Coaching and art quilting in patchwork. Quilting and patchwork: machine stitch patterns. DIY quilted patchwork blanket

Well, my dear cadets! I congratulate you on the beginning of our course and I dare to hope that most of you (and about 60 people signed up for the course!!!) will reach the end with honor! And you will give me a new reason to be proud of you, as I am proud of my students of the first and second graduations of the SHMS COURSE -2009, NEW YEAR GROUP - 2010; as well as my friends - dublirinochki, learning to stitch on this wonderful site (by the way, those who wish can now learn on the pages of "Dublirin").
First, let's remember what is patchwork and what is quilting.
Patchwork- Stitching patches of fabrics of different colors and textures.
Quilting- a type of needlework in which at least three layers of fabric are sewn (quilted) manually or by machine.
Our courses are dedicated quilting, namely its variety - a free-running machine stitch, abbreviated SHMS.
Why is this type of stitch so called?

    Because we sew by turning off the advancement of the fabric with a sewing machine and moving it only with our hands;

    because we usually work without a pre-printed pattern on the fabric;

    because we have the freedom to create with the help of a sewing machine needle any pattern that comes to our mind. CXMS is very similar to machine embroidery in its execution. The only difference is that the embroidery is done on one layer of fabric, so the hoop is required for work, and the stitch connects at least three layers and we completely do without auxiliary means to hold the fabric.

To enlarge the picture, click on the photo.

1. Sandwich - three-layer for stitching.
As usual in patchwork, three layers are used for stitching: top (front fabric), lining and lining.
Top for stitches can be different:

Rice. 1 Patchwork - fabric (patchwork assembly).

Rice. 2 and 3 Hole clave (Whole cloth) - fabric (a single piece of fabric), both plain-dyed and patterned (that is, printed).

Rice. 4 Batik.

Rice. 5 Application.

When calculating the length and width of the top that is planned to be quilted, it must be remembered that when quilting, the dimensions of the finished product are reduced by an average of 1-1.5 cm for every 10 cm of stitches. Example: in order for you to have a 20x20 cm sandwich after stitching, you must cut out a top with dimensions of 23x23 cm.
As gaskets I still tend to use a synthetic winterizer 1-1.5 cm thick. I also have experience in using other gaskets, but I did not enjoy working with these materials.
The synthetic winterizer before using in the stitch, I lightly steam it to the lining.
The lining in works where the stitch is the main decorative element should be thin enough, with a flat surface (lining fabric is good) and preferably of a plain fabric (especially for the period of study on the course).
I always take padding and lining 2 cm more on all sides than the top (for the previous example, the size of the two bottom layers is 27x27 cm). This allows you to easily quilt the edges of the sandwich. A neatly quilted edge is a guarantee of high-quality edging of the finished product. Before starting the stitch, I fasten all three layers with single-rod pins starting from the center at a distance of 5-7 cm from one to the other. Large items (from 1.5 meters) I additionally sweep. And along the edge of the sandwich, it is better to pre-lay a straight regular line to the width of the foot (but the stitch should still be laid to the very edge of the three-layer).

Rice. 6 Gasket material.

I always have a sandwich on hand - a "draft". On it, I select the tension of the upper thread, remember some stitch or try the elements of a new one. One draft ends and I replace it with another. You must have it too.

Rice. 7 Draft.

But during your studies, you will probably accumulate a large number of sandwiches - stitch samples (cleaners). Try to think in advance how to use them in finished products in the future. This is one of the basic principles of our training: to create not just samples, but to make finished products based on them. In order for you to succeed without any problems, follow my simple tips:

    do not use completely junk tissue for samples;

    on one sample, collect a stitch of one type, and if there are several, then beautifully arrange them relative to each other;

    Stitch your designs on the same fabric or on fabrics that match in color and texture.

    think over in advance a list of products that can be created from stitch patterns (handbags, cosmetic bags, postcards, covers, bookmarks, bedspreads, in the end) and try to sew on blanks specifically for these products.

My students have created a great many great works, large and small, while studying on the SHMS and RSM course. You won't show everything. But Alla Fadeyeva's coverlet (photo 8) and Lena Akentyeva's chair cover (photo 9) especially sunk into my soul.

I have one more offer to my new cadets, in my opinion, tempting. Using training samples (preferably 10x10 cm squares or by dividing a 20x20 cm sandwich into four parts) create a panel file of stitch patterns. Then you will always have your favorite patterns on the wall of the workshop before your eyes, and in order to choose the next one for a new masterpiece, you will not have to rummage through folders and notebooks. I made such an offer to the cadets of my full-time group and they liked the idea!

