Healing power of the mind chopra. The Healing Power of the Mind: A Spiritual Path to Solving Life's Most Important Problems by Deepak Chopra. About The Healing Power of the Mind: A Spiritual Path to Solve Life's Biggest Problems by Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra

The healing power of the mind. The spiritual path to solving life's most important problems

To everyone who needs support, and to everyone who lends a helping hand.

From the author

From the very first days of my medical practice - and it began forty years ago - people have been looking for answers to their questions from me. Although all of them needed healing of bodily ailments, they also needed words of comfort and encouragement from me that would shed balm on their souls, being an equally, and perhaps even more important part of the healing process. A doctor, if only he is a person who is not indifferent, “not burned out”, perceives himself as a rescuer, quickly taking people out of a dangerous state and returning them to well-being and comfort.

I am grateful to fate that over the many years of working with sick people I understood the difference between advice and solutions. People in trouble are rarely helped by advice. In a critical situation, help must be provided immediately, and if the right solution is not found, irreparable things can happen.

I adhered to the same principle when writing the book that you now hold in your hands. It all started with the fact that people began to send me letters, where they shared their doubts and sad thoughts. Letters came from all over the world - and I had to answer weekly or even daily questions from people in India, the United States and many other places, mainly via the Internet. And yet, in a certain sense, they were all sent from the same place - from the soul, where chaos and darkness reigned.

These people have been hurt, betrayed, insulted, misunderstood. They were sick, worried, agitated, and even despaired. Unfortunately, some people experience these negative feelings almost constantly, but happy and contented people also experience them from time to time.

I wanted to give answers that could help people for a long time, and possibly their whole life, so that in case of problems they would have something to rely on. I call this the spiritual way of problem solving, although this term does not involve solving problems through religion, prayer, and faith in God. Here I mean worldly spirituality. it the only way, with the help of which modern people can reunite with their own soul or - if you exclude religious overtones - with their true self.

What is a "critical situation" for you personally? Whatever character she wears, in any case, you experience inner stiffness, and you are completely captured by anxiety. The state of constraint of consciousness does not allow you to find the right solution. Only an expanded consciousness can indicate the real way out of the crisis. You no longer experience stress and fear. The boundaries of perception are expanding, and space is created for new ideas. If you are able to get in touch with your true self, then consciousness becomes limitless. At this point, solutions appear spontaneously, and they are really effective. Often their results are like the action of a magic wand, and obstacles that seemed insurmountable disappear by themselves. When this happens, a heavy burden of anxiety and sorrow falls from the soul. Life was never meant to be fought. Life was meant to evolve from its origin to pure consciousness. And if at least one of the postulates of this book makes a proper impression on you, my hopes will be justified.

Deepak Chopra

What is the spiritual path?

No one will deny that there are problems in life, but look deeper and ask yourself the question: why? Why is life so hard? No matter what advantages you have at birth - money, intelligence, an attractive appearance, a great character, or useful connections in society - all of them, either together or separately, are not a guarantee of a prosperous existence. Life still forces one to face great difficulties, often entailing inexpressible suffering and requiring enormous effort to overcome them. Whether you fail in your struggle or succeed depends on your attitude towards these difficulties. Is there a reason for this state of affairs, or is life just a chain of random events that we are almost unable to cope with, because they constantly unsettle us?

Spirituality begins with a definite answer to this question. It says that life is not a series of accidents. The life of each creature has its own scenario and purpose. The reason for the problems is simple: they should help you realize your inner goals, your purpose.

If the occurrence of problems can be explained from a spiritual point of view, then there must be a spiritual solution to each problem - and there is one. The answer does not lie at the level of the problem, although most people focus all their energy on that level. But the spiritual solution is beyond it. When you are distracted from the process of struggle, two things happen at the same time: your consciousness expands, and new ways of solving the problem begin to appear. When consciousness expands, events that seem to be random cease to be so. A big goal is trying to be realized through you. When you recognize this goal - and it is different for each person - it is as if you turn into an architect who has been handed a project. Instead of laying bricks and fitting pipes at random, the architect can now act confidently, knowing what the finished building should look like and how to build it.

The first step in this process is to understand at what level of consciousness you are currently operating. There are three levels of awareness of any problem - whether it concerns personal relationships, work, personal changes or a crisis that requires immediate action. Learn them and you will take a huge step towards the right decision.

This is the level of the problem itself, and therefore it immediately captures your attention. Something went wrong. Expectations are not justified. The situation has reached an impasse. You find yourself in front of obstacles that do not want to get out of your way. You put in more and more efforts, but the situation still does not improve. When examining the problem level, the following elements are typically found:

Realization of your desires interfere. In doing so, you encounter resistance.

You feel that every step forward is given to you with a fight.

You keep taking actions that have never worked before.

You are gnawed by anxiety and fear of failure.

There is confusion in your head. You cannot think clearly and experience internal conflict.

When disappointment grips you, your strength dries up. You feel more and more empty.

Checking if you are stuck at the level of limited consciousness is very simple: the harder you try to free yourself from the problem, the more you get bogged down in it.

This is the level where solutions begin to appear. Your vision extends beyond the conflict, and its essence becomes clearer to you. It is difficult for most people to immediately move to this level of consciousness, because their first reaction to the problem is that the consciousness is closed only on it. A defensive reaction is triggered, a person is afraid and cautious. But if you manage to expand your consciousness, then events of this kind will begin to happen to you:

The need to fight begins to diminish.

You begin to pay much less attention to the problem.

All more people help you with advice and information.

You make decisions with more confidence.

You really look at things, and fear starts to let go of you.

By more clearly imagining the situation, you no longer panic and do not feel the former confusion. The confrontation is no longer felt so acutely.

You can say that you have reached this level of consciousness if you no longer feel attached to the problem: the process has begun. When your consciousness expands, invisible forces come to the rescue, and your desires begin to come true.

Level 3. Pure consciousness

This is the level where no problems exist at all. Each challenge of fate is an opportunity to show your creativity. You feel at one level with the forces of nature. This is achieved due to the fact that consciousness can expand indefinitely. You might think that it takes a long way to reach the level of pure consciousness. spiritual development, but in reality this is not the case at all. At every moment of life, pure consciousness is in contact with you, sending creative impulses. The only thing that matters is the degree of your ability to perceive the decisions sent to you. When you are fully open, the following events will occur in your life:

Complete lack of struggle.

Wishes come true on their own.

Then the best thing that can happen to you will happen to you. You will begin to benefit yourself and your surroundings.

The outer world reflects what is happening in your inner world.

You feel completely safe. Your home is the entire universe.

You treat yourself and the world around you with compassion and understanding.

To be fully established in pure consciousness means to achieve enlightenment, the state of unity with all that exists. Ultimately, every life moves in this direction. Even before reaching this final goal, you can say that you are in touch with pure consciousness if you feel truly yourself, free and calm.

Each of these levels brings with it a different kind of experience and experience. This can be easily seen in a sharp contrast or sudden change. Love at first sight instantly transfers a person from a state of constrained consciousness to a state of expanded consciousness. You do not just communicate with another person - he suddenly becomes unusually attractive and even perfect for you.

If it's about creative work, then a person is visited by insights. Instead of an unsuccessful struggle with the imagination, which does not want to give out an answer, a new and fresh solution suddenly appears by itself. Such insights happen to people quite often. They can be fateful - for example, in the state of the so-called peak experience, when reality is illuminated by light and the discovery appears in the human mind in its finished form. But people don't understand that the state of expanded consciousness should be a normal state and not a momentary flash. Achieving a permanent state of expanded consciousness is an essential part of spiritual life.

After listening to people talk about their problems, obstacles, failures and disappointments - about a life languishing in the prison of limited consciousness - one comes to the inevitable conclusion that achieving a new vision is of great importance. It's too easy for a person to get lost in the details. The difficulties associated with every life problem are overwhelming. No matter how keenly you experience your situation with all its unique features and difficulties, looking around you will see other people, just like you, immersed in their situations and their problems. Take away the details and you will be presented with a common cause of suffering: the underdevelopment of consciousness. I do not mean inherent in the nature of personality characteristics. My point is that if a person is not shown how to expand his consciousness, he will have no choice but to sit in the grip of a limited consciousness.

The body shudders in physical pain. The mind also has a similar reflex, and it withdraws and shrinks when faced with mental pain. Here again, an example of how this detachment feels is appropriate. Imagine yourself in any of the following situations:

You are a young mother who came with her child to the playground. You stop for a moment to talk to another mother, and when you turn around, you do not see your child.

At work, you are sitting at your computer, and suddenly someone, as if by the way, says that layoffs will begin soon, and the boss wants to see you.

You open your mailbox and find a letter from the IRS.

You are driving a car approaching an intersection when a car behind you suddenly overtakes you and runs a red light.

You enter a restaurant and see your other half in the hall, sitting at a table in the company of an attractive person of the opposite sex. They leaned towards each other and quietly talking about something.

