"Our friendly family. At school" presentation for a lesson on the world around (grade 2) on the topic. Open lesson on the world around us "our friendly family" Friendly family around the world

Lesson type: combined


- the formation of a holistic picture of the world and the awareness of the place of a person in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and the emotional-value understanding of the teacher personal experience communication with people and nature;



Learn to explain what a culture of communication is.

They will have the opportunity to learn to realize the value of their family traditions


Regulatory UUD:

Understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it;

Take into account the guidelines of action selected by the teacher in the new educational material.

Cognitive UUD:

build reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments;

Communicative UUD:

Build statements that are understandable to the partner.


Educational and cognitive interest in new educational material;

The ability to self-assessment based on the criterion of the success of educational activities;

Knowledge of basic moral standards

The main activities of students

To talk about family relationships, about the family atmosphere, about common activities using the drawings and photographs of the textbook;

Formulate the concept of "culture of communication";

Discuss the role family traditions to strengthen the family;

Model situations of family reading, family dinners.

Basic concepts

Family: mother, father, sisters, brothers, grandmothers, grandfathers. Pedigree. Family traditions. Moral.

Checking readiness for mastering new material

How many people do you have in your family?

What are their names? 2.

How do family members treat each other?

Learning new material

« Family - this is an association of people united by common interests ”(according to Ozhegov S.I.)

Family and family values

3. Have you noticed the similarities in the words "relatives", "relatives", "relatives"? All of them are from the word "genus". from him and "pedigree" family history over several generations.

Pedigree types

First view starts building from you and moves on to information about your distant relatives. As a rule, then comes the father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc.

Head of the second kind is the oldest founder, and then all his descendants are listed, including you. Such a pedigree helps to take a broad look at the genus, its activities for many times.

Comprehension and understanding of the acquired knowledge

Pedigree of Ivanova Petrova

Independent application of knowledge

family presentation template

Homework Uch.s.42-47, working. tetra. pp. 23-25

Information sources:

A. A. Pleshakov textbook, workbook The world around 2nd grade Moscow

"Enlightenment" 2014

Presentation Hosting the world

Municipal budgetary educational institution Lyceum No. 4 of the city of Dankov

The world

Teacher - Balashova

Margarita Valentinovna

Lesson topic: Our Friendly family

Lesson Objectives : the formation of the skills of a culture of communication and behavior in the family, the expansion of children's ideas about the family, about the household chores of adults and children, about the possibility of mutual assistance between family members.


Educational: to form children's ideas about the family, to improve the ability to correctly name family members.

Developing: contribute to the development of: oral speech, working memory, voluntary attention, visual-effective thinking, creativity students, group work skills, the ability to ask questions, find the right information.

Educational : arouse interest in the subject through proverbs, songs; bring up a culture of behavior in frontal, group and individual work, an attentive and caring attitude towards close people.


Personal: are aware of the concept of "family", feelings of love and respect for family members, care for loved ones.

Regulatory: formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of the teacher; define the problem of the lesson; pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson; evaluate the correctness of the action; plan their action in accordance with the task; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion; make their guess.

Communicative: are learning formulate your thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others; find the information you need from the source.

cognitive : they are guided in their system of knowledge: they distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher; gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using a textbook, ICT, their own life experience and information received in the lesson.


- projector, presentation;

Blank sheets of paper;

Chips; glue, colored paper gloves. painted tree;

Cards for group work.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

    The bell rings for the boys

    The lesson starts.

    Don't waste your time

    Answer the questions

    Discuss the topic amicably.

    Your labor will not go in vain,

    Knowledge will be beneficial.

    Knowledge update.

1. Individual work by card.

    Underline the names of those parts of the human body that relate to its external structure.

head, neck, brain, lungs, heart, torso, arms, stomach, legs, intestines, chest, back

    Sign the names internal organs person.






    Connect the arrows of the case and the time of day.

Going to sleep

Lessons at school


    Finish the rules:

Brush your teeth _______ times a day.

