How to sew a school dress. School uniform patterns for girls. Drawing algorithm

In modern Russian schools There is no single school uniform. A mandatory dress standard was introduced as a rule for all students in educational institutions countries since 2013.

The style and patterns of school uniforms are developed and adopted by each school independently. Often, uniforms express the characteristics of an educational institution, referring to its history or concept.

Modern school dress code

A common school practice is to replace individual models school suits business style children's and teenage clothes. If the school does not have a uniform dress code, it can be introduced at the classroom level.

Dresses sewn according to Soviet standards, which were once worn by Soviet students, are now worn by schoolgirls only on holidays. In some educational institutions, brown sundresses with white aprons are considered a symbol of farewell to school graduates.

The modern school uniform for girls is a wide variety of styles and combinations of clothing items. A schoolgirl's costume can be based on a certain model of a dress, sundress, trousers or skirt in combination with a blouse, badlon, jumper, jacket, jacket. With some changes, one pattern of a school uniform for girls is used in the manufacture of costumes for the entire size range.

Sundress with two pleats

The sundress consists of a sleeveless bodice with a deep neckline or boat neckline. Complemented by a "semi-sun skirt" or an A-line silhouette. The silhouette of a sundress is most often semi-adjacent, detachable, with a low or high waist. Two opposite folds can be laid on the front skirt part. Due to this, the model sits on the figure freely and does not hinder movement.

The cut of the product consists of two parts of the central part of the back, one folded part of the central shelf, four side parts (two for the shelf and two for the back), as well as a pair of skirt parts. You will need six one-piece facings (for the neckline and armholes) from the main fabric and interlining.

The basis for building a sundress is a standard drawing of a shoulder product. The design is complicated by modeling the basic cut.

Drawing algorithm

Before building the selected model of a dress or sundress, a standard drawing-algorithm of the product scheme is drawn.

  1. Based on the measurement of the height of the chest, draw a horizontal line - the basis of the future armhole.
  2. From one of the edges of the main rectangle, retreat half the value of the width of the back on the previously obtained line.
  3. Divide the value of the half-girth of the chest by 4 and add 2 cm. Set aside the resulting value from the received point. Get the outline of the armhole.
  4. Mark the neckline at the top rectangular corners. Decorate the seams on the shoulders and armhole cutouts.
  5. After you need to expand the side seams down. The value of the flare depends on the difference between the circumference of the chest and the volume of the child's abdomen.
  6. A feature of the patterns of sundresses and dresses for schoolgirls 7 years old and younger is the absence of chest tucks.
  7. The drawings of all models of student sundresses are basically a rectangle. One of its sides is equal to the measurement of the half-girth of the chest, the other is determined by the length of the product.

Model building

  1. Draw on the paper the lines of the chest, hips and bottom of the pattern of the upper part of the product. These lines will be combined on the front and back details of the future sundress.
  2. From the level of the chest, lower the horizontal segment (6-7 cm) down. The resulting line will unite the bodice with the skirt.
  3. Make the armhole deeper 2 cm from the bottom edge.
  4. Reduce the length of the shoulder, stepping back 2 cm from each edge.
  5. Connect the obtained points of the new armhole with a rounded line.
  6. From the top point of the construction of the back on the fold line, retreat 1 cm. Mark a new point for the beginning of the neck.
  7. Expand the product along the seam of the shoulder by 2 cm from the top edge of the cutout.
  8. Step down 3 cm from the bottom edge of the shelf cutout along the fold.
  9. Increase the neckline at the back by 2 cm along the seam of the shoulder.
  10. Open the facing of the neckline by drawing a curve parallel to the cutout, stepping back from its edge 3 cm.
  11. Combine the shoulder facings of the back and shelves.
  12. Construct a skirt pattern with an inverse pleat, the depth of which is 3 cm.
  13. To make a pleat on the front of the skirt, step back 6 cm to the right from the bottom extreme point.
  14. Set aside another 6 cm to the right side along the line along which the skirt will be connected to the bodice.
  15. Connect the resulting points.
  16. Leave the back of the skirt unchanged. Or add a fold.

Product processing

  1. Use an iron to glue the stitched non-woven parts to the facing fragments of the front and back of the bodice.
  2. Connect the side part of the front of the bodice with the central front part using a relief seam.
  3. Pierce to pin front sides to the face of the base and turn them inside out.
  4. Sew the shoulder sections of the product, lay the allowances under the turning parts.
  5. Unscrew armholes.
  6. Connect the side seams of the facings and the base. On the left, leave room for future lightning.
  7. Sew the fastener along the side cuts on the left side.
  8. Turn the armholes down and attach to the seams.
  9. Sew skirt pieces.
  10. Combine the front side of the upper edge of the skirt with the lower edge of the front and back details.

