State social assistance (GSP). Child allowances in Khanty-Mansiysk and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Other types of assistance to families with children

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is one of the regions with an unfavorable demographic situation. Therefore, along with federal benefits, there are regional payments aimed at improving the material condition of large and low-income families. In addition, such subsidies are aimed at stimulating the birth rate among indigenous peoples. Therefore, child benefits in Khanty-Mansiysk are transferred in an increased amount: federal and local subsidies are summed up.

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Federal payments in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

State aid in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is paid on a general basis, as in other regions of the country. Subsidies apply to citizens of Russia and other states who permanently reside in the autonomy, are not tied to the financial situation of their parents.

It should be noted that Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is one of the constituent entities of the Federation with special living conditions, therefore increasing allowances apply here:

  • 1.3 - in most of the territory;
  • 1.5 - for territories located north of 60 degrees N, where there are developed mineral deposits;
  • 1.7 - for the areas indicated above, but the allowance applies to geologists, construction workers, employees of the oil and gas industry (the coefficient is set for the period of mining).

Payouts in 2019

State payments for the birth of a child in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug are presented in the table.

Category Value in rubles Frequency of transfers
Pregnant women who got up medical records in the early stages and to women who lost their jobs during this period919 one-time
When the baby is born24 525 one-time
Additional assistance to unemployed women who have a dependent child before 3rd years75 Every month
pregnant women38 838 one-time
For the wives of conscript soldiers for the maintenance of babies16 645 Every month
For the maintenance of children under 1.5 yearsFirst - 4 598Every month
Second and beyond - 8,197
Standard value - 24 525one-time
For older than 7 years - 187 394
Children who have lost parents who died or are considered missing in the performance of official duties3 347 one-time
Children of military personnel and representatives of law enforcement agencies who died during local wars and armed conflicts in the republics of the North Caucasus22 027 Annually, targeted spending of funds: spending summer leisure time in health camps
Material rewards for holders of the Order of Parental Glory100 000 one-time
Certificate453 026 One-time, targeted spending
Important! The table shows the average allowances in force in most parts of the autonomy.

Where to go

Gathered for clearance constitutive documents, and an application is written.

The application must be written:

  1. employed - to their manager (under any form of ownership);
  2. - to the social security authorities;
  3. and equated submit a report to the authorities.

You need to apply for receipt at the place of main employment or at the social security department if the parents do not work officially. The processing time usually takes no more than 10 days.

Regional payments

Such benefits are paid from the local budget. Payments are targeted: the principle of need applies here.

Subsidies can be applied for under the following conditions:

  1. Russian citizenship (for most cases) and permanent registration in the region;
  2. with the exception of , either parent/guardian receives benefits;
  3. transfers are made from the month of consideration of applications;
  4. accommodation with a child is mandatory.

Applications are submitted for consideration to social security departments or multifunctional centers.

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Sizes of allowances from the regional budget

Category Sum Frequency of transfers
For birthFirst (if less than 2nd years) - 5 000one-time
Second - 10,000
Third and beyond - 15,000
The birth of twins / triplets - 15,000
For representatives of minority nations - 20,000
Low-income parents of first graders7 975 one-time
Parents with many children in preparing children for the educational processStandard size - 7 453one-time
First-graders - 11 180
care from 1.5 to 3rd years7 545 Every month
Care from 3 to 4th years3 774 Every month
For the loss of a breadwinner/for a disabled child1 756 Every month
For the birth of the third and subsequent babies12 975 Every month
Help with childcare895 Every month
Families with many children for the maintenance of minor dependents526 Every month
Grants for home schoolersVillagers - 11 231Every month
Residents of urban settlements - 5,979
Help for parents raising a child with a disability2 447 Monthly
Reimbursement for Parents/GuardiansFor the services of translators-dactylologists - up to 6,177Annually
Internet connection for distance learning of children with disabilities - up to 124one-time
Payment for Internet traffic for distance learning of a disabled child - up to 1,863Monthly
Assistance for the purchase of textbooks and manuals for disabled children (vocational education)3 727 Annually
Assistance for the purchase of textbooks and manuals for disabled children (universities)5 962 Annually
Reimbursement of expenses for trips to places of recreation for large families7 000 Annually
Matkapital116 092 one-time
for the maintenance of childrenAge 0-6 years - 19 300Monthly
Age 6-14 - 25,700
Age 14-16 - 32,200
Age 16-18 - 30,800
Additional incentive for foster parents (maximum)For each adopted child - 15,537Monthly
Before 3rd years - 3 572
For disabled children - 5 436
Over 12 years old - 4 659
Important! Payments increase annually, indexation is performed on January 1.