Before eating, you must _____________ ___________.

Light when writing should fall _________________.

    Which of the signs indicate pedestrian crossings? Color them right.

    Circle the poisonous mushrooms with a red pencil.

2.Front work.

Which organ controls the entire body?

Which organ makes blood move throughout the human body.

Find the wrong sentence.

A) In order not to get sick, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene.

B) In order not to get sick, you must follow the regime of the day.

B) In order not to get sick, you need to eat only vegetables and fruits.

Signs of what disease are listed: sore throat, watery eyes, fever?

Which vehicle is not bypassed from behind?

What substance in the kitchen is dangerous?

What is the phone number for the fire brigade?

Where can you pick mushrooms?

Which statement is correct?

A) It is better to swim alone.

b) You can not swim in an unfamiliar place.

B) It is good to swim in cold water.

3. Test

Theme: Dangerous Strangers.

1. Choose the wrong statement:

1. The door can be opened if a stranger calls.

2. If a postman, fitter, doctor, policeman rings at the door, don't open it anyway if you don't know these people.

3. The offender can change into any uniform.

2.What will you answer if a stranger asks on the phone if your parents are at home

1. That parents are not at home;

2. That parents are at home, but busy;

3. When the parents come. 3. What can be accepted from strangers?

1. Candy;

2. Money;

3. Toys,

4. Take nothing.

4. What can not be done if a stranger tries to take you away by force?

1. Break out, run away,

2. Rush for help to passers-by,

3. Shout with all your might to get attention.

4. Calmly go with a stranger.

5. In what case can you go with a stranger by car?

1. If you missed the bus, trolleybus,

2. If he came on behalf of his parents;

3. No way.

4. If you are late.

5. If he asks to show the way.

6. What should I do if a stranger tries to open the door?

1. Call "02", give your exact address.

2. Call parents, grandmother, neighbors by phone.

3. Prepare an object for impact;

4. Open the door and let the stranger in.

7. Can I play after dark?

1. Yes, you can. 2. You can, with friends. 3. You can't.

3. Self test

III. Self-determination to activity.

I will tell you a story that happened to one boy.

And you guys, try to follow how the mood of our hero changed, so that later you can reflect, express your opinion, why this happened, and determine the topic of the lesson.

“There was a boy. Once he was playing around and accidentally broke his mother's favorite vase! Misha was afraid that his mother would come in and see that he had done it. He thought it would be good to be "INVISIBLE". Mom entered the room and looked around, but she did not see Misha. Misha realized that his wish had come true, and he was very happy!

He ran outside to his friends. They talked to each other, laughed. Misha tried in vain to draw attention to himself. He really wanted to boast that he was invisible. He ran up to one or the other boy, told them something funny, even offered sweets. But the guys simply did not notice him. Misha got bored and ran home. In the yard, he saw that his mother was standing on the balcony and waiting for him.
- Mom, here I am! Misha shouted. But the mother did not see or hear him, so she did not answer her son.
"I don't want to be invisible," Misha cried. - I want my mother to see me! It's very bad to be invisible! It's very bad to be alone! And Misha again became an ordinary boy .

Did this story interest you?

What was especially memorable?

How did the boy's mood change?

Why was Misha initially pleased that he had become invisible?

Decipher the puzzle.

What do you think the topic of our lesson is?(communication, family)

Yes, we are starting to study a large section of the textbook "Communication". In our life we ​​communicate with different people. People share with each other their experiences, joys, delight, sadness. A person cannot live without communication with other people. We are going on a journey through the country of communication. We begin to study the "Communication" section, and the topic of our lesson is "Our friendly family." What will we learn in the lesson?

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson. 1. Read the statement of Leo Tolstoy. How do you understand these words? “Happy is he who is happy at home” L.N. Tolstoy The homeland of each of us begins with a native home, with a family. What is in your understanding family?

Who do we communicate with? (with classmates, teachers, parents, etc.)

With whom more often? (with parents).

