Knitting pattern for raglan sleeves with knitting needles from below. Calculation of decreasing loops along the raglan line, knitted in separate parts from the bottom up. Simple raglan line with knitting needles

Most needlewomen prefer to knit things without seams. So they look much neater and more elegant. But in order to properly perform a raglan line, you need to be patient and learn how to count the loops. Many master classes will help in this difficult matter. If you study the detailed description of the raglan from below with knitting needles, then you can knit the most beautiful things that you don’t have to then long and painstakingly sew in parts.

Raglan is the armhole line, which is performed on loose-fitting items and is seamless. These include most sweaters, cardigans, pullovers and jackets. With a similar knitting technique, the shoulder line turns out to be sloping and very elegant.

Craftswomen are known two ways to knit raglan:

  • above;
  • from below.

Most prefer to use the first method. But in order to understand which method will be convenient for an individual knitter, you need to try both and draw a conclusion for yourself.

A sleeve that is knitted together with the back and front in a single piece is called a one-piece. This way of knitting things has its advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages of knitting raglan can be called:

But has its downsides in a similar way of making clothes:

  1. In the process of work, the whole thing has to be kept on weight. After all, the entire product will be knitted at the same time.
  2. A large number of loops in the work, which makes it seem that the series will never end.
  3. If the sweater is made for a miniature person, then a style with a ragged shoulder line will not suit him.

But the disadvantages are much less than the advantages. Therefore, this method of knitting is becoming increasingly popular among craftswomen.

Choice of material and tools

To work in this technique, the craftswoman will need two pairs of circular knitting needles: thinner for elastic and thicker for the main fabric. The latter should have a sufficient length of fishing line so that the entire canvas fits on it.

The needlewoman is required to choose a pattern with which the product will be executed. But before starting work, you need to tie a small sample, according to which the loops of the main fabric will be calculated. Besides, you will need to prepare:

  • centimeter tape;
  • notepad for taking notes and records;
  • tips for knitting needles or pieces of student gum so that the knitting needles do not slip off the canvas;
  • markers to indicate the beginning of a circle and raglan lines.

After all the necessary materials are prepared, you can get to work. But patience will be needed remarkable, especially if such work is done for the first time.

Raglan knitting rules

The peculiarity of this knitting method is that up to the armholes, back and front, both sleeves are knitted separately. And only at this level will they connect together. Ideally, all parts of the product should be laid on a flat surface and assembled on circular knitting needles, immediately knitting the first row.

The first row should be knitted without changing the pattern. But it should be remembered that if it is planned to make a fastener on things, then you will have to knit not only the front rows, as when working in a circle, but also the wrong ones. The joint of the parts must be marked with markers or pins so as not to forget to complete the raglan line.

For a smooth roll of the shoulder, reductions should be made at the beginning and at the end of each part. Most often, these should not be the last loops, but those that go in front. The reduction is performed both on one loop and on several.

The result of this performance of the product is a single canvas of the top without seams, which is made according to a strictly uniform pattern without errors. It is represented by four raglan lines, in which reductions are made. They should be separated by a finishing strip for greater beauty of the product.

In total, 8 decreases should be performed in each row. But here everything will depend on the thickness of the threads and the product itself. They can be done in each row or through a row. The pattern of knitting raglan from the bottom up with knitting needles is quite simple, if you immediately understand how to calculate the loops. Loops are calculated based on the linked pattern. This must be done as carefully as possible so that in the finished product the neck fits as it should, and does not bulge.

Varieties of raglan line

The simplest and most unremarkable is the raglan line, which is performed by decreasing the loops before and after the separation strip. This does not change the design of the main canvas and does not interfere with its execution.

But you can knit raglan with knitting needles from the bottom up with a more interesting design. So, the following line options are very popular with craftswomen:

  • herringbone;
  • corner;
  • pinch;
  • tourniquet

Each pattern will be visible on the front side of the product and will give it additional beauty and unusualness. But any of them require some knitting skills and perseverance. Therefore, it is worth considering a master class on each of them.

herringbone pattern

First you need to knit a sample in order to correctly calculate the number of loops that should remain on the knitting needles. It is enough to dial 25 loops and knit the wrong side. Now you can start knitting the main pattern:

  1. Edge loop, three front, and then * 2 loops together front for the back walls in the third and second of them. They do not need to be removed from the knitting needles, after that the first loop is knitted behind the back wall along with those already knitted. The remaining loops are knit until there are 7 pieces left on the needle. The front loop is knitted first and left on the knitting needle, the second and third - front together and stretched through the first loop. * The remaining three are knitted front, the last one is edge.
  2. All stitches are knitted purl. But for greater clarity of the pattern, the last loops should be made not with a simple, but with a “grandmother's” purl.