  1. For first-graders and primary school students, a model of a cut-off sundress on straps with a skirt of the “sun” type is suitable. Typically, patterns of this style are designed for a height of 122 cm.
  2. The length of the straps is recommended to be measured directly on the child. This value sometimes includes a spare length, which can be adjusted in a year or two.
  3. Lay out the bodice and skirt patterns down along the shared thread on the fabric.
  4. The center of the back, front and skirt fold should be exactly on the fold of the fabric cut.
  5. Baste a fragment of the bodice to the skirt part.
  6. Try on the product, controlling it at the waist.
  7. Sew a zipper into the center of the back, which will last all the way to the beginning of the skirt.
  8. Sew the straps, turning them right sides to each other. Turn out.
  9. Sew bodice zones with future straps with stitching.

Sundress with "wing sleeves"

  1. A sundress model with cap sleeves can have a straight or pleated skirt.
  2. dress pattern straight silhouette consists of two parts of the bodice, belt fragments and parts of a straight skirt. The front part of the bodice is made up of three strips-tucks and one part with an armhole and a neck. The back of the top consists of two elements.
  3. Place the patterns on the fabric along the grain thread from the inside out.
  4. Lay the frontal segments-stripes in the composition of the bodice in the form of tucks and lay a machine seam.
  5. From the back, from the wrong side, sew in a zipper. Align the center of the zipper with the center seam of the front of the product. Extend the zipper almost to the very bottom of the sundress. You can also finish it at the level of the hips.
  6. Finish the inside seams with a zigzag stitch.
  7. White decorative guipure is used as a collar and sleeve edging.

The pattern of the variant of the skirt with large pleats consists of:

  • 2 back pieces;
  • 1 - center with a fold;
  • 2 side fragments before;
  • 2 sleeves of the "wing" type;
  • 1 front part of the skirt with a fold;
  • 2 back skirt pieces;
  • 6 one-piece facings on the back and front;
  • basic matter;
  • non-woven dubbing.


  1. With the help of an iron, provide interlining with one-piece facings of the front and back of the future sundress.
  2. Attach the side part of the front part to the face of the front part. Lay relief seams.
  3. Connect the cuts on the shoulders.
  4. Process the oval bottom of the sleeves.
  5. Sew on "wing sleeves" with a pre-made assembly.
  6. Make facings for the front and back.
  7. Place the details of the sleeves between the facing strips and fragments of the bodice.
  8. Fasten the product in the center below the level of the zipper.

Short sleeve dress

Based on the shoulder pattern of a standard configuration, a school dress is made with short sleeve. The model is slightly tapered at the waist. The detachable skirt as part of such a dress is equipped with several opposite folds and pockets.

School suits are supplied with decorative shirt-fronts made of slats (the shirt-fronts are supplemented with buttons). Products are modeled due to various configurations of collars and cuffs. In addition to the main cut, you will need a separate sleeve pattern.


  1. Transfer both configurations to paper.
  2. Adjust the length of the sleeve to the desired level.
  3. Mark a new bottom of the sleeve, stepping back 2 cm from the part width line. Cut off the sleeve along the drawn line.
  4. Stepping back 7-8 cm from the waist cut, draw a horizontal line. Cut the pattern along this line.
  5. Leave the standard top pattern as part of the dress unchanged.
  6. Construct a drawing of a skirt in the form of two rectangular parts.
  7. The width of the skirt construction will be equal to the length of that part of the cut that is sewn to the shelf along with the width of the folds.
  8. Distribute the folds from the center of the front skirt to the seams located on the sides.
  9. The pocket entry line (if any) is located in the front of the skirt.
  10. Rear end the pattern of the lower part of the dress is built in a similar way.

Modern girlish school uniforms are made from fabrics that tend to hold their shape - soft fabrics for jackets, thin classic suits. For children's (teenage) dresses and sundresses, linen, cotton and mixed materials are suitable.

It is best to create school clothes from matter, consisting of 1/3 synthetic fibers, 2/3 natural. Such fabrics let in a sufficient amount of air, retain heat, do not wrinkle so actively, and are quite durable.

Wool is excluded from this list, as it has caustic properties. Velor, velvet and corduroy are also not suitable because of their ability to attract dust and small debris.

Over the past 20 years, the school uniform has undergone significant changes. Previously, we could only observe monotonous brown dresses, on which cuffs and aprons changed. Now she has become the object of attention of fashion designers, which led to the creation of a separate class of clothing. The school uniform can be divided into winter and summer, contain from two to six parts in a set. Today we will analyze in detail school sundress, photo sewing process and description provided by workshop M.Y. code.

Pattern of a school sundress

You can download a sundress pattern for a height of 132 cm at the link:

Basic materials

An already existing set of clothes bought in a store was taken as the basis, so the pattern was not built.

The task was to sew exactly the same school sundress for a girl with a height of 132 cm.

For tailoring, we took electric-colored gabardine with a standard width of 1.5 m and a length of 1.2 m. Gabardine is a non-stretch fabric. Pre-decatation was not carried out, since it is not subject to shrinkage.

One of the problems of gabardine fabrics is the edges that crumble during work. In the process of tailoring, we repeatedly encountered the need to process the edge on the overlock.

