Presentation - hand stitches and lines. Embroidery with finishing stitches Instruction card for making a chain stitch

Additional education of children according to the educational program additional education children "Design of toys and decorative finishing of products".



Novopashina L.A. Hand embroidery. - In: Programs for institutions of additional education for children. Issue 8.- M.: GOU TsRSDOD, 2003, p. 82-88.


  1. Kozhina O.A. Decorative and applied arts. - In the collection: Exemplary programs of extracurricular activities. Primary and basic education / V.A. Gorsky, A.A. Timofeev, D.V. Smirnov and others); ed. V.A. Gorsky. - 2nd ed. - M .: Education, 2011, pp. 30-32.
  2. Educational programs on arts and crafts for UDOD.
  3. - M.: LLC "DOD", 2007, p. 37-45, 106-110.

Lesson type:

Training session for learning new material.

Formation of hand sewing skills using the “Forward needle” method.

  1. Learn the method of hand sewing “Forward the needle”;
  2. teach children to process the edges of the fabric (fringe, hemstitch);
  3. make decorative napkin using the “Forward needle” method of manual sewing and trimming the edge of the fabric;
  4. develop the skill of working with a needle;
  5. develop motor skills of small muscles of the hands;
  6. to form the foundations of folk culture on the example of embroidery patterns using the “Forward the needle” seam;
  7. to cultivate accuracy, perseverance, patience, diligence, attention, the ability to bring the work begun to the end.


  • Cotton or linen fabric (hemstitch or double thread) 15x15 cm in size (one-sided, plain),
  • scissors,
  • needles for hand sewing,
  • floss or thick cotton threads (No. 10),
  • satin ribbons of different colors 0.5-1 cm wide,
  • ruler,
  • thimble,
  • pencil.


Musical accompaniment of the lesson:

Lungs classical works Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Strauss.

The course of the lesson:

Part I - the study of new material, individual work (40 min.).

  1. Organizational moment (2 min.);
  2. Learning new material (25 min);
  • From the history of Russian embroidery (2 min.)
  • The concept of a seam “Forward a needle” (2 min.);
  • Safety precautions when working with tools (3 min.);
  • Individual work on the studied new material (18 min.);
  1. Phys. minute (3 min.);
  2. Formation of a mini-exhibition of finished works (4 min.);
  3. Summing up (3 min.).

Part II - collective work: making napkins and tablecloths using the “Forward needle” stitch (40 min.).

1. Organizational moment (2 min.);

2. Distribution into groups of 2-4 people, grouping of tables (2 min.);

2.1. Distribution of roles in the group (2 min.);

2.2. Making the bases of a set of napkins and a tablecloth using the “Forward needle” stitch (17 min.);

2.3. Game pause (3-4 min.);

2.4. Pairs of interchangeable composition (8 min.);

2.5. Summing up the work (5 min.).

3. Independent work: make a napkin using floss threads and satin ribbons different colors.

Summary of the lesson:

  1. Org. moment.
  2. Hello guys. Sit down.
  3. Introductory talks about the history of Russian embroidery.
  4. Communication of the objectives of the lesson.

    Today we will learn how to sew a “forward needle” seam. Let's first talk about the history of embroidery in Rus'. (The teacher accompanies the story with presentation slides.) Archaeologists find fragments of clothing decorated with patterns made with gold threads. These finds date back to the 9th-12th centuries. In those distant times, household items, clothes of noble people were decorated with gold embroidery. Church vestments, silk and velvet clothes of kings and boyars were embroidered with gold and silver threads in combination with pearls and precious stones. Wedding towels, festive shirts made of fine linen fabric, and scarves were also decorated with colored silk and gold threads. Embroidery was distributed mainly among women of noble families and nuns. And since the 18th century, this type of needlework has entered the life of all segments of the population, becoming one of the main occupations of peasant girls. The museums of our country have collected many examples of folk embroidery. The best preserved works of the XIX century. Embroidery was divided into urban and peasant (folk). The city embroidery did not have strong traditions, as it changed under the influence of fashion, and folk embroidery was associated with the customs and traditions of Russian peasants.