It doesn't take much imagination to imagine the changes in consciousness brought about by similar situations. Panic, anxiety, anger and gloomy premonitions overshadow the mind. This is the result of the activity of the brain, which, in stressful situations, sends a signal to the adrenal glands to release adrenaline, which provokes such reactions. Any feeling manifests itself both on the mental and physical levels. The endless combinations of electrochemical signals passing through the billions of brain neurons give an accurate picture of what the mind experiences. Brain scientists are using magnetic resonance imaging to more and more accurately determine which parts of the brain are producing these responses. But only the tomogram of the brain does not reflect the processes taking place in the human mind, because the mind functions at an invisible level of consciousness. Spirituality and consciousness are not synonyms.

Spirituality is directly related to the state of consciousness. It has nothing to do with medicine or psychotherapy. Medicine deals with physiological changes. Psychotherapy addresses mental problems such as anxiety, depression, or actual mental illness. Spirituality is connected with the exit of a person to higher levels of consciousness. In our society, spirituality, unlike other methods, is not considered an effective way to solve problems. During periods of stressful situations, people cope with bouts of fear, anger, mood swings and other manifestations of emotions. It doesn't even occur to them to combine the words "spirituality" and "solution" in the same sentence. This indicates a limited understanding of what spirituality really is and what can be achieved with its help.

If with the help of spirituality you can change your consciousness, you will thereby take a real, practical step towards solving the problem.

Consciousness is not passive. It leads directly to action (or inaction). The way you perceive a problem inevitably influences how you solve it. We've all had the experience of being in a group class where we're asked to do a certain task, and when the discussion starts, each participant gives his or her opinion. Someone takes the floor, demanding everyone's attention. Someone is silent. Someone's statements sound cautious and pessimistic, someone, on the contrary, confidently and hopefully. This game and similar role-playing games, showing attitudes and emotions, are reduced to consciousness. Each situation in itself provides an opportunity to expand your consciousness. The word "expands" does not mean that consciousness is inflated, as Balloon. Rather, on the contrary, our consciousness deepens into very specific areas. When you are in a situation, the following aspects of your consciousness come into play:





As soon as you change these aspects - even a few of them - changes occur in consciousness. As a first step towards a solution, it is important to delve deeper into any problem until you reach the aspect (or aspects) of your consciousness that feeds the problem.

Perception. Different people perceive the same situation differently. Where I see misfortune, you may see opportunity. Where you see a loss, I can see a burden being taken on. Perception is not something immovable, frozen; it largely depends on the personality of the person. So when you look at levels of consciousness, the key question is not "what is the situation?" but "what situation appears to me personally?". By asking yourself a question about your perception, you thereby separate yourself from the problem, move away from it at some distance, and from there you can evaluate it objectively. But there is no such thing as complete objectivity. We all see the world through glasses with colored glasses, and what you take for reality is actually just some shade of it, not a pure color.

Beliefs. Hiding in the subconscious, they seem to play a passive role. We all know people who claim to be free from prejudice—racial, religious, political, or anything else. But they act as if stuffed with prejudice from head to toe. Prejudices are easy to hide, but just as easy to not be aware of them at all. It is very difficult to recognize your own fundamental beliefs in yourself. For example, in ancient times, the fundamental belief was the superiority of men over women. Not only was it not discussed, it was not even questioned. But when women demanded the right to vote, and this resulted in a broad, noisy feminist movement, the men decided that their founding belief was being violated. And how did they react? It is as if they were personally insulted because they identified themselves with their beliefs. "This is me" in our mind is very closely related to "this is what I believe." When you respond to a challenge by taking it too personally, defensively, angry, and blindly stubborn, it means that some of your core beliefs have been touched.

Assumptions. Because they change as your situation changes, they are more flexible than beliefs. But they are also little studied and difficult to track. Let's say a police inspector is signaling you to pull over to the side of the road. Doesn't it immediately occur to you that you've broken some rule, and don't you prepare to defend yourself? It's hard to believe that a policeman can say something nice to you. That's how assumptions work. They instantly replace uncertainty. The same applies to simple everyday situations. For example, when you invite a friend to dinner, you immediately have an idea in your mind about how this dinner will go, and it will not be at all like the assumptions that will line up in your mind if you have dinner with a stranger. As with beliefs, if you question a person's assumptions, the outcome is difficult to predict. Although our assumptions change all the time, we still find it unpleasant to hear from someone that they need to be changed.

Expectations. What you expect from other people has to do with desire or fear. Positive expectations are dictated by your desire, in which you want to receive something and expect it. We expect our spouses to love and care for us. We expect payment for the work we do. Negative expectations are driven by fear, where people expect the worst possible outcome. A great example of this kind of expectation is Murphy's Law, which says that if anything can go wrong, it will. Since desire and fear are always easily realized, expectations are always more active than beliefs and assumptions. Your belief about your boss is one thing, but being told you're taking a pay cut is another. Deprivation of what is expected directly affects a person's life, introducing problems into it.

The senses. No matter how much we try to disguise them, they still lie on the surface; other people see them or feel them as soon as they begin to communicate with us. So we spend a lot of time fighting feelings we don't want or feel ashamed of and judge ourselves for. Many people don't want to have any feelings at all. They feel exposed and vulnerable. Emotionality is equated with a lack of self-control (which in itself is an undesirable phenomenon).

To become aware that you have feelings is to take a big step towards the expansion of consciousness, and then you need to take the next step, much more difficult: to accept your feelings. With acceptance comes responsibility. Owning your feelings, and not throwing them out on others, is a sign of a person who has advanced from limited to expanded consciousness.

If you can examine your state of consciousness, then these five aspects of consciousness will manifest. When the person is truly self-aware, you can ask them directly about how they feel, what their assumptions are, what they expect from you, and whether you have hurt their core beliefs. In response, there will be no defensive reaction. He will tell you the truth. It just seems reasonable, but what does this reaction have to do with spirituality? Self-consciousness is not praying, believing in miracles, or seeking the grace of God. The self-perception that I have briefly described here is spiritual because it assumes a person has a third level of consciousness. I call it pure consciousness.

This is the level that believers call the soul or spirit. When you build your life in accordance with the real existence of a soul in a person, you adhere to spiritual convictions. When you go further and make the spiritual level the basis of life - the basis of existence, then spirituality becomes your active principle. The soul has awakened. In fact, the soul never sleeps because pure consciousness pervades every thought, feeling and action. We may hide this fact even from ourselves. By the way, one of the signs of a limited consciousness is the complete denial of the "higher" reality. This denial is based not on a conscious unwillingness to recognize it, but on a lack of experience. A mind filled with fear, anxiety, anger, resentment or suffering of any kind cannot experience a state of expanded consciousness, let alone a state of pure consciousness.

If the mind worked like a machine, it would not be able to get out of the state of suffering. Like mechanisms worn out by friction, our thoughts would become more and more negative until the day came when suffering would triumph completely. A huge number of people experience life in this way. But the possibility of getting rid of suffering is never completely worn out; change and transformation is your birthright, guaranteed not by God, faith, or soul salvation, but by the indestructible foundation of life, which is pure consciousness. To be alive means to be in a constant state of change. When we feel stuck in one place, the cells in our body continue to continuously process basic physical elements. In the complete absence of any feelings and depression, life seems to stop. The same applies to sudden loss or failure. And yet, no matter what shocks we experience and no matter what intractable obstacles stand in our way, the foundation of existence remains intact.

On the following pages, you will read the stories of people who feel stuck in problems, frozen, frustrated, and cornered. From the point of view of each of them, his story is unique, but the way out is the same for all. And it consists in a change in the state of consciousness. And I'll show you how to do it step by step. This is another reason why the proposed solutions lie on the plane of the spirit: self-observation must first be undertaken, then awakening must follow, when the person becomes open to new perceptions. The most practical way to solve a problem is spiritual, because you can only change what you can see. No enemy is more insidious than the one you cannot see.

We live in an unspiritual time, so the idea of ​​life that I have just outlined is far from the norm. As a matter of fact, it is the opposite of generally accepted norms, because, unlike a building for life, it is impossible to draw up a project in advance. Life is seen as a series of unpredictable events that we struggle to manage. Who will be fined or fired from work? Which family will be hit by disasters: accidents, alcoholism, divorce? There is no rational explanation for such events. They just happen. Obstacles appear out of nowhere. Each of us justifies the limitations of our thinking by assimilating such beliefs, and they are very deeply rooted in consciousness. We tell ourselves that it is human nature to have many negative motivations, such as selfishness, aggression, jealousy. When they are activated, we can at best partially control them. But in other people, we cannot control these qualities, so every day we have a reason for clashes with various accidents and with people who by all means strive to get what they want, even if their desire will turn into problems and even losses for us. Starting to expand your consciousness, you must first question such a worldview, even if it is the norm accepted in society. Normal does not mean right or true.

And the truth is that each of us wanders in a world that we call real. Thinking is not a ghost. It is built into every situation you find yourself in. In order to see how it works, first stop separating the thought, the brain cells that generate that thought, the reactions of the body that received the message from the brain, and the action you decide to take.