Tailoring is conditionally divided into three stages: cutting (stage 1), tailoring a skirt (stage 2), assembling the upper part of a school sundress (stage 3).

Stage one. cutting

Our school sundress consists of the following details:

- Two panels of a skirt (main part). Front and rear - cut out one piece at a time.

- Front shelf - one part (main part).

- Rear shelf - two parts (main part). A hidden snake is sewn between them.

- Turning. Repeat the shape of the front and back shelves. Three parts - one wide and two narrow. Shorter than the main parts in half. Sewn on the inside of the sundress.

— Decorative belt. On the pattern 1/4 part of the belt. Those. to obtain the desired length, you need to increase by 4 times in length.

  1. We cut out the main details of the pattern, laying them out along the equity. The stitches can be laid out as convenient. The belt can be laid out on the fabric both in the lobar and in the transverse. All patterns come with allowances.

Sew a school dress

2.1. First of all, we prepare a skirt. It is necessary to lay folds from the center of the skirt along the notches that we made on the top and bottom of the skirt panel. Folds are laid towards the side seams. Secure them with pins.

2.2. We set the maximum seam on the machine and sew the skirt along the waist and bottom (the widest and narrowest side).

2.3. I iron them. And let the fabrics cool on the ironing board. (We will later dissolve the bottom line, it is necessary in order to make it easier for us to smooth out the wrinkles).

Assembly of the top

3.1. Now we take the two main details of the back and overlock the places where the hidden snake is sewn (the center of the back).

3.2. We put a one-sided foot and sew a snake on top of the left half of the back.

Then to the right.

3.3. After we connect the waist seam of the back with the skirt (the narrowest part with folds) and stitch along the upper part finishing seam on the paw

3.4. We also connect the front shelf and skirt. We process with an overlock along the side seams and the bottom of the skirt. Processing sites are shown with a red line.

3.5. We sew the front and back of the face with the face along the side and shoulder seams.
The top is finished.

3.6. Now let's move on to wrapping. We sew it along the shoulder and side seams.

On the bottom you need to go overlock.

3.7. We connect the neck of the sundress and the facings to each other, sew on a typewriter, notch from the inside and stitch out by 0.1 mm for a better laying out of the neck.

3.8. Now you need to connect the facing and the top along the armhole (where to put your hand in). To do this, we fold them together in the region of the shoulder seam (the narrowest place), and then turn the edges away from us, it is better to fix the result with a pin.

Be sure to hold the edges when sewing so that the fabric does not leave.

3.9. So we sewed one side

Now we sew the opposite part of the first armhole without eversion, just connecting the edges.

Similarly, make the second armhole and notch the inner edges of the seam.

3.10. Sew along the piping around the armhole with the finishing stitch 0.1 as on the neck, as far as the presser foot allows. Trying to stitch completely in a circular one does not work out, too narrow a place in the shoulder seam

3.11. Close the zipper by sewing the facing to the back

3.12. Hem the bottom along the hem (lined with a dotted line on the pattern).

3.13. Fold the belt in half. In finished form, the width of the belt is 2 cm. Stitch along the entire length, turn out and smooth down. Sew a buckle from the unsewn end. Pin the waistband at the folds of the skirt and side seams. Fasten the end of the belt through the buckle.

School dress is ready!

You can download our pattern at the beginning of the article in the archive, print and apply for yourself.

For a better understanding of the assembly patterns attached general form assembly of scanned parts.

Tailoring and photography: Workshop M.Y. code. Groups in

Knowledge Day is bright and special holiday for all generations, but above all, this is a holiday for our children, who go on an exciting, difficult, but rewarding journey for knowledge.

In this master class, I will tell you how to sew a school uniform for a girl with your own hands. As a basis for the school dress, I took the A-line dress model from Burda 3/2016, adding some interesting accents to the basic pattern.


128, 134, 140, 146, 152

The beauty of this linen A-line dress lies in its finishing. Neckline and patch pockets…

Step 1

On a paper pattern of the front, we mark out the lines of the design features of the future school dress. To do this, on the line of the shoulder seam from the neck, set aside the required number of centimeters. We do the same on the line of the middle of the front and draw a line of the future plastron with a smooth arc.

To perform this operation, you can use special tailor's rulers and patterns (). We cut off our plastron from the front part.

On the paper pattern of the plastron, we mark the line for attaching the bar: from the line of the middle of the front, at a distance of half the width of the bar in finished form (1 cm), we draw a parallel straight line. Here the width of the bar is 2 cm.

We cut off.

Step 2

We cut out the details of the dress in allowances of 1.5 cm, to hem the bottom of the product 4 cm.

For the plastron part, we cut out a rectangle of such a length that the paper pattern fits in length, and a width equal to the width of the paper pattern plus 5 cm: this is an allowance for making tucks on the plastron.

For the slats, we cut out two rectangular parts with a length equal to the length of the slat cut off from the plastron plus 2 cm for allowances, and a width equal to twice the width of the finished slat plus 2 cm for allowances = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 cm. We duplicate the slats from the wrong side adhesive material G785.

