice is a spiral. Another option is to lower several thin ribbons vertically or place medium-width ribbons horizontally on branches.
  9. Fashion trend for decorating a festive spruce - beads. You can make them yourself or buy them. They look very sophisticated. If you decide to do it yourself, then use silk thread or thicker threads for beads. To reduce the number of beads, use glue to fix them or put small beads of the same color between them.
  10. In the year of the monkey, there must be some kind of zest associated with this animal. Most monkeys prefer greens and fruits, which means stands on the Christmas tree to hang various goodies of plant origin (bananas, grapes, tangerines, nuts). Thus, you will add nice tasty gifts for your children. The second option is to put the fruit under the spruce. Third - hang some images with monkeys. These can be industrial toys or do-it-yourself toys. It will even be enough just to stick a few images on already hung balls to seduce you to the main symbol of the next year!
  11. Quick stitch toycan be from new colorful, multi-colored socks. So you can easily make a snowman or any animal, including a monkey.
  12. Bright toys for the Christmas tree from unnecessary materials? Easily! Do penguins from burnt lamps or plastic bottles! They can decorate the Christmas tree or any other corner of the apartment.
  13. Original delicious decorations Easy to bake or DIY. You can decorate tangerines or oranges. Most often, cinnamon is used for this, but we suggest doing another trick: decorate tangerines for Christmas balls! Of course, they will be quite heavy and only wide parts of the branches will be able to withstand them, that is, hang them correctly closer to the tree trunk. But on the other hand, you don’t need to spend a lot on such original balls, and at the end of the holidays you will eat them with pleasure!

    By adding a small wish under the decor layer, you can surprise your guests by inviting them to choose a Christmas ball from the Christmas tree as a gift. The second simple version of delicious do-it-yourself Christmas tree decorations is Christmas gingerbread in the form of a snowman, Christmas tree, squirrel, monkey or gingerbread man. There are many recipes for baking them: almond, honey, mint and many others. Choose to your taste!

  14. You can quickly and easily decorate the Christmas tree with sweets using sweets and chocolate figurines. Place them correctly: lower so that children can easily reach them. After all, these decorations are intended for them first of all! It's okay if these decorations are quickly eaten: you can always regulate the amount of sweets by stopping hanging sweets below.
  15. Many quick and tasty decorations can be made from nuts. Enough to take walnuts, peanuts or beans and paint them from a can of paint, and then attach a thread. Such jewelry will make a wonderful garland or beads. The dyeing operation is quick, but you need to do it carefully! And decorations made from dry pasta dyed with paint will also look original! Advice! To prevent damage to furniture and other things during spray painting, place a thick layer of paper or film.