Knitted products for Easter. Crocheted openwork Easter eggs. Description of knitting an Easter egg

And why, where did such a tradition come from? There is a legend that when Mary Magdalene came to Rome with a sermon on the teachings of Jesus Christ, she managed to approach the emperor Tiberius. She handed him an egg as a gift as a symbol of eternal life and exclaimed "Christ is risen!". Tiberius did not believe and said that, "Rather this egg will turn red than the dead one will rise!" After that, the egg really turned red. Since then, it has become customary to give eggs to each other on Easter, paint them, at first it was only red, later the eggs began to be painted in different bright colors, just decorate them, then they began to make them from various materials, wood, papier-mâché and even to knit.
I propose to crochet Easter eggs, diagrams and a master class with step-by-step photos will help you in this work. Next, fill it with synthetic winterizer or other filler, because such an egg will not break and will be a nice toy for the baby.

What you need to knit an Easter egg:

- Threads "Pekhorka needlework", this is 100% acrylic, with a skein weight of 50 grams, the length of the thread is 175 m. The color of the threads is Calendula, it is not red, but similar to the color of the shell, dyed with onion peel.
- Hook No. 1.25.

We start crocheting the Easter egg from the ringlet into which we fold the thread, into such a ringlet we collect 6 single crochet (RLS).
1 row. 6 sc.

For the remaining end of the thread, we pull the ring and continue to knit in a spiral, without making an air lifting loop.
2 row. 6 + 6 = 12 sc. Here we knit two in each column of the bottom row.

3 Row. 12 + 6 = 18 sc. We knit two columns in every second in a row.

4 row. 18 + 6 = 24 sc. We knit two columns in every third in a row.
5 row. 24 + 6 = 30 sc. We knit two in every fourth, after three.
6 row. 30 + 6 = 36 sc. We knit in two, through four in the fifth column.

12 row. 36 - 3= 33 sc. We knit 11 columns, skip the 12th.
13 Row. 33 sc.
14 row. 33 - 3 = 30 sc. We knit 10 sc, skip the 11th.
15 row. 30 sc.
16 row. 30 - 6 = 24 RLS. We knit 3 sc, skip the 4th.
17 row. 24 sc.
18 row. 24 - 6 = 18 sc. We knit 2 sc, skip the 3rd.
19 row. 18 Sat.
20 row. 18 - 6 = 12 sc. We knit 1 sc, skip the 2nd. We fill it with synthetic winterizer, it is better to lay the filler in small portions and tightly enough, giving the product the shape of an egg.

21 row. 12 - 6 = 6 sc. We knit the columns through one, then close the knitting, tighten the loop and hide the thread.

The crocheted Easter egg is ready, its size is: height - 5 cm, width - 4 cm. It took 4 grams of thread.
To tie a smaller testicle, we start in the same way as the first, but only up to the 5th row.
1 - 5 rows. We repeat as in the first option.
6 - 9 rows. 30 sc.
10 row. 30 - 3 = 27 sc. We knit 8 sc, skip the 9th.
11 row. 27 sc.
12 row. 27 - 3 = 24 sc. We knit 7 sc, skip the 8th.
13 row. 24 sc.
14 row. 24 - 6 \u003d 18 sc, knit 2 sc, skip the 3rd.
15 row. 18 sc.
16 row. 18 - 6 = 12 sc. We knit through one column.

Let's crochet a larger Easter egg according to the pattern

- threads "Semyonovskaya yarn" (100% acrylic, 100 grams, 438 meters),
- hook 1.25.

1 - 6 rows. We repeat as in the first option.
7 row. 36 + 6 = 42 sc. We knit two columns into one in the 6th, after 5.
8 row. 42 + 6 = 48 sc.
9 - 15 rows. 48 sc.
16 row. 48 - 3 = 45 sc. We knit 14, skip the 15th.
17 - 18 rows. 45 sc.
19 row. 45 - 3 = 42 sc. We knit 13, skip the 14th.
20 row. 42 sc.
21 row. 42 - 6 = 36 sc. We knit 5, skip the 6th.
22 row. 36 sc.
23 row. 36 - 6 = 30 sc. We knit 4, we skip the 5th.
24 row. 30 sc.
25 row. 30 - 6 = 24 sc. We knit 3, skip the 4th.
26 row. 24 - 6 = 18 sc. We knit 2 sc, skip the 3rd.
27 row. 18 - 6 = 12 sc. We knit through the column.
28 row. 12 - 6 = 6 sc. We knit through the column. Tighten, cut the thread and hide the end.