Registration procedure

To receive benefits, a package of documents is collected, the content of which depends on the specific case and type of social assistance.

Baby care

Paid to low-income parents and adoptive parents, issued for each baby.

For getting:

  1. personal documents of children and parents;
  2. income statement for 3 months;
  3. act of registration of guardianship;
  4. certificate from educational institutions (for students under 18 years old);
  5. residence permit (and citizens of other states).

You can apply for benefits from the moment the baby is born, the subsidy is subject to annual renewal.

Important! Payments are made until the age of majority, 10 years of residence in the region are not required to receive this benefit.

Benefit in connection with the birth of a child

Receive the parents of each newborn, provided that he is registered in the registry offices of Yugra. The allowance applies to adopted children.

For registration:

  1. personal documents;
  2. marriage certificate (for firstborns);
  3. extract from the state register of nature management (for representatives of small nationalities).

You need to apply for subsidies within 1.5 years from the moment the grounds appear.

Important! All parents can apply for payments, regardless of income level.

In addition, those who gave birth to a third baby can apply for additional monthly subsidies. Such payments are made from the moment of birth until the age of 3 years. The allowance is issued only for the 3rd child, apply to adopted babies.

For getting:

  1. personal documents (passport);
  2. income statement;
  3. birth certificates for all children.

Documents are accepted within 12 months from the date of birth, allowance annually reissued.

Important! The subsidy is not transferred simultaneously with subsidies for the care of children from 1.5 to 4 years.

Children 1.5— 4th years

An additional form of support introduced for low-income families by the KhMAO government. Paid on the following grounds:

  1. The child does not attend kindergarten.
  2. The family belongs to the low-income segments of the population.

For getting:

  1. personal documents;
  2. an extract confirming that the child does not attend preschool institutions;
  3. income statement;
  4. certificate from the place of work on maternity leave.

You can apply for financial assistance from the moment the grounds appear.

Important! The grant is issued for a family, regardless of the number of children.

Large families

Designed for parents with many children, not tied to income level, paid for adopted children.

For getting:

  1. personal documents;
  2. information about the composition of the family;
  3. certificate of parents with many children;

You can apply for benefits from the moment the grounds appear.

In addition, large families can apply for the following benefits:

  1. 50% subsidy for housing and communal services;
  2. free admission to exhibitions, museums and cultural events;
  3. reimbursement for travel to the place of rest;

Children are admitted to kindergartens without waiting in line.


Payments apply to guardians, foster carers, foster parents, teachers of family-type orphanages.
Allowances are listed until the age of majority of children.

For getting:

  1. personal documents;
  2. SNILS;
  3. Certificate from educational institutions (for schoolchildren under 18 years old);
  4. Guardianship order.

You can apply for benefits after the child is placed in a foster family.

Maternal capital

Received by mothers who gave birth to the 3rd baby or fathers if they are the sole guardians. The subsidy is of a one-time nature, it can be spent on improving housing, educating children, and medical care.

For getting:

  1. recipient's documents;
  2. birth certificates;
  3. Russian citizenship.

Payments are intended for babies born between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016.

Other types of social support

Poor families in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug can count on additional types of assistance. For example:

  • benefits for the death of the breadwinner;
  • subsidies for preparing children for the educational process;
  • financial assistance for the maintenance of disabled children;
  • free consultations in family planning centers;
  • free medicines and enhanced nutrition for breastfeeding mothers;
  • free dairy products for children up to 3rd years .

It should be noted that some types of social support implemented by the KhMAO government have no analogues in other regions of the country.

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Benefits for pensioners of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, provided at the regional level, help to improve the financial situation of people who are on a well-deserved rest. The main condition for obtaining the right to additional social assistance is the residence of a citizen in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug for at least ten years. The ten-year period may be of a total duration, with breaks, without taking into account the time and reasons for leaving the district.

