Darts on a straight skirt can be transformed. Modeling a skirt based on a straight silhouette model. Skirts by design are

Design and modeling
1. To build a drawing of the base of a straight skirt, the following measurements are required:
1) St2) Dts3) Di4) Sat5) Op
2. Write a symbol of the measurements necessary to build the basis of the drawing with a one-piece sleeve.
Ssh, Sg, Dts, Op, Di3. Insert the missing word.
The difference between the inside measurements of the garment and the corresponding body measurements is called the fit freedom allowance.
4. What is calculated by the formula below
S= (Sat + Fri) -(St + Fri)
The amount of tucks
Finish the sentence.
5. A detail that serves to strengthen the sections of the product and protect them from shedding and stretching is called
6. Taking measurements "half-circumference of the hips" is performed horizontally around the hips_______, behind
along the most protruding points of the buttocks, in front, taking into account the protrusion of _______ abdomen.
7. Fill in the missing steps in the shoulder product design process
1) the choice of the model of the shoulder product
2) Taking measurements ______________
3) construction of the basic grid
4) building the back and shelves ______________________
5) construction of shaped lines
1. The cut of a garment determines:
1) the method of connecting the collar with the neck
2) the presence of articulation along the waistline
3) the method of connecting the sleeve with the armhole

1) St2) Dts3) Op
4) Sb5) Ssh2. Name the measure according to its symbol - Dts. back length to waist
3. The size of women's clothing is determined by the measure.
1) bust width
2) semicircumference of the hips
3) half bust
4) half waist
5) back length to waist
4. When preparing a pattern for cutting, you must perform the following operations:
1) sign the name of the parts and their quantity
2) indicate the direction of the share thread with arrows
3) write down the seam allowances
4) indicate the direction of the weft thread with arrows
5) designate the name of the slices and folds
Finish the sentence.
Changing the pattern drawing to match the selected pattern is called modeling
To build a base drawing, the following initial data are required:
1) age and gender of a person
2) human body measurements
3) measurements of the garment sample
4) the presence of decorative details
5) the amount of gains
2. The measurement results must be divided in half when recording measurements:
1) St2) Dts3) Di4) Sat5) From
3. Complete the sentence. By design, there are three main cuts of skirts: straight, wedge and conical.
Skirts by design are:
a) straight
b) wedge c) diagonal
d) conical
e) extended
e) narrowed

a) cover
b) style
c) fashion
d) silhouette
Answer: a

d) increase the size of clothes
Answer: b18. What is the name of the finishing part, the design options of which are shown in the figures?
Answer: shuttlecock.
Establish a correspondence between terms and technological operations
Technological operations Terms
1. Processing of shoulder seams a) duplication
2. Connecting the collar to the neck b) stitching
3. Reducing the thickness of the seam turning the collar c) stitching
4. Connecting the details of the collar with the gasket d) ironing Answer: 1-c, 2-b, 3-d, 4-a.

a) cover
b) style
c) fashion
d) silhouette
Answer: gMerk, which is not needed to build a drawing of the base of a straight skirt
a) Stb) Sbv) CrIIg) Dtsd) Dsp (the length of the product is full front.)
e) Dsb (the length of the product is full lateral.)
Answer: in the fitting of a garment in the process of sewing it is carried out:
a) for the correct fit of the product on the figure
b) for sewing in a zipper
c) for processing the lower cut
Answer: a.
Measurement results must be divided in half when recording measurements
1) St2) Dts3) Op
4) Sb5) Ssh3. The size of women's clothing is determined by the measure
1) bust width
2) semicircumference of the hips
3) half bust
4) half waist
5) back length to waist
What is the name of the part of the product intended for processing the bead and cut out according to its shape?
Answer: selection ......
16. Imagine that you are a fashion designer. You need to create a product of clear, strict forms. What constructive elements will you use to get the desired effect?
Answer: to create clear, strict forms of products, they resort to the use of hard decorative and structural seams, tucks, reliefs, coquette lines, folds and pochee.
7. According to the description, give the name of the shoulder product:
Clothing covering the right part of the body, without sleeves, with armholes of various lengths, with and without fasteners: ……………………………………………….
Number of points - 2
What are the four main design styles in clothing. Illustrate your answer.
Answer: romantic, classic, sports, country (folklore)
Give the name of the shaded part. What size is it made in?
Part Width:
a) 7 ÷ 12 mm b) 30 ÷ 50 mm c) 100 ÷ 150 mm
Answer: turn
11. What factors should be considered when laying out a pattern on fabric?
Answer: pile direction
Direction of the lobar thread
Define front side fabrics
Find defects
In the manufacture of a conical skirt, machine seams are used:
a) stock
b) turning
c) hem with a closed cut
d) double
e) invoice
10. Skirts by designs are:
a) straight
b) wedge) diagonal
d) skinny
e) conical
11.Size women's skirts determined by:
a) neck circumference
b) hip circumference
c) growth
d) waist circumference
12. When calculating the amount of darts on a skirt, measurements are taken into account:
a) Crb) Dc) Stg) Sat13. The increase is:
a) the value required when processing the product with machine seams
b) the value added to the size of the measurement for the free fit of clothing
14. The transfer of the pattern to the fabric is carried out using:
a) running stitches
b) copy stitches
c) bias stitches
d) tailor's chalk
15. The direction of the shared thread take into account:
a) for the most economical cutting of fabric
b) to avoid stretching the product in the process of wearing
c) so that the product is less wrinkled
d) that the product does not shrink during wet-heat treatment
Increases in measurements when calculating the design of clothing are necessary for 1. freedom of movement
2. Better air circulation under clothes
3.Keep warm in winter
4.implementation of the selected model
5.compensation for fabric shrinkage after washing
Answer: 1, 4.
17. The size of the seam allowance depends on the 1. characteristics of the sewing machine
2. seam type
3.fabric properties
4.appointment of the garment
Measurements that are recorded in full are
5.Sb6.Di The measurement results must be divided in half when recording measurements:
A) St; D) Sat;
B) Dpt; E) Cg;
C) Di; E) Vg.
Answer: a); G); e).
2. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. Measure symbol: Measure name:
1.CrII a) Length of the back to the waist
2.Vg b) Shoulder height oblique
3. Sat c) Center of chest
4.Dst d) Semicircumference of the hips
5. Cg e) Chest height
6. Vpk E) Semicircumference of the second chest
Answer: 1st); 2-c); 3-d); 4-a); 5-in; 6-b). The size of women's clothing is determined by the measurement:
A) chest width;
B) semicircumference of the hips; B) half waist;
D) the length of the back to the waist; D) bust.
Model suitable for girls with wide hips
A. with trim on the bottom of the product
B. with a vertical arrangement of the fabric pattern
V. skirt "sun"
D. Ruched or pleated skirt
D. with horizontal reliefs and undercuts
Give the full name of the measurement Vpk (shoulder height oblique)
Suitable for petite girls
A. dress with narrow belt and tight skirt
B. dress with a wide belt and a fluffy skirt
B. long fitted jacket
G. all of the above
The design of the conical skirt is based on
A. part of a circle
B. triangle
B. trapezoid
G. cone
When cutting out the undercut facing, its lobar thread is placed
A. along the facing
B. at an angle of 45 degrees
V. in the direction of the shared thread of the main part
G. in the direction of the weft thread of the main part

In the process of modeling, darts on a straight skirt can be transformed into:
A) stitches D) folds;
B) reliefs; D) frill.
B) tails;
Answers: a); b); V); G).