2. How to prepare the sewing machine for SHMS.
To begin with, I would like to say that almost any modern machine is suitable for machine stitching. But not everyone comes with quilting foot(otherwise it is also called the “darning and embroidery foot”). This foot has a spring feature. The spring at the moment the needle is inserted into the fabric allows you to firmly press the sole of the foot to the surface of the machine, and at the moment of raising the needle, lift the sole of the foot up and thereby free the fabric and give you the opportunity to move it with your hands in the right direction. If you have a problem with the lack of such a device in the machine, look for a foot in stores selling sewing equipment.
There are legs with a high and low location of the screw (photo 10).
Before you go shopping for a presser foot, be sure to measure the height of the screw for the foot in your machine in the lowered position and compare it with the height of the screw slot in the foot you found in the store.
I prefer paws with a plastic oval and a slot in front of up to 0.5 cm. If you come across a solid plastic sole, you can make such a slot yourself (photo 10a).

The most difficult case is if you do not find a foot for your typewriter in stores. There is only one thing left: remove the foot on the machine altogether and quilt your sandwich in the hoop (as with machine embroidery).
The procedure for preparing the machine for stitching is as follows:

    Remove the teeth of the lower conveyor;

    Set the machine to a straight line (by the way, in the future we will learn how to quilt using a zigzag);

    Set the stitch length to zero (requirement of machine manufacturers);

    If there is a presser foot pressure regulator, set it to "zero" or close to it;

    Adjust the tension of the upper thread (I will tell you more about how this is done in the chapter on threads);

    Attach the foot for embroidery or darning;

    We place the prepared sandwich under the foot and be sure to lower it !!!

Rice. eleven We bring the lower thread up and make the first two or three dotted reinforcement stitches.

We start stitching. Approaching the next pin at a distance of 1-2 mm, remove it from the fabric. If you interrupted the stitch without finishing it to the end, and plan to continue after the break, be sure to leave the needle down, in work (at the same time, the foot will press the fabric tightly to the surface of the machine and will not allow it to budge during your absence).

Rice. 12 Needle location.

Try to start the stitch from an angle that is comfortable for you (I usually start from the bottom right) and evenly fill the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe quilt, while interrupting the thread as little as possible. At the same time, learn to look behind the pattern you are applying to the fabric, as if through the foot and a little forward, that is, in the direction where you intend to move further.
At the end of the work, we again make 2-3 point securing stitches and bring both threads up. If your machine has the function “automatic trimming of the upper and bobbin thread”, then you can use it, and then both threads will be cut at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from the bartack on the wrong side (with this length, the threads usually do not get confused in the future seam).
Displayed at the beginning and end of the thread, you can:

    cut close to the securing stitches (but note that in this case you can not always guarantee that part of the seam will not unravel);

    without making a knot, insert both threads into a needle with a large eye;

    prick with a needle next to the bartack stitch, pass the needle between the layers of your sandwich and bring it out after 1-1.5 cm, where you cut both threads.

Rice. 13 Vcol manual needle.

The experience of many craftswomen who are fond of artistic stitching (including mine) shows that it is better to have a separate machine for stitching. If you suddenly have the opportunity to purchase a new machine, then to facilitate the stitching process, I want to list the following items that help you in your work:

    The presence of a sewing speed controller, which allows you to choose the most comfortable speed for you when stitching;

    Possibility to sew without a pedal;

    The presence of a knee lifter (for stitching in the normal course of the machine);

    The function of "automatic lifting or lowering the needle at the end of work";

    The function of "automatic trimming of the thread of the upper and bobbin";

    Automatic dot backtack (for stitching in the normal course of the machine);

    Upper conveyor (for stitching in the normal course of the machine);

    Large work surface;

    Good lighting from different points;

    Large side table;

    The presence of large vertical thread holders (the ability to work without problems with large spools of thread, which is much more profitable);

    Possibility of autonomous operation of the bobbin thread winder;

    And finally, the presence of the “BSR” foot (this function is available only in machines of the brand Bernina and about the features of its work, I will tell later). When choosing needles for SHMS, I prefer thick needles (90-100), because. they rub and tear less silk and metallic threads. There are special needles for quilting. You can work with them.

3. What threads to use for SHMS.
For free stitching, you can use absolutely all the threads that are acceptable for your sewing machine. I quilted with Soviet silk threads (No. 33 and 65), excellent threads from Madeira and Guttermann, Indian silk and viscose, Ideal, Gamma threads, our simple threads like LSH 35-45, etc. From decorative (for example, metallized ) I prefer Madeira.

Rice. 14 Types of threads.