All these moments are part of one continuous process. Even among geneticists who have been saying for decades that genes determine almost every aspect of life, there is now a new witty phrase: genes are not nouns, they are verbs.

Dynamism exists everywhere.

You, too, do not exist in a meaningless environment. Your environment is affected by your words and actions. The phrase "I love you" has a very different effect on people than the phrase "I hate you." The whole society is electrified by the phrase "the enemy is attacking." More broadly, the entire planet is affected by the global exchange of information; you participate in this process by sending an email or joining a social network. The food you rush to eat at a fast food outlet has an impact on the entire biosphere, as advocates go out of their way to show us. environment.

Spirituality has always started with integrity. Each of us is an integral part of the life process as a whole, and isolation is just a myth, although we often forget about it. Your life at this moment is a complex process that includes thoughts, feelings, chemical substances brain, bodily reactions, information, social interactions, personal relationships and interaction with the environment. Therefore, whatever you say or do causes ripples that are felt by the flow of life. Yet spirituality goes beyond describing you as an individual. And she offers the most effective method impact on the flow of life.

Since everything is based on pure consciousness, the most powerful way to change your life is to start with your own consciousness. When your consciousness changes, your situation will also change. Every situation is both visible and invisible at the same time. The visible part is what most people deal with, because it can be "touched" so to speak, that is, it is accessible to our five senses. They do not want to fight the invisible aspect of their situation, because it is inside you, and there are hidden dangers and fears. From the point of view of the spiritual vision of life, "inside" and "outside" are connected by countless threads; the fabric of existence is woven from them.

Two diametrically opposed views collide. One is based on materialism, randomness and the influence of external influences. The other is based on consciousness, purpose, and the union of inner and outer. Before you can find a solution to the problem you are facing now, right this minute, you must choose on a deeper level which vision of life is closer to you. Spiritual vision leads to spiritual decisions. Non-spiritual vision leads to many other decisions. It is clear that this choice is of paramount importance. Whether you realize it or not, your life unfolds according to the choices you have made subconsciously, dictated by your level of consciousness.

However, this short description what can be achieved through decisions made on a spiritual level will seem alien to so many people. Most of us avoid fighting ourselves; we are unable to define our vision of life. Instead, we live our lives, trying our best to cope with problems and relying on the lessons learned from past mistakes, on the advice of relatives and friends, hoping for the best. We get angry when we have to give in under the onslaught of circumstances, and we cling to what we think we want. So what do we need to look at our lives from a spiritual perspective? In this book, we will not follow the path of conventional religion. However, prayer and faith, although they are not the main guarantee of the development of spiritual vision, are not excluded. If you are a believer and find comfort and help by turning to God, you have the right to your own version of the spiritual life. But here we will be referring to a much more widely accepted tradition than any of the world's religions. This tradition is based on the practical knowledge of the sages and seers of the East and West, who looked deeply into the essence of man and perfectly understood human circumstances.

Here is just one of the nuggets of wisdom that will abound in the following chapters: life is constantly renewing itself and at the same time evolving. This should be true for your own life as well. When you see that all your struggles and frustrations have kept you from joining the evolutionary process, you will have a good reason to stop fighting. I am inspired by the teachings of the famous Indian sage, who said that life is like a river flowing between two banks - pain and suffering. Everything is going great as long as we stay in the river, but as we experience pain and suffering, we continue to cling to them as if they offer us security and shelter.

Life flows out of itself, and being stuck in any kind of immobility is against life. The more you let go of the situation, ceasing to control it, the more intensely your true self can express its desire to develop. Once the process is started, everything changes.

The inner and outer worlds mirror each other without any interference or conflict. Since decisions now appear at the soul level, they are not resisted. All your desires lead to the most favorable result for you and your environment. After all, happiness is based on reality, and nothing is more real than change and development. This book was written with the hope that everyone could find a way to jump into the river.


Every problem can be solved spiritually. The solution can be found by expanding consciousness and going beyond the limited vision of the problem. The process begins with determining what level of consciousness you are in right now, because there are three levels of consciousness for every problem in life.

Level 1. Limited consciousness

This is the level of problems, obstacles and struggles. Access to solutions is limited. Fear promotes confusion and conflict. The effort put into solving the problem leads to frustration. You keep doing things that didn't work in the past. If you stay at this level, you will feel frustrated and waste your energy.

Level 2. Expanded consciousness

This is the level where solutions begin to appear. There is less fighting. Obstacles are easier to overcome. Your vision goes beyond the conflict, giving a clearer picture of what is happening. You really look at things, and negative influences stop pestering you. Along with the expansion of consciousness, invisible forces come to the rescue, and your desires begin to come true.

Level 3. Pure consciousness

This is the level where there are no problems at all. Each challenge of fate is an opportunity to realize your creative potential. You feel at one level with the forces of nature. Your inner world and your environment mirror each other without interference or conflict. Since decisions now appear at the level of your true self, they are not resisted. All your desires lead to the most favorable result for you and your environment.

As you progress from the first to the third level of consciousness, each life problem becomes what it is intended to be, namely: the next step that brings you closer to your true self.

The biggest problems

Relationships with loved ones

How to find a spiritual path to solving problems in a relationship with a loved one? This path is about being willing to expand your consciousness and not interfere with the expansion of your partner's consciousness at the same time. Thus, a spiritual relationship is a mirror in which two people see themselves at the soul level. Spiritual relationships bring the deepest satisfaction. It cannot be imitated. But what are its elements?

Nothing stands still. This statement is true for any aspect of the spiritual path, including personal relationships. You can try to establish a wonderful relationship based on such ideals as unconditional love and complete trust. But in fact, relationships are a process, and even in the most wonderful relationships, the process can encounter unforeseen obstacles and twists and turns. In this section, you will get acquainted with the stories of people who have bad relationships with loved ones. They are also in the process, but it has taken the wrong direction.

If two people who previously loved each other become strangers and unhappy, then they were brought to this state by a process that had its own predictable characteristics. Rate your own marriage by whether your relationship with your partner has the following characteristics.

Projecting your emotions onto your partner. Your partner makes you angry and annoying. He claims that it was not his intention to upset you and he did nothing to make you angry, let alone harm you in any way. But your feelings still don't change. Each of his actions, each gesture pisses you off, and, as it seems to you, he does not want to change in any way.

Condemnation. You always think your partner is wrong about something. You do not respect him, and you always want to blame him for something. You especially dislike his (or her) remarks about you, which only reinforce the feeling that you are right and he (she) is wrong.

Addiction. Your partner fills in you what you lack. Together you make up a whole person and stand as a united front against the whole world. But there is also the other side of the coin. You feel strongly connected to him, and when disagreements arise, you cannot stand up for yourself as an independent adult. You need it, otherwise you feel empty inside.

You have made too many sacrifices. Wanting to save the family and show what you are good wife, you have given the reins of government into the hands of your husband. All big decisions are made by your husband; the last word always stays with him. Husbands are less likely to allow their wives to dominate the family. But in any case, you become completely dependent on another person, and if he wants, he will provide you, appreciate and respect you, and if he doesn’t want to, then he won’t. Your self-esteem and ultimately your sense of worth as a person is threatened.

You have seized too much power. This is the exact opposite of the one described above. Here you do not become dependent on your partner, but make him dependent on you. You do this by controlling it. You always want to be right; you are not shy about blaming your partner, always finding excuses for yourself. You expect to always be right. You rarely talk or consult with your partner. You do not hesitate to do anything to make your partner feel that he (she) is lower than you, even in small things.

Relationships are not things that you can take off the shelf, dust off and put back in, and if they break, give them in for repair. These are days, hours and minutes spent together. And every moment is irretrievably lost when it passes. How you experience those moments shapes your relationship. Spend these minutes badly, and as a result, the whole process begins to slip.

To prevent this from happening, you need to behave wisely in every moment. This requires skill. No one is asked to turn marriage into a pact between two saints. To connect with the depths of your personality, with the level of your soul, where love and understanding can spontaneously arise - that's what you need.

In a deteriorating relationship, the self-awareness of partners is superficial and limited. Therefore, by themselves, they have only impulses of anger, indignation, anxiety, boredom and habitual reflexes. Without blaming yourself or your partner, consider these impulses as signs of a limited consciousness that can be changed simply by expanding it.

When Relationships Move to a Higher Level

Expanded consciousness has its own characteristics. Think about the best moments in your relationship when you feel close and connected with your partner, and ask yourself if the following qualities are common in your relationship.

Development. You strive to find your true self and conform to this desire in your actions. And your partner has the same goal. And you want not only to grow and develop yourself, but that he (or she) also grows and develops.

Equality. You don't feel superior or inferior to your partner. No matter how annoying your partner may be, you always see him as a living soul. You respect each other. If disagreements arise, you never humiliate your partner. You do not need to force yourself to consider him your equal, secretly feeling your superiority.