Skirts by design are:
A) straight B) diagonal
B) wedge; D) conical.
Answer: a); b); V).

To build a drawing of a skirt, measurements are needed:
A) St; D) Du;
B) Sat; D) Sg.
B) Op;
Answers: a); b); G).
A tuck that gives a good fit in the chest area is called:
A) shoulder B) lateral;
B) chest; D) waist.
Answer: b).

The cut at the bottom of the product is called:
A) loop; B) backstage
B) slot;
Answer: b).

A) St; D) Sat;
B) Dpt; D) Cg;
B) Dee; E) Vg.
The process of changing the design according to the proposed sample of the product is:
1. modeling;
2. design;
3. design.
A large-scale cutting system consists in building patterns:
1. by pinning a piece of fabric onto a mannequin;
2. measurement of a human figure;
3. graphically.
The amount of increments in the construction of product drawings varies depending on:
1. silhouette;
3. figures.
The width of the skirt drawing grid is calculated by the formula:
1. Sat + Fri;
2. St + Fri;
3. (Sat + Fri) - (St + Fri).
The slope of the shoulder when constructing the grid of the drawing is determined by the measure:
1. Shp;
2. Dts;
3. Vpk.
The design of the sleeve is affected by:
1. armhole height;
2. shoulder length;
3. product length
Determine the drawing sequence
straight skirt basics:
a) taking measurements
b) determining the position of the hips;
c) determining the width of the product;
d) determining the position of the bottom line;
e) design of the waistline;
e) determination of the solution of tucks;
g) determining the position of the side seam;
h) determining the position of the tucks;
i) construction of tucks.
Answer: 1a, 2d, 3B, 4B, 5G, 6Z, 7E, 8I, 9d

1. increasing the width of the rear panel;
2. increasing the width of the front panel;
3. closing the tuck along the waistline.
Darts are transferred to the fabric using stitches:
1. marking;
2. copiers;
3. basting.
Patterns of products on pile fabric lay out:
1. in one direction;
2. oblique;
3. in any direction.
The lines used in developing the finish of a model are called:
1. constructive;
2. decorative;
3. additional.
Projection is:
1. placement of an object in space;
2. the process of constructing an image of an object on a plane;
3. mental representation of an object on a plane.
The cut is called:
1. the image of an object on the projection plane, obtained with the help of projecting rays;
2. image of an object on a cutting plane;
3. dissection of the object by a cutting plane;
4. image of an object on the plane of projections, obtained by mentally dissecting it with a cutting plane.
The ratio of the dimensions of the parts of the model between themselves and with the model as a whole is called:
1. silhouette;
2. proportion;
3. style;
4. cut.
The measure that determines the size of the belt product:
1. Cr1
2. St
3. DTS
4. Sat
5. Cr26. The dislines used in the development of the trim element of the model are called:
1. constructive;
2. decorative;
3. additional;
4. basic.
The main details of the cut of the product include
1. coquette;
2. pocket;
3. sleeves;
4. collar;
5. selection;
6. back;
7. shelf.
When preparing a pattern for cutting, the following are not indicated:
1. names of parts;
2. shaped lines;
3. number of parts;
4. defects;
5. direction of the shared thread;
6. line names.
XXIII. Determine the correct sequence for taking measurements for a blouse:
Answer 1-d, 2-d, 3-c, 4-g, 5-e, 6-a, 7-b, 8-h
A. dts
b. Shp
V. Cr2
d. Cge. Sat. Stz. Name the silhouettes of clothes shown in the figure:
Answer: A-trapezoid; B-triangular;
B-oval/round; G-rectangular;
D-semi-adjacentIn the manufacture of a conical skirt, machine seams are used:
a) stock;
b) turning;
c) hem with a closed cut;
d) double;
d) invoice.
When calculating the amount of darts on a skirt, measurements are taken into account:
a) SG;
b) Dee;
c) St;
d) Sat;
e) Op.
Measure Sat is removed:
a) to determine the length of the belt;
b) to determine the length of the product;
c) to determine the width of the product.

Modeling is:
a) calculation and construction of drawings of details of garments;
b) creation of various styles (forms) of a garment based on a basic pattern;
c) different styles (shapes) of any product;
d) construction of drawings of details of garments;
e) applying the direction of the shared thread to the base pattern.
The fabric width is:
a) a distance equal to the length of the main thread;
b) distance from edge to edge.
Braid "lightning" in women's clothing is sewn on……………… side
a) right;
b) left.
Arrow ↓ on the pattern sheet means:
a) the direction of the shared thread;
b) the direction of the transverse thread.
If a straight skirt is made of striped fabric, then it is better to arrange the stripes:
a) along the skirt
b) across the skirt.
Shared thread in cotton fabrics when stretched:
a) changes its length;
b) does not change its length
The process of changing the pattern drawing in accordance with the selected model is:
 a) design;
 b) modeling;
 c) needlework.
You can change the appearance of the product without changing the pattern using:
 a) fittings;
 b) accessories;
 c) embroidery;
 d) lace;
 e) shuttlecocks;
 e) lightning;
 g) coquette.
A garment maker is:
 a) engineer;
 b) fashion designer;
 c) constructor.
14. Product finishing is:
 a) an independent element of the composition of the product;
 b) product decoration;
 c) addition of the product;
 d) necessary element products.
15. In the process of modeling, tucks on a straight skirt can be converted into:
 a) seams;
 b) reliefs;
 c) tails;
 d) folds;
 e) frill.
The measurement results must be divided in half when recording measurements:
a) St;
 b) Sun;
 c) Sat;
 d) Dts;
 e) Cr;

25. Choose the measurements necessary to build a drawing of trousers:
a) St;
 b) Osh;
 c) Op;
 d) Sat;
 e) Cr;
 e) Dr;
 g) Sun;
 h) Di.