In general, most of all I like to work with Asian silk and viscose threads (much cheaper than European threads; they are more “plump” and have a pleasant silky sheen). But I do not advise you to use old dry threads, they often break, gather in the eye of the needle and give you continuous problems when stitching.
In all recommendations about embroidery or stitching on a machine, they write that the lower thread should be equal in thickness to the upper one. The statement is absolutely true, but not always acceptable to us. I'll explain why. Usually the upper threads with which we sew are very thin (for example, Madeira has No. 120) and there are practically no analogues of Russian threads for them in thickness (and usually we use them for the bottom thread). Of course, we can take sewing threads from the same Madeira company for bobbin thread, but this is a very expensive pleasure for most Russian patchworkers. Judge for yourself, 1 spool of Madeira embroidery thread costs 100 rubles, plus a spool of sewing thread (for a bobbin) another 60 rubles! So, because of our poverty, we use ordinary sewing threads for the bottom, and they are much thicker than the top ones.
And by the way, I remember those times when our sewing stores sold a huge assortment of silk threads for embroidery No. 65 and for a bobbin the same huge assortment of cotton threads No. 80 in colors. Where did it all go?
What is the effect of using a thick bobbin thread in a stitch?
And this leads to the fact that with the standard recommended tension of the upper thread “2-4”, we get elongated loops on the wrong side. This is, firstly, an inaccurate wrong side, and secondly, additional braking when moving your sandwich with your hands. So hands down, in the literal sense, among beginner patchworkers! And I had it. And only when I brought the tension of the upper thread to “6-7” - everything fell into place! And the wrong side got quite a decent look and it became not so difficult to move my work.
That is, we conclude: if your bobbin thread is thicker than the top thread, then the tension of this top thread should be much greater than in the standard situation “top thread thickness = bottom thread thickness”.
I adjust this tension on my training sandwich with each new selection of a pair of threads for the bottom and top, and I advise you. It is best to check the tension of the threads when stitching spirals and circles (photo 15, the wrong side of the draft with a weak upper thread tension).

Rice. 15 The wrong side of the draft with a loose top thread tension.

Such a strong upper thread tension is not necessary on all machines, we always adjust this function individually (Irina Plotnikova writes on Brother with the upper thread tension “1-2”) !!! But there are exceptions to this rule. This exception is silk thread No. 65 and metallic decorative threads. Both of them are too thin and tear very easily. And if you set the upper thread tension to such a high level, you will soon cry from constant thread breakage! There's nothing you can do about it - you need to use a thin lower thread or monofilament.
I found threads for the shuttle Madeira Guttermann No. 150 in our stores, but only in three colors: black, white and beige, and also very expensive. I save them very much for such exceptional cases. And silk No. 65, if it suits me very well in terms of the color of my stitches, I put it on top and bottom!
Thread color is also important. While studying, I advise you to use threads of a color that contrasts with the background. Moreover, this applies to both the top and the wrong side (learning is easier, mistakes are better visible). The wrong side looks very good if the upper and lower threads are the same color.

4. How to hold and move tissue during CXMS.
Let's do this experiment.
Take the training sandwich prepared by you, press it firmly against the surface of the desktop with the fingers of both hands, while trying to stretch its central part (the place that you seem to be quilting). And move the three-layer in different directions.

Rice. 16 Three-layer.

Work for a minute or two. Now put on any gloves on your hands and do the same. Do you feel the difference, do you feel how much easier it is to move the fabric when you are wearing gloves? With free stitching, I prefer to use gloves with rubber pimples (at worst, even ordinary garden ones).

Rice. 17 Types of gloves.

I advise this to everyone, since during stitching there is a very large load on the small joints of the fingers and, with prolonged work, it threatens to exacerbate arthritis, osteoarthritis, or even the acquisition of these ailments (I already argue as a doctor). This is especially true for women over 40. If you find it inconvenient to work with gloves on both hands, put it on at least on the left!
If I am quilting large surfaces (more than 40 cm), I gather the fabric to the left and right of the needle into folds and move them exactly. At smaller sizes, I just move the fabric with my fingers.
A very important criterion for stitch quality is it is the same stitch length. To achieve such skill is quite difficult. At least, I still can not boast of it. The average stitch length with SHMS is 1-2 mm. The length of the stitch depends on the ratio of the speed of the machine and the speed of your hands moving the fabric. It is necessary to move the fabric without jerks, evenly, approximately in the “rhythm of the waltz”. You also need to press the pedal evenly. And here, to achieve the best effect, the following functions of your machine will come in handy:

    sewing speed adjustment (start at medium speed, fully depressing the pedal, and then adjust it depending on your desire);

    sewing without a pedal (the machine is set to a certain speed, the pedal is turned off, and the machine is turned on with a button);

    sewing with the BSR foot (in this case, when you accelerate the movement with your hands, the machine automatically accelerates and vice versa, so the stitch length always remains the same value you set).

Another important criterion is neat stitching on the wrong side: no tangled threads, knots, "cilia", that is, a protruding upper thread.
If you get used to it, each time at the beginning and end of work, bring both threads to the front side and secure with a dot bartack; if you get used to scribbling at one speed and not slow down at corners and turns; if you get used to follow the adjustment of the tension of the upper thread; and finally, if you get used to lowering the needle into work at each stop, your wrong side will be perfect! (photo 18, the stitch of the wrong side of my work “Snowdrops for Christmas”).

Rice. 18 C tag of the inside of my work "Snowdrops for Christmas".

