Lesson in the nursery group of the kindergarten “Winter in the forest. Synopsis of entertaining activities “Winter-winter Lepka 1 junior group winter

Synopsis of OOD "Snow, snow is spinning" for children 2-3 years old.

OOD theme: "Snow, snow is spinning." (Modeling)

Technique: Sculpting, smearing plasticine on paper.
Qualitative components of education "Artistic creativity":
integration of educational areas;
value orientation.
Integration of educational areas: artistic creativity, knowledge, reading thin. literature, music, socialization.
Subject information:
Continue to acquaint with the natural phenomenon "Snow";
Introduce the technique of smearing plasticine over the entire sheet of paper.
Develop visual-motor coordination, associative thinking;
Develop active speech in fine arts activities.
Value-oriented: to evoke in children an emotional response to a natural phenomenon - snowfall, to cultivate friendliness.
Methodical methods: observing snowfall, reading poems about snow, showing the method of spreading plasticine, helping, encouraging, admiring the work.
Material: monkey toy, white serpentine, a tray with snow, sheets of colored paper of blue color, white plasticine, napkins, white soft balls.
Vocabulary work: snow, snowflakes, snowfall, snowball, white, cold, fluffy, falling.

Course progress.

Guys, and you know, today a guest has come to us from warm distant countries from Africa itself. Look who (I take out a toy monkey from behind).
-Ah, well - look guys, who came to us? Who is this (children's answers). Yes, that's right, well done, this is a monkey.
The monkey came to us for a very long time, you probably remember, I already told you that the monkey came to us from distant Africa, it is always hot there, summer is all year round. So the monkey decided to come to visit us to see the real winter.
You are a monkey, sit down and listen, and the guys will tell you about winter-winter.
Children, what kind of winter we have (children's answers). Our winter is cold, long and snowy.
And what crunches under our feet when we go to kindergarten with you? (children's answers). That's right, snow.
-Light, white, fluffy snowflakes swirl in the air and gently fall to the ground. Listen to this beautiful poem about snow(choral repetitions of the verse by children aloud to adults 2-3 times)

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet
Falling lies down.

Let the guys remember how the snow is spinning and falling to the ground and show the monkey.

Didactic game "Snowflakes"(repeat the game 2 times).
Look at what wonderful snowflakes I have (I take it out of wonderful bag white serpentine and pour it a little on the palm of each child offering to blow on it). That's great, really guys, did you like it? (children's answers). And our guests loved it.

Research activity (experience)"Turning Snow into Water"
Guys, tell the monkey how cold or warm snow we have (children's answers). Well done, right cold.
What color is our snow? (children's answers). Correctly white.
Here I look, the monkey wants to tell me something. I put it to my ear and pretend to listen. Guys, you know, the monkey told me that you guys were so interesting and told in detail about the snow, she understood everything, she liked everything, but that's just it. It turns out that our guest promised her brothers and sisters to bring a snowball to Africa. Guys, what do you think the monkey will be able to bring snow to Africa? (children's answers) Well done, no, of course it will melt quickly, now we will show the monkey how the snow melts. (I take out a tray with snow. Give me your hands, I will put a little snow for everyone. The children shift the snow from hand to hand. The snow has melted. They wipe their hands with a napkin).

And what should we do then, because other monkeys also want to see what kind of snow it is. Well, what to do now? Look how upset our monkey is.
But what if you and I blind for a monkey and her friends, like a snowball falls from the sky, but first we will play with our fingers and knead them.

Finger game "Snowflakes"(repeat the game 2-3 times).
La-la-la, la-la-la
A cloud floated across the sky.
(Connect the fingers of both hands with pads and round in the shape of a ball (cloud).)
Suddenly from a cloud above the earth
A swarm of snowflakes flew.
(Raise your hands up, spread your fingers apart. Turn your hands, slowly lowering your hands (snowflakes fly).)
The wind blew, hummed -
(Blow on the hands (round the lips and slightly stretch forward).
A swarm of snowflakes flew up.
(Shake your hands, lifting them up, rotate them (snowflakes fly).
The wind whirls with them
Maybe make friends.
(Rotate with brushes, alternately crossing arms.)