26. Taking measurements of the half-girth of the waist is performed:
 a) horizontally behind at waist level between the most depressed points on the lateral surface of the body;
 b) horizontally around the body, at waist level;
 c) horizontally around the body, taking into account the protrusion of the abdomen;
 d) horizontally around the body, in front at waist level between the most depressed points on the lateral surface of the body.
The increase is:
 a) the value required when processing the product with machine seams, expressed in centimeters and taken into account when cutting;
 b) the value added to the size of the measurement for the free fit of clothing.
Specify the details that change the style of the product:
 a) coquette; e) collar;
 b) lace; f) embroidery;
 c) sleeve; g) pockets;
 d) shuttlecock; h) application.
The main types of modeling include:
 a) artistic;
 b) technological;
 c) constructive;
 d) technical;
 e) aesthetic.
The extension of a straight skirt along the bottom line can be performed:
 a) additional cuts;
 b) increasing the width of the rear panel;
 c) closing darts along the waist line;
 d) increasing the width of the front panel.
When modeling a skirt with an inverse pleat, expansion can be performed
1. Increasing the width of the rear panel
2. Increasing the tuck on the front panel
3. Closing the darts along the waistline
4. Parallel breeding of the front panel
5.Vertical reliefs on the front and back panel
The methods of constructive modeling of parts are:
1.Parallel expansion
2.Construction of the base drawing
3.Conical extension
4. Construction of tucks
5. Translation of tucks
Suggest at least 3 design elements of clothing that will visually expand narrow shoulders
Write down the basic calculation formulas for constructing a drawing of the base of a straight skirt:
Establish a correspondence between the concept and its definition
1 Decorative lines A Lines formed by different finishes
2 Cut B Lines (seams) dividing the surface of clothing into separate parts in order to create a three-dimensional shape
3 Silhouette lines B The look given to clothes by one way or another of cutting and sewing
4 Constructive lines G Contour lines of clothing, edges of details
Mark with a + sign the measurements necessary to build a drawing of the base of a straight skirt.
1 - - St
2 - - Op
3 - - Ssh4 - - Dts5 - - Shg6 - - Sat7 - - Dsp8 - - Dsb9 - - Du
Decipher these designations:
Pop - ……………………………………………………
Vpk - ……………………………………………………………
Dr - ……………………………………………………………
Ssh - …………………………………………………………………
By what measure is the width of the product (nightgown) determined?:
a) Ssh - half-girth of the neck
b) Cr2 - half-girth of the chest
c) Sat - semi-circle of the hips
The process of developing a drawing of the basis of a garment is called
a) drawing up a technological map
b) modeling
c) design
d) tailoring technology
Light clothing includes shoulder products
a) coat
b) dress
c) sundress
d) jacket
e) blouse
The transfer of contour lines from one part to another is performed using
a) copy stitches
b) bias stitches
c) pins
d) cutter and carbon paper
e) buttonhole stitches
To build a sleeve drawing, you need to take measurements:
a) Drg) Ozap
b) Dtsd) Og
c) Ope) A dibasic grid is
a) drawing of the back of the product with a set-in sleeve
b) a diagram of horizontal and vertical lines for building a pattern of the base
c) product shelf drawing straight silhouette
d) a grid of horizontal lines to start building a drawing of any part of the product
e) the product in the context.
To increase the pattern by two sizes, you need
a) cut and push the pattern to the required size
b) increase seam allowances
c) perform both operations.
Modeling is:
a) calculation and drawing
b) creating different styles
c) taking measurements
The model of the garment is determined
1 - outer outline of clothes
2 - aspect ratio individual parts clothes
3 - the shape of parts, construction lines and their ratio, finish
4 - combination color solution and finishing
During the modeling process, the main tuck can be transferred:
a) in the neck
b) in the sleeve
c) in your pocket
d) in the armhole
e) in the side seam The process of changing the structural basis of a garment by changing the shape of parts, finishes, etc. called ………………………
15. Match
1Skirt of two main parts
A Direct
2 A skirt of one or two parts that are parts of a circle B Wedge 3 A skirt of several three or more parts of the same shape B Conical
Answer: 1 -, 2 -, 3 -
16. Measure DTS is removed as follows:
1 - from the waistline vertically upwards parallel to the spine to the point of the base of the neck
2 - from the cervical point vertically down to the waistline
3 - from the point of the base of the neck to the waist line through the ruler laid on the protruding points of the shoulder blades
4 - from the cervical point to the waist line through the ruler, laid on the protruding points of the shoulder blades
17. The amount of allowance for processing depends on1 -  - the purpose of the seam
2 -  - type of seam
3 -  - degree of fabric shedding
4 -  - product type
5 -  - directions of the shared thread
6 -  - the number of parts in the product
18. The tuck in the drawing of the base of the shelf is directed from the center of the chest to
1 -  - side lines
2 -  - waist lines
3 -  - hip lines
4 -  - armhole lines
5 -  - necklines
6 -  - shoulder cut
Calculate the amount of waist darts in a straight skirt for a figure with measurements St = 39.0 cm; Sat=53.0 cm; Fri=1.0 cm, Pb=2.0 cm.
Answer: the amount of tucks is equal to - …………… see.
When taking measurements, write down the full values:
a) Dts;
b) St;
c) Sat.
7. When constructing a drawing for freedom of fit, add to the measurements:
a) raises;
b) allowances;
c) additives.
8. What determines the depth of the darts of the waist product?
a) from the difference between the measurements of Sb and St;
b) from the sum of measurements of Sat and St;
c) on the length of the product;
d) on the width of the product.
To make a pattern, you need to apply the following designations to it
- the name of each part and their quantity
- direction of the shared thread
- the direction of the transverse thread
- control lines and dots
- folds and cuts of fabric
- the amount of allowance for processing for each fold of the fabric
- processing allowances for each cut
- location of overhead parts
21. If the yoke line of the back panel of the skirt is located below the end of the tuck, then the tuck
lengthen to the yoke line and then close
transferred to the coquette line of the lower part of the skirt
22. Underline the correct answer
The specific form of clothing associated with a change in the constructive basis of the model is
a) cover
b) style
c) fashion
d) silhouette
23. Underline the correct answer
Additions to measurements are necessary in order to
a) compensate for changes in clothing dimensions after washing
b) ensure the freedom of fitting the product on the figure
c) increase the size of parts for processing slices
d) increase the size of clothes
24. What is the name of the finishing part, the design options of which are shown in
drawings? ………………………..
25. The figure shows the cut of the sleeve: shirt, set-in, raglan, one-piece. Establish a correspondence by signing the name of the cut of the sleeve under each pattern.

A B C D)…………………..
26. Folds, what are they used for? ………………………………………….

Visible tangible originality in clothing is
a) cover
b) style
c) fashion
d) silhouette
Answer: b25. What is the name of the drawing of all the details of a clothing model, obtained on the basis of data on the size of the human body, constructive increases and information about the properties of the material? The drawing is built according to one of the existing calculation and graphic methods for designing clothes.
Answer: pattern.
The outer outline of the garment is
a) cover
b) style
c) fashion
d) silhouette
Answer: d17. Underline the correct answer
A measure that is not needed to build a drawing of the base of a straight skirt
a) Stb) Sbv) CrIIg) Dtsd) Dspe) DsbAnswer: c18. In both drawings illustrating the process of taking measurements, the artist made one common mistake. Specify what it is:

Answer: when taking measurements, you must stand straight, without bending your knees and without putting your foot to the side - this affects the accuracy of taking measurements.
19. Enter the names of the design lines and sections of the sleeve marked with numbers
1-2 - line .............................................. ...............................
2-3, 1-6, 4-5 - lines .............................. ...................
3-4, -line .............................................. ...............................
6-in-5 lines....................................... .........................
Answer: 1-2 - okat line; 2-3, 1-6, 4-5 - sleeve seam lines; 3-4, - bottom line, 6-B-5 - tuck lines.
20. According to the descriptions, give the names of shoulder products:
A) women's clothing, consisting of a bodice and a skirt, combined into one; it can be detachable along the waist line or not detachable; with a collar, with sleeves and without them; with and without fastening, various lengths and finishes: …………..
Answer: dress
b) clothes, sometimes elongated almost to the heels, with a slit or closure from top to bottom, with or without sleeves and a collar, with or without a belt; most often for wearing at home …………………………..
Answer: robe
c) female or men's clothing with sleeves, covering the right part of the body; it can be with or without a clasp, with or without a collar: ……………...
Answer: shirt
d) sleeveless clothing with armholes of various lengths, with or without a clasp: ……..
Answer: vest.
21. Match between appearance and collar design

Answer: 1-a, 2-c, 3-b
Write the name of a wide petticoat made of hair or other stiff fabric worn under a dress to give it a bell shape.
Answer: crinoline
18. You need to build a drawing of a semi-sun skirt. Calculate the radius of the circumference for the waist line, if the measure is St = 35 cm.
Answer: the radius of the circumference of the waist line \u003d St x 0.64 \u003d 35 x 0.64 \u003d 22.4 (cm)
Answer: the radius of the circumference of the waist line \u003d St /  \u003d 35 / 3.14 \u003d 22.4 (cm)
Mark with + all correct answers
19. To design a pattern, you need to put the following designations on it
1.name of each part and their quantity
2.direction of the lobar thread
3.Cross thread direction
4.control lines and dots
5.folds and cuts of fabric
6.values ​​of allowances for processing for each fold of fabric
7. Machining allowances for each cut
8places for attachments
Answer: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8
20. If the yoke line of the back panel of the skirt is located below the end of the tuck, then the tuck
1. save
3. lengthen to the yoke line and then close
4.transfer to the yoke line of the bottom of the skirt


Name of measurements


Measurements for yourself, cm

    Half waist

    Semi circumference of the hips

    Back length to waist

    Length of the product




Name of measurements


Measurements for yourself, cm

    Half waist

    Semi circumference of the hips

    Back length to waist

    Length of the product



Controller: Full name teachers …………..