5. Organization of the workplace and time.
Stitching is a very exciting activity. But this occupation should only bring you joy, and not be the cause of your health disorder.
In order for it to be so, it is worth following the following simple rules:

    Observe the regime of work and rest: at first, rest every 30-40 minutes of working on the machine for 10-15 minutes, and always with a change in position and activity (in no case should you sit crouched in front of a laptop monitor during rest). In the future, you need to rest every hour of work;

    Gradual expansion of active stitch time (from 1 hour in the first days of study, up to 3-4 hours in the middle of the journey and up to a maximum of 6-7 hours per day at the end of our training). If any discomfort occurs, the operating time should be reduced;

    Your workplace should be well lit. I, in addition to double lighting in the machine itself, use the light of a table lamp located to the left of the machine and good overhead lighting when quilting. In order for vision not to be very affected by a sudden heavy load, contrasting threads during stitching will also help;

    It is necessary to work out the correct landing at the typewriter (remember how we were taught to sit at a desk at school), so that our spine would not be excruciatingly painful later. The best option is if your typewriter is recessed deep into the table, then you are guaranteed a normal fit. But if the sewing machine rises above the table, and besides, it has a side table (which, by the way, is very convenient for stitching), when working, your shoulders rise high and there is a lot of tension in the cervical spine, and hence headaches and increased blood pressure, as well as flared cervicothoracic sciatica. In this case, I advise you to use an office chair and raise it to a height equal to the height of the typewriter above the table. And so that the legs do not hang above the ground and do not strain when pressing the pedal, place the latter on a bench of the same height (it is equal to 8-9 cm). I bought a bath seat, turned it over and my husband stuffed plywood on top. Here I have another advantage: the pedal has stops in front and behind (photo 19 - my workplace).

Rice. 19 Photo of the workplace.

The worst option is when one elbow is raised (usually the right one) and the left one is lowered. At least put hereunder the left elbow a stack of books so that the level of the shoulders is horizontal.

6. The main components of SHMS.
Most free motion cover stitch patterns are sewn WITHOUT PRELIMINARY PATTERN ON THE FABRIC. And these lines can be divided into two large groups:

    arbitrary straight lines;

    random wavy.

In addition, you can freely scribble according to the template; pattern printed on transparent paper or along the contour of a printed fabric pattern. I called this skill STITCH ACCORDING TO A GIVEN (that is, somehow drawn) CONTOUR. Thus, the main components of the SHMS are:

Rice. 20 Freehand stitches.

Rice. 21 Stitch free wavy.

Rice. 22 Outline stitch.

7. How to start stitching:

    You need to start work by choosing a stitch pattern, by thinking about its location, density, and choosing the color of the threads. Very often, a craftswoman who has learned to quilt and is inspired by this skill quilts every centimeter of her work. I also do this sometimes. I call it “growing pains” and I know that it will definitely pass with time;

The second thing you should do before work, and especially when mastering a new stitch pattern, is to draw it on paper.

Rice. 23 Spring stitch.

You need to draw the way you would quilt: from one corner, filling the entire field and interrupting the drawing as rarely as possible. For drawing, you should have a separate notebook, preferably on unlined paper. The minimum area for drawing a stitch pattern is 10x10 cm. Plus, it would be nice to later transfer the drawn patterns to your “Stitch Card Index”. I will talk about its creation in the next lesson.

For those who don't, buy or rent a camera;

Buy a thick notebook or sketch pad and a good pencil stitch sample album (you can use individual sheets); markers and pens for drawing;

Be patient and get ready for some serious multi-day work.


1. Our first task will be unusual for many who have read my opuses before or have already tried to learn from them.
On a sandwich measuring 20x20 cm, without thinking and not drawing, and besides, despite the patterns of other craftswomen in books and the Internet (!!!), you scribble absolutely everything that comes to your mind. I will call such a stitch "CRAZY" by analogy with patchwork blocks.
However, you do the following:

    learn how to hold and move the fabric correctly;

    try to match the speed of both machines and the speed of your hands, that is, strive for the same stitch length;

    try to keep the same distance between the stitched lines. I give you this distance - 5 millimeters;

    learn to adjust the tension of the threads. And this exercise will also help me determine the level of your preliminary preparation (let the one who has never scribbled be completely upset).

2. draw pencil or pen on a sheet of A4 paper, starting from the right on the short side, the following pattern: 4 straight and 4 wavy lines, then again 4 straight and 4 wavy, and so on, until you fill the entire sheet. Show this drawing to me. Then stitch exactly the same pattern on a 20x30 cm sandwich without a pre-printed pattern.

Rice. 24 Wavy and straight lines.


    Learn to scribble arbitrary straight and wavy lines;

    Keep the same distance between the lines;

    Repeat the same waves.

3. On a printed fabric with a large pattern (preferably separately located large flowers, leaves or other patterns) 30x30 cm in size, lay a free-wheeling line along the pattern, starting and ending the line directly on the contour, that is, each time interrupt the line, completely circling the outline of the pattern.

Rice. 25 Machine stitching along the outline of the pattern.


    Learn to scribble along a given contour;

    Learn to bring the upper and lower threads to the front surface;

    Learn to fasten these threads in the depth of the quilt.