    It was said that by the age of 13-15 peasant girls had to prepare for themselves a dowry for the wedding: embroider tablecloths, towels, shirts and all sorts of other things. Without this, they were not married. Before the wedding, they did an exhibition of the dowry so that everyone could see what a good craftswoman the bride is.

    Russian embroidery has its own national characteristics. Big role geometric ornament and stylized images of plants and animals play in embroidery. In the form of a rhombus, a circle, a rosette, the sun was depicted - a symbol of warmth and life. The female figure and a flowering tree personified fertility, and the bird symbolized the arrival of spring (shows photographs of embroidery samples). These symbols are very ancient, because they were also in clay figurines; they were simply transferred to embroidery.

    Russians folk embroidery can be divided into two groups: northern And Central Russian strip. In the north, the cross, painting, cutouts, white stitching and smoothness were most often used. Usually patterns were embroidered with red threads white background or vice versa. Embroidery of the Central Russian strip most often multicolor. There they embroidered with colored interlacing, painting, goat, cross, counted stitch and hemstitch.

    The various stitches used in hand embroidery can be divided into 2 large groups. The first group includes the so-called counted embroidery, i.e. embroidery, which is performed by counting the threads of the fabric, to the second - free embroidery performed along a free, pre-drawn contour. The most ancient are counting embroidery. They were carried out on canvas with a very clear, even weave of threads. Embroidery along a free contour (tambour stitch, upper stitches, satin stitch, stalk stitch, etc.) arose much later. Counted embroideries, in turn, are divided into through, called a line, and embroideries that are performed on the surface of the fabric and are called counted seams. Stitched embroidery is located not on the surface of the fabric, but in the fabric itself, as if changing its structure. Stitched seams include: various hemstitches, fine stitching, stitching with a colored outline, cross stitching, guipure, colored stitching, etc.

  5. Studying the seam “forward the needle”

I hope that someday we will learn such complex tricks, but for now let's start with a simpler one. In our lesson, we will learn how to correctly perform one of the most simple hand seams - a “needle forward” seam (Next, the teacher shows how to sew a “needle forward” seam).

The “Forward needle” stitch is most often used not for embroidery, but for temporarily fastening parts of clothing. This seam is also called basting. When it is used for these purposes, a knot is made on the thread, so there is no mistake here. And when you embroider, you do not need to make a knot.

Seam "forward needle" (Fig. 1). It is a series of stitches and gaps of the same length. The thread is fixed at the right edge of the fabric, making a stitch of 5 mm (5-6 threads of fabric). After fixing the thread, the needle is inserted at the second puncture point and pulled along with the loop to the wrong side. Having skipped the same number of threads, the needle is punctured to the front side and a second stitch is made, etc. Seam stitches and skips are sewn the same length and run from right to left. On the wrong side of the fabric, stitches of the same length are placed between the front stitches. The stitch length can be different. So in a white smooth surface, this seam outlines the outline of the pattern, making stitches from 1 to 2 mm long. In counted embroidery (stitch set), the stitches can be 3-4 mm long, and in patterns completely made with this stitch, 6-8 mm. The seam can be performed both according to the count of threads and according to the drawn contour. Stitches can be arranged in two (Fig. 2) or more rows (Fig. 3)

(Annex 1).

Reinforcement question: “What can you tell about the stitches by looking at the diagrams and samples?”

Correct answer: “The stitches must be the same length. The seam is 1 cm long. And when they embroider, they never make knots. The thread is fixed by making several small stitches from the inside out.

4. Individual work on the studied new material.

Can you please tell us which threads we will choose for embroidery? (mulina).

Right. Threads are sewing, embroidery, knitting and darning. For embroidery use cotton, silk and woolen threads. The most beautiful - floss. They are made from the best varieties of cotton and dyed in different colors. Muline begins to shine after a special treatment - mercerization. Each strand (pasmo) floss consists of 6 thin threads that are easily separated from each other. Muline is also made from staple fiber. Staple floss shines without processing, beautiful, but not as durable as ordinary cotton floss.

It is the floss that we will use for embroidery, because it is more difficult to embroider with cotton, silk or woolen threads. What color of thread will you choose for embroidery? (We must take those that visible on fabric).