Name of measurements


Measurements for yourself, cm

    Half waist

    Semi circumference of the hips

    Back length to waist

    Length of the product



Controller: Full name teachers …………..

"Appendix 5. Test"

Test on the topic "Design and modeling"

    a) straight lines;

    b) wedge;

    c) diagonal;

    d) conical;

    e) extended;

    e) tight.


    a) along the girth of the neck;

    b) according to the girth of the chest;

    c) according to the girth of the hips;

    d) according to the circumference of the waist;

    d) growth.


a) Cr; b) Dee; c) St; d) Sat; e) Op.


a) in the seams;

b) in reliefs;

c) in coattails;

d) in folds;

d) in pockets.

5. The increase is:

a) the value required when processing the product with machine seams, expressed in centimeters and taken into account when cutting;





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"Lesson. Chubchenko N.I.”

Public lesson technology in 6th grade. Teacher - Chubchenko Natalya Ivanovna

Subject. Generalization on the topic "Designing and modeling a skirt"


Interdisciplinary connections: History, computer science, mathematics.

Visual aids, equipment, tools: training mannequin, skirt samples, centimeter tape, skirt pattern, computer presentation.

During the classes

    Organizing time:(Slide 1)


Checking student attendance;

Completion by the teacher cool magazine;

Set the students to work (-As you can see, guys, we have guests today. Don't worry, you all know, you are great with me)

Communicating the lesson plan to students.

    New topic, objectives of the lesson.

(Students collect the topic from cut words. The children themselves set goals, and I lead them to this).

Yulia Nechaeva, Kristina Shilskaya, Vika Yanchenko - the Needle team.

Borovitskaya Yana, Gladkaya Julia - the "Thread" team.

The topic of our lesson is hidden in a cut sentence, this assignment lies on the tables in an envelope.
- Who will quickly collect the topic of the lesson?

(“Construction and modeling of a skirt”) (Annex 1)

Based on the topic of today's lesson, what goals will be set for us?

What we should already be able to sew for each skirt. (To be able to take measurements, build a drawing, model a product).

Lesson Objectives:(Slide 2)

1. Be able to take measurements;

2.Build the drawing of the skirt;

3. Model the product.

And now Yulia Nechaeva will show us her presentation, which she prepared about the history of the skirt and the direction of fashion.

    Mini-presentation about the history of the skirt and the direction of fashion.(Presentation "History of the skirt")
    (Nechaeva Yulia tells)

    Blitz tournament.
    -At home, you picked up 4 questions from the history of the skirt.
    - And now we have a blitz tournament. For each correct answer, you will receive a skirt token. If a team cannot give the correct answer, then the question is passed to the other team.
    (Slide 3)

1). Exclusively feminine look clothes, but besides women, do the Scottish Highlanders also wear this? (skirt).

2). Leisure and beach wear. Are the pants the shortest length? (shorts)

3). The means by which the volume of the product is obtained? (darts)

4). In what century did the pattern become known? (10th century)

5). When did patterns in the modern sense appear? (19th century)

6). Homeland of paper patterns? (England)

    home atelier . (Slide 4)
    - Aren't you tired yet? But still, let's warm up a little! Now we have a "Home Atelier".

Work is organized in pairs: measured (customer), measuring (cutter) and alternate duties.

Recordings of measurements are made on pre-prepared forms ( Annex 2)

    "Make a description of the skirt." (Slide 5)
    - On the slide, you guys see two versions of the skirt. Your task: describe each team's version of the skirt. (Left is the 1st team, and on the right is the second).

(Slide 6)

sketch and description of the model.


    Blitz poll.

-Girls, soon each of you will be able to boast of a skirt that you sew with your own hands. In order for the skirt to fit well, you must not only take measurements correctly, but you must also know the formulas for constructing a drawing, an increase in free fitting.
Let's see if you remember everything!
(Slide 7)

    (Dee, Dst).

    (So ​​that the product is sufficiently free and comfortable to wear Fri = 1, Pb = 3).

    (Sat + Fri).

    Why take a measure of Dst? (The measure is used to determine the distance from the waist line to the hip line (Dst: 2).

    (St, Sat).


    Which tuck is the narrowest and shortest (front), and which is the longest and widest (side)?

    A simple skirt that has no darts and consists of one or two pieces?

    A skirt consisting of several wedges, expanding downwards?

    Skirt slide.(Slide 8)
    Show and name the main construction lines in a straight skirt drawing. Here one team evaluates the work of the second team. The "Needle" team shows and names, and the "Thread" team evaluates.
    - Let's check! (Slide 9)

(Slide 10) Two skirts flashed on the screen. Your task, using the patterns, is to model the "Needle" - the first skirt, and the "Thread" - the second.

-Let's check! (Slide 11)

    Career minute.
    -Well, guys, we have determined this, but what do you think, how many people are involved in the manufacture of the skirt? There are envelopes with the task on the table. Here are the words-names of the professions of the people who are involved in the creation of the skirt.

Slide - the definition of the profession guessed by the girls.(Slide 12)

Artist-fashion designer


      Ah, you know what a fashion designer does.( The fashion designer comes up with new models of clothes and embodies them in sketches of finished products).

      And what is the task of the artist-designer? (The designer-artist embodies the ideas of the fashion designer into drawings and patterns).

You like to make and guess crossword puzzles. Guess the crossword who is faster. (Sheets with crossword puzzles are handed out. ( Appendix 3)

    Questions for the crossword. (Slide 13)

    The value added to the measurements (increase).

    Specialist involved in the development of a sketch, a model, taking into account the direction of fashion in clothing (fashion designer)

    Building a pattern drawing (design)

    The process of changing the pattern drawing in accordance with the selected model (modeling)

    The narrowest part of the body (waist).

    The ability of a person to consciously judge the beauty of the nature around him, the beauty of things, people (taste).

    Short-term dominance of certain forms, associated with the constant human need for diversity and behavior (fashion).

-Let's check!(Slide 14)

    -You have on the tables cards with the requirements for clothing and the properties of these requirements.
    (Annex 4)

Establish a correspondence between groups of clothing requirements and their properties

(connect with arrows).

(Self test),(Slide 15)

- You worked productively today, the result will be a test. Each of you will complete it on a separate sheet. We will evaluate the work immediately - by mutual verification.
(Annex 5)

The correctness of the option - look at the screen. (Slide 16)

    Lesson results.
    Count how many tokens each team has.
    Winning team…………. You get fives, the team that lost to the winners gets "4". The whole class is great, I'm happy with your work.