Where does communication take place? (at school, on the street, at home, etc.)

And who are the closest people for each of you? (parents, grandparents… - family)

Say the word "family". What words are hidden in it?

Who knows why exactly 7?

Who is the family made up of? (Because the closest people are mom, dad, 2 grandmothers, 2 grandfathers and I. So the number 7 is obtained.)

Communication with people in each person begins in the family.

- How do you understand the word "family"?

1) Family - a group of people who are related to each other

2) In Ozhegov's dictionary it is written as follows:

A family is a group of close relatives living together

3) The family is divided into 2 words “seven” and “I” - this is seven like me, because in the family everyone is somewhat similar to each other: face, voice, look, character: there may be common hobbies and favorite activities

Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. The family is close and dear people, whom we love, whom we take an example from, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness.

What can unite family members? (Care for each other, tenderness, love, affection, care). 2. Independent work in groups "Signs of a friendly family"

Now let's think about what unites all family members. To do this, read the sentences on the board and find the ones that can be a sign of a good and friendly family 1. Family members quarrel every day, offend each other.

2. Family members love and do not offend each other.

3. They live in the same apartment.

4. Each family member has his own separate apartment.

5. They do housework together.

6. Each family member rests separately.

7. Distribute money for purchases together.

8. They relax together and spend their free time.

9. Everyone has their own wallet.

10. Each family member has his own household.

2 . What kind of family can be called friendly? - today we will learn about it. Let's turn to the family of our friends, Seryozha and Nadia. Open your books to page 46. Look at the picture. Looking at the drawing, we cannot hear what our heroes are talking about, how they address each other. Let's try to bring the picture to life. What do you think they are talking about? How do they address each other?

Bottom line: they speak respectfully, politely, they are attentive and caring to each other.

Scene. Listen carefully and say:

To grandparents Nastya and Volodya,
They come to visit for pancakes on the weekend.
Grandson Volodya asked: - Grandfather, pour me some tea.
Grandfather bowed his head, answering Vova:
- I can’t hear well, granddaughter, I’m not like you.
I'm already an old man, so my hearing is getting weaker.
Nastya is rude to her grandmother: - Don't you see,
Why is there a salt shaker here, on the table without salt?
Nastya's grandmother in response: - I see badly,
I'm already many years old, help me baby.
After these words, the children felt very ashamed.
Vova says: - Ready! I will help them in everything."
- Yes, and I'm not myself, Nastya echoes her brother -
It is not your fault that you have become weaker!
In many, many years, we will be like this.
I am a grandmother, Vova is a grandfather, everyone is getting older.
Eyes, ears will ache with us, sometime.
That's what the good guys say wisely!
They put everything themselves on the table, tea is poured into cups.
Here grandfather blossomed, grandmother laughs!
You guys are never rude to your loved ones.
Always love Grandpa and Grandma!

What did you not like about the actions of children?

What didn't they learn? (that grandparents are old)

Is it possible to be rude to elders: mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother?

What polite words do you use in your speech when communicating with adults?

a) hello, hello, good afternoon (greeting)

b) goodbye, bye, bon voyage (farewell)

c) I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry (apology)

d) thank you, thank you

e) please, please (please)

3.Culture of communication.

What do you think cultural communication is? (Polite speech, cultural behavior, kind, respectful attitude towards a person) - And there is such an expression culture of communication. Does she need a family?
Conclusion. The culture of communication is polite speech, cultural behavior, kind, respectful attitude towards a person.