The old-age pension in the Russian Federation is assigned to persons who have reached retirement age: 55 years for the female and 60 years for the male population. Certain categories of retired citizens are entitled to receive the title of "Veteran of Labour". It is assigned throughout the territory of the Russian Federation in the presence of the necessary length of service: 35 years for women and 40 for men.

In the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, everyone who has such a certificate is paid a monthly surcharge. If a pensioner has worked in the district for 20 to 25 years, the amount will be 819 rubles. If you have a work experience of 25 years or more - 936 rubles.

Citizens who have taken a well-deserved rest, who have honorary titles and awards of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, as well as the length of service necessary for the appointment of an old-age or seniority pension, have every chance to be awarded the title “Veteran of Labor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug”. Obtaining such a title guarantees a regular regional social supplement to the pension in the amount of 944 rubles per month.

Veterans of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other structures who have the appropriate certificates issued by their departments are equated in benefits with labor veterans. To exercise the right to this payment, a military pensioner must apply to the Department of Pensions with the following documents:

  • a copy of the veteran's certificate;
  • certificate of military pension;
  • a bank account of a plastic card for transferring a subsequent cash payment;
  • personal statement of eligibility.

After appropriate verification and registration, the right to a regional benefit will be realized without problems. The nature and amount of benefits provided are reflected in the relevant local legislation.

Citizens who have received the honorary title of "Veteran of Labor" are entitled to the following benefits:

  • compensation for half of the cost of utilities, regardless of living space. The subsidy applies to all disabled family members living together with the beneficiary, including if there is a minor in the family;
  • payment of 50% interest for the maintenance of the living quarters occupied by a beneficiary pensioner;
  • reimbursement of expenses for the manufacture and repair of dentures (if there are medical indications);
  • 100% reimbursement once a year of the cost of transport within the Russian Federation there and back, with the exception of taxis.

If the beneficiary owns several residential premises, garages, land plots, vehicles, the right to the benefit can be chosen in a single case for each type of property.

Pensioners residing in the Okrug once every three years are given the opportunity to use free sanatorium-and-spa treatment for relevant medical reasons.

Non-working pensioners living alone and pensioners living together with other elderly people who do not belong to preferential categories are provided with social assistance in the form of:

  • free provision of dental care in the manufacture and repair of dentures;
  • 50% discount on the cost of purchasing medicines and medical devices, respectively supported by a doctor's prescription;
  • monthly allowance in the amount of 819 rubles. and 936 rubles. upon confirmation of work experience in the territory of the autonomy (respectively, 20-25 years and over 25 years).

Transport tax for all categories of pensioners is payable with a 50% discount.

Citizens of advanced age who have reached the age of 70, in addition to all existing benefits, are entitled to 50% regional compensation for the amount established for major repairs.

Those who celebrated their 80th birthday are completely exempt from paying the overhaul fee.

Pensioners who are not employed are exempted from paying half the land tax rate.

By the day of the district, by the decision of the government of Ugra, to support pensioners living on its territory, a lump-sum payment was made to each pensioner in the amount of 1,000 rubles.

Our country found itself in a difficult economic situation due to the sanctions imposed by a number of countries. The authorities of the autonomy, which, like all other regions, have numerous problems that require large material investments and budget savings, are trying to do everything possible to make life easier for people who gave all their strength for the good of the state and went on a legal vacation. The governing bodies of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug are looking for ways to allocate budgetary funds to improve the living standards of the most vulnerable part of the population. Through the introduced benefits, the medical supply of this category of residents is improved, and the burden of utility, tax, and transport expenses is eased.

In every country, regardless of the level of its economic development, there are so-called socially vulnerable segments of the population with limited material resources and, therefore, in need of social support. These are low-income citizens and families, which are most likely to include large families and single-parent families, single disabled people and pensioners, and unemployed citizens.

The existing system of social protection of the population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, including various kinds of payments, allowances, transfers and economic costs for social programs, could not eliminate or reduce the level of poverty.