The egg turned out to be 7 cm in height and 5 cm in width. Now, to make the eggs festive, you can embroider XV, which means - Christ is Risen!

You can sheathe it with beads or tie it with a contrasting thread with an openwork mesh, it's a matter of your imagination and taste.
Consider the simplest option for decorating a knitted Easter egg with an openwork mesh. To do this, take the yarn Alize DIVA Missisipi.

We make a ring into which we will dial 8 RLS, then we knit according to the scheme.

1 row. 8 sc.
2 row. 3 lifting air loops (runway), in each column we make 1 double crochet (CH) and between them 1 VP (air loop).

and from there 6 VP, 1 RLS for the top of the loop.

5 row. 3 sc for a chain of ch, 7 ch, 1 sc for the top of the chain, so to the end of the row.

6 row. 3 sc for a chain of ch, 6 ch, 1 sc for the top of the chain. We put the mesh on the egg and continue to knit already on it.

7 row. 3 sc for the chain, 4 ch, 1 sc for the top of the chain and so on until the end of the row.
8 row. 3 sc for the chain, 3 ch, 1 sc for the top of the chain and so on until the end of the row.

9 row. 1 SC for the chain, 1 VP, 1 SC for the top of the chain and so on until the end of the row.

When the row is completed, we tighten the thread, fasten it and, cutting it off, hide it. These beautiful Easter eggs can be crocheted for the holiday, thanks to this master class.

Joy to you and a happy celebration of the bright Easter day!

Are you already preparing for Easter? I started knitting crochet easter eggs. Recently, so many ideas have been found for decorating the holiday, making various crafts of Easter eggs, chickens, napkins and more with your own hands. Today I will share some of them.

I'll start with my favorite - crochet.

I found photos of beautiful knitted eggs on the Internet and decided to make them myself.

How to crochet an Easter egg

For crocheting Easter eggs, you can use all kinds of leftover yarn with section dyeing. From such yarn, a beautiful pattern on products imitating jacquard is obtained. And you can also knit interesting colored napkins from thin threads.

If you do not have sectional dyed yarn, you can use several regular hanks of different colors, combined with each other.

I cut 15 threads about 40 cm long from four different skeins, knitted threads of different colors in sequence and wound them into a ball. It took quite a bit of time. We also need a little padding polyester.

We knit an egg with a crochet No. 2.5 with single crochets in a circle.

  • We collect 4 VP, close in a ring.
  • 1st row: 7 columns in a ring.
    At the beginning of each row, we replace the first column with 2VP for lifting.
  • 2nd row: two columns in each column of the previous row.
  • 3rd row: we knit without increments of 14 columns.
  • 4th row: *2 single crochets in one single crochet of the previous row, one single crochet *, thus adding a total of 7 loops.
  • 5th row: we knit without increments 21 columns.
  • 6th row: *2 single crochets in one column of the previous row, two single crochets in the next two columns of the previous row *, as a result we add 7 more loops.

In the next six rows, we knit without increments of 28 columns.

Next, we knit with decreasing loops.

  • 13th row: *2 unfinished single crochets, knitted together, two single crochets in the next two stitches of the previous row*, as a result, 7 loops decrease.
  • 14th row: we knit without decreasing 21 columns.
  • 15th row: * 2 unfinished single crochet, knitted together, one single crochet *, 7 more loops decrease.
  • Now you need to fill the egg with holofiber or cotton and then continue knitting.
  • 16th row: we knit without increases 14 columns.
  • 17th row: we knit 2 unfinished columns without a crochet, knitted together.
  • 18th row: in the last row, it is more convenient to decrease as follows: 1 single crochet, skip the next loop.

We tighten the remaining loops, cut off and fasten the thread.

One knitted Easter egg is ready! Beauty!

Thus it is possible tie the eggs with different patterns, striped, with flowers and bows what only your imagination is capable of.

I put crocheted Easter eggs in a basket, which I specially knitted for Easter.

How to tie such a basket, see.

Easter chickens

According to the principle of knitting eggs, you can make and adorable chicks, attaching eyes, wings, scallops and beaks.