You really see things. You expect sincerity from each other. You understand that illusions are the enemy of happiness. You don't fake feelings that you don't actually feel. At the same time, you understand that having negative feelings for a partner means projecting your own feelings onto him, so you do not fall into anger and do not pout at him for any trifle. Real looking at things also means that you perceive each new day as a new one, and not just a repetition of yesterday. When every moment is real, there is no need to rely on expectations and rituals to get through the day.

Close relationship. You like to be with each other, and there is a complete understanding between you. She does not use close relationships to bind her partner more strongly and make him want her. He does not refuse such relationships for the reason that close intimacy can scare him. Intimacy is not a state in which each of you, fully opening up, feels your vulnerability. Intimacy is your deepest mutual sincerity.

Taking responsibility. You stand up for your rights, even if it's difficult. You carry your own load. There are difficulties that need to be overcome together, but you do not try to shift your problems onto the shoulders of a partner. You don't play the victim, realizing that your anger and your pain are your own feelings and blaming them on your partner ("You're the one making me angry!"). Although it may seem that the position of the “victim” is justified, in fact it is based on an unwillingness to take responsibility. In this case, you allow the other person to control your feelings and determine the outcome of the situation, although it would be up to you to determine it yourself.

You yield with joy. You do not consider the concession as an infringement of your "I". Instead, you ask yourself how much you can give to your partner, and you give more and more. At this level, giving is an honor, because one true self shows respect to another. This is a manifestation of selfless love, because you do not expect anything in return. Every time you give, you enrich your true self, so you benefit for yourself as a result.

The difference between these two processes is that the first leads to a deterioration in relations between partners, and the second leads to the spiritual evolution of both. As a result, the first step towards a spiritual relationship is taken. But I don't emphasize the word "spiritual." Many couples are alien to the concept of spirituality, they may even see it as some kind of threat. It is important that both partners understand the importance and value of expanding their consciousness. But here you need to know from which end to approach the issue. We all hold fast to our selfish point of view and almost always know what we want to achieve.

We console ourselves with the illusion that the partner will give in and give us the opportunity to easily get what we want.

Given this, it is easy to understand that it is useless to persuade spouses to give in to each other. It's like one spouse would say to another: "I want more for you than for myself." No one can honestly say this, especially in a state of limited consciousness.

To achieve a result, you need to look at the problem from a different angle, showing a person the benefits of an expanded consciousness. You feel more calm and relaxed. You express positive emotions without fear that your mood will be spoiled. You are easily aware of any anxiety and get rid of it.

These benefits seem selfish, at least initially. But over time, an expanded consciousness will make room in your soul for another person. If a relationship has evolved in a spiritual direction over the years, then you naturally do the following:

- show emotions in a relationship with a partner in full confidence that he will appreciate your feelings and will not judge you;

- you feel a deep connection with your partner and are absolutely sure that he accepts you the way you are;

- reveal your soul to your partner, and he reveals his to you;

- do not impose any restrictions on the manifestations of love and intimacy and do not allow any fears to spoil your relationship;

- Together with a partner, strive to achieve high goals;

– educate children who belong to a happier generation than the current one.

I know that today it seems unrealistic for you to reach this level of relationship with your partner. But a fully spiritual relationship is the natural outcome of a process you can start today. Spiritual teachings are mainly focused on the individual. They teach a person to achieve enlightenment. But humans are social beings, and personal growth—including yours—occurs within society. Many families today are in need of spiritual growth, but this subject is very difficult to talk about.

Spiritual side of life modern society detached from the so-called real life, where there are a lot of concerns of a purely practical nature. Everyone needs to take care of the family, provide it with everything necessary and at the same time maintain peace and tranquility in it. Since even in the best periods of life it can be difficult for people to maintain good relationships, the desire to bring them to a new, spiritual level may seem like a whim. But spirituality underlies everything in life. First of all, we are souls, and only secondly, individuals. This postulate is repeatedly emphasized in the spiritual teachings of the whole world. But if you put the personality first, troubles are inevitable, because at the personal level we all have our own internal attitudes, likes and dislikes, and a huge number of selfish motives. The true self has no choice but to hide.

Everyone needs light

But nevertheless, the true "I" has every reason to come out of its hiding place. This is how two souls can find each other. However, you can reveal your true, spiritual "I" not only in close relationships, but also in any other relationships with people. Any relationship has its own unique potential in this regard. Compare all the people with whom you are in any kind of relationship to a layer cake where each person is one layer. Most of the layers will be people with whom you maintain long-standing and strong friendships and relatives. These layers always remain unchanged. Such stability is necessary; these people make your life stable and calm, even if you sometimes complain that none of them is changing or that they do not see how much you have changed. On weekends at home, you communicate mostly with these people.

The other layers of the pie are not like that. At least one layer should be filled with light: this is the person who inspires you, makes you grow and develop. Love relationships do not always lead to personal growth. He or she may be the most difficult for you to communicate with, because your relationship is so open that every action you take within that relationship has its own consequences. I remember a woman who said to her partner, "We're not as happy together as we should be." The partner immediately found an answer: “Perhaps our task now is not to be happy, but to really look at life.” On a deeper level, happiness lasts only if you look at things realistically. Trying to build your relationship on illusions, no matter how intoxicating they may be, you will fail as a result.

Look for that part of the "pie" of relationships that is filled with light. Light is the essence of the soul. I have italicized this word because it can describe many properties of the soul: love, acceptance, creativity, compassion, open-mindedness, and empathy. Your relationship with a loved one should contain these qualities.

A huge number of people are unlucky in this sense. In the circle of their acquaintances there is not a single person who would inspire them, and they make their spiritual journey alone, without a companion. And their partners can, on the contrary, interfere with them on this path. This is the root of the problem of bad relationships with a partner. But the solutions they seek are not at the level of the problem. The solution is at the level of the true "I". When people begin to understand this, they stop blaming their partners, stop feeling like a victim, and start looking for their true self in themselves. In the process of these searches, solutions to problems that lie precisely in the spiritual plane begin to appear. Both partners simply have not seen them before, although, according to them, they have tried everything possible ways way out of the impasse.

Previously, they did not try to use the way that sustains life in general: the awareness of who we really are. And it's not just about spirituality as such. Intimate relationships are a shared path to self-discovery. Nothing is more fulfilling than this journey hand in hand.


Problems arise in relationships if signs of limited consciousness are observed, such as:

projecting one's own negativism onto a partner;

blaming and condemning instead of taking responsibility;

using a partner to make up for the lack of one's own personal qualities;

transfer of all power in the family to a partner and complete dependence on him;

the seizure of all power in the family, an attempt to control a partner.

When these problems arise, the relationship deteriorates because neither partner feels free and at ease. As a result, communication stops. Such relationships come to a standstill, and each of the partners feels like a wolf, lined with flags on all sides.

In a relationship where consciousness expands, partners develop together. Instead of transferring their own internal conflicts to the other, the person views the partner as a mirror that reflects himself. This is the foundation of a spiritual relationship where you can:

reveal your true "I" and begin to develop;

consider the other person as a soul having the same value as your own soul;

base your happiness on reality, not on illusions and expectations;

use close relationships for development and growth;

stop playing the victim and take some of the responsibility for your relationship;

ask yourself what you can give before demanding what you can receive.

Health and wellness

The next important and very big step to take is to translate the concept of consciousness expansion into the realm of your physical health. It took a long time for people to come to the need for this step.

Most people look at their health in a purely physical way, judging it by how well they feel and what they see when they look in the mirror.

Prevention measures center around risk factors and are also purely physical in nature: exercise, proper nutrition, and avoiding stress. With regard to the latter, here prevention comes down to empty talk rather than serious action. The main problem here is the inertia of consciousness. Medicine relies on therapy and surgery, thereby reinforcing a person's focus on the physical condition. Even when holistic wellness programs are offered, for ordinary people, they are reduced to replacing chemical drugs with herbs, processed foods with natural ones, jogging with yoga classes.

There is no transition to a truly holistic (holistic) approach.

A holistic approach to your health takes into account the state of consciousness.




Answer the following very important questions:

Are you sure that you could get rid of such qualities as your lack of the habit of exercising, the tendency to overeat and the desire to expose yourself to great stress?

Do you find it difficult to control your impulses?

Are you unhappy with your weight? appearance your body?

Do you make a promise to yourself to start exercising, but always find excuses not to exercise?

Do you enthusiastically take care of your health and then quit?

How do you experience the aging process?

Do you avoid thoughts of death?

Each of these questions has two levels. The first has to do with specific actions to maintain health, such as exercise and maintenance. normal weight. As everyone knows, decades of public health campaigns designed to get people to pay attention to the main preventive measures, have not prevented an epidemic of obesity, the rise of lifestyle-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, and have not made people move more. All these negative trends cover people of an ever younger age. One of the reasons for this neglect of one's own health is the neglect of the second level of well-being, which includes the mind.