According to the results of a sample survey of households, 46.7 percent of the population experienced material difficulties - they belonged to the category of low-income, and, therefore, needed state support. The main form of direct social protection is monetary. State economic and social policy is of decisive importance in supporting low-income categories of the population. If earlier the regulation of the standard of living of the population was carried out centrally, now this problem is being solved by new methods. The main ones are indexation and compensation. Indexation is a mechanism for automatic adjustment of income. Usually indexation is carried out in two ways: by increasing income by a certain percentage after a certain time (once a year, once a quarter, once a month) or by adjusting income as the price level rises by a predetermined percentage. Indexation payments are made mainly at the expense of the state and regional budgets. All types of monetary incomes of citizens are indexed, namely wages, pensions, scholarships, and other types of social payments, with the exception of lump sums.

Another method of regulating people's living standards is compensation. It means the reimbursement of expenses of certain strata and groups of the population by the authorities due to the upcoming or expected increase in prices, ethnic conflicts, disasters (earthquake, flood, etc.). Unlike indexation, compensation does not provide for constant, systematic support for people. Executive bodies provide this kind of social assistance based on the availability of financial resources.

The provision of state social assistance in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra dated December 24, 2007 No. 197-oz "On State Social Assistance and Additional Measures of Social Assistance to the Population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra", adopted in in order to bring the district legislation in accordance with the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178 - FZ "On State Social Assistance". This Law, in accordance with federal legislation, regulates relations in the field of providing state social assistance to low-income families, low-income citizens living alone, and also establishes additional measures of social assistance for certain categories of citizens.

Until 2003, social assistance was provided at the expense of local budgets; from 2003 to the present, the budget of the Autonomous Okrug has been the source of social assistance financing.

According to the Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra dated December 24, 2007 No. 197-oz “On State Social Assistance and Additional Measures of Social Assistance to the Population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra”, the recipients of state social assistance are poor families and poor living alone citizens living on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug, who, for reasons beyond their control, have an average per capita income below the subsistence level established in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. State social assistance is provided in the form of a cash payment (social benefit). Their appointment is addressed, i.e. after verification by the social security authorities of the level of income, taking into account the property of the applicant (in other words, after testing the means), in accordance with the Federal Law of 05.04.2003. No. 44-FZ “On the procedure for accounting for income and calculating the average per capita income of a family and the income of a single citizen for recognizing them as poor and providing them with state social assistance” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 20, 2003 No. 512 “On the list of types of income taken into account when calculation of the average per capita income of a family and the income of a citizen living alone to provide them with state social assistance” (as amended on 12/30/2005, 12/01/2007).

The maximum amounts of state social assistance per month are established:

  • - pensioners living alone and married couples of pensioners, as well as families without able-bodied family members - in the amount of the difference between the sums of the living wages of all family members or a pensioner living alone, established in the Autonomous Okrug for these socio-demographic groups of the population, and income family or a lonely pensioner;
  • - to other recipients of state social assistance - in the amount of the difference between the sum of the subsistence minimums of family members established in the Autonomous Okrug for these socio-demographic groups of the population and the total family income, but not more than 500 rubles per family member. The minimum amount of state social assistance is 100 rubles per month for each family member or a poor citizen living alone.

State social assistance is assigned for a period of not more than three, six or nine months during a calendar year. Payment of state social assistance is made at a time.

In pursuance of the Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra dated December 24, 2007 No. 197-oz “On State Social Assistance and Additional Measures of Social Assistance to the Population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra”, the Government of the Autonomous Okrug approved the Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug- Ugra of March 06, 2008 No. 48-p "On the conditions and procedure for the appointment and payment of state social assistance and additional measures of social assistance to the population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra". This resolution determines the provision on the conditions and procedure for the appointment and payment of additional measures of social assistance to the population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra:

  • - one-time assistance in the event of an extreme life situation;
  • - one-time assistance for self-sufficiency;
  • - urgent one-time assistance provided to a citizen for sending him to his place of residence;
  • - regional social surcharge.

The practice of implementing the Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra dated December 24, 2007 No. 197-oz “On State Social Assistance and Additional Measures of Social Assistance to the Population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra” showed that social assistance in the amount of bringing the average per capita family income to the subsistence minimum gives rise to dependency, social passivity of citizens.

An analysis of the composition of social assistance recipients in the Autonomous Okrug made it possible to see that a stable contingent of families with able-bodied members has formed, who systematically receive this type of social support from month to month, and even from year to year (Appendix 2). Of the low-income citizens living in the district, 64.2% are recipients of social benefits. The negative of this situation is that children growing up in such families are not accustomed to earning a living by their work.