I knitted the chickens with fluffy columns the way I knitted: first I knitted two small circles for the head, sewed them, leaving the bottom edge open, and then knitted them around with fluffy columns.

Chickens can be made from two pompoms connected together, fluff them up, glue the beak, eyes and wings. They appear to be alive.

Crochet Easter Egg Ideas

With beautiful openwork patterns, you can crochet wooden or plastic blanks of eggs, glue flowers, beads, and whatever you want. You can also use chicken eggs, after making small holes from two opposite ends, blowing out the contents, rinsing and drying.

A few simple patterns for tying Easter eggs.

Egg blanks can be decorated with ordinary threads by carefully winding them on a surface smeared with glue in a chaotic manner or by making a simple pattern. In the same way, you can paste over egg blanks with bead threads. It turns out a very beautiful souvenir egg!

Easter eggs knitted with beads

Easter eggs of extraordinary beauty are obtained with knitting with beads.

Making Easter gifts with your own hands has already become a good tradition. In this regard, we are often asked the question, how to knit an egg with knitting needles for Easter? Original knitted eggs for the Bright Holiday decorate the interior, give jewelry to friends and acquaintances. It is best to use knitting needles for this, but you can also crochet.

How to tie an egg, diagram and description

Knitting Easter eggs is remarkable in that it does not require the purchase of expensive yarn. Crafts are small, so any multi-colored remnants of threads, the smallest balls, preserved by a thrifty needlewoman, are used to make them.

For work you will need:

    stocking knitting needles;

    remnants of multi-colored yarn;

    synthetic winterizer, foam rubber or cotton wool.

We observe the density of knitting : 2.5 cm = 8 loops (width).

First: knit a canvas for an egg

Second: we sew the fabric.

Third step: you can fill a knitted egg with wool, cotton, etc. You can also put a polystyrene egg inside.

R1: Cast on 11 sts (leave a 15 cm free end of thread - this thread will be needed later for stitching).

p3: 2LP, (pull 1 loop from the broach, 1LP) - repeat 8 times, 1LP (19 loops), pull 1 loop from the broach.

p5: 2LP, (pull 1 loop from the broach, 1LP) - repeat 16 times, 1LP (35 loops)

R9: 3LP, pull 1 loop from the broach, (2LP, pull 1 loop from the broach) - repeat 6 times, 3LP, pull 1 loop from the broach (2LP, pull 1 loop from the broach) - repeat 7 times, 3LP. Total: 50 loops.

p11: change the color of the thread (according to the scheme) - we knit 12 rows.

Beautiful jacquard pattern

Zigzag: The pattern uses threads of three colors.
p23: change the thread to the thread of the main color. We knit two rows.

R25: 3LP, work 2 together LP, (2LP, 2tog LP) - knit 11 times, 1LP. Total: 38 loops.

p27: 2LP, 2together LP, (1LP, 2together LP) - we knit 11 times, 1LP. Total: 26 loops.

p31: 1 LP, (2 LP together) - we knit 12 times, 1 LP. Total: 14 loops.

When we are already finishing, we leave the end of the thread 15 cm long. We stretch the thread through the loops on the needle, sew them together and gently tighten. Sew the end with the left thread, sew the cover along about 2.5 cm, then tighten and sew the other end of the egg in the same way.

How to tie an Easter egg - a master class

We collect 36 loops on 3 stocking knitting needles (12 each). Circular viscous knit 5 rows. From the 6th row, we begin to make decreases: on each knitting needle we knit two loops twice into one, as a result, 30 loops remain.

We knit the next two rows without changes. In the ninth row, we remove two loops on each knitting needle, 24 remains. Next comes the front row. In the eleventh row, we again make decreases, 18 loops remain on the knitting needles. Decrease again in the next row. This was the last row with 12 stitches. Cut the thread, leaving a long tail. We pass this thread through the loops and tighten it tightly.

We turn the work over and from the first row we raise 36 loops. We knit in a circle, repeating the previous system of decreases. When 12 loops remain on the knitting needles, we fill the workpiece with filler, for this purpose it is better to use a synthetic winterizer. We tighten the hole with a thread - the Easter egg is ready.

How to make an egg yourself - design options

Knitted eggs can be decorated in different ways. Here the craftswoman uses her imagination to the fullest. Here are some examples of how to decorate a knitted egg:

    plain crafts from threads of different colors;

    eggs from yarn melange, boucle, grass, threads with lurex;

    with a pattern (rhombuses, horizontal, vertical stripes, cells, spirals);

    the finished product is decorated with rhinestones, beads, sequins, ribbons, braid.