(We need a culture of communication so that the family is friendly and happy)

papa smashed
precious vase
grandmother with mom
They frowned immediately.
But dad was found:
Looked into their eyes
And timidly and quietly
"Sorry" said.
And mom is silent
Even smiles.
- We'll buy another one
There are better ones for sale...
Excuse me - it would seem
What's in it?
But what is
Great word!
- Guys, do you know why dad was forgiven so easily? How do you ask for forgiveness? Is it possible to be rude to each other, give offensive nicknames, offend the younger ones? (…)
4. Mutual assistance in the family
. Be careful, you must understand without what else, you cannot live in a family.
Vova is crying thinly
And rubs his eyes with his fist:
- I'm not your girl at all.
- I'm not going for milk!
Mom looks without a smile:
- What are you going to do wrong?
You won't help me
I won't let you walk.
Stop, he thought.
- Well, give me your can.
Vova is sad and insulting,
He walks sideways:
Maybe it won't be visible
All the cans behind their backs?
Uncle with long mustache
Tall like a father
He smiled: “You can see my mother
You help - well done.
And no longer a side -
Vova proudly walked home.
Though he jumped up the stairs,
Didn't spill milk.
- Mom, what else to buy?
I can still go!
So what was this scene about? (you need to help the elders in the family)
Conclusion. Be respectful to all family members, try to help and do not hesitate to ask for help yourself.
5. Do housework together
Mom and dad at the factory
Grandma cooks dinner
And Lida and Volodya
There is no business.
Go boring in the morning
And brother and sister.
Grandfather knocks, repairs a bucket,
He called his grandchildren.
"For what reason
Are my babies silent?
I'm old, but I'm not bored,
- Grandfather says sternly,
- I can explain scientifically
What is the secret here?
The old man was silent for a little
And then he added strictly.
- You look here, grandchildren,
Here on these hands...
On calloused hands.
Silently watching grandchildren
And the grandfather looks at the grandchildren:
- Well, do you know what the secret is?

Adults and children know
Living unhappily in the world
If there is nothing to do in life.
- What did the guys tell us about?
Conclusion. In a family, everything must be done together, helping each other.. 6. Work with the textbook. Look at the picture on page 47.
Let's do it practical work. Cover the pictures with chips, which show what happens not only in the family of Seryozha and Nadia, but also in your family.

How else do you help adults? (children's answers)

Conclusion. Well done! Take care of your parents, they have a lot of difficulties.
- Relatives take care of each other. Relatives help each other. - And what kind of family is called friendly? (A family in which everyone respects others, cares for others, supports and helps others, spends free time together…).

A poster "Don't forget to do your parents' errands" appears

7. Reading by the teacher of the legend “How a friendly family appeared».

There are legends about close-knit families. Listen to one of them.

A long time ago there lived a family in which there were 100 people, but there was no agreement between them. They are tired of quarrels and strife. And so the family members decided to turn to the sage so that he would teach them to live together and happily. The sage listened attentively to the petitioners and said: “No one will teach you to live happily, you must yourself understand what you need for happiness.” This huge family gathered for family council and decided: "Let everyone write only one word that he considers important for the happiness of the family." They wrote one word at a time.

What do you think this family wrote? ? (Understanding, love, care, respect e...).

If each member of the family follows these rules, then peace and harmony will reign in the family. And that means everyone will be happy.

8. Independent work with self-test(work in pairs)
- I will give you leaflets where you will have to choose statements that help the family live happily and happily. These statements must be underlined.

They answer from the spot. If the rest agree, then they show a green traffic light, if they do not agree, they show a red one.)
What do you need to do to make your family live cheerfully and happily? Emphasize.

    To help each other.

    Watch TV.

    Don't clean the room.

    Rest together.

    Keep bad hours.

    Take care of little sisters and brothers.

    Help parents, grandparents.

    Ask to buy a toy.

    Congratulations on the holidays.

    Tell each other the news. 9. Work in groups.Exercise "Continue the sentence"- If now the people closest to you came to our lesson, then think about what you could tell them, but the proposals will help us in this, but they are not finished. Your task: read and complete the sentence.

I want my mom and dad to be...
I love it when grandma...
- My mom and dad are the most ...
I love my parents because...
I trust my parents...
- I love my grandfather because...
- I want to wish my parents ...
I consider my family...
- My mother is the most ... 8. Reading the text on pages 44-45 of the textbook. What is tradition? Traditions - what has been passed down from one generation to another, what has been inherited from previous generations. Generation- simultaneously living people of close age.