Social security cash transfers may not always play the role of a universal means of protecting living standards from accelerated price increases. The effectiveness of direct social protection will increase somewhat if the monetary forms that play the leading role are supplemented by others, mainly non-monetary and non-material ones. The sphere of this kind of assistance is strictly limited to the most defenseless and helpless groups of the population.

Many of their representatives are distinguished not only by a relatively low level of income received from social security, but also by poor health, physical infirmity, etc. Approximately 6% of old-age pensioners and disabled people are helpless, lonely, unable to serve themselves. A considerable part of them do not live in a family and cannot count on the support of relatives, friends, neighbors. Therefore, social benefits paid to such people, even if they are satisfactory in terms of their size, are difficult to implement in practice and therefore, in themselves, are insufficient to ensure the existence of their recipients.

One of these directions is carried out through non-stationary departments of social service institutions.

In fact, these are the leading social protection institutions operating at the municipal level. The centers identify and take into account those who need assistance, provide such assistance in forms and types differentiated according to the characteristics of their recipients, and coordinate the efforts of state and public organizations in this area.

The priority of such assistance belongs to social and household assistance at home for the disabled and the elderly. Along with social service centers, non-stationary institutions and social assistance services also include centers for helping families and children, centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance and emergency psychological assistance by telephone, rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities, social shelters for children and adolescents and others. Departments of urgent social assistance are called upon to provide various one-time services. Banks of things and products are created at them, telephone helplines, etc.

The next direction is related to the provision of social assistance to a relatively small group of people without a fixed place of residence.

During the transition period, other types of in-kind assistance, provided in kind to the most defenseless and disadvantaged groups of the population, are also of great importance. As an important form of public philanthropy, in-kind assistance serves as a supplement to cash payments through the public assistance system.

One of the features of in-kind assistance to the needy is that, as a rule, it does not require rigid centralized management, uniform instructions and standards. Of decisive importance in its organization is the initiative of local authorities, professional, public and religious associations, and individual citizens. Assistance in kind is usually limited to the direct distribution of essential items to those in special need.

For example, consider the activities of the department of emergency social services. The first instance where people turn for help is the department of emergency social assistance. Specialists of these departments carefully study the problems of citizens who applied for help and determine a set of measures to solve them. All those who apply are provided with various assistance; provision of clothing, footwear and other essentials; one-time provision of financial assistance;

The main task of the department's employees is to facilitate, as far as possible, the lives of people in difficult life situations, to reduce the severity of various life situations.

The system of monetary and in-kind assistance has an application form and is linked to the level of need, the size of the regional subsistence minimum, economic opportunities and the demographic situation in the region.

Among the recipients of social assistance, the vast majority (more than 80 percent) are families raising minor children, and among them (more than 50 percent) are single-parent families. As a rule, these are single mothers, that is, those who gave birth to a child out of wedlock and have no work experience.

Thus, the analysis of the composition of the recipients of assistance made it possible to see that a stable contingent of families with able-bodied members has formed, who from month to month, and even from year to year, systematically apply for one-time assistance in the event of an extreme life situation.

The emergence of such categories of families among the low-income requires a reorientation of the attention of state social protection services, first of all, to creating conditions for the self-sufficiency of families, including stimulating the development of family entrepreneurship, home-based crafts, facilitating the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises, effective jobs.

Unfortunately, the mentality of the families and the behavior of their members have not yet changed to meet the requirements of the market. Sociological surveys show that the majority of families associate the improvement of their economic situation with the help of the state.

To this end, it is necessary to legislatively establish certain conditions for applicants.