A very interesting solution - an egg-animal. For this role, a character such as a chicken is ideal. On a knitted egg, you need to embroider eyes, a beak and make a funny forelock. Such a craft will delight any child. Moreover, the baby can be connected to the process of creating an Easter masterpiece. Knitting does not pose any danger to the child, but it develops fine motor skills and perseverance.

In addition to chickens, you can make chickens, frogs, birds, bunnies, cats, mice and even insects from knitted eggs. If you are proficient in crochet, you can crochet Easter eggs using this technique. It is recommended to knit with single crochets, then large gaps will not be visible in the finished product. In needlework stores, special foam blanks are sold, which are very cheap. Get a few pieces and crochet them. The shape of the product will tell you where to make reductions.

If desired, up to twenty knitted eggs can be made in one day. This amount is enough to decorate your own apartment and for gifts to all your loved ones.

Spring is approaching and the brightest and most joyful Christian holiday. Needlewomen take up crocheting for Easter. This exciting activity will take more than one evening, and the variety of options is amazing.

simple egg

Want to give an unusual gift? Crocheted ones will surely surprise your loved ones. To begin with, we will consider the simplest schemes. For work, we take threads with a density of 50 g per 133 meters and a hook with a size of 3.5. You will also need a filler.

  • 1 row: we make 7 columns in a loop and tighten in a circle.
  • 2 row: from each loop we knit 2.
  • 3 row: just knit each loop.
  • 4 row: additions must be done through 1 loop.
  • 5 row: we knit all the loops.
  • 6 row: we add through 2 loops.
  • 7-12 rows: we knit.
  • 13 row: decrease every 5 loops.
  • 14 row: knit as is.
  • 15 row: decrease after 2 loops.
  • 16th row: decrease through 1 loop.
  • 17 row: make decreases and fill the testicle.
  • 18 onwards: Decrease until the hole closes.

The egg is ready. This simple scheme is suitable for those who are just going through the first lessons. simple, besides, there are many similar schemes in open sources.


Crocheting for Easter doesn't have to be boring. Even a simple egg can be turned into a real masterpiece. Create products in different colors that match with each other. They can become an indispensable interior decoration for the holiday or a nice gift. Take fantasy yarn “grass”, boucle, or simple, but with sectional dyeing. By interspersing multi-colored pieces of thread, stripes or specks will be obtained. Show your imagination - and a funny picture will appear on the egg.

Satin ribbons and lace are perfect for decorating the finished work. Glitter and charm will be added by rhinestones or a small scattering of beads. It is worth sticking eyes and embroidering a mouth - and this is already a revived character. Children can be actively involved in the manufacture and design. They will definitely like to work together with their mother and feel their involvement in the festive fuss.

openwork case

Such a case can be put on an artificial blank, but it will also work for a real boiled egg. And after the holiday, it can be postponed until next year. This crochet for Easter is thinner, you will need cotton threads and a hook 1.5.

  • 1 row: 10 air loops are connected into a ringlet.
  • 2 row: we tie the resulting circle with 14 columns.
  • 3 row: we make 10 loops in a chain, then a column with a double crochet, then another 5 loops in a chain. So until the end of the row, and then you need to make 4 air loops and complete
  • 4 row: we knit 5 columns into the resulting arch, and from each loop of the bottom row we will make an increase.
  • 5 row: 4 lifting loops, then the double crochet alternates with 2 air loops.
  • 6 row: 14 air loops, a column over the 2nd column with a crochet, repeat the alternations to the end of the row. Here you can adjust the size, if the egg is small, knit less air loops.
  • 7 row: we make arches from 10 air loops.
  • 8 row: arches of 3 air loops. This row is designed to pull off the cover on the egg.

This is a very interesting way to crochet eggs. Knitting patterns are simple. The only difficulty is working with a thin thread. But you can easily find many more different patterns, experiment with different patterns and create your own unique holiday style that will become your original idea.

Easter basket

The eggs are already ready, and to make them look even more beautiful, you will need a crocheted basket. To make it, you can use any thick thread.