So let's get to work!!!
And remember - at least for the time of study, our slogan is with you:

I am waiting for the results of your labors until the end of next Tuesday. The next (second lesson) I will publish on October 13th.

Quilting is an American technique for sewing from different scraps of fabric. This patchwork needlework attracts craftsmen from many countries of the world. Products sewn using this technique can be different, for example, blankets are created using the quilting method. Schemes of such works can be found on the Internet.

Quilting - if you are puzzled by the translation of this word into Russian and look in the dictionary, it turns out that it means stitching, stitching. And the finished work made in this technique is called a quilt. Quilting allows you to create very beautiful and cozy handmade textiles. Art quilting, in addition to stitching, also combines embroidery and batik, works created in this style are more reminiscent of paintings than blankets and blankets.

This patchwork needlework attracts craftsmen from many countries of the world.

The master can take ideas for inspiration anywhere, for example, from his environment. Sewing from quilted patches of fabric requires a clear plan of action. However, if there is an idea and desire, the master will definitely be able to create his own masterpiece. What can quilting be useful for?

In fact, this craft allows you to create very beautiful crafts and decorations. Here are some of them:

  • Flowers.
  • Butterflies.
  • Animals.
  • Beautiful greeting cards.
  • Blankets.

Gallery: quilting (25 photos)

Patchwork for beginners: art stitch (video)

What is this technique?

Quilting is a type of needlework that involves patchwork. This is a foreign art form. What does such a craft involve creating? Quilting involves creating, first of all, bed linen, for example, blankets and pillowcases, and only then beautiful crafts.

This type of creativity is often used for decoration:

  • Bags.
  • Purses.
  • clothes.
  • decorations.
  • Various accessories, etc.

Quilting is a type of needlework that involves patchwork

According to the Americans, they are the founders of quilting. Is it really? It's hard to say. There is evidence that quilted clothing was invented in ancient China. If they are true, it turns out that Americans are mistaken in considering themselves the founding fathers of this type of needlework.

Quilting was actively practiced in medieval England, when fabric prices were too high. People, wishing to sew clothes and bed linen, resorted to sewing together scraps of any fabric in order to obtain a product. Since then, quilting has become a traditional European occupation.

What is the difference between quilling and patchwork?

Patchwork is a type of needlework that involves the creation of one product from various fabrics. In a patchwork, absolutely any fabric shreds can be used. In the process of work, a canvas must be created.

Yes, patchwork can be both patchwork and quilting. However, patchwork differs from quilting in that it is called the very technology of making patchwork.

Despite the fact that women from many countries of the world were engaged in quilting, the term "patchwork" was first proposed by the Americans.

There is also another important difference between these two crafts, and it lies in the way the patches are sewn together.

  • In quilting, all pieces of fabric are sewn together.
  • And in patchwork, patches are sewn to one fabric base.

Despite the fact that women from many countries of the world were engaged in quilting, the term "patchwork" was first proposed by the Americans.

DIY quilted patchwork blanket

This blanket is very pretty. It is advisable to use bright fabrics for sewing. You can make a baby blanket.

So, the work is as follows:

  1. First you need to decide on the material that you need to work. Quilting involves the use of fabrics of different colors and types. If a baby blanket is to be sewn, it is recommended to select bright colored fabrics.
  2. When the material is selected, you can start cutting shreds. It is enough to cut the fabric into squares of 20-22 cm.
  3. Alternatively, you can make a personalized blanket. To do this, the central square must be 2 times larger than the others, that is, you need to cut out a square whose side is approximately 40 cm.
  4. On the central square, you need to embroider the name of the child or person for whom the product is intended. The color of the thread with which the name will be embroidered should not be the same as the color of the blanket, otherwise the embroidery will merge with the fabric and will not be visible.
  5. After that, on a flat surface, you need to lay out the chopped squares. They are laid out as they will be sewn together.
  6. Next, the squares are sewn together with stripes.
  7. Then all seams must be ironed with high quality.
  8. The strips need to be sewn together, and then iron the seams again. This completes the work on the front side of the blanket.
  9. To sew the wrong side of the blanket, you need to cut the fabric not in patches, but in strips.
  10. All seams need to be ironed, and then sew the strips together.

At the last stage, you need to "assemble" the blanket by sewing the front and back sides together.

Japanese quilling

Japanese quilting is a creation that harmoniously combines elements of Japanese and European cultures. One can say about Japanese quilts that they are unique. Sometimes it is impossible to take your eyes off such a masterpiece!

Japanese quilting is a combination of three needlework elements:

  • Patchwork.
  • Sachiko.
  • Applications.

Such works almost always depict symbols favorable to the Japanese, such as the national flag of Japan. Bright colors predominate: purple, red, yellow.

How to choose quilting fabric?