    D/z: (Slide 17)
    -Imagine yourself as fashion designers: draw a sketch of a skirt for certain occasions (holiday, uniform, home, sports, school).

(Slide 18)

"Skirt Story"

Mid 19th century

View presentation content
"Technology Lesson"

6) Homeland of paper patterns?

  • What measurements are recorded in full?
  • Dee, Dst
  • Why do they make increments and what types of increments are there?
  • What parts does the skirt consist of?
  • Front and back panels. The back panel of the skirt is narrower than the front one, because the side seam when sewing clothes is located closer to the back, which significantly changes the posture of the figure, making it more slender and toned.
  • What is the formula for skirt width?
  • Sat+Feb
  • Why take a measure of Dst?
  • When calculating the amount of darts on a skirt, measurements are taken into account?
  • St, Sat
  • ∑ \u003d (Sat + Pb) - (St + Fri)
  • The size of women's skirts and trousers is determined by what measure
  • lateral

1. Skirts by design are:

a) straight lines;

b) wedge;

d) conical.

2. The size of women's skirts and trousers is determined by:

c) around the circumference of the hips.

3. When calculating the amount of darts on a skirt, measurements are taken into account:

c) St; d) Sat;

4. In the process of modeling, darts on a straight skirt can be transformed:

b) reliefs;

c) in coattails;

d) in folds.

5. The increase is:

b) the value added to the size of the measurement for the free fit of clothing.

6. Set the corresponding name of the garment according to the base drawing.

1 .__apron_____

2 .__conical_

3 ._wedge ___


View presentation content
"Skirt Story"

Mid 19th century

By the 1870s, in order to change the silhouette of the figure, they acquired a bustle - a roller that was placed under the skirt below the waist from the back.

View presentation content
"Technology Lesson"

Generalization on the topic "Designing and modeling a skirt"

Technology lesson in 6th grade

Lesson Objectives:

  • To systematize and expand knowledge, skills in designing and modeling skirts.
  • To expand students' knowledge about clothes, taking measurements, designing skirts, modeling.
  • Develop the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, draw conclusions.
  • Improve skills to work independently and in a team.
  • Develop the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, draw conclusions.
  • Cultivate aesthetic taste, attention.

Blitz Tournament

2) Leisure and beach wear. Are the pants the shortest length?

3) The means by which the volume of the product is obtained?

4) In what century did the pattern become known?

5) When did patterns appear in the modern sense?

6) Homeland of paper patterns?

home atelier

Make a description of the skirt!

Blitz Poll

  • What measurements are recorded in full?
  • Dee, Dst
  • Why do they make increments and what types of increments are there?
  • To ensure that the product is sufficiently loose and comfortable to wear. Fri=1, Pb=3
  • What parts does the skirt consist of?
  • Front and back panels. The back panel of the skirt is narrower than the front one, because the side seam when sewing clothes is located closer to the back, which significantly changes the posture of the figure, making it more slender and toned.
  • What is the formula for skirt width?
  • Sat+Feb
  • Why take a measure of Dst?
  • The measure is used to determine the distance from the waist line to the hip line.
  • When calculating the amount of darts on a skirt, measurements are taken into account?
  • St, Sat
  • How to calculate the amount of darts in a straight skirt?
  • ∑ \u003d (Sat + Pb) - (St + Fri)
  • How to calculate the side tuck in a straight skirt?
  • The size of women's skirts and trousers is determined by what measure
  • Which tuck is the narrowest and shortest (front), and which is the longest and widest?
  • lateral

Model a skirt!

Artist-fashion designer



1. Short-term dominance of certain forms, associated with the constant human need for diversity and behavior.

2. The value added to the measurements.

3. The process of changing the pattern drawing in accordance with the selected model.

5. The ability of a person to consciously judge the beauty of the nature surrounding him, the beauty of things, people.

Let's check!

1. Skirts by design are:

a) straight lines;

b) wedge;

d) conical.

2. The size of women's skirts and trousers is determined by:

c) around the circumference of the hips.

3. When calculating the amount of darts on a skirt, measurements are taken into account:

c) St; d) Sat;

4. In the process of modeling, darts on a straight skirt can be transformed:

b) reliefs;

c) in coattails;

d) in folds.

5. The increase is:

b) the value added to the size of the measurement for the free fit of clothing.

6. Set the corresponding name of the garment according to the base drawing.

1 .__apron_____

2 .__conical_

3 ._wedge ___



Thanks everyone for the lesson!


Kholodnaya Alla Vladimirovna, teacher of labor education,
Donetsk comprehensive school of I-III levels No. 119 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR,

tel. 0955029379, e-mail: [email protected]

Labor training lesson in 6th grade

Topic: "Modeling a straight skirt" (January-February)

Topic: "Modeling a straight skirt"

“Clothing is the simplest means of revealing the personality.”
Sophia Loren


1. Teach students modeling skills.

2. Develop logical thinking design skills.

3. To educate students in aesthetic taste, attentiveness.

Lesson type: combined.

Form of study: game Bluff-survey on the topic "Making a pattern of a garment", frontal survey, work in groups, individual work, practical work, compiling a syncwine, a game "Atelier fashion", the use of a reflective screen.

Intersubject communications Keywords: drawing, mathematics, fine arts, Russian language.

Technical training aids : laptop, projector, screen, presentation for the lesson, musical accompaniment.

Equipment, tools, materials : patterns (front, back halves skirts), colored paper, glue, scissors, pencils, a notebook, a scale ruler, technological maps, a memo on compiling a syncwine.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

Workplace organization.

II. Updating of basic knowledge

2.1. Teacher:Beautiful and fashion clothes, sewn with your own hands brings joy. Interest in sewing is tantamount to a passion for music, drawing or other forms of art, when a person is not a professional, but knows many secrets of craftsmanship. As with other arts, sciences, or crafts, it takes confidence and skill. We met some of them in the last lesson, let's remember them.

2.2 . Blitz - survey "Making a pattern of a garment" (in the form of a test). Complete the test task, for each question of the test, select one answer option. For each correct answer 0.5 points ( you have 5 minutes to complete the task) - musical accompaniment.

As the work progresses, checks are made. Sheets with tests are handed over to the teacher (mutual control ).


answer options

Specify belt products.

1. trousers, shorts, breeches, skirts

2. breeches, sundress, skirts

3. skirts, blouses, shorts;

4. dress, blouses, sundress

Choose the words related to the topic "Making a skirt".

1. tuck, belt, back panel

2. pocket, tuck, coquette

3. bib, belt, pocket

List the measurements needed to build a skirt drawing.

1.St, S6, Du

2. Dst, Sg, Sat

3. St, Sat, Day

What is the waistline increase?

1.2 cm

2. 3cm

3. 1cm

4. no allowance needed

The direction of the share thread (warp thread) takes into account ...

1. to avoid unnecessary stretching and shrinkage of the product during wear

2. for the most economical cutting of fabric

3. so that the product is less wrinkled

4. for the aesthetics of the product

5. for wear resistance of the product

Which part of the skirt is wider?

1. front

2. rear

The increase is...

1. The difference between clothing sizes and human body

2. the difference between areas of the human body

3. difference between measurements

Conical skirts include…

1. sun, half sun, bell

2. wedge, flare,

According to the silhouette of the skirt are:

1. straight, wedge, conical

2. straight, trapezoidal, tapered and widened at the bottom

3. straight, extended to the bottom

Skirt - "Sun" refers to:

1. straight

2. bevel

3. wedge

You passed the tests, and nowremember and name the constructive lines in a straight skirt?