Being healthy means not only taking good care of your body, but also not worrying about possible diseases and so-called risk factors. Looking only around themselves, many see the world as an environment infested with dangerous microbes, toxic and carcinogenic substances, pesticides, food additives, etc., etc. They ignore the inner world until depression hits them.

Decades of research have shown the harmful effects of bad relationships, stress, loneliness and suppression of emotions on a person. What do you think all these conditions have in common? Yes, it is limited consciousness.

We become more and more isolated and more closed in the walls of our minds than in the walls of our apartments.

Let's look at how a limited consciousness leads to diseases of the body.

Body signals are ignored or denied

Over the past decades, there have been dramatic changes in our perception of the body. What appears to be an object, a thing, is actually a process. No process that takes place in the body ever stops, and life is provided by what seems to be very abstract, namely: information. Fifty trillion cells are constantly talking to each other using receptors on their outer cell membranes that receive information from molecules passing by them in their blood vessels. Information coming from different cells is equally important. The message from the liver is just as valuable as the message sent from the brain, and just as intelligent.

When consciousness is limited, the flow of information is hampered, and the first blockage occurs in the brain, because the brain physically represents the mind. But each cell intercepts the messages of the brain, that is, receives instructions directly from it, and within a few seconds, chemical messages carry good or bad news throughout the body.

When you choose the wrong lifestyle in terms of nutrition, exercise, and nerve overload, you are unconsciously making a decision on a holistic level.

You cannot separate your choice from your body, which experiences the consequences of every negative choice you make.



Stop judging him. Connect with him by listening carefully to his signals, which you perceive as sensations and emotions. Bring your repressed emotions to the surface.

Habits take root and impulses are hard to control

Your body has no voice of its own and no will of its own. Whatever you do, your body adapts to it. The range of his ability to adapt is amazing. People eat food made from anything, live in a wide variety of climates, breathe air at high altitudes and in gassed cities. Man has such an adaptability to changes in environmental conditions that no other creature can boast, except perhaps the primitive forms of life - viruses and bacteria. Without the ability to adapt, not a single person could survive.

But still, we are always drawn to something to limit ourselves and refuse to adapt. And this is where habits help us. A habit is an established process that does not change, even if you want to break it and the conditions of your life require it. An extreme manifestation of a habit is alcoholism or drug addiction. The alcoholic gets a negative response from his body; it is difficult for people around him to live and communicate with him, they ask him to stop drinking and are in a state of severe stress; his own stress level continues to rise.

If a person gets poisoned by a common toxin, for example, from a spoiled product - fish or mayonnaise - then the adaptation mechanism turns on automatically and abruptly. The body quickly throws out a toxic substance, cleanses itself and quickly returns to normal. But dependence on alcohol or drugs is a habit, and it can block every attempt by the body to adapt to them and return to normal until the inevitable catastrophe arrives. In a less extreme way, you block your body through everyday habits such as overeating and not exercising, as well as through mental habits such as worrying and trying to maintain control in uncontrollable situations.



Imagine that there is another choice. Can you make another choice? If not, why not? What's stopping you? The habit can be broken by stopping the automatic reflex and asking yourself new questions that lead to other choices. Direct struggle with the habit only strengthens it. Losing is inevitable, and when it happens, self-judgment begins.

Feedback loops become negative

The cells in the body don't monologue. They talk to each other, receiving messages from other cells and sending their own through the bloodstream and nervous system. If one cell says, "I'm sick," the others say, "What can we do about it?" This is the underlying mechanism known as the "feedback loop". Feedback means that no message goes unanswered, no cry for help goes unheard.

Unlike in a society where feedback is mostly negative in the form of criticism, rejection, prejudice and violence, your body's feedback is only positive. Cells strive to survive, and they can only do so through mutual support. Even pain exists to draw your attention to areas of the body that need treatment.

We are all very good at creating negative feedback. Every human body suffers from thoughts and feelings scrolling through the head associated with conflicts, humiliation, fears, depression, grief and guilt. We feel entitled to have some of these thoughts and feelings. People take pleasure in mourning the sad fate of some movie character, savoring the failures of other people and being shaken by world catastrophes. The problem is that we lose control of negative feedback.

Depression is uncontrollable sadness; Worry is a persistent fear for no clear reason. This is the most difficult area of ​​limited consciousness, because it can take a lifetime, or just a minute, to break the feedback loops of the body.

Stress can hit you instantly, or it can build up month after month. But the reason is always the same: consciousness has formed a vicious circle, deliberately limiting itself in order to protect itself from some kind of threat.



To do this, you can either turn to yourself - to your soul, or seek help in the outside world. Seek support from friends or psychologists. Track your states and learn to let go negative energies such as fear and anger. Your body wants to repair its weakened or blocked feedback loops. Feedback is information. At the same time, the source of information is unimportant, as long as it is useful to your mind and body.

Violations cannot be detected until they reach the stage of discomfort or disease

In the West, they tend to view health as a fork in the road: either you are sick or you are healthy. The choice comes down to two options: "I'm healthy" or "I need to go to the doctor." But before the disease manifests itself, the body undergoes several stages of an unstable state. They are recognized in the traditions of oriental medicine, for example in Ayurveda, where the first signs of disorders can be diagnosed and eliminated. This approach is more natural because a feeling of discomfort, even a vague feeling experienced by the patient, can provide a reliable clue. It was found that more than 90 percent of severe diseases were discovered by the patient and not by the doctor.

An unstable state can have many symptoms, but above all, it means that your body can no longer adapt. Depending on the severity of the problem, it was forced to accept a state of discomfort, pain, lack of activity, or even complete shutdown of one function or another.

At the cellular level, this means that the receptor sites of various cells no longer send and receive a steady stream of messages, without which the normal life of the cell is impossible. The process of getting out of balance is actually just as difficult as maintaining balance (that's why finding a cure for cancer - a disease in which cells behave very energetically - seems to be an increasingly distant and difficult task over time), but the main negative the factor is consciousness. Health begins with awareness of the signals of your body. Consciousness is very sensitive, and when it is relegated to the background or blocked by negative thoughts or feelings, the body loses the ability to know what is happening to it and control its state. For all the accuracy of medical tests, they cannot replace the system of constant self-monitoring that occurs in the mind-body system, where readings are taken a thousand times a minute.






Take them seriously; don't take your attention away from them. There is a huge variety of healers, including those working with the energies of the body, as well as healing techniques focused on working with the body. They all deal with subtle abnormalities that precede the real illness.

Aging creates fear and loss of energy

If aging were just a physical process, it would be the same for all people at all times. But things don't work out that way, and people always age at different rates. There are certain symptoms of aging that are considered normal, but there are also people who have managed to avoid this or that symptom of aging or even reverse it. Although rare, there are people whose memory has improved with age. There are also those who, at the age of eighty or ninety, have not weakened, but thanks to exercise became stronger than before. There are also elderly people in whom all organs function, like people ten, twenty or even thirty years younger than them.

Although great advances have been made in medicine to increase the length of life, the body itself has always been destined to live long.

Paleontologists have found that Stone Age people died from trauma, natural disasters, accidents, famine, and other environmental factors. Without these external influences, prehistoric people could potentially live as long as we do, evidence of which is the tribal communities that have survived to this day, which have not yet been touched by civilization. In these tribes there are people who live up to eighty, and up to ninety years, and to a more advanced age.

Here is another area where too much emphasis on the physical aspects of aging is shortsighted. The world now has a whole generation of so-called new old people, and over the past few decades they have changed society's attitude towards old age and the expectations associated with it. When older people are pushed aside as useless and obsolete, rejected and isolated, they are living up to expectations. Their sunset - passive expectation of decay and death - corresponds to the model of consciousness formed by society. The current generation of aging people belies these expectations. A survey was conducted among those born during the baby boom period - people were asked when, in their opinion, old age begins. And the average respondent said eighty-five! People expect to stay healthy and active well into their forties. Generally speaking, these new expectations are already turning into reality.

If someone objects, considering the achievements of medicine in the treatment of the elderly main reason longevity, there are two counterarguments to this. First, such advances became possible only after medicine stopped neglecting the elderly. Secondly, doctors are still far behind the public, classifying people who are far from old as old people, as evidenced by the negligible number of medical students who choose gerontology as a specialty. Nevertheless, without any doubt it can be argued that whether we consider the aging process from the point of view of society or an individual, it is certainly influenced by the state of consciousness.







Isolation and loneliness - at least for most people - do not come on suddenly. Passivity and doom accumulate over months and years. Modern period middle age (now increased from fifty-five to seventy or more) gives you time to model your own old age after the first half of your life. But this is not to appear younger, but to express your spiritual values ​​in an activity carried out with wisdom that only comes with age and that will give you deep satisfaction.

Death is the most frightening prospect of all

The last bastion that can be conquered with the help of consciousness is death. It is inevitable, although almost everyone avoids thoughts of death. Although at a deeper level it seems that consciousness is not subject to death. But doesn't the mind die with the death of the body? What can consciousness do with this ultimate completion of itself? The answer is, of course, life after death. The promise of the afterlife is expressed in the very hopeful words of the apostle Paul: “Death, where is your sting? hell! Where is your victory? (1 Corinthians 15:55). Almost all of the world's religions repeat the same promise that death does not have the last word.

