Paper train by Emmanuel Mooser. Do-it-yourself colored paper train. Master class with step-by-step photos Layout of a paper train for children schemes

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The passenger car is designed to transport people. They are built from metal, inside it is finished with precious woods, plastic, faux leather, has good ventilation, electric lighting, radio, service compartment. Seats can easily be converted into sleeping quarters. The carriages are painted predominantly green, sometimes dark red. They have good cushioning, so there is no unpleasant shaking while driving. Passenger cars are mounted on two biaxial bogies. For the model, paper is used, taking into account the traditional coloring of the wagons.

The proposed model is simplified, the roof structure has been changed in order to facilitate work. First, the end walls of the car are prepared, then the body is cut out, and folds are made along the ruler. The roof is made from a wide strip of paper, in the middle, along the long side, a small fold is made. Installation is not difficult. End piece valves

smeared with glue and attached to the walls of the car, then the roof is glued. The car is mounted on two two-axle bogies, which are prepared in advance. On the finished model produce

finishing (Fig. 99).

Today in our origami selection is an interesting model from Emmanuel Mooser. The craft is called Mooser's Train, or Mooser's Train, and, by the way, consists of several parts. We will work according to patterns, and the result of your work should be a wonderful train.

To assemble an origami train, you will need one rectangular sheet of paper to form a locomotive, and two sheets of paper to assemble the wagons (although, here you already have to decide how long your train will be). The process itself will take an hour or more.

So, to simplify the assembly process, you can simply print the patterns suggested below, where all the fold lines are already marked. Or complicate your work by trying to draw the lines of mountains and valleys yourself. And we will begin work with the assembly of the locomotive. Let's look at the pattern.

Next, we switch to wagons. In the case of this model, there are two versions of the wagons: you can stack the wagons separately (the first pattern is below), or you can use a long rectangle, folding several wagons out of it, and at the same time a locomotive (the second pattern below).

Modern phones, with all their advantages, have one significant drawback - they are quickly discharged. This is due to the high power consumption of the phone's system and its large screen. When the owner of the phone has the opportunity to charge his gadget every evening, then this is not a problem. However, there are situations when access to the power grid is limited. In such a situation, an external battery for the phone will help out, which is lightweight and takes up little space.

Tatyana Gurova

Knocking, knocking wheels

Our the train rushes into the distance,

And the smoke from the locomotive

White veil.

He closed half the sky from us,

And the steam locomotive "Tu-tu, -

Buzzing, - "I'm up to dinner

I'll bring the kids.

I'll come to the station

Without delay, on time

Then I'll go to the depot

And I'll sleep there for an hour"

I. Shevchuk

We take a leaf paper A4 size and fold in half

Then, unfold the sheet and bend both sides to the middle

Form a rectangle and cut out of the strip window paper, paste

Then cut out the circles and also paste.

That's it, one trailer is ready. Other trailers are made according to this principle.

When we did train, the guys themselves cut out the windows from the strip paper, and the wheels are made of squares.

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For work you will need: scissors, colored crepe paper, glue brush, glue, black cardboard, template cardboard, plank, stick for.

Recently, there are not so many people who want to make a train out of paper. The abundance of toys of various formats, quality and complexity has practically replaced paper toys, which, moreover, also have to be made by hand. However, paper plastic is very interesting activity and also useful. Spatial thinking develops fine motor skills, logic, after all. That is why in primary school and kindergartens, you can still see a variety of voluminous crafts from paper.

How to make a do-it-yourself paper train step by step: practical application

A paper train is a fragile thing, unstable to deformation, and to active games it is almost impossible to adjust. But even such a thing has a practical application in the nursery. For example - a photo train, in the form of a train carrying photographs of a baby. It can be a composition with photographs from the first month of life to a year, or simply beloved and touching family photos. Such a paper craft will not only be appropriate, but also useful in the nursery - bright colors and voluminous details are very useful for the development of the baby.

To make such a train yourself, you will not need any special skills or tools. All you need for work is a clerical knife, glue stick and scissors. In order to hang the train on the wall, you will additionally need a suitable braid or thick thread, two paper clips and two buttons that can be driven into the wall.

The templates are printed on a color printer, the inner windows are cut out with a clerical knife. A little advice - it is better to print not on office paper, but on drawing paper. It is perfectly friendly with the printer, but it is more dense, and it is not so deformed from glue.

WITH wrong side how photos are framed. If you wish, you can additionally decorate the train - for example, stick buttons on top of the wheels, or add printed cute details to the photos themselves - animals, stars, flowers - depending on the gender of the child and your imagination.

To hang the composition on the wall, you must first assemble it on a thread. On the reverse side of each car, glue the thread along the entire composition, fix the paper clips on the ends, and hang the entire structure on the buttons driven into the wall.

Developing craft.

Artistic work is included in the school curriculum for a reason primary school. They teach and show the main and most common areas of manual labor. Work with plasticine, clay, applications, and the like. However, the school curriculum is severely limited both by hours and directly by topics. And the number of people in the classes does not have to individual approach to every student. Another thing is at home, without rushing anywhere and slowly, to engage in the independent creation of a train from improvised, and often completely junk materials.

For such a train you will need:

  • white or colored cardboard - 2-3 sheets
  • chenille wire (fluffy is sold in the stationery department)
  • glue, scissors, ruler, pencil
  • covers from plastic bottles and 2 covers from five-liter eggplants.

Progress. Cut each piece of cardboard into two equal parts - these are future wagons. Roll each piece into a tube and glue the joints. Glue wheels to each wagon - caps from plastic bottles. The covers must be glued in such a way that half is glued to the cardboard, and the other half is free.

Make holes at each end of the trailers, cut the wire into small pieces, roll up double-sided loops - one edge clings to the hole in the trailer, the second is linked to the same loop of the other trailer. Thus, the wagons are combined into a train.

The train must have a lead locomotive. It will differ from other trailers in that it will have not only small wheels, but also large ones, as well as a pipe. Cardboard, by the way, is replaced with toilet paper sleeves, but then they need to be ennobled with colored paper or stickers.


Paper modeling has existed as an applied art for a very long time. More than one generation of boys enthusiastically glues models of aircraft, ships, tanks and trains. The result of such efforts directly depends on the skills and abilities of the master, and his diligence. Not the last role in this is played by the scheme by which the assembly of the model is carried out. In fact, there are a great many such schemes, and their complexity is designed for the most different age- a child can handle some - this is, in fact, the layout of the box, which only needs to be cut and glued correctly.

Some are more complicated - there are an order of magnitude more parts, they are numbered and signed, and assembly requires some care and effort.

However, the first two options cannot be compared with those schemes, or even patterns, that real professionals do. These diagrams show real models of real trains, ranging from the first locomotives and locomotives to ultra-modern and high-tech models.

It would seem that the art that has long gone into oblivion, with the new capabilities of modeling programs, has received a new impetus.

Videos about which models are made of paper on a scale of 1: 87, etc., are not uncommon, and are very popular among fans of this type of creativity.

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