Yes, and not only so that they can be seen on the fabric, but also I need them to match in color. For example, a green leaf can be embroidered along the contour with dark green threads. You see, in the picture, an orange flower on a yellow background is embroidered with red threads. They match in color and are clearly visible. Black threads would also be clearly visible, but it would not be beautiful at all. And the yellow threads are in harmony, but they would not be visible. You can take threads of the same color as the pattern, but of a different shade. With a “forward needle” stitch, you can embroider not only with floss threads, but also with satin ribbons of different colors 0.5-1 cm wide.

And what can be the fabric for embroidery? (The best fabric is completely without a pattern, one-color, one-color).

Before proceeding with independent work, let's remember the safety precautions. Who will remind?

  1. In no case should needles be left in unfinished work;
  2. Needles are best stored with a threaded thread, because. it becomes more visible and easier to find.
  3. Especially dangerous is the habit of holding needles in the teeth while working.
  4. The thread must be taken correct length. This is approximately 50 cm. Everything must be done very carefully so as not to prick anyone.
  5. You can not leave a needle stuck in a tablecloth, on a table or just on a table, namely, store it in a needle bed.
  6. Needles should be placed only in the needle bed, stuck into the pillow.

How can you arrange the edges of the patch? (You can make a fringe).

How? (You can pull out a few threads around the edges to make a fringe. Make it the same on all sides. You get an embroidered napkin. You can give it to your mother on March 8. You can sew a ribbon around the edges with the same seam as a frame for a picture. Next to the fringe, you can make seam "forward needle" with a twist, then it will be even better).

5. Practical work“Embroidery of a napkin with a “forward needle” seam with floss threads and satin ribbons. Processing the edge of the product with a hemstitch.

Seam marking: - we measure 2 cm from the edge (1 cm per fringe, we don’t immediately start embroidering from the fringe?). We draw a line with a pencil, our seam will be located on this line. Insert the thread into the needle, tie a knot:

We first need to measure the thread. How do we measure? (To the elbow)

Then we insert it into the needle.

We tie a knot.

Demonstration by the teacher and the children perform. Now we will sew the seam together.

Try to shape the edges so that you have a finished work.

Let's try to pull out 4 threads on each edge on our own. The fringe should be equal to 1 cm, but you will make it at home.

Children complete the task on their own.

  1. Physical minute (exercises for the eyes).
  2. Teamwork“Embroidery of a tablecloth with a “forward needle” seam with floss threads and satin ribbons. Processing the edge of the product with hemstitch and (or) fringe.
  3. Students begin to design tablecloths for the school canteen according to a single sketch. The size of one tablecloth is 150x150 cm. Students work in groups of 2-4 people.

    Duration of work 35 min. After 20 minutes, a second physical exercise for the hands is held.

  4. Formation of a mini-exhibition of finished works.
  5. Summing up the lesson.

slide 1

Hand stitches and stitches

slide 2

The topic of the previous lesson?

slide 3

slide 4

slide 5

Purpose: Learning how to perform hand seams
Tasks: -Introduce students to the types of hand seams. - To form the initial skills of performing manual stitches and lines. -Show the scope of hand seams. - Develop imagination and fantasy. - Cultivate aesthetic taste.

slide 6

Basic concepts
The seam
The finished process of weaving threads on fabric.
A series of repeating stitches in fabric.
Thread connection of parts.
Stitch length
The distance between two consecutive needle punctures.

Slide 7

By way of execution:
By appointment:

Slide 8

Terminology of handicrafts
Basting - temporary connection of two or more parts
Basting - temporary connection of small parts with large ones

Slide 9

Overlapping - temporary fastening of the folded edge of the part, folds
Overcasting - fixing the cut of the part in order to protect it from shedding
Hemming - attaching the folded edge of the product with constant blind stitches
Sewing - attaching one part to another or accessories to the main part

Slide 10

Types of hand stitches
Temporary Stitches
Permanent Stitches
Finishing hand stitches

slide 11

Finishing hand stitches
“Forward needle” 5. “Lace” “Back needle” 6. Oblique stitches “Stalked” 7. Looped “Tambour”

slide 12

* "forward needle"
A seam is a series of stitches and skips of the same length. This is the easiest stitch. A thread laid in a straight line can be used to embroider various decorative household items - curtains, tablecloths, runners, napkins, sofa cushions.

slide 13

* "back needle"
This seam with front side it looks like a “forward needle” seam, but on the wrong side, due to different execution techniques, it differs from it. The seam is laid from right to left with the same stitches and with equal distances between them. Seam can replace machine stitch.