But the promise of a future life does little to allay the fears that grip a person here and now. If you are afraid of dying, you are most likely afraid of it subconsciously: you may deny your concern or refuse to admit that this is a very important issue. There are no medical tests that show how cells respond to a certain kind of fear. It is impossible to determine whether the fear of death is different from the fear, for example, of spiders. Yet your perception of life and death has the most lasting impact on your entire life. If we talk about well-being from the point of view of a holistic approach, then, undoubtedly, the fear of death should leave its mark on the worldview. In this case, a person can perceive the world as an environment full of dangers, constantly watch for any threats sneaking up on him, and consider death stronger than life.

Only by completely changing this worldview, which is a consequence of the hidden fear of death, can a deep and lasting sense of well-being be created.






You have already experienced it when you fantasized, dreamed, imagined the future and looked into the unknown. Go deeper into this process through meditation, contemplation and self-absorption. These are ways to expand your consciousness and achieve the experience of pure consciousness. When you reach this state and establish yourself in it, you will know the state of immortality, and the fear of death is gone forever. You no longer feed your fears and let them live. Instead, you are activating the deepest level of consciousness and drawing life from it.

Diseases need to be treated. But still, when viewed from the standpoint of life as a whole, the key to well-being and health is the ability of a person to overcome problems. If this skill is poorly developed in you, you become a victim of every trouble, failure and disaster. Thanks to the ability to get out of difficult situations without loss life situations you acquire endurance, and such people, as practice shows, live to a ripe old age, maintaining a sense of satisfaction with their lives.

The ability to cope with the situation is achieved primarily through your own mind. Your state of mind is the foundation of all your habits and relationships. The pattern of behavior conditioned by consciousness persists for life.

Limited consciousness forces you to keep within strictly defined limits - in the end, this is why people commit actions that are dangerous to their health. Trapped in a limited vision of possibilities, they see no way out. In later chapters, I will go into more detail about the ability to cope with a variety of problems. Unfortunately, most of the people in difficult situation, it doesn’t even occur to me to look for a way out in my own mind. They cannot find the root cause of their illnesses and misfortunes. Traditional recommendations go to healthy lifestyle life, of course, help, but not to the extent that one would expect if people turned to the true source of health and well-being.


The zeal of people striving for success is understandable. Certain privileges are considered a guarantee of success - coming from a wealthy family, studying at a prestigious college, acquiring business and social connections. But studies show that these factors are not as important as they seem; they do not guarantee success, and many highly successful people had no privileges at the start of their careers. Most rich and successful people cite luck as the main factor in their success; they were in the right place right time. It turns out that if you want to succeed, it is best to surrender to the will of fate.

If we want to find a more efficient path to success, we first need to define what success is. There is a simple and precise definition: success is the result of a series of correct decisions. The person who at any given moment does right choice is likely to reach best result than the one who makes the wrong choice. The orientation towards success is maintained, despite the failures that occur along the way. Every successful person says that his road to achievement was marked by failures, but he always learned from them, and this gave him the opportunity to move on.

Then the question arises - what is the right decision? What solutions guarantee a positive result? So we got to the very essence of this mystery, and this is really a mystery, because there is no formula for the right solution.

Life is movement and constant change. It often happens that a tactic that worked last year or last week no longer works because circumstances have changed.

The hidden variables of this elusive formula came into play. No formula can take into account unknown quantities, and although we try very hard to analyze what is happening today, we cannot ignore the fact that the future is not known to us or anyone else.

The future is a mystery by definition. Mysteries are only interesting in fiction; in real life, they only cause confusion, anxiety and uncertainty.

How you account for the unknown determines the quality of your decisions. Bad decisions are the result of applying past experience to the present in an attempt to repeat tactics that once proved successful. The worst decisions are made when you stick to past tactics so stubbornly that you can't see any other options. We can take bad decisions apart. As a result, we see that each factor is rooted in a limited consciousness. By its very nature, the limited consciousness is inert, aimed at protecting its limitedness, gives only a narrow view and is a prisoner of the past. The past is known, and when people are unable to cope with the unknown, they have no choice but to be guided in their actions by old decisions and habits - and this, as it turns out, is a very unreliable guide.






Before you read the following list, think back to a really bad decision you've ever made—whether in a personal relationship, career, finance, or any other important area—and assess whether the following signs of limited consciousness, which are usually appear in decision making.

Wrong decision made in the past

Did you have a limited vision of the problem you were facing?

Did you act impulsively, despite the fact that your mind told you the best decisions?

Have you ever feared, deep down, that you would make the wrong decision?

Did unexpected obstacles appear, as if from nowhere?

Has your ego interfered with you, making you a victim of false pride?

Were you unprepared to see how things had changed?

Have you tried to keep the situation under tight control?

Do you feel deep down that you can't control the situation?

When other people tried to stop you or make you change your mind, did you ignore their advice?

Did you have moments during that period when deep down you wanted to fail so you wouldn't have to take full responsibility for the consequences of that decision?

This list of questions is not meant to discourage you. Just the opposite. Once you clearly see the disadvantages of limited consciousness, the advantage of expanded consciousness becomes very clear. Let's look at each factor individually.

limited vision

In any situation, we always lack information, that is, our vision of the situation is limited. The choice of possible options is too large, and it is difficult to say which one should be chosen. To some extent, these limitations can be overcome by gaining more information about the situation; this is the right thing to do when it comes to making a smart decision. Now imagine that you need to choose a life partner, having familiarized yourself with his biography in all details, without missing a single day from the moment of his birth. Or suppose you need to select a job based on an analysis of every business decision your future employer has made throughout their career. The more variables you try to take into account, the more ambiguous the whole situation looks.

End of introductory segment.

Deepak Chopra

The healing power of the mind. The spiritual path to solving life's most important problems

To everyone who needs support, and to everyone who lends a helping hand.

From the very first days of my medical practice - and it began forty years ago - people have been looking for answers to their questions from me. Although all of them needed healing of bodily ailments, they also needed words of comfort and encouragement from me that would shed balm on their souls, being an equally, and perhaps even more important part of the healing process. A doctor, if only he is a person who is not indifferent, “not burned out”, perceives himself as a rescuer, quickly taking people out of a dangerous state and returning them to well-being and comfort.

I am grateful to fate that over the many years of working with sick people I understood the difference between advice and solutions. People in trouble are rarely helped by advice. In a critical situation, help must be provided immediately, and if the right solution is not found, irreparable things can happen.

I adhered to the same principle when writing the book that you now hold in your hands. It all started with the fact that people began to send me letters, where they shared their doubts and sad thoughts. Letters came from all over the world - and I had to answer weekly or even daily questions from people in India, the United States and many other places, mainly via the Internet. And yet, in a certain sense, they were all sent from the same place - from the soul, where chaos and darkness reigned.

These people have been hurt, betrayed, insulted, misunderstood. They were sick, worried, agitated, and even despaired. Unfortunately, some people experience these negative feelings almost constantly, but happy and contented people also experience them from time to time.

I wanted to give answers that could help people for a long time, and possibly their whole life, so that in case of problems they would have something to rely on. I call this the spiritual way of problem solving, although this term does not involve solving problems through religion, prayer, and faith in God. Here I mean worldly spirituality. This is the only way modern humans can reconnect with their own souls, or – barring the religious overtones – with their true selves.

What is a "critical situation" for you personally? Whatever character she wears, in any case, you experience inner stiffness, and you are completely captured by anxiety. The state of constraint of consciousness does not allow you to find the right solution. Only an expanded consciousness can indicate the real way out of the crisis. You no longer experience stress and fear. The boundaries of perception are expanding, and space is created for new ideas. If you are able to get in touch with your true self, then consciousness becomes limitless. At this point, solutions appear spontaneously, and they are really effective. Often their results are like the action of a magic wand, and obstacles that seemed insurmountable disappear by themselves. When this happens, a heavy burden of anxiety and sorrow falls from the soul. Life was never meant to be fought. Life was meant to evolve from its origin to pure consciousness. And if at least one of the postulates of this book makes a proper impression on you, my hopes will be justified.

Deepak Chopra

What is the spiritual path?

No one will deny that there are problems in life, but look deeper and ask yourself the question: why? Why is life so hard? No matter what advantages you have at birth - money, intelligence, an attractive appearance, a great character, or useful connections in society - all of them, either together or separately, are not a guarantee of a prosperous existence. Life still forces one to face great difficulties, often entailing inexpressible suffering and requiring enormous effort to overcome them. Whether you fail in your struggle or succeed depends on your attitude towards these difficulties. Is there a reason for this state of affairs, or is life just a chain of random events that we are almost unable to cope with, because they constantly unsettle us?

Spirituality begins with a definite answer to this question. It says that life is not a series of accidents. The life of each creature has its own scenario and purpose. The reason for the problems is simple: they should help you realize your inner goals, your purpose.