Here, look guys (I show a sheet of blue paper and a piece of plasticine).
Let me first show you how we will work with you, and then you yourself will continue. Look, I take a piece of white plasticine in my hand, pinch off a small piece from it and roll it in a circular motion ball. The ball is a snowball and you need a lot of such balls, so I again take a piece of white plasticine in my hand, pinch off a small piece from it and roll the ball in a circular motion, etc. Then I spread these balls - snowballs all over the leaf, not in one place, but all over the leaf. And after I put all the snowballs on the leaf, now I will press on them with my finger.
-Look at how thick fluffy snow is falling. First, see one snowflake flew, then another and another and another ...
- How beautiful, do you like it (children's answers).
Well, now let's try to make your own beautiful, snowy winter, and the monkey will carefully watch and learn, so as not only to bring your work as a gift for other monkeys, but also to learn and teach them.
I lay out for each child a sheet of blue paper and a large piece of white plasticine.
In the course of work, I draw the attention of children to the fact that they need to be sculpted carefully, without dirtying the table on the board. Do not drop plasticine on the floor and do not take it in your mouth. Be sure to praise during work, if the baby does not succeed, then I help him.
Well, that's how smart you are. What a beautiful snowy winter you have. Look at the monkey, how our guys have tried. Children show their work to the monkey, she praises them, and they give her their crafts.
Well, now get up guys in a circle to play with our monkey.

Mobile game "Snowballs"(repeat the game 2-3 times).

Throwing "snowballs" into the distance, at a horizontal target.
We walked around the room
We held snowballs in our hands
Top top, one more time
Our snowballs are white!

Municipal government preschool educational institution Nizhnekislyai kindergarten №2
Sculpting Theme: "It's snowing" 1- junior group
Prepared by:
Educator of the first qualification category
Vishnyakova Galina Ivanovna
R. settlement N - Kislyai, 2017
OOD in the 1st junior group kindergarten.
Purpose: To continue to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwinter in children, to consolidate the modeling technique (pressing the balls with a finger from above - snow).
Software content. 1. Teach children to press the plasticine ball with their index finger, attach it to the base, place the plasticine balls at an equal distance from each other.
2. To form a sense of color, interest in working with plasticine.
3.Develop fine motor skills.
4. Cultivate accuracy, careful attitude to your work.
Modeling technique: pressing the balls with a finger from above (snow)
Integration of educational areas (FSES):
Socio-communicative development
cognitive development
Speech development
Artistic and aesthetic development
Sheets of black cardboard purple by the number of children. White plasticine, rolled into small balls with a diameter of 7 mm. (10 balloons for each child), monkey toy.
Course progress.
Guys, do you know what time of year it is?
- That's right, now it's winter outside (cold, frosty).
Finger game:
The snow will fall and stop
Imperceptibly it melts
(make undulating hand movements)
White winter coat
Trying on everything herself
(move one hand to the right, the other to the left)
Fur coat - a white hare,
Fur coat - forest and meadow,
Fur coat - Lena and Nikolka,
A fur coat - an oak in an open field,
Fur coat - poplar and elm,
(alternately bend the fingers on both hands at the same time)
I'm already stuck in a snowdrift
But everyone has such a fur coat, (pat both hands on the shoulders)
What to wear all winter long!
Surprise moment: A monkey from Africa came to visit.
Appeal to children:
- Guys, look who came to us? Who is this?
- The monkey came to us from Africa, it is always hot there, all year round, summer. And she came to us to see a real winter.
- Let's tell you what kind of winter? (cold, frosty)
_ What crunches under your feet when you go to kindergarten? (snow)
_ Snowflakes swirl in the air and fall to the ground.
The poem is read:
White snow fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the earth is quiet
Falls down.
- Tell the monkey, is the snow cold or warm? (cold)
- The monkey asks what color is the snow? (white)
- Thank you guys, you told me interesting about the snow, but I'm afraid that when I go home, I'll forget everything.
Appeal to children:
Guys, let's make a snowball for the monkey and her friends on a winter night!
- Our snow will fall at night.
- This is how we will have a black night (I demonstrate cardboard in black and purple). And here is such a snowball (showing prepared balls).
- I take a ball in my hand - a snowball and put it on cardboard and so I lay out all the balls - snowflakes. And then, as I put all the balls - snowflakes on cardboard, I press them with my finger.
- Look how it snowed! First one snowflake, then another and another.
- What a beautiful, snowy, winter night!
- And now you try to make your own beautiful, snowy, winter night. And the monkey will watch and learn from you in order to show his friends at home in Africa how to make a snowball.
In the process of work, the educator draws the attention of the children to the fact that it is necessary to sculpt carefully, dirty the table, do not drop the plasticine on the floor, do not take it in your mouth.
If the child does not succeed, help him.
Appeal to children.
- That's what good fellows! Everyone got a beautiful, snowy, winter night.
Appeal to the monkey.
Monkey, look how hard our little ones have done.
After the children show the monkey their work, offer to dance for her, as snowflakes dance on the street - spin around. (P. I. Tchaikovsky's melody "The Seasons")
Farewell to the monkey.
Educator: Monkey, it's time for you to go home to your Africa.
Monkey: Thank you guys for showing me real snow! Goodbye!