1 . She's the best in the world

You can't live without it.

Katya, Petya has it

And, of course, I have. (Mother)

2 . Who will move the closet heavy?
Who will fix the sockets for us,
Who will beat all the shelves,
Who sings in the bathroom in the morning?
Who is driving in the car?
Who will we go to football with? (dad)

3. I always look at him

And I take an example from him.

He looks so much like his dad!

But only with gray hair - so what? (grandfather)

4. Mom has a job, dad has a job,

They have Saturday left for me!

And with her I'm always at home,

She never scolds me! (grandmother)

5 . Mom for joy, dad as a reward,

He appeared, the heir is a joy.

Native, unintelligent, buttons-eyes -

He is all attention, care and affection. (son)

6. Joy in the eyes, surprise in the eyes,

We have a new addition to our family today!

We have a girl in our house!

Now I am her brother, and she is to me ... (sister)

7. She remembers and knows everything in the world

And my grandmother calls her mom!

And often they come to her doctor's house

She’s right to me ..., she’s right to me ... (grandmother)

8. Mom has a sister

You won't find more fun!

I'm very proud of her

After all, she is mine ... (aunt)

9. My dad's brother came to visit us.

I am very happy to meet him!

He repeats, looking into my eyes:

“Shake your hand, because I am yours ... (uncle)

10. In the cartoon based on the fairy tale by Vladimir Suteev "A Bag of Apples", the hare often repeated that they were waiting for him at home: "... four sons and a sweetheart-..." (daughter)

11 . Translate into Russian: der Bruder (brother)

12. What is the name of the son of a brother or sister? (nephew)

Gather people of the same generation into groups. Discussion on the problem: to which generation do sister and brother belong.

What family traditions did you read about?

What traditions do you have in your family?

What are family traditions for?

What can you do to keep family traditions alive?

10. The result of the lesson.

1) What does the word "family" mean? (poster appears)

2) How should one treat the elders in the family?

3) How should you treat the younger ones?

4) What kind of family can be called friendly?

Choose an answer:

1. Where there are often holidays.

2. Where they rest together.

3. Where they work and play together.

4. Where everyone does their own thing.

5) What is the main thing in the family, on what strong family relationships?
Right. A family in which everyone respects each other, takes care of each other, supports and helps each other, spends free time together is a friendly family.

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other, Family is a lot of homework.

Without what in this world Adults can not live and children?

Who will support you friends?

Your friendly FAMILY.

Everyone knows this word

Wouldn't change for anything!!!

VIII. Reflection. Design creative activity.

Let's demonstrate how we learned the lesson and also show our creativity. You will now create the “House of my family”. When creating a house, use those building materials on which the words that, in your opinion, are needed for a friendly family are written.

Can your dream house be empty? Who do you think should live in it? (settlement of the house by family members)

Build My Family's House Each student has a piece of paper with a picture of a house on their desk. You will need to build your dream home. -Read the words under the number 1, 2, 3, 4 and write down in the boxes the words that you think are needed for a friendly family. 1. Friendly, vicious, cruel, loving, funny, harmful, unbearable, caring 2. Understanding, mistrust, love. 3. We regret, we care, we sympathize, we appreciate, we do not appreciate, we do not love. 4 . Support, mutual assistance, enmity, anger , mistrust . - What words for your family have you chosen? (at the blackboard 2 - 3 students read out the words, characteristics of their family) - Well, well, I am very glad that your families are friendly, love and understanding live in them.

(Children perform work to the soundtrack of the song "My Family"

Since 2008, on July 8, a holiday has been celebrated in our country, Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. The holiday has its own official symbol - chamomile. Chamomile is the most famous and widespread flower in Russia. The holiday takes place in summer period, which is traditionally associated with flowers.

Family is a native word! How much light, kindness and warmth there! How proud we are of our relatives For all their merits, for all their deeds! Mother's eyes warm us, Like the radiance of the sun, they are hot. And the father's hands shield from trouble. The care of relatives is like the rays of the sun!