Slide 14

* "stalked"
stalk seam resembles a "back to the needle" seam. The stems of flowers, leaves, buds are embroidered with a stalk stitch in floral ornaments. With this seam, you can embroider a complete pattern or sheathe the contour of a part already made with other seams.

Slide 17

It is performed in two steps. First, in a straight line "forward the needle." After that, a needle with a thread (usually of a different color) is brought under each stitch from top to bottom, without piercing the fabric. With this seam, you can decorate clothes, towels, tablecloths, napkins.
* "lace"

Slide 18

* Seam "goat"
The goat stitch is made up of at least twice (at least) crossed stitches located between two lines. It can be frequent, performed, as they say, "an injection into an injection" (Fig. 1, 2), and rare (Fig. 3, 4). Moreover, the frequency and height of the row can be changed until a stalk-like seam is obtained. It is used for hemming the edge of the product and as a finishing.

Slide 19

Hand needles
tailor's chalk

Slide 20

* Proper seating has a great influence on the well-being of students and the quality of their work. * Incorrect position of the body causes premature fatigue, decreased performance, and also contributes to the appearance of stoop, curvature of the spine, and the development of myopia
Workplace organization

slide 21

The correct landing during work is as follows: * Feet should be firmly supported by the entire sole on the floor, with a different position of the legs, blood circulation is disturbed. * The body should be held straight or slightly tilted forward. * Tilt your head slightly forward. * Do not lean on the table with your chest. * Hands should be bent at the elbows, and lag behind the body by no more than 10 cm. * When working, do not put your elbows on the table. * The distance from the eyes to the product or part should be an average of 30 cm. * In the process of work, you should periodically change the position of the body.

Poteryaiko Natalia Grigorievna

Technology teacher

Kerch school №26

Republic of Crimea

Finishing stitch embroidery

Components of the seam

Assigning stitches

Types of seams

Types of finishing seams



Seam "LACE"

Seam "STALK"


Seam "LOOP"

Seam "GOAT"

Seam "Herringbone"

Seam "Knots"


Perform from right to left with stitches of the same size with gaps. The threads run along the front and back sides. Stitches can be done in two rows, alternating with smaller stitches. Using thread different colors, can be done interesting options seam.


Performed from right to left, piercing the fabric with a needle behind the working thread, moving it under the fabric and bringing it to the surface in front of the starting point. The seam can be done with or without gaps. The seam is used as a finishing seam and for permanent connection of the parts of a garment.

Seam "LACE"

First, a “needle-forward” seam is performed, then stitches are made with a thread of one color or another, inserting a needle from top to bottom under each stitch of the “needle-forward” seam (a). If you insert the needle under one stitch from top to bottom, and under the other - from the bottom up, you get a different version of the seam (b). Used to decorate various garments.

Seam "STALK"

Perform from left to right. The thread from the starting point is advanced first forward, and then along the wrong side back and brought out to the front side at the middle of the previous stitch (a). if the puncture for the next stitch is made a little lower, the contour of the seam will change and become wider (b). use a seam for embroidery of floral ornaments.


The seam looks like a chain, the links of which come out of one another. To perform it, the needle from the starting point is moved under the fabric along the pattern line by the stitch size, the working thread in the form of a loop remains under the needle. Subsequent stitches are made by sticking the needle into the previous loop. By changing the direction of the stitch, you can get a floral pattern (b) or a zigzag pattern (c). A seam is used for edging the contour of the pattern, performing a floral ornament.

Seam "LOOP"

The seam is made along two parallel lines. The fabric is pierced with a needle from top to bottom so that the loop of the working thread remains under the needle. Stitches can be done more often, then the seam will be tighter. At the corners, the needle is injected into the same place several times. A seam is used for finishing the edge and as a decorating one.