If everything is done correctly, then on the front side you will get a beautiful and elegant herringbone pattern that will decorate any product.

Making "tucks"

For a test sample, you will need to dial an odd number of loops on the knitting needles. First you need to knit the preparatory row with purl. And then you need to knit according to the scheme:

  1. Edge loop, knit 3, knit 3 together with an inclination to the right. Then the front stitches are knitted, but leave 7 stitches unknitted with the edge, 3 stitches together with the front with a slope to the left, 3 front, edge.
  2. All loops are purl.
  3. All facial.
  4. A number of purl.
  5. Repeat the first row.

This method is most often used when knitting large items - a coat or cardigan. Knitting such a raglan line is quite simple and does not require special skills.

Formation of flagella

In this case, the sample must be knitted, so that in the future when decorating the thing, a clumsy pattern does not turn out. The sequence of steps is as follows:

This method is not suitable for a beginner knitter in that it is rather complicated and requires special attention. But with due desire, even an inexperienced person will be able to cope with this pattern and give beauty and sophistication to his thing.

Reduction of loops in raglan with knitting needles from below is carried out immediately over the entire fabric, so the neckline is neat and beautiful. But you need to remember that the longer the ragged line, the larger the armhole of the thing and the wider the sleeve. In this case, the gate will be o-shaped.

In order not to have to redo the already connected product in the future, you need to make an accurate calculation in advance and monitor the work in progress. At the last stage, you need to tie the neck and sew the sleeves and side seams of the thing. The seam edge will be neat if crocheted.

Knitting a raglan sleeve from below is quite simple. It is performed in the usual way from an elastic band, and at the level of the armhole it is connected to the rest of the product. The main thing is to complete the same number of rows in each sleeve, so as not to get one of them shorter than the other.

In order to get a beautiful and elegant hand-knitted wardrobe item, you need to be patient and check the accuracy of the calculations several times. The slightest mistake will lead to the fact that you have to start work all over again. And if it is not noticed in time, then the product will not sit on the figure.

Having typed the calculated number of loops, we knit the cuff, then we move on to the main pattern. Having tied the part to the armhole, we make a decrease. We fix 3 loops on the segment EF. In order to properly decrease, it is necessary to calculate the number of loops using the example of knitting a raglan back. From the point L we lower the perpendicular and at its intersection with the line GE we put the point H 2. The resulting triangle LN 2 E is used for the calculation.

We measure the segments GN 2 and EF. We add up the results and subtract the sum from the value of the GF segment. Then, according to the result, we calculate the number of loops. We got the loops necessary to decrease along the raglan line.

Segment GN 2 = 5 cm, OF = 2 cm, GF = 17 cm

GN 2 + EF = 5 cm + 2 cm = 7 cm

GF - (GN 2 + EF) \u003d 17 cm - 7 cm \u003d 10 cm

We translate the resulting centimeters into loops (in 1 cm 3 loops): 10 cm × 3 loops = 30 loops

It follows from the example that in this case, on the raglan, 30 loops must be reduced on both sides.

In order for the decrease to be uniform throughout the raglan, we calculate the rows in which the reductions must be made.

Dropping the perpendicular from the point L to the intersection with AA 1, we get the point H. Having measured the segment HH 2 and calculated the number of rows, we divide the rows into decreasing loops. In the above example HH 2 = 16 cm (in 1 cm = 4 rows). Calculate the number of rows:

HH 2 × 4 rows = 16 cm × 4 rows = 64 rows

Calculate the frequency of decreases: 64 rows ÷ 30 = 2.

In this case, we decrease in every 2nd row, but the first decrease should be done in the 5th row.

Knitting raglan line

Having tied the product to point F, we close 4 loops using the “pigtail” method.

1 row - turn the work over and close 4 loops in the “pigtail” way with purl loops. Having knitted 4 rows, in the 5th row we make the first decrease.

2nd row - knit 3, the next 3 knit we first knit the 2nd and 3rd knit together behind the front walls, then, without removing them from the knitting needle, the first loop of the front behind the back wall and continue the row to the last 7 loops of the left side, counting the edge . Next, we knit like this. First, the third loop of the front for the front wall, then the first and second together, the front for the front walls. Next, we knit 3 front and edge. Thus, we decreased 2 loops on the raglan by knitting two loops in the bevel stitch method from left to right and from right to left. Reductions continue to the neckline of the back.