Execution of the plastron

Step 3

Pintucks are a classic way of finishing clothing details, used for many thin and medium weight fabrics. This is a great way to decorate a school uniform for a girl with your own hands.

On rectangular parts under the plastron, we mark the lines of tucks: for this, we mark 1.5 cm from the line of attaching the bar and draw the first line of the tuck. We will perform tucks at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other. Options may be different based on the size of the part, the purpose of the clothing, the density of the material and preference.

To correctly calculate the amount of fabric required to make pintucks, try stitching the pintucks on a patch of the material from which you are sewing the product. Depending on the density and thickness of the material, 2-6 mm may be needed per tuck.

Step 4

To perform tucks, we use a special foot. We also install a double needle on the machine with a distance of 1.6-2.5 mm (depending on the density of the material). We thread the machine with two needle threads. Increase the bobbin thread tension by slightly turning the bobbin case adjusting screw to the right. Thanks to this, the tucks will look more prominent.

We build one fold according to the markup. When sewing the second pintuck, slide the already sewn fold into the groove of the foot to ensure parallelism. Thanks to this, the distance between the tucks will always be the same. This is in the case of tucks that are at a small distance from each other.

If the distance between the tucks is more than 6 mm, then you can use the guide ruler included with the machine.

If you want to increase the relief of pintucks, then you can attach a pintuck pull tab to the front edge of the needle plate, the guide of which will lift the fabric during sewing, increasing the volume of the pintuck.

The use of an inlay thread gives a similar effect, while the folds become wider. However, they work without a tongue.

While sewing on the tucks, the fabric should be slightly stretched. Pintucks can only be ironed from the wrong side on a soft substrate.

Learning with site

After making pinches on right side plastron perform them on the left side, not forgetting to do it in a mirror image.

We cut out the details of the plastron from the resulting canvas with tucks. And we adjust the pre-decated cotton lace between the tucks.

Step 5

We fold the planks in half lengthwise face inward and grind one (!) Short cut on each plank.

We cut the allowances up to 5 mm, obliquely in the corners. We turn it inside out, straighten the corner, iron it, folding the bar in half lengthwise inside out.

Step 6

At a distance of 2 cm from the fold, mark the stitching line.

Step 7

We combine the bar and the cut of the plastron along the stitching line. At the same time, the neck allowance on the plastron protrudes beyond the finished edge of the bar at the top.

Step 8

We grind. We overcast.

We iron and iron the allowances on the shelf.

Mark the loops along the right bar. We sew loops on the machine.

Step 9

We combine the planks, laying the right on the left, we cut off, equalizing the upper processed edges. We cut off the lower raw cuts and sweep them.

Step 10

We pin the plastron to the front along the alignment line, starting from the line of the middle of the front. We sweep from the middle to the shoulder seams. Allowances for tucks are directed from the middle of the front on each side. We stitch, we overcast.

Step 11

We iron the allowances and iron them on the product without pressure, trying not to push the allowances onto the front side and not deform the texture of the tucks.

Soon to the desk!

Step 12

We grind the shoulder seams on the school dress, starting / ending the line exactly at the marked neck line. Overcast separately and iron the allowances. We also grind the shoulder seams on the details of the neckline, without overcasting the sections. We iron the seam allowances and cut them to 5 mm, obliquely in the corners.

We overcast the outer cut of the facing on the overlock.

Step 13

We turn off the bar on each side of the product and fix it with a pin.

Step 14

We pin the facing to the neck of the school dress face to face, combining the shoulder seams and the line of the middle of the back. We grind.

In this case, the allowance on the front cut of the front protrudes beyond the processed bar.

Step 15

The stitching allowance of the facing is tuned to the facing at a distance of 1 mm from the seam. We cut the allowances close to the line.

Step 16

We fold the facing to the front side and combine the allowance along the front cut on the facing with the seam for attaching the bar along the front cut.

And we grind.

Step 17

We cut the allowances to 5-7 mm and turn them inside out, straightening the corner. We iron.

Step 18

We turn the facing inside out and iron it.

Step 19

We combine the shoulder seams on the school dress and facing and fasten by hand. We mark the location of the buttons and sew them on.

Step 20

We grind the side seams of the dress, weave and iron the allowances. Overcast the allowances for the bottom hem. Iron and tuck 4 cm to the wrong side.

Basting close to the overlock line and

We hem a permanent appointment.

If there is not enough allowance for the bottom hem, then it can be done with lace or with a strip of the main or lining fabric. In a school uniform sewn with your own hands, such a finish will serve as an additional decor.

: Master Class

Step 21

According to the allowances of the eyelet of the sleeve, we lay two parallel landing lines, after loosening the tension of the upper thread.

Step 22

We grind the seams on the sleeves, overcast and iron.