Seam "GOAT"

Perform from left to right between two parallel lines. The fabric is pierced with a needle as in a seam “by the needle” either on one or the other line. The seam is used for finishing dresses, blouses, aprons and as an additional one in more complex embroideries.

Seam "Herringbone"

It is performed from left to right between two parallel lines. The needle is inserted into the tissue alternately from the right and left sides from the center (the tip of the needle is directed at an angle to the center). The thread forms a loop that passes under the needle. The seam should not be too tight. It is used to decorate napkins, paths, towels and other products.

Seam "Knots"

To make a seam, the needle is brought out from the inside to the front side of the product and held at a certain distance from the surface of the fabric in the direction from right to left. With the left hand, they wind the thread on the needle in the direction away from themselves (a) and bring it to the wrong side, carefully pulling it through the wound threads (b). "Knots" decorate collars, cuffs; this seam can also be a pattern element.

Requirements for the embroidered product:- Embroidery must be done competently, accurately and comply with the rules of composition. – You cannot finish embroidering a design element with threads of a different shade. - The embroidered products should not have scorch marks on the fabric after wet-heat treatment (WTO). - Embroidered products should not have knots either at the beginning or at the end of the work.

Rules for safe work

Do not joke with scissors, Do not twist them in your hands in vain, And, holding the sharp edge, Pass them on to a friend.

Needlework is important

Sometimes not safe

You must know the rules

Observe safety!

Just finished work - Scissors need care. Don't forget to close them! And put in place.

The needle is cheerful in work, It is thin and so sweet! You will not put it in its place, Suddenly lost in revenge. And it will hide in a mess ... Suddenly, suddenly, it will stick in the heel.

Our needles have ears. Ears, of course, love pillows. Give the needles a pillow as soon as possible, Gather all your needles on it.

Instruction card for making a stalk seam

1. Mark points on the fabric (every 3 mm with a stitch length of 6 mm).

2. Fasten the thread at the starting point on the left (point 1).

3. Insert the needle to the right by the length of the stitch (at point 2) and needle out to the left by half a stitch (at point 3). Poke the needle all the time above the thread or under the thread so that the shape of the seam is not disturbed.

4. Again, prick the needle to the right by the length of the stitch (at point 4) and prick it to the left by half a stitch (at point 2).

5. Make sure that all stitches are with uniform thread tension.

Instruction card for making a chain stitch

1. Mark points on the fabric with a pencil at a distance of stitch length.

2. Fasten the thread to the right at the starting point (point 1).

3. Bend the working thread into a loop and hold it with the thumb of your left hand. Poke the needle at starting point 1 and poke out to the left for the length of the stitch (at point 2) above the buttonhole.

4. Gently tighten the stitch so that the thread does not pull the fabric. The shape of the loop should be round.

5. When making subsequent stitches, stick the needle into the loop formed by the previous stitches.

Instruction card for making a buttonhole seam.

1. At a distance of 5 mm from the edge of the cut part, mark with a pencil points at a distance of stitch length (3 mm) - rice. a

2. Fasten the thread on the left at the starting point (point 1) - rice. b

3. The fabric is pierced with a needle from top (point 2) down so that the loop of the working thread remains under the needle - rice. c, g

4. At the corners, the needle is injected three times in the same place - rice. d

"Wildflowers" - From the history of Russian embroidery. Pass the scissors with the handle forward. What can be done with the tape. Safety engineering. Embroidered towel used both in everyday life and in ritual holidays. Stem seam. Painting "Wildflowers". Do not sew with a rusty needle. Seam "knots". Before work, check the condition of the scissors.

"Satin stitch embroidery" - Darning seam. A rococo seam is made with a thin long needle without thickening in the eye area. A thimble is selected according to the size of the middle finger of the right hand. Paint can be fixed with vinegar. A chain stitch is a continuous chain of loops coming out of one another. Materials for embroidery. Embroidery. It is better to embroider a double-sided surface with a thread in one addition.