We make the calculation according to the above scheme and knit the neckline. The above method of knitting a raglan line is the easiest.

We knit one sleeve according to the constructed pattern, we perform the other in a mirror image. It is better to knit raglan sleeves on one knitting needle from two balls. We knit the sleeves strictly according to the pattern. Starting from the line of the brush, we gradually add loops along the edges, in each 4th row, 1 loop. Having knitted to the armhole line, we begin to decrease the loops along the pattern (on average, after 2 rows), knitting 2 loops together along the edges. Having tied up to the point K ( Building a drawing... ), we begin to close the loops 2 - 3 loops through the row. We must remember that we knit one sleeve, closing the loops on the left side, and the other on the right.

The DK raglan line will be sewn with the shelf, and the EH line with the back of the product.

Having tied up to the beginning of the raglan line (point D - Building a drawing of the back ... ), we decrease the loops as we decrease on the sleeve. The neckline on the back along the MA line is closed in a straight line. We knit the neckline on the shelf in the same way as usual, up to point L. When knitting the sleeves, you can knit the raglan line of the sleeve with a strip of 3-4 loops, and you need to decrease the loops after them. Then the sleeve is sewn along the line of decreasing loops and a strip of 3 - 4 loops is superimposed on top as a trim of the raglan line.

How to knit raglan with knitting needles

Raglan, this is a cut of a product with a seamless crayfish. Such a thing was released in England in the 19th century. Since then, raglans have gained immense popularity among people all over the world. If someone loves, or is just starting to knit children's things, then it will be useful for you to see how to knit with your own hands.

It is thanks to this method that everything and can be made seamless. Also spectacular and interesting, things like raglan also look beautiful on adults. When you start knitting raglan with knitting needles, you can start from above and below. Let's see a few options one by one:

How to knit raglan with knitting needles from above

In order to knit this thing with knitting needles from above or from the neckline, you will have to use circular needles. Let's look at the whole process of creating this canvas using the example of a sweater.

Before you start doing work, you need to study and count their number for the neck. This is done like this:

How to knit raglan with knitting needles from below

Many needlewomen believe that knitting raglan with knitting needles from below is much easier than from above. In order to start making a canvas from a one-piece sleeve, in this way, it is necessary to tie all 4 parts of the fabric - two sleeves, back and front. All this is done separately from the bottom up to that size. Until the product reaches the armhole line. Next, each part must be thrown onto stocking knitting needles.

In the desired sequence, connect all the parts by knitting in a circle. In each part, the loops will be evenly removed at the beginning of the row and after 2 loops for the raglan strip. Also at the end of the row in front of the loops of the line of the canvas. All this is done until the knitting of the fabric reaches the neck.

Products that are knitted in this way can turn out to be looser, so sports, jumpers and loose tunics or dresses can be knitted in this way. And, of course, do-it-yourself products for newborn babies are also suitable.

I made a technical description for myself, but I thought it might be useful to someone else.
Purpose: to learn how to knit a raglan sleeve from below

Jumper, size 46-48, height 172 cm

Yarn consumption:
7 skeins, 850 m
1. Blue - 2 skeins, 200 m, 100% acrylic, Pekhorka, Children's novelty
2. Lilac - 2 skeins, 200 m, 100% acrylic, Pekhorka, Children's novelty
3. Blue - 3 skeins, 150 m, 35% merino wool, 65% acrylic, Camtex, Bambino

Cast on 208 sts on circular needle #3.
1st circle - all facial
2nd and subsequent - elastic band 2x2, about 5 cm
Further, all loops are facial, up to the armhole, knit about 45 cm, including an elastic band.
Then leave the fabric on circular needles and knit the sleeves.
For the sleeve, cast on 52 sts on toe needles, then switch to circular.
1st circle - all facial
2nd circle and subsequent - elastic band 2x2, about 5 cm
After the elastic, knit 1 circle with knit, then every 6 circles in the 7th add 1 loop to the left and right of the loop, which will be the center for the increase.
19 inc total = 38 sts, completed = 90 sts, sleeve length to underarm approx. 46 cm.

MK for adding loops in the sleeves.
To count the rows of increase, it is convenient to use a counter.

Bought on AliExpress.

Similarly, the second sleeve. Leave both sleeves on circular needles.
Connect the base of the product and the sleeves.
Knit one round, knit 388 sts.

Raglan - decrease in every second round, follow the slope of the loops.
Link to a video that I liked and helped to understand this stage of knitting.