Overcast the bottom of the sleeve. Iron and tuck 4 cm to the wrong side. We baste close to the overlock stitch and hem with hand-held, loose stitches for a permanent purpose, as well as the bottom of the product.

Step 23

We sew the sleeves, fitting them along the rims and aligning the control marks on the armhole and the rim of the sleeve. We wrap allowances.

We iron the stitching allowances. We iron the allowances in the upper part of the sleeve sleeve on the sleeve. In the lower part - on the edge.

Read more about sewing sleeves in the master class:

Now you know how to sew a school uniform with your own hands. It remains only to iron the school dress for the girl. And to make it look more solemn,

We complement the model with a removable white collar, like from Burda 3/2016, and cuffs.

The school uniform for the girl, sewn with her own hands, is ready. And we are ready for the new school year!

Alevtina Zolotova is a teacher at the Burda Academy in sewing technology. She has been sewing since childhood, sheathing the whole family - three daughters and a husband. She likes to understand the intricacies of sewing and is happy to share its secrets with the students of the academy. Her magnificent and impeccable work serves as an example and inspiration for many, and master classes teach how to properly perform sewing operations that seem complicated at first glance.
Alevtina's credo is the pursuit of excellence: “We are capable of anything if we really want it and are ready to work on ourselves. Success in any business comes in small steps, but the first step is to start moving.”

Coming very soon last call, which means that schoolgirls in Russia are puzzled by the search and selection of the USSR uniform for such big day. Sometimes, it is difficult to find something worthwhile in stores, and tailoring in an atelier will cost 5,000 - 7,000 rubles. There is another option, much cheaper - to sew a suit with your own hands, moreover, it is not at all difficult. detailed wizard class c step by step photos- In this article.

To sew a suit size 42-44 (dress + apron) you will need:

  • gabardine (brown) - 1.5 meters;
  • interlining (dark) - 20 cm;
  • dublerin (white) - 0.5 m;
  • oblique inlay (white) - 3 m;
  • oblique inlay (brown) - 2 m;
  • white and brown threads on a spool;
  • satin (white) - 0.5 m;
  • secret lock 50 cm;
  • foot for a secret lock;
  • tracing paper and graph paper.

School uniform pattern

The dress was cut not entirely, but in parts. That is, the top was built on the principle of a dress with embossed seams "Princess", through a base pattern. And the skirt was created separately, from an ordinary rectangular canvas, with bow folds.

How to create a base pattern and model a dress with embossed seams -. It also contains detailed information on how to build a sleeve pattern.

Once the embossed dress pattern is ready, cut it along the waistline. You only need the top, you don't need the bottom.

Cut out the pattern pieces and lay out. When chalking, do not forget about the seam allowances, which are 1 cm.

Cut out the skirt right away. Fold the fabric in half and draw a rectangle. Length = length of the skirt, and calculate the width yourself. You need to know the waist circumference (should be equal to that used when sewing the dress, with the same allowances), and then calculate the number of folds and their width. In our example, the width of each fold is 9 cm per side, that is, one absorbs 18 cm of fabric, there are 4 of them, which means a total of 72 cm. Waist 71 cm + 72 cm + 2 cm for allowances (1 cm per side) = 145 see You can make the number and width of the folds at your discretion.

USSR school dress

Cut out all the details, finish the edges and iron well using steam.

Let's start sewing the dress from the sleeve, then we will make the top and move on to the skirt.

Measure the hem of the sleeve in width. Decide how wide you want the border to be. In the photo, the width of the edging is 2 cm. Cut out 2 strips from the satin according to the parameters you identified. To the wrong side of the strips, with the help of an iron, fix the dublerin, this will help the edging to keep its shape and not gather.

Put the finished piping right side on the wrong side of the sleeve and sew it on a typewriter, initially sweeping it by hand. Iron it.

Now turn the sewn piping on the front side of the sleeve, iron well. Make sure that the fabric lies flat and that there are no bumps anywhere.

Now sew it already on the front side, along the very top.

Fold the sleeve in half, right side inward, and sew the main seam, closing the sleeve. All finished with this.

Produce on the side of the cut out details of the top. First, baste everything by hand and only then on a typewriter.

Bend the front seam allowances inward and sew from the front side on a typewriter, literally 5 mm from the main seam. You will get such embossed seams on the shelves.

If you are afraid to make it uneven - use a double needle, but then carefully make sure that the left needle falls exactly into the main seam.

When you finish assembling the shelves and back, be sure to try on. Make sure that the armhole does not bulge, nothing is pulling anywhere. This is how the top should sit if all is well.

Fasten the sleeves with needles. Start fixing from the side seam of the dress and sleeves, moving evenly up on both sides. If suddenly the collar of the sleeve turned out to be more than it should be, gather it a little at the very top.

Gently, slowly, sew the sleeve to the dress, gradually removing the needles.

Try on the outfit to make sure everything fits properly.

Move on to sewing the collar. It is very easy to make even for a beginner seamstress. First, on the dress itself, outline its shape and size.