IX. Summing up the lesson

X. Homework.

Textbook: pp.42-45,

Workbook: p.25. No. 3, 5

Creative task: "History of my family" (-Who and what will help to better learn, explore the history of your family? ( grandparents, photo albums)

Ask your dads, moms, grandparents, and try to extend the branches of kinship as far back as possible by signing the full names and dates of birth of your relatives.)


A.A. Pleshakov. Surrounding world. Textbook for the 2nd grade, part 2. Page 42-47;

A.A. Pleshakov. Workbook for the 2nd grade to the textbook by A.A. Pleshakov "The world around" part 2

EAT. Tikhomirov. Lesson developments on the subject "World around".

1. Asmolov A. G. “How to design universal learning activities in primary school»

2. Korbakova I.N. Tereshina L.V. Activity method of teaching: description of technology, lesson notes. Grades 1-4. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006

    3. Shubina T.I. Activity method at school http://festival.1september.ru/articles/527236/ Kazakova O.V., Sboeva N.A., Gavrilkina N.I. Lesson developments for the course "World around". Universal planning, 2nd grade. -

Scenario of a family holiday "Our friendly family"


    Development of family creativity and cooperation between family and school.

    Raising a sense of love and respect for elders, their parents, pride in their family.

    Cohesion of the class team, creating a friendly atmosphere in communication between children and parents.


    Family tea party.


    Invitations to parents, grandparents of students.

    Exhibition of creative works, photo galleries "Look into the family album", children's compositions "In the circle of my family"

    Phonograms of the melodies “The wind blew from the sea”, “The blue ball is spinning, spinning”, “The bend of the yellow guitar”, “Chatushki”


Against the background of O. Mityaev's song "How cool!"

In the family circle, we are growing,

In the family circle, all your roots,

And in life you leave the family.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

What a beautiful word! Family. How heart warming is this word! It reminds us of the gentle voice of our mother, the caring strictness of our father, the tenderness in the sparkle of our grandmothers' eyes, the thoughtfulness and patience of courageous grandfathers.

In the family, you are the desired child. Here you have been given a name. Everything in the family

something similar to each other: face, voice, look, disposition and character. There may be common hobbies and activities.


well we live

Or we live badly

There is one thing that is always

And caresses and warms.

And of course this is

parental home:

Nothing is sweeter.

There is nothing dearer.


And today, the most dear and beloved relatives of our children have gathered here - these are their relatives, wonderful, attentive, kind mothers and grandmothers, who with their warmth create coziness and comfort in every home, in any family. And of course our fathers and grandfathers. What is a house without men?

The song "The wind blew from the sea"

The wind was blowing from the sea, the wind was blowing from the sea

The holiday has come to you, the holiday has come to you.

And to say it's not a sin, and to say it's not a sin:

He brought us all together, he brought us all together!


This family day, this family day

Let's celebrate, let's celebrate

And parents 2p

congratulations, 2p.

We will sing now 2p


We all love you 2p

No doubt 2.

We wish everyone 2p

You have patience 2p

After all, we are part of the family, 2p

Continued 2p

Times will pass 2p

Years fly by 2p-

Let's save 2p

Your favorite look 2p

We will love you 2p

And thank2p

For the warmth of the soul For the warmth of the soul

To children of kindness 2p.


To honor parents means: in childhood - to listen to them. In youth, consult with them, in adulthood, take care of them. If this commandment is fulfilled, then we can say that the tender seed was not sown in vain. Delicate flowers bear good fruit. It happens that one person is judged

about the whole family. You need to cherish the good rumor about your family.


Loved you for no reason

For being a grandson

Because you are a son

For being a baby

For what you grow

Because he looks like mom and dad,

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your secret support.

Where there is a friendly family

Head spinning with happiness!

Where there is a friendly family

Faces are lit up with smiles

It's like the stars are on fire!