  1. We connect 7 columns into a tightening ring. Further, all the time we knit for the back wall.
  2. From each loop we make 2.
  3. Increase through 1 loop.
  4. We knit rows 4-9 as follows: we make an increase every 2 loops, but more can be done if you want to make a larger basket.
  5. Decrease after 7 loops.
  6. We knit rows 11-20 without increments just up - these are the walls of the future basket.
  7. 3 loops of the chain raise the row, then the basket is knitted with double crochets, with the addition of loops. We do this by alternating 6 columns.
  8. We knit the fabric as it is, with columns with 1 crochet, we finish knitting.

We make a lapel from the wide part, connected with double crochets. Now it remains to design the handle. We connect 8 loops into a ring, but do not tighten it much, then we just knit up with simple columns until a sufficient length is reached. Sew a handle to the base. For stability, you can insert a wire frame into the last one. An excellent crochet basket for Easter eggs is ready.

Hen Ryaba

Consider more crochet crafts for Easter and knit corydalis.

  1. In the loop we make 16 columns with one crochet.
  2. We draw rows 2-4 with simple columns.
  3. We knit 9 loops in a row with increments, the rest are simple.
  4. 6-7 rows knit in a circle.
  5. 4 times we add through the loop, 11 increases in a row, 4 more increases through the loop.
  6. 3 air loops, double crochet through 2 loops of the previous row.
  7. In 1 arch we make a column, in the next - 5 such elements with a double crochet.
  8. From 3 loops we make a column, and in the hole we should get 6 such elements with a double crochet.
  9. We make rows 12, 13 in the same way, only we knit 7 columns with a double crochet.
  10. We knit the 14th row, as the 11th.
  11. We knit the 15th in the same way, only instead of simple columns we use double crochet elements.

With arches we make a tail, wings and a scallop, sew on black bead eyes. The chicken can be put just like that or put directly on the egg.

Easter Bunny

The festive composition will be perfectly complemented by toys for the Easter Bunny, which is not traditional for our country, but is gradually gaining popularity. Cute eared will please everyone. It is very easy to tie it.

First you need 2 round knitted blanks: one is larger, the other is smaller. This will be the head and torso. They are knitted according to the technology of simple eggs, only with a uniform decrease. To calculate correctly, you can read the diagram in the opposite direction. Don't forget to leave a hole for stuffing. The ring is pulled together last. Threads can not be hidden, but left long for subsequent stitching of parts.

Small parts of a rabbit

To tie the paws, we start in the same way.

  • 1-3 rows - repeat the old scheme.
  • We make 8 additions of loops in a row, the rest we just knit.
  • We knit rows 5-6 as is.
  • We make a decrease through 3 loops. Then - through 2 loops. The paw is ready.

We also knit 3 more blanks and create another one slightly smaller for the tail.

What is a rabbit without ears? The basis is a chain of 12 air loops. Next, we make 5 half-columns and 7 columns, turn the work and knit everything in the reverse order.

The last step is to connect all the details into a single whole. We attach eyes to the rabbit and embroider the nose. The cute Easter bunny is ready.

Crocheting for Easter will bring the whole family together in preparation for the holiday and help create a bright and joyful atmosphere at home. A lot of different ideas and patterns will help to decorate the festive table in an original way, to pleasantly surprise your guests.

The main Orthodox holiday, Easter, awaits us soon. He is very loved by all Christians.

For this holiday, eggs are painted in all sorts of shades and patterns, baked or bought Easter cakes with raisins. On top they are decorated with icing, confetti or powdered sugar. And many needlewomen decorate the house with crafts.

In the past, we have already offered several options for decorating your home for Easter. In the same one - we will knit the main Easter pastry - Easter cake with our own hands.

Easter cake - a diagram and a step-by-step description of crochet

Let's start knitting an Easter basket. It will be a very good and practical gift for this great holiday, and will also be a great themed decor.

We will need:

  • yarn of two colors (white and light brown);
  • hook No. 3.5;
  • plastic bottles (volume 1 liter);
  • lace braid;
  • beads.

Stages of work:

To make the product dense, we knit in 2 threads.

  1. From the amigurumi ring we knit 6 single crochets. We tighten the ring.

2. We continue to knit a circle up to 48 loops. There will be 8 rows in total. This will be the bottom of the cake.

3. 9 row: 48 single crochet behind the back wall.