2.3. The task "We draw up a pattern ". Groups are given a pattern - a skirt pattern.

Exercise: indicate on the pattern all the constructive lines of the skirt.

Answer : middle of the detail, tuck, waist line, hip line, side line, bottom line, side tuck.

Let's look at the screen and check if you named all the construction lines.

ΙII. Learning new material

3.1. Motivation of educational activity.

Time passes, century after century

Man was born for fashion.

The years have changed and the rhythms too,

But we can't live without a skirt.

Conversation:Children, do you agree with the statement that a person is born for fashion and we cannot live without a skirt?

Student responses.

How to make beautiful fashionable skirt We will meet today in class.

3.2. Teacher:Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

The topic of our lesson is "Modeling a straight skirt"

1. Open notebooks, write down the topic of the lesson

3.3. Expected results (lesson objectives)

1. At the end of the lesson you will be able to:

Name the ways of modeling skirts;


2. Be able to:

Change the width of the skirt along the bottom line by narrowing and closing the tuck;

Model a skirt with a yoke on the front panel;

With the help of additional details, make new styles of skirts.

3. Express your attitude to the modeling process.

3.4 . Working with concepts.

Modeling - this is the process of developing product patterns according to the finished model or its graphic image (recording definitions in notebooks).

When modeling clothes, the objects are the style and silhouette (recording definitions in notebooks).

Style - the sample according to which the product is sewn.

Silhouette - the outer contour of the uniform, its flat image.

3.5. Teacher (conversation).

Before you start modeling, answer the question: What do you need when modeling clothes? We must take into account the features of our appearance: figure, height, what else? In addition, we have to choose the material, finish, and more? And ultimately conform to the directions modern fashion, meet its purpose and the purpose of clothing. In this regard, we model clothes.

Answer:You need to dress taking into account the color of hair and eyes, cut, the garment must correspond to its purpose.

Teacher:Based on the drawing of a straight skirt, you can model a huge number of styles of skirts: narrow and wide, long and short, with coquettes, cuts, folds (Modeling of different styles).

Based on the skirt pattern (front and back panel), you can develop different cuts of products. This work is done by fashion designers, and today in the lesson each of you will act as a fashion designer.

3.6. Game "Atelier fashion"

On the layout of the pattern-pattern of a straight skirt, with the help of additional details, students must complete a new style of the skirt (work on a magnetic board)

Teacher:See how we got new styles of skirts from a straight skirt with the help of additional details and elements. In doing so, we took into account individual characteristics man, each chose his own style. So modeling is a process creative and individual.

IV. Practical work. “Modeling skirts. Calculation of the amount of fabric required for tailoring a product »

4.1. Safety briefing when working with scissors and glue

Teacher:Let's repeat the rules for safe work with scissors and glue.

Rules for safe work with scissors:

1. Use scissors with rounded ends.

2. Store the scissors in the indicated place in a certain position.

3. When working, pay close attention to the cutting direction.

4. Do not work with blunt scissors and loose hinges.

5. Don't hold scissors with the blades up.

6. Don't leave scissors with open blades.

7. Do not cut with scissors on the go.

8. Do not approach a friend during work.

9. Pass closed scissors to a friend with rings forward.

10. While working, hold the material with your left hand so that your fingers are away from the blades of the scissors.

Rules for safe work with glue

1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage.

3. Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.

4. Wash the brush and hands well with soap after work.

Teacher:In this lesson, we will consider several ways to model skirts. Since when drawing a straight skirt, drawings of the front and rear panels were obtained, therefore, for modeling, these parts need to be divided (cut) and each panel should be modeled. We will also learn how to calculate the amount of fabric needed to sew a product.

4.2. Consider the first modeling method "Narrowing the skirt along the bottom line"


4.2.1.Teacher briefing

1. On the drawings of the front and rear panels from the side cut, reduce the width of the skirt along the bottom line by the desired value, for example, by 3 cm (points H3 and H4).

2. Then, connect points H3 and H4 with points B2 and B2.

3. Outline the outline along the new lines.

4. Cut off the excess parts of the pattern.

5. Refer to flow sheet #1.

6. Take the templates for the front and back panels of the skirt and proceed with the work according to the sequence of operations

4.2.2. Performance practical work.

4.2.3. In notebooks, write down 1 modeling method, which is called "Narrowing the skirt along the bottom line." Now glue the resulting details into a notebook.

4.3. Teacher:Let's get acquainted with the second method of modeling - "Extension of a straight skirt by closing the darts"

The slightly flared straight skirt is very comfortable to wear.

Such an expansion is easy to perform by closing the darts on the main drawing of a straight skirt.


4.3.1 Teacher instruction

1. Draw vertical straight lines along the axial lines of the darts of the front and back panels until they intersect with the bottom line and cut the patterns along these lines without reaching the end of the darts 0.1 cm.

2. Move the patterns in the lower part until the tucks are completely closed

3. Draw the bottom line of a smooth curve.

Do you have questions about this method?

If there are no questions, then let's start doing practical work on this modeling method:

4. Open technological map №2.

5. Take the templates for the front and back panels of the skirt and proceed with the work according to the sequence of operations with
1st point (You have 3 minutes to complete the task).

4.3.2. Performing practical work.

4.3.3. In notebooks, write down the 2nd modeling method, which is called "Expanding a straight skirt by closing the tucks" and glue the resulting details into a notebook.

4.4. Teacher:Let's get acquainted with method number 3 - "Skirt with a yoke on the front panel"

Yoke is a decorative piece of clothing. The yoke skirt is more attractive and interesting. The yoke can be made from a fabric of a different color. Below the coquette, it is possible to make pleats, gathers or pleats according to the style. A coquette is easy to make by closing the darts on the main drawing of a straight skirt .


4.4.1. Teacher instruction.

1. On the pattern of a straight skirt, determine the line of the coquette of the desired size and cut it off.

2. Connect the details of the coquette along the tuck line.

3. Draw vertical straight lines along the axial lines of the darts of the front and back panels until they intersect with the bottom line and cut the patterns along these lines, not reaching the end of the darts 0.1 cm.

4. Move the patterns in the lower part until the tucks are completely closed.

5. Draw the bottom line of a smooth curve.

Do you have questions about this method?

If there are no questions, then let's start doing practical work on this modeling method:

6. Open worksheet #3.

7. Take the templates of the front and back panels of the skirt and proceed with the work according to the sequence of operations with
1st point (you have 5 minutes to complete the task)

4.4.2. Performing practical work.

4.4.3. In notebooks, write down the 3rd modeling method, which is called “Skirt with a yoke on the front panel” and glue the resulting details into a notebook.

4.5. Teacher (conversation): Guys, look how the skirt has changed! Which one did you like better? How has the style changed? Sophia Loren believed that clothing is the simplest means of revealing personality. Therefore, when modeling, it is necessary to take into account the features their appearance: figure, height, hair and eye color, as well as cut, choice of material, finish. The product must correspond to the trends of modern fashion, meet its purpose and at the same time create a new image.

4.6. Teacher. Calculation of the amount of fabric required for sewing a product (from different fabric widths)

4.6.1. Teacher's story.

The consumption of fabric for a skirt depends on the style of the skirt, the width and processing of the fabric.