Where there is a friendly family

All things are going great.

Where there is a friendly family

Good luck, the path is clear.

The magic symbol of life is the family,

There is a drop of the Fatherland in it, in it - I

It has mom, dad, grandmother, sister,

It is my beloved grandfather

small square in the yard.

It has the sun in it. And a birch, and a house,

Everything around him laughs warmly.

And on this holiday of happiness for all of us

We congratulate you right now

May our family be strong

Otherwise, it is impossible to live in the world!


Friendship, peace and tranquility in the family is the most precious thing.

As they say, a treasure is not needed, if the family is in harmony.


“Peace in the family is the most precious thing”

Lived - there were a grandfather and a woman.

Lived - did not grieve.

Rusk was washed down with tea

They chewed sausage once a month.

And everything would be fine, but the chicken is small

She took and laid an egg.

The testicle is difficult.

golden egg

Now for our prices.

it is absolutely priceless.

For family advice

Collected granddaughter with grandmother grandfather


Anyway. Such a thing

What are we going to do with the egg?

Can eat or sell?

Or change to dollars?

Maybe for the walls to fall

We will buy a modern center


What, you grandfather, be afraid of God!

Music doesn't cost much!

Better buy a TV

Vacuum cleaner or transistor

Or let's take a cart of soap,

To keep the house clean

Started here cheese and boron

And worldly noisy dispute

A scandal began

The world did not see this!

Only the chicken is silent

It is near the table.


Well, I didn't expect

Be the cause of a scandal.

To stop it

I need to crack an egg.

She approached quietly

And, gently waving the wing,

Dropped an egg on the floor

Smashed him to bits!

Grandma is crying


What have you done, Ryaba?

Grandfather did not cry, oddly enough,

Turned out pockets with holes.


I don't have money, so what?

Peace in the family is more precious than anything.


Yes, peace in the family is more precious than anything.

Children sing a song

The song "Spinning, spinning blue ball"

Spinning, spinning ball of the earth,

The years fly by like a bird.

We came to congratulate you on family day,

They brought balloons with them as a gift.

In red balloons an expression of love,

We have now brought them with us.

Friendship, love is a fiery sign,

We brought it in our hearts.

In blue balls - blue dreams,

To keep dreaming.

So that all your dreams come true -

This is what we want for you now.

Hope lives in a green ball

That the year will be happy,

That there will be no war in the world,

forests will be green and clean.

We did not carry a black ball

Not because he was not found,

But because in the hearts of children

Only wishes for sunny days!


We all live in one friendly school family.

But what it is, we will now find out.


Our class at school is the smartest,

Five is enough for us!

We will tell you frankly

This is our class - 2 A!

Our class at school is the noisiest,

What a headache!

We will tell you honestly - honestly:

This is our class -2A!

Our class at school is the most active,

and in business he is always,

We will definitely tell you

This is our class -2 A!

Our class at school is the most friendly,

Just don't spill water!

We will tell you without a doubt

This is our class -2 A!

And which one is the funniest?

The smile won't leave your face!

We will exclaim loudly to you:

This is our class -2A!

Our class at school is the best,

Because we are family!

We will tell you together - together:

This is our class - 2A!

Children sing ditties about school life


Oh, we don't like it when Sasha answers at the blackboard.

From his sleepy mooing we die of longing.

From the old-fashioned diet, Lera quickly melts,

Lerin's class is now studying bones on it.

Masha hid a notebook from her parents in the pantry.

The mice were indignant:

Again deuce we chew!

Vova, at recess, studied the strength of the wall.

He tried so hard that he was all in a cast.

Composition Petrov, you did not write to the end!

So yesterday, my father was urgently called to a meeting!

And our Vadik certainly wants to become president.

Only he still cannot find the Kremlin on the map.

Vitya did not go to school - he caught fish from the bridge.

Many deuces and stakes were caught by our fisherman.

For dictation, my mark is the best in the class!

Vasya boasts of a deuce with a plus.

This is how our school family lives.