5. We knit 13 rows, counting from the row connected behind the back wall. Here's what we got.

6. We turn the resulting cup inside out and hide the remnants of the threads.

7. Turn the cake back inside out.

8. Cut out the middle from the bottle.

If the diameter of the middle of the bottle is larger than the inside of the box. We cut it from the side and insert it inside.

We sewed:

10. Now let's start knitting caps. To do this, we knit the same circle as for the bottom of the Easter cake.

13. Now we tie together the two parts of the lid of the box. This is done with single crochets.

14. The Easter cake cap is ready. It remains only to decorate the sides with white fondant. We knit a single crochet. We skip one loop, yarn over, in the second loop - three double crochets. So we tie the entire edge of the cake.

15. Sew the remaining three loops of the row to the side of the brown cup.

16. It remains for us to decorate the Easter cake with beads and lace braid.

17. Inside you can live sweets.

The gift is ready!

Master class: how to tie a Easter cake and eggs for beginners?

Also, we bring to your attention an Easter composition with Easter cake and multi-colored colorful eggs. It will create a festive mood or be a lovely gift.

For crocheting Easter cakes, it is best to use 100% acrylic threads.

We will need:

  • yarn: for Easter cake (white and brown), for eggs (your choice);
  • hook No. 1.75;
  • glass beads or beads;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • cardboard.

Stages of work:

1. First we knit the bottom of the Easter cake:

Row 1: Cast on 2 air loops. First we introduce the hook. We knit 6 columns without a crochet.

2 row: 6 increments. From each previous column we knit two columns without a crochet. Total: 12 columns.

3 row: Increases through the column. Total: 18 columns. Example, 1 single crochet, increase in the second column, and so on the whole row.

4 row: Increasing every 2 single crochet. Total: 24 columns.

If the bottom of the cake shrinks. Take a larger hook.

5 row: Increases every 3 columns. Total: 30 columns.

6 row: Increasing every 4 columns. Total: 36 columns.

7 row: Increases every 5 columns. Total: 42 loops.

8 row: Increasing every 6 columns. Total: 48 loops.

9 row: Increases every 7 columns. Total: 54 columns.

10 row: Increasing every 8 columns. Total: 60 columns.

11 row: Increasing every 9 columns. Total: 66 loops.

12 row: Increases every 10 columns. Total: 72 columns.

The bottom is ready. Its diameter is 7 cm.

13 row: Without increments, behind the back wall of the loop.

2. Cut out a circle from cardboard. Diameter 7 cm.

3. We turn to knitting the walls of the Easter cake. To do this, knit 26 rows without increments.

4. Inside the connected cup, we insert a synthetic winterizer circle, and on it - a previously cut out, cardboard one.

5. For the sides of the cake, cut out a suitable strip of padding polyester and cardboard. We insert inside and stuff the cake with padding polyester.

Do not forget to fasten the edges of the cardboard strip with a stapler, tape or glue.

As you can see, we have attached a paperclip. This will be needed to know where the start of the row is.

6. Let's start knitting the top:

1 row: 10 single crochet, 1 decrease. So to the end of the row. Total: 66 columns. Decrease is performed in the form of two single crochets knitted together.

7. We continue to make decreases every 9 columns, then 8 and so on until the middle of the top of the cake. We will not describe this in detail. Because knitting the top resembles knitting the bottom of a Easter cake. The only difference is that there were increases for the bottom, and decreases for the top. As a result, there will be 18 single crochets.

If necessary, add a little synthetic winterizer so that the top of the cake is convex.

8. 1 more row of decreases through each 1 single crochet. Total: 12 single crochet. We continue to make reductions until the hole is completely closed. We cut the thread and hide it inside.

10. Finish the edges of the fondant:

We knit 2 half columns, a double crochet, 2 half columns, a single crochet. And so on to the end of the row. We finish with a connecting column.

11. Sew the fudge to the Easter cake and embroider with glass beads or beads.

12. Now we will knit the egg:

1 row: 2 air loops. In the first loop we make 7 columns without a crochet.

2 row: An increase in each column. There are 14 loops in total.

3rd row: No increase.

4th row: Increase through each single crochet. We start the series with an increase. Total: 21 loops.

5th row: No increase.

6 row: Increase, 2 single crochet. Until the end of the row. Total: 28 loops.

7th row: No increase.

8 row: Increase, 3 single crochet. Until the end of the row. Total: 35 loops.

9-15 rows: No increase.