The simplest calculation for straight skirts is performed by the formula:

Du + 10 cm,

where Du is the length of the skirt, for processing (with a fabric width of 140 cm) (1).

For conical skirts, there is another formula:


where Du is the length of the skirt. From - waist circumference) (2).

If the width of the fabric is 80-90 cm, then (the values ​​​​of formula 1 and 2) are multiplied by 2.

Let's carry out a more detailed calculation of the consumption of fabric needed for sewing a skirt.

For example: to sew a straight skirt size 46 with a length of 40 cm, with a fabric width of 150 cm, you must:

1. 46 size means Sat = 46 cm. Due to the width of the mesh, BB1 will be
Sat + Pb = 46 + 2 = 48 cm.

2. Add seam allowances on the sides 2 seams x 3 cm = 6 cm, then half the width of the fabric is 48 + 6 = 54 cm.

3. The full width of the skirt is 2 times more than 55 x 2 \u003d 110 cm. This width runs along the width of the fabric.

4. Side - the remainder of the belt 150 - 110 = 40 cm.

5. Skirt length - 40 cm. Add 5 cm for hemming the bottom and 1.5 cm for processing the upper cut. We get 40 + 5 + 1.5 = 46.5 cm.

This means that we need 47 cm to sew a skirt of size 46 with a length of 40 cm, which fully corresponds to formula (1).

4.6.2. Problem solving

Each group is given an envelope with the task: to calculate the amount of fabric needed to sew a product.

Task #1. How much fabric with a width of 1.5 m is needed to sew a straight skirt in size 48 with a length of 50 cm.

Solution :

1) For size 48 Sat. = 48 cm. BB1 = 48 + 2 = 50 cm.

3) Full width 56 x 2 = 112 cm - runs along the width of the fabric 150 cm.

4) The remainder of the belt 150 - 112 = 38 cm.

5) Cloth length Du + 5 + 1.5 = 50 + 5 + 1.5 = 56.5 cm.

Answer:you need 57 cm of fabric with a width of 150 cm for sewing a straight skirt in size 48 with a length of 50 cm.

Task number 2.How much fabric is needed with a width of 90 cm. For sewing a straight skirt in size 48 with a length of 50 cm.


1) For size 48 Sat = 48 cm. BB1 = 48 + 2 = 50 cm.

2) Seam allowances 50 + (2 x 3) = 56 cm - half the width of the fabric.

3) Total width 56 x 2 \u003d 112 cm - the total width of the skirt, so more than 90 cm, i.e., you need 2 lengths.

4) Cloth length Du + 5 + 1.5 = 50 + 5 + 1.5 = 56.5 cm. 56.5 x 2 = 113 cm of fabric. Side belt.

Answer:To sew a skirt size 48 with a length of 50 cm, you need 113 cm of fabric with a width of 90 cm.

V. Generalization, systematization of knowledge and skills of students.

5.1. Group work. Modeling skirts (task on cards).

Each group chooses 2 task cards (per group) with models of skirts.

Task: to complete the modeling of the given styles (you have 5 minutes to complete the work) - musical accompaniment.

5.2. Target teacher bypass

The teacher walks around the students, controls and gives them advice, checks the correctness of the work.

5.3. Project demo (students demonstrate the resulting model and explain the modeling process).

The teacher evaluates the completed drawings of skirt models, notes the best work, points out shortcomings and errors, notes the reasons for their occurrence.

VI. Summing up the lesson.

Teacher:Today in the lesson we studied the basic ways of modeling a straight skirt, learned how to perform calculation of the amount of fabric needed for tailoring the product.

6.1. I suggest that you write a cinquain about modeling. You have a memo on compiling a syncwine on your tables, remember the rules for compiling it, and so:

SINKWINE is a short literary work that characterizes the subject (topic), consisting of five lines, which is written according to the following rules:

Line 1 - one noun expressing the main theme of the syncwine.

Line 2 - two adjectives expressing the main idea.

Line 3 - three verbs describing actions within the topic.

Line 4 - a phrase that carries a certain meaning.

Line 5 - conclusion in the form of a noun (association with the first word).

Compiling a cinquain is very simple and interesting. And besides, work on the creation of syncwine develops imaginative thinking.



creative, individual

beautifies, alters, takes into account

creates a new image


6.2. Reflection. Teacher: Now let's share our impressions about our lesson. Each of you will complete the sentence.

The guys take turns speaking in one sentence, choosing the beginning phrases from the reflective screen.

1. Today I found out…

2. it was interesting…

3. it was difficult…

4. I did tasks...

5. I realized that…

6. Now I can…

7. I felt that…

8. I purchased…

9. I learned…

10. I got ...

11. I was able ...

12. I will try ...

13. I was surprised ...

14. gave me a lesson for life…

15. I wanted ...

VII. Homework ( diary entry).

Make a pattern of a straight skirt in 1: 1 scale on paper. Homework instruction.

VIII. Psychological mood of the lesson.

And now I invite you to express your opinion about the lesson. Everyone has colored stripes on the tables according to the color of the rays of the sun. Take a strip of the color that matches ...

"Sun" .

Yellow - I really liked the lesson, I learned a lot of interesting things.

Blue - the lesson is not interesting, there was not any useful information.

Children get up and glue the rays to the sun.

Remember:“Everything in a person should be beautiful: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts” (A.P. Chekhov).

Thank you for your work, I wish you creative success!


1. Technology: A textbook for students in the 6th grade of a comprehensive school (version for girls) / ed. V. D. Simonenko. – M. : Ventana-Graf, 2005.

2. Technology: Student's Textbook educational institutions(version for girls) / V.D. Simonenko, O.A. Kozhina, Yu.V. Krupskaya; others / ed. V.D. Simonenko. - M. : Ventana-Graf, 2005.

3. Modern encyclopedia. Volume "Fashion and Style" / ed. V. Volodina, A. Chernova.- M.: Avanta +, 2002.

4. Technology. Grade 6: Lesson plans for the textbook "Technology Grade 6", ed. V. D. Simonenko. /Comp. O. I. Pavlova - Volgograd: Teacher - AST, 2006.

At present, an experiment is being conducted throughout the country to introduce the USE into the educational process as one of the main methods of final certification of students. In this regard, the use of a test form for testing students' knowledge becomes very relevant in teaching all school subjects. The use of tests in teaching technology allows, on the one hand, to save students' time when completing assignments and the teacher's time when checking them; on the other hand, such work makes it possible to psychologically prepare children for passing state exams in the form of the Unified State Examination in other subjects. We offer materials for testing on technology in grade 9. Separate fragments can be used to test the knowledge of students, starting from the fifth grade, as well as to conduct an Olympiad on the subject.

Materials Science

Mark in brackets with /+/ all correct answers.

1. Vegetable fibers are obtained from:

a) nettles
b) flax
c) wool
d) cotton
e) silk

2. The raw material for silk threads is:

a) silkworm fibers
b) flax fibers
b) sheep wool fibers

3. The process of obtaining fabric from threads by weaving them is called:

a) spinning
b) weaving
c) decoration

4. K symbols crochet include:

a) +
b) -
c) V
G) #
e) .
g) ~

5. Fabric dyed in one color is called:

a) painted
b) plain
c) plain dyed
d) bleached
e) colored

6. Types of folk crafts:

a) wicker weaving
b) beadwork
c) carpet weaving
d) cooking
e) vegetable growing
e) floriculture
g) birch bark products

7. Signs of woolen fabric:

a) soft
b) rough
c) matte
d) shiny
d) hard

8. Physical and mechanical properties of fabrics:

a) strength
b) shedding of threads
c) creasing
d) drape

9. Hygienic properties of fabrics:

a) hygroscopic
b) dust capacity
c) shrinkage
d) heat protection
e) thread extension

10. Technological properties of fabrics:

a) shrinkage
b) hygroscopicity
c) creasing
d) thread extension
e) shedding of threads

Sewing machine

Mark with /+/ the correct answer.