If the occurrence of problems can be explained from a spiritual point of view, then there must be a spiritual solution to each problem - and there is one. The answer does not lie at the level of the problem, although most people focus all their energy on that level. But the spiritual solution is beyond it. When you are distracted from the process of struggle, two things happen at the same time: your consciousness expands, and new ways of solving the problem begin to appear. When consciousness expands, events that seem to be random cease to be so. A big goal is trying to be realized through you. When you recognize this goal - and it is different for each person - it is as if you turn into an architect who has been handed a project. Instead of laying bricks and fitting pipes at random, the architect can now act confidently, knowing what the finished building should look like and how to build it.

The first step in this process is to understand at what level of consciousness you are currently operating. There are three levels of awareness of any problem - whether it concerns personal relationships, work, personal changes or a crisis that requires immediate action. Learn them and you will take a huge step towards the right decision.

Level 1. Limited consciousness

This is the level of the problem itself, and therefore it immediately captures your attention. Something went wrong. Expectations are not justified. The situation has reached an impasse. You find yourself in front of obstacles that do not want to get out of your way. You put in more and more efforts, but the situation still does not improve. When examining the problem level, the following elements are typically found:

Realization of your desires interfere. In doing so, you encounter resistance.

You feel that every step forward is given to you with a fight.

You keep taking actions that have never worked before.

You are gnawed by anxiety and fear of failure.

There is confusion in your head. You cannot think clearly and experience internal conflict.

When disappointment grips you, your strength dries up. You feel more and more empty.

Checking if you are stuck at the level of limited consciousness is very simple: the harder you try to free yourself from the problem, the more you get bogged down in it.

Level 2. Expanded consciousness

This is the level where solutions begin to appear. Your vision extends beyond the conflict, and its essence becomes clearer to you. It is difficult for most people to immediately move to this level of consciousness, because their first reaction to the problem is that the consciousness is closed only on it. A defensive reaction is triggered, a person is afraid and cautious. But if you manage to expand your consciousness, then events of this kind will begin to happen to you:

The need to fight begins to diminish.

You begin to pay much less attention to the problem.

More and more people are helping you with advice and information.

You make decisions with more confidence.

You really look at things, and fear starts to let go of you.

By more clearly imagining the situation, you no longer panic and do not feel the former confusion. The confrontation is no longer felt so acutely.

You can say that you have reached this level of consciousness if you no longer feel attached to the problem: the process has begun. When your consciousness expands, invisible forces come to the rescue, and your desires begin to come true.

Level 3. Pure consciousness

To everyone who needs support, and to everyone who lends a helping hand.

From the author

From the very first days of my medical practice - and it began forty years ago - people have been looking for answers to their questions from me. Although all of them needed healing of bodily ailments, they also needed words of comfort and encouragement from me that would shed balm on their souls, being an equally, and perhaps even more important part of the healing process. A doctor, if only he is a person who is not indifferent, “not burned out”, perceives himself as a rescuer, quickly taking people out of a dangerous state and returning them to well-being and comfort.

I am grateful to fate that over the many years of working with sick people I understood the difference between advice and solutions. People in trouble are rarely helped by advice. In a critical situation, help must be provided immediately, and if the right solution is not found, irreparable things can happen.

I adhered to the same principle when writing the book that you now hold in your hands. It all started with the fact that people began to send me letters, where they shared their doubts and sad thoughts. Letters came from all over the world - and I had to answer weekly or even daily questions from people in India, the United States and many other places, mainly via the Internet. And yet, in a certain sense, they were all sent from the same place - from the soul, where chaos and darkness reigned.

These people have been hurt, betrayed, insulted, misunderstood. They were sick, worried, agitated, and even despaired. Unfortunately, some people experience these negative feelings almost constantly, but happy and contented people also experience them from time to time.

I wanted to give answers that could help people for a long time, and possibly their whole life, so that in case of problems they would have something to rely on. I call this the spiritual way of problem solving, although this term does not involve solving problems through religion, prayer, and faith in God. Here I mean worldly spirituality. This is the only way modern humans can reconnect with their own souls, or – barring the religious overtones – with their true selves.

What is a "critical situation" for you personally? Whatever character she wears, in any case, you experience inner stiffness, and you are completely captured by anxiety. The state of constraint of consciousness does not allow you to find the right solution. Only an expanded consciousness can indicate the real way out of the crisis. You no longer experience stress and fear. The boundaries of perception are expanding, and space is created for new ideas. If you are able to get in touch with your true self, then consciousness becomes limitless.

At this point, solutions appear spontaneously, and they are really effective. Often their results are like the action of a magic wand, and obstacles that seemed insurmountable disappear by themselves. When this happens, a heavy burden of anxiety and sorrow falls from the soul. Life was never meant to be fought. Life was meant to evolve from its origin to pure consciousness. And if at least one of the postulates of this book makes a proper impression on you, my hopes will be justified.

Deepak Chopra

Part 1
What is the spiritual path?

No one will deny that there are problems in life, but look deeper and ask yourself the question: why? Why is life so hard? No matter what advantages you have at birth - money, intelligence, an attractive appearance, a great character, or useful connections in society - all of them, either together or separately, are not a guarantee of a prosperous existence. Life still forces one to face great difficulties, often entailing inexpressible suffering and requiring enormous effort to overcome them. Whether you fail in your struggle or succeed depends on your attitude towards these difficulties. Is there a reason for this state of affairs, or is life just a chain of random events that we are almost unable to cope with, because they constantly unsettle us?

Spirituality begins with a definite answer to this question. It says that life is not a series of accidents. The life of each creature has its own scenario and purpose. The reason for the problems is simple: they should help you realize your inner goals, your purpose.

If the occurrence of problems can be explained from a spiritual point of view, then there must be a spiritual solution to each problem - and there is one. The answer does not lie at the level of the problem, although most people focus all their energy on that level. But the spiritual solution is beyond it. When you are distracted from the process of struggle, two things happen at the same time: your consciousness expands, and new ways of solving the problem begin to appear. When consciousness expands, events that seem to be random cease to be so. A big goal is trying to be realized through you. When you recognize this goal - and it is different for each person - it is as if you turn into an architect who has been handed a project. Instead of laying bricks and fitting pipes at random, the architect can now act confidently, knowing what the finished building should look like and how to build it.

The first step in this process is to understand at what level of consciousness you are currently operating. There are three levels of awareness of any problem - whether it concerns personal relationships, work, personal changes or a crisis that requires immediate action. Learn them and you will take a huge step towards the right decision.

Level 1. Limited consciousness

This is the level of the problem itself, and therefore it immediately captures your attention. Something went wrong. Expectations are not justified. The situation has reached an impasse. You find yourself in front of obstacles that do not want to get out of your way. You put in more and more efforts, but the situation still does not improve. When examining the problem level, the following elements are typically found:

Realization of your desires interfere. In doing so, you encounter resistance.

You feel that every step forward is given to you with a fight.

You keep taking actions that have never worked before.

You are gnawed by anxiety and fear of failure.

There is confusion in your head. You cannot think clearly and experience internal conflict.

When disappointment grips you, your strength dries up. You feel more and more empty.

Checking if you are stuck at the level of limited consciousness is very simple: the harder you try to free yourself from the problem, the more you get bogged down in it.

Level 2. Expanded consciousness

This is the level where solutions begin to appear. Your vision extends beyond the conflict, and its essence becomes clearer to you. It is difficult for most people to immediately move to this level of consciousness, because their first reaction to the problem is that the consciousness is closed only on it. A defensive reaction is triggered, a person is afraid and cautious. But if you manage to expand your consciousness, then events of this kind will begin to happen to you:

The need to fight begins to diminish.

You begin to pay much less attention to the problem.

More and more people are helping you with advice and information.

You make decisions with more confidence.

You really look at things, and fear starts to let go of you.

By more clearly imagining the situation, you no longer panic and do not feel the former confusion. The confrontation is no longer felt so acutely.

You can say that you have reached this level of consciousness if you no longer feel attached to the problem: the process has begun. When your consciousness expands, invisible forces come to the rescue, and your desires begin to come true.

Level 3. Pure consciousness

This is the level where no problems exist at all. Each challenge of fate is an opportunity to show your creativity. You feel at one level with the forces of nature. This is achieved due to the fact that consciousness can expand indefinitely. You might think that to reach the level of pure consciousness, you need to go through a long path of spiritual development, but in fact this is not at all the case. At every moment of life, pure consciousness is in contact with you, sending creative impulses. The only thing that matters is the degree of your ability to perceive the decisions sent to you. When you are fully open, the following events will occur in your life:

Complete lack of struggle.

Wishes come true on their own.

Then the best thing that can happen to you will happen to you. You will begin to benefit yourself and your surroundings.

The outer world reflects what is happening in your inner world.

You feel completely safe. Your home is the entire universe.

You treat yourself and the world around you with compassion and understanding.