Then fold the dress in half, taking hold of the back seams and the middle of the front of the neck. Fix the gate with needles and attach it to a piece of white paper. Carefully, with a pencil, transfer the drawing from the dress to the sheet.

Get a collar pattern. Since the lock will pass behind, the gate will consist of two parts.

To understand that everything is done correctly, try on the collar to the neck, securing it with needles.

Remember that the back of the dress should have free seam allowances and a place for the lock, so do not make the collar close to the back seam. Cut out the elements of the collar on the understudy, and then transfer them to the satin and go through the iron. Cut out the collar only along the shared thread! Mark small seam allowances and cut out. Then, according to the already prepared forms, make 2 more parts from the fabric, these will be the collars.

Fold the elements with each other, right side. Sweep. Sew on the machine, leaving the inside seam open.

Turn inside out and iron well. The collar is ready, now it remains to fix it on the dress.

Lay the details on the front side of the dress, joining them in the center. Be sure to sweep by hand.

Sew the collar on the machine, stepping back about 0.5 cm from the edge.

Use a machine to sew the neckline with a zigzag stitch to make everything look neat (you can use an overlocker, just be careful).

Now fold the collar inward, like this.

And sew from the front side here, about 4 mm from the junction of the collar and dress. Remember to baste by hand first.

Try on the product to calmly continue to sew further.

The top of the dress is ready! Now the skirt. Run a bias tape along the bottom. You can take white, we have brownish.

Now, lay out the skirt on a flat surface and start pleating. Fix them with needles. Once everything is ready, do not rush to the typewriter. Measure the final width of the skirt and compare it with the width of the top. Everything should be centimeter by centimeter. Only after that, fix the folds with a machine stitch, having previously swept away.

Now fold the right sides of the skirt and top of the dress, fix the position with needles. Once again, make sure the seams fit well.

After that, lay the machine line.

Iron the seams. It remains to sew the lock.

At the back of the dress, iron stripes of non-woven fabric equal to the length of the lock. This step is necessary so that the fabric does not stretch and the castle sits well and evenly.

Put the lock on the front side of the back of the dress, also with the front side. Fix it with needles.

On the opposite side of the teeth, machine stitch first on the regular foot.

Then walk with a special foot along the castle itself. The sewing needle should fall into the groove under the teeth. It is impossible to do this qualitatively with a foot for a conventional lock. Therefore, purchase a special one in advance. It has grooves that independently, without additional help, move the cloves to the side, helping the needle to hit the target exactly. The seam with such a foot looks very even and neat.

Do the same with the other side of the castle.

Just in case, watch the video, which clearly shows how to sew in a hidden lock.

At the end, be sure to check that the seams are joined at the back. Close the back of the dress.

That's all, the dress from the times of the USSR is ready for the last call! This is how it looks like from the front.

And so behind.

If the result of the fitting suits you, hang the product and proceed to the pattern of the apron.

Apron for the last call

Apron pattern for the last call

Schematically, the pattern of the apron is as follows.

Apron components:

  • top - 1 detail;
  • bottom - 1 detail;
  • straps - 4 parts;
  • belt - 2 details;
  • wings - 2 parts.

Prepare your pattern and cut out the pieces.

How to sew an apron for the last call

Cut the wing along the marked lines. The more magnificent you want to get a frill, the more cuts you need to make and open the “fan” wider.

Cut out pieces of fabric.

Glue the dublerin on the wrong side of the straps, then fold them in half and iron them well. As a result, the straps should be 3 cm wide.

Cut out and sew the belt.

By external parties wings, let the oblique inlay.

Sew the straps to the top of the apron. First, along the very edge, folding them with the front side:

and then with another seam on the front side, but already turning the strap as it should:

Having folded the wing and strap with the front sides, chip them off.

In the same way as in the previous step, sew the wing from the inside first:

and then from the front.

Attach the top to the belt with needles, having previously docked the middle of the canvases. You also need to sew: purl-facial.

Find the middle at the bottom of the apron and its belt - dock them.

Pin on pins.

Sew on the same principle.

It remains only to sew the straps to the belt, crosswise. To do this, you need to try on an apron and fix everything on the model.

That's all! The apron for the last call along with the dress are ready. Now it remains to make the final fitting and enjoy the results.

On the eve of the new school year children's clothing stores are full of all sorts of styles of school uniforms. Parents often spend a lot of time to choose an outfit that would suit both adults and the child himself. And it's not just the price. Big role here plays the quality of fabric and tailoring. Sometimes interesting model made from cheap synthetic materials, which is not quite suitable for daily wear for a child. And sometimes high-quality fabric is sewn in such a way that it does not sit well on any figure. And here the best option is self-tailoring of school uniforms. If a mother has such a skill, it is always a big plus for both the child and the family budget as a whole. Therefore, today we will try to find the answer to the question of how to sew a school sundress for a girl with our own hands - patterns will help you quickly deal with the nuances.