16 row: Decrease, 5 single crochet. Only 5 cuts. Total: 30 loops.

17 row: No reductions.

18 row: Decrease, 4 single crochet. Only 5 cuts. Total: 25 loops.

13. Gradually fill the egg with padding polyester.

19 row: Decrease, 3 single crochet. Only 5 cuts. Total: 20 loops.

20 row: Decrease, 2 single crochet. Only 5 cuts. Total 15 loops.

14. Completely fill the egg with padding polyester. To make it round. We continue to make reductions until the hole closes. We hide the thread inside.

Thus, we knit the required number of eggs.

Video on how to tie Easter cake

But I found this master class of knitting an Easter souvenir on the YouTube channel, the author tells in detail and in detail and shows by example how to create such a creation, I’m not afraid of this word, because it’s really very beautiful and neat! If you are interested, be sure to check out this masterpiece…

We knit an Easter composition with knitting needles

This type of craft is suitable for needlewomen who prefer knitting needles. Or those who do not know how to crochet at all.

We will need:

  • stocking knitting needles;
  • plastic or cardboard circle for the bottom;
  • hook;
  • yarn;
  • beads;
  • sintepon.

The yarn must be taken a little thicker than the knitting needles. Then the synthetic winterizer will not shine through the canvas.

Stages of work:

Let's start knitting Easter cake:

We collect 9 loops with a brown thread.

1 row: facial loops.

2 row: 9 increments. To do this, we knit two from each loop. One for the back, one for the front. Total: 18 loops.

3rd row: no increase

4 row: 1 front, one increase. Until the end of the row. Total: 27 loops.

5th row: no increase.

6 row: 2 facial, one increase. Until the end of the row. 36 loops.

7th row: no increase.

8 row: 3 facial, increase. 45 loops.

9-11 rows: no increase.

12 row: wrong side. Fold line.

13-27: Wrong side without additions.

We return to knitting the front surface, but with a white thread.

28-32 rows: facial loops.

33 row: Decrease will begin from this place. 3 facial, 1 decrease. Until the end of the row. Total: 36 loops.

34.35 rows: no decrease.

36 row: 2 facial, decrease. Until the end of the row. Total: 27 loops.

37.38 rows: no decrease.

Now insert the circle at the bottom. Cut it out of a bottle or cardboard. We stuff the cake with synthetic winterizer.

39 row: 1 left, decrease. Total: 18 loops.

40.41 rows: no decrease.

42 row: decrease to the end of the row. Total: 9 loops.

It remains to tie the eggs:

Cast on 6 loops.

1 row: 6 increments. Total: 12 loops.

2,4,6 rows: no increase.

3 row: 1 front, increase. 18 loops.

5th row: knit 2, increase. 24 loops.

7th row: knit 3, increase. 30 loops.

8-22 rows: no increase.

23 row: 3 facial, 1 decrease. 24 loops.

24-26 rows: no decrease.

27 row: 2 facial, 1 decrease. 18 loops.

28.29 rows: no decrease.

30 row: 1 front, 1 decrease. 12 loops.

31 row: no decrease.

32 row: decrease to the end of the row.

We tighten the loops and break the thread. We hide it inside. We fill the egg through the hole from the typesetting edge. We sew up. Do the same with a few more eggs.

And this is the second version of the craft with knitting needles:

We will need:

  • yarn;
  • a plastic cup;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • tape measure;
  • hook;
  • spokes.

Stages of work:

1. We measure the size of the circle and the height of the plastic cup.

2. We knit a rectangle of the same size. Front surface.

3. Here are two diagrams of drawings:

4. You can choose from them or some other pattern.

5. We iron the resulting rectangle. We combine it into one canvas. We put on a glass.

6. We crochet the bottom of the Easter cake and attach it to the walls. All this is done on the wrong side.

7. We turn the craft on the front side and carefully sew it to the top of the glass.

8. For fondant, we knit a white rectangle (front stitch).

9. You can do it like with facial loops:

10. So with the purl:

11. Contract the rectangle into a rounded shape. This is done with a seam: needle forward. We fill it with synthetic winterizer and sew it to the Easter cake.

12. The craft is ready.

And a couple of interesting ideas for Easter crafts:

Here is a basket. The eggs are already bigger.

And how do you like this composition, knitted

Or eggs with cute faces. Children will be delighted!

Here is an interesting selection we have prepared for you.

Until new posts!