To be fully established in pure consciousness means to achieve enlightenment, the state of unity with all that exists. Ultimately, every life moves in this direction. Even before reaching this final goal, you can say that you are in touch with pure consciousness if you feel truly yourself, free and calm.

Each of these levels brings with it a different kind of experience and experience. This can be easily seen in a sharp contrast or sudden change. Love at first sight instantly transfers a person from a state of constrained consciousness to a state of expanded consciousness. You do not just communicate with another person - he suddenly becomes unusually attractive and even perfect for you.

If we are talking about creative work, then a person is visited by insights. Instead of an unsuccessful struggle with the imagination, which does not want to give out an answer, a new and fresh solution suddenly appears by itself. Such insights happen to people quite often. They can be fateful - for example, in the state of the so-called peak experience, when reality is illuminated by light and the discovery appears in the human mind in its finished form. But people don't understand that the state of expanded consciousness should be a normal state and not a momentary flash. Achieving a permanent state of expanded consciousness is an essential part of spiritual life.

After listening to people talk about their problems, obstacles, failures and disappointments - about a life languishing in the prison of limited consciousness - one comes to the inevitable conclusion that achieving a new vision is of great importance. It's too easy for a person to get lost in the details. The difficulties associated with every life problem are overwhelming. No matter how keenly you experience your situation with all its unique features and difficulties, looking around you will see other people, just like you, immersed in their situations and their problems. Take away the details and you will be presented with a common cause of suffering: the underdevelopment of consciousness. I do not mean inherent in the nature of personality characteristics. My point is that if a person is not shown how to expand his consciousness, he will have no choice but to sit in the grip of a limited consciousness.

The body shudders in physical pain. The mind also has a similar reflex, and it withdraws and shrinks when faced with mental pain. Here again, an example of how this detachment feels is appropriate. Imagine yourself in any of the following situations:

You are a young mother who came with her child to the playground. You stop for a moment to talk to another mother, and when you turn around, you do not see your child.

At work, you are sitting at your computer, and suddenly someone, as if by the way, says that layoffs will begin soon, and the boss wants to see you.

You open your mailbox and find a letter from the IRS.

You are driving a car approaching an intersection when a car behind you suddenly overtakes you and runs a red light.

You enter a restaurant and see your other half in the hall, sitting at a table in the company of an attractive person of the opposite sex. They leaned towards each other and quietly talking about something.

It doesn't take much imagination to imagine the changes in consciousness brought about by situations like this. Panic, anxiety, anger and gloomy premonitions overshadow the mind. This is the result of the activity of the brain, which, in stressful situations, sends a signal to the adrenal glands to release adrenaline, which provokes such reactions. Any feeling manifests itself both on the mental and physical levels. The endless combinations of electrochemical signals passing through the billions of brain neurons give an accurate picture of what the mind experiences. Brain scientists are using magnetic resonance imaging to more and more accurately determine which parts of the brain are producing these responses. But only the tomogram of the brain does not reflect the processes taking place in the human mind, because the mind functions at an invisible level of consciousness. Spirituality and consciousness are not synonyms.

Spirituality is directly related to the state of consciousness. It has nothing to do with medicine or psychotherapy. Medicine deals with physiological changes. Psychotherapy addresses mental problems such as anxiety, depression, or actual mental illness. Spirituality is connected with the exit of a person to higher levels of consciousness. In our society, spirituality, unlike other methods, is not considered an effective way to solve problems. During periods of stressful situations, people cope with bouts of fear, anger, mood swings and other manifestations of emotions. It doesn't even occur to them to combine the words "spirituality" and "solution" in the same sentence. This indicates a limited understanding of what spirituality really is and what can be achieved with its help.

If with the help of spirituality you can change your consciousness, you will thereby take a real, practical step towards solving the problem.

Consciousness is not passive. It leads directly to action (or inaction). The way you perceive a problem inevitably influences how you solve it. We've all had the experience of being in a group class where we're asked to do a certain task, and when the discussion starts, each participant gives his or her opinion. Someone takes the floor, demanding everyone's attention. Someone is silent. Someone's statements sound cautious and pessimistic, someone, on the contrary, confidently and hopefully. This game and similar role-playing games that show relationships and emotions come down to consciousness. Each situation in itself provides an opportunity to expand your consciousness. The word "expands" does not mean that the consciousness inflates like a balloon. Rather, on the contrary, our consciousness deepens into very specific areas. When you are in a situation, the following aspects of your consciousness come into play:





As soon as you change these aspects - even a few of them - changes occur in consciousness. As a first step towards a solution, it is important to delve deeper into any problem until you reach the aspect (or aspects) of your consciousness that feeds the problem.

Perception. Different people perceive the same situation differently. Where I see misfortune, you may see opportunity. Where you see a loss, I can see a burden being taken on. Perception is not something immovable, frozen; it largely depends on the personality of the person. So when you look at levels of consciousness, the key question is not "what is the situation?" but "what situation appears to me personally?". By asking yourself a question about your perception, you thereby separate yourself from the problem, move away from it at some distance, and from there you can evaluate it objectively. But there is no such thing as complete objectivity. We all see the world through glasses with colored glasses, and what you take for reality is actually just some shade of it, not a pure color.

Beliefs. Hiding in the subconscious, they seem to play a passive role. We all know people who claim to be free from prejudice—racial, religious, political, or anything else. But they act as if stuffed with prejudice from head to toe. Prejudices are easy to hide, but just as easy to not be aware of them at all. It is very difficult to recognize your own fundamental beliefs in yourself. For example, in ancient times, the fundamental belief was the superiority of men over women. Not only was it not discussed, it was not even questioned. But when women demanded the right to vote, and this resulted in a broad, noisy feminist movement, the men decided that their founding belief was being violated. And how did they react? It is as if they were personally insulted because they identified themselves with their beliefs. "This is me" in our mind is very closely related to "this is what I believe." When you respond to a challenge by taking it too personally, defensively, angry, and blindly stubborn, it means that some of your core beliefs have been touched.

Assumptions. Because they change as your situation changes, they are more flexible than beliefs. But they are also little studied and difficult to track. Let's say a police inspector is signaling you to pull over to the side of the road. Doesn't it immediately occur to you that you've broken some rule, and don't you prepare to defend yourself? It's hard to believe that a policeman can say something nice to you. That's how assumptions work. They instantly replace uncertainty. The same applies to simple everyday situations. For example, when you invite a friend to dinner, you immediately have an idea in your mind about how this dinner will go, and it will not be at all like the assumptions that will line up in your mind if you have dinner with a stranger. As with beliefs, if you question a person's assumptions, the outcome is difficult to predict. Although our assumptions change all the time, we still find it unpleasant to hear from someone that they need to be changed.

Expectations. What you expect from other people has to do with desire or fear. Positive expectations are dictated by your desire, in which you want to receive something and expect it. We expect our spouses to love and care for us. We expect payment for the work we do. Negative expectations are driven by fear, where people expect the worst possible outcome. A great example of this kind of expectation is Murphy's Law, which says that if anything can go wrong, it will. Since desire and fear are always easily realized, expectations are always more active than beliefs and assumptions. Your belief about your boss is one thing, but being told you're taking a pay cut is another. Deprivation of what is expected directly affects a person's life, introducing problems into it.

The senses. No matter how much we try to disguise them, they still lie on the surface; other people see them or feel them as soon as they begin to communicate with us. So we spend a lot of time fighting feelings we don't want or feel ashamed of and judge ourselves for. Many people don't want to have any feelings at all. They feel exposed and vulnerable. Emotionality is equated with a lack of self-control (which in itself is an undesirable phenomenon).

To become aware that you have feelings is to take a big step towards the expansion of consciousness, and then you need to take the next step, much more difficult: to accept your feelings. With acceptance comes responsibility. Owning your feelings, and not throwing them out on others, is a sign of a person who has advanced from limited to expanded consciousness.

If you can examine your state of consciousness, then these five aspects of consciousness will manifest. When the person is truly self-aware, you can ask them directly about how they feel, what their assumptions are, what they expect from you, and whether you have hurt their core beliefs. In response, there will be no defensive reaction. He will tell you the truth. It just seems reasonable, but what does this reaction have to do with spirituality? Self-consciousness is not praying, believing in miracles, or seeking the grace of God. The self-perception that I have briefly described here is spiritual because it assumes a person has a third level of consciousness. I call it pure consciousness.

This is the level that believers call the soul or spirit. When you build your life in accordance with the real existence of a soul in a person, you adhere to spiritual convictions. When you go further and make the spiritual level the basis of life - the basis of existence, then spirituality becomes your active principle. The soul has awakened. In fact, the soul never sleeps because pure consciousness pervades every thought, feeling and action. We may hide this fact even from ourselves. By the way, one of the signs of a limited consciousness is the complete denial of the "higher" reality. This denial is based not on a conscious unwillingness to recognize it, but on a lack of experience. A mind filled with fear, anxiety, anger, resentment or suffering of any kind cannot experience a state of expanded consciousness, let alone a state of pure consciousness.

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