11. In the machine needle, the eye is:

a) in the middle of the needle
b) next to the tip
c) in the same place as the sewing needle

12. Indicate in brackets the correct sequence for threading the lower thread of the sewing machine:

a) pass the thread through the oblique slot of the shuttle
b) insert the shuttle into the shuttle

d) wind the thread on the bobbin
e) insert the bobbin into the hook

13. In household sewing machine there are regulators:

a) stitch length
b) stitch width
c) zigzag width
d) upper thread tension

14. Breakage of the upper thread may occur due to:

a) incorrect position of the presser foot
b) upper thread tension too high
c) incorrect threading of the upper thread
d) incorrect needle placement
e) not fully inserted shuttle

15. Indicate in brackets the correct sequence of actions when starting work on a foot-operated sewing machine.

a) lower the fabric onto the presser foot
b) thread the top and bottom threads
c) pull the bobbin thread up through the hole in the needle plate
d) holding the upper and lower threads with your left hand, make 2-3 stitches, turning the flywheel towards you with your right hand
e) gently press the pedal with your feet to obtain the desired sewing speed

16. Breakage of the sewing needle can occur if:

a) rusty needle
b) the needle is bent
c) the needle is not inserted into the needle holder until it stops
d) the shuttle is not fully inserted into the shuttle

17. Breakage of the lower thread can occur due to:

a) incorrect position of the lower thread
b) strong lower thread tension
c) incorrect threading of the lower thread
d) incorrect threading of the upper thread
e) using poor quality thread

18. Write the desired word in the space left:

The larger the number of the machine needle, the needle itself ___________

19. What is the most popular thread number?

a) 10
b) 30
c) 50
d) 40
e) 60

20. If the needle number is 90, then the thread number:

a) 10
b) 40
c) 50
d) 30
e) 80


21. For residential premises, it is important:

a) proportions
b) unity of style
c) fashion direction
d) the weather at home
e) family composition
e) color scheme
g) material costs

22. Write the desired word in the space left:

Measurements are taken from ……………….. side of the figure.

23. In the process of modeling, darts on a straight skirt can be converted into:

a) seams
b) reliefs
c) frill
d) shuttlecocks
e) tails

24. Clothing size is determined by the measurements:

a) POT
b) POG (1)
c) SH
d) POG (2)
e) VG

25. Connecting seams include:

a) stock
b) tuning
c) invoice
d) in a hem with an open cut

26. To process the lower cut of the product, machine seams are used:

a) stock
b) tuning
c) in a hem with a closed cut

27. When calculating the amount of darts on a skirt, measurements are taken into account:

b) POT
c) POB

28. Skirts by design are:

a) straight
b) wedge
c) diagonal
d) conical
e) extended
e) narrowed

29. Add a phrase::

POG (2) - tape fits _____________

30. Indicate in numbers the sequence of cutting the product:

a) cutting parts
b) performing an economical layout
c) stroke
d) fixing with pins
e) seam allowances


31. Hard and small cuttings of parsley leaves can be used to:

a) salad dressing
b) feeding pets
c) preparation of hygienic lotion for the face
d) vegetative propagation

32. To lose weight, you need to include in the diet:

a) cakes
b) sweet foods
c) vegetables
d) fruit
e) juices
e) fatty foods

33. Starch is obtained from:

a) rice
b) apples
c) cabbage
d) wheat
e) potatoes

34. Indicate with numbers the sequence of primary processing of vegetables:

a) wash
b) clean up
c) cut out damaged areas
d) cut
d) rinse

35. Specify the types of heat treatment of vegetables:

a) cooking
b) frying
c) extinguishing
d) baking
e) allowance
e) smoking
g) salting

36. When setting the table, napkins are placed:

a) in a ring
b) in a glass
c) on a dinner plate
d) to the left of the plate
e) to the right of the plate

37. Portioned semi-finished products from beef:

a) steak
b) frying
c) azu
d) entrecote
e) barbecue
e) dumplings

38. Meat is cut:

a) across the fibers
b) along the fibers

39. Salted soup:

a) at the beginning
b) in the middle
c) at the end

40. People get energy from the food they eat; energy that is accumulated and taken from:

a) fertilizer
b) the sun
c) vitamins
d) soil

Answers on questions

Materials Science

Question 1. b, c, d, e
Question 2. A
Question 3. b
Question 4. a, d, e
Question 5. b
Question 6. a, b, c, g
Question 7. a, in
Question 8. a B C
Question 9. a, b, d
Question 10. a, d, d

Sewing machine

Question 11. b
Question 12. d, e, a, b, c
Question 13. a, c, d
Question 14. b, c
Question 15. b, c, a, d
Question 16. b, c
Question 17. b, d
Question 18. thicker
Question 19. 40
Question 20. 40, 50

Question 21. a, b, c, e, f, g
Question 22. from the right
Question 23. a, b, d
Question 24. G
Question 25. a, b, d
Question 26. V
Question 27. b, c
Question 28. a, b, d
Question 29. behind through the shoulder blades, armpits, in front through the chest
Question 30. b, d, c, e, a


Question 31. b, c
Question 32. c, d, d
Question 33. a, d
Question 34. a, b, c, e, d
Question 35. a B C D E
Question 36. a B C D
Question 37. a, g
Question 38. A
Question 39. A
Question 40. b, c

CLOTHING MODELING The purpose of the lesson: to generalize and systematize knowledge about the methods of clothing modeling; - generalize and systematize knowledge about the methods of clothing modeling; - develop the skills of modeling by the template method. MOU "Secondary School 4", Sorochinsk Class: 7 Teacher: Feduleeva N.V.


GLOSSARY LEKALO - drawing, pattern; CUTTING LINE - a line for cutting and changing the style of clothing; TRUCK - a technical means of obtaining a three-dimensional shape from a flat material; SOLUTION OF THE DRAW - the widest part of the tuck; LEAF - the front of the blouse or top part dresses; YOKE - a cutting part of the part of the shelf, back, skirt; RELIEF - a kind of tuck; DRAPE - soft pleats.

METHODS OF TECHNICAL MODELING cut out a base pattern from paper; draw lines of the new direction of the tuck; cut the pattern along this line; push the new solution of the tuck, closing the old solution. Moving a tuck using measurements and graphic construction of a drawing METHOD TEMPLATE GRAPHIC METHOD

Modeling the bodice by moving chest tuck Clothing designs must meet the following requirements: Clothing designs must meet the following requirements: reflect the elements of modern fashion (silhouette, lines, proportions, colors, etc.); match the figure of a person; take into account the design features of the product in the process of its technological processing and the technological properties of the material. Consider a number of techniques: Consider a number of techniques:

CONSOLIDATION OF THE MATERIAL (tests) 1. What is technical modeling? (one correct answer) a. Drawing on the base pattern the direction of the shared thread; b. Creation of sketches of new models of clothes; V. Construction of drawings of details of garments; d. The process of developing patterns according to the sketches of the artist.