Rostock - height must be at least 5 cm!
Link to an understandable MK for knitting a sprout with raglan from below.
The collar is knitted with an elastic band 1x1, about 3.5 cm, close in the Italian way.

Closed on this video.
7 skeins, 850 m.
The basis of the jumper - 208 loops in a circle, height 45 cm.
Sleeve - 52 loops, increase 19x2 = 38 loops, 90 loops in total, sleeve length 46 cm.
Rostock - 5 cm!
The length of the jumper from the elastic bottom to the collar, including the collar elastic, 65 cm.

One-piece knits often look better than their “split” counterparts, because they do not have seams, which means they do not have dangling threads that often create extra relief from the inside. The classic technology for making such a product is raglan: armhole lines brought together by a trapezoid, going to the front points of the neck. Dealing with it at first glance is not easy, but the work is worth it.

How to knit raglan with knitting needles from the bottom up and vice versa? Which one do you prefer and what is the difference between them?

The peculiarity of the raglan sleeve is that the shoulder line is shifted down, a kind of diagonal. A similar direction is most often used in things of a free silhouette - sweaters, cardigans, when you need to emphasize sloping shoulders, soften the lines.

  • The raglan line suggests the presence of yarns on both sides of the outer loops, which determines the width of the resulting "cut". At the same time, the technique for their implementation can be any - from a simple combination of a purl loop with 2-3 facial loops to herringbone, braid, etc. patterns.
  • There are several ways to start knitting raglan - the most common is to create all the details separately, while taking into account the decrease in loops for the junction. After the components of the product are assembled and fastened with a free thread. Less often (because it requires a special skill), the craftswomen lead the raglan from the neck, in one piece, subsequently divided into front, back and sleeves. Here it is important not to forget to add the loops that are necessary for the joint. A circular knitting option is also possible, in which everything that was in front of the armhole is combined and finalized in a circle, taking into account the decrease in raglan loops.
  • It is important to remember that for children's products, raglan is best done from the neck, so that it is possible to subsequently increase the size of the product. If there is no “growth” orientation, you can work both from below and from above.

In the very process of knitting raglan, regardless of the way you work, there are several nuances. In particular, it is necessary to understand how to determine the direction and length of a given line.

  • There is a universal table of the ratio of the size of the thing and the length of the line: it is focused not only on women's, but also on children's and men's products. At the same time, in children, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare fixed, and in adults, an increase of 4 cm is allowed. So for a size 44-46, a woman needs 25 loops of a raglan line. But a more accurate result will give an individual calculation.

To find out how many loops for raglan you need to dial, you must decide from which point you will start working. If knitting raglan with knitting needles from the bottom up, you should draw a complete pattern of the product, (front shelf and back half, as well as a sleeve detail), while the neckline on the back should be absolutely straight.

  • The area of ​​the sleeve, which is sewn with the rest of the details, should be divided into 4 parts by horizontal lines; when working with each front row, the loops are not knitted, simply removed with a pin.
  • Now you need to count half of the loops that fall on the girth of the neck of the front, break it into 3 parts. If there is a remainder (unequal division), it is transferred to the central part: the number of its loops should be a multiple of 3, and the side loops should be 2 and 1, respectively.

Thus, the decrease in the number of loops for raglan will be carried out in this way: in the center, 3 loops go to each front row, from the sides - 1 and 2 each.

Raglan knitting from below: a master class for beginners

The craftswomen assure that the technology of changing the shoulder line itself does not belong to the category of complex ones, and the only thing that needs to be decided before starting work is how to reduce the loops, and how to subsequently connect the parts, especially considering that a large number of loops have an active status.

  • Tie each component of the product separately, starting from the elastic band (if it is planned). You can use any pattern you like, but stop just before the armholes start. It is this zone that differs raglan from the usual shoulder line.
  • Now transfer all the details to the circular knitting needles and continue to work until the very neck, reducing the loops at the joints according to the calculation made earlier. After the neck is knitted, do not forget to close the last row.

This is a general algorithm for working with raglan from below, however, it requires an important addition regarding tie-loops. As already mentioned, there are several ways to perform them.

  • The easiest option - when reducing the width of the parts on circular knitting needles for 3 loops to the point of decrease, you need to collect together 2 front and 1 front just knit. After the decrease point, mirror them - knit 1, collect 2 facial.
  • A more elegant idea, forming air circles - 5 loops before the point of decrease 2, collect facial, make a yarn over, knit 2 again. After that, remove 1 front, also knit the next one, pull 2 ​​front ones with an inclination together, again double crochet. Then this step is repeated.