Why is it uncomfortable for children in families? Escape of the child from the family .... It seems to some that this happens only in problem families, many believe that this will never affect their families. But even in the most successful, in the best family, this can happen. Why? Dear parents, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the Memo on the Prevention of Unauthorized Leaves of Children from Home: with the reasons for leaving children, with recommendations for preventing unauthorized departures and the procedure if the child left home. There are many reasons pushing children from prosperous families to reckless actions, but among them there are the most common: 1. Inattention. Psychological discomfort from inattention, indifference of adults makes a teenager look for entertainment outside his home. 2. Jealousy. Children's jealousy can manifest itself in different ways - depending on the cause of its inception. Another child has appeared in the family, and you have turned all your attention to the newborn. 3. Disrespect. Neglect of the opinion of the child, disrespect for his interests. Your child is trying to express his thoughts, but you interrupt him without explaining anything: “Go, do your homework.” You clearly show that his opinion does not interest you at all, you demonstrate your disrespect. 4. Deception. Failure to fulfill their promises without any explanation. You promised to buy your child a bicycle for good grades or diligence, take the child to the circus, to football, but you forgot about it and did not even apologize. You will quickly forget about it, but he will remember your deceit for a long time. 5. A stranger in the house. For a child, a lot changes after the arrival of a stranger - more demands, less attention, rejection of punishment. A child from a stepfather or stepmother appeared in the family - a half-brother or sister. This can lead to negative stress. Manifestations of jealousy and resentment can be very strong. 6. Spat between parents. You can't swear in front of children! Parents know this truth, but word for word, and swearing rushed, injuring the child's psyche, creating discomfort. Uncertainty about the future can settle in the soul of a child for a long time, making him hysterical. 7. Lack of control. Parents are busy, and upbringing is completely shifted to grandparents, not being interested in the state of mind of the child. It is so convenient for them - the grandmother checks the lessons or does not check, but they don’t even know about it, escorts them to the sports section or lets them go on their own, not being interested in his success. The child becomes uncomfortable in the house - there is no spiritual warmth, and he goes outside. And, despite the fact that it is surrounded by many native adults, it is abandoned. Such children are looking for affection, warmth, so that someone would tell them how glorious, beautiful, loved they are. If your child left the house without permission, it is necessary to organize the search for the child in a timely and competent manner. Step One: Remember everything your child has been talking about lately! Often our children tell us almost everything, whether we hear them is another matter! Gather relatives with whom your child has been in contact recently Call the class teacher, friends and acquaintances of the teenager. Step two: After collecting the information, also check if the child has taken money, valuables, warm clothes, documents from home. Step three: If the verification of the information collected did not produce any results and the child was not found, contact the relevant authorities! First of all, to medical institutions and the police. You need to apply for a search. Your application must be accepted upon request. The juvenile inspector needs to leave a photo of the child, all the information that you have collected from friends and relatives, as well as telephone numbers where you can be contacted. Step four: You need to call the institutions (hospitals, shelters) where you can get information about whether your child has been admitted to this institution. Contact your son's (daughter's) acquaintances and friends from time to time. In most cases, children who run away from home try to find shelter in a familiar environment. Step Five: After finding your child, try to figure out why the teenager ran away. REMEMBER! Your child will not be able to overcome difficulties without your LOVE and UNDERSTANDING! Psychologist of the Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance to Families and Children of the BU "Kondinsky District Complex Center for Social Services for the Population" branch in the village of Mulymya Egorova E.V.

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is one of the regions with an unfavorable demographic situation. Therefore, along with federal benefits, there are regional payments aimed at improving the material condition of large and low-income families. In addition, such subsidies are aimed at stimulating the birth rate among indigenous peoples. Therefore, child benefits in Khanty-Mansiysk are transferred in an increased amount: federal and local subsidies are summed up.

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State aid in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is paid on a general basis, as in other regions of the country. Subsidies apply to citizens of Russia and other states who permanently reside in the autonomy, are not tied to the financial situation of their parents.

It should be noted that Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is one of the constituent entities of the Federation with special living conditions, therefore increasing allowances apply here:

  • 1.3 - in most of the territory;
  • 1.5 - for territories located north of 60 degrees N, where there are developed mineral deposits;
  • 1.7 - for the areas indicated above, but the allowance applies to geologists, construction workers, employees of the oil and gas industry (the coefficient is set for the period of mining).

State payments for the birth of a child in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug are presented in the table.

The exact amount of benefits for 2018 has not yet been approved - we will write about all changes on our website.

Important! The table shows the average allowances in force in most parts of the autonomy.

For registration, title documents are collected, and an application is written.

The application must be written:

  1. employed - to their manager (under any form of ownership);
  2. the unemployed - to the social security authorities;
  3. military personnel and equated submit a report to the authorities.