Schoolgirl wardrobe

The school standard for girls is no longer the same type of uniform that our mothers and grandmothers were forced to wear. Today at modern world girls and girls choose bright, open, various styles of clothes. In addition, fashion, fortunately, has forever left in the past the rules “black bottom - white top”. The educational institution sets only a general style:

  • Today, the classic combination of a vest and a skirt is often the only option for many educational institutions.
  • Along with this option, a jacket or jacket in combination with a skirt or even trousers is considered quite appropriate within the walls of the school.
  • Sometimes girls are allowed to wear dresses of suitable length and style.
  • Ideal option for young ladies a sundress becomes - not a summer one, made of light materials, but a more modest style with a small sleeve or without it at all. Therefore, more and more often, mothers are wondering how to sew a school sundress for a girl with their own hands.

Important! This school wear option can be combined with a variety of shirts, blouses, T-shirts and turtlenecks. And every time it will look different.

Material selection

Before you sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands and do patterns, you should carefully study the recommendations for choosing a fabric. Your child will have to wear these clothes almost every day for a year. Therefore, it must meet certain requirements:

  • consist of natural fibers and provide comfort;
  • be breathable and hygroscopic;
  • material shrinkage should be minimal;
  • the material should be soft, but at the same time durable;
  • The fabric should have color fastness when washed.

Before you sew a school sundress or other clothes to replenish your wardrobe, we advise you to listen to the opinion of manufacturers who deal with dozens of different materials every day:

  • Blouses for girls and shirts for boys are most often made from poplin.
  • Turtlenecks and knitted blouses are produced from the knitted fabric and footer.
  • For a sports uniform, a footer is excellent, both with and without fleece.
  • For suits, dresses and sundresses, corduroy, fule, denim and twill.

Important! When choosing the color of the material, give preference to dark blue, dark gray colors. They are not as gloomy as black, but also successfully combined with almost all colors.

pattern modeling

In order to sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands, patterns can be found on the Internet. It is not necessary to choose the most complex style, you can take the basic pattern. Based on it, you can make several patterns of clothes at once.

Option 1

In the first option, we will analyze how to sew a school dress for a girl with our own hands in a semi-adjacent silhouette. The lower part will be detachable, on the front of it we will make 2 counter folds.

On a sheet of paper, and preferably thick cardboard large sizes, we will transfer the contours of the basic pattern. For work, we need the main lines - the chest and the bottom of the product:

  1. Lay down 7 cm from the chest line and draw a horizontal line. This will be the beginning of the cutting bottom.
  2. Now let's move on to the armhole. On regular dress it is high, but we need to make it deeper so that blouses and turtlenecks can be worn under the bottom.
  3. From the base point of the end of the armhole, lay down 2 cm. We also shorten the shoulder line by 2 cm on both sides from the outer part. Now we connect the resulting points with a smooth line that repeats the lines of the base pattern.
  4. We also make the neck deeper. On the back, it will be enough to lay down 1 cm. On the shelf, we will increase this value to 3 cm. We will also shorten the shoulder line by 2 cm. Now we draw a new neckline with smooth lines. The upper part has already become similar to a sundress, and the reduced lines of the shoulder are like straps.

Important! Before sewing a school sundress, do not forget about such a detail as the neckline. This detail repeats the lines of the neck, to the shoulders its width should be no more than 5 cm, to the center of the back and shelves it must be increased to 10 cm, otherwise it will constantly crawl out.

Now let's move on to building the bottom of the skirt:

  • The contours of the lower part of the shelf, the cutting part, are also transferred to a sheet of paper or drawing paper.
  • The depth of our fold will be, for example, 3 cm. To model it, we find the center of the front.
  • From this point, we set aside 6 cm to the right and left. This will be the folds folded in half towards each other.
  • Now we also add 6 cm on each side of the panel.

Important! The additional centimeters laid down will go into the folds, and if you do not add the same value to the side seams, then the sundress will simply be small.

  • Now measure the top distance, and based on that value, draw a rectangle. This will be the cut-off skirt. After the folds are formed on the fabric, the sundress will take on a slightly flared shape towards the bottom.
  • Redraw the back from the base pattern or model it in the same way, laying 2 folds in the middle of the part.

Option 2

Another option on how to sew a school sundress is also based on a basic pattern. Now it will be a semi-adjacent model, with short sleeves, also with a detachable skirt with pleats, but with a low waistline and pockets:

  1. We translate the contours of the base pattern onto thick paper.
  2. Immediately determine the length of the future sleeve and shorten the part to the desired size.
  3. Now we lay down 7 cm from the waist line and draw a horizontal line.
  4. This will be the junction of the top and bottom of our sundress. We leave the upper part unchanged, we have to model the lower part.