Attached files

Synopsis of a game lesson for children of the 3rd year of life, topic: "Winter"


Activate the children's vocabulary on the topic.
Continue to teach children to identify and name the color of an object.
Develop the ability to compare objects by size.
To consolidate knowledge about the numbers "1" and "2", learn to count, correlate the number and quantity.
To teach children to determine the shape of an object, to find the middle of an object. Determine the location of an object in space.
Improve the skills of modeling, manual labor, drawing.
Exercise in the ability to coordinate words and movements.
Develop thinking, observation, fine and general motor skills.


The plot picture "Winter".
Colored silhouette toys, their image on a sheet of paper.
A cloud cut out of cardboard with two snowflakes tied to it.
Mittens of different colors, colored trailers of different colors.
White napkins.
Plastic plates with numbers "1" and "2".
Picture background, white plasticine.
Background picture with the image of the track, PVA glue, sand.
Silver wire.
Silhouette images of hares, slightly shaded with a simple pencil, erasers.
Picture-background of a winter forest with a den, color silhouette images of a bear, a hare, a squirrel, a fox.
Audio recordings: "It's so cold", E. Zheleznova.

Lesson progress:

Greeting "How are you?"

How are you? - Like this!
(Thumbs of both hands - up, the rest are gathered into a fist)

Do you swim? - Like this!
(Hands represent the movement of the swimmer)

How are you going? - Like this!
(Walking in place)

How do you run? - Like this!
(Hands bent at the elbows, movement along the body)

Are you looking into the distance? - Like this!
(Alternately put palms on forehead)

Are you following? - Like this!
(Energetic hand movements)

How do you take? - Like this!
(grasping hand movements)

How do you give? - Like this!
(Extend open palm forward)

Do you sleep at night? - Like this!
(Palms under head)

How do you threaten? -Like this!
(Shake the index finger, the rest of the fingers are gathered into a fist)

Are you kidding? - Like this!
(Fists of both hands clap on puffed cheeks)

Examination of the painting "Winter"

Look at the picture. What is drawn, tell me.

Reading an excerpt from the poem "White Poems" by S. Mikhalkov

The snow is spinning
Snow falls -
Snow! Snow! Snow!
Happy snow beast and bird
And, of course, a person.

Didactic game "Christmas toys"

In winter we meet New Year, the most fabulous holiday. Do you love this holiday? On New Year's Eve, we decorated the Christmas tree. And now it's time to remove the toys from the Christmas tree and put them in a box. (Children superimpose colored silhouette toys on top of their image on a piece of paper).

Breathing exercise "Snow cloud"

Snowflakes fall from a snow cloud. Count how many there are? Now blow on the snowflakes to make them fly.

Children leave a fingerprint in the center of each snowflake.

Didactic game "Pick up mittens by color"

You need to wear mittens to play with snow, otherwise your hands will freeze. Choose a pair of your mittens. Now put your mittens in trailers of the same color.

Dynamic pause "We went for a walk in the yard"

We went for a walk in the yard
One two three four five,
(Walking in place)

We came to the yard for a walk.
They made a snow woman.
(Imitate the modeling of lumps)

The birds were fed with crumbs,
(Crush bread with all fingers)

We then rode down the hill.
(sit down, get up)

And they rolled in the snow.
(sit on the floor)

Everyone came home in the snow
(dust off)

We ate soup and went to bed.
(Make movements with an imaginary spoon, put your hands under your cheek)

Finger gymnastics "We made a snowball"

One two three four five,
(bend fingers)

We made snow with you
(Children "sculpt")

Round, strong, very smooth
(They show a circle, squeeze their palms, stroke the other with one palm)

And not at all sweet.
(threaten with finger)

Once - let's throw it up,
(Throw up)

Two - catch

Three - let's drop

And ... break.