You need to apply for receipt at the place of main employment or at the social security department if the parents do not work officially. The processing time usually takes no more than 10 days.

Such benefits are paid from the local budget. Payments are targeted: the principle of need applies here.

Subsidies can be applied for under the following conditions:

  1. Russian citizenship (for most cases) and permanent registration in the region;
  2. with the exception of maternity capital, benefits are received by any of the parents / guardians;
  3. transfers are made from the month of consideration of applications;
  4. accommodation with a child is mandatory.

Applications are submitted for consideration to social security departments or multifunctional centers.

Do you need expert advice on this matter? Describe your problem and our lawyers will contact you as soon as possible.

Benefits from the regional budget in 2017-2018

To receive benefits, a package of documents is collected, the content of which depends on the specific case and type of social assistance.

Paid to low-income parents and adoptive parents, issued for each baby.

  1. personal documents of children and parents;
  2. income statement for 3 months;
  3. act of registration of guardianship;
  4. certificate from educational institutions (for students under 18 years old);
  5. residence permit (for refugees and citizens of other states).

You can apply for benefits from the moment the baby is born, the subsidy is subject to annual renewal.

Important! Payments are made until the age of majority, 10 years of residence in the region are not required to receive this benefit.

The parents of each newborn receive it, provided that it is registered in the registry offices of Yugra. The allowance applies to adopted children.

  1. personal documents;
  2. marriage certificate (for firstborns);
  3. extract from the state register of nature management (for representatives of small nationalities).

You need to apply for subsidies within 1.5 years from the moment the grounds appear.

Important! All parents can apply for payments, regardless of income level.

In addition, low-income spouses who have given birth to a third baby can apply for additional monthly subsidies. Such payments are made from the moment of birth until the age of 3 years. The allowance is issued only for the 3rd child, apply to adopted babies.

  1. personal documents (passport);
  2. income statement;
  3. birth certificates for all children.

Documents are accepted within 12 months from the date of birth, the allowance is renewed annually.

Important! The subsidy is not transferred simultaneously with subsidies for the care of children from 1.5 to 4 years.

An additional form of support introduced for low-income families by the KhMAO government. Paid on the following grounds:

  1. The child does not attend kindergarten.
  2. The family belongs to the low-income segments of the population.
  1. personal documents;
  2. an extract confirming that the child does not attend preschool institutions;
  3. income statement;
  4. certificate from the place of work on maternity leave.

You can apply for financial assistance from the moment the grounds appear.

Important! The grant is issued for a family, regardless of the number of children.

Designed for parents with many children, not tied to income level, paid for adopted children.

  1. personal documents;
  2. information about the composition of the family;
  3. certificate of parents with many children;

You can apply for benefits from the moment the grounds appear.

In addition, large families can apply for the following benefits:

  1. 50% subsidy for housing and communal services;
  2. free admission to exhibitions, museums and cultural events;
  3. reimbursement for travel to the place of rest;

Children are admitted to kindergartens without waiting in line.

Payments apply to guardians, foster carers, foster parents, teachers of family-type orphanages. Allowances are listed until the age of majority of children.

  1. personal documents;
  2. SNILS;
  3. Certificate from educational institutions (for schoolchildren under 18 years old);
  4. Guardianship order.

You can apply for benefits after the child is placed in a foster family.

Received by mothers who gave birth to the 3rd baby or fathers if they are the sole guardians. The subsidy is of a one-time nature, it can be spent on improving housing, educating children, and medical care.

  1. recipient's documents;
  2. birth certificates;
  3. Russian citizenship.

Payments are intended for babies born between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016.

Poor families in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug can count on additional types of assistance. For example:

  1. benefits for the death of the breadwinner;
  2. subsidies for preparing children for the educational process;
  3. financial assistance for the maintenance of disabled children;
  4. free consultations in family planning centers;
  5. free medicines and enhanced nutrition for breastfeeding mothers;
  6. free dairy products for children under 3 years old.

It should be noted that some types of social support implemented by the KhMAO government have no analogues in other regions of the country.

We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

For a prompt resolution of your problem, we recommend contacting qualified lawyers of our site.

Changes in 2018 will be announced later. You can find out about it from the news on our website. Information will also be updated in this article.

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