  • It is necessary to take into account the variety of fabrics when choosing them. In order not to get confused in this variety, it is advisable to decide in advance how the product will look like. It should be taken into account that in addition to color, fabric can also be classified by material.
  • For large parts of the product, it is necessary to select only high-quality material.
  • It is important to make sure before buying a material that it will not lose its color after the first wash.
  • If the master has no desire to get a colorful product, then it is better for him to opt for plain materials.
  • You should also choose the right pattern on the fabric surface. It's not always needed. There is a variant of embroidery in the center of the product of any picture. In this case, you need to choose a monophonic material.
  • In quilting, one of the most interesting color combinations is a pair of black and white. You can create a blanket that would look like a chessboard in its appearance.
  • In quilting, polka dot fabrics are almost never used. Especially not appropriate to use them for large parts. Why? The fact is that polka dots can distract attention, thereby depriving people of the opportunity to understand the master's main idea.

Patchwork quilts are like greetings from childhood. They resemble old rustic blankets made of various fragments of fabric in the grandmother's house, where grandchildren were sent to stay for the summer. Today, patchwork has gone beyond the boundaries of rural life and has turned from a sign of need into exclusive products. It is prestigious to have a blanket from a pile of pretty squares - it is expensive and not everyone can afford it. But you can learn how to sew it yourself - this art is not as difficult to master as it seems.

Patchwork and patchwork are synonyms. Patchwork means the art of sewing from pieces of fabric. This type of needlework appeared in ancient times. It is believed that patchwork originated in Asia and came to Europe during the Crusades. Patchwork flourished especially during the time of the first American settlers, when Protestant women, out of poverty and the special thrift characteristic of Protestants, did not throw away old blankets and sheets, but sewed new ones from their pieces. In an attempt to make at least something beautiful out of multi-colored pieces of fabric, patchwork was born.

Important: in patchwork, it is important to be able to combine fabrics with each other in color. Beginners can be advised to start by creating monochromatic compositions, since it is easier to combine monochromatic materials with each other. You can combine plain fabrics and fabrics with a pattern. The combination of fabrics with different patterns requires a developed aesthetic taste.

In the patchwork style, in addition to blankets, there are other products. This technique can be used with equal success in order to make a bedspread, pillowcase, bags, dress. Patchwork style bags look especially stylish and extraordinary. You can sew in this style not only from textiles, but also from leather, although sewing from fabric is much easier. Textile bags are back in fashion today, so patchwork is experiencing a new round of popularity.

What is patchwork (video)

What is quilting

Quilting is by and large a somewhat improved patchwork that combines:

  • patchwork,
  • embroidery,
  • application,
  • the art of quilting.

When quilting, they not only sew different pieces of fabric, but also quilt a thing, decorate it with appliqués and embroidery.

The thing is made up of separate motifs - quilts. The quilt should be voluminous. The volume is created thanks to the three-layer. The first layer is the fabric composition itself, the second is a padding made of synthetic winterizer or other materials, the third is the wrong side of the fabric.

Important: the choice of fabric depends on what product is being sewn. For blankets, dense fabrics are selected, mainly cotton. For the bag - leather, leatherette, dense linen and cotton, velvet. For clothes - thinner and more delicate fabrics.

Quilting looks more elegant and advantageous than just patchwork. Quilting pieces can be a real work of art, especially if the quilting combines delicate embroidery, appliqué and special stitching. The stitch is welcome complex. The more complex the stitch pattern, the more interesting the quilting. In complex products, one stitch looks like an original decor.

Quilting: the history of needlework (video)

Where to look for ornaments

Before you start making blankets, bags or pillowcases, you need to design an ornament and choose a fabric. It is difficult to develop an ornament on your own - already experienced craftswomen can do it. Yes, and for the most part they do not develop them completely, but use ready-made motives, which they combine in various sequences, creating masterpieces. These motifs are called schemas.

Patterns for patchwork exist in large numbers. Finding them is not difficult. There are websites where you can find patterns for a bag or for a blanket. There are basic schemes on the basis of which many ornaments are made. They can also be downloaded from the Internet along with a detailed description of the sequence of stitching individual motifs.

Basic schemes

Basic schemes are the basis of the basics. Based on them, you can create products of varying degrees of complexity. Having mastered the basic schemes, you can proceed to more complex compositions. But things that look aesthetically pleasing and complex are already made up of them.

The basic schemes are:

  • "Sewing with squares",
  • Ohio Star,
  • "Hourglass",
  • "Carousel",
  • "Card Trick"
  • "The Riddle of Solomon"
  • "American Mystery"
  • "English Park"
  • "Log cabin"
  • "Oiler",
  • "Russian Square"
  • "Virginia Whirlwind"

Sewing with squares

The easiest way. This scheme is not difficult. It is from her that you need to start mastering patchwork and quilting. Here it is enough just to cut out squares of a certain size and sew them together.

Important: the beauty of the canvas depends on how even and the same the cut squares will be, the evenness of the line and the exact observance of the size of the allowances for all squares. If everything is done, then the corners will match and the front side will look perfect.