The skirt in this model is also a rectangle. In order to calculate the width of this rectangle, we measure the distance along the stitching line of the skirt. Let it be equal to 40 cm. Now we consider the depth of our folds and the quantity:

  • For example, each fold will be 4 cm deep, which means that the fabric needs 8 cm to create them, and in total there will be 4 folds on the skirt, which means 8x4 = 32 cm.
  • We add to the original size of the canvas and get 72 cm. This means that the width of our rectangle will be 72 cm + 2 cm for allowances.
  • And the length of the rectangle will be equal to the length of your future sundress + 3 cm for the hem of the bottom and + 1 cm for sewing the skirt to the top.
  • Before sewing a school sundress for a girl with our own hands, we just have to draw the line of the entrance to the pocket and the burlap of the pocket.

Important! The back of the skirt is a rectangle based on the calculations above, minus the pocket detail.

Sewing sequence

Before answering the question of how to sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands, we note that there is no need to hurry in this work. So that such clothes are not inferior in quality to expensive factory items, you should follow the established sequence of actions:

  1. Before you sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands, we transfer the details of the pattern with chalk and a remnant to the fabric.
  2. If the seam allowances are not included on the pattern, do not forget about them when cutting the material.
  3. The facings of the neck and armholes, before sewing a school sundress, must be glued with interlining. After this part is sewn, do not forget to stitch, stepping back 1 mm from the edge so that the facing does not turn outward.
  4. We sew the details of the sundress in the following sequence: first we process the shoulder seams, then we sew in the sleeves, and only after that we connect the side seams. Then comes the processing of the neck and bottom of the product.
  5. If the product comes with a detachable skirt, as in our version, then we first assemble upper part and process the neck and armhole. Then we sew pockets and create folds. Then comes the turn of the side seams and the connection of the upper and lower parts.

Important! In the process of sewing a school sundress, do not forget to iron the seams so that the product looks neat.

Having mastered the basic sewing technique and simple modeling techniques, you can take on more complex products. Even a Soviet-style uniform will be within your power. And then you can forget about factory identical dresses, not always of good quality.

In order to always solve the question of how to sew a school sundress or any other clothes for a child or for yourself, you need to remember a few golden rules that will be useful to every dressmaker:

  • Take your time. This mistake is made by many beginners. Everyone wants to see the result of their work as soon as possible and show off in a new thing as soon as possible. It is in a hurry that many forget to sweep away the details, iron the seams, as a result, skewed edges and incorrectly sewn parts are obtained. And here you do not save time, but spend it even more - on ripping the seams and eliminating shortcomings.
  • The second common mistake is to sew without trying on. This is only permissible if you have already sewed a similar model according to the pattern and the experience was successful. If the pattern has not yet been tested, then it is not worth the risk. It’s better to sweep everything by hand first, try it on, make a fit, and only then sit down at the machine.
  • No matter how tempting the prospect of working with ready-made patterns is, before sewing a school sundress, check the pattern downloaded from the Internet. Compare with your measurements, if necessary, adjust the base to the parameters you need. Please note that all ready-made patterns are created for a typical figure, which only an exhibition mannequin possesses.
  • If you are determined to learn how to sew a school sundress, then remember: in order to learn how to sew, you need to really want it and try. Many people think that creating clothes is a very complicated process, only talented people can do it. In fact, anyone can learn it.
  • Don't be afraid to learn from your mistakes. Just understand and accept - at first, there will be a lot of them both in the process of sewing and in the process of constructing a pattern. It may well be that the first experience will end in failure. But on the second product you will take into account everything that you did wrong.
  • Before transferring details to the fabric, do not forget to carry out wet-heat treatment of all materials. Please note that any fabric, regardless of density, shrinks. If you do not process it before cutting, you can get a product that will be small for you in size.

Important! As an experiment, you can cut 2 pieces of fabric - 10 by 10 cm, iron one, and then compare them. Sometimes it happens that the processed segment becomes 9 by 9 cm in size.

  • Many, when sewing a school sundress, neglect the processing of seams and do not iron them. However, doing obviously poor quality work is not worth it. Having yielded to yourself once, you run the risk of turning tailoring on the principle “and so it will do” - this is the norm. If you notice that one pocket is sewn lower than the other, if the cuffs on the shirt are of different widths, and the gathering on the hem of the skirt is thicker on one side, do not be lazy. Take and redo until you achieve a quality result.
  • Before you sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands from expensive fabric, practice on some simple one. Many novice dressmakers have no fear of spoiling the material, they buy fabrics that are difficult to sew, and then do not know what to do with it. The result of such a mistake is disappointment and loss of interest in sewing.
  • The sewing machine is the most important tool for a seamstress. Therefore, always monitor its condition, settings. Regularly clean from threads, dust and lubricate with oil. In the event of serious problems, do not undertake repairs with your own hands - you can aggravate the situation, it is better to immediately call the master.
  • After spending a little of your time reading this article, you learned how to sew a school sundress for a girl with your own hands, you also learned how to build patterns. Now you can start creating a wardrobe for your schoolgirl, in which there will be at least 2 sundresses of different styles. If the fabric is chosen correctly and all the recommendations are followed when sewing, then the clothes will delight your child and you every day. And the tips above will help you improve your sewing skills and become a master, from whose hands only quality things come out.