"Thread graphics" - Sewing with a thimble. The methods of work must be accessible. Reflection. Peak of popularity filament graphics belongs to the end of the 19th century. Hand over broken needles to the teacher. English weavers came up with a special way of weaving threads. Transfer scissors, holding on to closed blades, with rings away from you. Keep scissors on the table with closed blades from the worker.

“Pictures from ribbons” - Then climatis is embroidered with straight ribbon stitches and then poppies are made from pre-assembled ribbons. Instead of branches, twine is used on which inflorescences are embroidered with straight ribbon stitches. Origin history. Wisteria is embroidered here. A story about beauty. Embroidery ribbons. Complete collection of my robots. Then the stripes on the flower itself were made in purple and the buds were painted with light green paint.

"Counting surface" - Goals and objectives. Rules of BZ when embroidering. Types of smooth surface (straight, oblique, rocking). Types of counting surface. Presentation "Embroidery Composition". Presentation 3. "Cross Stitch". Presentation 2. "Embroidery composition". Presentation 1 "Do you know how to create paintings on fabric?". Presentation of their work on the site in a virtual museum.

"Embroidery Isothread" - 2. Sketch of a picture of a postcard. Materials and tools. 1. Finished postcard. Dandelion flowers and buds are stitched according to the rules of stitching, arcs with triangles. turned out openwork products to decorate a home. One sketch. From the history of isothi. Finished works can be decorated with beads, beads, supplemented with appliqué, pattern.

Seam "needle forward" The needle and thread are passed into the fabric through 3-5 mm all the time forward. You can sew by picking up several stitches on the needle at once. You can sew by picking up several stitches on the needle at once.

"Lower" serves for a tighter connection of materials. The needle is injected at the same distance behind and in front of the thread, and the punctures should fall into the end of the last stitch. On the front side, the seam has even continuous stitches and resembles a seam when sewing on a typewriter. From the inside - it looks like seam "by the needle", but more frequent.

The seam "by the needle" is used for tight connection of materials. The distance that the needle comes out in front of the thread should be 2 times the length of the stitch. The distance that the needle comes out in front of the thread should be 2 times the length of the stitch. On the front side, even, neat stitches with gaps are obtained. On the wrong side there are overlapping stitches. On the front side, even, neat stitches with gaps are obtained. On the wrong side there are overlapping stitches.

Seam "tambour" (or "chain"). This seam is used for embroidery and for finishing various products 1. We pierce the material from the wrong side. We drag the thread to the front side, make a loop, holding it with your thumb. 2. We insert the needle into the place of the first puncture and bring it out approximately in the middle of the loop. 2. We insert the needle into the place of the first puncture and bring it out approximately in the middle of the loop. 3. We drag the thread and tighten it, we get a loop with a thread in the middle. 3. We drag the thread and tighten it, we get a loop with a thread in the middle. We continue to work in the same order. We continue to work in the same order.

"Loop" seam "Loop" seam. It is used for finishing the edges of materials. Sew from left to right, with the edge of the product at the bottom. We pierce the material from the front side to the wrong side and direct the tip of the needle into the loop formed. we drag the needle through the loop and pull the thread down towards ourselves. We tighten the loop at the edge of the material so that it does not gather. We process the corners of the product (upper figure) with three punctures at one point.

In the seam "cross" In the seam "cross" stitches are sewn at an angle, first in one direction. Then we lay them in the opposite direction, just getting the needle into the old punctures. The seam "cross" can be embroidered. The most commonly used material for embroidery is canvas.

We start sewing from the bottom up. Stitches are placed from left to right, alternating punctures at the top and bottom. The distance between the punctures is the same. Seam "goat" The seam "goat" is used when processing hem and as a finish

1. Stepping back from each edge 1.5 cm, pull out of the fabric by threads on each side. 2. Each corner of the napkin will look like this. 3. We process the inner edges of the resulting strips from left to right, "away from you". We collect from 3 to 5 threads on the needle. We drag the thread and pull it towards the fabric. The resulting column is again wrapped with a thread from left to right and stitched, capturing 2-3 threads of fabric. The resulting column is again wrapped with a thread from left to right and stitched, capturing 2-3 threads of fabric.