Manual labor "Snowballs"

Children roll a snowball from crumpled white napkins.

Didactic exercise "Put a snowball"

How many snowballs did each of you make? One snowball. Now put your one snowball on a plate with the number "1".

Children stick round pieces of white plasticine on a colored background. From above, snowflakes are applied and pressed down on the plasticine.

Relay race "Carry the snowball"

Children with a snowball in their hands walk along a bench, path, step over obstacles.

Exercise "Icicle"

Children make an icicle by folding silver wire in half.

Didactic exercise "Help the hare change his coat"

This bunny on white snow will be noticeable, both the wolf and the fox will easily see it. Therefore, the hare urgently needs to change the gray fur coat to white. Help him. Take an eraser and erase the gray spots from the hare, help him change into a white fur coat.

Didactic exercise "Winter in the forest"

Children superimpose an image of a bear, a hare, a squirrel on the background picture.

The teacher asks where the children placed the animals (a bear - in a den, a squirrel - on a tree, a hare - near the Christmas tree, a fox - on a snowdrift).

Manual labor "Sprinkle snow on a slippery path"

This path is very slippery because it is covered with ice. In order not to slip and fall on slippery ice, it is sprinkled with sand on top. Spread the track with glue and sprinkle sand on top. Now your paths will not be slippery.

Musical-rhythmic exercise "It's so cold"

Children perform movements to the music according to the text of the song.

MAOU "Progymnasium in Blagoveshchensk"
Summary of modeling classes in nursery group"It is snowing".
Educator: Kramarchuk Zhanna Mikhailovna
Time: 12/23/2016
Purpose: To teach children to press the plasticine ball with their index finger, attaching it to the base, place the plasticine balls at an equal distance from each other. To form a sense of color, interest in working with plasticine. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate accuracy, respect for their work.
Modeling technique: pressing the balls with a finger from above (snow).
Materials: black and purple cardboard sheets according to the number of children
plasticine white, rolled into small balls with a diameter of 6 mm (8 balls for each child), ready-made sample of work, zebra toy
Lesson progress
Surprise moment: Anfisa the zebra from Africa came to visit.
Address to children:
- Guys, look who came to us? Who is this? (zebra)
- Guys, the zebra came to us from Africa, her name is Anfisa. It's always hot there, summer is all year round. And she came to us to see a real winter.
- Let's tell you what kind of winter we have? (cold, long)
- What crunches under your feet when you go to kindergarten? (snow)
- Snowflakes swirl in the air and fall to the ground.
- Tell the zebra whether the snow is cold or warm? (cold)
Finger game "Warm the fingers"
We collected snow with our hands, Our fingers are tired. We will rub them, We will warm them. To make it hotter, (Vigorously knead. Vigorously squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands. Vigorously rub palm against palm. (2 times)). - Anfisa asks what color is the snow? (white)
Zebra: - Thank you guys, you are interesting, you told in detail about the snow, but I'm afraid that when I go home, I'll forget everything.
Appeal to children:
- Guys, let's make a snowball for the zebra and her friends on a winter night?
- Our snow will fall on a warm night.
- Here we will have such a dark night (I show purple cardboard), and here is such a snowball (I show the prepared balls).
- I take a snowball in my hand and put it on cardboard, and so I lay out all the snowballs. And then, as I put all the snowballs on the cardboard, I press them with my finger.
- Look how it snowed. First one snowflake, then another, and another and another. . .
What a beautiful snowy winter night!
- And now you try to make your own beautiful, snowy, winter night, and the zebra will watch and learn from you in order to show your friends at home how you can make a snowball.
I lay out each child on a sheet of purple cardboard and prepared balls.
In the process of work, I draw the attention of children to the fact that it is necessary to sculpt carefully, not to dirty the table. Do not drop plasticine on the floor, do not take it in your mouth.
If the child does not succeed, help him.
Appeal to children:
- That's what good fellows! Everyone got a beautiful, snowy, winter night.
I turn to the zebra: - Anfisa, look how our kids have tried.
After the children show their work to the zebra, I suggest dancing for her, like snowflakes dance on the street - spin around. The dance of the snowflakes. Music: Gelsyat ShaydulovaFarewell to the zebra.
Appeal to children:
It's time for Zebra to go home to Africa.
Thanks guys for showing me real snow. Goodbye!