How to assemble a block of squares (video)

Hourglass and log cabin

The "hourglass" scheme implies a combination of strips of fabric in different combinations. Their width and length may vary. An hourglass is assembled from strips of various lengths. A similar cutting is used for a log cabin. Only in it the stripes are formed into squares.

Square and hourglass patterns are ideal for simple quilts.

Ohio Star

Here the scheme is based on a triangle. Small squares are assembled from triangles, and from them there is already a large square motif. Depending on the location of the blocks, you can get completely different stars.

Most often, the Ohio Star is used for sewing blankets and pillowcases. But you can also use it as a single motif for sewing a quilting bag.

English park, American riddle and carousel

Triangles are also used here. The diagrams suggest their different locations. The English park and carousel are already considered patterns of medium complexity. From triangles in an English park, you can assemble patterns in the form of a windmill, crosses, zigzags. Similarly, triangles are used in the American riddle. The only difference is in their grouping. In the carousel, triangles are combined with squares, which makes the pattern in the motif more complicated.

Carousel - can already be a full-fledged scheme for sewing bags, clothes.

card trick

This scheme combines fabrics of 5 colors. The pattern is combined from triangles. At the same time, large and small triangles are combined here, from which, in turn, large triangles are made.

This scheme looks very advantageous when sewing a bag. At the same time, it looks more interesting when the motive is one.

Solomon's riddle

These are already complex schemes in which the square is cut into two parts - or rather, a semicircle is cut out of it from one end. Further, these two motifs are combined in different combinations.

The "riddle of Solomon" schemes are sometimes called "the way of the drunkard" or "the riddle of the old maid." They are perfect for bedspreads, finishing clothes, sewing bags.

butter dish

In Butterbox, basic squares are cut into triangles and rectangles. Further, the squares made up in different combinations of them are connected into a large block square.

These patterns look great in bedspreads.

Russian square and Virginia whirlwind

Sewing of the Russian square starts from the center from the central square. Triangles are applied next.

This is a great pattern for a bag and especially for pillowcases. With seeming simplicity, quilling based on this scheme looks very beautiful.

The Virginia whirlwind, or as it is also called the monkey's tail, is sewn according to the same principle also from triangles. Only here they fold into a twisted spiral. A very effective scheme for pillowcases and bags. If you twist the other way, you can get tail stars, which are great blocks for bedspreads.

Important: when planning to sew a patchwork product for the first time, many try to use the remnants of old things, combining them with scraps of new fabric left after sewing. But in this case, when washing, the product may sit unevenly and begin to look crooked. In no case should you combine old and new fabric in products. In order for them to look perfect, you need to take only high-quality fabric.

Other schemes

Quilling and patchwork are not limited to the above schemes. Craftswomen come up with more and more new ways to combine geometric shapes with each other. Darts can be considered very interesting schemes, where the center of the block consists of triangles, and the block itself further is entirely composed of trapezoids arranged in a circle. The schemes where pentagons and octagons are combined look curious. These circuits already require much more fine-tuning skill. But products in the style of quilting with a stitch based on them look aesthetically pleasing and expensive.

Patchwork workshop (video)

Trying to sew a bag or a quilting blanket with your own hands is worth without a doubt. Schemes for the product can be taken on any website dedicated to patchwork. The main thing is to start with simple basic schemes in order to fill your hand and not be disappointed in your abilities. Even the simplest products will look beautiful and stylish - for this you just need to take high-quality fabrics and do not forget about accuracy and precision in work.

Quilting: ideas for inspiration (photo)

Quilting and patchwork are often referred to as patchwork. Actually this is not true. Only patchwork refers to purely patchwork, and quilting is the quilting of two layers of fabric, between which there is a lining. But the front side, as a rule, is made by sewing together pieces of fabric of different sizes and combinations. Most likely, therefore, these two types of needlework go hand in hand. Stitching options for layers of fabric and patchwork combinations are well represented in the diagrams. Quilting and patchwork will interest many needlewomen who want to learn something new. The magazines "Burda", "Handmade", "Home Creativity" and others are replete with ideas for patchwork.

Types of schemes for quilting and patchwork

  1. Along the lines of the drawing. There are as many options as there are patterns.
  2. Lines along the contours of geometric shapes. These are rhombuses of different sizes, a combination of squares, rectangles, triangles, unfinished squares (lattice).
  3. Lines along a curve in the form of a round or rectangular spiral, arbitrary lines.
  4. Each type of line corresponds to the structural unit of the patchwork.

How can quilting be useful around the house?

Masters of patchwork and quilting create whole masterpieces of art, ranging from ordinary oven mitts and pillows to wonderful bedspreads, curtains, and panels. So, with the help of needlework, you can update the interior of the apartment or even give someone a gift. Particularly appreciated are works entirely by hand. The ability to do something with your hands can always be used in the household.

Time to get to work

Beginners who have watched the quilting and patchwork video tutorials will find it easier to start their first task. Having gained an idea of ​​the painstaking work, some of the nuances and difficult places of needlework, they, having tuned in advance, are more likely to bring the job to the end. Now that the first knowledge has been obtained, you can do the master class.