Since our planet has been spinning

And our speech became articulate,

since then women have been sung by a poet,

and they rule the world undividedly.

You are our mothers, nannies - take care,

Well, who will scold us, cry about us?

You are our guardian angels, goddesses,

You are our life, and glory and fortune!

Thank you for the clean shirts

Thanks for the jams and cookies!

Thank you for our adventures

What would the adventure be without you?

We love you! And we'll prove it:

On this autumn day, at dawn,

We will collect the stars from the sky in bouquets

And we will shower you from head to toe!


The song "The bend of the yellow guitar"


Let neither grief nor trouble over the family be powerful,

May kindness, health, happiness always go nearby!

You still have to gain patience in education,

So that your children grow up worthy people -

Will have to try!

1. On p. 23-24 imagine all the members of your family. Stick photos, sign names, patronymics and surnames. Write good words about each of your loved ones! And let someone from your family write about you.

2. Emphasize what household chores you perform.

I'm cleaning my room , apartment.
I am washing the dishes.
looking after indoor plants, pets.
I go shopping .

What else do you do around the house? Write.
Taking out the trash, helping dad fix something

3. Use your textbook to write down what traditions are.

Tradition is a mechanism for the accumulation, preservation and transfer of experience from one generation to another!

Write out words and phrases from the textbook that reveal the meaning of traditions in our lives.

the memory of the people, thanks to tradition, the wisdom of the elders is passed on to the young, warmth, great value, spiritual wealth.

4. Using the example of the peoples of your region, tell us how traditions are manifested:

  • V folk costume: on the day of the city and during other holidays, dance ensembles in Russian national costumes often perform in the squares and in the Palace of Culture.
  • in national cuisine: we, like my Russian friends, are happy to eat borscht, cabbage soup, pancakes with various fillings, dumplings and pies - these are national dishes of Russian cuisine.
  • in home improvement: my friend’s grandmother, Russian by nationality, always has a “red corner” in every room - a shelf on which she puts icons and candles, and she also decorated the house with embroidered napkins and a wicker tablecloth.
  • in customs, rituals, rules of conduct: My Russian friends and I are looking forward to the traditional holidays for this people: Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala Day, Easter, Christmas time, Epiphany and Christmas. Some of these holidays are also in the tradition of our people, for example, Easter and Christmas, but the day when they should be celebrated may differ. Therefore, my friends and I celebrate such holidays twice with great joy - according to Russian customs and according to the customs of my people.

5. What traditions does your family have? Write it down.

Our family has many traditions. For example, when someone in the family has a birthday, we come to congratulate him early in the morning. We give gifts, cards and, of course, chocolate. and then we all go to breakfast together.

And on December 31, before the New Year, we have a festive dinner in the afternoon, and then we open the window in the living room and go to bed. While we sleep, Santa Claus brings us gifts. We wake up and immediately start watching them. It is very funny!

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Checking homework. Answer the questions of the test offered to you by choosing one correct answer.

Check yourself! When crossing the street, you must be collected, attentive, prudent. If a fire suddenly starts in the house that you cannot put out on your own, you need to call the firefighters by calling 01. Left at home alone without adults, when the doorbell rings, you must call your father, mother or the police.

What can't a person live without?


Culture of communication Cultural behavior Polite speech Kind, respectful attitude towards a person

We communicate not only in the family, but also in … 1 2 3 4 5

We communicate not only in the family, but also in ... 1 wk a f 2 3 4 5

We communicate not only in the family, but also in ...

We communicate not only in the family, but also in … 1 cupboard 2 board 3 call 4 5

We communicate not only in the family, but also in ... 1 cupboard 2 blackboard 3 bell 4 chalk 5

We communicate not only in the family, but also in ... 1 cupboard 2 blackboard 3 bell 4 chalk 5 p a

GOOD or BAD The issue was prepared by students of grade 2. School wall newspaper. Issue #14.

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What is a communication culture? Do we need a culture of communication in the family and at school?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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