Description of the step by step

Consider patchwork patchwork and quilting for beginners. They are suitable for making pillow tacks, napkins with a simple patchwork pattern. So, let's start moving up our stairs ...

Stage 1

Material preparation:

  1. quilt needles (you can also take ordinary ones with a small eye);
  2. roller knife for matter (it is more convenient for them to work, it is not forbidden to use ordinary scissors);
  3. it is desirable to work on a self-healing rug (it is designed for cutting) or on an ordinary table;
  4. wide and long line;
  5. sewing machine;
  6. a set of fabrics;
  7. high-quality cotton threads;
  8. dublerin;
  9. leaflet templates;
  10. iron for smoothing seams.

Stage 2

Prepare the base for the napkin as shown in the figure.

Step 3

Cut out 4 types of patches of 4 pieces from fabrics of the same composition. There should be 16 in total.

Step 4

We sew the patches together, first 2, then 4.

The result is a canvas of 16 shreds. This is the front side of the future napkin.

Step 4

Then 4 corners of the base are sewn to the front fabric.

Step 5

On the doubler, according to the template, draw leaves of such a size that the length is equal to the diagonal of the square. Then they are cut out and glued to the fabric, from which you need to get leaves for a napkin.

Step 6

Make a composition from the leaves and sew them with a zigzag seam.

Step 7

Connect the base to the front canvas using parallel lines with an indent of 5 mm, additionally decorate the work with lines around the petals with the same indent.

Step 8

Make a decorative border.

This was the last step, the quilting is ready. Sewing simple models using a similar quilting and patchwork master class will allow you to gradually master this needlework.

Patchwork, patchwork, quilting, textile mosaic - all these are types of needlework that are based on the same principle - creating a single composition from individual patches. With the help of these handicrafts, you can create very original wardrobe items, fashion accessories and interior textiles.

Old grandmother's patchwork blankets were forgotten for a long time. And only thanks to the help from different countries, the patchwork work returned again and sparkled with new colors. Today, in almost every fashion season, you can see clothes created on the basis of patchwork, or fabrics whose print perfectly imitates this technique.

Missoni and 2 photos of Etro.
Patchwork style and imitation in fashion collections.

Many types of needlework that involve patchwork have different names. But today we recall one of the patchwork techniques called quilting. American women claim that they were the first to use this technique. Quilting is a quilted fabric created from scraps.

A bit of quilting history

Patchwork has been practiced by many peoples since ancient times, so American women still have to prove that it was they who became the founders of quilting. It is known that quilted multi-layer clothing was created in ancient times in Japan and China.

Patch sewing technology existed in the 15th century. in Italy. In every country there were similar types of needlework, because it is impossible to name a place on Earth where everyone would live well and happily, and therefore many women tried to save money in their household, carefully preserving shreds of fabric, so that if necessary, they could sew something for themselves or members of your family.

Even in a country like England, when the prices of colorful Indian fabrics rose, women began to appreciate every morsel. But let's not dispute the primacy of American women in the creation of quilting and patchwork. Let them claim that it is theirs. Each nation brought its own technique, its own vision of beauty to needlework.

The difference between patchwork and quilting styles

Patchwork and quilting is patchwork. However, there is a difference between them. Patchwork consists in connecting multi-colored patches of textiles or knitted knitted fabrics into a single piece. Most often, patchwork is done in one layer.

It includes not only patchwork technique, but also embroidery, appliqué, and the main feature of quilting is various types of stitches. Quilting is also distinguished by its volume and layering. The quilted surface of the product is decorated with the use of different types of sewing. Finished works made in this technique are called quilts.

Patchwork considered as a separate sewing technique, and quilting is a combination of several techniques at once. In other words, patchwork differs from quilting in a narrower focus. The essence of patchwork is to create a beautiful canvas from many different fragments, which may differ in shape, size and color.

The shapes of the fragments can create an ornament, or they can have a chaotic connection. To obtain certain results in a patchwork, there are special techniques that reveal the sequence of the location of the patches of material.

Patchwork is just a component of quilting. In quilting, patches also create a pattern or ornament, but in addition to this, quilts can contain embroidery, appliqué and, of course, stitches, which can be decorative in themselves, create fancy patterns. It is the stitches that connect all the layers of the product. Quilting - stitching, quilting.

Quilt products always turn out to be voluminous and soft due to the “air” layer, for example, from synthetic winterizer. The layer is placed between the upper and lower layers of the product. In the patchwork technique, things are not always voluminous.

There is another difference between patchwork and quilting, patchwork is knitted. Fragments in this case are created and interconnected using a hook or knitting needles. And so we will conclude and look at the beautiful quilts created by the hands of craftswomen.

Separate technique
Creating a canvas from fragments
The product is not always voluminous
Can be knitted

A combination of different techniques
Quilting is required
The product is always voluminous

Top photo - Balmain
Bottom photo - BCBG Max Azria